T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now?
S: Ba jie,map!
S: Look, master(凑近T)„„„(T、S一齐转向E)
X:how beautiful they are!I love,I love„„
T: Ba jie!How Many times I have told you, not to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you!
E: Oh, master!Forgive me(伸手拿回)
T:(缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west
E: But„„
T: Emitofo, nothing is lust, lust is nothing!Map?
E:(递)Here.Em„„ we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So.S: Fat Pig!
E: Monkey ,if you dare to say these two words once again, I will ,I will„„„.S: You will what(凶相)?
E:(软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤).S: H m!
T:(轻咳)Wu kong, factually ,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food?
X:go,I’m so hungry.do you want to see your master die for hungry!E: You see , master is hungry, too!
T: Ba jie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal.X:fat pig.if you want to find a beautiful girl,you must lose weight!like me.i’m perfect.ha ha„„
J: But master, if a monster comes while brother monkey is away„..T: Em„„.It is a problem.Wukong, do you have any idea?
S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看)
E: This is„..?
S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from master’s books.So I made this.No monster can approach you if you stay in it!T: Em„„Wu kong, you are becoming more and more scientific!Emitofo, knowledge is power!
S: Bye!(走)
T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》
B: Hm!Hm!Electric net? You are too childish.(变成B1)
B1:hello,did you see my huaband?
X: Wo!A beautiful girl.E:NO,beauty。
B1:honey,where are you? I haven’t see you for a few days.come out,please!(眼神转变)
B1:(接近三人,望着)Can I join you?
T: I’m sorry, lady.We are playing Fighting Against Landlord and three people are enough.X:what I said!please don’t go.B1:Let me see!I’m sure you will win the game!
T: Really? I think so!I’ll invite you to dinner if I win.E : master!you are so value lust, ignore your prentice!
X: fat pig!you know now, it’s too late.J : Emitofo!
B1:(在一旁观看)Oh, Chance!Bomb!村姑:机会!快炸!
T: Bomb?(打出)B1: Double King!
T: Oh„.I win!Em„„,Lady, you are a master-hand.Come in and teach me!(准备开电网门)
S:(回来,看见B1)Oh, monster!(上前就打)
T:(气愤)Wu kong!Look what you have done!She is my teacher!X: she is lovey too!
S: She is a monster!
T: Nonsense!(深呼吸)
S: Oh, please don’t„„
T: It’s too late!(唱)Once more„„you open the door„(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱)
S: Please Please, oh, no„„(痛苦抱头)
T:(呛住,咳)Wukong, I’m disappointed with you!
B:(真身出现)Hm!Sun Wu kong, I’ll teach you a lesson!(变成太婆)B2:子陵!where are you? My honey!(看到唐僧一行,便走向他们)excuse me, have you seen my daughter?
T: Daughter?...(连忙挡住地尸体)No,sorry!(陪笑,B2想看后面是什么,T挡)
B 2: I haven’t see my daughter for a week!if you see her, please give me a call.my phone number is 110.T:ok.(B2推开 E、J)
B2:oh,my daughter, my poor daughter„„what’s wrong with you?(摇B1)(看向T)what have you done?
T : I’m so sorry, that’s all my prentice’s fault!My biggest prentice have beat her into death!Wu kong!Come here, hurry up!Make an apology to her!
B2: you killed my daughter!I will kill you too!(拿起拐杖准备打T)S:(躲开,咬牙切齿)You are monster, I’ll beat you into hell!(S追打B2,B2躲至T身后,S打,不想打到T头,T晕,S再打死B2)
E&J: Are you Ok, master?(扶T)
J: Look,(伸食指)how many?
T:Two„..(晕乎乎地)Sun Wukong, game over!
B3:(看到B1,B2尸体)Oh„.,my daughter, my wife!Who did it?!(哭喊)S: I’ll kill you, monster!(打)
T:(想阻止,未及)You, you.....(险些晕,E,J扶住)You have killed three lives!
S: No, they are not human beings!They are created by monster!T: Monster? You are a real monster!Never let me see you , go!S:(悲,离去)(音乐,营造 “假”悲伤气氛)《人鬼情未了》
E: Master, brother Monkey is.......T: Scratch!Don't mention that guy any more!
T:(惊)You are......B: How foolish you are, Mr Tang!(E,J去阻斗,被击退)
B:(抓住T)I'll enjoy your meat and blood, ha, ha......S:(悄悄走到B后,打B,B晕)
(放 ONLY you这首歌)
T: Wu kong?
E: Oh, Brother Monkey!
J: Our hero is back!
T: I„„I can't understand......What happened?
S: Master, your IQ needs increasing!This monster changed its appearance into three shapes in order to cheat you!
T: How, how did you find out?
S:(沉默).......Monkey's intuition(直觉)
N: Excuse me, where is the cniminal?
S;Ah......you are too late,Ne zha!(对T)I've called the police.N:(摇醒B)You are under arrest.(出示证件)You have the right to remain silent If you give up the right, anything you will say can and will be against you in
a court of law!(带走B)
T: Wukong(S不理T)I admit my mistake this time(S仍不理)I'm sorry(小声)S: What?
T: I'm sorry.S: Em? Louder, please?
T: I......am......sorry.....(S 捂耳)
X:Monkey,you are right.(音乐响)《敢问路在何方》(这个放伴奏)
T: Let's go,guys!(歌)
S: You are carrying the luggage, I am leading the horse.E: Say goodbye to the sun, Welcome evening glow.J: Sleeping on the ground, again we set out set out, again we set out.T.S.E.J: Ah......Ah......Sleeping on the ground again we set out.T: One after the other the seasons go by, and one after the other, the year go on.You wonder where the road is.The road is under your feet.T.S.E.J: You wonder where the road is, the road is under your feet......
看生活大爆炸学英语The Big Bang Theory第二季 11集:The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis
-Sheldon: Your argument is lacking, in all scientific merit.你的论点完全缺乏科学论证。
argument: 论点 lack: 缺乏 scientific: 科学的 merit: 价值
It is well established Superman cleans his, uniform by flying into Earth's yellow sun, establish: 确定 Superman: 虚构的超级英雄,美国漫画中的经典人物,诞生于1938年6月,出现在DC漫画公司的多种书籍中,还被改编成动画、电影、电视剧、舞台剧,影响深远 uniform: 制服
十分肯定的是,超人飞到地球的黄色恒星,可以清洁他的超人服。which incinerates any contaminate matter incinerate: 烧成灰 contaminate: 受到污染的 matter: 物质 任何污染物都可以烧掉。
and leaves t invulnerable Kryptonian, fabric unharmed and daisy fresh.invulnerable: 不会受伤害的 Kryptonia: 克里普顿星,超人出生地 fabric: 纤维织物unharmed: 没有受伤的 daisy: 极好的【非常的】 fresh: 新鲜的【干净的】 只留下不可摧毁的氪星球纤维布,完全无害,超级干净。
-Wolowitz: What if he gets something, Kryptonian on it? 要是又染上啥氪星球的东西怎么办?-Sheldon:Like what? 比如什么呢?-Wolowitz: I don't know.Kryptonian mustard.mustard: 芥末
-Sheldon: I think we can safely assume that all, Kryptonian condiments were destroyed assume: 假定 condiment: 调味品 destroy: 毁坏
我觉得我们完全可以设想,所有氪星球调味品都被毁灭掉了。when the planet Krypton exploded.planet: 星球 explode: 爆炸
-Raj: Or it turned into mustard Kryptonite, turn into: 变成
the only way to destroy a rogue, Kryptonian hotdog threatening Earth.rogue: 劣质的 hotdog: 热狗 threaten: 威胁 这是消灭威胁地球的,劣质氪星热狗的唯一办法。-Leonard: Raj, please, let's stay serious here.serious: 严肃的
Superman's body is Kryptonian, therefore, his sweat is Kryptonian.therefore: 因此 sweat: 汗 超人的身体来自氪星,他的汗水也是。
-Wolowitz: Yeah, what about Kryptonian pit stains? pit: 痕迹 stain: 污点 对,还有氪星的汗渍呢?
-Sheldon: Superman doesn't sweat on Earth.超人在地球不会出汗。
-Wolowitz: Okay, he's invited for dinner, in the Bottle City of Kandor.invite: 邀请 dinner: 宴会 Bottle City of Kandor: Kandor瓶子城(超人家乡,氪星爆炸后被保存在瓶子里)好吧,他到Kandor瓶子城里赴宴。
He miniaturizes himself, enters the, city where he loses his superpowers.miniaturize: 使„小型化 lose: 遗失 superpower: 超能力
Now, before dinner, his host says, Who's up for a little Kryptonian tetherball? host: 主人 tetherball: 绳球
宴会开始前,主人问,谁想来玩玩氪星绳球? Superman says “Sure,” works up a sweat, comes back to Earth, 超人说“当然愿意”,自然他就出了汗水,带回了地球。
his uniform now stained with, indestructible Kryptonian perspiration.indestructible: 不可毁灭的 perspiration: 汗液 他的超人服就这样,被不可摧毁的氪汗水污染了。
-Raj: Boo ya.boo ya: 我赞成<英语口语> 没招了吧你。
-Sheldon: Superman would have taken his uniform to a, Kandorian dry cleaner before he left the Bottle.dry cleaner: 干洗店
离开瓶子前,超人会去Kandor城干洗店,洗超人服。-Raj: Kandorian dry cl...I give up.give up: 放弃
You can't have a rational, argument with this man.rational: 合理的 这家伙蛮不讲理。
-Wolowitz: Hey, isn't that the guy who won the, MacArthur genius grant last year? 嘿,那不是去年麦克阿瑟天才奖的得主吗? MacArthur genius grant: 麦克阿瑟天才基金奖。麦克阿瑟天才基金奖是创立于1981年,为纪念银行生命灾难公司的。麦克阿瑟基金会总部设在芝加哥,麦克阿瑟基金奖颁给在各个领域内有创意的优秀人才,奖金50万美元,获奖者可自由支配。genius: 天才 grant:补助金 No, not all at once.别,不要一起看。-Raj: Then how? 那怎么看?-Wolowitz: Leonard Leonard.Now, Raj.该你了,Raj。Now, Sheldon.现在Sheldon。
-Raj: I didn't get a good, look.Can I go again? 我没看清楚,我可以再看看吗?-Wolowitz: No.不行。
-Leonard: It's David Underhill.So what? 是David Underhill 那又怎样?-Sheldon: So what? 那又怎样? His observation of high-energy positrons, has provided the first conclusive evidence observation: 观察 high-energy: 高能的 positron: 正电子 provide: 提供conclusive: 决定性的 evidence: 证据
for the existence of, galactic dark matter.existence: 存在 galactic: 银河的 dark matter: 暗物质
-Leonard: I have two words for you.The, first is “big,” the other's “whoop.” whoop: 欢呼声
送你两个词,第一个是“大声”,第二个是 “叫哇”。-Sheldon: It is a big whoop.是该大声叫哇(大肆宣扬)。
It made almost all the work you've done, since you've been here completely useless.completely: 完全地 useless: 无用的 几乎让你来这之后的一切研究都没了意义。-Leonard: Did not., 才不是。
-Wolpwitz: Did, too.的确是。
-Leonard: Did...Okay, maybe some of it, but...不...好吧,可能有些是吧,但...Look, the guy was just in the right place, at the right time 他不过是适时适地,with the right paradigm-shifting, reinterpretation of the universe.paradigm-shifting: 转换示例 paradigm: 示例 shift: 转换 reinterpretation: 重新解释 universe: 宇宙
适当地给出了阐释宇宙的转换示例,He got lucky.lucky: 幸运的 走运而已。
-Raj: In more ways than one.可不止那样。
He's a very handsome man.handsome: 英俊的 他还是个帅哥呢。
-Wolowitz: Doesn't do anything for me.我那么帅,又有啥用。
If I was gonna go that way, I'm, more of a Zac Ephron kinda guy.gonna: <美俚>=going to Zac Ephron: 迪士尼电影《歌舞青春》男主角扮演者 kinda: 有几分
要是我成名了,我也是Zac Ephron那种类型的。
-Raj: Oh, yeah, like you have a shot with Zac Ephron.说的好像你跟Zac谈过朋友啊。
-David: Excuse me...Are you Leonard Hofstadter? 请问..你是Leonard Hofstadter吗?-Lenord: yeah., 是我。
-David: I'm David Underhill.我是David Underhill。-Leonard: y-yeah.你好~-David: Yeah, Dr.Gablehauser said if I wanted to set something up in the photomultiplier lab, photomultiplier: 光电倍增管 lab: 实验室
Gablehauser博士告诉我,要在光电实验室做实验的话。that you'd be able to give me a hand? give a hand: 帮助„ 你可以帮到我?-Leonard: You want to work with me? 你想和我一起工作?-David: Well, if you have a little time, yeah.如果你有时间的话,是的。
-Leonard: Y-yeah, sure.Yeah, no problem.哇哦,是,当然有,没问题。
Here's my home number.Here's, my cell.Here's my office.cell: 手机
这是我家的号码,我的手机,我办公室的。Here's my parents', number up in New Jersey.New Jersey: 美国新泽西州 这是我新泽西父母家的号码。They always know how to reach me.他们知道我的一切行踪。
-David: So..., Okay.所以...好的。
-Leonard: Congratulations on the MacArthur, Grant, by the way.Big fan.congratulation: 恭喜 fan: 粉丝
顺便恭喜你得到麦克阿瑟奖,我很粉你的。-David: Thanks.I'll call you.谢谢,我会联系你的。
-Leonard: Okay.Bye-bye!好的。拜-拜!
What are you looking at? You've, never seen a hypocrite before? hypocrite: 伪君子
看什么看? 以前没看到过伪君子吗?
(Sheldon, Wolowitz and Raj are playing Wii bowling)
-Raj: Trailing badly, Wolowitz needs a strike if he, has any hopes of catching up with Sheldon Cooper, trail: 拖曳 strike: 全中 catch up with: 追赶上
拖曳步不到位,Wolowitz需要一投全倒,才能追赶上Sheldon Cooper。who is dominating in the ninth, frame with a career-best 68.dominate: 占优势 frame: 有成功希望
后者第九格打出职业生涯最高的68分,优势无人撼动。-Leonard: Hey, guys!嘿,兄弟们!-Wolowitz: That doesn't count.Do over!Do over!count: 计算 do over: 重做 这个不算,重来!重来!-Sheldon: There are no do-overs in Wii bowling.Will bowing: 由日本任天堂公司制作的适用于Wii游戏机的电子游戏 Wii保龄球不许反悔。
-Wolowitz: There are always do-overs, when my people play sports.我们运动的时候都有重来的。
-Sheldon: Where were you that's more, important than Wii bowling night? important: 重要的
你有啥事,能比Wii保龄之夜还重要? Actually, I was...,-It's a rhetorical question.actually: 实际上 rhetorical: 修辞的
There is nothing more important, than Wii bowling night.不会有比Wii保龄之夜还重要的事。
-Leonard: Come on, it's just a video game.video: 视频的
得了吧,不就是个视频游戏。And we suck at it.suck: 差劲
-Sheldon: Nice motivational speech, from the team captain.motivational: 激发性的 speech: 演讲 captain: 队长 队长的讲话多么激励人呀。-Wolowitz: Where were you? 你去哪儿了?-Leonard: I was working with Dave Underhill.我和Dave Underhill在一起工作呢。
-Wolowitz: Ooh, “Dave.” Sounds like, Leonard's got a new BFF.BFF: best friend forever 呀,“Dave” 听着好像Leonard有新死党了。-Leonard: Actually, he's pretty cool.他的确相当的酷。
I mean, not only is he, a brilliant scientist, brilliant: 有才气的 scientist: 科学家 不仅仅因为他是个天才的科学家,but it turns out he's, a Black Diamond skier.turn out: 结果是 diamond: 钻石 skier: 滑雪者
He collects vintage motorcycles, He plays in a rock band.collect: 收集 vintage: 古老的 motorcycle: 摩托车 rock: 摇滚 band: 乐队 他收集老爷摩托车,他还玩摇滚乐队。-Wolowitz: So? We're in a rock band.又怎样? 我们也玩摇滚的。
-Leonard: No...We play Rock Band on our X-Box.X-Box: 游戏机
-Sheldon: Nice motivational speech, from our lead guitarist.lead: 带头的 guitarist: 吉他手 我们的主音吉他手真会鼓励大家呀。-Leonard: He's funny, too.他也很幽默。
He does this hysterical impersonation, of Stephen Hawking having phone sex.hysterical: 异常兴奋的 impersonation: 模仿 Stephen Hawking: 英国著名物理学家,以研究黑洞论而惊动当前的天文物理学界及相关领域 他模仿斯蒂芬霍金电话做爱,笑死人了。What are you wearing? wear: 穿着 你-穿得-什么-呀? That's not...He does it better.不是这样的...他模仿得好多了。
Anyway, he said he was gonna take me to the gym tomorrow, anyway: 总之 gym: 体育馆
so I'm gonna go practice my situps.practice: 练习situp: 仰卧起坐 所以我得去练练仰卧起坐。
-Raj: Humongous man crush, dude.humongous: 巨大无比的 crush: 迷恋<美俚> dude: 伙计 大丈夫惺惺相惜呀。
-Wolowitz: Yeah.It's officially a bro-mance.officially: 正式地 bro-mance: 哥俩好 对呀,正式进入“哥俩好”阶段。
-Penny: Hey, Sheldon, are you and Leonard, putting up a Christmas tree? put up: 支起 Christmas: 圣诞节
Sheldon,你和Leonard准备好圣诞树了吗?-Sheldon: No, because we don't celebrate the, ancient pagan festival of Saturnalia.celebrate: 庆祝 ancient: 古代的 pagan: 异教徒的 festival: 节日 Saturnalia:(古罗马)农神节(十二月中旬)
没,因为我们不庆祝古代异教徒的农神节。-Penny: Saturnalia? 农神节?-Wolowitz: Gather round, kids, it's time for, Sheldon's beloved Christmas special.gather: 聚集 kid: 孩子 beloved: 心爱的
-Sheldon: In the pre-Christian era, as the winter, solstice approached and the plants died, era: 年代 winter: 冬天 solstice: 至日 approach: 接近plant: 植物 在基督教以前的年代里,随着冬至的来到,植物死去,pagans brought evergreen boughs into, their homes as an act of sympathetic magic, evergreen: 常绿的 bough: 大树枝 sympathetic: 有同情心的 magic: 魔法 异教徒们把绿树枝带回家里,作为一种感应巫术,intended to guard the life, essences of the plants until spring.intend: 意指 guard: 守护 essence: 精华 spring: 春天 意在守护植物的生命精华,直到春天到来。
This custom was later, appropriated by Northern Europeans, custom: 传统 appropriate: 恰当的 Northern European: 北欧的,北欧人 这个传统后来被北欧人沿用,and eventually it becomes, the so-called Christmas tree.eventually: 最终地 so-called: 所谓的
-Wolowitz: And that, Charlie Brown, is, what boredom is all about.Charlie Brown: 是美国著名漫画家查尔斯.舒尔茨给小朋友画的漫画《花生(Peanuts)》中的形象。这部漫画里更为中国人熟知的形象是查理布朗的狗,无所不能的史努比 boredom:无聊
我跟你说,Charlie Brown无聊的最高境界也就是这样了。-Penny: Okay, well, thank you for that, but I got, you and Leonard a few silly neighbor gifts, silly: 傻的 neighbor: 邻居 gift: 礼物
好了,谢谢你的解释,但我给你和Leonard都买了傻傻的小礼物,so I'll just put them under my tree., 放我圣诞树下好了。-Sheldon: Wait!等等!You bought me a present? present: 礼物 你给我买了礼物? Why would you do such a thing? 为什么呢?-Penny: I don't know.Because it's Christmas? 不知道,因为圣诞吧?-Sheldon: Oh, Penny.Penny。
I know you think you're being generous, but, the foundation of gift-giving is reciprocity.generous: 大方的 foundation: 基础 reciprocity: 利益互惠
我明白,你这么做觉得自己很大方,但赠送礼物的基础原则是礼尚往来。You haven't given me a gift.你不是给我一份礼物。
You've given me an obligation.obligation: 责任
-Wolowitz: Don't feel bad, Penny, it's, a classic rookie mistake.classic: 经典的 rookie: 新手 mistake: 错误 别太郁闷,Penny,一般新手都会犯这个错误。
My first Hanukah with Sheldon, he, yelled at me for eight nights.Hanukah: 光明节,源自犹太人的节日 yell: 大叫
-Penny: Now, hey, it's okay.You don't, have to get me anything in return.in return: 作为回报
没事的,你用不着回赠礼物的。-Sheldon: Of course I do.我当然得回赠了。
The essence of the custom is that I now have to go, out and purchase for you a gift of commensurate value purchase: 购买 commensurate: 同量的 value: 价值 风俗的精髓就在于我得去给你买份价值相当的礼物。
and representing the same perceived level of friendship, as that represented by the gift you've given me.represent: 代表 perceive: 感知 level: 同高的 friendship: 友谊 才能够代表你的礼物所表达的相同的情意。
It's no wonder suicide rates, skyrocket this time of year.wonder: 惊奇 suicide: 自杀的 rate: 比率 skyrocket: 飞涨 怪不得每年这个时候自杀率狂飙呀。-Penny: Okay, you know what? Forget it., I'm not giving you a present.忘了这事吧,我不会送你礼物了。
-Sheldon: No, it's too late.I see it.不,太迟了,我看见了。
That elf sticker says, “To Sheldon.” elf: 精灵 sticker: 贴纸
那个精灵贴纸上写着“赠Sheldon”。The die has been cast.die: 骰子 cast: 掷 骰子已经掷出,The moving finger has writ, Hannibal has crossed the alps.finger: 手指 cross: 渡过 alps: 阿尔卑斯山
魔手已经伸出(阿加莎小说“魔手”),汉尼拔已经越过了阿尔卑斯山(汉尼拔率军巧过山,击溃罗马军)。-Wolowitz: I know.It's funny when, it's not happening to us.就是啊,看别人热闹最乐呵。
-Penny: Sheldon, I am very, very sorry.Sheldon 我真的非常抱歉。
-Sheldon: No.No, I brought this on myself by being such, an endearing and important part of your life.endearing: 可爱的
不,我自找的,谁叫我出现在你生命里,又那么可爱,那么举足轻重呢。I'm going to need a ride to the mall.mall: 购物商场
-Wolowitz: It's happening to us.风水轮流转,我们该倒霉了。-David: Are you gonna make it? 你能行吗?,-Leonard: Yeah, I guess.嗯,没问题吧。
-David: All right.行。
-Leonard: Thanks for letting me, try out your motorcycle.谢谢让我试骑你的摩托车。-David: No problem.不用。
-Leonard: I had no idea it was so heavy.heavy: 重的
The thing just fell right, over on me, didn't it? 它实实地压住我了,对吧?-David: Yeah.Lucky for you it wasn't moving.是呀,走运的是它还没启动。-Penny: Oh, hey, Leonard.Ooh, are you okay? 嘿,Leonard,哎呀,你没事吧?-Leonard: Oh, yeah.It's just a, little motorcycle accident.accident: 事故
-Penny: My God, how fast were you going? 天啦,你开得多快呀?-Leonard: I don't know.It's all such a blur.blur: 变模糊
-David: Good one.He couldn't, even get it started.真幽默,他甚至没点着火。Hi, Dave., 你好,我是Dave。-Penny: Hi, Penny.你好,我是Penny。So it's your motorcycle? 那他骑的是你的摩托车了? Is it okay? 车子还好吗?-Leonard: Lucky for the bike it landed on my leg.leg: 腿
-David: you mind giving me a hand with speed racer here? racer: 赛车手
能帮我扶下这位急速飞车手吗?-Penny: Oh, yeah.Yeah, sure.当然愿意。
So, um, Dave, how do you know Leonard? Dave,你怎么认识Sheldon的?-David: I'm a physicist.physicist: 物理学家 我是物理学家。
-Penny: No, you're not.你不是吧。
-David: Why is that so surprising? 有那么吃惊吗?-Penny: Uh, well, it's just that the physicists, I know are indoorsy and pale.indoorsy: 常在室内的 pale: 皮肤发白的 反正我认识的物理学家都很宅,皮肤也都可白了。-Leonard: I'm not indoorsy.我哪里宅了。
I just wear the appropriate sun block, because I don't take melanoma lightly.appropriate: 适当的 block: 阻止 melanoma: 黑素瘤 我涂防晒霜,因为不想引起黑素瘤嘛。
-Penny: So, are you and Leonard working, on an experiment together? experiment: 实验
你和Leonard一起做实验的?-David: Yeah, actually we are.对,我们是。
-Leonard: Yeah, we're examining the radiation levels of, photomultiplier tubes for a new dark matter detector.examine: 检测 radiation: 辐射 photomultiplier: 光电倍增管 tube: 管 detector: 检测器
对,我们在检测一种新暗物质探测器的光电倍增管的辐射等级。-Penny: Uh, sweetie, sweetie, Dave was talking.sweetie: 亲爱的
亲爱的,亲爱的,Dave还没说完呢。You know, I love science.science: 科学
知道不,我很热爱科学哒。-Leonard: Since when? 啥时候的事儿?-Penny: Since always.一直都是嘛。
Call me a geek, but I am just nuts for the whole subatomic, particle thing.geek: 呆子 nut: 难对付的人 subatomic: 亚原子的 particle: 微粒 你说我书呆子也罢,但我对什么亚原子微粒真的很狂热。
-David: The last thing I would, ever call you is a geek.哪会想到你是书呆子呐。
-Penny: Well, that's what I, am--queen of the nerds.queen: 女王 nerd: 呆子<美俚> 我就是啊,我是书呆呆女王。
-David: Well, if you like, I could show, you the lab we're working in.要是你愿意,去看看我们的实验室吧。
We've got some cool toys, you, know--lasers and stuff.toy: 工具 laser: 激光 stuff: 东西 那儿设备很不错,激光器啥的。
-Penny: You know, I have always wanted, to see a big science lab.哎呀,我一直好想参观科学实验室。-Leonard: Since when?, 啥时候的事儿?-Penny: Since always.一直都是嘛。
-David: Leonard, Are you okay here?, Leonard送到这儿你没问题了吧?-Leonard: yeah.I guess.对,没问题。-David: How about we go see it now? 那咱现在就去? Maybe afterwards we take the bike up the, coast, We grab a little bite to eat...afterwards: 以后 coast: 海岸 grab: 抓住 bite: 一口【一点】 之后可以去海边飚飚车,再吃点什么。
-Penny: Yeah.Yeah, that sounds great.Let me just get my jacket.jacket: 外套
好呀,很好玩的样子,我去穿件外套。-David: Boy, she'll do, huh? 她行的吧?-Leonard: Yeah, if you like that type.type: 类型
对,如果你喜欢那种型的。-David: So, you and her...那么,你和她...-Leonard: No, just neighbors.没啦,普通邻居而已。-David: Really.真的? I don't know how you live next door to, that without doing something about it.隔壁住着这样的妞儿,怎么都不行动啊。-Leonard: Actually...science is my lady.其实...科学才是我的女神。-Penny: Okay.Let's go., 好了,走吧。-David: All right.好。
See you tomorrow, Leonard., 明天见,Leonard。-Leonard: See ya.ya: <美口>=you 回见。
Bye, Penny.Have fun.拜,Penny,玩的开心啊。-Sheldon: Yes? 谁啊? Did you forget your key? 忘带钥匙了? I don't see anything in, here a woman would want.这儿的东西女孩都不会喜欢啊。
-Wolowitz: You're kidding.You've got lotions and bath oils and soaps.otion: 润肤露 bath oil: 精油 soap: 香皂 开啥玩笑,这儿有润肤露,精油,香皂。I mean, that's the estrogen hat trick.estrogen: 雌性激素 trick: 花招
-Sheldon: What it is is a cacophonous assault of, eucalyptus, bayberry, cinnamon and vanilla.cacophonous: 粗腔横调的 assault: 攻击 eucalyptus: 桉树 bayberry: 月桂果cinnamon: 肉桂 vanilla: 香草
It's as if my head were trapped, in the pajamas of a sultan.as if: 好比 trap: 陷在„ pajamas: 睡衣 sultan: 苏丹 就好比我的头卡在苏丹睡衣里似的。
-Raj: Sheldon, if you don't like this stuff, let's just go next door and build her a bear.要是你受不了这些东西,咱就去隔壁,给她搭个玩具熊。-Sheldon: I told you before, bears are terrifying.terrify: 吓人的
-Wolowitz: Come on, bath stuff.It's perfect!perfect: 完美的
You got a scented, candle, a cleansing buff, scented: 加过香料的 candle: 蜡烛 cleansing: 清洁用的 buff: 手巾 薰香蜡烛,沐浴手巾。
spearmint and green tea scented, bath oil, promotes relaxation.spearmint: 荷兰薄荷 promote: 促进 relaxation: 放松 荷兰薄荷加绿茶味精油,有助放松。
-Sheldon: That presupposes Penny is tense.presupposes: 以„为先决条件 tense: 紧张的
-Penny: She knows you.She's tense, We all are.Buy a basket!basket: 篮
她了解你,她会压力很大的,咱不都是嘛,快买礼品篮吧!-Wolowitz: Excuse me, we're ready.你好,我们选好了。
-Sheldon: No, we're not.没选好。
Let's say for a moment that I, accept the bath item gift hypothesis, moment: 时刻 item: 项目 hypothesis: 假设
这么说吧,假如我暂且同意,购买沐浴用品,I now lay the following conundrum, at your feet: Which size? conundrum: 难题
接下来又有这样一个难题:买哪个大小的?-Wolowize: This one.Let's go.这个,付钱去吧。
-Sheldon: You put no thought into that.thought: 想法
-Wolowitz: I'm sorry.Uh...this one.Let's go!不好意思,就这个!快付钱去吧。
-Sheldon: I have insufficient data to proceed.insufficient: 不充分的 data: 数据 proceed: 着手 处理这一问题的数据尚不充分。Excuse me, miss? 请问一下,小姐?-Shop assistant: Yes? 嗯?-Sheldon: If I were to give you this gift basket, based on that action alone and no other data, base on: 基于
如果我将这个礼篮送给你,仅根据这一举动,不考虑其他任何因素,infer and describe the hypothetical, relationship that exists between us.infer: 推断 describe: 描述 relationship: 关系 exist: 存在 请你推断并描述我俩之间可能的关系。-Shop assistant: Excuse me? 什么意思?-Sheldon: Here.给你。
Now, are we friends? Colleagues? Lovers? colleague: 同事
你说,我俩是朋友呢? 同事呢? 还是恋人? Are you my grandmother? grandmother: 祖母
或者,你是我奶奶?-Shop assistant: I don't understand what you're talking about, and you're making me a little uncomfortable.uncomfortable: 不舒服的
-Wolowitz: See? Sounds just like you, and Penny.We'll take it.看到没? 简直是你和Penny的翻版嘛,我们就买这个。-David: Hey, Leonard.Come, join us.嘿,Leonard,快过来,一起吧。
-Leonard: Oh, hey, Dave.And Penny, what a surprise.嘿,Dave,哇,Penny,好惊喜哦。
-Penny: Hey, Leonard.Dave was just, showing me around the university.university: 大学
嘿,Leonard,Dave刚带着我在校园里兜了兜。You know, this place is unbelievable!unbelievable: 难以置信的 学校好漂亮啊!-Leonard: Yeah, I know.I've been offering to, show you around for a year and a half.我知道,我邀你参观,都邀了一年半了。You always said you had yoga.yoga: 瑜伽,源自印度的健身运动 你每次都说要上瑜伽课。-Penny: I never said that.我没说过吧。
-Leonard: Maybe I heard you wrong.大概我听错了。
A lot of words sound like “yoga.” 好多词都跟“瑜伽”发音相近。
-David: This is an amazing woman, Leonard.amazing: 令人惊讶的
She has a curious and agile mind, not to mention, being curious and agile in other respects.curious: 好奇 agile: 机敏的 mention: 说起 respect: 方面 她充满求知欲,头脑机敏,更不用说其他方面也很敏捷很渴求。-Penny: Oh, shut up!shut up: 住口 快别说了!-Leonard: Yes, please shut up.对啊,快别说了。
So, um, Dave, don't you think you, and I should get back to the lab? Dave,咱们是不是该回实验室了? You know, that dark matter, isn't going to detect itself.detect: 探测
-David: Actually, I was thinking, about taking the afternoon off take off: 离开
我倒想今儿下午请个假,so I could work on another, experiment with Penny.好跟Penny做做另外一项实验。
-Penny: Really? We're going to do an experiment? 真的? 我们要做实验了?-David: We're going to explore the effects of, tequila shots on a gorgeous 22-year-old woman.explore: 探索 effect: 作用 tequila: 龙舌兰酒 gorgeous: 美丽的 我们将探索一下龙舌兰酒作用于芳龄22的美女身上有什么效果。
-Penny: It's not an experiment!You, saw what happened last night.这哪是什么实验呀!你昨晚也看到结果了。-David: you ready to go? 那我们走吧?-Penny: yeah.好。
Oh, can I drive the motorcycle? 喔,我能骑骑你的摩托车不?-David: Yeah, why not? You can't, do any worse than Leonard.当然,反正不会比Leonard逊。-Leonard: That's funny.好好笑。
By the way, my leg is killing, me.Thanks for asking.顺便说句,我腿疼死啦,多谢你们关心。-Sheldon: Mmm, great news, Leonard.大好消息啊,Leonard。
I've solved my Penny gift dilemma.solve: 解决 dilemma: 困境
要不要给Penny回礼的问题我已经解决了。-Leonard: Yippee.yippee: 好啊
-Sheldon: You see, the danger was that I might under or over-reciprocate, reciprocate: 互换
你知道我回的礼可能太轻,也可能太重。but I have devised a foolproof plan.devise: 想出 foolproof: 不会错的 但我想出了完美的计划。
See, I will open her gift to me, first and then excuse myself, 到时候我先拆开她送的礼物,然后借口失陪,feigning digestive distress.feign: 假装 digestive: 消化的 distress: 不舒服
Then I'll look up the price of her gift, online, choose the basket closest to that value, price: 价格 online: 在线
然后迅速在网上查好礼物价格,选一个价格最接近的礼篮,give it to her and then I'll, return the others for a full refund.return: 归还 refund: 退还
送给她之后再把其他礼篮都送去退掉。-Leonard: Brilliant.brilliant: 有才气的 太聪明了。
-Sheldon: It is, isn't it? 当然了,敢说不是? Is it okay if I hide them in your room? hide: 藏
我把篮子藏你房间里成不? The smell makes me nauseated.smell: 味道 nauseat: 使恶心 那股味道哟,闻了就要吐。
-Leonard: Do whatever you want.随你怎么办吧。
Thank you, that's very gracious.gracious: 高尚的
-Wolowitz: Why couldn't you have just done what, Leonard did and get Penny a new boyfriend? 你就不能学学Leonard? 给Penny找个男朋友不就行了?!-Leonard: My leg is killing me.Thanks for asking.腿要痛死了,谢谢大家关心。
Okay, I have just one question for you.好,我就问你一个问题。
While I am perfectly happy with, the way things are between us, 我对咱俩的关系状况非常满意,you said that you didn't want to go out with me because I was too smart for you!smart: 聪明的
你那时说不愿意跟我约会是因为我太聪明了!Well, news flash, lady: David Underhill, is ten times smarter than me!告诉你吧,姑娘: Dave Underhill比我聪明十倍!You'd have to drive a railroad spike into, his brain for me to beat him at checkers!railroad: 铁路 spike: 长钉 brain: 大脑 checker: 跳棋
Next to him, I'm like one of those sign-language, gorillas who knows how to ask for grapes!sign-language: 手语 gorilla: 大猩猩 grape: 葡萄
跟他比起来,我就像是只会做做手势的大猩猩,只知道怎么讨葡萄吃!So, my question is...所以,我要问的就是...What's up with that? 到底咋回事儿啊?-Penny: Why are you yelling at me? 你吼我干什么嘛
-Leonard: Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!Never mind, we're cool.不好意思,对不起对不起,别往心里去,我没怪你。
-Penny: Dave is not smarter, than you.He's an idiot.idiot: 傻子
-Leonard: Really? Why would you say that? 真的? 为啥这么说呢?-Penny: Because a smart guy takes the nude, photos of his wife off his cell phone guy: 家伙 nude: 裸体的
真正的聪明人用手机给女朋友拍裸照之前,before he tries to take nude photos of his girlfriend.都会先把老婆的裸照给删了!-Leonard: He tried to take nude photos of you? 他要给你拍裸照?-Penny: That's what you took from that? 你咋想到那儿去了? The guy is married!那家伙都有老婆了!-Leonard: Oh, yeah.I'm so--, Oh, that's terrible.terrible: 已婚的
-Penny: And you, if you are so okay with, the way things are between us, 那你呢,既然你对咱俩的关系很满意。why are you so jealous? jealous: 嫉妒的 你吃个什么醋啊?-Leonard: Well, uh...The important thing is he's, married and that's terrible!关键是他已经结婚了!太不厚道了呀!-Penny: Nice save, genius.genius: 天才 算你嘴巴灵。Eggnog? eggnog: 蛋奶酒 要蛋奶酒不?-Leonard: Lactose.lactose: 乳糖[Leonard有不耐乳糖症] 我不耐乳糖。
-Penny: It's just rum.It stopped being, eggnog like half an hour ago.rum: 朗姆酒
只有朗姆酒啦,1小时前就不是蛋奶酒了。-Leonard: Smooth.smooth:平滑的【醇香的】 好醇~~-Penny: Smoother than you.是啊,比你好咧。
-Leonard: Come on, it's Christmas, just give me this one.都圣诞节了,你就迁就我一回呗。-Penny: Okay, Merry Christmas.好吧,圣诞快乐。
-Leonard: By the way, my leg is killing, me.Thanks for asking.顺便说哇,我腿快疼死了,多谢关心。-Penny: Merry Christmas., 圣诞快乐。
-Leonard: Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐。
-Penny: How's your leg? 你腿咋样了?-Leonard: Very good, thanks for asking.Come on in.好多了,谢谢关心,进来吧。
-Sheldon: Ah, good, Penny, you're, here to exchange gifts.exchange: 交换
You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared, for whatever you have to offer.你一定很高兴,因为我的回礼准备很周到哦。-Penny: Okay, here.行~ 给你。
-Sheldon: I should note I'm having, some digestive distress, 先说一句,我的肠胃不太舒服,so, if I excuse myself, abruptly, don't be alarmed.abruptly: 突然地 alarm: 惊慌
所以,要是我突然离开一阵,你可别慌。Oh, a napkin.napkin: 餐巾
-Penny: Turn it over.turn over: 翻过来 翻过来瞧瞧。
-Sheldon: “To Sheldon, live long and prosper.Leonard Nimoy.” prosper: 繁荣 Leonard Nimoy: Star Trek里Spock的扮演者,也是Sheldon的最爱 “献给Sheldon:愿你多寿多福。Leonard Nimoy敬上”-Penny: Yeah, he came into the restaurant.restaurant: 餐馆
Sorry the napkin is dirty.He wiped his mouth with it.dirty: 脏的 wipe: 擦 mouth: 嘴
-Sheldon: I possess the DNA of Leonard Nimoy?!possess: 持有
我拥有Leonard Nimoy的DNA了?!-Penny: Yeah, yeah.I guess, But look, he signed it.sign: 签名
-Sheldon: Do you realize what this means?!realize: 意识到
你知道这对我意味着什么吗?!All I need is a healthy ovum and, I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy!healthy: 健康的 ovum: 卵子
只需要一个健康的卵细胞,就可以培育属于我的Leonard Nimoy了!-Penny: Okay, all I'm giving you is the napkin, Sheldon.我能给你的,只有这块餐巾,Sheldonn。-Sheldon: Be right back.等我一下下。
-Penny: Here.Open it.给你,打开瞧瞧。
-Leonard: Oh, a gift cerficate, for motorcycle lessons.cerficate: 证 摩托车训练课礼品卡。Very thoughtful.thoughtful: 体贴的 想的真周到。
-Penny: Yeah, and I checked.Not, letting the bike fall on you check: 检查 fall: 倒
我查过了哦,站立时,别让车子压到身上,while standing still is lesson one.这是第一课呢。
-Leonard: Oh, then, I think you'll, appreciate what I got you.appreciate: 欣赏
-Penny: 101 Totally Cool Science, Experiments for Kids.totally: 完全地
-Leonard: You know, 'cause you're so into science.你知道的嘛,你多热爱科学哇。-Penny: Sheldon!What did you do?!Sheldon 你这是干嘛?!-Sheldon: I know!我知道啊!It's not enough, is it? 这点东西咋够呢? Here.这样好了。
-Penny: Leonard, look!Sheldon's hugging me.hug: 拥抱
Leonard,看啊!Sheldon拥抱我了诶。-Leonard: It's a Saturnalia miracle.miracle: 奇迹
真是农神节的奇迹呀。看生活大爆炸学英语第二季 1集 The Bad Fish Paradigm
-Leonard: So you see, what you are eating is not technically yogurt, because it doesn't have enough live acidophilus cultures.technically: 技术上的,学术上的 yogurt: 酸奶 acidophilus: 嗜酸的 你喝的不是酸奶,因为没有足够的乳酸菌,It's really just ice milk with carrageenan added for thickness.carrageenan: 卡拉胶 thickness: 厚度 其实不过是用卡拉胶加稠的冻牛奶罢了。-Penny: Oh, that's very interesting.真有趣啊。
-Leonard: It's also not pink and has no berries.berry: 浆果类
-Penny: Yeah, but it doesn't really answer my question.是,但你并没有正面回答我的问题。
-Leonard: What was your question again? 你问的啥?-Penny: Do you want some? 来点不?-Leonard: Oh...Right.No.I'm lactose intolerant.Right.So, gas.lactose: 乳糖 intolerant: 不能容忍的(偏执的)对啊,还是算了我有乳糖不耐症是啊,遗憾啊。-Penny: Yeah, got it.明白了。
-Leonard: Well...good night.好吧,晚安了。
-Penny: What are you doing? 你这是干吗?
-Leonard: Oh, there's a draft.这儿凉快
-Penny: I didn't feel a draft.我怎么没觉着。
-Leonard: Why don't we just go into, uh, your...我们何不去...你....-Penny: Oh.Yeah, you know what;maybe we should slow things down a little.slow down: 减速
-Leonard: No, no, I didn't mean to go into your apartment to go fast.apartment: 公寓
-Penny: No, I know.I know what you meant, it's just...this is only our first date.date: 约会 我知道,我明白你的意思,只是这才是我们第一次约会。
-Leonard: Yeah, okay, sure, no problem.Why don't we just figure out where we're going and when we want to get there? figure out: 算出,想出,理解
恩,好的,明白那我们不如想下接下来如何以及要用多久才可以到达。And then rate of speed equals distance over time.Solve for R.distance: 距离
通过路程和时间计算出我们的速度。解决了。-Penny: Or we could just wing it.wing: [美国俚语]临时准备;临时凑成 或者我们走一步看一步呢。-Leonard: That might work, too.这样应该也行。
-Penny: Good night, Leonard.晚安,Leonard。
-Leonard: Good night.晚安。
-Raj: He's coming--screensaver!screensaver: 屏幕保护动画
-Howard: Oh, hey, Leonard.How was your date? 嘿!Leonard,约会如何?-Leonard: Bite me.Sheldon, how could you just sit there Sheldon and let them spy on me? bite me : 去死了你(过来打我吧)spy: 暗中监视,暗中观察
关你鸟事。你怎么能坐在那里放纵他们窥视我呢?-Sheldon: They were clever, Leonard.They exploited my complete lack of interest in what you were doing.lack of: 缺乏
-Howard: You should thank us.When future generations try to determine why your relationship with Penny crashed and burned this right here is the black box.generation: 后代 determine: 决定,确定 crash and burn: 彻底失败;累垮
-Leonard: What are you talking about? The date went fine.你在说什么啊? 约会进行得很顺利
-Raj: Dude, she said she wants to slow things down.伙计,她可说了她想慢下来。
-Leonard: Okay, so she said she wants to slow things down.好吧,她说想把发展速度慢下来,It's like saying, “I'm really enjoying this meal.I'm going to slow down and savor it.” savor: 尽情享受 就像在说 “这顿饭太美妙了,我真想把时间停下尽情享受。”-Howard: No, it's like, “This fish tastes bad, so I'm gonna slow down and spit it out.” gonna=going to spit out: 吐出
不,她是想说“这些臭鱼真难吃。我可得慢下来,吐个干净。”-Raj: You being the fish.你就是那鱼。
-Leonard: I'm not the fish.我才不是。
-Howard: Oh, really? Did you make a second date? 真的吗? 那你约好下一次了吗?-Leonard: Well, no, we sort of decided to wing it.sort of: 有几分地(稍稍,到某种程度)wing it: 随机应变 恩,还没,我们决定走一步看一步。-Sheldon: Oh, even I know that's lame.lame: 跛足的,僵痛的,不完全的
天,连我都知道那是个废话。-Leonard: Okay, all right, let's assume your hypothesis.We went to dinner, we talked, we laughed, we kissed.assume: 假定,设想 hypothesis: 假设
Where could I have possibly gone wrong? possibly: 可能地,也许 我能有哪里做得不对啊?-Howard: Think back, Leonard.The littlest things can set women off.Like, “Hey, the waitress is hot;set off: 引起;激起 waitress: 女服务员
再想想Leonard,最小的细节也能触动女人的,就像 ”看这个服务员真辣阿 I bet we could get her to come home with us.“ I bet: 我确信;我敢打赌
我敢说咱们可以带上她一起回家。” Or, “How much does your mom weigh? I want to know what I'm getting into.” weigh: 重量 get into: 进入
或者 “你妈妈多重? 我只是想进一步了解'未来的你'”-Leonard: I didn't say anything like that.我可没有这么说。
-Howard: Good, 'cause they don't work.‘cause=because 好的,因为这些话一点用都没有。
-Raj: They also don't care for it.If you stare at them and hyperventilate.Sadly, that's my home run swing.stare at: 凝视 hyperventilate: 换气过度;强力呼吸
如果你死盯着她们大喘粗气也会令她们讨厌的,很遗憾我们全家都这个德行。-Leonard: Look, everything went fine.I didn't even have to refer to my impromptu conversation starters.That woman across the hall is into me.refer to: 涉及 impromptu: 即席的,即兴的 conversation: 对话 be into: 喜欢,被迷住 嘿!一切都很顺利的,我甚至都没有用上我的即兴开场白,走廊对面那个女孩子看上我了!-Howard: Let's go to the tape.Look at her reaction to the good night kiss.reaction: 反应
我们还是看录像算了,瞧她对那个“我和你吻别在无人的夜” 的反应吧,No change in respiration, pupils un-dilated, no flushing of the chest.respiration: 呼吸 pupil: 瞳孔 dilated: 加宽的, 扩大的 flush: 流溢,面红,旺盛 我呼吸无变化,瞳孔无放大,胸部无抖动。-Raj: Nice close-up, by the way.close-up: 特写镜头
-Sheldon: Interesting.Her jaws are clenched, no tongue access.Clearly a bad sign amongst mating humans.jaw: 咽喉 clench: 牢牢抓住,钉紧 tongue: 舌头 access: 进入 mating: 交配 有趣啊,她咬紧牙关写着“打死我舌头也不让进”,对交配期的人类来说无疑是个坏兆头。-Leonard: That's not a bad sign.才不是你说的那样。
-Sheldon: Please, you might as well have been two iguanas with no dewlap enlargement.iguana: 美洲大蜥蜴 dewlap: 垂肉 enlargement: 扩大
-Raj: And the worst sign of all is you're here and not there.最糟糕的是,你现在在这里,而不是“那里。”-Leonard: I'm not there.Because I'm taking things slow, which, by the way, compared to you guys, approaches warp speed.And take down that camera.Compare to: 对比 approach: 途径,方法 warp: 弯,歪曲
-Raj: He was a lot more fun when he had no hope.他绝望的时候好玩多了。-Howard: Give him time.给他点时间吧。-Penny: Hi.嗨。
-Sheldon: Oh, hi, Penny.FYI, the hot water is inadequate on machine two so colors only, inadequate: 不够的
嗨!Penny。顺便提醒一下二号机热水不够,只能洗带颜色的,and four is still releasing the fabric softener too early in the cycle, so I'd avoid using that for your delicates.release: 释放 fabric: 织物,布,结构 softener: 软化剂,柔软剂 avoid: 避免 delicate: 雅致的,精致的
还有四号机仍然会提前流出柔顺剂,所以你那些好衣服就别用这一台洗了。-Penny: Thanks.谢谢。
-Sheldon: Oh, good Lord...why don't you just take your clothes down to the river and beat them with a rock? 上帝啊,为什么你不直接把衣服脱掉,用河里的石头“敲”干净。-Penny: Sheldon, can I ask you a question? Sheldon,能问你个事吗?-Sheldon: I would prefer that you not, but I won't go so far as to forbid it.forbid: 禁止,不准
-Penny: All right, I heard yes, so...Okay, here’s my question.Has Leonard ever dated, you know, a regular girl? regular: 正规的
好吧,那你是答应了;好的,我的问题是:Leonard是否曾经和一个正常的女孩约会过呢?-Sheldon: Well, I assume you're not referring to digestive regularity.Because I've come to learn that such inquiries are inappropriate.refer to: 涉及 digestive: 消化的 regularity: 有规则,匀整,调和 inquiry: 打听,询问 inappropriate: 不适当的
我想你不是指“消化正常”吧? 因为我觉得这样问不太合适。
-Penny: No, I meant, has he ever been involved with someone who wasn't a brainiac? involve with: 涉及 brainiac: 异常聪明的人
不,没有。我是说他有没有和一个不是“大脑发达”的女孩交往过?-Sheldon: Oh!Well, a few years ago, he did go out with a woman who had a PhD in French literature.PhD=Doctor of Philosophy 几年之前他倒是和一个法国文学女博士约会过。-Penny: How is that not a brainiac? 那怎么能叫做“非大脑发达”?
-Sheldon: Well, for one thing, she was French.For another, it was literature.for one thing, for another: 首先,其次 literature: 文学
-Penny: So...do you think that if Leonard and I keep dating, he'll eventually get bored with me? eventually: 最后
那么...你觉得如果Leonard和我继续约会,最终他会对我失去兴趣吗?-Sheldon: That depends.那得看情况了。-Penny: On what? 看什么?-Sheldon: Do you have a working knowledge of quantum physics? knowledge: 知识 quantum: 分配量,额,量 physics: 物理 你具备量子物理的知识吗?-Penny: No.不。-Sheldon: Do you speak Klingon? 那你会说“克林贡语”吗?(星际迷航)-Penny: No.不会。
-Sheldon: You know any card tricks? trick: 恶作剧 会变扑克牌戏法吗?-Penny: Okay, you know what...I get it.好吧,我知道了。
Leonard has no business being involved with a waitress-slash-actress who felt so insecure that she lied to him about finishing community college.slash: 斜线 insecure: 不安全的 community: 社区
Leonard和一个骗他说是社区大学毕业的,自我感觉不良好的服务员/演员没有任何共同点。-Sheldon: Why would you lie about that? 这你干吗要撒谎啊?
-Penny: Well, he was going on and on about this college and that grad school, and I...I didn't want him to think I was some kind of stupid loser.grad school:研究生院,研究所
他不停地说这个大学,那个研究生院而我...我不想他把我看作一个失败的笨蛋。-Sheldon: You thought the opposite of “stupid loser” was “community college graduate”? opposite: 反面的
你认为“失败的笨蛋”的反义词是,社区大学毕业?-Penny: You know, there are a lot of successful people in this country who are community college graduates.我们国家有好多成功人士,都是社区大学毕业的。-Sheldon: Yeah, but you are neither.是啊,但你以上皆不是啊。
-Penny: Right.Okay, look, this is between you and me.You cannot tell Leonard any of this.好吧,这次谈话你知我知,你千万不能跟Leonard说。-Sheldon: You're asking me to keep a secret? 你在让我帮你保守秘密?-Penny: Yeah.是啊。
-Sheldon: Well, I'm sorry, but you would have had to express that desire before revealing the secret, desire: 愿望,欲望 reveal: 显示,透露 我很抱歉,但...但是你应该先说清楚啊。
so that I could choose whether or not I wanted to accept the covenant of secret keeping.covenant: 盟约,契约
You can't impose a secret on an ex post facto basis.impose: 强加 ex post facto: 事后地, 追溯地 你不能事后再告诉人家这是秘密啊。
-Penny: What? 什么?-Sheldon: Secret keeping is a complicated endeavor.One has to be concerned not only about what one says, but about facial expressions, autonomic reflexes.complicated: 复杂的 endeavor: 努力,尽力 facial expression: 面部表情 facial: 面部的 autonomic: 自治的,自律的 reflex: 反射
保密是个复杂的过程,保密的人不仅要注意自己的言辞,还要注意面部表情,下意识的反应。When I try to deceive, I myself have more nervous tics than a Lyme disease research facility.It’s a joke.Deceive: 欺骗 facility: 设备
我撒谎的时候,身上紧张的”虱子” 要比一台莱姆病研究设备还多,这是个笑话。It relies on the homonymic relationship between “tick,” the bloodsucking arachnid, and “tic,” the involuntary muscular contraction.rely on: 信赖,依靠 homonymic: 同音异义字的,同名的 bloodsucking: 吸血的 arachnid: 属于蜘蛛类的节肢动物 involuntary: 自然而然的 contraction: 收缩 只是同音不同义,tick是指吸血蜘蛛,而tic是肌肉自然的抽动,I made it up myself.make up: 编造
-Penny: Okay, look, if Leonard finds out that I lied, I will absolutely die of embarrassment.absolutely: 绝对地 embarrassment: 尴尬
如果Leonard发现我撒谎了,我会因尴尬而死的。-Sheldon: Physiologically impossible.physiologically: 生理上 从生理上说,不可能的事情。
-Penny: Oh, Sheldon, please.Look, I am asking you as a friend.Sheldon 拜托了,我是在向你请求朋友的帮助。-Sheldon: So you're saying that friendship contains within it an inherent obligation to maintain confidences? inherent: 内在的,固有的 obligation: 义务 那么你是说朋友之间就应该为彼此保密?-Penny: Well, yeah.对啊。
-Sheldon: Interesting.One more question, and perhaps I should have led with this.When did we become friends? 真有意思。还有一个问题,也许我应该这样问:我们啥时候成朋友了?-Sheldon: i.e., I couldn't become Green Lantern unless I was chosen by the Guardians of Oa, 也就是说,除非被OA星的守护者选中;否则我就不会成为“绿灯侠”。
but given enough start-up capital and an adequate research facility, I could be Batman.start-up: 启动 adequate: 足够的 research facility: 研究设备 但是拥有足够的资金和一些优良的设备,我就能当“蝙蝠侠”了。-Leonard: You could be Batman? 你能当蝙蝠侠?-Sheldon: Sure.I'm Batman.See? 当然啦,我就是蝙-蝠-侠。怎么样?-Penny: Hi, guys.嘿,伙计们。-Leonard: Hey.嗨。
-Sheldon: Hi, Penny.你好,Penny。
-Leonard: Penny, if you're not doing anything Friday night, I thought maybe we could go to see a movie.Penny,如果这周五你没事的话,我们去看场电影如何?-Penny: Oh, um, you know, I think I have the dinner shift on Friday.shift: 移动,转变
-Leonard: Okay, what about Saturday? 好的,那周六呢?-Penny: You know, I'm not sure;the manager hasn't posted the schedule yet.How about let you know? schedule: 时间表
-Leonard: Great.Okay.So you just let me know when you know.Okay, so...Oh, God, I am the bad fish.你一知道就要告诉我啊。好吧,那...天哪,我就是那“臭鱼”。
-Leonard: What did I do wrong? 我做错了什么啊?-Sheldon: Why are you asking me? I have no information about your interactions with Penny other than what you have provided me, interaction: 相互作用,相互影响 other than: 除了
问我干什么?我可不知道任何你和Penny的事情;除了你自己告诉我的,nor do I have any method of learning such things.其他的我怎么可能知道?
-Leonard: What does that mean? 那是啥意思?-Sheldon: Nothing.You seem to be implying an informational back-channel between me and Penny where obviously none exists.imply: 暗示 obviously: 明显地
-Leonard: No, I didn't.I just think you need to be careful how you phrase things, sir.phrase: 表达,叙述 我可不是这么想的,我觉得你该注意自己的表达方式了,伙计。
-Leonard: What's going on with you? What's going on with you: 你怎么了?【口语常用语】 你到底怎么了?-Sheldon: I might ask you the same question.Why do you insist on attempting to drag me into matters which have nothing to do with me? insist on: 坚持 attempt to: 企图,试图 drag into: 把„„拉进
我还正想问你呢,你为什么不停的想把我拉下水,这些事跟我没有一点关系,but exist between you and Penny, a person to whom I barely speak? barely: 几乎不
都是你和Penny之间的事情,而我跟她都不怎么说话。-Leonard: What's wrong with your face? 你的脸怎么了?-Sheldon: There's no reason to bring my looks into this.Good day, Leonard.没什么东西把我弄成“这样”,祝你愉快,Leonard。-Leonard: What? 啥?-Penny: I said, “Good day.” 我说祝你愉快。-Leonard: Good day? 祝你愉快?-Penny: Also today, we have a fresh-caught Alaska salmon, and that's served with a teriyaki glaze and sticky rice.Our soup of the day is...salmon: 三文鱼 teriyaki: 红烧的 glaze: 釉,覆罩的一层 sticky: 粘的,粘性的 今天我们还有新鲜的阿拉斯加三文鱼,淋上照烧酱配糯米饭,今天的汤是...-Sheldon: You must release me from my oath.release: 释放 oath: 誓言 你必须解除我的誓约。
-Penny: Sheldon, I'm working.Sheldon,我在工作。
-Sheldon: Why don't you take a minute to decide? 你们可以慢慢决定。-Penny: Oh, my...天。
-Sheldon: I can't keep your secret, Penny.I'm going to fold like an energy-based de novo protein in conformational space.keep the/a secret: 保守秘密 fold: 折叠 protein: 蛋白质 de novo :(拉)重新;更始 conformational: 构造的
Penny,我没法帮你保密了我就快像构象空间里的内源蛋白一样折叠了,Like a Renaissance tryptich.Like a cheap suit.renaissance:文艺复兴
-Penny: Look, why is it so hard for you to keep one little secret? 我说叫你保守一个小秘密就那么难吗?-Sheldon: I'm constitutionally incapable.That's why I was refused clearance for a very prestigious government research fellowship constitutionally: 本质地,天生,体质上 incapable: 本质地,天生,体质上 prestigious: 享有声望的 fellowship: 奖学金
我天生做不到,所以之前我才申请不到那个由政府设立奖学金,at a secret military supercollider located beneath a fake agricultural station 12.5 miles southeast of Traverse City, Michigan, supercollider: 超对撞机 beneath: 在„下面 fake: 假的 agricultural: 农业的 隐藏在密歇根Traverse城东南面12.5英里处的农业中心地下的机密军用超级对撞机的项目。which you did not hear about from me.你什么都没听到。
-Penny: Look, just forget I told you about me...not graduating from community college, okay? 听着,你就把我说过不是从社区大学毕业,这件事忘了不行吗?-Sheldon: Forget? You want me to forget? This mind does not forget.忘掉? 你要我忘掉? 这个脑袋不会忘记。
I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me.It was a drizzly Tuesday.breastfeeding: 母乳喂养 drizzly: 下毛毛雨的
-Penny: Okay...Look, you promised me you would keep my secret, so you're just gonna have to figure out a way to do it.好了,听着,你答应会为我保密的,那你就得自己想办法做到这一点。-Sheldon: Lenorad, I'm moving out.Lenorad,我要搬出去了。
-Leonard: what do you mean you're moving out? Why? 什么叫你要搬出去? 为什么?-Sheldon: There doesn't have to be a reason.这不需要什么理由。
-Leonard: Yeah, there kinda does.kinda=kind of 不,需要点什么的。
-Sheldon: Not necessarily.This is a classic example of Munchausen's Trilemma.classic: 经典的 Trilemma: n.三难选择的窘境;三难困境;[逻]三难推理 没有那个必要,这是Munchausen三难问题的经典范例。
Either the reason is predicated on a series of sub-reasons leading to an infinite regression, predict: 预知,预言,预报 series: 连续,系列 lead to: 导致infinite: 无限循的 regression: 回归
or it tracks back to arbitrary axiomatic statements, or it's ultimately circular, i.e.I'm moving out because I'm moving out.arbitrary: 任意的 axiomatic: 公理的 ultimate: 最后的 circular: 循环的 要么就是一切逆向推理回到一个任意公理,要么一切根本就是一个循环。即:因为我要搬出去所以我要搬出去。
-Leonard: I'm still confused.confuse: 混乱,狼狈,困惑 我还是不明白。
-Sheldon: Leonard, I don't see how I could have made it any simpler.Leonard,我不知道怎么才能说得更简单了。-Howard: Hey, qu'est que s'up? 嘿!你们好吗?
-Raj: We just got back from that exhibit of those plasticized human cadavers.exhibit: 展览品 plasticize: 增塑 cadaver: 尸体 我们刚从那个塑化的尸体模型展览回来。
-Howard: And some of those skinless chicks were Hot!那边一些剥了皮的美女实在是性感极了!
-Sheldon: If you'll excuse me, I'm going to pack.你们不介意的话我去打包了。
-Howard: That's kind of an overreaction to a little harmless necrophilia.overreaction: 反应过度 harmless: 无害的 necrophilia: 恋尸癖 反应过度了吧,只不过是一点无害的恋尸癖而已。
-Leonard: It's not you, Howard.He says he's moving out.不是因为你。Howard,他说要搬出去。
-Raj: What did you do? Did you change the contrast or brightness settings on the television? contrast: 对比度 brightness: 亮度
你干了什么?重调了电视的亮度或者对比度?-Leonard: No.没有。
-Howard: Did you take a Band-Aid off in front of him? Band-Aid: n.[商标]邦迪创可贴 在他面前撕创可贴?-Leonard: No.没有。
-Howard: Did you buy generic ketchup, forget to rinse the sink, talk to him through the bathroom door? generic: 一般的,普通的,共有的 ketchup: 蕃茄酱等 rinse: 清洗 买了天然番茄酱,忘了刷水池,或者从浴室里和他说话?-Raj: Adjust the thermostat, cook with cilantro, pronounce the “t” in often? thermostat: 恒温计 cilantro: 芫荽叶
乱调温度计,烧饭用香菜,还是说often的时候发了“t”的音?-Leonard: No.没有。
-Howard: Did you make fun of trains? 你开火车的玩笑了?-Leonard: No, I didn't do anything.He's just gone insane.insane: 疯狂的,精神错乱的
-Raj: Well, we all knew this day was coming.哦,我们都知道总会有这一天的。-Leonard: Well, that was fast.收拾这么快。
-Sheldon: It's my pre-packed disaster evacuation bag.It's recommended by the Department of Homeland Security.And Sarah Connor.evacuation: 撤离,疏散 recommend: 推荐 department: 部门
这是我事先准备的紧急疏散包,是国土安全部推荐过的,还有Sarah Connor(终结者女主角)。-Leonard: Where are you going to live? 你准备去哪里住?-Sheldon: Until I find a permanent place, I will stay with friends.permanent: 固定的
我去朋友那里,直到找到固定住所为止。-Howard: Bye.再见。
-Raj: Well...you can't stay with me.I have a teeny-tiny apartment.teeny: 极小的(微小的)apartment: 公寓
-Sheldon: Excuse me, but isn't hosting guests an aspect of “manushya yajna,” one of the five central religious duties or sacrifices of the Hindu householder? aspect: 方面 religious: 宗教的 sacrifice: 牺牲 Hindu: 印度人(的)不好意思, 热情待客难道不是manushya yajna的一个方面吗? 那不是印度教家庭的五大宗教戒律之一么?
-Raj: I hate trains.我讨厌火车。
-Sheldon: Don't be ridiculous, you love trains.ridiculous: 荒谬的,可笑的 少胡说八道,你喜欢火车的。
-Raj: Yes, I do.Come on.See you later, Leonard.好吧,是的来吧,回头见,Leonard。-Leonard: This could work.这样也不错。
-Sheldon: This is a very old building.这栋建筑很老。
-Raj: 60 years.It used to be a watch factory.used to be: 过去,曾经是
有六十年了,这里曾经是个钟表厂。-Sheldon: Uh-oh.糟糕。
-Raj: What? 怎么了?-Sheldon: Don't you worry about the residual radium from the luminous dials? residual: 残余的,剩余的 radium: 镭 luminous: 发光的,发亮的
你不担心制作荧光表盘的残余辐射吗?-Raj: Not until now!留到现在?!-Sheldon: I can't believe I didn't bring my Geiger counter.I had it on my bed and I didn't pack it.Geiger counter: 盖格计数器(用于测量放射性)
-Raj: Well, if you're not comfortable staying here, Sheldon...comfortable: 舒服的
-Sheldon: I'm kidding, I packed it.It was a joke.I was subverting the conversational expectations.subvert: 推翻,颠覆 conversational: 对话的
开玩笑的,我带了。刚才是个笑话,我只是在转换对话的方向。I believe they call that the, uh, ol' switcharoo.我相信这应该叫做ol' switcharoo(出其不意)。-Raj: Terrific.好极了。
-Sheldon: Is that woman Aishwarya Rai? 那是 Aishwarya Rai?-Raj: Yes, isn't she an amazing actress? amazing: 令人惊异的
-Sheldon: Actually, I'd say she's a poor man's Madhuri Dixit.其实我觉得她就是可怜鬼心中的Madhuri Dixit.-Raj: How dare you!Aishwarya Rai is a goddess.By comparison, Madhuri Dixit is a leprous prostitute.goddess: 女神 comparison: 对比 leprous: 麻疯病的 prostitute: 妓女
你敢这么说!Aishwarya Rai是女神,和她比起来,Madhuri Dixit 就是个得了麻风病的妓女。
-Sheldon: Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.Obviously, you're not that familiar with Indian cinema.offend: 冒犯 obviously: 明显地 be familiar with: 对„熟悉 对不起,我没有冒犯的意思,可是显然你不了解印度电影-Howard: Who is it? 谁?-Sheldon: Stripper-Gram!脱衣舞女。
-Raj: Tag, you're it.tag: 标签
-Howard: Shouldn't you put him in a brown paper bag and set him on fire?!你不是应该把他用油纸包起来烧掉吗?-Sheldon: I've never slept on an air mattress before.No lumbar support whatsoever.air mattress: 气垫,充气床 lumbar: 腰的 whatsoever:(用于否定句中以加强语气)任何 我从来没睡过充气垫,没有任何木支架。
-Howard: Maybe you'd be happier on a park bench.bench: 板凳
-Sheldon: I don't see any way to get a park bench in here.我不知道怎样才能弄一张长凳进来。-Howard: Do you want to switch? switch: 交换 你要换吗?-Sheldon: No, that's fine.I'm perfectly comfortable sleeping on a bouncy castle.perfectly: 完美地 bouncy castle: 弹性城堡 bouncy: 跳跃的 不,没关系,我一点也不介意睡跳跳床。-Howard: Get out of bed.We're switching.起来,我们换。怎么了?-Sheldon: Now, only if you want to.如果你真的想换。
-Howard: Just get in the bed!你上床去就是了。
-Howard’s mother: What's going on? Are you boys roughhousing? roughhouse: 大吵大闹,骚乱,大打出手 你们想拆房子吗?-Howard: We're just talking, Ma!妈,我们只是在聊天。
-Howard’s mother: If you don't settle down right now, I'm not going to let you have any more sleepovers!sleepover: 在别人家里过夜的人
你们给我马上老实下来,不然下次不许带朋友回来住。-Howard: For God's sake, Ma, I'm 27 years old!And it's not even a school night!Comfy now? comfy=comfortable 舒服的,轻松的
看在上帝的份上,妈,我二十七岁了;更何况明天又不用上课!现在舒服了?-Sheldon: Meh.That poster of Halle Berry is a little unnerving.unnerve: 使丧失勇气,使焦躁
恩,那张哈利-贝瑞的海报让我不舒服。-Howard: So don't look at it.那就别看。
-Sheldon: She's like my fourth favorite Catwoman.她看起来像我第四喜欢的猫女。-Howard: No kidding.别开玩笑。
-Sheldon: Yeah, Julie Newmar, Michelle Pfieffer, Eartha Kitt, and then her.真的,朱莉·纽玛,米歇尔·菲佛,艾萨·凯特,然后就是她。-Howard: What about Lee Merriweather? 那李·玛丽维泽呢?-Sheldon: Oh, I forgot about Lee Merriweather.噢,我忘了李·玛丽维泽了。
-Howard: Well, I'm glad that's settled.settle: 安放,安顿 终于消停了。
-Sheldon: That makes Halle Berry my fifth favorite Catwoman.It's Julie Newmar, Michelle Pfieffer, Eartha Kitt, Lee Merriweather 那哈利-贝瑞就是我第五喜欢的猫女,朱莉·纽玛,米歇尔·菲佛,艾萨·凯特,还有李·玛丽维泽。
-Howard: Please, I'm begging you.Go to sleep.我求你了,快睡觉吧。
-Sheldon: I'm trying.I'm counting Catwomen.She did make a fine mutant in the X-Men movies, though.我在努力,我在数猫女,不过她在X战警里的变异人更好些。-Howard: Oh, for God's sake.for God's sake: 看在上帝面上 天哪!
-Sheldon: She's not my favorite of the X-Men.In order that would be: Wolverine, Cyclops--她不是我最喜欢的X战警,按顺序是金钢狼,雷射眼等等,Oh, wait, I forgot Professor X.Professor X, Wolverine, Cyclops, Iceman, then Storm, Angel, the Beast—
我忘了X教授;X教授金钢狼雷射眼,冰人,然后是暴风女,天使,还有野兽等等,No, wait, Nightcrawler.Professor X, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Cyclops, ceman, then Storm, Angel...还有蓝魔,X教授,蓝魔人,金钢狼,雷射眼,冰人,然后是:暴风女,天使„-Leonard: I'm coming!来了!-Sheldon: Hey...There he is.The my old buddy bud bud.buddy:伙伴,好朋友;小男孩;[美口]密友 早....他来了,我的老...老...朋...朋友。-Leonard: What's with him? 他怎么了?-Howard: Koothrappali dumped him on me, and he couldn't get to sleep, so I gave him a glass of warm milk with a handful of my mom's Valium in it......Valium: 安定
Koothrappali把他扔给我,他睡不着,所以我给了他一杯热牛奶,里面放了一把我妈的安定..but he still wouldn't shut up, so tag, you're It.可他还是不肯闭嘴,所以接着交给你了。-Sheldon: I'm ba-a-a-a-c-k.我回...回...来...了。
-Leonard: I still don't know why you left.我还是不知道你为什么搬走。-Sheldon: I can't tell you.不能告诉你。
-Leonard: Why not? 为什么?-Sheldon: I promised Penny.我答应Penny了。
-Leonard: You promised Penny what? 你答应Penny什么?-Sheldon: I wouldn't tell you the secret.Shhhhh!我答应不告诉你她的秘密,嘘!
-Leonard: What secret? Tell me the secret.什么秘密? 告诉我!
-Sheldon: Mom smokes in the car.Jesus is okay with it but we can't tell Dad.妈妈在车里抽烟;主会原谅的,但我们不能告诉爸爸的。-Leonard: Not that secret.The other secret.不,不是那个,另一个。
-Sheldon: I'm Batman--Shh!我是蝙蝠侠,嘘!
-Leonard: Damn it!Sheldon!You said Penny told you a secret.What's the secret? 妈的!Sheldon,你说Penny告诉你一个秘密,什么秘密?-Sheldon: Okay, I'll tell you, but you can't tell Leonard.好吧,我告诉你,可是你不能告诉Leonard。-Leonard: I promise.我保证。
-Sheldon: Penny lied about graduating from community college 'cause she's afraid she's not smart enough for Leonard.graduate: 毕业 community: 社区 smart: 聪明的
Penny说她从社区大学毕业是假的,她担心她不够聪明,配不上Leonard。-Leonard: So it's nothing I did? It's her problem? 所以不是我做错了什么? 是她自己的问题?-Sheldon: I drank milk that tasted funny.funny: 搞笑的
-Leonard: Penny thinks I'm too smart for her.That's ridiculous.ridiculous: adj.可笑的;荒谬的 Penny觉得我太聪明了,她配不上,怎么会?
-Sheldon: I know.Most of your work is extremely derivative.And don't worry, that's not a secret.Everybody knows.extremely: 极其,非常 derivative: 引出的,系出的
-Penny: Hi.嗨!
-Leonard: Yeah, hi.Listen, I know what's been bothering you about us and I have the answer.bother: 烦恼
我知道是什么让你烦恼了而且我已经有答案了。-Penny: What are you talking about? 你在说什么?-Leonard: Okay, first, I want to say that it's not Sheldon's fault.He tried very hard to keep your secret.fault: 错误
首先,我要说的是这不是Sheldon的错,他确实尽力为你保密了。If Howard didn't drugged him, he would've taken it to his grave.drug: 下药 grave: 坟墓
要不是Howard给他下了药,他会把秘密带进坟墓去的。-Penny: He told you? 他说了?-Leonard: Yes, but it's okay.Now that we know what the problem is there's a simple solution.simple: 简单的 solution: 解答
对,但是没关系,现在我们知道问题出在哪里,有一个很简单的办法。-Penny: Pasadena City College? Pasadena社区大学?-Leonard: A place for fun, a place for knowledge.See, this man here is playing hackey-sack, and this girl's gonna be a paralegal.knowledge: 知识 gonna=going to paralegal: 律师助理
-Penny: Oh, I get it.Because Dr.Leonard Hofstadter can't date a girl without a fancy college degree.哦,我明白了Leonard Hofstadter博士不能和一个没有好文凭的女孩子约会。-Leonard: Well, it's really not that fancy.It's just a city college.其实并不算好,只是一个社区大学而已
-Penny: Right, but I have to have some sort of degree to date you? degree: 文凭
好吧,就是说和你约会我得有张文凭?-Leonard: That doesn't matter to me at all.不,我半点也没所谓。
-Penny: So it's fine with you if I'm not smart.所以你不介意我不够聪明?-Leonard: Absolutely.Okay, this time, I know where I went wrong.Oh...Bite me!绝对不介意,好吧,这次我知道错在哪里了。噢,你咬我啊!
看LOST学英语 第五季11集:Whatever Happened, Happened
[Previously on Lost:] previously:以前,先前,预先 《迷失》前情提要
-Cassidy:This is your daughter.Her name's Clementine.这是你的女儿。她叫Clementine。-Man: Those are fake necklaces.fake:假的 necklace:项链 这些项链都是假的。
-Kate: I'll take the one on the end.末尾那条我要了。
-Cassidy:Why'd you help me? 为什么帮我?-Kate: Just one girl watching another girl's back, I guess.大家都是女人。
-Kate: Why are you telling me this? 为什么告诉我?-James: Just do it, freckles.freckles:雀斑 听话,雀斑女。
-Kate: I think we should say he's mine.我觉得我们该说他是我的。
-Jack: There's other ways to do this.总有其他办法的。
-Kate: After everyone we've lost, I can't lose him, too.lose:失去【 lost为lose过去分词】
-Man: My client insists that we...handle the exchange of custody quietly.You are going to lose the boy.client:客户 insist: 坚持,坚持认为(常与that连用)
handle:处理 exchange:交换 custody:监护权 quietly:私下里,秘密地
我的客户坚持要求„我们秘密移交监护权,这个孩子不再是你的了。-Jack: That’s Claire’s mother.是Claire的妈妈。
Everything that Kate and I have done, it was for Aaron.我和Kate做的一切都是为了Aaron。-Littleton: Who’s...Aaron? Aaron是谁?-Benjamin: I'm Ben.我是Ben。-Sayid: It's nice to meet you, Ben.见到你很高兴Ben。
-Benjamin: If I let you out...will you take me with you to your people? let out:释放;放走;让„走出
如果我放了你„就带我去见你的人?-Sayid: That's why I'm here.Jin? 这正是我的使命。Jin?-Jin: What are you doing here? 你怎么在这里?-Phil: Hello, Jin? Are you there? Jin? Can you hear me? 喂,Jin?你在吗?Jin?听见了吗?-Jin: Hello? 喂?-Phil: Jin? It’s Phil, man.Where have you been? Jin? 我是Phil 你去哪了? The hostile escaped.We're searching the east grid.hostile:敌人 escape:逃跑 search:搜索 grid:格栏 人质逃跑了,我们在搜查东边。-Jin: He's headed north.head: 使朝„方向行进 north: 向北方 他朝北边去了。
-Phil: How the hell do you know that? the hell: [表示惊讶、不满、厌恶等]见鬼,混蛋 hell: 地狱 你怎么知道?
-Jin: Because he attacked me.attack:袭击
-Phil: What? Where are you? Jin?!You still there? Jin? Jin!什么?你在哪里?Jin?还在吗?Jin?Jin!-Benjamin: Please help.救命。
-Horce: Okay, everybody, listen up.We don't know yet if another attack is coming.listen up:听好了
So everybody needs to be ready for your security assignments, okay? be ready for:为„做好准备 security:保卫,安全 assignment:分配(或指定)的东西 请大家时刻准备认领各自的保卫工作。
Make sure you're in contact with your team leaders.make sure: 弄明白(查明白)
be in contact with:保持联系 contact: 接触,联系 leader: 领导者
Lafleur's got search parties out, but the hostile's got a good jump on us.search party:搜索救援组 hostile: 敌对分子
get the jump on:[俚语]抢在„之前,先发制人;对„占优势,胜过 Lafleur已经派人搜查但人质巧妙脱逃。
We're pretty sure he used this fire as a persion in order to escape.persion:转移 in order to: 为了 escape: 逃脱 我们很确定火灾是声东击西他借机逃跑。-Hugo: Is he talking about Sayid? 他说的是Sayid吗?-Jack: If he was locked up, how could he start the fire? lock up:关押
他被关起来了怎么放火?-Horace: Who are you? 你是谁?-Jack: Jack Shephard.I'm...I'm new.Jack Shephard。我是„我新来的。
-Horace: Well, Jack, the way he started the fire is he had help, okay? Jack他能放火是因为有人帮他,懂吗?
Somebody torched that van, and then that somebody let him out of his cell.torch:(用火炬)点燃 van:货车 let out: 释放,放走 cell:牢房
And since the security cameras didn't pick up any hostiles crossing the perimeter, since:由于 camera:摄像头 pick up: 捉到 cross: 横越,跨越
perimeter:边缘 由于监视摄像头没拍到有敌人穿越边界。That means it was one of us.意味着是内奸干的。
Baxter, I want a full report on cleanup A.S.A.P.cleanup:清除 ASAP:as soon as possible尽快[其实口语中有时会采用这样的简写,还有FYI:=for your information: 供参考;SOB:=son of bitch,畜生,狗娘养的(骂人的文明说法)] Baxter 你立即清点人员。-Baxter: You got it, Horace.马上办,Horace。
-Roger: Hey, you.Yeah, you.You're in the motor pool, right? motor pool:车辆调配场
嘿,你。对,就是你。你是车辆调配组的,对吗?-Kate: Uh, yeah.是的。
-Roger: Do you mind running that winch for me? run:(机器等)运转;开动;转动 winch:绞盘 帮忙转绞盘好吗?
You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? 你完全不懂我在讲什么,是吧? Okay, no worries.Just throw this lever.When I tell you to stop...just pull it up.lever:杠杆 pull up: 把„向上拉
好,别担心。扳动这根杠杆我说停,你就拉起来。All right.See? Simple.Don't do it till I'm ready.simple: 简单的 好的,懂了? 很简单。等我口令。-Kate: Okay.好的。
-Roger: All right, crank her up.So they just stuck you in the motor pool when you got here? crank:用曲柄启动或转动 stick in:努力工作 好,扳下去。你一来他们就分配你管车辆调配?-Kate: Yeah, pretty much.pretty much :差不多 对,差不多。
-Roger: Yeah, same thing happened to me.我也差不多。
Wait, hold.Hold it there.That's good right there.That's good.hold: 使保持某种状态
I guess they couldn't sucker anybody into getting on that sub sucker: [美国俚语]欺骗,愚弄 sub:潜艇 估计没人会登上那艘潜艇的。
If they told us we were gonna be grease monkeys and janitors.grease monkey:汽车修理工 janitor:看门人 如果他们直说你们被派来做工人和看门的-Kate: Well, you gotta start somewhere, right? 但总得从底层做起,对吗?-Roger: Yeah.What's your name? 对。你叫什么名字?-Kate: I'm Kate.我叫Kate。
-Roger: Welcome aboard, Kate.I'm Roger.Roger Linus.欢迎加入Kate我叫Roger„Roger Linus。-Kate: It's nice to meet you, Roger.见到你很高兴,Roger。
-Roger: That’s my kid.That's my kid!那是我的孩子。那是我的孩子!
-Kate: Hi, handsome.Did you have a good sleep? Yeah, that's my boy.嗨,帅哥。睡得好吗?对,这才是好孩子。Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket falling star:流星 pocket:口袋 抓住流星放进口袋 never let it fade away fade away:消失 fade: 褪色,消失 永远闪光
catch a falling star and put it in your pocket 抓住流星,放进口袋 save it for a rainy day save: 保存 rainy:下雨天 下雨天再看看
-Cassidy:Oh, my god!噢,我的天!-Kate: Hi, Cassidy.你好,Cassidy。
-Cassidy:Oh, my god!I saw you on the news!news: 新闻
我的天!我在新闻里看见你了!I told all my friends, “I know that woman!” 我跟我朋友们说:“我认识那女的!”-Kate: This is Aaron.这是Aaron。
-Cassidy:Hi, Aaron.你好,Aaron。-Kate: Say hi.说“你好”。
-Cassidy: You survived a plane crash.It's amazing.I never thought I'd see you again.survive:活下来 crash:坠毁
你从飞机坠毁事件中活过来了。太厉害了。我以为再也见不到你了。What are you doing here? 你来这里干什么?-Kate: Sawyer sent me.send: 打发,派遣,差遣,派„前去 Sawyer让我来的。
-Cassidy: Sawyer.So that son of a bitch is still alive? alive:活着
Sawyer。这么说那个贱人还活着?-Kate: He was when I left.至少我走的时候还是。
-Cassidy: And he asked you to come here and give me an envelope full of money? envelope:信封
然后他让你来给我一信封的钱?-Kate: Well, he told me where to find you, and...他告诉我去哪找你,而且„
Said to take care of Clementine...his daughter? take care of: 照顾
说要照顾好Clementine„他的女儿?-Cassidy: Well, she's asleep in her crib right now.Want me to wake her up? asleep: 睡着的 crib:摇篮 wake up: 叫醒,弄醒 她现在还在摇篮里睡觉呢?想让我叫醒她么?
-Kate: I, uh, shouldn't have bothered you.I could've sent it, and I probably should have.should not have: 不该【但事实上已经做了】 bother:打扰 probably: 或许
哦,我不该来打扰你。我本可以把钱寄过来的,也许我该那么做。-Cassidy: Why did you tell me all this? Why'd you trust me? trust:相信
-Kate: Because I thought your daughter had a right to know that her father cared.right: 权利 care: 关心,在意
-Cassidy: Why didn't he come back with the rest of you? rest: 其余的
他为什么不跟你们一起回来?-Kate: The helicopter that we were on was running out of gas, helicopter:直升机 run out of:用完 gas:油 我们坐的直升机快没油了,so he jumped so that we could make it to the boat.so that:以便
于是他跳下去了,好让我们飞得到船上。-Cassidy: What a coward.coward:懦夫 真是个懦夫。
-Kate: He was trying to do the right thing.他只是想帮我们。
-Cassidy: He was trying to get away from you.I told him he had a daughter.get away from:逃离
他想离开你们。我告诉过他,他有个女儿。He never so much as lifted a finger to try to call her.so much as:甚至,连 lift:抬起 finger:指头 他连指头都懒得抬起打个电话给她
So now I'm supposed to think he's a hero because he told you to come here and help us? be supposed to:应该 hero:英雄
现在因为他告诉你来帮我们,我就该把他当英雄看? Hell, I bet this money's not even his, is it? 死去吧,我猜这钱都不是他的是不是?
-Kate: They gave us a settlement after the crash, and I didn't need it all… settlement:赔偿金
他们给了我赔偿金我不需要那么多„-Cassidy: You don't have to explain it, Kate.你不用解释,Kate。
You got the same look on your face I did when he ditched me.ditch:抛弃
你的表情和我当初被他抛弃时一模一样。All I have for you is sympathy.Is it his? sympathy: 同情
我真同情你。是他的么?-Kate: What? 什么?
-Cassidy: Your son.Is it Sawyer's? 你儿子。是Sawyer的么?
-Kate: No.No, I was...pregnant before I met him.pregnant: 怀孕的
不是,不是,我„在遇见他之前就怀孕了。-Cassidy: That’s not your baby, is it? 那不是你孩子,是不是?
Kate, you just told me that you and your friends cooked a story for the whole world about what happened on that island.cook: 筹划
Kate 你眼神告诉我你和你朋友编了个故事来糊弄全世界。
So you tell me the truth about that? Why are you lying to me about him? lie: 撒谎
你刚才说的是真的?你为什么要替他撒谎?-Kate: Because I have to.因为我没办法。
-Kate: What happened? 发生了什么?-James: What the hell are you doing here? 你在这里做什么?
-Kate: That was Ben.That kid who was shot was Ben.Was it Sayid? Did he shoot him? shoot:开枪
-James: Here's what you need to do, Kate keep your mouth shut and stop asking questions.shut: 关闭的,合拢的
'Cause putting any attention on yourself is the last thing I need right now.attention:注意
Now scram.I don't want you around here.scram:走开
-Kate: I just wanna know what's going on.我只想知道发生什么了
-Horace: Lafleur.What...what, uh...what's she doing here? Lafleur。怎么„怎么她在这儿?-James: This is, uh...这是„
-Kate: I'm Kate.Kate.She's new over at the motor pool.我叫Kate。Kate她是新来的,在汽车调配场工作。
I was seeing if she saw anything suspicious, but she didn't, so...suspicious:可疑的
我正问她看见什么可疑的,没但是她没看见。所以„ you can run along, thanks.你可以走了,谢谢。-Horace: Have you checked out the hostile's cell yet? check out: 检验,检查 hostile:敌人 cell:牢房 你查关敌人的牢房了么?
-James: I was a little busy trying to keep the town from burning down, Horace.keep from: 阻止,防止 burn down: 烧毁 我忙着救火去了,Horace。
-Horace: Okay.Well, then let's do it.He didn't break out.Somebody let him out.break out: 突然逃跑,(使)脱逃,逃出(监狱),(使)逃走 那么,现在去看看吧。他不是越狱,有人放走他的。-James: These are janitor's keys.janitor:看门人
-Horace: We've only got three janitors.There's Roger, Willie and, uh, that new guy.只有三个看门人。有Roger Willie 还有„那个新来的。I just met him.His name's jack.我刚见过他。他叫Jack。
-James: Yeah.I just brought him in from the sub.I'll go talk to him.sub:潜艇
对,那天是我把他从潜艇接来的我跟他谈谈去。Miles, you wanna come with me? Miles 跟我一块去?-Miles: Yeah, sure, boss.boss:上司
-James: All right, I want you to find Jack and Hurley and Kate as quick as you can.你马上去找Jack Hurley还有Kate Put 'em in a house and sit on 'em.‘em:[口]=them 集中在一个屋里,看好他们。-Miles: What for? 为什么?-James: 'Cause I don't want 'em talking to anybody else.因为我不想让他们跟其他人说话。
Things are starting to spin out of control here.spin out of control:【失去控制 spin out: [美国俚语](车辆)打滑失控】 这儿有点乱套了。-Miles: All right, I got it.好的,没问题。-James: All right, go.好的,去吧。
-Roger: Who did this? Do you know who did this to my son? 谁干的?你知道是谁伤害我儿子的么?
-James: Not yet, but we're working on it.How's he doing? 还没,我们正在查,他怎样了?-Roger: I don't know.Juliet told me to wait out here.不知道。Juliet让我在外面等。
-James: Let me see if I can get an update for ya.ya:=you: 你
我去看看能不能给你最新情况。-Roger: Thanks, Jim.多谢Jim。-James: Roger? Roger?
-Roger: Yeah? 嗯?
-James: You happen to have your keys with you? happen to:发生在„身上 你带着钥匙么?-Roger: Yeah.Why? What do you need? I must 've left them at...at the house.嗯,怎么了?你要干嘛用?我肯定是忘在家里了。-Roger: It's all right.Don't worry about it.没事,别多想了。-Juliet: More gauze.gauze:纱布。再来点纱布。
-Nurse: Here's some gauze.给你纱布。
-Juliet: Yeah, right here.yeah.这里,对。
If we can't stop the hemorrhaging, we're just gonna have to pack the whole tract.hemorrhage:出血 pack: 【医学】(用裹布)包裹 tract:【解剖学、动物学】道;系统;(神经纤维的)一束
要是不能阻止出血,只能先全包扎起来。-Nurse: Okay.好。
-James: Where's the doctor? 医生在哪?
-Juliet: At the looking glass station till Friday.station:站
在窥镜站,周五才能回来。-James: How is he doing? 他怎么样了?
-Juliet: Not well.Hook him.He's still bleeding in there somewhere, and I can't fix it.hook:挂住 bleed:出血 fix:[美俚]处理
不乐观。扶着。还有地方在出血,我止不住。-James: It's all right.没事。
-Juliet: No, it's not all right.不,有事。
Someone needs to get in there who can find the damage that bullet did and fix it.damage:损坏 bullet:子弹
需要能找到出血点的人来修复。He needs a real surgeon.surgeon:外科医生
-Jack: You’re telling us we're under house arrest? under house arrest:在软禁中 arrest:监禁 你说我们被软禁了?-Miles: No, you're all free to leave whenever you want...but I'll shoot you in the leg.be free to: 随意(任意,不受拘束)不,你们愿去哪儿去哪儿„但我会朝你们腿开枪。-Jack: And whose idea was this? 这是谁的主意?-Miles: Who do you think? 你觉得呢?-Kate: Sawyer's just doing his job, Jack.Sawyer只不过在尽本分而已 Jack。-Miles: What the hell are you doing, tubby? tubby:矮胖的
你这是干嘛,肥猪?-Hugo: Checking to see if I'm disappearing.disappear:消失 看我消失了没有。-Miles: What? 什么?
-Hugo: “Back to the future,” man.“回到未来”伙计。
We came back in time to the island and changed stuff.stuff:东西
So if little Ben dies, he'll never grow up to be big Ben, grow up: 长大,成长
如果小Ben死了他就不会长大成大Ben Who’s the one who made us come back here in the first place.in the first place: 起初,首先
Which means we can't be here.And therefore, dude? therefore:因此 dude:伙计
所以我们不可能在这儿。所以,伙计? We don't exist.exist: 存在 我们不存在。-Miles: You're an idiot.idiot:笨蛋 你是个笨蛋。-Hugo: Am I? 是么?
-Miles: Yeah.It doesn't work like that.You can't change anything.你是。不是那样的。什么都改变不了。
You're maniac Iraqi buddy shot Linus.That is what always happened.maniac:疯子 Iraqi:伊拉克
那个疯伊拉克人开枪打了Linus。这件事是肯定发生过的。It's just...we never experienced how it all turns out.experience:经历 turn out: 成为,变成 只是我们没经历过其间的那段历史。-Hugo: This is really confusing.confusing:难以理解 什么乱七八糟的。
-Miles: Yeah, well, get used to it.But the good news is that Linus didn't die, get used to:习惯于
习惯习惯吧。好消息是 Linus没死。
so that means the kid can't either.He'll be fine.either:也
-Kate: Didn't look like he was gonna be fine.What if you're wrong? 看起来可不像那样。要是你错了呢?
-Miles: Well, if I'm wrong, then I guess we all stop existing, exist:存在
要是我错了,估计我们就不存在了吧。And none of it matters anyway then, does it? none: 一点也不
那什么也无所谓了,对吧?-James: Doc, I need you to come with me.doc:医生
-Jack: Come with you where? 去哪儿?-James: Juliet said the kid's losing blood, and we ain't got none to put back in him.blood:血 ain’t:[口]=am not , are not, is not Juliet说孩子失血过多我们血液储备不够
So we need you to show us where he sprung a leak.spring:裂开 leak:漏洞 所以你要去找出血点。-Jack: No.不。
-James: What? 什么?
-Jack: No, I'm not coming with you.不,我不跟你去。
-James: If you don't come with me, Jack, that kid's gonna die.要是你不跟我来Jack,他会死的。-James: Then he dies.死就死。
-Kate: What are you doing? 你干什么?
-Jack: Making some sandwiches.I figured everybody'd be getting hungry by now.sandwich:三明治 figure:估计 hungry: 饥饿的 做三明治。我估计大家现在都饿了吧。
-Kate: He’s just a boy, Jack.You can’t just let him die.他只是个孩子。Jack,你不能见死不救。
-Jack: You heard Miles.We can't change what's already happened.Miles的话你也听见了,已经发生的事情无法改变。This has nothing to do with me.这跟我没关系。
-Kate: Unless you're the one who's supposed to save him.unless:除非 be supposed to:应该
-Jack: 30 years from now, that boy's gonna be a man that locks me in a cage because he needs surgery.lock:关押 cage:笼子 surgery:外科手术
And then you're gonna come in and you're gonna beg me to operate on him beg to:请求 operate on:给„做手术 然后你会进来,求我给他做手术。
Because he's threatening to murder Sawyer.I've already done this once.threat:威胁 murder:谋杀
I've already saved Benjamin Linus, and I did it for you, Kate.我已经救过Benjamin Linus一次我是为你才这么做的 Kate I don't need to do it again.我不需要再重来一遍。
-Kate: This is our fault.We brought Sayid back.We caused this.fault:错误 cause:引起
-Jack: You know, when we were here before, I spent all of my time trying to fix things.上次我们在这儿的时候我一直在挽救。
But...did you ever think that maybe the island just wants to fix things itself? 但是„你想过么也许小岛想自己修复? And maybe I was just...getting in the way? get in the way:阻碍(妨碍)而我却...挡了道?-Kate: You know, I don't like the new you.I liked the old you, 我不喜欢现在的你。我曾喜欢以前的你
who wouldn't just sit around and wait for things to happen.sit around:坐着没事干 不会坐视不管听天由命。
-Jack: You didn't like the old me, Kate.你不曾喜欢过以前的我,Kate。-Miles: Where are you going? 你去哪儿?
-Juliet: Just relax.You're okay.relax:放松
-Nurse: I'm sorry.Juliet? One of the new people is here.打扰下,Juliet?有个新人过来了。
She heard Ben needed blood, says she's a universal donor.universal donor:万能供血者 universal:通用的 donor:捐赠者 她听说我们需要血液,说她是个万能供血者。
-Juliet: This might hurt for a second.Good.Very brave.brave:勇敢
So James told me that Jack wouldn't help, but he didn't say why.James告诉我Jack不肯帮忙,但是他没说原因。
-Kate: If I understood why Jack does what he does, I sure as hell wouldn't be sitting here.understand:理解 as hell: [口语]很,非常,极其
要是我理解Jack为什么那么做,我就不会来了。-Juliet: Off island, did something happen with you two? happen:发生
来岛前,你们俩之间发生过一些事?-Kate: We were engaged.Does that count? engage: 订婚 count:认为,视为 我们订过婚。这算么?-Roger: What's going on? 怎么样了?
-Juliet: Roger, I asked you to wait outside.outside:外面
-Roger: No, what's going on with my kid? 不,我孩子怎么样了?
-Juliet: Kate is giving us some fresh blood so we can transfuse Ben.fresh:新鲜 transfuse:输血
Kate正在献血,我们可以给Ben输血。-Roger: Well, I'm not waiting outside.我不要在外面等。-Juliet: You know… 你知道„
-Kate: He could stay with me, and you could check on Ben, 他可以和我一起,你可以去看看Ben。
And…and Roger here could keep me company, make sure I don't pass out.keep company:陪伴某人 make sure:确保 pass out:昏厥 Roger可以给我作伴,确保我不会晕过去。-Juliet: Okay.Roger, have a seat.好吧,Roger坐吧。
-Roger: Thanks.Sure.He stole my keys.谢谢,不客气。他偷了我的钥匙。-Kate: Sorry? 什么?-Roger: Lafleur asked me where my keys were.Lafleur问我我的钥匙在哪儿。
That bastard doesn't ask any questions he doesn't know the answers to...bastard:混蛋
which means my son stole my keys so he could bust that animal out of jail.bust:打破,打开 jail:监狱
也就是说我儿子偷了我的钥匙,放那个畜牲出去。-Kate: Why…why would he do that? 他„他为什么会那么做?
-Roger: Because of me.You got kids? 因为我。你有孩子么?-Kate: No.没有。
-Roger: I thought I was gonna be the greatest father ever.You know? 我还以为我会是世界上最好的父亲。I guess it didn't work out that way.work out: 发展 事与愿违哪。
-Kate: What about his mother? Is she still around? around:在周围
-Roger: No, she's dead.She died the day he was born.不,她过世了。他出生的那天死的。-Kate: I'm sorry.抱歉。
-Roger: Yeah, me, too.I tried to do what I thought she'd want me to do, but...嗯。我也是。我尽力填补母亲的空缺,不过„ I guess a boy just needs his mother.What’s going on? guess:猜想
男孩子还是需要母亲。怎么了? He's going into hypoxic shock.hypoxic:缺氧 shock:休克 他要缺氧休克了。
-Roger: What does that mean? What's the matter with him? 什么意思?他怎么了?
-Juliet: He needs more oxygen.Roger, get out of here!oxygen:氧气
他需要氧气。Roger出去!What? 什么?
-Juliet: Get him out of here!把他弄出去!
-Roger: Wait!What… what is… 等等!什么„
-nurse: Please, Roger, just wait outside.拜托,Roger到外面等。-Roger: Wait a minute.等等。
-Hugo: Let me get this straight.All this already happened.get straight:了解,搞通
是不是这样。这一切都已经发生过。-Miles: Yes.是的。
-Hugo: So this conversation we're having right now...we already had it.conversation:谈话
所以,这次谈话„已经发生过。-Miles: Yes!对!-Hugo: Then what am I gonna say next? 那接下来我要说什么?-Miles: I don't know.我不知道。
-Hugo: Then your theory is wrong!theory:理论 那你的理论错了!-Miles: For the thousandth time, you dingbat, the conversation already happened, dingbat:[美国、澳大利亚、新西兰俚语]怪人;傻瓜,笨蛋 说了多少次了,你个傻蛋,这次谈话已经发生了。
but not for you and me.For you and me, it's happening right now.但对你我还没。对你我是正在发生。
-Hugo: Okay, answer me this.If all this already happened to me, then...你说说这个。要是这已经发生过le„ Why don't I remember any of it? 为什么我什么都不记得?-Miles: Because once Ben turned that wheel, time isn't a straight line for us anymore.wheel:轮子 straight line:直线
Our experiences in the past and the future occurred before these experiences right now.experience:经历
我们过去和未来的历史,发生在现在这一刻之前。-Hugo: Say that again.再说一遍。
-Miles: Shoot me.Please.Please? 开枪打我,打我啊。
-Hugo: I can't shoot you.Because if you die in 1977, 我不能打你。要是你1977年就死了,then you'll never come back to the island on the freighter 30 years from now.freighter:货船
-Miles: I can die because I've already come to the island on the freighter.我可以死!因为我已经坐货船回到岛上了。Any of us can die because this is our present.我们所有人都可以死,因为对我们来说这才是现在。
-Hugo: But you said Ben couldn't die because he still has to grow up and become the leader of the others.leader:领袖
但是你说Ben不能死,因为他要长大成为其他人的领袖。-Miles: Because this is his past.因为这是他的过去。
-Hugo: But when we first captured Ben, and Sayid, like tortured him, capture:俘获 torture:拷供
then why wouldn't he remember getting shot by that same guy when he was a kid? 他为什么不记得小时候被他伤过?-Hugo: I hadn't thought of that.我没想到这个。-Roger: How is he? 他怎么样了?-Juliet: He's stable.stable:稳定的 稳定下来了。
-Roger: Is he gonna be okay? 他会好起来吗?
-Juliet: He's got some fresh blood running through him, which is a good thing.我们给他输了新鲜血液,对他来说是件好事。Roger, I need you to go out to the medical station.medical station:医疗救护站 Roger,拜托你去一趟医疗站。There are some supplies there that we don't have here.supplies:供给品
-Roger: Hey, I just wanna say, I...I wanna say thanks.我想说„我„我想说声谢谢。
I know that you're doing everything you can...to save him, and...我知道你正尽一切所能„去救他„ All right, I'm…I'm gonna go, okay? 好了,我得走了。-Kate: Is he any better? 他好点没?
-Juliet: He is stable now.But I can't, um...I can't fix it.现在是稳定了。可我没法„治愈他。
-Kate: What about the sub? I mean, can we take him somewhere? sub:潜水艇
那潜水艇呢?我是说,要不带他出去?-Juliet: No.It's gone.It won't be back for a couple of months.a couple of: 两个,几个
不行,它离开了。2个月之内是不会回来的。-Kate: But he can't die, right? 可他不会死的,对吧?-Juliet: He is going to die.He is in a medical situation that is not resolvable.situation:情况 resolvable:可解决的 他快死了。他的情况几乎无可逆转了。
-Kate: Okay, well, we can't just sit here and do nothing.那咱们总不能在这坐以待毙啊。
I mean, there's got to be someone who can help him.We have entire...entire:整个
一定有人能救他的。我们有整个„ What? 怎么了?-Juliet: Maybe there's something they can do.或许他们能帮上忙。-Kate: “They”? “他们”?
-Juliet: The others.其他人。
-Juliet: You got him? 抱稳了?-Kate: Yeah.嗯。
-Juliet: Ready? 准备好了?-Kate: One, two, three, go.一二三,起。
-Juliet: Okay, let’s go.I'm coming with you.好了,咱们走。我和你一起去。
-Kate: No, no, no, no.If something goes wrong or we get caught, 不不不。万一出了差错,咱们不幸被捕
It doesn't matter for me, but you've got a whole life here.对我而言是无所谓。但对你来说,这里是你生活的全部。
And besides, if Sawyer knew that I got you involved in this, he'd kill me.besides:还有 involve in:使陷入
还有,万一Sawyer知道我把你也牵扯进来,他会杀了我的。-Juliet: How are you gonna manage? manage: 设法对付;应付 你自己能办到吗?
-Kate: I'll manage don't worry.我能行,别担心。
-Juliet: Kate, Sawyer’s gonna find out Ben’s gone, and when he does, Kate Sawyer肯定会发现Ben不见了,I have to tell him what happened.But I'll give you as much of a head start as I can.head start: 先起动的优势;占先;领先(或有利)的开端
到那时我就得和盘托出了。但我会尽量为你多争取些时间。Good luck.luck:运气 祝你好运。
-Benjamin: There’s someone...someone here in Los Angeles.Let me take you to them.有个人„就在洛杉矶有个人„让我带你们去见他们。-Sun: Who? 谁?
-Benjamin: The same person that's gonna show us how to get back the island.就是那个将要告诉我们回岛方法的人。
-Kate: Is that what this is about? You knew about this.原来如此啊?你早就知道了。-Jack: No, I was so… 不是,我„
-Kate: And that is why you were pretending to care about Aaron, to convince me to go back there? pretend:假装 convince:说服
所以你假装关心Aaron,就是为了说服我回去?-Jack: I wasn't pretending anything.我没有假装什么。
-Kate: This is insane.You guys are crazy.insane:疯狂的 guy:家伙 crazy:疯狂的 简直疯了,你们这群疯子。-Jack: Kate Kate…
-Kate: Jack, don't!Jack不要!-Aaron: Mommy, I'm thirsty.I need some milk.thirsty:口渴
-Kate: Do you want chocolate milk or regular milk? chocolate:巧克力 regular:正常的 你想喝巧克力味的还是原味的?-Aaron: Juice box.juice:果汁 果汁。
-Kate: You don't want milk anymore? 又不想喝牛奶了?-Aaron: Juice box.果汁。
-Kate: Excuse me.Where are you juice boxes? 请问一下。果汁在哪里?-Man A: Aisle 5.aisle:通道 5号过道。
-Kate: Thank you very much.Aaron? Um, excuse me.Have you seen my son? 非常感谢。Aaron? 不好意思,你有没有看到我儿子?-Man A: I'm sorry? 什么?
-Kate: A little 3year old blond? Aaron? Aaron? Aaron? Aaron!blond:淡黄色的
一个三岁的金发男孩。Aaron? Aaron?Aaron?Aaron!Excuse me.I've lost my son.He's 3.He's a little blond boy.劳驾,我找不到我儿子了。男孩,三岁,留着一头金发。-Man B: Don't worry, ma'am.I'll make an announcement.announcement:通知
-Kate: No, no, no.You have to seal off the store.You...Aaron? Hey, seal off: 封锁,封闭
不不,你得封锁这个商店。你„Aaron? 嘿。
-Woman: Is this your mommy? Honey, is this your mommy? I found him in the fruit section.fruit:水果 section:区
这是你妈妈吗?宝贝儿,这是你妈妈吗?我在水果摊前看到他的。I…he looked lost I was getting ready to make an announcement.我„他好像迷路了,我正想去找人广播。
-Kate: Thank you.Thank you very much.It’s okay, honey.Mommy's got you.Mommy's got you.谢谢你,太感谢了。没事了,宝贝,妈妈来了。妈妈找到你了。-Benjamin: Tell...tell my...告诉„告诉我„
-Kate: Try not to talk, okay? 尽量别说话,好吗?
-Benjamin: Tell my dad I'm sorry I stole his keys.steal:偷窃
-Kate: I know you gotta stop me...but I can't just let that kid die.我知道你想阻止我„但我不会看着这孩子死的。
-James: Damn it, freckles.I ain't here to stop you.I'm here to help you.freckles:雀斑
靠,雀斑女,我不是来阻止你的。我来帮你。-Clementine: Hi, auntie Kate!嗨,Kate阿姨!
-Kate: Hi, Clementine.Is your mommy home? 嗨,Clementine。你妈妈在家吗?-Clementine: Sure.I'll go get her.当然,我去叫她。
-Cassidy: They’re going back? To the island? 他们要回去?回岛上去?
Why in god's name would they wanna do that? 我的天,他们干嘛要这么做?
-Kate: I don't know.Jack says that we weren't supposed to leave.我不知道。Jack说我们不该离开。
-Cassidy: Well, Jack sounds like a piece of work.You look exhausted.Drink this.a piece of work: 【原意是“一项工作”,也可表达“讨厌的家伙”之意】 exhausted:疲惫的 Jack麻烦事儿特多。你看上去累坏了,把这个喝了。Curl up on my bed.Take a nap.I'll watch your fella.curl up:蜷曲 nap:小睡 fella:小家伙
去我床上躺躺,小睡一会儿,我来照看你的小宝贝-Kate: I lost him.我把他丢了。-Cassidy: What? 什么?
-Kate: I don't know what happened.We were in the supermarket, supermarket:超市
我不知道是怎么了。我们本来在超市里,and I turned around for one second, and he was gone.turn around: 转身
And, you know, the crazy thing is, is that...as scared as I was...I wasn't surprised.crazy:疯狂的 scared:害怕 surprised:惊讶
还有,最荒谬的是„虽然当时我很害怕„但我并不感到惊讶。All I could think was it's about time.Why would I feel that way? 我想到的是是时候了,我怎么会那么想? I mean, why would I expect him to be taken? expect:期望 我怎么会等着他被带走?-Cassidy: Because you took him, Kate.因为你带走了他,Kate。
-Kate: No, I...Claire was gone.I mean, she left him.I had to take him.He needed me.不,我„Claire不在了。她扔下他。我必须要带上他。他需要我。
-Cassidy: You needed him.Sawyer broke your heart.How else were you supposed to fix it? be supposed to:应该
-James: Figure out how you were gonna carry him out there by yourself? 想到如何独自扛走他了吗?
-Kate: Well, he line's just right over there, right? The others are on the other side.边界就是那条了,其他人就在那边。
-James: Well, they ain't right on the her side.We better get moving.他们不会总是在那边的。我们快走吧。
-Kate: Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me? 你为什么要这么做?为什么帮我?
-James: When I found out Ben was gone, and Juliet told me what you were up to, up to: 正在做
当我发现Ben走了,Juliet告诉我你的目的后,I asked that exact damn question...why are you helping Ben? And she said...exact:准确的 damn: 该死的,可恶的
No matter what he's gonna grow up to be, it's wrong to let a kid die.no matter:无论 grow up:长大
无论他长大后是怎么样,我们也不能让孩子死去。So...that's why I'm doing this.I'm doing it for her.所以„我就来了。为了她。-Juliet: Where's Jack? Jack呢?
-Miles: Uh, he…he's in the shower.I think.shower:洗澡 在洗澡吧。
-Hugo: Is he in trouble? trouble:麻烦 他有麻烦了?
-Juliet: I just need to talk to him.You two mind giving us some privacy? privacy:隐私
-Miles: Hey, ask me more questions about time travel.travel:旅行
继续问我关于时间穿梭的事吧。-Juliet: I needed you.我要你帮忙。-Jack: I'm sorry? 什么?
-Juliet: That kid was bleeding out.You're a surgeon, and I needed you.surgeon:外科医生
那孩子血流不止。你是外科医生,我要你帮忙。-Jack: That kid is Ben.那孩子是Ben。
-Juliet: That's not Ben yet.He's just a kid.Ben还没成为Ben呢。他只是个孩子。-Jack: Juliet, I’m sorry.I can't help you.Juliet抱歉。帮不了你。
-Juliet: I'm not asking for your help, Jack.You made it pretty clear you weren't interested.我不是来向你求助的,Jack。很明显你并不在意。It's up to Sawyer and Kate now.be up to: 由某人决定
那只能看Sawyer和Kate运气如何了。-Jack: What? 什么?
-Juliet: She's trying to save him, and I sent James after her to help save:拯救
她正在救他,我让James去帮忙了。Because they actually care.actually:确实
-Jack: I came back here because I care, Juliet.我回来是因为我在乎,Juliet。
I came back here because I was trying to save you.我回来是因为我要救你。
-Juliet: We didn't need saving!We've been fine for three years.我们不需要你救!我们3年来生活的很好。You came back here for you.你是为了自己而回来的
At least do me the courtesy of telling me why.at least:至少 courtesy:好意 你起码得回答我为什么。
-Jack: I came back...because I was supposed to.我回来„是因为我本该如此。-Juliet: Supposed to do what? 本该什么?
-Jack: I don't know yet.我还不知道。
-Juliet: Well, you'd better figure it out.figure out:明白 最好快弄清楚。
-Kate: You know, I can take him for a while.我也可以抱他一下的。-James: Sure you can.当然。
-Kate: You know, his father said that you think Ben broke Sayid out.break out: 突然逃跑,(使)脱逃,逃出(监狱),(使)逃走 他爸爸说你认为是Ben放了Sayid。
-James: Kid'll do almost anything if he's pissed off enough at his folks.be pissed of:发怒 piss: [美国俚语]抱怨
folk:父母 孩子对亲人不满时什么事都做得出。
-Kate: Is that why you asked me to take care of your daughter? 那就是为什么你要我照顾好你女儿?-James: Did you? 照顾好了吗?
-Kate: Of course I did.Go ahead and tip his head back.tip:使倾斜
当然。把他头抬起来。-James: What's she like? 她长什么样?-Kate: Clementine? Clementine?-James: Yeah.Clementine.嗯。Clementine。
-Kate: Oh, she's beautiful.Looks just like you when she smiles.她漂亮极了。笑起来的时候像你。
She's growing up fast.Already has a little attitude.attitude: [美国俚语、口语]敌视态度,不友好态度 她成长的很快。已经有点叛逆了。
-James: I bet you and Cassidy had a lot to talk about.bet:肯定
-Kate: She had an interesting theory on why you jumped off the chopper.theory:见解 chopper:[美俚]直升机 她对你跳下直升机的事别有见解。-James: Yeah? What's that? 什么?
-Kate: She thought you were worried about what would happen if you didn’t.她认为你会担心不跳下来会发生什么。
-James: You and me would've never worked out, Kate.work out:产生结果
I wasn't any more fit to be your boyfriend than I am to be that little girl's father.fit to:相配
我做不了你男友,就像我做不了那孩子她爸一样。-Kate: You seem to be doing all right with Juliet.seem:好像
-James: Yeah.I've done a lot of growing up the past three years.是。过去3年来我成长不少。
-Man: Hands up!Do not move.I said don't move.This is a violation of the truce.You're over the line.violation:违反 truce:休战
举起手来!不许动,不许动。这违反了休战协定,你们过界了。-James: We know.This kid's been shot.That's both of our problems.我知道。这孩子中枪了。我们双方都有责任
So unless you want to go to war, you're gonna take us to Richard Alpert, unless:除非
你是要开战还是带我们去找Richard Alpert,and you're gonna do it now.快决定。
-Kate: Mrs.Littleton, um, I’m Kate Austen.Littleton夫人,我是Kate Austen。-Littleton: I know who you are.Come in.我知道你是谁。进来吧。-Kate: Thank you.谢谢。
-Littleton: Your friend Dr.Shephard came here last night, 你朋友Shephard医生昨晚来过。
going on and on about some person named Aaron.一直在说一个叫Aaron的人。
When I asked him who that was, he ran out of here like the room was on fire.我问他那是谁,他发疯似的跑了出去。
-Kate: He's your grandson.And your daughter Claire...is alive.grandson:外孙 alive:活着
-Littleton: What are you talking about? Claire died in the plane crash.你说什么?Claire在坠机中身亡了。
-Kate: No, she survived.When we crashed, your daughter was eight months pregnant, survive:幸存 crash:坠毁 pregnant:怀孕的
不,她活下来了。我们坠机时,你女儿已经怀孕8个月„ and...she's the one who gave birth on the island, not me.give birth: 生孩子
We lied.There were other survivors, too.We just left them behind.survivor: 幸存者
leave behind: 把„丢在后面
我们说谎了。还有其他的幸存者,我们弃他们而去。-Littleton: Why? Why would you leave her there? 为什么?你们为什么要抛下她?
-Kate: Because she disappeared, and she left the baby behind.disappear:消失
We looked everywhere, but...that's when I started taking care of Aaron.take care of: 照顾
And when we were rescued, we didn't …we had to decide what to do with him.rescue:营救 decide:决定
And I knew that she had wanted him to be adopted, but I couldn’t.adopt:领养
我知道她希望送他去领养,但我无法放手。I had to protect him, so I said he was mine.protect:保护
-Littleton: Why did you lie? Why didn't you come to me in the first place? 你为啥撒谎?你为什么不早点找我?-Kate: Because I needed him.I'm sorry.因为我需要他。对不起。
You’re gonna see that he's so sweet and kind and good.你看看他有多么乖巧可爱。-Littleton: Where is he? 他在哪里?
-Kate: Um, I checked in two doors down.He's asleep.我在隔壁的隔壁开了间房。他在睡觉。I know that this is a lot for you to handle.But...handle:应付
When you're ready, he's waiting for you.当你准备好,他在等着见你。
I told him that you're his grandmother, grandmother:祖母
that you'll take care of him while I'm gone and that I'll be back soon.我离开时你会照顾他我很快会回来
-Littleton: Where are you going? I'm going back to find your daughter.你要去哪里?我回去找你的女儿。-Kate: Bye-bye, baby.拜拜,宝贝。
-James: Don't worry.We got 'em right where we want 'em.别担心,他们正带我们去该去的地方。-Man: Shut up and keep moving.shut up:闭嘴
-James: What's it look like I'm doing? 这不是在走嘛?-Richard: Hello there, James.你好啊,James。
-James: Where the hell did you come from? 你从哪冒出来的?-Richard: You asked my people to bring you to me.Here I am.Is that Benjamin Linus? 你叫我的人带你来见我。我就来了。这就是Benjamin Linus?-James: You two know each other? each other:彼此 你们互相认识?
-Richard: What happened to him? 他怎么了?
-Kate: He was shot.他中枪了。
-Richard: And who might you be? 你又是谁?
-James: She's with me.她跟我一起的。
-Richard: And why are you here? 那你为啥在这里?
-Kate: 'Cause we need you to save his life.Can you? 我们需要你救他一命。你可以做到吗?
-Richard: If I take him, he's not ever gonna be the same again.若我带走他,他将永远改变。-Kate: What do you mean by that? 什么意思?
-Richard: What I mean is that...he'll forget this ever happened, and that...我的意思是„他会失忆,然后„
His innocence will be gone.He will always be one of us.You still want me to take him? innocence:单纯
他将不再单纯。他将永远成为我们一员。你还想我带走他吗?-Kate: Yes.是的。
-Man: Richard...you shouldn't do this without asking Ellie.And if Charles finds out Richard„没问过Ellie前,你不该行动。要是Charles得知„.-Richard: Let him find out.I don't answer to either of them.就让他知道。我从不听他们指挥。-Kate: Wh…where are you taking him? 你要把他带到哪里?-James: Come on.走吧。
-John: Hello, Ben.Welcome back to the land of the living.the land of the living:人世(现世)你好,Ben欢迎回到人间。
第四篇:憨豆先生的假期 英文剧本台词
看电影学英语 Mr.Beans Holiday 《憨豆先生的假期》
[Scene: Mr.Beans goes to claim the “roof appeal” prize, the compereis making a pronouncement.] claim: 索取,认领 roof: 屋顶 appeal: 吸引力;呼吁 prize: 奖品 compere: 主持人 pronouncement: 公告;声明
-Compere: Three one.Thirty-one.3-1。31号。
Over here!Ah, Mrs.Lucas.这里!获奖者是Lucas夫人。Congratulations, Mrs.Lucas.祝贺你!Lucas夫人。
And now, to the first prize in today's raffle in aid of the “roof appeal.” raffle: 以抽彩方式售物 in aid of:援助,帮助 roof appeal:【来源于Duke of York's Picture House,an art house cinema in Brighton, England,In 2007, it launched a roof appeal to replace its leaking roof.由于一大笔钱由公众筹资,由此也形成了一项基金,可解释为“屋顶捐助”】
此次“屋顶捐助”抽奖活动的优胜者即将揭晓。Thank you, Lily.谢谢你,Lily。
Indeed.The magnificent holiday to the South of France, indeed: 确实,实在 magnificent:华丽的 这次去法国南部的豪华之旅,kindly sponsored by Dalesborough Travel Limited.kindly: 友善地 sponsor :赞助 Limited: 有限的,【在文中为“有限公司”,简写为Ltd.】 由恋人旅游有限公司友情赞助。So thank you, guys.guy:(男)人,伙计,各位 谢谢各位!
The winner of this prize will travel by Eurostar train to Paris, winner: 获奖者,胜利者 Eurostar train:欧洲之星号,列车名 获奖的优胜者将乘坐欧洲之星号列车抵达巴黎,then catch the fast train south south:在这里作副词用,意思为“向南” 然后坐上南下的特快列车,before spending the week on the beaches of the French Riviera.beach: 海滩
在法国的里维埃拉海滩度过为期一周的假期。[Riviera,里维埃拉:地中海岸著名避寒地] This fabulous prize also includes 200 euros spending money fabulous: 完美的,令人难以置信的 include: 包括 euro: 欧元 spending money: 零用钱 这令人难以置信的大奖,还包括200欧元的零用钱,and, Barbara, this wonderful video camera, video camera: 摄影机
Barbara,以及这台极棒的,kindly donated by A&K Electrics of Arbor Road.donate: 捐赠,赠送【赞助】 由 A&K 电力通友情赞助的摄影机,So thank you.也同样谢谢你们。
-Compere:Right.The winner of this amazing prize is...amazing: 令人惊异的 获奖者是...Nine one nine.919号。
Nine one nine.919。
Anybody have ticket 919? 谁是919号?
If there is no claimant, claimant:申请者,这里可引申为申领者,引申自claim 如果没有人来领奖的话,I'll have to pick another ticket from the bucket.bucket:篮子,这里是放抽奖牌的篮子 那么我就要重新再抽一个号码了。Anyone? 有人吗?-Bean: Yes.有。Yes!我!Yes!我!
It's me.It's me.I'm the...是我,是我,我中奖了...[Scene: in a restaurant] restaurant: 饭店
-Waiter: Coffee? 需要咖啡吗? Sugar? 要加糖吗? You speak very good French.您的法语说得真溜。
[Scene: in the Lyon station] station: 车站
-Man: Hello.你好!
-Bean: Oui, choo-choo, Gare de Lyon.里昂火车站
-Man: To the arch at La Dense, please.arch: 拱形物;弓形结构的建筑 请送我们去新凯旋门。
[Scene: Bean goes to the arch at La Dense, and Mr.Clay is being interviewed by many reporters] interview: 接见;会见 reporter: 记者
-Man1: Look.Should we do anything? 是不是应该出去看看?-Man2: Relax.relax:放轻松【这里是因为两个监视员见到Bean乱穿马路,前者问要不要管,后者说,算了,也可解释为“放松,放宽(限制)”】 不用,I think he's English.我觉得他是个英国人,-Reporter: Monsieur Clay, how long will you stay in Paris? Monsieur Clay先生,您将在法国停留多久?
-Clay: Of course I'll be in Cannes Sunday for my premiere.premiere:首映礼,初次公演
Until then, I'm working on an exciting new project exciting: 令人激动的,令人兴奋的 project: 大型作业;事业 在那之前,我将与这位优秀的演员,with this wonderful actress, Sylvie? actress: 女演员
一起合作拍一部新片。Sylvie小姐?-Sabine: Sabine.是Sabine。-Clay: Right.对。
-Reporter: One last question, please.Mr.Clay.最后一个问题,Clay先生。
-Police: Out of the way!Out of the way!别挡道!别挡道!
-Man: Stop!Stop!Stop!Stop!停下!停下!停下!停下!
[Scene: in a restaurant]
-Waiter: Are you here for lunch? 您是来用餐的吗? Follow me.请跟我来。
May I recommend the seafood platter? recommend: 推荐 seafood: [美国英语]海味,海鲜 platter:大浅盘 请允许我向您推荐,海鲜拼盘。Yes? 可以吗?-Bean: Yes.可以。
What is this? 这是什么? What's this? 这又是什么?
-Waiter: Don't forget the langoustines.langoustine: 小龙虾 您可以试试那些小龙虾。
[Scene: Bean asks a man who just gets down from the train to video him, but shut the man out the train by mistake.] video: 录制 shut out: 把„关在外面 by mistake: 错误地
-Bean: Could you video me? video:在这里用作动词,意为拍录像 能帮我拍段录像吗?-Man: Yeah.好的。
-Bean: No, back.Back a bit.back:向后退
请您向后退一点,Back, back, back, back, stop.后退,后退,后退,停下!Okay.好。
-Bean: No, no, no, no.不...Back, back, I'II...继续后退...We'll do it again, eh? 能再拍一次吗?-Man: Stop.Help!停下!帮帮我!
Open...Open the door.开...开下门
-Bean: There's nothing here.这里什么都没有。-Man: Stop!停下!Hey!嘿!
-Boy: Help!Help!Open...帮帮忙!开..Papa!爸爸!Papa!爸爸!
Papa, What should I do? 爸爸,我该怎么办?
-Man: Get off at the next stop.get off:(使)下车 stop: 站,车站 下一站就下车。-Boy: Papa!爸爸!-Bean: No!不!My bag.我的包!
-Bean: Look at that...看那里...-Boy: Yes.对。
-Bean: Stay calm.stay:保持 calm:冷静的 保持冷静。-Boy: Papa!爸爸!
-Boy: The train's not stopping.这列车不在这站停!
Papa, what should I do? 爸爸,我该怎么办? [Scene: The man leaves his telephone number to his son, and let the son call him.]
-Man: Mobile telephone.mobile telephone: 手机;移动电话 mobile: 活动的,移动式的 打手机。
-Boy: Papa!Papa!爸爸!爸爸!
His fingers are over the last two numbers.finger: 手指 over: 作形容词,在„„上方,即“盖住” 他的手指把最后两个数字遮住了-Bean: Right.06, 08...好吧,06 08...-Bean: I'll write down all the possibles.write down: 写下,记下 possibles: 可能的人(或物);all the possible numbers,所有可能的号码【由于爸爸手指挡住了最后的号码,号码的排列便存在许多possible numbers(可能的号码),number可以省略】 我把所有可能的号码都写下来,01, 02, 01 02 03, 04...03 04......59, 60......59 60......97, 98,...97 98-Man: Mr.DuPont is unavailable.unavailable: 难以获得的;不能利用的;不近便的 DuPont先生现在没空。
[Scene: Bean and the boy get on the train secretly.] secretly: 秘密地
-Bean: Hurry up and get on!hurry up:(使)赶快,赶快做完 get on: 上车 快上车!
-Woman: Tickets, please.请拿出您的车票。
-Bean: You get in there.Go, go.往这躲,快进去!-Boy: Excuse me.对不起,Can I have some money, please? 您能给我点钱吗?
so I can telephone my Dad? telephone: 打电话给„„ 这样我才能给爸爸打通电话。-Boy: Please? 求您了? Please? 求求您了!Thank you.谢谢您!
-Man: What's all that? 怎么回事?
-Bean&Boy: Yes!棒极了!
-Bean: Come on.来吧。
-Man: I gave him my number.He will ring.ring:打电话
我把我的号码告诉他了,他会打电话过来的。-Man: Don't worry, he will ring.别担心,他一定会打电话过来。-Police: Stop them!抓住他们!Vandals!vandal: 汪达尔人;野蛮人;故意毁坏文物者 野蛮人!
-Boy: I'm hungry.我饿了。
-Bean: Come on.走吧。-Boy: Hey.你好。-Man: Hey.你好。
[Scene: Bean and the boy cheat others for money, but then are separated.] cheat: 欺骗 separated: 分开的
-Boy: Do you have some proper music? proper: 适合的,【这里可以理解为特别的,对人胃口的】 你这里有什么特别的音乐吗?
Something that I'd like to listen to.一些我会喜欢听的。Okay, never mind.Bye.never mind: 不要紧 好吧,没关系,再见。-Driver: To Cannes? 去戛纳?-Bean: Damn!damn:该死【也可写为damn it】 该死!
What the...怎么了...What's this? 这是怎么回事? No...不...Good.太好了!Wait!等一等!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...等一等...Wait, wait!等一下!
-Boy: Oh, yeah!* Oh, yeah!* Oh, yeah!*
[Scene: Bean comes into movie, the director is Mr.Clay.] movie: 电影 director: 导演
-Director: Cut!Cut!Cut!停!停!停!
What the hell is he doing? Where did he come from? the hell: 究竟,到底 hell:地狱,【这里用hell表示强调,无“地狱”的意思】 他到底在做什么?他从哪儿来的?
Some of us here are trying to make a work of art!work of art: 艺术品 work: 作品 老子在搞艺术创作!
Everyone, back in position!in position: 在适当的位置;在原位;就位 position: 位置 统统各就各位!
Get him in something different and put him in the background.something: 在这里指代“戏服” in the background: 在后面,在幕后 background: 背景 给他穿上戏服,然后安排到后台去。You, sweetheart.sweetheart: 甜心,爱人 亲爱的,You never stop, okay? 你不能停下,知道吗?
Remember, you're crazy for the taste of Fruzzi yogurt.be crazy for: 渴望;迷恋 crazy:[口语]狂热的,着迷的 taste: 口味 yogurt: 酸牛奶 记住,你最喜欢的就是蜜味牌酸奶。
Well, how long does it take to reset? reset:重新安放、重置 多久才可以重新开始?
Then why is everyone moving in slow motion? motion: 动作
那为什么每个人动作都这么慢?-Bean: Yeah, there's a hook.hook:钩子
-Reporter: Cannes jury member Emil Dachevsky, the Russian film director, jury:评审委员会 film director: 电影导演 director: 导演
戛纳电影节评审委员会评委,俄罗斯导演,Emil Dachevsky先生,explained that his son Stepan was last seen on a train with a mysterious foreigner.explain: 解释 mysterious:神秘的
他说他的儿子Stepan最后是和火车上的一名神秘的外国人在一起。-Man: As soon as I saw him I thought, “He's evil.” as soon as: 一„(就„)evil:邪恶的 我一看到他就觉得是个坏蛋。
[Scene: in the shooting spot.] shooting:(照片、电影等的)拍摄 spot: 地点
-Director: Action!action: 行动 开拍!Cut!停!
The guy with the video camera is fired.guy:(男)人,家伙 video camera: 摄像机 fire: 解雇 那个带着摄像机的家伙被解雇了!You're fired!你被解雇了!-Bean: What? 什么?
-Director: Down again!再来一遍!are you ready? 你准备好了吗?-Actor: Yep.yep: [美国口语]是,是的 好了
-Director: Action!开拍!Cut!Cut!Cut!停!停!停!My explosion!explosion:爆炸 爆炸呢!
Where's my explosion? 怎么没有爆炸?
All I want is an explosion.A little, tiny explosion.tiny:微小的,轻微的
我只想要一个小型的,轻微的爆炸。Is that too much to ask? too much to ask:要求太高【too much在这里有太多、太高的意思。】 是我要求太高吗? Damn it.damn: 该死的 该死!
Is it really so hard for you guys? 对你们来说就这么困难?
I mean, all you have to do is this.this: to press the button,【从情节出发,按按钮】 你们只需按这个钮!
[Scene: Bean meets a girl, and the girl invites him to go to Cannes.]
-Girl: Hello.你好。
You saved my life earlier.save: 拯救 你之前救过我。Going far? 长途旅行?
Isn't she a beauty? she:非凡的事物;漂亮的东西 她很漂亮吧?-Bean: Dunlop.Dunlop [Dunlop:轮胎品牌名]-Girl: I'm going to Cannes.我要去戛纳。
-Bean: Cannes.Cannes.戛纳。
-Girl: Come on, get in.来吧,上车。Look at this.看这个。
So, you're Spanish? 那么,你是西班牙人? No? 不是?
What is that accent? accent:口音 这是什么口音? Wait.等一下,Let me guess.让我猜猜看,You're not Italian? 你是意大利人?-Bean: No.不是
-Girl: No? 不是?-Bean: No.不是
-Girl: And you're not Greek, no? Greek: 希腊人
你也不是希腊人吧? You are...那你是...You're Russian, yes? 你是俄罗斯人,对吧?
-Girl: What kind of idiot are you? idiot:笨蛋,蠢材 你这个笨蛋!
-Bean: What kind of duck are you? 你这个鸭子!
-Sabine: My name is Sabine.我叫Sabine。
I am Sabine...And you are? 我的名字是Sabine...你叫什么?-Bean: Bean.Bean。-Sabin: Bean? Bean?
-Bean: Bean.Bean。
-Bean: Bean.Sabine.(开始自言自语)Bean,Sabine Bean,Sabine.Bean,Sabine Bean,Sabine,Bean,Sabine。Bean,Sabine。Bean,Sabine,Bean,Sabine,Bean,Sabine.Bean,Sabine Bean,Sabine-Sabine: Do you like my costumes? costume: 戏服
你觉得我的服装怎么样? I love dressing up.dress up:打扮;精心打扮 我喜欢打扮自己。
My invitation to the Cannes Film Festival.invitation: 请柬 film festival: 电影节 festival: 节日 这是我的戛纳电影节邀请函。
Remember the director of the yogurt commercial? director: 导演 yogurt: 酸奶 commercial: 广告 还记得那个拍酸奶广告的导演吗? Cut.Cut.那个一直喊“停!停!”的。
I have a small part in his film.part:角色
我在他的影片中演一个小角色,I'm going to be a big star.我将来会是个大明星的,He says it's his masterpiece.masterpiece:杰作
他说那是他最杰出的作品。I need the loo.loo:[英俚]厕所,洗手间 我要去上个厕所。Sorry.对不起。
[Scene: finally, Bean meets the boy again, and with Sabine, they move on together] move on: 往前走,前进
-Stepan: I never got on the bus.never got on:一般过去时,表明“当时没有上车” 我并没有上那辆车,I was with these cool guys.cool: 极好的,极妙的
我和这些酷毙了的人在一起。-Stepan: Hello.你好。
I can't wait to show this to Papa.我等不及想把这些给爸爸看了。
-Sabine: It's amazing meeting your son like that.amazing: 令人惊异的
这样遇到你儿子真的是很令人惊讶啊。-Stepan: Is she your girlfriend? 她是你的女朋友吗?
-Sabine: You're full of surprises.be full of: 充满 surprise: 惊奇,诧异 你总是给人带来惊喜。
-Stepan: Are you going to marry her? marry: 与„„结婚,不加with,后接男性女性皆可 你会和她结婚吗?
-Sabine: So does that mean you're married? married:已婚的
这也就是说你已经结婚了?-Stepan: Telephone!Papa!电话!爸爸!
-Man: Estelle, tell me you love me or it's over.over:结束,完了,【情侣之间如说“I’m over you”,意味着“我把你甩了”】 Estelle,告诉我你爱我,不然我们就完了。-Sabine: We made it.make it: <美俚> 成功了 我们成功了!
-Sabine&Stepan: The sea!I can see the sea!是海!我能看到海了!-Sabine: Thank you.谢谢你。
-Bean: Can you video me now? video: 录制
-Sabine: You can see Cannes over there.戛纳在那里。
-Sabine: Oh, my goodness, the premiere starts in an hour.my goodness: 我的天啊(表吃惊)goodness: [委婉语]上帝 premiere: 初次公演 天啊!首映礼还有一个小时就开始了![Scene: The Cannes International Film Festival] international: 国际的 festival: 节日
-Reporter: Bienvenue and welcome bienvenue: [法语] 欢迎 欢迎莅临!
to the 59th Cannes International Film Festival.第59届戛纳国际电影节,And on the red carpet is Mr.Carson Clay, red carpet:(迎接贵宾用的)红地毯 carpet: 地毯 正走上红地毯的是此次首映礼的导演,the director of our premiere, Playback Time.director: 导演 playback: 重放
Carson Clay先生以及他的作品 “回望时光”,And jury member Mr.Emil Dachevsky, jury: 评奖团,评判委员会
以及评委,Emil Dachevsky先生,attending today despite there being no news of his missing son.attend: 出席(此次首映礼)despite: 不顾;尽管 missing: 失踪的 目前为止还没有他儿子的消息。
-Sabine: I'm going to get changed.get changed:换衣服 我要去换衣服。Fill her up.fill sth.up: 充满,注满某样东西 给车加满油!
-Compere: Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们,先生们,Mr.Carson Clay.有请,Carson Clay先生
-Clay: This film is for all of us who hunger for truth.hunger for:渴望 hunger: 渴望
这部影片是献给那些渴望真理的人们,For all of us who cry out in pain.cry out: 大声呼喊 pain: 痛苦 献给那些痛苦地哭泣的人们,For those whose souls yearn to sing.soul: 灵魂 yearn:向往,渴望 献给那些灵魂渴望歌唱的人们,-Compere: He says it's a very good film.他说这是一部非常好的影片。
-Reporter: As pictures were released of the Englishman believed to have abducted the son release:发布,公映 abducted:引诱,被诱拐的 屏幕上的这名英国男子绑架了,of Cannes film festival jury member Emil Dachevsky, 加纳电影届评委Emil Dachevsky先生的儿子,a positive ID of the boy was made at a service station yesterday.positive: 积极的,确信的 ID: identity, 身份【意为的确有人见到过这个男孩】 service station: 加油站;服务站 service: 服务 可靠消息指称,昨日这名男孩曾出现在一个服务站里,The police now believe the man is travelling with a female accomplice.female: 女性的 accomplice:同伙,帮凶 现在,警方认为该男子有一名女性同伙。A national manhunt has been launched national: 全家的 manhunt:(对逃犯等的)搜捕 launch: 发动 搜捕行动已经
and stop-and-search procedures have been instigated right across France.stop-and-search:搜捕行动,【另外,在英国以及威尔士,该词还代表了警方的一种搜查权。】 procedure: 过程;手续 instigate:怂恿;煽动 在法国全面展开。
[Scene: Sabine thinks that Bean has robbed the boy, and she’s going to take the boy back to his father.] rob: 抢劫
-Sabine: You are not Russian? 你不是俄罗斯人?-Bean: No.不是。
-Sabine: You are not this boy's father? 你也不是他的父亲?-Bean: No.不是。
-Sabine: You are English? 你是英国人?
Do you know the whole of France is looking for you? 你知道全法国都在找你吗? Now they look for me, too.现在他们居然也在找我!Who are you? 你到底是谁?
Where are you going? 你到底要去哪里?-Bean: To the beach.beach: 海滩 去这个海滩。
-Sabine: This boy's father is a judge at the premiere of my film.judge:(比赛等的)裁判员 premiere: 初次演出 这个男孩的父亲是首映礼上的评委,We take him there.我们把他带去那里。-Bean: And the beach? 还去海滩吗?
-Sabine: Forget the beach.忘了海滩这回事儿吧。
I have only one scene in this movie.scene:场景,镜头
我在这部影片里只有一个镜头,I am not going to miss this premiere.miss:错过
我可不想错过这次首映礼,Not for you, not for the police.Okay? 不管是你还是警察,谁都不能阻止我,知道吗? Now, do as I say.好,现在照着我说的做。
-Sabine(to the police): My daughter.这是我女儿。My mother.我的母亲。She's Spanish, 她是西班牙人。and very deaf.deaf:聋的,她听力不太好。
Sir, we're in a great hurry.hurry: 着急
I don't want to miss my premiere.我不想错过我出演影片的首映礼。
-Police: No problem.Leave it to us.没问题,交给我们吧。
Come on, we'll find Papa.走吧,我们会找到你爸爸的。-Sabine: Here you are, sir.我们到了,警官。
-Police: It's for one person only.这只能让一个人通行。
-Sabine: No, she's my daughter!Please!please:拜托,求你了 她是我女儿啊,求您了。
-Police: Leave her with Grandma.让她和祖母待在一起吧。-Stepan: Damn!damn: 该死的 可恶!
[From now on, you’ll see many conversations in Mr.Clay’s film] conversation: 对话,交谈
-Clay: What is life but a teardrop in the eye of infinity? teardrop:泪珠 infinity:无限,无穷大 生活是永恒眼里的一滴泪,Together we lived, we laughed, we loved.我们一起生活,一起欢笑,我们相爱了。But you left me.但你离开了我。
And now, I walk this wilderness alone.wildness:荒野,引申自wild。现在我独自一人漫步荒野。
What use is a cop with a broken heart? cop:警察 broken: 破碎的
一个心碎了的警察能做什么呢? Without you, I'm nothing.没有了你,我一无是处。Nothing.一无是处...Stop!停下!
-Police(to Bean in a woman's clothes): Your pass, please, madam.请出示您的通行证,夫人。
-Clay: The Romans lit fires in the skulls of their dead, lit: light的过去式,点燃 skull: 头骨 dead: 死者 罗马人点燃亡者的头骨,so they might forget their past.让他们将过去遗忘,Wherever I look, I'm reminded our relationship is dead.remind: 提醒 relationship: 关系
无论我看向何处,我不断提醒着自己,我们已经毫无关系。-Bean:(to the boy)you stay.你待在这里,-Actor: you okay? 你还好吗?-Stepan: Me, Papa.是我,爸爸。
-Clay: On the outside, yeah.outside:外部,这里指表面,外表上 从表面上看,没事...But inside? 那内心感觉呢? Nothing.一无是处。
-Actor: DeBrock is making the drop.drop:丢下,这里可解释为卸货 他们正在卸货,-Actor: Boss...boss: 老大,头儿 长官...It's going down, boss.go down: [俚语]发生【这里表示罪犯交货结束】 他们已经交货了,长官。-Bean: It's me.是我。
-Actor: Boss? 长官? Do we go? 我们可以走了吗? He's cornered, boss.corner:使陷于困境
他们已经被围住了,长官。We know he's in there.我们知道他就在那儿,-Clay: Let's do it.开始行动。
-Actor: Okay, boss.好了,长官。-Clay: Nothing.什么都没有。
[Scene: in the premiere, Bean broke in.] break in: 破门而入
-Sabine: Hey.嘿!
The little boy? 那个小男孩呢?
Oh, look, this is my scene.scene: 场面,场景 看,这就是我的镜头。-Clay: It's winter now.现在已是冬季,And the seeds of love lie deep within me.seed: 种子
但爱的种子仍深埋在我心里,Will spring ever come? 春天还会来吗?
I thought by now I'd have met another, I would have met another:虚拟语气表示一种希望 此时此刻,我希望可以遇到另一个人,but...但是...-Actress: Hi...嗨„„
-Clay: It was not to be.但结果却并非如此。
-Sabine: They cut my scene.cut:剪裁,删减
[Scene: Bean changes the film of Clay’s, and Clay feels angry.]
-Clay: But I can show the world that you were once mine.我可以向全世界宣告,你曾经是我的。I can relive our time together.relive:重新过„„的生活 我不断重温我们相处的时光。
Those precious memories that I yearn to forget.precious: 珍贵的 memory: 记忆 yearn: 渴望;向往 那是我无法忘怀的珍贵记忆。
Time slips through my fingers like sand.slip:滑,溜 finger: 手指 sand:沙 时间如沙粒般从指尖流失。
The fires of our love have burned out, burn out:烧尽
我们的爱火已经燃烧殆尽。and now there is nothing.什么都没留下。
Nothing but a sky black with ashes.ash:灰烬
I won't forget you, your kisses like soft fruit.soft fruit: 无核小水果(指草莓等)我不会忘记你的,你那甜美香醇的吻,Your laughter bursting into daylight like silver.burst into:匆匆进入 daylight: 日光,白天 silver:银【可理解为“银铃般的笑声”】 你那清脆悦耳的笑声,Your smile like the curl of the sickle moon in the night sky.curl:卷曲物 sickle:镰刀【sickle moon,从形状上可以联想到“新月”】 你那如新月般灿烂的笑容,Your luminous beauty, your goodness, your patience, luminous:发光的,发亮的 beauty:美丽 goodness:善良 patience:坚持;毅力 你的美丽,你的善良,你的毅力,how you hung on my every word.hung on: hang on的过去时,紧紧抓住,等待 你把我的每句话都牢记于心。
You are now in the arms of another.如今,你却已在别人的臂弯中。Who is he, this man? 这人是谁?
Does he have poise? poise: 自信;镇定 他自信吗?
Does he have grace? grace:魅力;风度 他有风度吗?
Is he a lover or a fighter? fighter: 斗士
What powers does he have over you? power: 力量 have over: 完成,解决 他用什么样的力量使你折服?
Do your eyes dance like fireflies in the night when he comes to you? firefly: 萤火虫
Does your body soften as your lips shape his name? soften: 使软,使软化 lip: 嘴唇 shape: 形状 当你说起他时,你的身体是否会盈满柔情? I can't believe you've been so selfish.selfish: 自私的
[Scene: out of the projection room, Clay is knocking the door.] projection room: 放映室,放映间 projection: 放映;投影
-Clay: Open the door.开门。Open up!打开!You are consumed by love.consume:耗尽;使入迷 你是爱的俘虏,It's Mr.Carson Clay.我是Carson Clay。
How does he cast a spell over you, cast a spell over: 向„施魔法;使入迷,使着迷 cast: 算命;预测 spell:符咒 他是如何用言语
enchant you, beguile you? enchant:使着迷 beguile:欺骗 使你对他着迷?
Why did you shut me out? shut„„out:把„„关在门外 为什么把我关在你的心门之外?-Police: Come on.Come on.快来。
-Clay: Where is he? 他在哪?
Where's the projectionist? projectionist:放映师,引申自project,放映师在哪?
-Clay: I struggled to survive.struggle:挣扎 survive: 幸存 我挣扎着活了下来。
When I look back on the darkest moments of our history, 当我回顾我们遭遇的磨难时,I knew that we would part.part:作动词,分开
我知道我们终将会分手,Whose is this? 这是谁的?
And that now, I must let you go.现在,我必须放你走。
We will know a deeper, surer love.我们会懂得另一种更深的、更可靠的爱。
It begins fleetingly, but it deepens and endures.fleetingly:疾驰地;飞快地 deepen: 变深;变强烈 endure:持久 可能开始时并不如意,但它会不断加深,It grows amidst all the strangeness of life.amidst:在„„中间 strangeness:陌生 它使生活变得更加生动,It is a beauty we can always depend on.depend on: 依靠,依赖 这样的美才更加可靠。It is the beauty of friendship.这就是...友谊之美。
[Scene: the judge finds out his son] judge: 裁判员,裁决者
-Emil: Stop!停!
You stole my son!stole: steal的过去式,原意为偷,这里可理解为绑架 你绑架了我儿子!
-Sabine: No, he didn't!他没有!
-Emil: Where is my son? Where is he? 我儿子在哪?他在哪?-Bean: That...Here...在...这...-Stepan: Papa!爸爸!Mama!妈妈!
[Scene: in the end, Clay make a speech on the stage.] in the end: 最后,最终,终于 make a speech: 发表演讲 speech: 演讲 stage: 舞台
-Clay: A very strange thing happens when you're making a work of art.艺术创作过程中经常有诸如此类的怪事发生,Sometimes you don't quite see the elements coming together, element:元素,要素 有时各种元素看似散沙,and then, when it all comes together, 当这些事一股脑涌来时,there's something magical, magical: 有魔力的;神秘的 一些奇妙的现象便发生了,something organic, and such a thing happened today, organic: 有机的
and everyone said this wouldn't work.work: 奏效
每个人都说这是行不通的,They said it was a terrible risk, risk: 冒险,风险
人们说这得冒很大的风险,but I want to keep on making films just like this.但是,我今后想继续制作这样的电影。
The video-film combination, it's something that's really been done before, combination: 结合,组合
把数位录影和电影结合起来的做法,以前也有人尝试过,but not quite like this.但是,这次却完全不同。
I'm glad the reception was so great.reception:招待会;欢迎会 我很高兴大家反应如此热烈。
And I'm just happy to be here.Vive la France.vive: 万岁
我很高兴来到这裡,法国万岁!Bless you.bless: 保佑;对„感激 谢谢大家!
《Memorable Quotes for Bridge to Terabithia》(仙境之桥/通往特雷比西之桥 的经典台词)
Leslie Burke: Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.Scott Hoager: So I guess you're the fastest kid in school now, huh?
[Jesse makes a fist at him]
Scott Hoager: It was a joke, dude!
[punches him hard into a wall]
Scott Hoager: Are you nuts?
Leslie Burke, May Belle Aarons, Little Kids: [chanting] Free to pee!Free to pee!Free to pee!
Jesse Aarons: Leslie Burke told me to keep my mind wide open.Ms.Edmonds: And she's right.With a mind like yours wide open, you could create a whole new world.Leslie Burke: I seriously do not think God goes around damning people to hell.Jesse Aarons: Why not?
Leslie Burke: He's too busy making all this!
Bill Burke: She loved you, you know that?
Leslie Burke: We rule Terabithia, and nothing crushes us!May Belle Aarons: I want my Twinkies, Janice Avery!
Janice Avery: What Twinkies, Twinkie?
Leslie Burke: What if you don't have a TV?
All: [laughing]
Leslie Burke: My dad says that TV destroys brain cells.Scott Hoager: Your dad doesn't know anything.We watch TV like every day!
Leslie Burke: I rest my case.Mrs.Myers: Well then Leslie, you could write a report on something else.Scott Hoager: Yeah, like how to live in a cave!
Jack Aarons: Your friend Leslie's dead.Jesse Aarons: Next time, we should invite Leslie.She'd like that.Leslie Burke: [seeing Jesse smiling at Ms.Edmonds, bends down] Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer.Jesse Aarons: [crying] Is it like the Bible says? Is she going to Hell?
Jack Aarons: I don't know everything about God, but I do know he's not going to send that little girl to Hell.Jesse Aarons: [sobs] Then I'm going to Hell, because it's all my fault.Jack Aarons: Don't you think that, even for a minute.Leslie Burke: You are who you areTeddy Roosevelt.Jack Aarons: She brought you something special when she came here, didn't she? That's what you hold onto.That's how you keep her alive.Jesse Aarons: It's just that you're a good builder...for a girl.Leslie Burke: Yeah, well, you're pretty good at art...for a boy!Jesse Aarons: Okay, okay, truce.Leslie Burke: [Jess tries to hand Leslie the fake letter to Janice Avery] You have to write it.No offense but boys' handwriting sucks!
[last lines]
May Belle Aarons:Terabithia!
Leslie Burke:I'll call you Prince Terrian, P.T.for short.May Belle Aarons: Hey, look!I got some Twinkies!
Jesse Aarons: I'd be quiet about those Twinkies, May Belle.May Belle Aarons: You're just jealous cause I got some and you didn't.Jesse Aarons: Whatever.Just don't come running to me when you lose them.May Belle Aarons: I'm gonna eat em, not lose em.Jesse Aarons: [squogres come] Where are the Terabithian warriors when you need em?
Leslie Burke: I don't know!
Jesse Aarons: [Terabithian warrior comes] Great!Now there's three of us!
Gary Fulcher: Dead meat.Leslie Burke: [speaking about the Bible] You have to believe it, and you hate it.I don't have to believe it, and I think it's beautiful.Mrs.Myers: When my husband died, people kept telling me not to cry.People kept trying to help me to forget.But I didn't want to forget...So I realize, that if it's hard for me, how much harder it must be for you.Mrs.Myers: If any of you try to download an essay off of the internet, you will be downloaded into detention.Leslie Burke:...I check my air.I don't have as much time as I need to see everything, but that is what makes it so special.Jesse Aarons: [to Leslie about going into the bathroom to talk to Janice Avery] What's the matter? A girl who can stand up to a
giant troll is afraid of some dumb eighth grader?
Jesse Aarons: Oh, no, look: the Scrogere and the Hairy Vulture.Leslie Burke: And the guy who can stand up to a Scrogere...is afraid of a Hoagar?
Jesse Aarons: [pauses, then walks up to Ms.Edmunds's car] Ms.Edmunds?
Ms.Edmonds: [gasps] He speaks!
May Belle Aarons: Jess, Jess!I called you three times-it's your girlfriend.