
Atlantic Ocean造句

Atlantic Ocean造句

1、The divide is a topographic feature that separates Pacific Ocean andAtlantic Ocean water drainages.(这条分水岭是一个分割太平洋和大西洋水流域的地形特征。)

2、Why do we have to go across theAtlantic Ocean to talk to our neighbours?(为什么我们必须越过大西洋才能与我们的邻居对话?)

3、A few years ago, a 75-pound stingray leaped out of theAtlantic Ocean at Vaca Key and slammed into a woman, killing her in the process.(前几年,在大西洋威卡礁,有一条75磅重的黄貂鱼越到船上,意外地致使一个妇女死亡。)

4、The air France crash over theAtlantic Ocean has also cast a shadow over the air show.(发生在大西洋上空的法航客机坠毁事件也给本届航展蒙上一层阴影。)

5、Most debris from the rocket is thought to have fallen into theAtlantic Ocean.(火箭的大部分碎片已落入大西洋。)

6、TheAtlantic Ocean saw the most pronounced warmth, NOAA said.(大西洋升温最为明显。)

7、TheAtlantic Ocean separates America from Europe.(大西洋把美洲和欧洲分隔开来。)

8、It was the geological chaos that created the NorthAtlantic Ocean.(彼时发生了一场形成今日北大西洋的地质混乱。)

9、TheAtlantic Ocean is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New.(大西洋是将欧洲和美洲分隔开的海洋之一。)

10、Earl is traveling in theAtlantic Ocean parallel to the coast.(“厄尔”飓风正在沿大西洋海岸移动。)

11、Increasing salinity in theAtlantic Ocean.(大西洋盐度增加。)

12、While previously the gap between the continents had allowed a free flow of water, now the isthmus presented a barrier that divided theAtlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean.(以前,大陆之间的鸿沟允许水自由流动;而现在地峡形成了一道屏障,把大西洋和太平洋分隔开来。)

13、Take, once again, the example of Britain, sticking out from Eurasia into the coldAtlantic Ocean.(我们再拿英国为例,英国的地理位置实在不怎么样,从欧亚大陆突出到冰冷的大西洋。)

14、This river flowed southwest to theAtlantic Ocean.(这条河流向西南,汇入大西洋。)

15、It is bound to the west by theAtlantic Ocean, to the northeast by the north Channel.(它西部以大西洋为界线,东北以海峡北部为界线。)

16、And ships can reach theAtlantic Ocean from the Great Lakes through the Saint Lawrence Seaway.(而船只则能够从五大湖经过圣劳伦斯航道到达大西洋。)

17、TheAtlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific, but it is still very large.(大西洋的面积只是太平洋的一半,但也非常辽阔。)

18、These waters and the deep black-blue waters of theAtlantic Ocean are dotted with icebergs.(这些水域和蓝黑色大西洋海面上散布了许多块状冰山。)

19、Brazilian officials said Monday 24 bodies had been recovered from theAtlantic Ocean.(巴西官员周一说,已在大西洋找到24具遗体。)

20、One of the greatest gulfs separating the driving nations is theAtlantic Ocean.(大西洋是分隔驾车族的最大海湾之一。)

21、What if you were swimming in themiddle of theAtlantic Ocean? Could you still find your way home?(假如你正在大西洋海域游泳?你能找到回家的路么?)

22、They think that a new subduction zone might occur at the western edge of theAtlantic Ocean.(他们认为,一个新的俯冲带可能会出现在大西洋的西部边缘。)

23、If such an earthquake happened today, it would be felt from the Rocky Mountains to theAtlantic Ocean and would flatten most of the cities in the Mississippi valley.(如果今天发生这样的地震,从落基山脉到大西洋都会有震感,而且会把密西西比河谷的大部分城市夷为平地。)

24、They sailed all over theAtlantic Ocean, but especially terorized the European coastlines.(他们的航行遍及整个大西洋,但是主要威胁的是欧洲的海岸线。)

25、Her father had written the note as a joke and had thrown it into theAtlantic Ocean.(她的父亲开玩笑一样写下那张便条,并把它扔进了大西洋。)

Atlantic Ocean 基本释义

Atlantic Ocean
