2005届工商管理专业毕业论文题目 民营企业发展环境问题研究 民营企业发展过程中的意识障碍及克服 3 民营企业持续发展问题研究 4 民营企业成长机制研究 论作为人力资本的企业家的激烈问题 6 论组织冲突组织变革 7 论重构营销 论中小企业文化建设 9 论中小企业客户关系管理 10 论中小企业技术创新战略 论中小企业激励机制的研究及其实践 12 论中小企业的第二次创业 论知识经济条件下企业员工素质 14 论运用新技术改造传统产业问题 15 论营销创新 论因职设人与因人设职相结合的原则 17 论业务流程再造的适应性问题 18 论学习型组织的建立和运行 19 论适应性管理 论弱小企业生存和发展 21 论企业组织结构的扁平化 22 论企业员工激励 23 论企业盈利的途径 24 论企业业务流通再造 25 论企业文化的地位和作用 26 论企业文化创新 论企业人力资源管理存在的误区 28 论企业经营绩效评价指标设计 29 论企业集群 论企业核心竞争力研究 31 论企业管理体制创新 32 论企业供应链管理 33 论企业的社会责任 34 论企业创新的若干规律 35 论企业诚信管理
论企业并购中的人力资源管理 37 论品牌资产的评估 38 论旅游业中的回扣问题 39 论领导者激励士气的艺术 40 论激励原则及方法
论国有企业改革及国有资产保值增值问题 43 论管理的执行力 44 论管理创新
论高新技术开发区的经营管理模式 46 论产业结构与产业优势的关系 47 领导方式论
零售业价值链与供应链融合趋势研究 49 零售商店的终端促销策略研究
京津唐“大物流”体系构建支持因素分析 51 京津冀优势互补区域合作研究 52 家族企业的困境及对策思考
加入WTO后我国中小企业的发展战略 54 加工企业信息化建设研究
技术创新与组织、文化创新组合及实证研究 56 技术创新的评价指标体系和评价方法 57 绩效管理的难点及对策研究
基于期权理论的技术创新项目选择与决策方法研究 59 河北物流规划的若干问题
河北物流产业与相关主导产业的相关关系 61 河北省中小企业发展状况的研究 62 河北省农村中小零售业发展的研究 63 国有资本营运研究
国有企业经营者的职业行为研究 65 广告伦理问题研究 66 管理者素质论
关于人力资本开发若干问题的思考 69 关于企业创新的若干问题研究
关于建立高素质的经营管理者队伍研究 71 顾客满意度评价探析
股权激励研究(员工持股、MBO、经理股票期权)73 工业企业技术创新能力综合评价研究 74 工业技术系统效能测度研究 75 岗位分析研究
房地产企业所得税的现状及对策建议初探 78 多元化经营利弊辩析 79 多元化经营分析
当前我国国有企业面临的困难及其克服措施 81 窜货研究
财务分析对评价上市公司发展状况的作用 83 ISO9000认证与企业管理体系的有效性 84 6σ管理的应用研究 85 “浙商现象”研究 86 民营企业发展战略研究 87 民营企业管理创新研究 88 民营企业管理规范化研究 89 民营企业绩效考核研究 90 民营企业激励机制研究 91 民营企业竞争力研究 92 民营企业企业文化研究 93 民营企业人力资源管理研究 94 民营企业失败研究
民营企业文化建设的障碍及对策分析 96 民营企业制度设计研究 97 民营企业治理结构问题研究 98 名牌战略
某中华老字号与某西方名企的竞争力对比分析(限服务业)100 品牌价值背后的支撑力量 101 品牌扩张与企业发展研究 102 品牌战略研究 103 企业并购重组后的文化整合 104 企业财务分析功能演进与技术革新 105 企业裁员的成本效益分析 106 企业成本控制体系建设研究 107 企业诚信的博奕问题 108 企业创新管理研究 109 企业的社会责任探讨 110 企业法人治理结构的建立与完善研究 111 企业负债管理研究 112 企业高速扩张模式研究 113 企业管理模式的设计原则及方法 114 企业管理能力评价和提升研究 115 企业管理中的领导力培养初探 116 企业核心竞争力研究 117 企业核心能力理论研究 118 企业核心能力研究 119 企业环境分析及战略选择 120 企业绩效评价体系的思考 121 企业技术创新动力研究 122 企业技术创新过程理论及持续创新问题的研究 123 企业技术创新行为的制度分析 124 企业家与企业发展研究 125 企业监督机制确立研究 126 企业界面管理中的文化因素分析 127 企业经营管理者的创业精神与管理绩效的关系分析 128 企业竞争战略制定的基本步骤 129 企业客户关系原理解决方案研究 130 企业目标成本管理研究 131 企业全面成本管理的研究 132 企业人力资源管理的理论与实践研究 133 企业融资效率研究 134 企业如何引入6σ管理 135 企业生存诚信为本 136 企业生意模式的优化选择 137 企业推广策略及方式研究 138 企业危机管理研究 139 企业文化建设 140 企业文化建设实证研究 141 企业信息化工作研究 142 企业信用管理问题研究 143 企业信用评估研究 144 企业应如何看待并应用6σ管理 145 企业在人才竞争中的策略分析 146 企业战略变革的类型分析 147 企业战略成本管理的应用研究 148 企业战略管理中的人力资源管理职能研究 149 企业战略联盟问题研究 150 企业招聘工作中的误区初探 151 企业中层管理人员绩效考核研究 152 企业中员工沟通氛围营造研究 153 企业中员工满意度提升策略 154 浅谈如何建立有效的企业激励机制 155 浅析我国民营企业核心竞争力的培育 156 浅议加强中小企业文化建设 157 区域科技资源有效性评价研究 158 人力资本与企业科技创新 159 人力资源管理核心研究 160 柔性组织的基本特征及设计原则 161 三鹿集团低成本扩张实证研究 162 上市公司股票期权激励机制模式研究 163 市场调研方法的总结与评析 164 试论制度化管理与潜能激励管理模式的关系 165 试论中国IT企业竞争力 166 探讨价值工程在组织结构改革中的应用 167 探讨人力资源管理新模式 168 提高员工素质的基本途径 169 文化、制度与管理的思考 170 我国独立董事制度的缺陷及思考 171 我国房地产金融的现状及发展趋势研究 172 我国技术创新体系的对策研究 173 我国企业技术创新的市场结构模式研究 174 我国人才测评系统开发与应用研究 175 我国入世后企业应如何面对国际竞争 176 我国现阶段公共关系管理的特点初探 177 我国中小企业技术创新存在的问题与对策研究 178 我国中小企业人才战略争议 179 我国中小企业融资对策研究 180 我省OEM企业的流程分析(以家族企业为例)181 我省高新技术企业融资策略研究(限电子行业)182 我省零售商业自有品牌战略研究 183 我省民营企业家换代与可持续发展研究 184 我省某快餐创业计划 185 我省企业家精神现状与修炼 186 我省职业经理人现状与制度建设 187 我省制造业比较优势研究(限化工企业)188 现代企业制度内涵研究 189 现代企业制度下的企业家队伍建设 190 现代物流模式研究 191 现代物流业的特点和发展方向研究 192 现代物流政策研究 193 校园经济中零售商业的现状与发展对策 194 以价值为核心的投资管理研究 195 以人为本本质论 196 营销渠道中的信用研究 197 员工激励机制研究 198 员工薪酬设计 199 知识经济时代的人力资源管理研究 200 知识员工激励研究 201 职工主体论 202 职业经理人的职场压力来源与抒解(另性式女性)203 制造业的战略采购策略与竞争力关系分析 204 质量体系建设的难点及对策研究 205 中国民营企业的问题及对策 206 中国在买方市场条件下的营销转变问题 207 中外企业治理结构比较研究 208 中小企业成长战略的理论分析 209 中小企业存在发展的理论分析 210 中小企业的连锁经营研究 211 中小企业的企业管理研究 212 中小企业的企业文化研究 213 中小企业的组织结构研究 214 中小企业技术创新的研究 215 中小企业技术创新绩效实证研究 216 中小企业技术创新研究 217 中小企业经营战略的研究 218 中小企业经营者素质研究 219 中小企业名牌战略实施 220 中小企业如何吸引人才 221 中小企业提高国际竞争优势的研究 222 中小企业提升市场竞争力的研究 223 中小企业文化建设基本问题 224 中小企业营销创新的研究 225 卓越绩效评估体系与企业管理体系的建立 226 走出企业文化建设的误区 227 组织行为与组织文化 228 对实践教学的运行模式研究 229 论酒店的多元化经营 230 论酒店公关的发展方向
231 论酒店国际竞争力的量化评价方法 232 论企业的多元化经营 233 论推进酒店信息化建设的途径 234 论知识型人才的激励 235 浅论酒店的文化建设 236 浅谈生态旅游的可持续发展 237 营销观念与我国企业的成败 238
对河北省旅游饭店的规划研究 239
对河北省旅游企业的规划研究 240
论酒店员工的激励 241
论企业的诚信营销 242
论企业公关的发展方向 243
论我国加入WTO后中低档饭店的发展途径 245
论我国加入WTO后中小企业的发展途径 246
论知识型人才的激励 247
浅论企业的文化建设 248
浅谈企业的品牌营销 249
浅谈生态旅游的可持续发展 250
251 当前我国旅行社集团化发展模式探讨 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 对实践教学的运行模式研究 关于大学生市场旅游开发的研究 关于乡村旅游开发的研究
国有旅游企业集团现状及发展对策研究 旅游电子商务冲击下旅行社的发展策略 旅游企业激励机制的研究
259 论大学生综合素质的培养 260 论大学生综合素质的培养 261 论酒店的诚信营销
262 论企业国际竞争力的量化评价方法 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 论企业员工的激励
论生态旅游的可持续发展 论体验经济与旅行社
论我国旅行社业实行科学管理的途径 论我国内旅行社的市场竞争战略 面临加入世贸组织的我国旅行社 浅谈酒店的品牌营销 谈网络时代的旅行社发展
中国旅行社发展现状与发展对策分析 中国自助旅游的现状及发展趋势
与此同时,领导干部作风建设也关系到社会和谐稳定。我们知道,实现社会和谐,一个主要前提是政通人和,有好的政治风气和社会风气。我们党作为社会主义事业的领导核心,是整个社会的表率,党风对政风民风具有重要的带动和示范作用。领导干部是党和国家的骨干力量,他们的良好作风本身就是凝聚党心民心的巨大力量,就是促进社会和谐的重要因素。如果领导干部在坚持党的优良作风方面以身作则,做出表率,给群众做出好样子,群众就会密切团结在党的周围,为党和国家的事业而努力奋斗。反之,如果领导干部作风不好,就会使人民群众与党离心离德,就会动摇党的执政基础,削弱人民群众跟党走的信心。各级领导干部必须按照中央要求,坚持权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋,认真解决群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题,实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益,最大限度地调动和谐社会建设的积极力量,减少影响社会和谐的不利因素。党的执政能力和先进性,不仅体现在党的理论和路 线方针政策上,而且体现在广大党员、干部尤其是领导干部的优良作风上。领导干部的作风状况,是衡量一个政党是否具有较高执政能力、能否始终保持先进性的重要标志,也是人民群众评判一个政党是否值得依赖、能否执好政的重要依据。一个政党的领导班子作风好,其在人民群众中的凝聚力和号召力就强,其执政基础就稳固;一个政党的领导干部作风不好,就必然脱离人民群众、失去人民群众信任,其执政基础就会逐渐瓦解。只有坚持不懈地抓好领导干部作风建设,不断教育和引导各级领导干部自觉发扬党的光荣传统和优良作风,我们党才能更好地提高执政能力,才能永葆先进性。
19、浅谈不良应收账款的原因及对策 20、新旧企业会计准则的比较研究
29、论投资策划与投资决策 30、财务核心竞争力问题
49、资本结构对我国上市公司影响 50、论我国中小企业融资存在问题及解决对策
60、浅谈所得税会计处理对企业的影响 61、长期投资决策与短期经营结合分析 62、存货发出计价方法的确认 63、企业财务风险防范
64、融资租赁业务的会计处理研究 65、租赁业务会计处理方法的研究 66、高校财务财务成本与效益的研究 67、初探固定资产投资的会计处理 68、论新会计准则的国家化与国际化 69、债务重组中的所得税问题 70、浅析企业内部审计制度 71、论企业质量成本管理 72、存货发出计价方法的确认 73、资本结构对上市公司的影响
74、浅析环境成本的会计确认与计划 75、会计信息造假及审计防范 76、不同主体对内部控制的评价 77、略探资本成本与资金成本的比例 78、论我国中小企业融资存在问题及解决对策
79、新旧企业会计准则的比较研究 80、中国会计软件市场回顾与入世后的展望 81、关于成本核算计算方法改革的探讨 82、存货发出计价方法的确认 83、会计信息环境下企业内部控制调查与分析
84、产权形态下人力资本的研究 85、会计报表审计应注意的几点意见 86、发展网络会计急需解决的问题 87、初探固定资产投资的会计影响 88、关于成本核算计算方法改革的探讨 89、对企业资本结构的影响因素及决策与分析
91、企业财务能力应该注意的问题 92、会计信息环境下企业内部控制调查与分析
93、新旧会计准则的比较研究 94、企业财务风险机制的创建
95、刍议中小企业新融资方式和融资条件 96、财务核心竞争力问题 97、对企业资本结构的影响因素及决策的分析 98、论我国民营企业会计诚信存在问题及解决对策
99、我国风险投资的弊病及问题解决思路 100、浅谈企业交易性金融资产的不确定性分析
101、浅析会计电算化信息系统内部控制 102、关于增值税改型问题的探讨 103、无形资产会计管理研究 104、会计电算化的舞弊与对策
105、普及会计电算化面临的问题与对策 106、浅议会计电算化的内部控制制度 107、会计电算化操作管理分析
110、企业会计电算化系统的内部控制浅析 111、会计实习形式之比较112、网络条件下的会计资源共享 113、村级财务管理问题及其对策 114、农村会计人员的现状及其教育
135、中小企业财务风险问题研究(以某企业作为研究对象)136、上市公司财务预警系统应用现状及问题探析137、会计政策变更对企业业绩的影响研究 138、循环经济视角的企业融资问题研究;
139、循环经济视角的企业投资决策研究 140、金融危机下的企业融资问题研究; 141、金融危机下的企业投资行为研究; 142、我国上市公司收益分配行为研究; 143、公司治理与企业财务决策的关系探讨; 144、我国上市公司担保行为诱因研究 折现率及其衡量研究
145、中国上市公司分部报告经济后果研究 146、浅谈我国上市公司的控股权价值及其利用
147、公司重组与购并案例研究 148、企业存货风险管理研究 149、企业现金浮差管理探讨 150、企业筹资风险管理研究 151、企业投资风险管理研究 152、企业购并风险研究 153、个人理财问题探析 154、超越预算研究 155、所有者预算研究
158、经济附加值(EVA)指标的优劣及其改进研究 159、经济附加值(EVA)与作业成本法(ABC)的整合研究
163、企业财务风险控制研究 164、上市公司股份回购问题研究
166、公允价值在投资性房地产中的运用 167、公允价值计量对债务重组会计处理的影响
168、我国个人所得税征管现状及发展对策 169、浅析当对注册会计师职业风险及规避的研究
170、前事业单位固定资产管理存在的问题及对策 171、浅谈小型企业的融资问题 172、对企业非财务信息披露的思考 173、浅谈企业如何实施财务预警分析 174、财务报表分析与企业价值研究、175、上市公司盈利质量研究 176、现代财务论关联交易及审计 177、分析指标存在的问题与对策
178、上市公司利润操纵的动机及手段分析 179、可持续发展战略下环境成本的核算探讨; 180、可持续发展战略与环境会计体系构建; 181、我国企业研发支出资本化会计问题分析
183、论银行会计的风险与防范 184、浅谈中小企业内部审计
186、新会计准则对合并报表由成本法187、调整为权益法的会计处理方法研究 188、浅谈企业的内部会计控制制度 189、浅析企业会计政策的选择
192、基于会计电算化系统的安全防范 193、我国应用公允价值存在的问题及建议 194、上市公司利润操纵问题研究
196、浅析会计信息失真及对策 197、试论民营企业内部会计控制
202、研究与开发费用会计处理方法的思考 203、新会计准则下公允价值应用的分析 204、浅谈物流企业会计核算的现状及对策
205、论会计信息质量保障体系的构建 206、基于提高会计信息质量的公司治理结207、金融机构会计信息失真及对策 208、浅谈ERP对会计信息质量的影响 209、浅议内部控制对中小企业会计核算的影响
外国语学院毕业论文 2009届文学方向题目
1.Different Choices Determine Different Fate---Analysis of Major Characters in The Scarlet Letter 2.Feminist Consciousness in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility 3.Social Problems Embodied in David Copperfield
4.Women, You Belong to Yourselves---on the Fates of Shakespeare’s Portia and Ophelia
5.Gothic Style in Northanger Abbey 6.Modernity in Tess of the D’Urbervilles
7.A Comparision of Satire in A Modest Proposal and The Diary of a Madman 8.An Analysis of Human Weaknesses Reflected in Sister Carrie 9.An Analysis of Bertha Mason's Imprisonment in Jane Eyre
10.The Worry of the Growth and the Choice of Life in The Catcher in the Rye 11.On Edgar Allan Poe’s Poetic Theory
12.Comparison of the Heroines in Gone with the Wind and Moment in Peking 13.On Social Darwinism in The Call of the Wild 14.The Theme of Escape in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 15.Deformed Characters in Winesburg, Ohio 16.On the Biblical Prototypes of Characters in Tess of the D’Urbervilles 17.The Red Badge of Courage —— Satire on Traditional Heroism 18.On Satire in Sense and Sensibility 19.View of Marriage in Jane Austen’s Emma 20.Feminism Viewed from Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse 21.Relationship Between Love and Hostility in Sons and Lovers 22.The Feminist Consciousness Between Elizabeth and Jane Eyre 23.Symbols of a Wordless Woman---a Crazy Woman in Jane Eyre
24.Angel and Demon — An Analysis of Caddy Compson in The Sound and the Fury 25.Decoding the Symbols in The Color Purple 26.On the Subordination of Women’s Status for Love and Marriage in Jane Eyre 27.The Struggle Between Santiago and the Big Fish in The Old Man and the Sea 28.Symbolic Meaning of the Needle Work of Hester in The Scarlet Letter
29.The Imprint of the Civil War in Gone With the Wind 30.On the Contradiction in Cat in the Rain 31.Indians in the Eyes of E.M.Forster 32.The Symbolic Significance of the Main Characters’ Names in The Scarlet Letter 33.Robinson Crusoe’s Philosophy of Life
34.The Conflict Between Love and Religion in The Scarlet Letter 35.Jonathan Swift’s Artistic Conception in Gulliver's Travels
36.Tess’s Rebellion to the Traditional Moral Concept
37.Tragedy of Eustacia---the Heroine of The Return of the Native 38.Ecocriticism of Nature 39.Black Humor in Catch-22
40.The Conflict Between Love and Revenge in Wuthering Heights 41.On the Image of Sister Carrie from the Perspective of Feminism 42.Analysis of the Psychological Growth of Emma 43.On the Theme of Struggle for Survival in Sister Carrier 44.The Conflict Between Natural Man and Social Man 45.On Reasons of Hamlet's Failure in Revenge 46.On the Tragedy of Pecola in The Bluest Eyes 47.An Analysis of Paul's Love in Sons and Lovers 48.The Image Comparis Between Ashley and Rhett 49.Analysis of The Number of Old Testament 50.American Dream in The Grapes of Wrath---On the Lower Classes’ Indomitable Struggle for Survival in Great Depression 51.Enlightenment for Women of 21st Century from Jane Eyre 52.On Shakespeare’s View of Monarchy in King Henry V 53.An Analysis of Captain Ahab’s Image in Moby Dick 54.Emily’s Sensation of Moor from Wuthering Heights 55.On the Pioneer Spirit in Little Woman and its Social Significance 56.On Pragmatism in Sister Carrie 57.Human Alienation and Regression of Rebecca in Vanity Fair 58.Physical Existence or Spiritual Existence?---On the Choice of Strickland in The Moon and Sixpence
59.A Character Analysis of Celie in The Color Purple 60.An Analysis of the Tragic Love in Jude the Obscure 61.An Analysis of Characteristic Inpiduality in Vanity Fair 62.Symbolic Implications in Lord of the Flies 63.On the Pessimism of Hardy in The Mayor of Casterbridge 64.On Symbolism in Catch 22 65.Different Life Attitudes Reflected in Moby Dick 66.The Contrast of the Heroines’ Marriage Values in Pride and Prejudice 67.On the Images in The Grapes of Wrath 68.Young Goodman Brown as a Bildungsroman 69.An Analysis of the Main Female Characters in The Grapes of Wrath 70.A Comparative Study of the Style of Byron’s and Shelly’s Poems 71.On Character Analysis in The Apple Tree 72.A Thematic Study of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 73.The Images of Women in The Great Gatsby 74.An Aesthetic Analysis of Emma 75.The Love under Asceticism in The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn Birds 76.Christian Ideas Portrayed in A Tale of Two Cities
77.The Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye 78.On Jane’s Attitudes Toward Love in Jane Eyre 79.On Dickens’s Humanism in Oliver Twist 80.A Brief Study of the Rebellion of Tess 81.The Creation of Splendor in Adversity in Robinson Crusoe 82.Christian Concepts in A Tale of Two Cities 83.The Enlightenment of Emerson’s Self-Reliance 84.Hemingway’s Ideal Woman in A Farewell to Arms
85.The Role God Plays in Western Culture---Analysis of God's Role in Milton's Paradise Lost
86.Interpretation of the Symbols in Dickenson’s Poems 87.Analysis of Human and Nature 88.The Relationship Between Character and Marriage Reflected in Pride and Prejudice 89.The Thematic Study of Thanatopsis
90.On the Deep Roots of Revenge in Wuthering Heights 91.The Conflicts Between Nature and Human in Moby Dick
92.An Analysis of Love in Reality Viewed from the Failure of Gatsby's American Dream 93.Desperation and Hope of Juliet---An Analysis of Romeo and Juliet 94.O.Henry’s Unique Writing Techniques
95.The Symbolic Meaning of “Thornfield” in Jane Eyre 96.Woman’s Role in Uncle Tom’s Cabin 97.Sister Carrie's Social Tragedy 98.On the Feminism in Jane Eyre
99.Love and the American Dream in The Great Gatsby 100.The Analysis of Good and Evil of Human Nature in Lord of the Flies 101.Desire and Passion in An American Tragedy 102.The American Society Reflected in O.Henry’s Short Stories 103.On Tragic Elements in The Old Man and Sea
104.The Environmental Description in Tess of the D’Urbervilles 105.On Scarlett’s Tragic Marriage in Gone with the Wind
106.Expectation of Harmonious Sexual Relationship in The Rainbow 107.On Sister Carrie’s Moral Principles
108.A Comparison of the Theme of Love in Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre 109.The Influence of Family Education upon the Four Sisters in Little Women 110.Love and Hester’s Social Status 111.An Analysis of Women’s Status in Pride and Prejudice 112.Character Analysis of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
113.The Worry of the Growth and the Choice of Life in The Catcher in the Rye
1.A Comparative Study of the Protagonists in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 2.The Rebellion and Return in The Scarlet Letter 3.Uncle Tom: A Christ-like Figure 4.The French Revolution Reflected in A Tale of Two Cities 5.An Analysis of the Image of Mr.Bingley in Pride and Prejudice 6.The Themes of Allan Poe’s Literary Works 7.On the Inevitability of Martin Eden’s Tragedy 8.An Analysis of the Identity of Nancy in Oliver Twist 9.Hawthorn’s Conflicting Views Reflected in The Scarlet letter 10.The Influence of the Inferiority Complex on Charlotte Bronte’s Works 11.On the Sarcastic Humors in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
12.A Comparative Study of the Love in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights
13.The Call from the Deep Heart of Women in A Room of One’s Own 14.An Analysis of the Reasons for Sister Carrie’s Success 15.On the Harmony in Little Women
16.Women, Be the Masters of Yourselves — A Comparative Study of Shakespeare’s Portia and Desdemona
17.The Influence of Hemingway’s Life Experiences upon The Old Man and the Sea 18.The Writing Features of Feminine Literature in the Victorian Period 19.Doubts about Puritanism from the Image of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter 20.Robinson Crusoe---The Pioneer of Capitalism 21.On the Adolescent Perplexities of Holdens in The Catcher in the Rye 22.The Role of Dimmesdale in The Scarlet Letter 23.Good or Evil---An Analysis of Typical Characters in Oliver Twist 24.Character Analysis of Soapy in The Cop and the Anthem
25.A Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Catherine’s Dilemma Between Love and Marriage in Wuthering Heights
26.Rebellious Spirit and Insisting Struggle — On the Life Attitudes of Ellen and Scarlett in Gone with the Wind
27.The Causes of Tess’s Death---An Analysis on the Defects of the Social System in Tess of the D’Urbervilles
28.An Unbalance Between Sense and Sensibility Reflected in Sense and Sensibility 29.Benjamin Franklin’s Concept of Virtues in Autobiography
30.Different Concept of Marriage and Love Between American and Chinese in American Beauty and Golden Wedding 31.A Comparative Study of the Heroine’s Independent Consciousness in Jane Eyre
and The Scarlet Letter 32.The Spirit of Struggle---A Study of Carrie’s Character 33.A Comparison Between Nancy and Oliver in Oliver Twist 34.An Analysis of Heathcliff’s Character in Wuthering Heights
35.Analysis of Views on Love and Marriage Between Eileen Zhang and Jane Austen’s Works
36.Jane Eyre’s Self-respect and Self-humiliation 37.On the Moral Degeneration of Women in The Great Gatsby 38.The Relationship Between Man and Animals in The Call of the Wild 39.The Laws of Life in The Call of the Wild 40.On the Formation of Tess’ View of Love 41.On Ursula’s Self-Fulfillment in The Rainbow 42.Character Analysis of Shylock as a Tragic Figure 43.On the Disillusionment of Carrie’s American Dream
44.A Contrastive Analysis of the Values of Love Between Romeo and Juliet and The Butterflies 45.On the Dual Character of Tess 46.A Character Analysis of Robinson Crusoe 47.The Glamour of Women---A Comparison Between Melanie and Scarlett in Gone with the Wind
48.On the Dual Personality of Shylock 49.An Analysis of the Double Personality of Jane Eyre 50.An Analysis of the Revolutionary Spirits of John Milton 51.Comparison Between Sister Carrie and Martin Eden 52.An Analysis of Sister Carrie’s Fate
53.An Analysis of Rhett Butler's Character in Gone with the Wind 54.On the Popularity of Jane Eyre in China 55.On Golding’s Satire in Lord of the Flies 56.A Comparative Study of Tess and Jennie 57.An Existentialist Reading of CatchEnglish Translation 53.A Contrastive Study of “Dragon” in China and Western Countries
54.On the Communicative Functions and Proper Construction of English Compliments 55.A Cultural Study of Advertisement Language 56.Metaphorical Concepts of “Love” in English and Chinese 57.The Pragmatic Differences Between English and Chinese Etiquettes 58.A Contrastive Study of Chinese and American Sports Culture 59.Cultural Values Underlying Refusal Strategies — A Comparison of Chinese Culture and American Culture 60.The Formation and Development of English Neologism in Modern English 61.The Impact of Different Thinking Patterns Between Chinese and Americans on Intercultural Communication 62.The Predominant Features and Social Functions of American Slang 63.A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Idioms from a Cultural Perspective and Their E-C Translation Strategies 64.A Study of Association with Animals in English and Chinese 65.A Probe into the Formation and Communicative Functions of English Euphemism 66.A Study of Polite Language Between English and Chinese 67.Conflicts Between Inpidualism and Collectivism
in Intercultural Communication and the Solutions 68.A Comparative Study of Visiting Etiquettes Between Chinese and English-Speaking Peoples 69.A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Food Culture in Cross-cultural Communication 70.Taboos in Cross-Cultural Communication Between English and Chinese 71.Differences and Implications of the Refusal Discourse Between China and America 72.A Cultural Study of Body Language in China and the US 73.Euphemism and the Principle of Politeness
74.Cultural Connotation Manifested in English Compliments
75.A Study of Chinglish in C-E Translation from the Cultural Perspective 76.A Comparative Study of Marital Culture Between China and America 77.Cultural Differences Reflected in Chinese and American Family Values 78.Cultural Contexts in English-Chinese Translation 79.A Study on the Different Patterns of Thinking Between China and America in Cross-cultural Communication 80.On Causes of and Solutions to Culture Shock 81.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Language Compliments 82.Integrating Culture into English Teaching in Senior Middle School 83.The Influence of American “Fast Food Culture” on Chinese Teenagers 84.Chinese-British Greeting Customs and Cross-cultural Communication 85.A Comparative Study of Chinese and American National Character and Values---Through American Westward Movement and China's Reform and Opening-up Policy 86.A Comparison of Sex Education for Teenagers in Europe and China 87.A Comparative Study of the Private Colleges in America and China 88.On the Influence of Dialect to Students’ Pronunciation 89.The Impact of Hollywood Movies on Chinese Culture 90.A Comparison of Chinese and American Corporate Culture 91.An Analysis of Intercultural Communicative Barriers 92.The Influence of Cultural Differences on Business Activities 93.Sexual Discrimination in the English Language
1.An Analysis of Barack Obama’s Public Speaking
2.On the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness in America 3.I npidual Heroism in American Movies 4.On American Fashion---Blue Jeans 5.A Comparative Study of Humor Between Chinese and American Movies 6.Cultural Differences in the Chinese and English Advertising Language 7.A Case Study of the Movie 2010 8.On the Cultural Conflicts in The Treatment 9.On Cultural Differences of the Color “Yellow” in Britain and China 10.Cultural Contrast of Dietary Concept between Chinese and American 11.Cultural Contrast of Chinese and Western Marriage 12.A Cultural Contrast of Parental Relationship between China and Western Countries 13.A Comparative Study of the British and Chinese Gentleman Culture 14.The Cultural Effects of Americans’ Self-Consciousness on Social Life---Viewed from the TV Series of “Desperate Housewives” 15.On the Culture of Western Body Building 16.The Comparison of Chinese and Western Cultures in Advertisements 17.The Western Cultural Influence on Western Religious Evolution 18.Cultural Study of “Growth” Theme in “Typical American” 19.An Analysis of Failures in Intercultural Communications 20.On the Similarities and Differences of Chinese and British Tea Culture 21.Sino-American Cultural Differences Reflected in the Mottoes of Universities 22.Differences of the Funeral Rituals in China and Western Countries 23.On the Cultural Differences Reflected in the Animal Idioms in Chinese and English 24.Embodiment and Reflection of Modernity in Chinese and Western Music Culture in the Early 20th Century 25.A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Young Generation’s Values 26.A Comparative Study of Festival Customs Between China and Britain 27.The Basic Characteristics of Language in English Advertising 28.On the Differences of the National Characters Between Chinese and Americans 29.Finger Culture in the Cross-Cultural Communication 30.The Influences of Rock and Roll on Young People in America 31.The Cultural Differences Manifested in Journey to the West and The Pilgrim's Progress 32.The Loss of African American Culture in The Bluest Eyes 33.Interpretation of American Culture in The Pursuit of Happiness 34.The Symbolic Meanings of Rose in Modern Times 35.Differences of Communicative Language Between Chinese and English 36.A Comparative Study of Food Culture Reflected on Chinese and Western Major Festivals 37.Cultural Differences of Family Relationship Between the East and the West 38.A Comparison of Campus Culture Between China and America 39.On Differences and Mergence of Wedding Customs Between China and Western Countries 40.A Comparative Study of Ghost Culture Between China and America 41.A Comparative Study of Public Colleges in China and America 42.A Comparative Analysis Between Chinese and British Tea Drinking Habits 43.Parents’ Influences on Children’s Growth--An Analysis of the Educational Theme in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird
44.A Study of the Phenomenon of “Aphasia of Chinese Culture” in Cross-Cultural Communication
45.The Influences of American Cowboy Culture on Modern Recreation 46.A Comparative Study of Cultural Connotations Between Chinese and English Color Idioms and Corresponding Translation Strategies
47.A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and English Euphemism and Corresponding Translation Strategies 48.Moral Education of College in the Multi-Cultural Context
49.A Comparative Study of the Different Concepts of Personal Finance-Managing Between China and Western Countries 50.A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Advertising Language from the Cross-Cultural Perspective
51.Cultural Conflict and Reconciliation---A Cross-Cultural Study of Marriage Between China and Western Countries 52.On Reasons of Discrimination of African Americans in America 53.A Cultural Approach to the Study of the Differences Between Chinese and American Middle School Education 54.A Cultural Analysis of American Science Education Television and Films 55.Cultural Comparison of American Coffee and Chinese Tea 56.The Cultural Differences Between British and Chinese Football 57.A Cultural Analysis of American Fast Food
58.On the Rhetorical Application of Euphemism in the International Politics 59.An Analysis of Different Chinese and Western Culture from the Perspective of Films and Television 60.Cultural Differences Reflected in Chinese and American Family Values 61.The Decadence in the 1970’s American Society---Viewed from “Hotel California”
62.McDonald---A Mirror of Americanism 63.An Analysis of American Cowboy Culture in “A Fistful of Dollars” 64.The Liberalism in American Advertisements from 20th to 21st Century 65.The Influence of Network Culture on Contemporary College Students 66.On the Concept of Education in America---Viewed from Home Schooling 67.The Differences in Aesthetics Between China and Western Countries
---from the Phenomenon of Lu Yan 68.On Women’s
---from Raise the Red Lanterns 69.The Impact of Hacker Culture in China 70.A Cultural Study of the Clothing in China and Western Countries
71.On Contrastive Study of the Connotation of Flowers-related Words in English and Chinese 72.The American Characters from the American Action Films 73.The Cultural Study of Children Movies in China and America 74.An Analysis of the Reasons for Footbinding in China and Tightlacing in the West 75.On Sexism in Children’s Textbooks in America 76.The Influences of Euthanasia on American Laws 77.A Cultural Study on the History of Cowboys in America 78.A Comparison Between Traditional Chinese and Western Families 79.Cultural Differences in Traditional Festivals of China and Those of America 80.Impacts of Cultural Globalization on National Traits of Chinese 81.A Cultural Study of American Humor 82.A Cultural Study of Chinese Spring Festival and Western Christmas 83.A Comparative Study of Valentine’s Day and the Chinese Lover’s Day 84.National Traits Shown in Western Coffee Culture 85.Different Marriage Rituals in China and America 86.A Comparative Study of Sports Media Industry in China and America 87.Cultural Influence on Chinese-English Translation 88.Face in Chinese and American Speech Communication 2011届毕业论文文化方向题目
1.A Comparative Study of Cooking Culture Between China and West Countries 2.The Differences Between Chinese and Western Culture in Greeting 3.The Performance and Influences of American and Japanese Street Culture 4.A Study of Differences Between American and Chinese Proverbs 5.The Influence of the Puritanism on America Values 6.A Study of the Wine Culture Between Britain and America 7.On Cultural Differences of “Red”, “Black” and “White” in China and Western Countries
8.The Differences Between Chinese and American Culture in Greeting 9.A Contrastive Study of Pre-school Education Between America and China 10.On American Wine Culture from 18th-20th Century 11.The Change of Working Women’s Status in American Society 12.On the Values in Saving Private Ryan 13.A Comparative Study of Consuming Values in the West and China 14.Color Words in American Culture
15.Chinese American’s Cultural Unconsciousness in the Movie Guasha 16.A Comparative Study of Campus Culture Between China and America 17.The Rise and Influence of DIY on Western and Eastern Youth
18.The Cultural Distinctions of Numbers Between the English and Chinese Languages
19.The Presentation of Different Thinking Modes in Chinese and Western Religious Culture
20.The Influence of Chinese Thinking Mode on English Sentence Composing 21.On the Chinese and American Cultural Differences Through the Hollywood Movie Kongfu Panda
22.The Translation of English into Chinese from the Perspective of Culture 23.The Influence of Second-wave Feminist Movement in America on the Sino-American Marriage
24.The Shape of the Characteristics of the Comic Roles in Disney Cartoon 25.A Comparative Analysis of Christian and Chinese Buddhist Funeral Culture
26.A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Valentine’s Day
27.A Comparative Study of Chinese Ghost Day and the Western Hallowen 28.An Analysis of Rage and Racial Discrimination in Rap Music 29.An Analysis of Body Language Between Chinese and Western Culture 30.The Cutural Differences Embodied in God of Love---Cupid and Yuelao 31.Humanism in Ancient Greek Mythology and Its Impact on Western Culture 32.On the Inpidualism in the American Family Education 33.The Influence of NBA on American and Chinese Teenagers 34.The Cultural Differences Between China and the West---Viewed from Face 35.The Impact of NBA’s Internationalization on Basketball Sport 36.On the Different Understanding of Filial Piety in China and America 37.The Influence of Black Street Culture on American Entertainment Culture 38.The Cultural Influence of American Westward Movement on American Society 39.The Cultivation of Intercultural Communicative Competence into High School English Teaching
40.Cultural Study of Idiom on Chinese
41.Cultural Contrast of Eastern and Western Tea Culture
42.Implementing Intercultural Difference in the English Teaching 43.The Cultural Study of the American Values on Money
44.The Influence of Puritanism on the American Dream in the Colonial Period 45.An Analysis of Ways to Avoid Taboos in Chinese and English 46.A Comparative Study of the Cultural Influence on Refusals in China and America 47.On the Differences of Weddings Between Chinese Han and American Catholics 48.The Functions of Body Language in English Teaching 49.Historical Roots of Racial Discrimination in the U.S.50.On the Relationships Between Harry Potter and Other Characters in Harry
Potter 51.A Study of the Social Dark Sides in Britain from the Legendary Evils in the Victorian Era
52.A Comparative Study of the Fast Food Culture in China and America 53.A Comparative Study of Pension Systems in China and America
54.A Study on the Comparison of Table Manners Between China and Western Countries 55.The Influences of the Important Western Festivals on Chinese Culture 56.James Cameron’s Influences on American Movies
57.On the Changes of Chinese Images in America---from the Wide Spread of the Spring Festival 58.Diction and Expression Differences in Chinese and English Advertising Culture 59.Gothic Elements in Tim Burton’s Movies 60.Chinese Cultural Elements in Hollywood Movies 61.On Construction, Classification and Application of Euphemism in English 62.Differences Between Chinese and British Tea Culture 63.A Comparative Study of the Love Tragedy of Zhu Ying Tai and Juliet 64.Different Views on Friendship Shown in American and Chinese Movies。65.Tipping Culture in America 66.A Contrastive Study of Family Self-Education Between China and America 67.On the Values Reflected in Interpersonal Relationships in America 68.Inpidualism in American Sports Advertisements 69.On Naming Culture in America and Britain 70.Similarities and Differences in the Connotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese 71.A Contrastive Study of Number Nine in Eastern and Western Countries and the Translation 72.Oprahs’ Talk Show: the Co-existence of Multi-culture and Commercial Profit 73.Cultural and Semantic Influence of American Slang on English Language and America 74.An Analysis of Characteristics of Americans Refelcted in American Slang 75.An Analysis of Body Language in Non-verbal Communication 76.Cultural Differences Between American and Chinese Proverbs about Parents’ View on Education
1.Interaction and Children’s EFL Teaching 2.On Assessment in English Teaching 3.On Cultivating Students’ Cross Cultural Awareness in High School English Teaching 4.An Overview of English Teaching in the Stage of Compulsory Education in Guangyuan 5.On Emotional Teaching and Strategies of English Vocabulary Learning in Junior Middle Schools 6.On the Application of TBLT in English Teaching in Rural Areas 7.Analyzing the Importance of Interest in Junior English Learning 8.Teacher’s Role in Student-oriented English Teaching 9.On Creating English Learning Environment in Primary Schools 10.Exploring an Effective Way in Vocabulary Teaching in Primary Schools 11.The Application of Task-based Reading Teaching in Middle Schools 12.On English Writing in Senior Middle Schools 13.On Ways of Teaching Listening and Speaking in High Schools 14.On Training of English Listening and Speaking Abilities in Primary Schools 15.Influence of Motivation on English Achievements of Junior School Students 16.Challenges in Carrying out Oral English Teaching in High Schools 17.Role Play in Middle School English Teaching 18.A Study of the English Happy Teaching-Learning in Middle Schools 19.Application of Schema Theory in Teaching English Writing in Middle Schools 20.Efficient Reading Strategies for High School Students 21.Problems and Strategies in Cooperative Teaching Between Chinese and Englihs Teachers 22.The Application of “Student-Center” Method in Mid-school English Teaching 23.On Teachers’ Role in ELT in Mid-School 24.On Mid-School English Teachers’ Comprehensive Qualities in West China 25.The Effect of the Concordant Relationship Between Teachers and Students on the Mid-School English Education in West China 26.How to Motivate Students to Learn English in Middle Schools 27.Necessity of Oral English Practice in Middle Schools 28.The Improvement of English Listening in Primary Schools 29.How to Motivate Students to Speak English in Middle School Classroom 30.Effective Ways in English Vocabulary Teaching in Junior Middle Schools 31.Effects of Mother Tongue on Middle School Learners 32.The Application of Body Language in Junior English Teaching 33.Non-intelligent Factors of Learning English in Middle Schools 34.On Story Telling in English Teaching in Elementary Schools 35.On Atmosphere-creating in English Classes in Junior Middle Schools 36.Giving Priority to the Cultivation of Junior School Students' Interest in Learning English 37.An Analysis of Junior Middle School Students' English Listening Obstacles and Their Countermeasures 38.A Probe into Ineffective English Learners in Downtown Senior High Schools 39.Problems and Strategies of Teaching Spoken English in Junior Middle Schools 40.English Teaching and Cultural Background Knowledge 41.Setting Scenes for the Oral English Teaching of Middle School Students 42.Collaborative Learning in Middle School English Teaching 43.Cooperative Learning Methods in Senior High School Teaching 44.Challenges to Traditional English Teaching in Junior Middle Schools 45.On the Current Situation of English-Teaching in Middle School 46.The Importance of Making Students Have a Preparation Linguistically and Psychologically in Pre-Reading in Middle School English Teaching 47.The Application of Multimedia in English Teaching in Middle Schools 48.Interaction in Oral English Teaching 49.The Application of the Internet in Mid-School English Teaching in West China 50.A Research on High School Students’ Weariness about English 51.Task-based Approach to English Teaching in Primary Schools 52.Solutions to Problems in English Classroom Teaching in High Schools 53.The Application of CLT in High School Oral English Teaching 54.Cultivation of High School Students’ Autonomous English Learning in West China 55.Communicative Approach and Oral Communicative Competence 56.On the Study of High School English Teaching in Levels in Neijiang 57.Cultivation of Children’s Ability in the English Language Acquisition 58.English Learning Strategies of Senior Middle School Students 59.A Study on the Function of Reading Aloud in High School English Teaching 60.New Challenges of Senior English Teachers in West China 61.Improvement of Pupils’ Oral English Learning Efficiency in Primary Schools 62.Strategies in Training English Listening Ability in Middle Schools
1.On Questioning Strategies in Middle School English Teaching 2.Inquiry Learning in English Classrooms of Secondary Schools 3.Making Use of Resources on the Internet to Assist English Learning
4.A Survey on the Effects of High School Students' Presentation in English Class 5.Original English Movies and Senior High School English Teaching 6.On The Usage of Multimedia Courseware in English Reading Class in Middle Schools 7.A Study of English Teacher’s Reflection in the Design of Classroom Activities 8.The Application of Rhymes and Songs to English Teaching in Primary Schools 9.Preliminary Analysis on Body Language in Junior Middle School English Teaching 10.An Analysis of Subjective Factors Affecting Students’ English Learning in High Schools
11.A Survey of the Quality-Oriented Education in Jiajia Middle School 12.On the Application of Lexical Chunks in Middle School English Teaching 13.The Infiltration of Cultural Background Knowledge in Senior Middle School English Teaching---Based upon a Case Study 14.The Effect of Non-Intelligent Factors on High School Students’ English Reading 15.On Integrating Skills in Middle School English Teaching 16.The Benefits of Multimedia in Mid-School English Teaching 17.The Building of Harmonious Relations Between Students and Teachers in Middle Schools 18.The Way to Cultivate English Beginners’ Interest
19.On Methods to Stimulate High School Students’ Motivation in Learning English 20.The Characteristics of Children English Teaching 21.Culture Factors in Foreign Language Teaching
22.The Application of Learning by Doing to English Teaching 23.On Language Teaching Through The Analysis of Second Language Acquisition 24.On the Quality Requirements of Modern English Teachers in Junior Middle Schools
25.The Application of Schema Theory to Senior High School English Reading Teaching 26.The Role of English Tutor in English Teaching 27.Effective Ways of Teaching Vocabulary for Junior Students in Rural Areas 28.The Application of Situational Teaching Method to English Reading Teaching in Middle Schools
29.Strategies in Heightening High-school Students’Interest in Learning English 30.Improvement of the Classroom Teaching of English in High Schools 31.Effective Ways of Teaching English Reading in Middle Schools 32.Strategies of Teaching English Writing in High Schools 33.Basic Skills Involved in Effective Teaching of English in Middle School Classrooms 34.On Combination of Grammar Teaching and Speaking Teaching in Junior Middle
Schools 35.Teacher-student Co-operation in Middle School English Teaching 36.Students’ Mentality and English Teaching in Middle Schools 37.Significance of Appropriate Teaching Plans in Middle Schools
38.The Application of Schema Theory in Teaching English Listening in Middle Schools 39.Approaches to Carry out Effective English Grammar Teaching in Middle Schools 40.Multimedia in English Teaching 41.Comparison and Transformation of Some Cultural Images Between Chinese and English 2011届毕业论文教学法方向题目
1.Common Errors and Solutions in High School English Writing 2.Improving High School Students’ Reading Competence
3.On the Qualities of English Teachers in Senior High Schools
4.The Necessity of Understanding Cultural Background Knowledge in English Reading for Chinese Students 5.A Contrast of Basic English Education Between Schools in Developed Areas and Underdeveloped Regions
6.Elements Influencing Oral English Teaching in Middle Schools 7.Rural Middle School Students’ Poor Appetite for English Learning and the Countermeasures 8.An Analysis of Facial Expression in Middle School English Teaching 9.Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension and Solutions 10.The Teaching Strategies to Improve the Students’ Speaking Ability 11.The Application of Phonetic Teaching for the Beginners of English 12.Arousing Students’ Imagination, Developing the Reading Ability 13.On the Leading-in Teaching in Senior High Schools 14.To Improve Students’ Performance in the English Test in the College Entrance Examination
15.On the Teacher’s Roles in Developing Senior High Students’ Listening
16.A Study of English Listening Examinational Anxiety of Senior High School Students 17.A Study of Developing Student’s Active Learning in English Class 18.The Use of Pictures in Middle School English Teaching 19.Vocabulary Teaching Strategies in Middle Schools 20.The Application of Body Language in English Teaching Activities 21.The Application of English Games in Lead-in
22.A Study of How to Encourage Students to Speak Out in English Class 23.The Role of Culture in English Teaching
24.The Usage and Function of Role Playing Method in English Learning 25.How to Improve Junior High School Students’ Oral English Competence 26.On the Combination of Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Language Teaching in Middle Schools 27.On the Necessity and Feasibility of Teaching English with English Movies in Middle School 28.The Research about Using Dictionary for English Major Students 29.The Role of Native Language in the Middle School’s Foreign Language Teaching 30.The Strategy of Applying Cooperative Learning in English Listening Class 31.On English Learning Strategies for the Junior High School’s Students in the Countryside 32.Combination of New and Traditional Classroom Teaching Models in College English Teaching 33.Virtuous Cycle in English Teaching----Interest Development 34.The English Culture Teaching in Senior High Schools 35.The Application of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching
36.Family Influences on Children’s English Learning in China 37.Teaching Vocabulary in High Schools 38.Line Drawings in Primary English Teaching 39.Application of Songs and Games in Primary English Teaching
40.Strategies for Promoting Interactive Primary English Teaching 41.Basic Requirements of Qualified English Teachers in High Schools 42.On the Ways to Improve Pre-School Children’s Oral English
43.Solutions to the Problems of the New Textbook’s Application in the Rural Area
1.On the Idiomatic English Interpretation of 20 Popular Campus Chinglish Sayings 2.Chinese Translation Policies on English Sports News Headlines 3.On Partial Synchronicity in Chinese-English Translation Practice 4.Chinese Translation Measures of English Promotional Ads 5.On Free Translatability of Some English Puns 6.Chinese Expressiveness in English Proverbs Translation 7.On Major Differences Between English and Chinese & Translation 8.A Brief Analysis on Translation Styles 9.The Psychological Differences Between Chinese & English Cultures and Translation 10.The Strategies for English Contract Translation into Chinese 11.Metaphoric Connotations of Animal Names in Chinese and English Cultures and Translation 12.On Zhang Guruo’s Translation of Tess of the D’Urbervilles 13.A Comparative Study of Lolita’s Two Chinese Translations 14.On Analysis of Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies 15.Chinese Translation of American Movie Subtitling 16.Translation of English Product Labels 17.Surmounting Grammar: An Approach Towards Successful Translation 18.Error Analysis in Business English Translation 19.Untranslatability---a Barrier yet to Overcome 20.On Huang Yuanshen’s Translation of Jane Eyre
21.The Translation of Idioms Expressing English and Chinese Culture 22.English Translation of Idioms in A Dream of Red Mansions 23.Chinese Culture Reflected in Proverb Translation 24.On Expressiveness in English-Chinese Translation
25.The Translation of Rhetorical Devices in News Headline 26.On Domestication in Advertisement Translation 27.On the Translation of Color Terms 28.A Probe into the Chinese Translation of English Movie Titles
1.A Research into the Translatability of the English-Chinese & Chinese-English Translation 2.On Cultural Differences in the Translation of English & Chinese Words 3.On the Contrast & Translation of Chinese and English Negation 4.An Error Study On the Translation of Urban Public Signs 5.On the Impact of Puns upon Chinese & British Literature 6.An Investigation of Chinglish Translations Typical of English Majors in Neijiang Normal University 7.On the Cultural Discrepancies Between English Idioms & Their Translation 8.Comparison of the Characteristics and Translation Strategies in Literary & Non-Literary Translation 9.On the English Translation of Chinese Recipes 10.Chinese Translation of Metaphors in English News Reports 11.English Translation Policies for Business Chinese in Catering 12.English Translation of Typical Chinese Dish Names 13.The Strategies to Translate Chinese and English Idioms---Based upon Their Cultural Differences 14.Aesthetic Influences on Posters Translation 15.On the Wording in Humor Idioms Translation
16.Chinese Translation Strategies for Daily Tourist English
17.English Translation Strategies for Common Phrases in Chinese Government Reports 18.On the Cultural Significance of Pet-Topic Idioms Translation
19.On Chinese Translation Approaches to Some USA Public Signs 20.An Observation of the English Translations of Tao Yuanming’s Poem “Yin Jiu” 21.On the Transmission of Cultural Information in The Analects 22.Translation of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisements 23.On English Translation of Cultural-Loaded Words 24.A Comparative Study of Jane Eyre’s Two Chinese Translations 25.Chinese Translation of the Subtitling of Mulan
26.Translation of Film Titles from the Perspective of Aesthetic Properties 27.English Translation of Artistic Atmosphere in Chinese Poems -Citing “Drinking Alone by Moonlight ” as an Example
1.On the Types and Translation of English Puns
2.On the Cultural Differences and the Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 3.Domestication in Hu Donghua’s Translation of Gone with the Wind 4.A Study of the Importance of Context in Translation 5.Misinterpretation of Words in English and Chinese Translation
6.Cause Analysis of the Affective Meaning Loss in the Translation of Journey to the West 7.A Brief Study of Principles for Subtitle Translation---the Case Study of Kung Fu Panda 8.On Translation of Chinese and English Idioms from Cultural Perspectives
9.Elementary Research on the Chinese Translation of English Movie Subtitles 10.Appreciation of the Quintessence of Chinese Classical Poetry---the Images 11.The Chinese Translation Policy for Popular English Jokes & Humors 38
1.An Analysis of English Lexical Ambiguity 2.Rhetorical Devices in English Euphemism 3.Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Teaching English Idioms in College 4.On the Similarities of English and Chinese Hyperbole 5.Fuzzy Words and Their Functions in Human Communication 6.The Humor Attributes and Pragmatic Functions of Irony 7.A Study of Children’s Linguistic Barrier
8.The Violation of Pragmatic Principles in English Euphemism 9.Ambiguity and Puns in English
10.On the Speech Act Theory in Advertisement Discourse 11.On the Transfer in Second Language Acquisition
1.On Transferred Epithet in the Beatles’ Songs
2.A Study of English Humor Caused by the Conversational Implicature 3.Linguistic Features of English Headline 4.The Linguistic Features of English Humorous Speech 5.Some of the Linguistic Features in The Great Gatsby 6.Influences of Western Festivals on Chinese Youth 7.The Contrastive Study of Business Etiquette between China and Western Countries 8.Cause Analysis of the Association Meaning in English Lexicon 9.On Classification and Usage of English Adjectives 10.On the Realization of Pip’s Great Expectations 11.On the Constraints of Voice Transfer 12.On the Influence of English Intonation on the Meaning 13.An Analysis of the Middle Construction’s Features 14.The Classification of English Verbs
15.A Study of Rhetorical Devices in Sonnet 18 by Shakespeare 16.The Differences Between Chinese and Western Table Manners 2011届毕业论文语言学方向题目
1.The Art of Language in Business Negotiation 2.How the American Culture is Exported to China: A Case Study of Mass Communication 3.A Study of the Development of American Immigration Culture 4.A Contrastive Study of Family Values Between China and the West 5.A Study of the English Taboo words
6.A Contrastive Study of Inviting Guests to Dinner Between China and America 7.A Contrastive Study of Officials’ Attitudes Toward People Between China and America