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关键词:缅甸留学生 内部动机 外部动机 汉语
1.1 调查对象基本情况
1.2 问卷调查内容
1.2.1 学习汉语的动机
1.2.2 课堂表现
1.2.3 学校活动
1.2.4 兴趣爱好
缅甸留学生的兴趣爱好较为多元化,70.59%的学生喜欢看电影、电视,欣赏歌曲,40%的学生喜欢饮食,这符合年轻人求新的心理特点。52.94%的学生兴趣与经济贸易相关,经了解,这些学生的父母大都从事与中国有关的贸易行业,家庭背景及父母期望是主要因素。2 缅甸留学生学习汉语的动机分析
2.1 缅甸留学生学习汉语的内部动机
2.1.1 学历与非学历学生的学习动机差异
2.1.2 华裔与非华裔学生的学习动机差异
2.1.3 不同学习态度学生的学习动机差异
2.1.4 不同性格学生的学习动机差异
2.2 缅甸留学生学习汉语的外部动机
2.2.1 家庭背景对学生学习动机的影响
2.2.2 教师对学生学习动机的影响
责任编辑:陈 顺
写作在汉语当中是重要的一部分,为了提高同学们写作能力,更加帮助同学们解决写作中的困难,特开展这次调查问卷活 动,欢迎同学们参加我的问卷调查,请在调查问卷中填写你的真实情况和想法。谢谢合作!
A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合A、非常符合B、比较符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合C、一般D、不太符合E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不 E、完全不
3俄语中有10个元音:а уоияюѐеыЭ
其中e易读成[you], ǚ易读成[yue] , j易读成zhi ,q易读成chi, x易读成shi,2.俄语语音中有清辅音浊化,和浊辅音清化的现象,因此他们常把
调型1: 经常用于陈述句中,表示语义完结。调型1的调型中心一般落在所要强调的词的重音上。
阴平与其他声调连读时,其他声调受阳平影响也读成阴平,如:欢乐(51)易读成(55);沼泽(214 35)易
读成(55 35)
李琳琳 屠佳
School of International Education Nanjing Medical University
The Syllabus for Chinese language(comprehensive lesson)
General 通过一年的教学,帮助包括零基础的初级阶段学生掌握汉语普通话的语音,熟练使用汉语拼音,了解汉语的基本语法结构,掌握2500个以上的常用词和200个左右的语法点。听、说、读、写方面的综合能力达到进入中国高等院校理、工、农、西医类本科学习的最低汉语能力标准。
The objective of this Chinese course is to help beginners grasp the pronunciation of Chinese, skillfully use Pinyin, understand the basic grammar and structure in Chinese, know more than 2,500 frequently used characters and roughly 200 grammar points.The students’ overall ability in listening, speaking, reading and writing should reach the basic level of Chinese which enables them to pursue their study in China colleges whatever in natural science, engineering course, agriculture and medical science.To go into detail, students should, by and large, be able to understand material spoken at a speed of about 120 characters per minute which doesn’t involve or hardly involves unfamiliar words and newly-arising grammars.They are expected to follow, in specific situations, everyday conversations in Chinese.As for speaking ability, students should be able to carry out basic communications in Chinese in daily life and to express themselves clearly.Their errors in talking should be kept under 30% of all.For reading ability, students should be able to, with the help of reference books, read Chinese text of more than 500 characters, the content of which involves less than 20% unfamiliar words and newly-arising grammars.Their reading speed should attain at least 100 characters per minute.For writing ability, students should be able to understand the basic structure of Chinese characters, to write familiar characters in correct stroke order and to complete a short composition of no less than 300 characters with few mistakes.第一课 你好 Lesson 1 Hello
Objectives and Requirements 掌握所学的声母和韵母发音,会拼合,会读四声,掌握上声变调。能将“你好”运用于交际。
Grasp the articulation and combination of the initials and finals, can read the four tones of Chinese, grasp the modulation of the 3rd tone.Make communicative dialogues with “你好”
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
Contents 1.声母:b p m f d t n l g k h发音及拼合 2.韵母:a o e i u ü ai ei ao ou发音及拼合 3.汉语的四个声调
4.上声变调:两个第三声连读时第一个三声变成第二声 5.课文
1.Initials: b p m f d t n l g k h, their articulation and combination 2.Finals: a o e i u ü ai ei ao ou, their articulation and combination 3.Tones of Chinese Putonghua 4.Modulation of the 3rd tone: when a 3rd tone is immediately followed by another 3rd one, the first one read as the 2nd tone 5.Text
第二课 汉语不太难
Lesson 2 Chinese language is not too difficult
教学目标与要求 Objectives and Requirements 掌握所学的声母和韵母发音,会拼合,会读轻声。
Grasp the articulation and combination of the initials and finals, learn to articulate the neutral tone
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.韵母:an en ang eng ong发音及拼合
2.轻声的概念:一定条件下又短又轻的声调,并非第五声 3.轻声的词:爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 弟弟 妹妹
4.半上声: 第三声音节后面跟第一、二、四声和轻声音节时,读半三声 5.课文
1.Finals: an en ang eng ong, their articulation and combination 2.The neutral tone: Toneless and light-short pronounced syllables, it is not the 5th tone 3.The neutral tone words: 爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 弟弟 妹妹
4.The half 3rd tone: A 3rd-tone syllable is immediately followed by a 1st, 2nd, 4th or neutral tone syllable, only the first half of the tone is read 5.Text
第三课 谢谢 Lesson 3 Thanks
Objectives and Requirements 掌握所学的声母和韵母发音,会拼合。能够运用课文对话表达感谢和告别。Grasp the articulation and combination of the initials and finals, make dialogues of appreciation and farewell with the sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours 教学内容 Contents 1.声母:j q x发音及拼合
2.韵母:i ia ie iao iou(iu)ian in iang ing iong发音及拼合 3.“不”的变调 4.课文
1.Initials: j q x, their articulation and combination 2.Finals: i ia ie iao iou(iu)ian in iang ing iong, their articulation and combination 3.Modulation of“不”: when“不”is immediately followed by another 4th-tone syllable, it is articulated as the 2nd tone 4.Text 5.Communication practice: Appreciation and farewell
第四课 你去哪儿 Lesson 4 Where will you go?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握所学的声母和韵母发音,会拼合。能够运用课文对话询问日期。
Grasp the articulation and combination of the initials and finals, make dialogues of inquiring about the date with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours 教学内容 Contents 1.声母:z c s发音及拼合
2.韵母:i er ua uo uai uei(ui)uan(un)uang ueng发音及拼合 3.儿化:后缀“儿”与其前一音节的韵母结合成一个音节,使该韵母带上卷舌音色的特殊音变现象 4.课文
5.一周七天的名称(星期一至星期天)的交际训练 1.Initials: z c s, their articulation and combination 2.Finals: i er ua uo uai uei(ui)uan(un)uang ueng, their articulation and combination 3.Retroflex finals: “er” forms a retroflex syllable in combination with its previous finals 4.Text 5.Communication practice on the name of the seven days of a week
第五课 这是什么书 Lesson 5 What’s this book?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握所学的声母和韵母发音,会拼合。会写要求的汉字。
Grasp the articulation and combination of the initials and finals, learn to write the words required
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours 教学内容 Contents 1.声母:zhi chi shi发音及拼合 2.韵母:i发音及拼合 3.课文
4.用“这是”进行陈述及提问的交际训练 1.Initials: zhi chi shi, their articulation and combination 2.Finals:-i, its articulation and combination 3.Text 4.Communication practice on using “这是”to ask question and to construct indicative sentence
第六课 这是王老师 Lesson 6 This is teacher Wang
Objectives and Requirements 复习前五课的声韵母,运用课文对话进行介绍和接待
Review the Pinyin studied in previous five lessons, make dialogues of introduction and welcome with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.复习全部的汉语拼音 2.综合复习前六课课文 3.介绍、接待的交际训练 1.Review Pinyin 2.Review text from lesson 1 to lesson 6 3.Communication practice on introduction and welcome
第七课 我学习汉语 Lesson 7 I study Chinese
Objectives and Requirements 掌握轻声词汇,进一步掌握上声变调,运用课文对话询问和回答姓名和国籍 Grasp the neutral tone words, further study on the modulation of the 3rd tone, make dialogues of inquiring about name and nationality with sentence patterns from the text.学时分配
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.上声变调:两个第三声相连,第一个读成第二声 2.轻声词汇 3.课文
4.个人姓名和国籍询问的交际训练 1.Modulation of the 3rd tone: two 3rd tones join together, the first one read as the 2nd tone 2.The neutral tone words 3.Text 4.Communication practice on name and nation inquiry
第八课 你吃什么
Lesson 8: What do you want to eat?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握“一”的变调,了解量词“个”,运用课文对话进行点菜
Grasp the modulation of “一”, know the quantifier “个”, make dialogues of ordering food with sentence patterns from the text.学时分配
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.“一”的变调,同时复习“不”的变调 2.量词“个” 3.课文
4.“你吃什么” 点菜的交际训练
1.Modulation of “一”: If followed by the 1st ,2nd 0r 3rd tone, “一”is pronounced as the 4th tone;if is followed by a 4th tone, it will be read as the 2nd tone.Review the modulation of “不” 2.Quantifier “个” 3.Text 4.Communication practice on ordering dishes
第九课 苹果多少钱一斤
Lesson 9 How much are a Jin of apples?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握语气助词“了”,了解常见水果名称,运用课文对话进行购物
Grasp the modal particle “了”, know the names of familiar fruits, make dialogues of shopping with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.语气助词“了” 2.课文
3.人民币的名称、问价还价用语、常用水果名称 4.购物的交际训练 1.Modal particle “了” 2.Text 3.Par value of RMB, bidding and dickering diction, name of familiar fruit 4.Communication practice on shopping
第十课 我换人民币 Lesson 10 I change RMB
Objectives and Requirements 了解请求的表达,感谢及应答,运用课文对话学会换钱
Know how to make a request and express appreciation, make dialogues of exchanging money with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.“不”的变调的复习;三个连续上声的读法:前两个读第二声,第三个不变 2.请求的表达:“我换钱”、“请等一会儿”、“请数数” 3.“谢谢”、“不客气” 4.课文 5.银行换钱的交际训练
1.The exercise of the modulation of “不”
The pronunciation of three immediately followed 3rd tone: The first two should be changed into the 2nd tone and the last one remains unchanged 2.Request: “我换钱”(I change money), “请等一会儿”(please wait a moment), “请数数”(please count)
3.“谢谢”(thanks), “不客气”(that all right)4.Text 5.Communication practice on changing money in the bank
第十一课 他住哪儿
Lesson 11 Where does he live?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握动词谓语句的语序和汉语号码的读法,运用课文对话询问地址、电话号码 Grasp the word order of the sentence with a verb as its predicate, grasp the enumeration in Chinese, make dialogues of inquiry about address and telephone number with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents
2.动词谓语句:动词是谓语主要成分的句子 3.汉语号码的读法:电话号码、门牌号码 4.课文
5.问住址、电话的交际训练 1.The word order of Chinese Subject + Predicate Subject + Predicate + Object Subject + Adverbial + Predicate + Object Subject + Adverbial + Predicate + Attribute + Object 2.The sentence with a verb as its predicate, in such sentence verb is the main element 3.Enumeration in Chinese: Telephone numbers, house numbers 4.Text 5.Communication practice on how to inquire about address and telephone number
第十二课 您身体好吗? Lesson 12 How is your health?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握所学量词的搭配,运用课文对话表达问候
Grasp the collocation of the quantifier, make dialogues of exchanging greetings with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.问候的表达 2.课文
1.How to exchange greetings 2.Text 3.Review the word order 4.Communication practice on exchanging greetings
第十三课 我们都是留学生
Lesson 13 We are all overseas students
Objectives and Requirements 掌握状语的位置,运用课文对话进行介绍
Grasp the adverbials and their place in the sentence,make dialogues of introduction with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.疑问句型(1):陈述句+吗? 2.状语、状语的位置 3.副词“也”、“都”作状语 4.课文
1.Interrogation(1): Indicative sentence + 吗?
2.The adverbials and their place in a sentence: The modifying element before verbs and adjectives are called adverbials 3.The adverbs “也”(also), “都”(all/both)functioning as adverbials 4.Text 5.Communication practice on introduction and apology
第十四课 你在哪儿学习
Lesson 14 Where do you study?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握介宾短语在句子中的位置,定语的位置,运用疑问代词提问
Grasp the place of the preposition-object phrase and the place of the attribute in a sentence, use interrogative pronouns to ask questions
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.疑问句型(2):用疑问代词提问的特殊疑问句
这类句型用“谁”、“哪儿”、“怎么”、“多少”等疑问代词询问具体信息 2.定语、定义的位置、定语的标志“的” 3.“在”、“给”,介宾短语作状语 4.课文
1.Interrogation(2): Questions with interrogative pronouns Such sentence uses“谁”(who),“哪儿”(where), “怎么”(how), “多少”(how many)to ask specific information 2.The attributes and their place in a sentence;the formal indicator of the attribute: “的”
3.Prepositional phrase headed with“在”, “给”functioning as an adverbial 4.Text 5.Communication practice on inquiry and answer
第十五课 这个箱子很重
Lesson 15 This box is very heavy
Objectives and Requirements 掌握形容词谓语句,了解“的”字短语的用法,运用“这是”、“那是”进行陈述 Grasp the sentence with an adjectival predicate, grasp the function of the “的”-phrase, use“这是” and “那是” to construct indicative sentence
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.形容词谓语句 2.疑问句型(3):正反问 3.“的”字词组:“形容词+的”在句中起名词作用 4.课文
5.用“这是”、“那是”进行陈述的交际训练 1.The sentence with and adjectival predicate 2.Interrogation(3): The affirmative-negative question
A affirmative-negative question is one in which the affirmative and negative form of main element of the predicate are paralleled
3.“的”-phrase: “adjective + 的” function as a noun in a sentence 4.Text 5.Communication practice on sentence started with“这是”,“那是”
第十六课 你的车是新的还是旧的 Lesson 16 Is your bike new or old?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握用“呢”提问,运用“怎么样”表达问候
Grasp to ask questions with “呢”, make dialogues of greetings with “怎么样”
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours 教学内容 Contents 1.疑问句型(4):选择问 2.疑问句型(5):省略问:使用语气助词“呢” 3.主谓谓语句:主谓短语作谓语的句型 4.课文
5.问候的交际训练 6.存车的交际训练
1.Interrogation(4): Alternative questions with “还是”(…or…)
If there are two or more possibilities about the answer, we use such alternative questions 2.Interrogation(5): Elliptical questions with “…呢?”
3.The sentence with a subject-predicate phrase as its predicate 4.Text 5.Communication practice on exchanging greetings 6.Communication practice on how to keep one’s bicycle
第十七课 你们公司有多少职员
Lesson 17 How many employees are there in your company
Objectives and Requirements 掌握“几个”、“多少”的用法,运用课文对话介绍自己的家庭
Grasp the usage of “几个”,“多少”, make dialogues of introducing one’s family with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.“有”字句:表示领有
肯定式:A+有+B 否定式:A+没有+B 2.“几个”、“多少”的用法 3.“二”和“两”的区别 4.称数法 5.课文
1.The “有”sentence: Such sentence can express possession The affirmative form: A+有+B The negative form: A+没有+B 2.The usage of “几个” and “多少” 3.The difference usage of “二” and “两” 4.Enumeration 5.Text
第十八课 我的房间 Lesson 18 My room
Objectives and Requirements 运用课文对话介绍自己的房间
Make dialogues of introducing one’s room
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.“是”字句、“有”字句、形容词谓语句 2.疑问句型的交错练习3.课文
1.The “是” sentence and the “有” sentence;The sentence with an adjectival predicate 2.Practice on interrogations 3.Text
第十九课 你常去图书馆吗?
Lesson 19 Do you often go the library?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握时间状语,了解“还是”、“或者”的区别,运用课文对话介绍自己的日常活动
Grasp the temporal adverbials, know the difference between “还是” and “或者”, make dialogues of introducing one’s daily activities with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.时间状语 2.“还是”、“或者”:“还是”用于疑问句,“或者”用于陈述句; “我们”、“咱们”;
“吧”的语气:请求或建议,同意和应答 “跟”引导的介宾短语 3.课文
1.Temporal words as adverbials 2.“还是” and “或者”: “还是”is used in alternative questions while “或者”is used in indicative sentences.The difference between “我们”and“咱们”
The modal particle “吧”at the end of a sentence imply a suggestive, inquisitive or agreeing tone The “跟+ object” structure: As a prepositional phrase, it is used as adverbials in sentence and means “with…” 3.Text
第二十课 他在做什么呢? Lesson 20 What is he doing?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握动作的正在进行,运用“怎么+动词”提问
Grasp the progression of an act which is signified by the adverb “在”、“正在”or “正”, use “怎么+verb” to ask questions
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.动作的正在进行:在、正在、正 2.“怎么+动词”提问 3.双宾语句 4.课文
1.The progression of an act is signified by the adverb “在”、“正在” or “正” 2.Inquiring about the manner of an act: “怎么+verb”
3.The double-object sentence: The first object is called the indirect object, the second one is the direct object 4.Text
第二十一课 我去邮局寄包裹
Lesson 21 I go to the post office to mail a package.教学目标与要求
Objectives and Requirements 掌握连动句
Grasp the sentence with verb constructions in series.学时分配
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.连动句:“到„„做„„”,“用„„做„„”,表达目的和方式的两种基本类型
1.The sentence with verb constructions in series:
Basic structures to indicate the purpose of an act and how something is done: “到„„做„„”,“用„„做„„” 2.Text 3.Communication practice on how to express one’s purpose or way of doing things
第二十二课 我看看皮大衣
Lesson 22 I want to have a look at the leather coat
Objectives and Requirements 了解动词的重叠,人民币的单位,运用课文对话购物
Grasp the reduplication of verbs and the monetary unit of RMB, make dialogues of shopping with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.动词的重叠:表达轻松的语气,说明动作短且时间短 2.“又„„又„„”的用法:表示同时存在的条件或状况 3.“一点儿”和“有点儿”的区别
4.“太„„了”表示不满,极少数时候表示赞叹 5.人民币的单位 6.课文
1.The reduplication of verbs is used to express the casual and relaxed tone of the speaker which implys the shortness(of time)or slightness of an act.2.the usage of “又„„又„„”: Denoting simultaneous existing two condition or state
3.The difference between “一点儿”and“有点儿”
4.The structure“太„„了”to express dissatisfaction or, in few cases, compliment 5.The monetary unit of RMB 6.Text 7.Communication practice on shopping
第二十三课 你的生日是几月几号 Lesson 23 When is your birthday?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握名词谓语句,了解年月日的表达习惯,运用课文对话询问年龄
Grasp the sentence with a nominal predicate, know the usage of expressing the year, month and date, make dialogues of inquiring about one’s age with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.名词谓语句:没有判断词“是”,由名词直接作谓语,用以表达时间、价格、数量、籍贯、年龄等 2.年月日的表达习惯 3.疑问句型(6):用疑问语气提问 4.课文
1.The sentence with a nominal predicate: subject(s)+ predicate(n)
“是”is not used before the predicate.Nouns function as the predicate to express time, price, date, amount, weather, age, one’s native place 2.How to read the year, month and date 3.Interrogation(6): The interrogative tone 4.Text 5.Communication practice on inquiring about one’s age
第二十四课 我的学习生活 Lesson 24 My study life
Objectives and Requirements 运用课文对话介绍个人的学习生活
Make dialogues of introducing one’s study life with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.课文
2.介绍个人学习生活的交际性训练 1.Text 2.Communication practice on introducing one’s study life
第二十五课 我们七点一刻出发 Lesson 25 We set out at seven fifteen
Objectives and Requirements 掌握汉语时刻的表达,运用课文对话介绍作息制度
Grasp the time indicators of Chinese, make dialogues of introducing one’s timetable with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.时点词:年、月、日、点、刻、分,排列顺序从大到小
2.时点词在句中的充当的成分:主语、谓语、定语、状语,时间状语要放在地 点状语前面 3.课文
4.介绍作息制度的交际训练 1.Time indicators: “年”、“月”、“日”、“点”、“刻”、“分”(arranged in the same order)2.The function of time indicators in a sentence: subject, predicate, attribute, adverbial The adverbial of time is placed before the adverbial of place 3.Text 4.Communication practice on introducing one’s timetable
第二十六课 我打算请老师教京剧
Lesson 26 I’m going to find a teacher to teach me Beijing opera
Objectives and Requirements 掌握兼语句,运用课文对话表达兴趣
Grasp the pivotal sentence, make dialogues of expressing one’s interests and hobbies with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.使动用法和兼语句:动宾短语和主谓短语部分重合在一起,动宾短语的宾语兼作主谓短语的主语所构成的兼语短语作谓语的句子,兼语前的动词往往有使令意义。
2.使令动词:请、叫、让、派、打算 3.“对„„感兴趣” 4.课文
1.How to express “to ask someone to do something” and the pivotal sentence: the predicate of a pivotal sentence is formed by two Verb + Object phrases.The object of the first verb is at the same time the subject of the second verb.The first verb in a pivotal sentence is often a causative verb.2.Causative verb: 请(please), 叫(ask), 让(let), 派(order), 打算(plan)3.“对„„感兴趣”(be interested in
第二十七课 学校里边有邮局 Lesson 27 There is a post office in the school
Objectives and Requirements 掌握存现句和方位词,运用课文对话问路
Grasp the sentences which indicate existence and the location words,make dialogues of asking the way with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.方位词
2.存现句:在、有、是 3.“从„„”、“离„„” 4.课文
5.描述方位的交际性训练 1.Location words 2.The sentences which indicate existence with “在”, “有”, “是”
3.“从„„”(I am from …)“离„„”(It is… from the starting place to the destination)4.Text
5.Communication practice on location and destination
第二十八课 我想学太极拳
Lesson 28 I want to learn Tajiquan
Objectives and Requirements 掌握所学能愿动词,运用“怎么”询问原因,运用能愿动词表达愿望
Grasp the optative verbs, use “ 怎么” to inquire about the reason, use optative verbs to express one’s wishes
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.能愿动词:想、会、要、能、可以 2.用“怎么”询问原因 3.课文
1.Optative verbs: 想(want/would), 会(be able to), 要(want), 能(can), 可以(may)2.Ask questions with “ 怎么” to inquire about the reason 3.Text
第二十九课 她学得很好 Lesson 29 She learned well.教学目标与要求
Objectives and Requirements 掌握状态补语的语义、用法,了解原因的表达
Understand and use the complement of state, know how to give reasons
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.状态补语:形容词或动词后用“得”连接的补语
正反式:动词+得+形容词+不+形容词 2.“为什么”表示原因 3.“还可以” 4.课文
1.The complement of state: The complement connected by 得following the verb or the adjective The affirmative: Verb+得+adjective The negative: Verb+得+不+adjective The affirmative-negative: Verb+得+adjective+不+adjective 2.Ask for reasons with “为什么” to inquire about the reason 3.“还可以”(not bad/passable.)4.Text
第三十课 我的同学 Lesson 30 My classmate
Objectives and Requirements 进一步掌握状态补语,运用课文对话介绍同学
Further study on the complement of state, make dialogues of introducing classmates with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.复习转态补语 2.课文
1.Review the complement of state 2.Text
第三十一课 田芳去哪儿了 Lesson 31 Where is Tianfang
Objectives and Requirements 掌握语气助词“了”的语义,运用“了”表达过去发生或完成的事
Grasp the modal particle“了”, use “了” to express past and past perfect tense
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.语气助词“了”的作用
“再”用于未完成;“又”用于已重复 3.课文
1.The modal particle“了”
“ sentence +了” indicates an act has already taken place and the finished state of this act still continues 2.“再”, ”又”
“再” means something not happened;“又” means the similar thing happened again 3.Text
第三十二课 你怎么了 Lesson 32 What’s going on?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握动态助词“了”的语义和用法,了解因果关系的表达,运用课文对话学会看病 Understand and use the aspect particle“了”, know the expression of a cause-effect relationship, make dialogues of seeing a doctor with sentence patterns from the text
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.动态助词“了”
动词+了+数量词+宾语:动作完成的量 2.“因为„„所以„„”:因果关系的表达 3.课文
4.询问进餐的交际训练 1.Aspect particle“了”
Verb +“了”: An act is completed
Verb +“了”+object: An act happened and continued
Verb +“了”+quantifier +object: The times the act have happened 2.“因为„„所以„„”(because...so...): Links a cause-effect complex sentence and explain the cause and effect of something 3.Text 4.Communication practice on the meal/feast
第三十三课 我下了班就去看房子了 Lesson 33 I go to see the house after work
Objectives and Requirements 掌握副词“就”、“才”,了解假设、转折关系,学会表述连续动作
Grasp the usage of “就” and “才”, know the expression of presumption and transitional tone in sentences, learn to express act happened continuously.学时分配
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.“就”和“才”的用法:“就”即将发生,“才”刚刚发生 2.“要是„„就„„”:表示假设关系 3.“虽然„„但是„„”:表转折关系 4.课文
1.The usage of “就” and “才”: “就”means something is about to happen,and 才” means something happened just now 2.“要是„„就„„”(if… then…): It indicates the result of a hypothetical condition 3.“虽然„„但是„„”: It links two clauses and expresses a transition.Such pattern first admits the content following “虽然”, then emphasizes the clause following “但是” 4.Text 5.Communication practice on how to express act happened continuously
第三十四课 我都做完了 Lesson 34 I have finished all
Objectives and Requirements 掌握补语的语义和用法,用结果补语表达动作完成
Understand and use complements, learn to express the completion of act with a complement of result.学时分配
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.结果补语
2.结果补语:动词+到;动词+成;动词+上;动词+懂,动词+开 3.看/看见;听/听见
1.The complement of result: indicating the result of an act The affirmative: Verb+Verb/adjective The negative: 没有+ Verb/adjective The positive and negative: Verb+ Verb/adjective+了没有
2.The complement of result: Verb+到;Verb +成;Verb +上;Verb +懂,Verb +开 3.看/看见(look/see);听/听见(listen/heard)4.Text
第三十五课 我来中国两个多月了
Lesson 35 I have been in China for two months
Objectives and Requirements 掌握时段补语,运用时段补语表达动作进行的时间,运用课文对话介绍日常生活 Grasp the complement of duration, use the complement of duration to express the duration of an act, introduce one’s daily life with sentence patterns from the text.学时分配
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.时段补语
2.概数的表达:相邻两个数词连用,“多”,“几” 3.课文
1.The complement of duration: Indicates the duration of an act 2.: By join two neighboring numbers;by the word “多”;by the word“几” 3.Text 4.Communication practice on introducing one’s daily life
第三十六课 逛公园
Lesson 36 Walk around the park.教学目标与要求
Objectives and Requirements 运用课文句型,学会按时间、空间顺序讲述故事
Use sentence patters studied from the text to tell stories in time order or space order
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.课文
2.游览的交际训练 1.Text 2.Communication practice on travel
第三十七课 我比你更喜欢音乐
Lesson 37 I like music more deeply than you.教学目标与要求
Objectives and Requirements 掌握“比”字句的意义、用法,运用该句型进行比较,了解数量补语
Understand and use comparative sentences, make a comparison with this sentence pattern, know the complement of quantity.学时分配 Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.比较句:
A比B„„;A有/没有B„„;A不如B 2.数量补语
3.感叹句:太/真+形容词;好/多+形容词 4.课文
1.Comparative sentences:
“A比B„„”: This pattern is used to show the difference between A and B
A有/没有B„„: As...as.../not as...as...A不如B: Not as...as...2.The complement of quantity 3.Exclamation sentences: 太(too)/真(so)+ adjective;好(so)/多(how)+adjective 4.Text
第三十八课 我们那儿的冬天跟北京一样冷 Lesson 38 My hometown is as cold as Beijing.教学目标与要求
Objectives and Requirements 进一步掌握比较句,了解递进复句
Further study on comparative sentences, know the complex sentence which indicate a further development meaning
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.比较句:跟„„一样/不一样 2.复句:不但„„而且„„ 3.课文
4.城市比较的交际训练 1.Comparative sentences: 跟„„一样(the same as);跟„„不一样(not the same as)2.Complex sentence:不但„„而且„„(not only …but also...)3.Text 4.Communication practice on comparing different cities
第三十九课 冬天快要到了 Lesson 39 The winter is coming.教学目标与要求
Objectives and Requirements 掌握语气助词“了”表示变化的用法,“地”和状语的位置,运用“„„了”表示动作即将开始
Grasp the usage of the modal particle“了” which expresses change, grasp the structural particle“地” and the place of adverbials in sentences, use “„„了”to express an act that is about to take place
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.语气助词“了”表示变化 2.动作即将发生:
“要„„了”;“就要„„了”;“快要„„了”;“快„„了” 3.状语和“地”:“地”是状语的标志,用在动词前面
1.The modal particle“了”is used to express change 2.An act is about to take place
要„„了;就要„„了;快要„„了;快„„了: Something is about to …
3.Adverbials and the structural particle“地”: “地”is a indication of adverbial modifier,and is placed before the verb.4.The sentence without a subject: In communication the listener and speaker both understand the subject they refer to, so it is omitted.5.Text
第四十课 快上来吧,车要开了
Lesson 40 Come on, the bus is leaving.教学目标与要求
Objectives and Requirements 掌握趋向补语的语义和用法
Understand and use the complement of direction
Distribution of Teaching hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.趋向补语:动词+来/去
结果补语:动词+住 2.课文
1.The complement of direction of an act: Verb+来/去
The complement of result: Verb+住 2.Text
第四十一课 我听过钢琴协奏曲《黄河》 Lesson 41 I have heard piano concerto Huanghe
Objectives and Requirements 掌握动态助词“过”,运用“动词+过+动量词”表达过去的经历
Grasp the aspect particle “过”, use the “verb+过” structure to tell past experience
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.动态助词“过”
3.序数的表达:数词前加词头“第”表示序数 4.课文
1.Aspect particle “过”
“verb+过”means the act took place in the past and has ended, it shows an experience of past 2.The complement of frequency: “次”、“遍”、“下”
The complement of frequency indicates the number of times an act has occurred.Such complement is formed by a numeral and a verbal quantifier, and the verbal quantifier should be put after “verb+过/了” 3.: Adding “第” before a numeral 4.Text
第四十二课 Lesson 42 Flower
Objectives and Requirements 进一步复习前五课的语法
Review the grammar points learned in previous five lessons
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.复习前五课的语法 2.课文
1.Review the grammar of previous 5 lessons 2.Text
第四十三课 我是跟旅游团一起来的
Lesson 43 I come here together with travel delegation
Objectives and Requirements 掌握“是„„的”的语义和用法,了解动词的重叠,运用“是……的”表达动作即将发生的时间、地点、方式
Understand and use the “是„„的”structure, know the reduplication of adjectives, use “是„„的” to tell the place, time and manner of an act that is about to take place
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.“是„„的”:已发生或完成动作的时间、地点、方式、目的、对象 2.“一„„就”:后一个动作紧跟前一个;前一动作是原因,后一动作是结果 3.形容词重叠:表示程度深,单音节词为AA,双音节词为AABB 4.课文
1.“是„„的”: Emphasizes the time, location, manner, purpose, target of an act that has taken placed or completed 2.“一„„就”(no sooner...than...): The second act followed immediately the first one;the first act is the condition or the cause of the second one
3.The reduplication of adjectives: Expresses a deep degree, the reduplicated form of monosyllabic adjectives is AA, the form of disyllabic ones is AABB 4.Text
第四十四课 昨天的讲座你去听了吗? Lesson 44 You went to the lecture yesterday?
Objectives and Requirements 掌握主谓谓语句的描述功能,掌握“动词+在/好/着/成”的语义和用法
Grasp the descriptive function of sentence with a subject-predicate phrase as its predicate, understand and use the structure ”动词+在/好/着/成”
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时
4 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents 1.主谓谓语句(2):
用主谓词组对对象加以说明和描述,结构形式是:名词1+名词2+动词 2.结果补语:在、好、着(zháo)、成
动词+成:动作使事物发生了变化或已完成 3.课文
1.The sentence with a subject-predicate phrase as its predicate(2)
Using a subject-predicate phrase to describe something which is the subject of the main sentence
The sentence structure is: Noun1+ Noun 2+ Verb 2.The complement of result: 在、好、着(zháo)、成
“Verb+在”: Through an act someone or something place themselves to certain location
“Verb+着”: The purpose of an act has been fulfilled
“Verb+好”: An act is satisfactorily done
“Verb+成”: Something has changed through an act or a purpose has been reached
第四十五课 我的眼镜摔破了 Lesson 45 My glasses is broken
Objectives and Requirements 了解无标记被被动句,了解量词的重叠
Know the passive sentences without indicator, know the reduplication of quantifiers
Distribution of Teaching Hours 4学时 teaching hours
教学内容 Contents
受事主语+动词+其他成分 2.量词的重叠:
名量词和动量词都可以重叠使用,表示“每” 3.课文
1.Passive sentences without indicator: Indicating passive meanings
The basic structure of such sentence is subject(recipient of an act)+Verb+Other sentence elements 2.The reduplication of quantifiers
Nominal and verbal quantifiers can both be reduplicated to mean “every” 3.Text
http://www.feisuxs 123
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泰国留学生汉语语音学习偏误分析及教学策略 对外汉语专业 覃小梅 学号:201201303146
泰国学生在声母方面的偏误主要集中在zhi、chi、shi、z、c、s、j、q、x zhi、chi、shi、这组声母基本上是所有留学生汉语语音学习得难点。对泰国留学生而言,当然也不例外,易与舌尖前音z、c、s相混淆,由于两组发音时舌位相近,很难区别,给学生在发音上造成困扰,因此偏误率很高。要纠正这一错误,关键要从音节入手,抓住声母与韵母拼合的关键。泰语与汉语普通话音节拼读特点差不多,都是辅轻韵重。但在汉语中的{i}音经常被泰国学生和母语中的辅音联系在一起,造成偏音现象。在教学过程中不要求学生刻意追求{i}的发音,要让学生吧发音部位放到舌尖与硬腭之间,保持位置不变时序练习。对于z、c、s让学生手掌对准嘴巴,使其体会气流的强弱,反复练习,巩固发音。
J/q/x这组声母在泰语中没有。所以很多泰国留学生就用相似的舌面中音จ {c}和前、高、不圆唇元音{i:}来品读汉语的j,用舌面中音ช{c’}和前、高、不圆唇元音{i:}来拼读汉语的q,用舌尖前音ช{s}和前、高、不圆唇元音{i:}来拼读汉语的x。这些都造成了学生发音上的偏误。纠正这组发音时,要求学生舌位从舌尖前部移至舌面前部,发音时要保持舌位不动,不要将舌尖前移,且反复练习。
汉语和泰语都有韵母,且都分单韵母、复韵母、鼻韵母。其中汉语拼音中一些韵母与泰语中韵母发音大致相同。/ua/ 和/uo/是汉语中常见的韵母中国人能很容易的区分,但是对于泰国人就很难了。其产生的偏误主要是受泰语韵母的干扰,在泰语中,一个韵母有有对应两种发音形式,如:{u:a}和{uo}泰语中的头、模糊等同的韵母发音都是{u:a},怕,只等词的韵母发音更接近{uo}。所以在交流中这组韵母在泰国人中没什么区别,除此之外,ia,ie也是一种混读韵母,同样是因为泰语中存在不定韵母{ia:e}造成的。针对泰国学生在学习汉语过程中存在的特殊偏误现象,应该让学生在学习韵母/ua/uo/,/ia/ie/时注意两者的区别性,两组韵母不仅在读音上不同,和辅音所拼读出音节代表的汉子意思也完全不同,汉语中的这两组韵母和泰语中韵母没有直接联系,在使用时应注意区分。汉语中的舌面高元音/v/,{y}在泰语中是不存在的。初级泰国学生都表示这个音不易发出,特别是与/j/,/q/,/x/相拼时就更困难了。练习这个发音要强调/i/,/v/发音的区别主要是唇形的圆展度,发音时舌头不动,慢慢将嘴唇变圆,反复体会。
泰国学生在 发去声的时候,声调不是降不下去,发不到位,而是降得很重,超过了去声51的音域或延长了去声的音长。念两个字时,经常把两个字断开来读,然后加重末音的字,如:劳动,在读第一个字时要先停顿,然后把后面的字音拉长,而读三个词语时,重音主要集中在最后面的字。这偏误产生原因是泰国学生受母语声调中降调和畅饮的影响。在泰语中泰语的降调在拼读时总是处于长音音节上,而泰语次中音后置的特点,也对泰国学生准确发去声产生干扰。