1、Hou Yi watched from the earth and took out his magic bow to shoot down the moon.(后羿从地球上观看,并拿出了他的神奇弓击落的月亮。)
2、This utopian novel is arguably not really ‘fantasy’, due to the lack of any magic or fantastic elements to speak of; indeed it even takes place on Earth.(可以说,这部乌托邦小说并不是真正的“幻想”小说,因为它缺乏我们谈到的魔幻或幻想元素,事实上故事甚至是发生在地球上的。)
3、Kyushu earth unthinkable long years, has experienced innumerable people, demons, magic, God, melee, hold the extraordinary danger.(九州大地在不可想象的漫长岁月中,经历了无数场人、妖、魔、神的混战,蕴藏着非同一般的危险。)
4、By using the Earth-sun distance as his baseline, Copernicus relied upon the magic of geometry to figure out that Jupiter is over 5 times the Earth's distance from the sun!(凭借地球和太阳之间距离为基线和魔术几何定律,哥白尼运算出木星与太阳的距离是地球与太阳距离的5倍。)
5、But one day, people on earth accidentally shot the Magic Bird. And when Emperor Jade heard that the Magic Bird had been killed, he was very very angry.(但是有一天,地上的人们不小心射中了神鸟,将它杀死了。玉帝听说此事,非常非常生气。)
6、Earth is about to arrive at one of those little stations, and so many awaiting a magic ascension, think the train will have arrived.(地球是要到达这样一个小站了,许多人等待着魔幻的提升,认为火车已经到来。)
7、There is not a culture on Earth that does not have it, and our brains are wired to apprehend and be moved by its magic.(地球上所有的文明都包含音乐,我们的大脑能够理解它并被它的魔力感动。)
8、His discoveries unlock powers that transform him into a master of a mystical magic intended to protect Earth from supernatural enemies.(他的一系列发现解锁了神秘力量,并将他变成了拥有超凡魔力的魔法师,让他能够在超自然的敌人手下保护地球。)
9、10 blazing SUNS shone relentlessly, scorching the earth. Hou Yi was a magic archer, so he took his bow and arrows and shot down nine, wisely leaving one to bless the day.(10个炙热的太阳无情地灼烧着大地,后羿是一位神箭手,于是他用弓箭射下了9个太阳,明智地留下一个,让它在白天为人类造福。)
10、What magic methods on earth do you have?(你到底有什么神奇的魔法?)
11、Finally, don't even get me started on the nature of the magic/fairy dust that allows a planet to affect us here on Earth.(最后,别跟我提什么魔法尘埃会影响地球上的我们了。)
12、Yes, indeed, the realms of Creative Magic are the Inner Planes of the Collective Dream reality of Planet Earth, and to enter this space requires the innocence, trust and purity of a child.(的确如此,创造魔法的领域就在地球集体梦实相的内在领域之中,而赤子般的天真、信任与纯洁正是入门之钥。)
13、Earth Building is the world's unique magic mountain residential construction, is one of China's ancient architecture of the wonderful work.(永定土楼群是世界上独一无二的神奇的山区民居建筑,是我国古建筑的一朵奇葩。)
14、Surely there's a more down-to-earth explanation than black magic?(一定有比巫术更为现实的解释。)
Magic Earth