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七年级英语下册Unit8 Topic1 Section D教案(大全)

七年级英语下册Unit8 Topic1 Section D教案(大全)

第一篇:七年级英语下册Unit8 Topic1 Section D教案(大全)

七年级英语下册Unit8 Topic1 Section D教案

Section D needs 1 period.Section D需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 4.本课重点活动是1a和4。Ⅰ.Aims and demands目标要求

1.Learn some new words and phrases:

everything, come back to life, come out, be busy doing sth., leaf, wind, strongly, report

2.Learn some useful expressions about the seasons.Everything comes back to life.Trees turn green and flowers come out.It often rains and sometimes it rains heavily.It’s cool and the leaves fall from the trees.The wind blows strongly, and sometimes it snows.3.Talk about the weather and temperature.Beijing is sunny.The high temperature is 10℃ and the low temperature is 2℃.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五步教学方案

Step 1Review 第一步复习(时间:10分钟)


让学生们用本话题所学重点句型编一个有关天气和季节的对话,给三分钟时间准备,自觉上前来表演,表现好者给予鼓励。T: Now.Let’s congratulate the winners.(学生向获胜者鼓掌。)

Step 2Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:11分钟)

出示多媒体课件,呈现1a, 完成1b。掌握描述四季的差异的表达方法。

1.(一年有四个季节, 每个季节之间肯定会有不同之处, 到底有哪些不同之处呢?呈现1a。


(1)What’s the weather like in spring?

(2)When does summer usually begin?

(学生阅读并做笔记, 教师巡视, 发现速度慢的学生, 教师可以个别指点。)

2.(时间到, 核对答案。根据学生回答, 板书并导出新单词。)T: Time is up.Let’s check the answers.3.(播放录音, 让学生跟读。)

T: Listen to the tape and follow it.Step 3Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:6分钟)

巩固1a, 学会复述短文。

(学生通过阅读1a文章, 做1b练习, 已对四季的差异有了大致了解。现在可以根据自己做的笔记, 不看课文复述短文, 同时教师用课件出示四季图片, 可让学生看着四季图以及上面的板书内容,回忆并复述。)

T: Good.Now please retell the passage according to your own notes.You can also get help from the pictures and the key words on the blackboard.S1: In China, spring returns and many things come back to life in March.The weather gets warm.It is a wonderful season.Summer begins in June.It is very hot.The

leaves fall from the trees

in fall, and the farmers are busy harvesting.Then winter comes.It

lasts from December to

February.We all wear warm clothes.The wind blows strongly.Sometimes it snows.T: Very good.Now, S2, please retell the passage again.S2: …

Step 4Practice 第四步练习(时间:10分钟)

掌握季节的功能用语, 进行知识拓展。

1.(学生通过复述, 已经掌握了很多四季之间的差异。现在可以进一步探讨现实生活中四季之间的差异。把学生分成春、夏、秋、冬四组, 春天这一组讨论与春天有关的话题。夏天这一组讨论与夏天有关的话题, 依此类推。教师可以在旁边观看并指点。讨论过程中每组学生可以把相关的讨论结果写在黑板上。然后比一比,看哪一组做得最好。)

T:Good!Now can you find out more differences in different seasons? I will pide you into four groups.Each group stands for one season.Please discuss and write your answers down on the blackboard.Let’s see which group does the best.Group 1, please write down the sentences describing spring.Group 2, please write and tell us what summer is like.Group 3, please work for fall.Group 4, please describe how winter is different from others.Ss: OK.2.(由上面的活动转入2。请同学们根据2的信息,写一则天气预报,可适当进行扩展。)

T: Boys and girls, we do different sports in different seasons.But before we go out, we’d better know the weather.Do you know how to write a weather report? Now, please look at 2, and try your best to write a weather report according to the information.(写完后,老师点几名学生朗读他们所写的天气预报,并作适当讲解。)

T: OK.Now let’s ask some students to read their weather reports, S1 …

Step 5Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)

利用所学知识, 学会表达对季节的喜好。

1.(不同的季节有不同的天气, 人们可以进行不同的活动。进入小组讨论, 谈论每个人在不同的季节里的服装穿戴和进行的活动。)

T: Good!We know in different seasons, we wear different clothes and do different sports.Now work in groups, and discuss what kind of clothes you wear and what sports you do in different seasons.(学生开始讨论, 2分钟后让学生汇报。)

T: Now can I share your ideas?

S1: I like wearing coats in winter and I like skating.S2: I like wearing T-shirts in fall, and I like climbing mountains.S3: …


(写一篇短文, 描述自己在不同的季节所喜欢的衣服和运动。)

仁爱英语七年级下册Unit8 Topic1 SectionD教案




Unit 6 More practice------Electricity safety tips(教案)



Teaching aims: 1, To help students read the text and contents and learn some useful electricity safety tips.2.To help students master the model verbs, must and mustn’t.3.To help students realize mothers’ diligence and make actions to them.Teaching important points: 1.How to make students understand the whole text.2.How to master the usage of must and mustn’t 3.How to help the students communicate with each other.Teaching methods: Discussion, presentation ,and conclusion.Teaching aids: Multimedia facilities and photos Procedures: Step1 Greeting as usual Step2 Leading in and warming up 1.What electrical appliance do you know? Can you list them? 2.According to the following description,can you guess what they are and write them down? 1, We use it to watch programs____________ 2,We use it to keep food cool and fresh_______ 3,We use it to cook rice

_____________ 4,We use it to wash clothes

_____________ 5,We use it to give us light

_____________ Check the answers A television A fridge A rice cooker A washing machine A light/lamp Step3 Read the article loudly by yourselves.Read the article loudly by yourselves and teachers should correct the pronunciation.Step4 Discussion and practice Try to complete the sentences by using must and mustn't in groups.Step5Make up a dialogue

Try to make a dialogue in pairs by using the above sentences.Show the class when you are ready.For examples;S1:Do you use rice cooker? S2:Yes ,I do.S1:Do you know if you use them carelessly ,it is very dangerous? S2:No,I Don't.S1:You must.........S2:Oh,really? S1:Make sure you........S2:Thank you for your advice.Step6 Write a dialogue Choose a picture and make a discussion with your group.Then write the dialogue on the paper I give you.Step7 Extending Do you know Mother' Day?

When you grow up , what electrical appliance do you want to buy for your mother? Why?

Step8 Homework Write a essay about how to use electricity and electrical appliance safely.




本课是人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit 8 I‟d like some noodles.第一课时。本单元的中心话题是学会如何在饭店订餐以及进行简单的广告或海报的简单写作,本课时要求掌握基本点餐需要的词汇及基本用语,如面条,饮料等的种类及碗的大小的表达。主要语言点要求掌握would like的用法,列出具体句型。通过本课的学习进一步培养学生的跨文化意识和语言综合运用能力。(二)教学目标


(1)、语言知识目标:通过学习是学生掌握并能熟练运用四会三会词语、句型,并对可数名词和不可数名词的进一步学习与区分。Words: noodle beef cabbage potato special size bowl mutton Sentences: What kind of noodles would you like? / What size bowl of noodles would you like? I‟d like some ….(2)、语言技能目标:能运用所学词汇、句型点餐,能在真实情景中熟练运用。








3、含有 would like 的特殊疑问句及其回答。


1、would like 的用法及其与like在用法上的区别。



















1、总体设计及依据 在任务型活动中热身(8分钟)通过询问学生平时爱吃的食物来引导学生之前学过的一些关于食物的单词,然后创设在餐厅的情景把学生带入到一个模拟真实场景的课堂教学模式中来,让学生切实体验英语真正学以致用的真实成就感。



3、分步设计及依据(多媒体课件制作)Step1:在任务活动中热身 活动一:chant 活动二:Guessing games 活动三:利用挂图引导学生观察在英语国家人们的点餐习惯及基本流程 活动四:学生俩俩合作,试着模仿课本上主人公点餐,找出不认识的单词及主要句型并加以勾画,并小组汇报员说出自己的问题,然后再带领全班同学共同解决 Step2 教师带领学生一起操练新学词汇及句型 Step3 通过三个活动进行任务型教学,让学生在完成任务的过程中再次熟练对新学语言点的练习,之后让小组汇报员汇报任务完成情况,教师以此来检测学生的掌握情况 Step4 Summary 以PPT幻灯片来展示本节课所学内容,把词汇和句型分别归纳、总结以便学生在脑子里形成一个完整的知识体系









Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.I.Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.Status and function The topic of this unit is about food.The students will learn how to order food or take-away.In this unit, the students will be able to use “would like” to express their need for food and learn how to ask others‟ information and provide their personal information during the process.2.Teaching aims and demands 1).Knowledge objects a.To master how to order food or take-away;b.To master the modal verb “would” and “what” questions.c.To master the usage of countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2).Ability objects d.To use “would like” to talk about the need for food.e.To improve students‟ ability of communication and social practice.3).Sensibility objects: Let the students experience the happiness of learning English, cultivate their ability to do things and foster the spirit of cooperation in group activities.3.Teaching difficult points and focus: 1)To learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns.2)To learn how to order food.3)To use “would like” to express their need for food and learn how to order food.II.Target Language 1)what would you/he/they like to eat? I‟d /He‟d /They‟d like some...2)What kind of noodles would you/he/they like? I‟d/He‟d /They‟d like beef and tomato noodles IV.Vocabulary noodles, beef, chicken, mutton, potatoes, tomato, cabbage,carrot, dumplings, porridge, soup, green tea, orange juice, would like… V.Teaching Time 45 minutes VI.Teaching Procedures Step 1.Warm up.1)Show some pictures about sports and let the students answer the questions below: After doing these sports, what‟s your feeling? Are you tired ? Are you hungry? 2)Let the students thinking the question: If you are hungry, what would you like to eat? 3)Show some pictures of food that they have learned.Step 2.Lead into.1)T: “No food left!But don‟t worry, let‟s go to the restaurant to have a big meal.Look!What can you see in the restaurant? Yes, There are many kinds of food there.You can choose whatever you like”.2)Show the new words.3)Questions: A: What kind of vegetables/meat/food/drink would you like? B: I‟d like some…

Let the students to learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns.Let the students make some dialogue.Step 3.Let’s chant.Step 4.Noodle House.1)Show some pictures about noodle specials.meat+vegetables → special1/special2….(let the students to guess the meaning of the word „special‟)2)Make dialogue A: What kind of noodles would you like? B: I‟d like…and…noodles.Step 5.Pairwork and guessing game 1)Pairwork.(Make dialogues.)2)Game: Who is the winner? Ask a boy and a girl come before the blackboard, and then ask two students to make a dialogues.The boy or the girl who find the right special will win one score….after some pairwork, see who is the winner? The boy or the girl.3)Guessing game.Step 6.Role Play(In the Nodle House)A customer and a waiter.(Make a dialogue)Let the students express their need for food and learn how to order food.Step 7.Summary Step 8.Apothegm Step 9 A Flash → “I’m hungry” Learn the song.Step 10.Homework







四、重视学生的英语学习兴趣 光靠掌握阅读技巧是不能够完全提高学生的阅读能力。因此,英语教师需要从学生的兴趣爱好、知识能力水平来考虑,为学生提供贴近生活实际,具有时代气息,内容丰富广泛的阅读篇章,从而提高学生的阅读能力,学习阅读技巧。在英语篇章教学过程中,教师通常指导学生在任务型教学中完成阅读任务。提倡学习自觉进行大量的课外阅读,并完成一些阅读任务。这可以巩固篇章教学的课堂效果,让学生在阅读中发现问题,解决问题。




七年级英语Unit10 教案


1.would like sth 想要某物 2.order food点食物,点菜 3.some tomatoes 一些西红柿4.beef noodles 牛肉面

5.in the beef noodles 在牛肉面里

6.Special 1 特色菜1 7.what kind of noodles 哪种面条

8.a large bowl of noodles 一大碗面

9.a medium bowl of noodles 一中碗面

10.a small bowl of noodles 一小碗面 11.take one’s order 点菜

12.in the beef soup 在牛肉汤里

13.one bowl of beef soup 一碗牛肉面

14.what size 多大(碗)

15.that’s right 对,这是正确的16.in the tomato and egg soup 在西红柿鸡蛋汤里 17.beef noodles with carrots 胡萝卜牛肉面

18.green tea 绿茶

19.orange juice 橘子汁

20.birthday food 生日食物

21.around the world世界各地

22.on one’s birthday 在某人的生日 23.in different countries 在不同的国家

24.be different from 与不同

25..birthday cake with candles 有蜡烛的生日蛋糕26.the number of…

…的数量27.the person’s age 这个人的年龄28.make a wish 许愿

29.blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛30.in one go一次性的,同一次

31.come true 实现32.put...in...把…放进…33.get popular 受欢迎,流行

34.eat long noodles 吃长寿面35cut up 切碎36.a symbol of long life 长寿的象征37.be the same 相同38.bring good luck to sb 给某人带来好运 39.have different kinds of 有不同种类的40.be short of短缺,缺少 41.put on 带上,穿上42.don’t worry 别着急


1.would like“想要”,相当于want, 用法亦同want,但比want委婉。

1)want/would like sth.想要某物 I’d like some noodles.2)want/would like to do sth.想要做某事

I’d like to play the piano 我想要弹钢琴。3)want/would like sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事

I would like him to help me.我想要他帮助我。4)What would sb.like? 某人想要什么?

What would they like? They would like some noodles.他们想要什么? 他们想要一些面条。5)What would sb.like to do? 某人想要做什么?--What would they like to have? 他们想要吃什么?

--They would like to have some noodles.他们想要吃一些面条。6)would you like sth.你想要某物吗?(委婉地询问对方的要求时的用语)

肯定回答:Yes, please.否定回答:No, thanks.例: Would you like some more food? 你想再要些食物吗? Yes, please.想要,谢谢。/No, thanks.不用了,谢谢。

7)Would you like to do sth?你想要/愿意做某事吗?(向对方有礼貌地提出建议或邀请)

肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to.是的,我愿意。否定回答:Sorry, + 原因。

Would you like to go shopping with us? 你想要/愿意和我们一起去购物吗?

肯Yes, I’d like/love to.是的,我愿意。否Sorry, I have a lot of homework to do.2.noodle “面条”,可数名词,复数noodles。

3.What kind of„.would you like?你想要那种„„?

What kind of noodles would you like?你想要那种面条? Beef and tomato noodles, please.kind 1)种类 ①a kind of....一种......②many kinds of....多种.....③all kinds of....各种各样的...... 2)仁慈的,和蔼的,好意的,友爱的 ①He is a kind man.②He is kind to everyone.他与人为善。③It’s very kind of you to help me.3)kind of + adj/adv 稍微/有几分„„(相当于a little)He is kind of /a little shy.4.Special 1)n.特色/价商品,可数名词。2)adj.特殊的,特别的,专门的

Today is a special day.今天是个特别的日子。5.What size„..“多大„„”

①What size bowl of noodles would he like? 他想要多大碗的面条?

He’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.他想要一个小/中/大碗的面条。

②What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大号的鞋?

I wear size 40.我穿42码的鞋。6.fish 鱼;鱼肉 1)指多少条“鱼”,为可数名词。复数:fish或fishes,通常用复数fish.2)指多少种“鱼”,为可数名词。复数: fishes 3)指“鱼肉”,为不可数名词。

There’re hundreds of fish in the pool.在这水池里有几百条鱼。There’re all kinds of fishes in the lake.这个湖里有各种各样的鱼。Help yourself to some fish.请随便吃些鱼。7.英语中表示食物的一些词的特殊用法

1)beef, fish, chicken, pork, meat, mutton等表示肉类的食物,是不可数名词。


3)fruit, salad, ice cream, food等指总称时是不可数名词,指种类时是可数名词。

4)cabbage, onion, fish, chicken指食物时是不可数名词,指植物和活着的“鱼”“鸡”时是可数名词。











第五篇:七年级英语下册unit7 教案

七年级英语下册Unit7 教案

Section A 主要活动:1,2和3a 课时建议:1~2 教学目标:


first, second, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, twentieth 2.学习月份名称:

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December


birthday, celebrate, party, date, alone


三、讨论日期。--What’s the date today?--It’s May 8th.教学过程: 第一步:复习

1.学生活动,两人一组,就双方掌握的地点进行提问: Could you tell me the way to …?

2.教师课前准备一些写有交通法规和交通警示牌的纸片出示给学生,并引导学生进行讨论。如:“No parking”,让学生讨论它的意思和它所出现的场合。第二步:呈现

1.教师提出问题:Could you tell me the way to Kangkang’s home? We want to celebrate his birthday.推出新单词:celebrate 2.教师提出问题:When is Kangkang’s birthday?

学生听录音1,找出问题的答案。(May the thirteenth)3.再放一遍录音,学生听录音跟读,并找出关键词。4.两人一组练习对话1。

5.让学生由1数到100,可以找几个学生来数,也可分为几组,进行接力赛。6.学生看书,播放录音 2,学生跟读几遍。

7.引导学生找出基数词变序数词的规律,提醒学生注意first,second,third,fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth, twentieth。

8.放3b录音,学生跟读,反复几次,确定每一个学生都会读一年的十二个月。第三步:巩固 1.快速问答:

A:What’s the first month of the year? B:It’s January.A:What’s the second month of the year? B:It’s„ 2.双人活动 A:January!B:It’s the first month of the year.A:September!B:It’s the ninth month of the year.3.学生两个人一组练习3a。




第五步:综合探究活动 1.总结知识点。

2.课堂活动Let’s chant,让学生稍微放松一下。

3.布置作业:让学生自制日历或月历,标出自己和全家人的出生日期。如: Feb.4th, 2006 Saturday

Section B 主要活动:1a,2a和3a 课时建议:1 教学目标:

一、学习新单词和短语 were, be born, was, thousand

二、学习一般过去时was, were的用法。



1.When were you born? I was born in June, 1970.2.Were you born in Hebei? Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.3.When was your daughter born? She was born on Octorber 22nd.4.Where was he born? He was born in China.5.-Was she born in Hebei, too?-No, she wasn’t.教学过程: 第一步:复习

1.学生值日:如:I’m on duty today.Today is „ It’s my birthday.这项工作可加入以后的课堂中,让学生汇报上一节课学过的知识,谈论日期、天气等做为一个课前2分钟的free talk。

2.游戏,数字接龙:全班同学参加。从1到100,遇到8,8的倍数或带8的数字,说“pass”。如:five,six,seven,pass,...fifteen, pass, seventeen,...第二步:呈现 1.师生对话:

A:When is your birthday? B:It’s„

A:When were you born? B:I was born„ 2.推出新单词“be born”。3.听录音1a,回答下列问题:(1)When was she born?(2)When was her daughter born?(3)Where was her daughter born? 答案:(1)She was born in June,1970.(2)She was born on October 22nd,1996.(3)She was born in Henan.4.两人一组练习1a的对话。第三步:巩固




2.学生合上书,教师举起写有各种资料的卡片引导学生说出类似的句子。如: Maria was born on July the twelfth.3.学生两人一组完成3b。

4.听录音,学生独立完成4,教师核对。第五步:综合探究活动 1.总结知识点。


Section C 主要活动:1,2b和3 课时建议:1 教学目标:


shape, square, circle 2.学习有关其他新单词和短语

present, hill, just now, ago, machine, football



(1)What’s the shape of your present?

It’s round.What does it look like? It looks like a star.(2)What color is it? It’s black and white.(3)How long is it? It’s 20 centimeters long.(4)How wide is it? It’s 15 centimeters wide.教学过程: 第一步:复习



1.告诉学生,今天是某某的生日,老师想送她/他一件礼物,但你们要先猜一猜是什么,从而引出本课目标语言。What’s the shape of the present? What color is it? 2.推出新单词“shape”。3.听录音1,回答下列问题:

(1)What’s the shape of your present?(2)What color is it? 答案:(1)It’s round.(2)It’s black and white.4.学生再听一遍录音并跟读,找出关键词。5.学生根据关键词练习对话1。第三步:巩固


2.学生个人活动:观察周围,用所学的词描述周围物品的形状,如:This is my pencilbox.It is green and blue.It is a rectangle„ 3.分组练习,完成2b。

学生谈论一些物品,提醒学生注意物品的形状、大小、颜色等,在对话中回答下列问题。(1)What color is it?(2)What shape is it?(3)How long is it?(4)How wide is it? 第四步:练习



3.抽几组学生到台前表演。第五步:综合探究活动 1.课堂活动:猜谜游戏。


Section D 主要活动:1,3和6 课时建议:1 教学目标: 1.学习音标

2.复习一般过去时was,were的用法。3.复习日期的表述。4.复习描述物品特征。教学过程: 第一步:复习1.教师在黑板上列出音标。耐心教会学生音标的读法,并尽可能多地列出单词,完成1。

2.给出一些单词,让学生试着去拼读,以便巩固读音和加深记忆。3.通过猜词游戏让学生学习物品的形状、大小、颜色的表达方式。4.复习日期的表达法。问: What day is it today? What’s the date? When were you born? When was he born? 5.复习描述物品。问: What shape is it? What color is it? How long is it? How wide is it? 第二步:呈现


1.给出一些课前准备的纸片,如:Kangkang, May 1st, 1990(Beijing),10月5日,星期日等,让学生根据图片进行问答。

2.学生自己制作各种卡片。两人一组,根据卡片内容进行问答。第四步:练习1.总结知识点。2.完成3a和3b。第五步:综合探究活动 1.用下列问题做一个调查。(1)When were you born?(2)Where were you born?(3)What’s your favorite present? 2.根据调查的信息练习对话。教学评估: 听写

1)A:When was he born? B:He was born on September 10th, 1990.A:Where was he born? B:He was born in Henan.2)A:What’s the shape of your present? B:It’s a rectangle.A:What color is it? B:It’s white.A:How long is it? B:It’s 20 centimeters long.A:How wide is it? B:It’s 10 centimeters wide.

