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申请文书PS的创作,适合的才是最好的,它既不是简单的写作,更不是含糊的照搬。俗话说,世界上没有两片一模一样的叶子,每个学生也都是独一无二的个体,文书当然也应该是独一无二的!无论是PS或SOT抑或是CV,内容一定要有针对性,要以每个学生的特质、背景和经历为依据,文书老师和学生应当面对面一对一沟通交流,深度挖掘学生身上的闪光点,在这个基础上,用行文的创意与技巧去征服国外大学的教授,这样的文书既是贴合学生身份的,又是熠熠生辉的,怎能不被刮目相看呢? 这又岂是那些放诸四海而皆准的文书所能媲美的呢?思为最看不上“一篇打天下”的文书模版,思为只做适合的独一无二的文书,哪怕付出多百倍的努力!




“Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college.But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward;you can only connect them looking backwards.” When I watched the video of Steve Jobs’Commencement Address at Stanford University for the first time, I failed to acquire an exact understanding of the figurative meaning of the dots in our lives, but now, four years later, when I look back, a map of dots with lines connecting them gradually, and yet clearly, appears in my mindMadison.”

The first dot is about my grandma’s choice of treatment of her liver cancer.I still remember when she was dying,tears sliding down her wrinkled cheeks, she murmured “I should have chosen conservative treatment to die peacefully in bed „I should have„” That unforgettable memory still lingers on my mind and keeps me reflecting on methods of guiding patients to make better decisions, and evaluating the health related quality of life.Therefore, I determined to minor in Pharmacy, to explore the pharmaceutical field furthera fantastic world of science, and gradually I have acquired a thorough knowledge of Pharmacy.Based on the study of Pharmacology, I started to learn Pharmacotherapy by myself, and progressively got to know the corresponding medication therapies to treat and prevent each kind of diseases, and realized the importance of safe, appropriate and economical drug therapy for achieving outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of life.During this exploring, I encountered another subject-Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy.Later on, a lecture called “Comparison Study of Education in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy in China and USA” solidified my interest in this discipline.With the guidance of the lecturer, Professor HU, and through searching information about this area, I formulated a clear vision of the purpose of research in this disciplinethis is the third and one of the most crucial dots on the route of my adventurous voyage.Ever since I made my decision, I have prepared my graduate study in the United States dot by dot.I managed to develop my interest in this discipline without weakening my performance of my major English, and participation in variou activities.I ranked first in the overall performance of my major and minor in Pharmacy, and won the National Scholarship.With regards to activities and volunteer works, student leader forums, English club and summer social practice activities cultivated my strong leadership and organization skills;additionally, debate and speech competitions, and volunteer experience developed my communication and presentation skills, which are my assets that will largely benefit my future study and career development, as well as the graduate program in which I will get enrolled.At the same time, Pharmacoeconomics course and related literature have broadened my insight into Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy.Throughout the process, I developed considerable literature retrieval skills and sharp abilities to grasp new concepts and knowledge quickly.Also, through involving in the Open Experiment in the Enzyme Engineering Laboratory, I learned to be an excellent coordinator, building a bridge between teachers and other research teammates.From March this year, I have taken an active part in the research project on Comparison Study of Chinese GMP 202_ and GMP 1998.During this research I sharpened my analytical abilities, critical thinking skills, as well as built strong team spirit.I will assist the research advisor Professor HU to deliver a series of lectures in our university and pharmaceutical companies.During my colorful college life, I have made a substantial number of presentations at class, department and school levels.And as one of the best students, I have participated in study method seminars for many times to instruct freshmen and sophomores in learning and researching.Therefore, I have the confidence to say that I will be qualified for teaching or research assistantship in my graduate study.Because of the aforementioned skills and knowledge I gained, this month I am participating in the research project the Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Diabetes in China, which will pave the way for my graduate research.The further I explored in this area, the more clearly I realized the dire need for talents specialized in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacythis will certainly be a dot on my life expedition.In order to achieve this professional goal, an advanced degree is indispensible, and the Ph.D.program in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy at University of WisconsinMadison will be the next requisite dot on my pursuit of what I love to do.I sincerely hope that I can begin a social, professional and academic relationship with you;one that is sure to be mutually beneficial.





Criminology Personal Statement 犯罪学个人陈述(PS)

I am interested in studying Criminology, This is because I'm fascinated by Topics like why/what people commit crime, Drugs and Society, and in fact all aspects of crime interest me.Various career options attract me including Probation, and Criminal Psychology.The courses I have chosen are BSc(Hons)Criminology and Criminal Justice, and BSc(Hons)Psychology and Criminology.I know that I'll have to work hard to gain a Degree but I'm prepared to do whatever it takes, I work well under pressure.I have chosen Portsmouth university primarily because of the reputation its Criminology Department has, and also my partner is currently doing a degree at Portsmouth as are many of my friends so I know a lot about student life at Portsmouth.|

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I can apply experience and personal skills gained in a variety of working and personal environments.I am finding the Access course very exciting, I love all the subjects, and it seems one subject would cease to exist without the other.I am particularly enjoying Sociology, as I was sixteen the last time I studied it, now I feel like I have a greater understanding of the subject.Psychology is a topic I have always followed.I'm enjoying Law, its such a perse subject but I especially like Criminal law, the debates we have in the classroom really get me energized.I enjoy reading about crime;I am currently reading a book called Hunting Humans;which is various profiles of serial killers.I am an inquisitive person and also very suspicious, I tend to read between the lines, so its not surprising I love Psychological thrillers like“Seven” and “Silence of the Lambs”.My leisure interests include visiting the gym 2/3 times a week, Socialising and when I get time I love browsing in charity shops for bargains.I have done some voluntary work when I was 17/18, with a youth club where I was training as a young youth worker and I went on

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.feisuxs/


residential and an exchange to Italy.I realised then that I wanted to work closely with people.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.feisuxs/





Natural Sciences Personal Statement 自然科学个人陈述(PS)

I have chosen to study Natural Sciences because of a constant curiosity with the workings of the world around me.By doing Natural Sciences I hope to build on my existing knowledge by studying a stimulating and inspiring subject in much greater detail.I have developed my interest in science, in particular Chemistry by undertaking scientific extra-curricular activities since joining secondary school as well as participating thoroughly in lessons.I particularly enjoyed making soap and esters in Chemistry and problem solving using a pendulum in physics.In 202_, I did some work experience at Unilever, where I analysed samples of dyed pig skin.I enjoyed this work experience as it allowed me to see a working lab in action, as well as developing communication and teamwork skills.In order to get more knowledge and understanding of

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.feisuxs/


the chemical industry, I organised some work experience myself at Shell in summer 202_, where I tested Ferrari oils for traces of different metals.Both these work experience placements increased my motivation to learn more about how scientific knowledge is applied in the real world.I continued my work at Shell in summer 202_, where I investigated two different methods of measuring biochemical oxygen demand.This project was part of a 4 week Nuffield Bursary, which meant I had to write a report and do a presentation to both Shell and the Nuffield foundation.I immensely enjoyed this project as I was allowed to expand it in the way that I wanted.I also worked independently and showed self-motivation in being responsible for the development of the project from start to finish.I gained a gold crest award for this project.In 202_-202_ I gained a silver crest award for a Zeneca life science project on Chemiluminescence.This involved working in a team of 3 people for 1 1/2 years on the project,developing it from the initial idea to the end results and conclusions.I liked this project as it enabled us to advance our project independently and take responsibility for it.Our team got to the regional finals of a competition with this project.I also gained bronze crest awards in 98 and 99 for a project on the bioremediation of oil, which was linked with Shell,and an able pupils

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.feisuxs/


science and technology course, which focused on renewable energy resources.I am now assisting other younger pupils in the school science club in completing a Zeneca project.I also represented my school at a young analysts competition with 3 other pupils.Out of school, I have been a member of the Guiding Association since age 7.I work as a young leader, helping to run a guide unit, and I have also gained a camp permit which means I am considered responsible enough to take a small group of girls camping without an adult.I have also shown myself to be reliable and committed to the all-round development of girls and young women.In addition, I am a Ranger within the Guiding Association, where I am working towards a leadership qualification.As a Ranger and young leader I was selected to represent the UK along with 7 other girls at an international camp in Switzerland in summer 202_.I was similarly selected to go to a World camp for guides in 1999.I immensely enjoyed these two experiences as they enabled me to meet new people from all over the world and develop teamwork and communication skills.I was also able to learn about different cultures, faiths and languages while on these 2 trips.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.feisuxs/





Surveying Personal Statement 测量专业个人陈述(PS)

I believe that quantity surveying is a vocation and not just a job.My interests in this area have established within in the last year.Some of my ancestors are quantity surveyors and I have seen how demanding the profession can be.Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to shadow a Quantity Surveyor outside my family however I would like to gain experience in the one year work placement that is offered through this course.I am able to communicate and participate well in a team, as well as being able to achieve goals and objectives independently through hard work and dedication.I have attended school for fourteen years and within in this time I have gained a lot of experiences and many rewards.I have obtained

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.feisuxs/


many certificates and recognition for school choir of the year, camogie championships, netball tournaments, ladies Gaelic football and swimming.Academic awards include recognition for French speaking, level 7 in information Systems skills, First aid courses completed with St.John's ambulance service finally I received a plaque for gaining 8 G.C.S.Es grade C and above.I am currently playing for the ************ Ladies Gaelic football team.This has taught me how to work together as a team, consider others yet having self motivation as included in a team sport;this has given me experience in how to work with others especially under pressure.A quantity Surveyor is a high pressured job and I feel I have the motivation and skills to deal with this pressure and work to the best of my ability and I am sure this is the career for me.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.feisuxs/


www.feisuxs 留学文书个人陈述PS中,最重要的研究能力如何呈现?

不管申请什么专业,有一点是通用的,那就是研究能力,而要论述研究能力,就要提到科学的研究方法,大部分的学科研究所使用的科学方法通常都包含(但不限于)以下的诸多重要元素: 1.严谨的观察; 2.构建假说并验证之; 3.*对新信息的开放性;


以上四点,无论在哪个学科里面都会被反复强调。这意味着,在写PS的时候可以强调这些内容:自己所具有的严谨的观察能力;良好的构造假说并验证的能力;思维的开放性,我们要努力使得这些内容在自己的研究过程中充分体现出来。现在我们分别来看一下: 1严谨的观察



www.feisuxs 验,最后我发现我所看到的XX,和课本上的内容不一致,因此不能用同一个定理来解释,但是可以肯定的是,我的实验和课本上的实验都是正确的。”





www.feisuxs 验证假说:假说可以简单的通过收集其他来源的信息加以验证,也可以通过额外的观察加以验证,更多的时候需要通过设计一个实验来加以验证。实验通过再现一个事件使得科学家可以对假说加以验证。



4.自愿接受他人的经过验证的成果; 这两个昨天说过了,具体请点击这里 如何将这些科学方法运用得恰到好处



很多申请者在写文书的时候,都喜欢写自己独到的一面,比如:一些申请者喜欢讲道理,比如说“你知道吗?我什么很厉害……”这样高调地赞扬自己的例子在文书里面是很常见的。申请者在写文书的时侯,尽量对自己表扬自己的例子做低调的处理,写出更具体的东西,就是所谓“事实胜于雄辩”。下面我们就“事实胜于雄辩”讨论以下两个案例: 案例(1):


www.feisuxs 案例(2):

Transferring majors is difficult at colleges in China.You have to be among the top three in your previous major and you also have to pass strict examinations on the subject.I was finally accepted into the Department of Physics at XXX University, one of the best Physics Departments in China.上面两个例子显然是不同的,第一个特别的直接和明确,不断的强调自己试验能力很强。但是所选取的都是比较空泛的事例。



“The word “curiosity” pleases me.To me it suggests something altogether different: it evokes “concern”;it evokes the care one takes for what exists and

www.feisuxs could exist;a readiness to find strange and singular what surrounds us;a certain relentlessness to break up our familiarities and to regard otherwise the same things;a fervor to grasp what is happening and what passes;a casualness in regard to the traditional hierarchies of the important and the essential.” ——By Michel Foucault Michel Foucault应该是法国现代最著名的生物学家,这是他写的一段话,这段话强调好奇心能够引发人去追求很多东西,就是说,好奇心本身不需要任何东西,纯粹的好奇心就能够推动人的进步。

下面,我们来看一个描写好奇心的案例: 案例:...By applying for Ph.D.studies at your university, I am seeking to fulfill a childhood dream to understand and appreciate the wonders of nature.Born and brought up in a small city on the Yun-Gui plateau in southwest China, I was full of curiosity in my childhood as I observed the dramatic weather changes there....上面这这段话在一开始就告诉别人,因为自己的好奇心而促使自己想要去了解云贵高原的天气,而促使自己对所申请专业的兴趣。



www.feisuxs 望给别人的感觉。所以希望申请者在文书里面能够在专业领域里,透过某种现象能够看到一些东西,同时提出一些问题,下面,我们来看一个比较经典的案例: 案例:艾智仁的提问






