1、under favorable conditions the ammonium ion is converted to nitrate.(在适宜条件下,铵离子转化为硝酸盐离子。)
2、People born and raisedunder favorable conditions show substantially lower rates of chronic and fatal diseases later in life.(在良好条件下出生和长大的人,他们在晚年得慢性病和绝症的比率明显更低。)
3、The Chinese team already had contended with the world teams. It is excited, however, the Chinese Men's Basketball, evenunder favorable conditions, can not achieve a historic breakthrough.(但欣喜之余,中国男篮在占尽天时、地利、人和的有利条件下仍未能取得历史性突破,不禁让人倍感遗憾。)
4、Conventional surge tower is replaced by air cushion surge chamber under favorable engineering geological conditions due to economical and environmental reasons.(气垫式调压室方案是在工程地质条件好的前提下替代传统开敞式调压井的较为经济实用和环保的方案。)
5、The invention provides the fabric one-bath deoiling agent with favorable deoiling effect under acidic conditions and an application thereof.(提供一种在酸性条件下也具有良好除油效果的织物同浴除油剂及其应用。)
6、We could have done better under more favorable conditions.(假设我们有更有利条件,我们还会做得更好。)
7、Solar energy will be useful as an energy source or fuel displacement during the sunny hours under favorable economic conditions.(在有利的经济条件下,太阳能可在日照时间内作为能源或代替燃料。)
under favorable conditions