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Work in the Finance Section has six months, and in the past six months, I have been in constant hard work.I am confident that I will be able to work better in the second half of the year!Now, I would like to point out that the work is as follows:

First, do a good job of financial analysis, for the leadership to provide an effective basis for reference;

I know that a reasonable and efficient financial analysis ideas and methods, management and decision-making level is an important way to improve, and will make my work more with less, in the company cost analysis to Shen Ke learning, learning to the workshop master, , For the company's production and sales, do a good job with the scale and efficiency, sales pricing analysis, etc., quantitative analysis of specific financial data, combined with the company's overall strategy for the company's decision-making and management to provide strong financial information support.Second, actively cooperate with the accounting firm to carry out the project financial accounts;

On the basis of financial infrastructure, engineering, final accounts of the work carried out a more detailed review, proofreading, scheduled by the end of October will be reported to the engineering financial accounting financial center.According to the requirements of the project financial information collection and management work, according to the contents of the project classification of the contract for the construction of 10 volumes for the completion of the overall acceptance of the financial work to do the basic work.Third, earnestly complete the work;

1, conscientiously implement the unified leadership of the deployment.2, and actively carry out daily financial management.3, to further strengthen the daily financial management, improve the financial rules and regulations and job responsibilities.In fiscal year, we increased the construction of basic financial work, from the paste paper, binding vouchers and other basic work, carefully review the original notes, detailed financial reimbursement process.In accordance with the spirit of the central financial inspection notice, we have elaborated the “bank deposit management system”, “the management system of bills and financial seal”, “accounting file storage system”, etc., the internal control and internal audit combination, Self-examination, self-inspection work, and gradually improve my financial management system.4, the expenditure in the special funds, earnestly understand the relevant policies of the center, strictly enforce the budget, do not squeeze, do not embezzle, security is earmarked.Monthly, quarterly, medium-term preparation of special accounts for the final statement of financial statements for the leadership to make relevant decisions in a timely manner to provide financial information.5, earnestly and timely completion of the Central Planning and Finance Department issued the work tasks.Which completed the __ annual state-owned fixed assets reporting work, fill in the fixed asset management card, improve the management of fixed assets in Taiwan;combined with the annual financial accounts __, carefully compiled a special system of my __ special funds budget, With the increasing use of funds for our staff, we have focused on the budget for staffing in __ years, and have prepared the budget statement in an objective and detailed manner.In the future work, I will work harder and constantly explore, actively adapt to the new requirements of accounting work in the development of market economy, conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, and take this opportunity to do all year round work , For greater progress.财务专业英文自我评价篇二

Time, the blink of an eye three years of work and life will soon be over, work since the unit leaders carefully nurtured and taught through their own continuous efforts, whether it is ideology, learning or work, have made great progress And the great harvest!

Strong sense of responsibility, strong ability of adaptability, attentive attitude, with more than __ years of enterprise financial management experience and __ years of accounting firm management experience, good coordination and communication skills, good communication, with a certain leadership Ability, in character, honesty and trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, humility, optimism;in business, with overall business processing and good professional judgment ability, good at financial analysis, proficient in financial tax system, can complete the financial work independently.Familiar with the use of national tax, land tax, finance, banking, industry and commerce, statistical statements and anti-counterfeit tax control software, skilled use of computers to solve financial problems.I think it is a responsible, positive, hard-working people, because like English, so engaged in the work, hoping to use their own learning to work to improve their own at the same time, bring benefits to the company!And in the work summary is good at finding their own shortcomings and efforts to correct.In the future work, I will continue to exercise to improve themselves and strive to be a good worker.I hope to use my beautiful youth, to ignite the surrounding every guest, inspire colleagues to inspire together for our cause dedication, Enterprising, a better tomorrow.财务专业英文自我评价篇三

The finance department is the key department of the company.The internal financial management level should be improved constantly.The external department should deal with taxation, auditing and finance inspection, master the tax policy and reasonable application.Looking back over the past year, under the correct leadership of the company's leaders and department managers, our work focused on the company's operating principles, objectives and effectiveness of the target, focus on the focus of work closely follow the company's work arrangements.In accounting, management has done due responsibility.In order to sum up experience, carry forward the results, to overcome the shortcomings, will now work to do the following brief review and summary.First, the cost of cost management

1.Standardize the accounting management of inventory materials, strict control of the rational inventory of materials reserves, reduce capital occupancy.The establishment of a material requisition system, changed the original regardless of whether the need, regardless of the use of that sector, and regardless of the number of purchases, are purchased from the date of an amortization to a department to account for the fuzzy cost.2.On the basis of the original plan cost management, strengthening the transport costs of project management, the calculation of the actual consumption of each vehicle cost items, a true reflection of each vehicle current transportation costs.Which can provide reference for performance management of transportation vehicles.Second, the basic accounting work

(1)earnestly implement the “Accounting Law” to further strengthen the financial staff to guide the work of the financial basis, standardize the preparation of vouchers, strict proof of the rationality of the original documents to audit and strengthen the management of accounting files.All costs and charges by sector, the project classification classification, the end of the year will be shared cost-sharing carried forward to reflect sector efficiency.(2)the national financial department of the company's financial rating of Kelai is the first time.We have no pre-prepared under the premise of a sudden check, but the Financial Bureau of Changning District, or on the financial basis of management of the company's work to be sure.The financial grade rating for Kelai is also the highest rated company ever awarded by the assessment team.(3)according to the time required for the preparation of the Company and the Group of various types of financial statements, the timely reporting of taxes.In the group of mid-year audit, year-end pre-trial and the inspection of fiscal and taxation, and actively cooperate with relevant personnel.Third, financial accounting and management

(1)According to the requirements of the company's branch and business income, cost monitoring, audit, develop the appropriate financial system.Unified accounting caliber, daily work, timely communication, close contact and pay attention to their work to provide some guidance, with the branches, business accounting departments to establish a good relationship of cooperation.(2)Correctly calculate the business tax and personal income tax, timely and full pay taxes, and actively cooperate with the tax department to use the new tax reporting software, to discover the violation of tax laws and regulations and to correct, to maintain communication and contact with the tax department , To obtain their support and guidance.(3)in the intense work, strengthen the team building, build a business overall, enthusiastic team work.As a manager, the subordinates to do enough, “the length of the investigation, the length of employment, the length of people together, the long show,” give full play to their initiative and work initiative.Improve the overall quality of the team, and establish a pioneering and innovative, pragmatic and efficient new image of the sector.(4)as a grass-roots managers, I fully aware of their own is a manager, but also an executive.In order to take a good team, in addition to familiar with the business, but also responsible for specific work and business, first of all to lead by example, so as to ensure tight staff in the case, we can take the initiative to work.The new year means a new starting point, new opportunities, new challenges, we are determined to redouble their efforts to a higher level.To “fine” as a starting point, so meticulous, for each post, each department of a specific business, have established a set of corresponding cost collection.And extend the financial management of the company's various business areas, through the exercise of financial oversight functions, to expand financial management and service functions, to achieve financial management “zero” dead ends, tap the potential value of financial activities.





i am from xxx a communist party official community members, i

call xxxx.on december 12th xxxx to join the chinese communist party, and in xxxx on dec.15 in july, xxxxwill achieve becomes smooth finish school joins xxxx district branch organization of this glorious.during the period of school i studied the financial

accounting major, and the students' management organization, in their constant efforts become an excellent student body president.in his work, the first learned to work, a good leader should have excellent work unceasingly, will have good interpersonal relationship.learn financial, enlightened life.xxx, let me understand the professional study, to be one step a footprint, the collapse of tashi.now that i'm graduating from college, but walked into the classroom society, i knew i have many insufficient place, so after learning, i will like to sit in the senior leaders, learn a lot.in order to progress to the community, in order to reflect the progress, the streets of

advanced nature of the communist party of china, let us work together!


Work in the Finance Section has six months, and in the past six months, I have been in constant hard work.I am confident that I will be able to work better in the second half of the year!Now, I would like to point out that the work is as follows:

First, do a good job of financial analysis, for the leadership to provide an effective basis for reference;

I know that a reasonable and efficient financial analysis ideas and methods, management and decision-making level is an important way to improve, and will make my work more with less, in the company cost analysis to Shen Ke learning, learning to the workshop master, , For the company's production and sales, do a good job with the scale and efficiency, sales pricing analysis, etc., quantitative analysis of specific financial data, combined with the company's overall strategy for the company's decision-making and management to provide strong financial information support.Second, actively cooperate with the accounting firm to carry out the project financial accounts;

On the basis of financial infrastructure, engineering, final accounts of the work carried out a more detailed review, proofreading, scheduled by the end of October will be reported to the engineering financial accounting financial center.According to the requirements of the project financial information collection and management work, according to the contents of the project classification of the contract for the construction of 10 volumes for the completion of the overall acceptance of the financial work to do the basic work.Third, earnestly complete the work;

1, conscientiously implement the unified leadership of the deployment.2, and actively carry out daily financial management.3, to further strengthen the daily financial management, improve the financial rules and regulations and job responsibilities.In fiscal year, we increased the construction of basic financial work, from the paste paper, binding vouchers and other basic work, carefully review the original notes, detailed financial reimbursement process.In accordance with the spirit of the central financial inspection notice, we have elaborated the “bank deposit management system”, “the management system of bills and financial seal”, “accounting file storage system”, etc., the internal control and internal audit combination, Self-examination, self-inspection work, and gradually improve my financial management system.4, the expenditure in the special funds, earnestly understand the relevant policies of the center, strictly enforce the budget, do not squeeze, do not embezzle, security is earmarked.Monthly, quarterly, medium-term preparation of special accounts for the final statement of financial statements for the leadership to make relevant decisions in a timely manner to provide financial information.5, earnestly and timely completion of the Central Planning and Finance Department issued the work tasks.Which completed the XX annual state-owned fixed assets reporting work, fill in the fixed asset management card, improve the management of fixed assets in Taiwan;combined with the annual financial accounts XX, carefully compiled a special system of my XX special funds budget, With the increasing use of funds for our staff, we have focused on the budget for staffing in XX years, and have prepared the budget statement in an objective and detailed manner.In the future work, I will work harder and constantly explore, actively adapt to the new requirements of accounting work in the development of market economy, conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, and take this opportunity to do all year round work , For greater progress.


As a member of the team, I work in a down-to-earth manner and humble and low-key life.I try to learn new knowledge in the industry and learn from my colleagues' experience and skills.Leaders and colleagues to work together to ensure that the daily financial work to ensure the smooth end of the month checkout, timely and accurate data and financial analysis for leadership decision-making;At the same time do their own responsibility for the various statements by It is my duty to fill in the blanks without any errors.Through the work of self-improvement and self-analysis, to complete the tasks assigned by the unit leaders, ideology can be very good to adapt to the requirements of the new situation, perseverance to adhere to the theory of learning, especially in day-to-day work, buried in complex business Heap.And actively advocate adhere to the scientific development concept as a guide, establish a new concept, pay attention to new knowledge, new culture, so as to continuously improve inpidual political accomplishment, enhance analytical problems to solve problems, improve ability to distinguish right from wrong.Work to lift the bounds of the inherent set of thinking to break through the inertia of blind obedience, bold and responsible, enhance the sense of mission and responsibility.For the management of the soft underbelly, adhere to the principle of daring to work, adhere to the principle, and strive to work in their own bold management innovation and development.Do a solid financial foundation work.In strict accordance with the “Accounting Law” for accounting, checkout, and effectively complete the procedures, the contents of the real, accurate data, accounts clear.I realized that I had a gap in my ideas and realized that to improve my work efficiency, I needed to further enhance my sense of professionalism and responsibility.I continued to improve my work style, adhere to the scientific attitude and the spirit of seeking truth from facts, work diligently and conscientiously, Establish a strong concept of time, today can do things do not drag tomorrow.At the same time strict demands on themselves, always keep up with the times, blaze new trails, with enthusiasm and full of mental state, diligent.

























来公司不知不觉已经三个多月了,我首先要谢谢公司的领导,同事。这三个月的时间里我学的了很多。现在我将这三个月的实习做自我评价: 一、一定要注意的向周围的老同事学习,在工作中处处留意,多学习,多思考,让我更快的融入到了我们的公司中。














积极工作,我努力完成xx公司的后勤工作 后勤工作将影响到xx公司的一切工作,公司制定了财务制度和上报审批程序,我要做到账目清楚,对公司血口做到细致明了,为公司节约每一分钱,积极配合公司完成了收支计划,为公司做好强有力的保障。
































积极工作,我努力完成xx公司的后勤工作 后勤工作将影响到xx公司的一切工作,公司制定了财务制度和上报审批程序,我要做到账目清楚,对公司血口做到细致明了,为公司节约每一分钱,积极配合公司完成了收支计划,为公司做好强有力的保障。



























