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Stolen Suffering

ON a March day four years ago, a very old lady, striking, snowy-haired, unsmiling, was looking at me with disgust.A Polish Jew who had survived the Holocaust, she‟d been telling me how she and her young son had managed to keep a step ahead of the people who were hunting them down, and at the end of this stupefying tale of survival I‟d looked up at her and said, “What an amazing story!” It was at that point that she flapped her spotted hand at me in disdain.“„Amazing story,‟” she mimicked me, tartly.She fetched a heavy sigh.“If you didn‟t have an amazing story, you didn‟t survive.”

She was referring to literal survival, of course — survival at its meanest, most animal level, the mere continuance of the organism.At a time when Jews throughout Europe were being rounded up like livestock or hunted down like game, survival indeed depended on feats of endurance or daring so extreme, on accidents or luck so improbable, that they can seem too far-fetched to be true.A Jewish couple who hid in the attic of a Nazi officers‟ club, forced to listen as the soldiers below joked and drank after a day‟s slaughter;two young brothers who hid in a forest, strapping the hooves of deer to their feet whenever they ventured into the snow to confuse those who were trying to find them;a youth who, the day before the Germans entered his Polish hometown, left home and just kept walking east, until he reached...China.I heard these stories firsthand five years ago, while researching a book about relatives of mine who didn‟t survive.But still they keep coming.Last Monday, I heard about an orphaned Jewish girl who trekked 2,000 miles from Belgium to Ukraine, surviving the Warsaw ghetto, murdering a German officer, and — most “amazing” of all — taking refuge in forests where she was protected by kindly wolves.The problem is that this story is a lie: recounted in a 1997 international bestseller by Misha Levy Defonseca, it was exposed last week as a total fabrication — no trekking, no Warsaw, no murder, no wolves.(No Jews, either: the author, whose real name is Monique De Wael, is Roman Catholic.)To be sure, phony memoirs aren‟t news: in 1998 the acclaimed child-survivor memoir “Fragments” was proved a fake, and more recently James Frey‟s credibility infamously exploded into a million little pieces.But the trickle now seems to be a flood.Just days after the revelations about Ms.De Wael‟s book yet another popular first-person account of extreme suffering turned out to be a fraud.(This one, “Love and Consequences,” purports to be the autobiography of a young half-white, half-American Indian woman who was raised by a black foster mother in the gang-infested streets of Los Angeles.)This trend sheds alarming light on a cultural moment in which the meanings of suffering, identity and “reality” itself seem to have become dangerously slippery.Each of the new books commits a fraud far more reprehensible than Mr.Frey‟s self-dramatizing enhancements.The first is a plagiarism of other people‟s trauma.Both were written not, as they claim to be, by members of oppressed classes(the Jews during World War II, the impoverished African-Americans of Los Angeles today), but by members of relatively safe or privileged classes.Ms.De Wael was a Christian Belgian who was raised by close relatives after her parents, Resistance members, were taken away;Margaret Seltzer, the author of “Love and Consequences,” grew up in a tony Los Angeles neighborhood and attended an Episcopal day school.In each case, then, a comparatively privileged person has appropriated the real traumas suffered by real people for her own benefit — a boon to the career and the bank account, but more interestingly, judging from the authors‟ comments, a kind of psychological gratification, too.Ms.Seltzer has talked about being “torn,” about wanting somehow to ventriloquize her subjects, to “put a voice to people who people don‟t listen to.” Ms.De Wael has similarly referred to a longing to be part of the group to which she did not, emphatically, belong: “I felt different.It‟s true that, since forever, I felt Jewish and later in life could come to terms with myself by being welcomed by part of this community.”(“Felt Jewish” is repellent: real Jewish children were being murdered however they may have felt.)

While these statements want to suggest a somehow admirable desire to “empathize” with the oppressed subjects, this sentimental gesture both mirrors and exploits a widespread, quite pernicious cultural confusion about identity and suffering.We have so often been invited, in the past decade and a half, to “feel the pain” of others that we rarely pause to wonder whether this is, in fact, a good thing

Empathy and pity are strong and necessary emotions that deepen our sense of connection to others;but they depend on a kind of metaphorical imagination of what others are going through.The facile

assumption that we can literally “feel others‟ pain” can be dangerous to our sense of who we are — and, more alarmingly, who the others are, too.“We all have AIDS,” a recent public-awareness campaign declared.Well, no, actually we don‟t: and to pretend that we do, even rhetorically, debases the anguish of those who are stricken.四年前三月的那一天,一位引人注目的、满脸严肃的银发老妇人愤愤地瞪了我一眼。





















参展商摊位翻译不同于以往我在酒店担任的前台翻译,前者的翻译涉及到各种国际贸易专业知识与各行业的专业术语。第一天,有一位迪拜采购商对我们的产品很感兴趣,他指着一条规格是3mm的铁链问我“The material is G30?(是G30材料吗?)”我知道他在问材料,就回答说“The material is iron.”他继续问“Is G30?”我当时不懂他说的G30是什么意思,加上对方有一点地方口音,就停顿下来思考了一下,他见我没有回答他的问题,就继续问“Is G30?”,当时老板也在场,我觉得非常尴尬,后来他把G30写在纸上,我还是不明白G30是什么意思,但是老板一看,就连连点头说“Yes, yes”,老板告诉我G30是高硬度钨钢的专业术语缩写,他能理解我不懂,因为各行都有专业术语。有了第一天的尴尬情况出现,当晚回到宿舍,我就到网上查找各种钢材的专业术语,比如Q235是普通碳素结构的钢材,Q195是很常见的碳素钢,比Q235强度低,价格也较便宜,并且把它们拍成图片保存在手机里随时查看。事实证明,这些专业术语名词对我后来的翻译工作帮助很大。

开馆的第二天,有四位皮肤黝黑的采购商来到我们摊位,我们互相打招呼后,我指着产品架说“Which product do you need?”他们就自己主动拿起产品看,并用他们的语言在商量,我很认真的听他们的对话准备翻译,可是他们讲的语言我根本听不懂。过了一会儿,其中一位女士递给我们一张名片,用很流利的中文说他们是来自缅甸的铁链采购商,让我们给他们列出2mm-12mm规格的铁链的价格,由于他们的国家不发达,国人消费的铁链质量要求不高,如果价格合理,他们会和我们大量订购并长期合作,她也打开手机让我看他们与其他厂家交易的提单照片,她给我看的提单与我在单证课上学习的提单样本几乎相似,那一刻我觉得课本知识真的很重要。从提单上,我知道了他们与其他厂家交易的价格与数量,该笔交易的时间是20xx年9月13号,提单上也有船公司的盖章,他们应该不会是在欺骗我们。老板见他们很有诚意,就给他们报了合理的价格,他们看后也没有异议,口头上答应成交了,相互留下名片,说回去后邮件往来、签订合同。由于他们很有诚意交易,订购量也很大,所以老板整天的心情都美滋滋的。从中,我也明白了,我们一定要学好单证知识,它在外贸职场上真的很实用,同时,我们除了掌握英语这门语言外,也还要掌握一两门其他语言,才能在外贸职场上有优势。





















































一、实习目的全面地将所学的各项 英语知识结合起来并在翻译实践中进一步运用翻译技巧来提高翻译水平,巩固专业知识的基础上努力扩大自己的知识面这样才有助于我们成为全面发展的人才在未来的工作领域中一展风采。另外此次实习经历也让我们学到了许多为人处世的道理并对自己的人生道路有了更明确的规划。


从大三开始我们开了翻译课第一学期的英译汉以及本学期的是汉译英,经过了整整两个学期的英语翻译,我觉得自己在翻译方面能力有所提高。将近一个月的翻译实践课程即将结束,指导老师精心的为我们挑选了具有代表性的翻译资 料,资料内容丰富涉及经济、科研、实事新闻、历史、医学、心理等各个方面方面以及保护等方面。

在实习起步阶段,我们先是由魏老师指导向我们进行本次实习的内容、安排以及意义并将我们分组。要求了每周的具体工作以及我们第一周要进行的翻译材料,汉译英材料是《唐朝皇后棺椁被追回》,英译汉是《Extra Weight in Early Childhood Foretells Later Disease Risk》,并要求我们将《唐朝皇后棺椁被追回》做成课件,详细的列出翻译过程中所遇到困难以及感受。第二周的翻译材料是《设备维修中心》和《Exhaustion Syndrome Leaves Measurable Changes in the Brain》


第二阶段的实习是由张云老师指导我们对菜谱进翻进行了系统的学习以及学校组织的西科杯翻译大赛。主要翻译内容是《Why Economics Can’t Explain Our Cultural Divide》,中餐菜名译法举例以及班级合作的菜谱书翻译;最后一周的翻译材料是《平凡的人生》节选及《The Girl with the Apple》节选。



过这次的翻译实习主要让我领会到了两点一是融会贯通的重要性;二是合作的重要性。首先翻译是一种语言活动有是该活动的结果它是融理论、技能、艺术于一体的语言实践活动。通过翻阅大量资料我更加透彻的掌握了一些翻译的相关知识。1.翻译的本质可以用一句话来概括“在透彻地理解原文意思的基础上用标准的汉语表述出来。2.翻译质量有两个基本标准第一个标准是忠实于原文,这也就是我们所说的“信”。第二个标准是符合中文的表达习惯,也就是所谓的“达”句子要通顺 流畅不能生造词语和句子也就是所谓的文笔。3.翻译界通用的质量标准是“信、达、雅”。4.直译和意译的辨证关系。




1.这个过程暴漏了单词量不够,这点对我来说影响很大,比如经常会遇到一些单词,感觉见过但有不知道具体是什么意思只有查字典浪费了很多时间。通过这次实践在以 后顶顶会注意多积累增加单词记忆量。2.对句子的分析能力不足,包括具子成分以及语法的欠缺导致了在翻译中的困难并且犯错。英语句子成分只是英语语法中的一小部分,而且平时的考试也不会考, 以前并没有注意到这一点。3.我在速度方面的不足。在这儿我主要谈的是打印时的翻译速度因为看电子版本,首先是费眼睛时间长了眼睛会很花,所以会感到比较的疲劳总是不能坚持下去。其次,是我本身对电脑键盘的熟练程度还不够经常会打错字。不过在以后的学习和工作中我会不断提高自己在这方面的能力把自己的翻译速度尽最大努力提上来。


这次的翻译实习对我来说是次绝佳的挑战。经过这次的学习后我发现自己的心静了很多,所以,什么都是一步一步来的,习惯和心态也是慢慢培养训练出来的。认真和努力了这就已经足够了。在以后的学习和工作中,我要有一个良好的心态,不刻意追求事情的完美 一直加油努力就好。不管最后的结果怎样 我都会坦然去面对。最后对魏老师和张老师对我的帮助以及指导我要深表感谢。总之一句话这次翻译让我收益匪浅,一定会对以后的道路会有所帮助。



所在学院 专业

申请学士学位所属学科 年

学生姓名、学号 指导教师姓名、职称 完成日

外国语学院 英 语 文学



Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three: Part Four:

The Translated Version The Original Story Reflections on the Translation Project Acknowledgments



狄更斯 著

陈明茜 译
























































“奥利弗是哪一类?” “粉脸。我认识一个朋友,他儿子就属于肉脸。他们管他叫好孩子。他有圆圆的脑袋,红红的脸蛋,明亮的眼睛,可压根儿就是可恶的孩子。身体和四肢肥硕到把他蓝衣服的线都撑开了,有着飞行员的声音和狼一样的胃口,我知道他,这个坏蛋。”


“是不是那个样子”格林维格先生回答道,“他也许更差劲。” 布朗罗先生不耐烦地咳嗽起来,格林维格先生却感到有说不出的欣慰。

































Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens

.Comprising Further Particulars of Oliver’s Stay at Mr.Brownkow’s, with the Remarkable Prediction Which One Mr.Grimwig Uttered Concerning Him, When He Went out on an Errand.Oliver soon recovering from the fainting-fit into which Mr.Brownlow's abrupt exclamation had thrown him, the subject of the picture was carefully avoided, both by the old gentleman and Mrs.Bedwin, in the conversation that ensued: which indeed bore no reference to Oliver's history or prospects, but was confined to such topics as might amuse without exciting him.He was still too weak to get up to breakfast;but, when he came down into the housekeeper's room next day, his first act was to cast an eager glance at the wall, in the hope of again looking on the face of the beautiful lady.His expectations were disappointed, however, for the picture had been removed.'Ah!' said the housekeeper, watching the direction of Oliver's eyes.'It is gone, you see.'

'I see it is ma'am,' replied Oliver.'Why have they taken it away?'

'It has been taken down, child, because Mr.Brownlow said, that as it seemed to worry you, perhaps it might prevent you getting well, you know,' rejoined the old lady.'Oh, not indeed.It didn't worry me, ma'am,' said Oliver.'I liked to see it.I quite loved it.'

'Well, well!' said the old lady, good-humouredly;'you get well as fast as ever you can, dear, and it shall be hung up again.There!I promise you that!Now, let us talk about something else.' This was all the information Oliver could obtain about the picture at that time.As the old lady had been so kind to him in his illness, he endeavoured to think no more of the subject just then;so he listened attentively to a great many stories she told him, about an amiable and handsome daughter of hers, who was married to an amiable and handsome man, and lived in the country;and about a son, who was clerk to a merchant in the West

Indies;and who was, also, such a good young man, and wrote such dutiful letters home four times a year, that it brought the tears into her eyes to talk about them.When the old lady had expatiated, a long time, on the excellences of her children, and the merits of her kind good husband besides, who had been dead and gone, poor dear soul!just six-and-twenty years, it was time to have tea.After tea she began to teach Oliver cribbage: which he learnt as quickly as she could teach: and at which game they played, with great interest and gravity, until it was time for the invalid to have some warm wine and water, with a slice of dry toast, and then to go cosily to bed.They were happy days, those of Oliver's recovery.Everything was so quiet, and neat, and orderly;everybody so kind and gentle;that after the noise and turbulence in the midst of which he had always lived, it seemed like Heaven itself.He was no sooner strong enough to put his clothes on, properly, than Mr.Brownlow caused a complete new suit, and a new cap, and a new pair of shoes, to be provided for him.As Oliver was told that he might do what he liked with the old clothes, he gave them to a servant who had been very kind to him, and asked her to sell them to a Jew, and keep the money for herself.This she very readily did;and, as Oliver looked out of the parlour window, and saw the Jew roll them up in his bag and walk away, he felt quite delighted to think that they were safely gone, and that there was now no possible danger of his ever being able to wear them again.They were sad rags, to tell the truth;and Oliver had never had a new suit before.One evening, about a week after the affair of the picture, as he was sitting talking to Mrs.Bedwin, there came a message down from Mr.Brownlow, that if Oliver Twist felt pretty well, he should like to see him in his study, and talk to him a little while.'Bless us, and save us!Wash your hands, and let me part your hair nicely for you, child,' said Mrs.Bedwin.'Dear heart alive!If we had known he would have asked for you, we would have put you a clean collar on, and made you as smart as sixpence!'

Oliver did as the old lady bade him;and, although she lamented grievously, meanwhile, that there was not even time to crimp the little frill that bordered his shirt-collar;he looked so delicate and handsome, despite that important personal advantage, that she went so far as to say: looking at him with great complacency from head to foot, that she really didn't think it would have been possible, on the longest notice, to have made much difference in him for the better.Thus encouraged, Oliver tapped at the study door.On Mr.Brownlow calling to him to come in, he found himself in a little back room, quite full of books, with a window, looking into some pleasant little gardens.There was a table drawn up before the window, at which Mr.Brownlow was seated reading.When he saw Oliver, he pushed the book away from him, and told him to come near the table, and sit down.Oliver complied;marvelling where the people could be found to read such a great number of books as seemed to be written to make the world wiser.Which is still a marvel to more experienced people than Oliver Twist,every day of their lives.'There are a good many books, are there not, my boy?' said Mr.Brownlow, observing the curiosity with which Oliver surveyed the shelves that reached from the floor to the ceiling.'A great number, sir,' replied Oliver.'I never saw so many.'

'You shall read them, if you behave well,' said the old gentleman kindly;'and you will like that, better than looking at the outsides,that is, some cases;because there are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts.' 'I suppose they are those heavy ones, sir,' said Oliver, pointing to some large quartos, with a good deal of gilding about the binding.'Not always those,' said the old gentleman, patting Oliver on the head, and smiling as he did so;'there are other equally heavy ones, though of a much smaller size.How should you like to grow up a clever man, and write books, eh?'

'I think I would rather read them, sir,' replied Oliver.'What!wouldn't you like to be a book-writer?' said the old gentleman.Oliver considered a little while;and at last said, he should think it would be a much better thing to be a book-seller;upon which the old gentleman laughed heartily, and declared he had said a very good thing.Which Oliver felt glad to have done, though he by no means knew what it was.'Well, well,' said the old gentleman, composing his features.'Don't be afraid!We won't make an author of you, while there's an honest trade to be learnt, or brick-making to turn to.'

'Thank you, sir,' said Oliver.At the earnest manner of his reply, the old gentleman laughed again;and said something about a curious instinct, which Oliver, not understanding, paid no very great attention to.'Now,' said Mr.Brownlow, speaking if possible in a kinder, but at the same time in a much more serious manner, than Oliver had ever known him assume yet, 'I want you to pay great attention, my boy, to what I am going to say.I shall talk to you without any reserve;because I am sure you are well able to understand me, as many older persons would be.'

'Oh, don't tell you are going to send me away, sir, pray!' exclaimed Oliver, alarmed at the serious tone of the old gentleman's commencement!'Don't turn me out of doors to wander in the streets again.Let me stay here, and be a servant.Don't send me back to the wretched place I came from.Have mercy upon a poor boy, sir!'

'My dear child,' said the old gentleman, moved by the warmth of Oliver's sudden appeal;'you need not be afraid of my deserting you, unless you give me cause.'

'I never , never will, sir,' interposed Oliver.'I hope not,' rejoined the old gentleman.'I do not think you ever will.I have been deceived, before, in the objects whom I have endeavoured to benefit;but I feel strongly disposed to trust you, nevertheless;and I am more interested in your behalf than I can well account for, even to myself.The persons on whom I have bestowed my dearest love, lie deep in their graves;but, although the happiness and delight of my life lie buried there too, I have not made a coffin of my heart, and sealed it up, forever, on my best affections.Deep affliction has but strengthened and refined them.'

As the old gentleman said this in a low voice: more to himself than to his companion: and as he remained silent for a short time afterwards: Oliver sat quite still.'Well, well!' said the old gentleman at length, in a more cheerful tone, 'I only say this, because you have a young heart;and knowing that I have suffered great pain and sorrow, you will be more careful, perhaps, not to wound me again.You say you are an orphan, without a friend in the world;all the inquiries I have been able to make, confirm the statement.Let me hear your story;where you come from;who brought you up;and how you got into the company in which I found you.Speak the truth, and you shall not be friendless while I live.'

Oliver's sobs checked his utterance for some minutes;when he was on the point of beginning to relate how he had been brought up at the farm, and carried to the workhouse by Mr.Bumble, a peculiarly impatient little double-knock was heard at the street-door: and the servant, running upstairs, announced Mr.Grimwig.'Is he coming up?' inquired Mr.Brownlow.'Yes, sir,' replied the servant.'He asked if there were any muffins in the house;and, when I told him yes, he said he had come to tea.'

Mr.Brownlow smiled;and, turning to Oliver, said that Mr.Grimwig was an old friend of his, and he must not mind his being a little rough in his manners;for he was a worthy creature at bottom, as he had reason to know.'Shall I go downstairs, sir?' inquired Oliver.'No,' replied Mr.Brownlow, 'I would rather you remained here.'

At this moment, there walked into the room: supporting himself by a thick stick: a stout old gentleman, rather lame in one leg, who was dressed in a blue coat, striped waistcoat, nankeen breeches and gaiters, and a broad-brimmed white hat, with the sides turned up with green.A very small-plaited shirt frill stuck out from his waistcoat;and a very long steel watch-chain, with nothing but a key at the end, dangled loosely below it.The ends of his white neckerchief were twisted into a ball about the size of an orange;the variety of shapes into which his countenance was twisted, defy description.He had a manner of screwing his head on one side when he spoke;and of looking out of the corners of his eyes at the same time: which irresistibly reminded the beholder of a parrot.In this attitude, he fixed himself, the moment he made his appearance;and, holding out a small piece of orange-peel at arm's length, exclaimed, in a growling, discontented voice.'Look here!do you see this!Isn't it a most wonderful and extraordinary thing that I can't call at a man's house but I find a piece of this poor surgeon's friend on the staircase? I've been lamed with orange-peel once, and I know orange-peel will be my death, or I'll be content to eat my own head, sir!'

This was the handsome offer with which Mr.Grimwig backed and confirmed nearly every assertion he made;and it was the more singular in his case, because, even admitting for the sake of argument, the possibility of scientific improvements being brought to that pass which will enable a gentleman to eat his own head in the event of his being so disposed, Mr.Grimwig's head was such a particularly large one, that the most sanguine man alive could hardly entertain a hope of being able to get through it at a sitting--to put entirely out of the question, a very thick coating of powder.'I'll eat my head, sir,' repeated Mr.Grimwig, striking his stick upon the ground.'Hallo!what's that!' looking at Oliver, and retreating a pace or two.'This is young Oliver Twist, whom we were speaking about,' said Mr.Brownlow.Oliver bowed.'You don't mean to say that's the boy who had the fever, I hope?' said Mr.Grimwig, recoiling a little more.'Wait a minute!Don't speak!Stop--' continued Mr.Grimwig, abruptly, losing all dread of the fever in his triumph at the discovery;'that's the boy who had the orange!If that's not the boy, sir, who had the orange, and threw this bit of peel upon the staircase, I'll eat my head, and his too.'

'No, no, he has not had one,' said Mr.Brownlow, laughing.'Come!Put down your hat;and speak to my young friend.'

'I feel strongly on this subject, sir,' said the irritable old gentleman, drawing off his gloves.'There's always more or less orange-peel on the pavement in our street;and I know it's put there by the surgeon's boy at the corner.A young woman stumbled over a bit last night, and fell against my garden-railings;directly she got up I saw her look towards his infernal red lamp with the pantomime-light.“Don't go to him,” I called out of the window, “he's an assassin!A man-trap!” So he is.If he is not--' Here the irascible old gentleman gave a great knock on the ground with his stick;which was always understood, by his friends, to imply the customary offer, whenever it was not expressed in words.Then, still keeping his stick in his hand, he sat down;and, opening a double eye-glass, which he wore attached to a broad black riband, took a view of Oliver: who, seeing that he was the object of inspection, coloured, and bowed again.'That's the boy, is it?' said Mr.Grimwig, at length.'That's the boy,' replied Mr.Brownlow.'How are you, boy?' said Mr.Grimwig.'A great deal better, thank you, sir,' replied Oliver.Mr.Brownlow, seeming to apprehend that his singular friend was about to say something disagreeable, asked Oliver to step downstairs and tell Mrs.Bedwin they were ready for tea;which, as he did not half like the visitor's manner, he was very happy to do.'He is a nice-looking boy, is he not?' inquired Mr.Brownlow.'I don't know,' replied Mr.Grimwig, pettishly.'Don't know?'

'No.I don't know.I never see any difference in boys.I only knew two sort of boys.Mealy boys, and beef-faced boys.'

'And which is Oliver?'

'Mealy.I know a friend who has a beef-faced boy;a fine boy, they call him;with a round head, and red cheeks, and glaring eyes;a horrid boy;with a body and limbs that appear to be swelling out of the seams of his blue clothes;with the voice of a pilot, and the appetite of a wolf.I know him!The wretch!'

'Come,' said Mr.Brownlow, 'these are not the characteristics of young Oliver Twist;so he needn't excite your wrath.'

'They are not,' replied Mr.Grimwig.'He may have worse.'

Here, Mr.Brownlow coughed impatiently;which appeared to afford Mr.Grimwig the most exquisite delight.'He may have worse, I say,' repeated Mr.Grimwig.'Where does he come from!Who is he? What is he? He has had a fever.What of that? Fevers are not peculiar to good people;are they? Bad people have fevers sometimes;haven't they, eh? I knew a man who was hung in Jamaica for murdering his master.He had had a fever six times;he wasn't recommended to mercy on that account.Pooh!nonsense!'

Now, the fact was, that in the inmost recesses of his own heart, Mr.Grimwig was strongly disposed to admit that Oliver's appearance and manner were unusually prepossessing;but he had a strong appetite for contradiction, sharpened on this occasion by the finding of the orange-peel;and, inwardly determining that no man should dictate to him whether a boy was well-looking or not, he had resolved, from the first, to oppose his friend.When Mr.Brownlow admitted that on no one point of inquiry could he yet return a satisfactory answer;and that he had postponed any investigation into Oliver's previous history until he thought the boy was strong enough to hear it;Mr.Grimwig chuckled maliciously.And he demanded, with a sneer, whether the housekeeper was in the habit of counting the plate at night;because if she didn't find a table-spoon or two missing some sunshiny morning, why, he would be content to--and so forth.All this, Mr.Brownlow, although himself somewhat of an impetuous gentleman: knowing his friend's peculiarities, bore with great good humour;as Mr.Grimwig, at tea, was graciously pleased to express his entire approval of the muffins, matters went on very smoothly;and Oliver, who made one of the party, began to feel more at his ease than he had yet done in the fierce old gentleman's presence.'And when are you going to hear a full, true, and particular account of the life and adventures of Oliver Twist?' asked Grimwig of Mr.Brownlow, at the conclusion of the meal;looking sideways at Oliver, as he resumed his subject.'Tomorrow morning,' replied Mr.Brownlow.'I would rather he was alone with me at the time.Come up to me to-morrow morning at ten o'clock, my dear.'

'Yes, sir,' replied Oliver.He answered with some hesitation, because he was confused by Mr.Grimwig's looking so hard at him.'I'll tell you what,' whispered that gentleman to Mr.Brownlow;'he won't come up to you to-morrow morning.I saw him hesitate.He is deceiving you, my good friend.'

'I'll swear he is not,' replied Mr.Brownlow, warmly.'If he is not,' said Mr.Grimwig, 'I'll--' and down went the stick.'I'll answer for that boy's truth with my life!' said Mr.Brownlow, knocking the table.'And I for his falsehood with my head!' rejoined Mr.Grimwig, knocking the table also.'We shall see,' said Mr.Brownlow, checking his rising anger.'We will,' replied Mr.Grimwig, with a provoking smile;'we will.'

As fate would have it, Mrs.Bedwin chanced to bring in, at this moment, a small parcel of books, which Mr.Brownlow had that morning purchased of the identical bookstall-keeper, who has already figured in this history;having laid them on the table, she prepared to leave the room.'Stop the boy, Mrs.Bedwin!' said Mr.Brownlow;'there is something to go back.'

'He has gone, sir,' replied Mrs.Bedwin.'Call after him,' said Mr.Brownlow;'it's particular.He is a poor man, and they are not paid for.There are some books to be taken back, too.'

The street-door was opened.Oliver ran one way;and the girl ran another;and Mrs.Bedwin stood on the step and screamed for the boy;but there was no boy in sight.Oliver and the girl returned, in a breathless state, to report that there were no tidings of him.'Dear me, I am very sorry for that,' exclaimed Mr.Brownlow;'I particularly wished those books to be returned to-night.'

'Send Oliver with them,' said Mr.Grimwig, with an ironical smile;'he will be sure to deliver them safely, you know.'

'Yes;do let me take them, if you please, sir,' said Oliver.'I'll run all the way, sir.'

The old gentleman was just going to say that Oliver should not go out on any account;when a most malicious cough from Mr.Grimwig determined him that he should;and that, by his prompt discharge of the commission, he should prove to him the injustice of his suspicions: on this head at least: at once.'You SHALL go, my dear,' said the old gentleman.'The books are on a chair by my table.Fetch them down.'

Oliver, delighted to be of use, brought down the books under his arm in a great bustle;and waited, cap in hand, to hear what message he was to take.'You are to say,' said Mr.Brownlow, glancing steadily at Grimwig;'you are to say that you have brought those books back;and that you have come to pay the four pound ten I owe him.This is a five-pound note, so you will have to bring me back, ten shillings change.'

'I won't be ten minutes, sir,' said Oliver, eagerly.Having buttoned up the bank-note in his jacket pocket, and placed the books carefully under his arm, he made a respectful bow, and left the room.Mrs.Bedwin followed him to the street-door, giving him many directions about the nearest way, and the name of the bookseller, and the name of the street: all of which Oliver said he clearly understood.Having superadded many injunctions to be sure and not take cold, the old lady at length permitted him to depart.'Bless his sweet face!' said the old lady, looking after him.'I can't bear, somehow, to let him go out of my sight.' At this moment, Oliver looked gaily round, and nodded before he turned the corner.The old lady smilingly returned his salutation, and, closing the door, went back to her own room.'Let me see;he'll be back in twenty minutes, at the longest,' said Mr.Brownlow, pulling out his watch, and placing it on the table.'It will be dark by that time.' 'Oh!you really expect him to come back, do you?' inquired Mr.Grimwig.'Don't you?' asked Mr.Brownlow, smiling.The spirit of contradiction was strong in Mr.Grimwig's breast, at the moment;and it was rendered stronger by his friend's confident smile.'No,' he said, smiting the table with his fist, 'I do not.The boy has a new suit of clothes on his back, a set of valuable books under his arm, and a five-pound note in his

pocket.He'll join his old friends the thieves, and laugh at you.If ever that boy returns to this house, sir, I'll eat my head.'

With these words he drew his chair closer to the table;and there the two friends sat, in silent expectation, with the watch between them.It is worthy of remark, as illustrating the importance we attach to our own judgments, and the pride with which we put forth our most rash and hasty conclusions, that, although Mr.Grimwig was not by any means a bad-hearted man, and though he would have been unfeignedly sorry to see his respected friend duped and deceived, he really did most earnestly and strongly hope at that moment, that Oliver Twist might not come back.It grew so dark, that the figures on the dial-plate were scarcely discernible;but there the two old gentlemen continued to sit, in silence, with the watch between them.翻译心得体会






我选的第十四章,进一步讲述了奥利佛在布朗罗家的情形。狄更斯在本章节对人物、环境和语言做了细致的描写。例如,At this moment, there walked into the room: supporting himself by a thick stick: a stout old gentleman, rather lame in one leg, who was dressed in a blue coat, striped waistcoat, nankeen breeches and gaiters, and a broad-brimmed white hat, with the sides turned up with green.A very small-plaited shirt frill stuck out from his waistcoat;and a very long steel watch-chain, with nothing but a key

at the end, dangled loosely below it.The ends of his white neckerchief were twisted into a ball about the size of an orange;the variety of shapes into which his countenance was twisted, defy description.He had a manner of screwing his head on one side when he spoke;and of looking out of the corners of his eyes at the same time: which irresistibly reminded the beholder of a parrot.In this attitude, he fixed himself, the moment he made his appearance;and, holding out a small piece of orange-peel at arm's length, exclaimed, in a growling, discontented voice.这一处细致入微的描写了格林维格先生样貌特征,一个栩栩如生的中上层阶级的胖老头呈现在我们面前。从他马夹里露出来的衬衫褶领和他一进门就伸长胳膊用大嗓门说话,作者细致的展现了格林维格先生是个举止略为粗鲁的人物形象。Thus encouraged, Oliver tapped at the study door.On Mr.Brownlow calling to him to come in, he found himself in a little back room, quite full of books, with a window, looking into some pleasant little gardens.There was a table drawn up before the window, at which Mr.Brownlow was seated reading.此处描写了主人公奥利弗进入布朗罗先生的书房后看到的情景。展现了布朗罗先生拥有大量的书籍和一些小花园,这也从侧面说明了布朗罗先生热爱读书并且家底丰厚。'I never , never will, sir,' interposed Oliver.'I hope not,' rejoined the old gentleman.'I do not think you ever will.I have been deceived, before, in the objects whom I have endeavoured to benefit;but I feel strongly disposed to trust you, nevertheless;and I am more interested in your behalf than I can well account for, even to myself.The persons on whom I have bestowed my dearest love, lie deep in their graves;but, although the happiness and delight of my life lie buried there too, I have not made a coffin of my heart, and sealed it up, forever, on my best affections.Deep affliction has but strengthened and refined them.'这一处的语言描写表明了奥利弗要呆在布朗罗家的决心,同时也道出了布朗罗先生曾经被欺骗过的的经历但仍对奥利弗有义无反顾的信任,这也反映了布朗罗先生有一颗善良的乐于助人的心。




本章节大部分运用了(1)直译法,例如,①As Oliver was told that he might do what he liked with the old clothes, he gave them to a servant who had been very kind to him, and asked her to sell them to a Jew, and keep the money for herself.直译为“奥利弗得知他可以随意处置旧衣服,他把它们给了一个对他非常友善的仆人,并且让她把它们卖给个犹太人,钱留下自己花。”②Oliver did as the old lady bade him;and, although she lamented grievously, meanwhile, that there was not even time to crimp the little frill that bordered his shirt-collar.直译为“奥利弗照老妇人的要求的做了,尽管她一个劲惋惜,可已经来不及给他的衬衫领子压褶饰了。”还有一些句子用了(2)意译法,例如,①'Bless us, and save us!Wash your hands, and let me part your hair nicely for you, child,' said Mrs.Bedwin.意译为“哎哟,真没办法,你洗洗手,我帮你梳一个漂亮的分头,孩子。”贝德温夫人说。”还有一些句子用了(3)直译意译相结合的方法,例如,Oliver's sobs checked his utterance for some minutes;when he was on the point of beginning to relate how he had been brought up at the farm, and carried to the workhouse by Mr.Bumble, a peculiarly impatient little double-knock was heard at the street-door: and the servant, running upstairs, announced Mr.Grimwig.直译意译相结合翻译为“奥利弗哽咽起来,好一会说不出话。他刚要开始讲述自己如何在农场里长大,布鲁斯又如何把他带到济贫院去的,大门口却响起来了颇不耐烦的敲门声。仆人跑上楼来报告说,格林维格先生来了。

在翻译的过程中还运用了一些翻译技巧,通过运用这些技巧使文章增色很多。(1)词类转换法是翻译的常用手段,简言之就是改变单词词性,例如,They were happy days, those of Oliver's recovery.Everything was so quiet, and neat, and orderly.翻译为“奥利弗恢复健康的那些日子是多么幸福啊,一切都是那么宁静,整洁,井井有条。”“quiet安静的”和“neat整洁的”都是形容词,这里转换成了名词“宁静”和“整洁”。“orderly井井有条地”是副词,这里转换成了名词。(2)分译法是根据行为要求,将一句译为几句,又称化整为零法。不但从句、短语、独立主格可以这样处理,有时一个形容

词、名词或副词也可以从原文中的结构中分离出来,译成单独的句子或短语。翻译还要讲究一个地道,要符合汉语的表达习惯,翻译的时候需要调整语序。例如,①Comprising Further Particulars of Oliver’s Stay at Mr.Brownkow’s, with the Remarkable Prediction Which One Mr.Grimwig Uttered Concerning Him, When He Went out on an Errand.译成汉语为“进一步讲述奥利弗在布朗罗先生家的情形,在布朗罗先生外出办事时,一位名叫格林维格的先生为他作了一番值得注意的预言。” ② 'There are a good many books, are there not, my boy?' said Mr.Brownlow, observing the curiosity with which Oliver surveyed the shelves that reached from the floor to the ceiling.分译为“书可真多不是吗,我的孩子?”布朗罗先生观察到奥利弗带着好奇心打量着书架,它从地板垒到了天花板上。”③As fate would have it, Mrs.Bedwin chanced to bring in, at this moment, a small parcel of books, which Mr.Brownlow had that morning purchased of the identical bookstall-keeper, who has already figured in this history.分译为“真好像命中注定似的,贝德温夫人恰好在这时拿着一包书进来了,这是布朗罗先生那天早上从那位书摊掌柜那里买的,他在前面的故事中出现过。”(3)增译法,根据上下文语境,增添的词语句子能使句子的翻译更明晰,使读者一目了然。例如,All this, Mr.Brownlow, although himself somewhat of an impetuous gentleman: knowing his friend's peculiarities, bore with great good humour.译成汉语为“尽管布朗罗先生自己在某种程度上也是个冲动的绅士,可他知道他朋友的怪脾气,对这一切他还是带着少有的好兴致照单全收。”(4)反译法,是从原文的一个角度下笔,译文恰恰从相反的角度下笔,采取此译法可以是词,短语甚至整个句子。例如,'No,' he said, smiting the table with his fist, 'I do not.The boy has a new suit of clothes on his back, a set of valuable books under his arm, and a five-pound note in his pocket.He'll join his old friends the thieves, and laugh at you.If ever that boy returns to this house, sir, I'll eat my head.'反译为“是的,”他用拳头猛捶桌子说道,“我认为,这男孩有新套装穿在身上,一摞值钱的书夹在胳膊底下,还有五镑的钞票在他手里,他将会回到那窝贼朋友那嘲笑你!如果那个男孩返回这座房子,先生,我就把自己的脑袋吃下去。”



在翻译某些片段的时候会出现(1)误译,例如,①将The old gentleman was just going to say that Oliver should not go out on any account;when a most malicious cough from Mr.Grimwig determined him that he should;and that, by his prompt discharge of the commission, he should prove to him the injustice of his suspicions: on this head at least: at once.翻译成“老绅士将要说任何情况下奥利弗不应该出去,格林维格先生有敌意的咳嗽了一声决定他应该去,他迅速的执行委员会的职能,他要证明他怀疑所受到的不公正待遇:至少因为他的头,立刻。”而正确的译法应该是“那个老绅士刚要说任何情况下奥利佛都不应该出去,格林维格带有敌意地咳嗽了一声,这迫使他决定让奥利佛跑一趟,由他迅速办完这档子事,自己就可以向格林维格先生证明,他的猜疑在这一点上至少是不公正的,而且可以立刻证明。” ②将'No,' he said, smiting the table with his fist, 'I do not.The boy has a new suit of clothes on his back, a set of valuable books under his arm, and a five-pound note in his pocket.He'll join his old friends the thieves, and laugh at you.If ever that boy returns to this house, sir, I'll eat my head.'翻译成“不,”他用拳头猛捶桌子说道,“我不认为,这男孩有新套装穿在身上,一摞值钱的书夹在胳膊底下,还有五镑的钞票在他手里,他将会回到那窝贼朋友那嘲笑你!如果那个男孩返回这座房子,先生,我就把自己的脑袋吃下去。”这样句子意思前后就出现了矛盾。好在老师给了我及时的指导,纠正了我的错误。在翻译的过程中还出现了(2)漏译的现象,例如,将bout a son, who was clerk to a merchant in the West Indies;and who was, also, such a good young man, and wrote such dutiful letters home four times a year, that it brought the tears into her eyes to talk about them.翻译成了“还有一个在西印度商人那做店员的儿子,他也是一个非常好的青年,每年都会写四封信给家里。谈起那些信,泪水便涌上她的双眼。”译文中漏掉了“dutiful”这个单词的意思,正确的译文为“还有一个在西印度商人那做店员的儿子,他也是一个非常好的青年,很孝顺每年都会写四封信给家里。谈起那些信,泪水便涌上她的双眼。”


物的语言的翻译是翻译的重点,能符合中国人的说话方式才是地道的翻译。例如,'Bless us, and save us!’译成“哎呦,真没办法!”就比“保佑我们,救救我们!”要好得多。







A-huge storm that collapsed part of a cliff on Israel’s central coast led to the discovery of a statue dating back to the Roman period, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday.The white marble statue of a woman ]is estimated to be 2,000 years old.It stands 1.2 meters tall, weighs about 200 kilograms and was found with no head or arms, according to a news release by the authority.A person walking on the shore at Ashkelon on the west coast of Jerusalem made the discovery, the authority said.The statue fell into the sea when the cliff collapsed as a result of the storm.The collapse also ruined a bath house and mosaics that had been in the cliff for many hundreds of years.The storm, one of the strongest Israel has experienced in recent years, brought winds of more than 100 kilometer per hour that sent 10-meter waves crashing into Israel’s coast.周二,以色列文物局表示,一场暴风雨使以色列中部海岸的悬崖坍塌,导致一座罗马时代的大理石雕塑落入海中。这个白色大理石女人雕像估计有202_年历史。据当局发布的消息,这座无头无手臂的女雕像高约1.2米,重约200公斤。有人在耶路撒冷西海岸的阿什凯龙海岸散步时发现了这座雕像。风暴使得悬崖坍塌从而导致雕像掉入海中。坍塌同样也摧毁了悬崖上一座有了数百年历史的澡堂和拼花工艺。这场风暴是以色列近年来遭受的最强风暴之一,它以每小时超过100公里的风速卷起10高的海浪冲击着以色列海岸。

Canadian police and military teams were working Tuesday afternoon to rescue about 300 people stranded after what a local official termed the most brutal storm to hit the Ontario region in 25 years.Some people had been stuck in their vehicles for more than 24 hours following blinding snow that piled up so high it made it almost impossible to open vehicle doors.Ontario Provincial Police initially reported about 360 vehicles and about 300 people had been stranded near Sarnia, Ontario, on Highway402-a major thoroughfare linking the U.S.-Canada border to London, Ontario.Some of those people have since been rescued, but Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley said it could be another 24 hours before everyone is taken to safety.周二中午,加拿大警方和军队正在营救被一场安大略地区25年来最强风暴困住的约300名市民。一些人被困在汽车内已经超过了24个小时,随着大雪不断堆积,高高的积雪使得人们无法打开车门。安大略省警方最初公布约有360辆车和300人被滞留在安大略省萨尼亚附近的402高速公路-一条链接美加边境到伦敦,安大略省的高速公路。目前,已经营救出部分人员,但萨尼亚市市长迈克·布拉德利说,救出所有人还需一天时间。

A tough anti-smoking law has taken effect in Spain.The ban—one of the strictest in Europe— outlaws smoking in all bars and restaurants.Smokers will also be prohibited on television broadcasts, near hospitals or in school playgrounds.The law tightens anti-smoking restrictions introduced in 202_.The anti-smoking rules introduced in 202_ outlawed smoking only in the workplace, but let bar and restaurant owners choose whether or not to allow it.Most chose not to impose any ban.Only large restaurants and bars were obliged to provide a smoke-free area.Now, hotel, restaurant and bar owners have said they could face a 10% drop in trade with the new rules.The industry has already seen a sharp fall in sales due to Spain’s economic problems.But doctors argue the new legislation will help smokers give up.西班牙开始实行新的禁烟条令。这条禁令是欧洲最严厉的禁令之一,条例禁止了在所有的酒吧和餐厅吸烟。并且条例也禁止烟民在电视节目中,医院附近及学校附近的操场上吸烟。202_年,推出了收紧禁烟法律限制。06年出台的禁烟令仅仅只规定了在工作场所里不能吸烟。而酒吧和餐厅经营者则自行决定是否实行禁烟条令。大部分经营者选则不禁烟。只有大型餐厅和酒吧自愿提供免费吸烟区。而现在,酒店,餐馆和酒吧所有者称新的戒烟条令会导致营业额下降10%。由于西班牙的经济问题,行业销售额急剧下滑。但医生表示这一条例有助于人们戒烟。

Police in India have arrested a Citibank employee accused of cheating clients out of millions of dollars.Shivraj Puri, 32, who is expected to appear in court later, told an Indian newspaper he was innocent.The alleged fraud was discovered earlier this month in a branch of the global bank in Gurgaon, a wealthy suburb of Delhi.The bank has said investors were promised quick, high returns from a bogus financial scheme.It is alleged that Mr.Puri transferred the money into accounts controlled by three relatives.Mr.Puri reportedly handed himself in on Thursday, a day after police said he was wanted for questioning.The alleged fraud came to light earlier this month when a client mentioned the scheme to a senior bank manager.印度警方逮捕了一名涉嫌骗取客户百万美元的银行雇员。32岁的Shivraj Pierry在后来的庭审中对印度媒体宣称自己是无罪的。在本月早些时候这起诈骗案就已经被发现了,案发于一所位于新德里富裕区古尔加翁的国际银行分支。该银行表示,诈骗者以一份虚假的财务计划向客户承诺快速丰厚的回报。据悉Pierry先生其实把钱分别转存到了他三个亲戚的账户上。在警方发出通缉令后的第一天,pierry就去自首了。一位顾客将这名银行雇员的诈骗诡计告诉了高级经理之后,这一事件才被曝光。

Some Hotmail users are reporting that their e-mails are missing from their accounts.A number of people with Hotmail accounts have posted complaints on Microsoft forums complaining that their e-mails have been deleted.Users around the world said e-mails were missing from their inbox and other folders within their Hotmail accounts.A spokeswoman for Microsoft said that the issue of missing e-mails was not a widespread problem.By Sunday evening the issue was “fully resolved”, she said.The company apologized for any inconvenience.一些Hotmail用户向微软投诉他们的电子邮件丢失。许多Hotmail用户在微软论坛上抱怨他们的电子邮件被删除。世界各地的hotmail用户说他们邮箱中的邮件和其他文件夹丢失掉了。微软发言人说称这不是一个普遍问题,并称到周日晚问题已经完全得到妥善解决。,微软就由此问题造成的不便向用户表示歉意。

The number of North Americans who went to the cinema in 202_ was around 5% down on the 202_ total, figures show.Box office analysts forecast 1.35bn tickets will be sold by the end of the year, down on 1.42bn sold in 202_.It is the biggest year-on-year drop since 202_, making 202_ the second-lowest attended year of the decade.Yet box office revenues remained about the same at $10.6bn, due to increased ticket prices.Animated movie Toy Story 3 was the highest-grossing film of the year at the U.S.box office, earning nearly $415m.The Pixar sequel, like second highest-grossing title Alice in Wonderland, was one of several hit movies released in 3D.It is thought attendance figures in the U.S.and Canada will rise next year, when sequels to hit comedy The Hangover and Pirates of the Caribbean are released.据数据显示,202_年北美票房比202_年下跌了5%。票房分析师预测至今年年底将售出13.5亿张电影票,低于202_年售出的14.2亿张。这是202_年以来最大的同比降幅,使202_年成为了十年来第二个最低卖座年。然而,由于电影票价价格上涨,电影的票房收入也达到了一百零七亿美元。动画电影《玩具总动员3》是这年在美国最卖座的影片,收入近4.5亿美元。皮克斯的续集如《爱丽丝梦游仙境》放映的3 d大片之一是第二个最高票房冠军。人们认为随着明年喜剧《宿醉》和《加勒比海盗》的上档,票房还会继续增加。

Digital textbooks are transforming the way many students learn.All the Fairfax County Public Schools have begun using online course material for their middle-and high-school students.This school year, the schools shifted from hard cover to electronic textbooks for social studies in its middle and high schools.The switch came after digital books were used in 15 schools last year.“Our students come to us technologically ready to use resources from a variety of different places,” says Assistant Superintendent Peter Noonan.“The world is changing consistently.The online textbooks can change right along with the events that are happening.” There's a significant financial benefit as well.“Usually it is between $50 and $70 to buy a textbook for each student,” Noonan says, “which adds up to roughly $8 million for all of our students.We actually have purchased all of the online textbooks for our students for just under $6 million.” 电子教科书正在改变许多学生学习的方式。费尔法克斯县所有公立学校的初中和高中学生已经开始使用在线课程材料。这个学年,学校以初中和高中为试点,以电子教科书代替实体课本。去年转变完成后,已有15所学校使用电子教科书。“依靠这种技术学生可以使用来着不同地方的学习资源”监督助理彼得Noonan说。“世界在变化,而电子教科书也可以不断随时更新。” 使用电子教科书也会带来显著的经济利益。“通常给每个学生买教科书将花费50到70美元”


A man was arrested on suspicion of attempting to carry explosives through a security checkpoint at an airport, authorities said.Trey Scott Atwater was taken into custody Saturday morning after Transportation Security Administration agents spotted what they described as a suspicious item.The item was in his carry-on during X-ray screening at a security checkpoint at the airport, an FBI spokesman said in a statement.Neither the FBI nor the TSA identified the explosives, though an airport spokeswoman said the items were “wrapped in military grade wrapping” and are in the possession of the police.At no time was there any danger to the people at the airport.The airport terminal was temporarily evacuated while authorities “conducted a sweep, and deemed all clear,” said a city spokeswoman.Atwater has been arrested on a federal count of attempting to get on an aircraft with an explosive.据报道,一名男子企图携带爆炸物品登机,在机场安检时被工作人员发现并将其逮捕。当美国运输安全管理局的工作人员发现可疑物品后,星期六早晨特雷斯科特·阿特沃特被拘留。联邦调查局的发言人说可疑物品是在他随身携带过机场X光安检时发现的。无论是联邦调查局还是运输安全管理局的工作人员都无法确定可疑物品是否是爆炸物品,虽然机场发言人表示,该可疑物品被“包裹在军用级包装” 里,并在警察的身上。机场内没有任何人员伤亡。发言人称“当局进行了扫描确认可疑物品时,机场进行了临时的人员疏散”。阿特沃特已被以企图携带爆炸物上飞机的罪名逮捕。

In Dakar, psychiatric patients attend regular art therapy classes to help treat mental disorders.The therapy can be a useful technique to complement traditional forms of psychotherapy.Psychiatrists in the Senegalese capital's main hospital see it as an essential part of the healing process.Art as psychotherapy is still relatively new in Senegal.Dr.Tabara Sylla, the hospital's chief psychiatrist, uses art therapy, medication and classical forms of psychotherapy in her practice, treating everything from chronic depression to alcohol abuse and schizophrenia.At first the project started as a way to keep patients busy in the afternoon, rather than have them sitting around smoking.It soon became clear that art was creating a communication bridge between patient and doctor.More and more now, she says, art workshops have become essential therapy---so much that she cannot imagine this psychiatric unit without them.在达喀尔,一些患有心理疾病的患者尝试使用艺术治疗法治疗疾病。该疗法可以成为弥补传统心理治疗形式的有效技术。在塞内加尔首都主要医院的精神科医生把它看作是治疗过程的重要组成部分。在塞内加尔,艺术心理治疗仍然是相对较新的治疗方法。Tabara西拉博士,医院的首席精神病专家,用艺术,药物和传统形式心理治疗相结合的方法治疗从慢性抑郁症酗酒到精神分裂等疾病。起初,该项目是为了让病人们忙碌起来,而不是让他们一下午都坐在角落里抽烟。很快,人们便意识到,艺术在病人和医生之间搭建起了沟通的桥梁。西拉说,现在,艺术疗法已成为必不可少的治疗方法,她无法想象没有这种疗法的话该怎么办。

The Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA, the government agency that regulates civil aviation in the United States, announced new rules this month to combat pilot fatigue.The new guidelines, which will go into effect in two years, call for reducing the number of pilots' on-duty hours and giving them a 10-hour rest period between shifts, so they can get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.The new rules apply to only pilots of passenger airlines.FAA determined that including pilots who fly cargo planes---a large segment of the aviation industry---would add too much to the cost of implementing the changes.But the Independent Pilots Association has filed a lawsuit asking the government to set one level of safety for all pilots.美国联邦航空管理局简称FAA,颁布新规防止飞行员疲劳驾驶。新规有效期为两年,要求减少飞行员的工作时间,将飞行员两次飞行之间的休息时长增加到10个小时,以保证他们能够有不被打扰的8小时睡眠,新规则仅适用于客运航空公司的飞行员。美国联邦航空局表示,新规不适用于占航空业大份的货运机飞行员,因为这会增加太多成本。但独立飞行员协会已经提起诉讼,要求政府对所有飞行员设立同一级别的安全标准。

The world will need to double food production within the next three decades in order to feed a rapidly growing and increasingly affluent population, which is projected to grow from 7 billion today to 9 billion.A United Nations report says reaching that goal will require major increases in intensive, high-efficiency livestock operations for both meat and dairy production.The report also says that intensive livestock operations can pose serious ecological risks.And that's why environmental critics are calling instead for reductions in global livestock production, and urging people to consume less, not more, meat in their diets.Feeding today's population is a challenge for an already-stressed environment.The challenge is how to ensure food without increasing animal numbers and having an impact on fragile lands and our resource bases.More than half of the agricultural land in the world is used to raise and feed livestock.Those farm animals are also responsible for 18 percent of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere every year.Experts agree that the next few decades will present a puzzle, how to feed nine billion people without wrecking the planet in the process.在未来30年内,为了养活数量极速增长,且越来越富的人口(预计从今天70亿增长到90亿),世界需要双倍的食物。联合国表示,为实现这一目标,人类将需要增加高效集约型家畜企业的肉类和奶制品生产。该报告还指出,密集型的家畜产品生产会给生态带来严重的威胁。这就是为什么要鼓励人们在日常饮食中少消耗肉类。喂养今天的人口对已经压力满满的环境来说是一个巨大的挑战。我们面临的挑战是如何确保食品供应而不增加动物数量,并不对脆弱的土地和资源基础产生影响。世界上超过一半的农用地是用来喂养牲畜的。这些农场的动物对温室气体的排放也负有一定的责任,它们排放的温室气体占到总量的18%。因此,在未来数十年里如何处理90亿人类生存和自然环境之间的矛盾依然是人类需要思考的问题。



