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Traditional Chinese medicine(also known as TCM, simplified Chinese: 中医;traditional Chinese: 中医;pinyin: zhōngyī)includes a range of traditional medical practices originating in China.It is considered a Complementary or Alternative Medical system in much of the western world while remaining as a form of primary care throughout most of Asia.TCM practices include treatments such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietary therapy, Tui na and Shiatsu massage;often Qigong and Taiji are also strongly affiliated with TCM.TCM theory is extremely complex and originated thousands of years ago through meticulous observation of nature, the cosmos, and the human body.Major theories include those of Yin-yang, the Five Phases, the human body Channel system, Zang Fu organ theory, six confirmations, four layers, etc.0



Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)has a history of several years.Its origin

中医有着几千年的历史, can be traced back to remote antiquity.In 起源可追溯至远古时代。在长期与a long course of struggling against 疾病的斗争中,中医演化并形成了diseases, TCM evolved into a unique and 一套独特且完整的理论体系。2000integrated theoretical systcm of TCM.It 多年前出现的《黄帝内经》是中国is an important part of Chinese culture.现存的最早医著。它由《素问》和More than 2,000 years ago, came out 《灵枢》两部分组成。每部分包含Huangdi's Classic on Medicine(Huang Di 9卷,每卷又有9章,总计162章。Nei jing), which is the earliest medical 该书对人和自然的关系、人体的生classic extant in China.It consists of 理及病理、疾病的预防和诊治等方two parts—Basic Questions(Su Wen)and 面进行了系统全面的说明。同时它Miraculous Pivot(Ling Shu), each 运用阴阳和五行理论全面阐述了comprising)nine volumes, each of which, 因时、因地、因人而异辩证论治的in turn, contains nine chapters, totaling 原则并且表达了整体观念的思想up to 162 chapters.The book gives a 即把人体看作一个整体,把人与其complete and systematic exposition to the 周围的环境看作一个整体。这为中following various subjects : the 医理论的形成奠定了初步的基础。relationship between man and nature, the 继《黄帝内经》之后,东汉时期之physiology and pathology of the human 前出现了《难经》。该书涉及了中body, and the diagnosis, treatment and 医的基础理论如生理、病理和疾病prevention ot diseases.It also uses the 的诊治等。它补充了《黄帝内经》theories of yin-yang and the five 的不足。自此许多不同的学派及经elements to deal fully with the 典著作相继出现,各抒己见。principles of treatment by differentiation of syndromes(TDS)according to the climatic and seasonal conditions, geographical localities and inpidual constitution.Hence(giving expression)to the holistic concept of taking the human body as an organic whole and taking the human body with the surrounding environment as the integrity.It laid a preliminary

foundation for the theoretical formation of TCM.After Huangdi's Classic on Medicine another classic of medicine, Classic on Medical Problems(Nan Jing), was given birth to the world before the Eastern Han Dynasty.The book deals mainly with the basic theory of TCM, such as physiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and so on.It supplemented what Huangdi's Classic on Medicine lacked.From then on, many medical schools and various classics on medicine were brought into being in succession, each having its own strong points.Shen Nong's Herbal(Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing), also known as Classic on the Herbal(Ben Cao Jing)or The Herbal(Ben Cao), is the earliest book on materia medica in China, which appeared in about

《神农本草》(亦称“本草经”the Qin-Han Period with its authorship

或“本草”)是中国最早的药物学unknown.Not only does it list 365

专著。它出现于秦汉时期,作者不medicinal item —among which 252 are

祥。它不仅罗列了365种药物(其herbs, 67 are animals, and 46 are

中草药252种,动物类药67种,矿minerals, but also pides them into

物类药46种)而且依药物性质及功three grades according to their different

效的不同将其分为三个等级。同时,properties and effects.The book also

该书简述了方剂的基本原则(君、gives a brief account of pharmacological

臣、佐、使)和七情与药物的四气theories—principal(jun), adjuvant


(chen), assistant(zuo)and guide(shi);harmony in seven emotions(qi qing he he), four properties of medicinal herbs(si qi)and five tastes of medicinal herbs(wu wei).In the Han Dynasty(3rd century

汉朝(公元前3世纪)的张AD), Zhang Zhongjing, an outstanding 仲景是一位著名的医家,著有《伤physician, wrote Treatise on Febrile and 寒杂病论》。该书被后人分为两部Miscellaneous Diseases(Shang Han Za 分,名为《伤寒论》和《金匱要略》。Bing Lun), which is pided into two 该书建立了辩证论治的原则及技术books by later generations, one is 数据系统,因此,为临床医学的发entitled “ Treatise onFebrile Diseases”, 展奠定了基础。(Shang Han Lun), the other Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Cabinet(Jin Kui Yao Lue).The book established the pnriciple of TDS(Treatment of Differentiation Syndromes;Technical Data System 技术数据系统), thereby laying a foundation for the development of clinical medicine.In the Western Jin Dynasty.Huang Fumi, a famous physician, compiled A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

西金时期的著名医家皇浦(Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing)The book consists

谧编辑的《针灸甲乙经》由12卷of 12 volumes with 128 chapters,128章组成,包括349个穴位。它including 349 acupoints.It is the

是现存最早的针灸学专著,也是针earliest extant work dealing exclusively


with acupuncture and moxibustion and one of the most influential works in the history of acupuncture and moxibustion.The Sui and Tang Dynasties came into their own in feudal economy and

隋唐时期形成了自己封建culture.In 610 AD, Chao Yuanfan et al.的经济文化制度。公元前610年,compiled General Treatise on the Etiology 巢元方编辑的《诸病源候论》对各and Symptomology.The book gave an 种不同疾病的病因及症状进行了广extensive and minute description of the 泛而详细的描述。它是现存最早的etiology and symptoms of various 病因及症状学著作。公元前657年,diseases.It is the earliest extant 苏敬和其他20名医家学者编辑了classic on etiology and symptoms in 《新修本草》。它是中国古代官方China.In 657 AD, Su Jing together with 正式发起编辑的药典,也是世界上20 other scholars, compiled 最早的药学著作。孙思邈(公元前Newly-Revised Materia Medica(Xin Xiu 581-682年)倾其一生精力撰写了Ben Cao), which is the first 两部著作,分别是《备急千金药方》pharmacopoeia sponsored officially in 和《千金翼方》.书中涉及了医理总ancient China, and the earliest 论、中药、妇产科、儿科、针灸、pharmacopoeia in the world as well.Sun 方药饮食及养生等医学的不同分Simiao(581-682 AD)devoted all his life 支。两本著作都是唐代医学的代表to writing out the two books: Valuable 作。孙思邈因此被后世誉为“方药Prescriptions for Emergencies(Bei Ji 之祖”。Qian Jin Yao Fang)and Supplement to Valuable Prescriptions(Qian Jin Yi Fang).The hooks deal with general medical theory, materia medica, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, acupuncture and moxibustion, diet, health preservationand prescriptions for various branches of medicine.Both books are recognized as representative works of medicine in the Tang Dynasty.Sun Simiao was honored by later generations as “the king of herbal medicine”.In the Song Dynasty, more attention was paid to the education of TCM.The goverment set up“the Imperial

宋朝更注重的是中医教育。Medical Bureau” for training and bringing

政府兴办了太医局训练和培养合格up qualified TCM workers.In 1057 AD, a 的中医师。公元前1057年,一个特special organ named “Bureau for Revising

殊的组织-校正医书局成立了,其Meidical Books” was set up in order to

目的是为了对从前的医书进行校正proofread and correct the medical books

并一一印刷出版。被修改过的医书from preceding ages, and to publish them

流传至今并仍是现今中国和全世界one after another.The books revised have


been handed down till now and are still the important classics for China and other countries to study TCM.In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties,金元时期出现了四个医学there appeared four medical schools 学派代表人物分别为:刘完素(公represented by Liu Wansu(1120-1200 AD), 元前1120-1200)、张从正(公元Zhang Congzheng(1156-1228 AD), Li Gao 前1156-1228)、李杲(公元前1180(l180-1251 AD)and Zhu Zhenheng -1251)、朱震亨(公元前1281-(1281-1358 AD).Among them, Liu Wansu 1358)。他们中,刘完素认为火热believed that “fire and heat” were the 是导致各种疾病的病因,治疗疾病main causes of a variety of diseases, and 应选择性质寒凉的药,因此被后世that the diseases should be treated with 称为“寒凉派”。张从正认为外邪drugs cold and cool in nature.So he was 侵犯人体是疾病的原因,提倡用known as “the school of cold and cool” by “汗、吐、下”等法驱邪外出,所later generations, Zhang Congzheng 以被称为“攻邪派”。第三个学派believed that all diseases were caused by 以李杲为代表主张“脾胃内伤,百exogenous pathogenic factors invading 病由生”。因此强调临床中最重要the body, and advocated that pathogenic 的应为温养脾胃。因为脾在五行中factors should be driven out by methods 属土,故其被称为“补土派”的奠of diaphoresis, emesis and purgation.So 基人。第四个学派为朱震亨发起的he was known as the “school of purgation”.“滋阴派”。他认为“阳常有余,The third school represented by Li Gao 阴常不足。”因此在临床上常用held that “Internal injuries of the “滋阴泻火”的方法。spleen and stomach will bring about various diseases”.Therefore, he emphasizeed that the most important thing, clinically, should be to warm and invigorate thespleen and stomach because the spleen is attributed to the earth in the five elements.So he was regarded as the founder of the “school of reinforcing the earth”.And the fourth school was known as the “school of nourishing yin” by founded Zhu Zhenheng.He believed: “Yang is usually redundant, while yin is ever deficient”.That is why the body “often has enough yang but not enough yin”.So he usually used the method to nourish yin and purge fire in clinical practice.Li Shizhen(1518-1593 AD), a famous physician and pharmacologist in the Ming Dynasty, wrote The Compendium of Materia Medica(Ben Cao Gang Mu).The

李时珍(公元前1518-book consists of 52 volumes with 1,892 1593年)是汉朝著名的内科医生及medicinal herbs, including over 10,000 药师,撰写了《本草纲目》。该书prescriptions and 1,000 illustrations of 共有52卷,记载了1892种药,10000medicinal items.In addition, his book 首方剂和1000条医理注释。另外该also deals with botany, zoology, 书还涉及了植物学、动物学、地质mineralogy, physics, astronomy, 学、药理学、天文学、气象学等学meteorology, etc.It is really a 科,是一部真正的药物学不朽著作。monumental work in Materia Medica.It is 它对中国乃至全世界药学的发展作a great contribution to the development 出了巨大的贡献。在同一时期,针of pharmacology both in China and all over 灸也达到了发展的高潮,许多历代the world.During the same period, 的涉及针灸的文化得到了总结和发acupuncture and moxibustion reached 展。their climax.Many literature concerning acupuncture and moxibustion for the ages were summarized and developed.Since the founding of New China, our

自从新中国成立以后,我国government has paid great attention to 政府对继承和发扬中医药遗产予以inheriting and developing the heritage of 了高度的重视,制定了一系列利于TCM and Materia Medica.A series of 中医药发展的方针政策和措施。policies and measures have been taken for 1986年,国家中医药管理局成立developing TCM.In 1986, the State 了,它成为保证中医药顺利发展的Administrative Bureau of TCM and Materia 领导主体。中医药从来没有象今天Medica was established.This leading body 这样繁荣过。在历经了时代的变迁is the guarantee of developing TCM and 和沧桑之后,中医药仍然保持着其Materia Medica smoothly.Never before has 鲜活的生命力。毫无疑问,中医药TCM been as prosperous as it is today.TCM 将以崭新的面貌耸立于世界之林。has experienced many vicissitudes of times but always remains evergreen.There is no doubt that TCM will take its place in medical circles of the world as a completely new medicine.SPECIFIC AND PROFOUND TCM 中医的独特性与深刻意义

TCM, one of China's splendid cultural heritages, is the science dealing with human physiology, pathology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.TCM summed up the experience of the Chinese people in their long struggle against

中医是中国辉煌的传统文化之diseases and, under the influence of 一,它是一门涉及人体生理、病理、诊ancient naive materialism and 断、治疗和疾病预防的科学。它是在古dialectics, evolved into a unique, 代朴素的唯物主义和辨证法的影响下integral system of medical theory 对中国人民长期与疾病斗争经验的总through long clinical practice.结,并在长期的临床实践中演化成了During several thousand years it has 一套独特完整的医学理论。在过去的几made great contributions to the 千年里,中医为中华人民健康水平的提promotion of health, the 高、民族的繁荣昌盛及世界医学的丰富proliferation and prosperity of the 及发展做出了巨大的贡献。中医理论系Chinese nation, and the enrichment and 统的形成受到古代中国的唯物主义和development of world medicine as well.辩证法的极大影响。这套理论系统以脏The formation of the theoretical 腑经络的生理病理为基础,以辨证论治system of TCM was greatly influenced 为其诊断特色。by ancient Chinese materialism and dialectics.The theoretical system takes the physiology and pathology of zang-fu organs and meridians as its basis, and TDS as its diagnostic and therapeutic features.TCM has its own specific

中医在对人体的生理功能、病understanding both in the 理改变和诊治疾病方面有其独特的见physiological functions and 解。它把人体看作一个以脏腑和经络相pathological changes of the human body 互联系的有机整体并认为人体与其外and in the diagnosis and treatment of 界环境也是息息相关的。中医高度重视disease.TCM regards the human body 内因即所谓的“七情”在疾病的发生itself as an organic whole 和发展过程中所起的作用,但也决不排interconnected by zang-fu organs, 除外因的作用即所谓的“六淫”。在诊meridians and collaterals.And TCM 断方面,中医以四诊(望、闻、问、切)also holds that the human body is 为技术原则、八纲辨证为指导总纲并把closely related to the outside world.脏腑辨证、六经辨证、卫气营血辨证作In regard to the onset and development 为其辨证论治的基础。它强调“未病先of a disease, TCM attaches great 防”、“治病求本”、“扶正祛邪”、importance to the endogenous “调整阴阳”和“三因制宜”(因时、pathogenic factors, namely the seven 因地、因人制宜)的重要性。emotion, but it by no means excludes the exogenous pathogenic factors, namely the six pathogens.In diagnosis, TCM takes the four diagnostic methods(inspection, auscultation ant olfaction,inquiry, pulse-taking and palpation as its principal tcchniques, eight principal syndromes as its general guideline, and differentiation of syndrome according to the zang-fu theory, differentiation of syndromes according to the six-meridian theory, and differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of wei, qi, ying and xue as its basic theories of the differentiation of syndromes.It also stresses the prevention and preventive treatment of disease, and puts forward such therapeutic principles as “treatment aiding at the root cause of disease”.“strengthening vital qi and dispelling pathogens, regulating yin and yang and treating diseases in accordance with three conditions”(i.e.the climatic and seasonal conditiont, geographic localities and the patient's constitution).These characteristicts, however,然而,对以上的中医特点可以can be generalized as the holistic

用“整体观念”和“辨证论治”加以concept and treatment by


differentiation of syndromes(TDS)l.The Holistic Concept

1.整体观念 By “the holistic concept” is meant a general idea of, on the one hand, the unity)and integrity within the human body and, on the other, its close relationship with the outer world.The human body is composed of various organs and tissues, each having its own distinct function, which is a component part of the life activities

整体观念的总思想是一方面认of the whole body.And in TCM the human 为人体是一个统一的整体,另一方面认body is regarded as an organic whole 为人体与其外界环境密切相关。人体由in which its constituent parts are 不同的脏腑组织组成,每个脏腑组织都inseparable in structure, 有其独特的功能并都是整个人体进行interrelated and interdependent in 生命活动的组成部分。中医把人体看作physiology, and mutually influential 一个有机人体认为人体的各部分在生in pathology.Meanwhile, man lives in 理上相互联系和相互独立,在病理上相nature, and nature provides the 互影响。同时,因为人类生活在自然中,conditions indispensible to man's 自然提供给人类赖以生存的环境,所以survival.So it follows that the human 人体就会直接或间接的受到自然环境body is bound to be affected directly 变化的影响并产生相应的反应。中医认or indirectly by the changes of 为医生在诊治疾病时应该熟悉自然规nature, to which the human body, in 律和地理环境。这便是中医为何在诊治turn, makes corresponding responses.疾病时既强调人体为一整体也重视人TCM says: “Physicians have to know the 体与自然环境相互作用的关系。law of nature and geographical conditions when diagnosing and treating diseases.” That's why TCM not only stresses the unity of the human body itself but also attaches great importance to the interrelationship between the body and nature in diagnosing and treating diseases.2.Treatment by Differentiation of



TCM, on the other hand, is characterized by TDS.Differentiation

中医的另一特色是辨证论治。means comprehensive analysis, while “辨证”即综合分析相关的症状,因此syndrome refere to symptoms and signs.辨证意味着将四诊收集到的症状加以So differentiation of syndromes 分析和总结确定疾病的病理、病性、病implies that the patient's symptoms 位和邪正关系,从而确定疾病的证型。and signs collected by the four “论治”指的是根据辨证的结果选择diagnostic methods are analyzed and 相应的治疗。总的来说,辨证论治即在summarized so as to identify the 对症状的全面分析基础上进行诊治。etiology, nature and location of a disease, and the relation between vital qi and pathogens, thereby determining what syndrome the disease belongs to.By treatment is meant selecting the corresponding therapy according to the outcome of differentiating syndromes.Taken as a whole, TDS means diagnosis and treatment based on overall analysis of symptoms and signs.As concerns the relationship between “disease” and “treatment”, TCM takes two different clinical ways on the basis of TDS.One is “treating the same disease with different therapies”, by which is meant that the

关于疾病和治疗的关系,中医same disease may manifest itself in

在辨证论治的基础上存在两种治疗途different syndromes at different

径。一种是“同病异治”,即同一疾病stages or under different conditions.在不同环境、不同阶段下会显示出不同Therefore, the therapies of the same 的证候,因此,对同一疾病应根据患者diease should be adopted towards 的体质、地理环境的不同和天气季节的different therapies according to the

变化采取不同的治疗措施。例如流感可patient's constitution, the

以由风寒、风热、暑湿之邪造成,所以geographical environment, the

治疗应相应的采取祛风散寒、疏散风热climatic and seasonal changes.Take

和清暑化湿的方法。另一种是“异病同flu for example, it may be caused by

治”,即不同的疾病出现相同的证候可wind-cold,wind-heat, summer-heat and

以采取相同的治疗。例如泻泄引起的脱dampness or other pathogens.So is

肛和子宫下垂是两种不同的疾病,然advisable to adopt dispersing

而,如果它们都是以中焦之气下陷引起wind-cold, eliminating wind-heat,相同的证候为特征的话就可以采取相clearing away summer-heat and

同的治疗——升提中焦之气。从以上,dampness respectively.The other is

显而易见,中医并不是注重疾病之间的called “treating different diseases

相似和不相似,而是重视证候的相同与with the same therapy”, by which is

否。总而言之,相同的证候采取相同的meant that different diseases

治疗方法,不同的证候采取不同的治疗manifesting themselves in the same


syndrome may be treated with the same therapy.For example prolapse of the

rectum due to protracted diarrhea and hysteroptosis are two different diseases.However, if they are both marked by themselves in the same syndrome of qi of sinking of the middle energizer, they can be treated in the same therapy by lifting qi of the middie energizer.From the above it becomes obvious that TCM does not focus its attention on similarities or dissimilarities between diseases but on the differences between the syndromes.Generally speaking, the same syndromes are treated with basically same therapies, while different syndromes with different ones.To sum up, the principle that different contradictions in essence

总之,原则是在疾病的发展过are handled by different methods in 程中不同的本质矛盾应采取不同的方the course of development of a disease 法,这就是辨证论治的核心。is the core of TDS.YIN AND YANG-THE LAW OF NATURE


Yin and yang, which come from

阴阳来自古代ancient Chinese philosophy, are a general 中国哲学,是自然界中相联系的term for two opposites of interrelated 事物和现象中相互对立面的总things or phenomena in the natural world.称。最初,它们的内涵很简单,At first, their connotations were quite 指的是事物的对立两方。向阳为simple, referring to the two opposite sides 阳,背阳则为阴。在长期的观察of an object.The side facing the sun is yang 实践中,古代中国人民开始认识and the reverse side is yin in the course 到阴阳的对立和消长存在于一切of long practice and observation, the 事物中。《易传》曰:一阳一阴ancient Chinese people came to understand 谓之道(道代表宇宙中对立统一that the opposition and wax-wane of yin and 的基本规律)。换言之,“宇宙yang are inherent in all things.Yi Zhuan 中的每个事物都包含阴阳两方says, “Yin and yang are what is called Dao”, 面”。并且他们进一步认为阴阳(Dao means the basic law of the unity of 不仅代表两个对立的事物而且可opposites in the universe).In other words, 用于分析一个单独实体中存在的“Everything in the universe contains yin 两个对立面。总之,动态的、明and yang.” And they further believed that 亮的、热的、功能的事物或现象yin and yang can not only represent two 属于阳;反之静止的、黑暗的、opposite objects but also be used to analyze 冷的、实质的事物和现象属于阴。two opposite aspects existing in a single 阴阳理论认为宇宙中一切事物的entity.Generally speaking, things or 变化发展来自于阴阳的对立统phenomena which are dynamic, bright, hot, 一。《素问》曰:阴阳者,天地functional, etc..., pertain to the category 之道也,万物之纲纪,变化之父of yang, while those that are static, dark, 母,生杀之本始。阴阳理论是中cold, substantial, etc., pertain to that 医理论系统的重要组成部分并贯of yin.The yin-yang theory holds that the 穿于该系统的各个方面。它用于development and changes of everything in 解释人体的生理和病理现象并指the universe result from the unity of 导临床的诊治。阴阳理论的基本opposites be tween yin and yang.Su Wen 内容可总结为以下几方面。says: “yin and yang are the law of heaven and earth, the principles of all things, the parents of all changes, the origin of life and death...” The yin-yang theory is an important constituent of the theoretical system of TCM and runs through every aspect of the system.It is used to explain physiology and pathology of the body and to guide clinical diagnosis and treatment.The basic content of yin-yang theory can be summarized as follows.l.The Unity of Opposition Between Yin and



By the opposition between yin and yang is meant that all things or phenomena in nature have two opposite aspects-yin and yang, such as heaven and earth, motion and quiescence, ascending and descending, exiting and entering, day and night, heat

阴阳对立指的是自and coldness and so on.The former being

然界中所有的事物和现象都存在yang and the latter yin(P29)in every pair

对立两面—阴阳,如天地、动静、above.The unity is the outcome of mutual

升降、进出、日月、寒热等等。opposition and restriction between yin and

以上的每对现象中前者为阳,后yang.Without opposition, there would be no

者为阴。统一是阴阳对立制约的unity;Without mutual opposition, there

结果。没有对立就没有统一,没would be no mutual complement.It is only

有相互对立就没有相互补充。正through this kind of opposition and

是这种对立统一,阴阳才能达到restriction that the dynamic equilibrium

动态平衡。例如,天体运动、四can be established.For instance, in the

季变迁、昼夜交替、以及春生、nature world, the motions of celestial

夏长、秋收、冬藏的变化,皆为bodies, the variations of the four


seasons, the alternations of days and nights, as well as sprouting in spring, growing in summer, reaping in autunm and storing in winter, are all the concrete manifestations of the unity of opposites between yin and yang.TCM believes that the normal physiological functions of the human body result from the opposite and unified relationship between yin and yang.Both of

中医认为人体的them are always in a state of dynamic 正常生理功能是阴阳对立统一的balance.Even under normal physiological 结果。阴阳总是处在动态平衡的conditions of the human body, yin and yang 状态。甚至在人体正常的生理条can not be in a state of absolute balance, 件下,阴阳也不可能达到绝对平but in a state of relative balance.If, for 衡,而是处于相对平衡的状态。any reason, the relative balance is 一旦阴阳的相对平衡被打破就一destroyed, there is bound to be excess or 定会导致阴阳的偏实偏虚,疾病deficiency of yin or yang, and then a 也就随之产生了。正如《素问》disease will arise.As is stated in Su Wen , 所指出的“阴胜则阳病,阳胜则“Yin in excess causing yang disease, while 阴病”。也正是由于阴阳的对立yang in excess leading to yin disease.” It 统一万物才得以发展变化,自然is precisely due to the unity of opposites 界才得以永生。between yin and yang that all things can develop and change ceaselessly and the natural world is perpetually full of life.2.Interdependence between yin and yang 2.阴阳相互依存

Yin and yang are opposed to and yet,阴阳是对立的但同时又at the same time, depend on each other.是相互依存的。缺了对立方,任Neither can exist in isolation without its 何一方都不能独立存在。换言之,Opponent's existence.In other words, 无阴则阳无以生,反之亦然。所without yin there would be no yang, and it's 以无论阴或阳都是其对立方存在the same the other way round.So either yin 的先决条件。这种共存关系中医or yang is the prerequisite for the other's 称为“独阳则阴无以化,独阴则existence.And this kind of coexistent 阳无以生”。这种相互依存也可relationship is stated in TCM, “solitary 在物质于功能的关系上被反映。yin or yang failing to live.” This 物质对应阴,功能对应阳。功能interdependence is also reflected in the 是运动的结果,世上的万物都处relationship between substances and 于运动之中。从而,没有不能产functions.The substance corresponds to yin 生功能的物质,也没有不从物质and the function, to yang.The function is 产生的功能。因此,《内经》曰:the result of material motion, and nothing 阴在内,阳之守也;阳在外,阴in the world is not in a state of motion.之使也。“阴”指的是物质,是Thereby, there is not any substance which 阳功能活动的基础;“阳”指的can't produce its function and there is also 是功能活动。物质和功能之间是not any function which doesn't originate 相互依存、不可分离的。这仅仅from the motion of its substance.是一种可以想象的、逼真的言语Therefore, Neijing says: “Yin in the 表述。然而,当物质之间、动能interior is the basis for yang;while yang 之间或物质和功能之间相互依存in the exterior is the activity for yin.” 的关系异常时,正常的生命活动“Yin” refers to the material,basis of 就会被破坏,从而导致阴阳离绝、functional activity of yang and “yang” 元气损耗,甚至生命的终结。refers to functional activity.The substance and function are interdependent and inseparable.Here is just an imaginable and vivid figure of speech.However, when the interdependent relationships between substances, between functions as well as between substances and functions are abnormal, life activities will be broken, thus bringing about dissociation of yin and yang, depletion of essence-qi.and even an end of one's life.3.Waning and waxing of yin and yang


Yin and yang always coexist in a dynamic eqilibrium in which one waxes while the other wanes.In other words, waning of yin will lead to(因果关系的词:causing,inducing,leading to,bring on,give rise

阴阳总是共存于此消彼to,produce,make,generating)waxing of

长的动态平衡中。换言之,阴消yang and vice versa.Take the seasonal and

会导致阳长,反之亦然。以四季climatic variations for example, it gets

和天气的变化为例,冬去春暖、warm from winter to spring, and hot from

春去夏热是阳盛阴衰的过程。相spring to sumner.This is the process of

反,夏去秋凉、秋去冬寒是阴盛“yang waxing and yin waning,” Conversely,阳衰的过程。在正常的条件下,it gets cool from summer to autumn, and cold

阴阳的消长处于动态平衡的状态from autumn to winter-the process known as

中。如果这种关系超出了正常范“yin waxing and yang waning”.Under normnl

围,阴阳的相对平衡就无法维持,conditions, the waning-waxing relation of

结果就会导致阴或阳的偏盛偏衰yin and yang is in a state of relative

和疾病的发生,更甚者致危及生balance.If this relation goes beyond normal


limits, the relativc balance of yin and yang will not be maintained, thus resulting in either excess or deficiency of yin or yang and the occurrence of diseasc, so far as to endanger one's life.4.Transformation of yin and yang


In given conditions, either yin or

在特定条件下,阴或阳都yang may transform into its opposite, i.e.可以向其对立方转化。如阴可以yin may be transformed into yang and yang 转化成阳,阳也可以转化成阴。into yin.If the waning-waxing of yin and 如果说阴阳消长是个量变的过yang is said to be a process of quantitative 程,那么阴阳的相互转化便属于change, then that of their 基于量变上的质变。这种过程大inter-transformation pertains to a 多是由量变渐致质变的过程。《素qualitative change based on the 问》曰:重阴必阳,重阳必阴。quantitative chang.Such a process is 寒极生热,热极生寒。这就是物mostly a gradual one from quantitative to 极必反。在病理上,阴证可以转qualitative change.Su Wen states: “Extreme 化成阳证,反之亦然。必须指出yin gives rise to yang, while extreme yang 的是阴阳相互转化的决定性因素gives rise to yin.” “Extreme cold brings on 是条件,包括内部和外部条件,heat, while extreme heat brings on cold”.不然,转化便不可能发生。This is termed“Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme.” Pathologically, the yin syndromes can be transformmed into yang syndromes, and vice versa.It must be pointed out that the decisive factor of the mutual transformation is the conditions, including internal and external conditions, without which such transformation will be by no means likely to occur.The above statement is the basic content of yin-yang theory, which is also

以上所述为阴阳理论的illustrated by “Taijitu”(Yin-Yang

基本内容,它也可以用以下的太Diagram)below.In the diagram the white

极图来说明。在图中,白色部分part indicates yang, and the black part yin.代表阳,黑色代表阴。他们之间The relationships between the two are both

存在相互对立、相互补充的关系。opposite and complementary to each other.阴中的白点表示阴中之阳,黑点The white spot within yin shows the yang

表示阳中之阴。同时,他们还包within yin, while the black spot does yin

含了阴阳相互转化、此消彼长的within yang.Meanwhile, they contain the


potential for Intertransformation and inter-wane-wax between yin and yang.From the above, we can see that the content of yin-yang theory is composed of four aspects, among which the opposition

从以上我们可以知道阴and waxing-waning contain the opposite of 阳理论的内容由四部分组成。其contradiction;the interdependence and 中阴阳对立和消长代表矛盾对立transformation contain the unity of 面,阴阳的相互依存和转化代表contradiction;waxing-waning and 矛盾的统一面。消长和转化代表transformation contain quantitative change 量变和质变。前者为后者的前提,and qualitative change.The former is the 后者为前者的结果。precondition for the latter, the latter is the outcome of the former.THE APPLICATION OF THE YIN-YANG THEORY


The yin-yang theory permeates all aspects of

阴阳理论渗the theoretical system of TCM.The theory is used 透于中医理论系统的各to explain the organic structure, physiological 个方面。该理论可用于解function and pathological changes of the human 释人体的组织结构、生理body.It also serves as a principle to guide 功能和病理改变,也是指clinical diagnosis 导临床诊断的原则之一。l.Explaining the Tissues and Structure of the


Human Body

The human body is an integrated whole.All its tissues and structures are organically connected

人体是一个and may be classified as two opposite aspects-yin

完整的整体。所有的组织and yang.That is why Su wen states,“Man, having

结构都存在着有机联系,a form, can not deviate from yin and yang.” In terms

并可被分为阴阳相反的of the anatomical locations, the upper part of the

两类。这就是为什么《素body is yang and the lower part is yin;the exterior

问》说:人生有形,不离is yang and the interior, yin;the back is yang and

阴阳。就解剖位置而言,the abdomen, yin;the lateral aspects of the

人体上部为阳,下部为extremities are yang and the medical aspects, yin.阴;外为阳,内为阴;背Concerning the zang-fu organs, the zang-organs

为阳,腹为阴;四肢末端store but not discharge essence-qi and, therefore,为阳,躯干为阴。就脏腑they are yin;while the fu-organs transmit and

组织而言,脏藏而不泄,transform food into essence-qi but not store it,故为阴;而腑泄而不藏,and, for this reason, they are yang.Furthermore,故为阳。再者,脏腑的每each of the zang-or fu-organs can be repided

一部分又可分阴阳。例into yin and yang.For example, heart-yin and

如,心阴和心阳,肾阴和heart-yang, kidney-yin and kidney-yang,肾阳,胃阴和胃阳等等。stomach-yin and stomach-yang, etc.As concerns yin

就经络系统之阴阳而言,and yang of the meridian-collateral system, there

可分为两类:阴经和阳are two categories: yin meridians and yang

经,阴络和阳络。以上都meridians;yin collaterals and yang collaterals.属于阴阳的对立两面。以All of them are opposite pairs.Thus, in line with

此而知,阴阳理论贯穿存the yin-yang theory, the unity of opposites

在于人体的上下、内外、between yin and yang exist in the upper and lower,前后部分和内部组织之internal and external, front and back parts of the


human body, and within all the internal organs as well.2.Explaining the Physiological Functions of the


Human Body

The yin-yang theory believes that the

阴阳理论认normal life activities of the human body result 为人体的正常生命活动from the harmonious relation of the unity of 来自于阴阳对立统一关opposites between yin and yang.Take the 系的协调。以功能和物质relationship between function and matter for 的关系为例,功能属阳,example, function pertains to yang while matter, 物质属阴。人体的生理活to yin.Physiological activities of the body are 动以物质为基础。没有物based on matter.Without matter, there would be no 质,功能活动就无法维sustentation for function activities.And 持。功能活动是物质形成functional activities are the motive power for 的动力。换言之,没有功producing matter.In other words, without 能活动,物质形态就无法functional activities, the metabolism of matter 形成。因此,人体阴阳是would not be performed.In this way, yin and yang 相互依存的。如果阴阳不within the human body depend on each other for 能相互补充而是相互分existence.If yin and yang can't complement each 离,生命就将告终。故《素other and become separated from each other, life 问》曰:阴平阳秘,精神will come to an end.So Su Wen says:“The 乃治;阴阳离决,精气乃equilibrium of yin and yang makes the vitality 绝。well-conserved;the porce of yin and yang essence-qi exhausted.”

3.Explaining the Pathological Changes


TCM considers that the imbalance between yin and yang is one of the basic pathogenesis of a

中医认为阴disease.The occurrence and development of a

阳不调是疾病的基本病disease are related to both the vital-qi and

理改变之一。疾病的发生pathogenic factors.Although the pathologlical

和发展与正邪两方面因changes which occur in diseases are complicated

素有关。尽管疾病的病理and changeable, they can still be summarized as

改变变幻复杂,但始终能excess or deficiency of yin or yang.To be more

归结为阴阳的虚实。更具concrete, “yang excess leads to heat syndrome

体的说就是“阳盛则热,while yin excess causes cold syndrome”;“yang

阴盛则寒;阳虚则寒,阴deficiency results in cold syndrome while yin

虚则热;阳损及阴,阴损deficiency causes heat syndromes”;“yang


deficiency affects yin while yin deficiency affects yang.”

4.Serving as the Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment


As the imbalance between yin and yang is the root

由于阴阳不调是cause for the occurrence and development of a 疾病发生和发展的根源,disease, all clinical manifestations, no matter 所有的临床症状,无论其how complicated and changeable they are, can be 有多么变幻复杂,都能用explained with the aid of yin-yang theory.So TCM 阴阳理论加以解释。所以holds, “A skilled diagnostician, first of all, 中医认为“善医者,必先differentiates between yin and yang when observing 察色按脉,以别阴阳”。the complexion and feeling the pulse.” In 在辨证中,虽然有八纲即differentiating syndromes, although there are the 阴阳、表里、寒热、虚实,eight principal syndromes, namely, yin, yang, 但总以阴阳为总纲。根据interior, exterior, cold, heat, deficiency and 阴阳理论,表、热、实属excess.Yin and yang are regarded as the general 于阳,里、寒、虚属于阴。principles among the eight ones.According to the 中医治疗疾病时首先确yin-yang theory, exterior, heat and excess pertain 定治疗原则。阳盛则产生to yang;while interior, cold and deficiency 实热证,应投以寒性药以pertain to yin.When treating a disease, TCM first 抑亢阳,如热者寒之。阴determines the therapeutic principles, and then 盛导致的寒证属于实寒preponderance of yang belongs to excess-heat 证,应投以热性药,以化syndrome.It should be treated with cold-natured 实阴,如寒者热之。以上drugs in order to inhibit excessive yang, i.e, to 的证候属于实证,治疗原cool the heat.Cold syndrome caused by 则为“实者泄之”。阳虚preponderance of yin belongs to cold-excess 导致的虚寒证应投以温syndrome.It should be treated with hot-natured 补之药以化实阴。这在中drugs so as to restrain excessive yin, i.e., to 医称为“益火之源,以消heat the cold.As both syndromes above are excess 阴翳”,亦为“阴病治syndromes, this therapeutic principle is called 阳”。阴虚引起的内热证“treating excess syndromes with the purgation”.属于虚热证,应投以滋补Deficiency-cold syndrome caused by yang 阴液之药以抑亢阳,这就deficiency, should be treated with the drugs warm 是中医所说的“壮水之and tonic in nature to relieve excessive yin.This 主,以制阳光”,亦称为is said in TCM, “restraining predominant yin by “阳病治阴”。reinforcing yang,” also known as “treating yang for yin diseases.” The interior heat syndrome resulting from yin deficiency belongs to Deficiency-heat syndrome, which should be treated with the drugs of nourishing yin and replenishing fluids so as to restrict excessive yang, this is what is known in TCM, “restraining predominant yang by strengthening(renal肾)yin,” also called “treating yin for yang diseases.”

Zhang Jingyue thought that, in treating

张景岳认为,治deficiency of yin or yang, drugs tonifying both yin 疗阴虚或阳虚应该同时and yang should be used, because yin and yang are 应用滋阴和扶阳的药物,interdependent.Therefore, reducing the excessive 因为阴阳是相互依存的。and replenish the deficient can adjust excess or 因此,补虚泻实适用于阴deficiency between yin or yang and restore the 虚或阳虚之证,从而使阴balance between them.阳重新建立平衡。

阴阳理论不仅可 The yin-yang theory is used in not only

用于诊断原则的确立,并determining diagnostic principles but summarizing

可用于对药物的性质、气the nature, flavor and action of medicinal herbs.味和功效进行总结,从而Thus providing a theoretical basis for the

为临床用药提供理论基clinical application of herbs.础。In terms of the medicinal nature, herbs with cold

就药物的性质而nature belong to yin and those with warm and hot 言,寒性药属于阴,温热nature pertain to yang.As concerns the flavors, 药属于阳。就气味而言,herbs that are sour, bitter and salty belong to yin 酸、苦、咸味药属于阴,and those that are acrid, sweet and bland pertain 辛辣、甜、淡味药属于阳。to yang.In terms of actions, herbs with 就药物的功效而言,具有astringent, descending and sinking actions belong 收敛、沉降功效的药物属to yin, while those with dispersing, ascending and 阴,具有发散、升浮功效floating actions pertain to yang.的药物属阳。

To sum up, the principle of treatment should

总而言之,治疗be established in the light of the excess or

原则的确立必须以阴阳deficiency of yin or yang, and then relevant(相

虚实为根据,相应药物的关的)herbs should be selected according to the

选择也必须依其阴阳归attribution(归因)of yin or yang and their

属及功效而定。所以,只functions.So and so only can imbalance of yin and

有明确阴阳不调,才能最yang be put right, and eventually, the aim of


curing diseases is attained.Special phrases treating...with...特殊词组


treating excess syndrome with purgation purging


excess treating deficiency syndrome with invigoration,虚者补之

(or invigorating deficiency)

treating cold syndrome with hot-natured drugs,寒者热之

(or heating the cold)

treating heat syndrome with cold-natured drugs,热者寒之

(or cooling the heat)


五行学说-中国古代自然哲学观 The five elements refer to wood, fire, earth, metal, and water and their motions.The five

五行指的是element theory resulted from the observations

木、火、土、金、水和它们and studies of the natural world by the ancient 的运动。五行理论来自于古Chinese people in the course of their lives and

代中国人民在生活和生产productive labor.Since ancient time, wood,劳动中对自然界的观察和fire, earth, metal and water have been considered

学习。自古代以来,木、火、as basic substances to constitute the universe

土、金、水就被认为是宇宙and they are also indispensable for life.Zuo's

组成的基本物质,也是生命Interpretation of the Spring and Autumn Annals

不可缺少的物质。《左传》(Zuo Zhuan)says:“ The five kinds of materials

曰:天生五材,民并用之,in nature are all used by people.None of them

废一不可。另一部经典著作cannot be dispensed with”.Another classical

《尚书》曰:水火用于炊煮,work Shang shu states: “water and fire are used

金木用于耕耘,土壤用于孕for cooking, metal and wood are used for

育万物,一切皆为民所用。cultivating and earth gives birth to all things,这五种物质存在相生相克which are used by people.” These five kinds of 的关系,并处于持续的运动substances are of the relationships of

变化之中。中医的五行理generation and restriction and are in constant

论,作为一种理论工具,通motion and change.In TCM the five-element

过分析和推理用于详细说theory, as a theoretical tool, is used to explain

明五种不同医学问题的性and expound different kinds of medical

质和它们之间的关系。它也problems by analogizing and deducing their

用于指导临床的诊断与治properties and interrelations.It also used to

疗。该理论如阴阳理论一般guide clinical diagnosis and treatment.The

已称为中医理论系统的重theory, like the theory of yin-yang, has become


an important component of the theoretical system of TCM.Classification of Things in Light of the Five-Element Theory.根据五行理论进行归类

In ancient China, the five-element theory was

在古代中国,unceasingly developed and gradually became 五行理论不断发展渐致完perfected.In time it came to recognize that 善。后来,人们认识到自然everything in nature might be respectively 界中的所有事物都能归属attributed to one of the five elements.For 于五行中的一种。例如,木instance, wood has the nature of growing freely 有生发伸展的性质,所以,and unfolding.So, anything that is similar to 任何有相似特性的物质都the characteristics is attributed to the 归属于木。火性炎上,因此,category of wood.Fire has the nature of flaring 任何有相似特性的物质都up.Thereby the things similar to the nature of 归属于火。土有孕育万物的fire are classified into the attribute of fire.性质,因此,具有该性质的Earth has the nature of giving birth to all 物质都属于土。金有净化和things.Thus, those that possess the nature of 沉降的性质,因此,有金的earth are attributed to earth.Metal has the 性质的物质都归于金。水曰nature of purifying and descending.Hence, those 润下,因此,具有湿润、向with the nature of metal can be attributed to 下、寒冷性质的物质都属于metal category.Water has the nature of 水。以下的表格根据五行理moistening and flowing downwards.For this 论将部分物质进行了归类。reason, the things that have moistening,(见表1)downward movement and coldness correspond to water.The following table shows the classification of partial things according to the five-element theory.(See Tab.1)

Among the five-elements, there exist the relationships of generation, restriction,五行当中存在生、subjugation and counterrestriction, and mutual

克、乘、侮和母子相互影响affection between mother-organ and child-organ.的关系。生意味这一种物质Generation implies that one kind of thing can

可以促进、援助、产生另外promote, aid or bring forth another, i.e., wood

一种物质,例如,木生火、generates fire, fire generates earth, earth

火生土、土生金、金生水、generates metal, metal generates water, and

水生木。五行中的任何一行water, in turn, generates wood.Each of the five

都有生我和我生的双重性elements contains the dual nature-“being

质。五行的这种关系叫做generated” and “generating”.This relationship

“母子”关系。五行中生我of the five elements is called the “mother-child”

者为“母”,我生者为relationship.The element that generates is

“子”。以木为例,因为木called the “mother”, while the element that is

生火,故木为火之母;但是generated is called the “child”.Take wood for

它由水所生,故又为水之example, because wood produces fire, it is the


mother of fire;but it is produced by water, so it's water's child.Tab.1 the Classification of Things According to


the Five Elements

Restriction means bringing under control or restraint.The order of restriction goes as

相克意味着控制或follows: wood restricts earth, earth does water, 抑制。相克的原则如下:木water does fire, fire does metal, and metal, in 克土、土克水、水克火、火turn, does wood.Any one of the five elements has 克金、金克木。五行中的任two aspects-being restricted and restricting.何之一都有克我和我克两For example, the element restricting wood is 方面性质。例如,克木者为metal, and the element that is restricted by wood 金,被木克者为土。

is earth.Generation and restriction have the correlations inseparable in the five elements.And they oppose each other and yet also

五行中的生克complement each other.Without generation,there 关系是不可分离的。它们相would be no growth and development of 互对立,也相互补充。没有things;without interrestriction there would be 生就没有事物的成长和发no balance and coordination during development 展;没有克就没有在发展变and change,and excessive growth would bring 化中的协调平衡,过渡生长about harm.For example,on the one hand,wood 会造成危害。例如,一方面,generates fire,and,on the other hand,it 木生火;另一方面,木克土;restrains earth;while earth, in turn,generates 同时土又生金及克水。正因metal and restricts water.Precisely because 为克中有生和生中有克,自generation resides in restriction and 然界和生命才拥有旺盛的restriction resides in generation,the natural 生命力,这是一方面;另一world and life processes are full of vitality,on 方面,过度生长会造成危the one hand and excessive growth will not bring 害。因此,生克之间维持相about harm on the other hand.Thus,the relative 对平衡是事物生长和发展balance maintained between generation and 的保证。restriction ensures normal growth and development of things.That is, ecological equilibrium in nature and

这就是自然界中的physiological balance in the human body result 生态平衡,人体的生理平衡from such relationships of generation and 来自于生克关系的平衡。这restriction.These relationships are 些关系将在以下的数据中illustrated in the following figure.阐述。Fig.2 Relationship of generation and restriction(or subjugation)of the Five



However, once any one of the five elements becomes excessive or insufficient, there would

然而,一旦五行中appear abnormal intergeneration and 的任何一行变得过剩或不counter-restriction known as subjugation and

足,就会出现异常的相生和counter-restriction(or reverse restriction).相克称作乘和侮。“乘”指By subjugation is meant that one of the five 的是指五行中的一行会对elements overacts upon another one when the

较弱一行进行过度制约。因latter is weak.Therefore, it is also called

此,也称为“双重压制”。“double restriction”.For instance, excessive

例如,木过剩会过度抑制wood may over-restrict earth, resulting in

土,造成土的不足,叫做木insufficiency of earth, so called wood

乘土。这是事物之间相克失subjugates earth.This is the abnormal


manifestation of disorder of inter-restriction among things.Counter-restriction means that the strong bulliesthe weak.It is also a morbid condition in which one element fails to restrict

侮指强制弱,这是the other in the regular order, but in reverse

一种病态表现,是一行失去order.It is clear that the order of

对另一行的正常克制,而反counter-restriction is just the opposite to that

被其克制。很显然,侮是相of inter-restriction.For example, under normal

克关系的相反表现。例如,conditions, metal should restrict wood, but in

在正常情况下,金克木,但case of wood-qi excess, or metal-qi deficiency,在木气过剩或金气不足时,wood will counter-restrict metal instead of

就会出现木反克金而不是being restricted by metal, which is known as

金克木,这就是“木侮“wood counter-restricts metal.” Therefore, Su

金”。因此,《素问》中说:Wen states :“When qi of a certain element is

“气有余,则制已所胜而侮sufficient, it will encroach the restricted

所不胜;其不及,则已所不element and counter-restrict the restricting

胜,侮而乘之,已所胜,轻element.When qi of a certain element is

而侮之”。这是事物之间平insufficient, it will be subjugated by the

衡失调的另一表现。(见表restricting element and counter restricted by


the restricted element,” This is another manifestation of the disturbance of the equilibrium between substances(see Fig.3).Fig.3 Relalionship of subjugation and Counterrestriction of the Five Elements


“Affecting between mother and child” refers to abnormal intergeneration in the five elements.The generated element is considered as

“母子相及”指的是the child, and the generating element as the

五行中的异常相生。我生者mother.Here “affecting” means having harmful

为子,生我者为母。这里的influence, including both “the diseased

“及”意味着有害的影响mother-organ affecting the child-organ” and “the

包括“母病及子”和“子diseased child-organ involving the

病及母”。前者与相生的规mother-organ.” The former is same as the order

则同,后者则与其规则相of intergeneration, and the latter is just the

反。例如,正常情况下,水reverse order of intergeneration.For instance,生木。当水病及木时,叫normally, water generates wood, which is called

“母病及子”;当木病及水“mother organ's disorder affecting its

时便叫做“子病犯母”。child-organ”;but abnormally, water involves


wood, which is called “child organ's disorder involving its mother organ” when wood affects water.(See the following figure).Fig.4 Subjugation and Counter-restricting Among The Five Elements

Special phrases

表4.特殊词组 1.reinforcing the spleen(earth)to strengthen the lung(metal)2.failure of water(kidney)to nourish wood(or failure of the kidney to nourish the liver)

3.five movements and six climates 4.wood tending to spread out freely 5.Depression of the liver(wood)generating fire 6.fire of the liver(wood)impairing the lung(metal)

7.fire tending to flare/flame upward 8.excessive fire impairing the lung(metal)9.failure of fire to generate earth 10.coordination between water(kidney)and fire

(heart)11.incordination between the kidney(water)and the heart(fire)12.“being restricted” and “restricting”

1.培土生金 2.水不涵木 3.五运六气 4.木喜条达 5.木郁化火 6.木火刑金 7.火性炎上 8.火盛刑金 9.火不生土 10.水火相济 11.水火不济 12.“克我”和“我克”《内经》称“所不胜”与





The heart, Lungs, spleen, liver and kidneys

心、肺、脾、肝、are together known as the five zang-organs,肾合称为五脏,其共同生理作whose common physiological function is

用是化生和贮藏精气,藏而不preducing and storing essence-qi.They store


but not eliminate essence-qi.1.Heart


The heart is situated in the chest, above

心位于胸中,the Diaphragm, and is enveloped by pericardium 膈之上方,外为心包所包绕。externally.TCM believes(holds, think, find, 中医认为心统治所有的脏腑consider, deem, judge, feel, take, make)that 组织,是“君主之官”。心在the heart governs all the other zang-fu organs 五行中属火,由心阴和心阳组and, therefore, is a “monarch organ”.The 成。心阴为包括心血的物质结heart, pertaining to fire in the five 构,心阳为功能活动。就生理elements, consists of heart-yin, the material 功能而言,因为其是血液循环structures containing the heart-blood, and 的动力,因此认为心主血和血heart-yang, the functional activities.As for 管。血管是承载血液的物理结physiological functions, the heart is thought 构。血管和心相连形成一个密to, first, dominate blood and vessels since it 闭系统,血液循环在心和血管is the motive force for blood circulation.The 的配合下完成。在心气的推动blood vessels are the physical structures 下,血液被运送到人体各部分containing the blood.The blood vessels are 起营养作用。因此,心气的状linked with the heart to form a closed system, 况和血液量可以从脉象和面and blood circulation is performed by the 色中体现。这就是《素问》为cooperation of the heart and the blood 什么说“心其华在面”。所vessels.Under the impulse of heart-qi, blood 以,无论是心气还是心血的充is transported to all parts of the body for 足与否都会影响心的搏动力、nutritive prupose.Thereby the condition of 速度、和节律。heart-qi and the blood volume may be shown in both the pulse condition and the complexion.That's why Basis Questions(Su Wen)says, “The heart has its outward manifestation in the face or complexion”.As a result, whether heart-qi and heart-blood are sufficient or not can affect the strength, rate and rhythm of the heart.The heart houses the mind, also known as the heart dominating the mental activities.The

心主神志,也叫做心mind, in its broad meaning, refers to the 主精神活动。神,广义上指的outward manifestations of the life activities 是整个人体活动的外在表现;of the whole body, and, in its narrow sense, 狭义上指的是心所控制的精to mental activities controlled by the heart, 神活动包括意识、精神、思想including consciousness, spirit, thinking, 等。脏腑理论认为精神活动和etc.The zang-fu theory holds that mental 思考都以心的功能为基础。精activities and thinking are to take the 神、意识、思考、记忆和睡眠heart's functions as their basis.Spirit, 都以心主神志的功能有关。因consciousness, thinking, memory and sleep are 此,《灵枢》曰:“心为神之all related to the function of the heart in 宅”且“所以任物者谓之housing the mind.Therefore, Miraculous Pivot 心”。心开窍于舌。“开窍”(Ling Shu)says, “The heart is the residence 在中医指的是脏和器官在结of the mind” and also, “The heart takes on the 构、生理和病理上的紧密联performance of activities.” The heart opens 系。所以心虽然在体内,但通into(have one's specific body opening;...be 过心经与舌联系。通过这种联reflected on...)the tongue.系,无论心的功能正常与否都“Resuscitation”, in TCM, means the close 可以有舌象表现出来。换言relationship between a particular zang-organ 之,舌象可以体现心的生理和and one of the sense organs in the structure, 病理改变。所以,中医认为:physiology and pathology.So the heart, though 舌为心之镜。此外,心其华在being in the body, is connected with the tongue 面,在志为喜,且通过经脉与by the heart-meridians.Through such a 小肠相表里。connection, whether the heart functions normally or not can be clearly learnt from the tongue condition.In other words, the tongue condition may show the physiological and pathological changes of the heart.So TCM holds: “The tongue serves as the mirror(or body opening)of the heart”.In addition, the heart has its outward manifestations in the face.The heart corresponds to joy in the emotions.(open into;have one's specific body opening;...be reflected on...)And its meridians connect with associate with, be related to)the small intestine with which they are internally-externally related.Appendix: Pericardium


The pericardium, serving as the peripheral tissue surrounding the heart, plays a part in protecting the heart When exogenous

心包是包绕心脏的外pathogenic factors attack the heart, the 周组织,外邪犯心时首先侵袭pericardium is always the first to be 心包,起到保护心脏的作用。attacked.The heart, if invaded by the 心如被邪气所伤将会使功能pathogens, will be impaired and diseases will 受损,疾病也就随之发生了。ensue.For example, high fever, coma and red 例如,高热、昏迷、舌红被描tongue are described as “heat-pathogen 述为“热入心包”的表现,事attacking the pericardium,” and, in fact, the 实上,外邪侵犯心包的临床表clinical manifestations of the pericardium 现与外邪犯心是一样的。因invaded by exogenous pathogens are the same as 此,心包通常被认为是心的附those of the heart.For this reason, the 属。pericardium is usually regarded as an attachment to the heart.2.Lungs


The lungs, including the two lobes, one

肺有两个位于胸腔,on the left and right separately, are situate

左右各一,彼此分离。因为其in the thorax.They are compared to the

位置在所有脏腑器官之上,所“canopy” becausea of its uppermost position

以被喻为“华盖”,也被称为among all the zang-fu organs.They are also


termed “delicate zang organs”.The lungs dominate qi and respiration.They

肺主气司呼吸。它是are the place of exchange between the gases 气体体内外交换的场所。《素inside and outside the body.Basic Question 问》曰:大气通与肺.同时,(Su Wen)says, “atmosphere communicating to 肺还主升降、通调水道,朝百the lungs”.The lungs also govern dispersing 脉助心调节血及气的正常循and descending, and regulates water passage, 环功能。肺在志为忧,主皮毛。and communicate with numerous vessels to 肺开窍于鼻,他们都是肺的外coordinate functional activities of the whole 在表现。在经络关系上,因为body, assisting the heart to adjust normal 手太阴肺经与手阳明大肠经circulation of qi and blood.The lungs 相联系、相附属,故肺与大肠corresponds to melancholy in the emotions and 相表里。are related to the skin and hair externally.They open into the nose and their conditions are reflected on vellum(牛皮纸)hairs.In the meridian-collnteral relation,the lungs and the large intestine are exteriorly-interiorly related because of interconnecting-interpertaining of the Lung Meridianof Hand-Taiyin and the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming.3.Spleen


The spleen is located in the middle energizer, below the diaphragm.The spleen's meridians connect with the stomach, with which it is exteriorly-interiorly related.TCM is widely pergent from Western medicine in the

脾位于中焦,膈之下,understanding of the spleen.TCM holds it true

通过经络与胃相连,与胃相表that the spleen is pided into spleen-yin,里。在对脾的认识上,中医与its material structures;spleen-yang, its

西医有很大的不同。中医认为functions;and spleen-qi which merely refers

脾分为脾阴和脾阳,脾阴为物to its functions, and that the spleen may be

质结构,脾阳为功能,脾为消the main organ of the digestive system.The

化系统的主要器官。脾非常重spleen is of great importance because, for one

要,一方面运化水谷;另一方thing, it controls transporting and

面还统血,因此能维持血液在transforming food and water and, for another,脉管中运行,防止其从脉管中it controls the blood of the whole body.溢出。脾还是气血生化之源,Thereby, keeping the blood circulating

正如中医所说的“脾为后天normally within the vessels to prevent it from


extravasating.The spleen is also viewed as the source for the production and transformation of qi and blood, as is said in TCM, “ The spleen is the foundation of postnatal life”.4.Liver


The liver is at the right hypochondriac region below the diaphragm in the upper

肝位于腹上膈下,右abdomen.The liver and gallbladder make a pair 胁之中。肝胆构成脏腑关系。of zang-fu.The liver meridian connects with 肝经与胆经相连形成表里关the gallbladder to form an exteriorinterior 系。relationship.People are apt to associate the livcr with its functions of storing blood and governing normal flow of qi.The former is concerned with the liver's capability in storing blood and regulating the blood volume.A certain amount

人们易于将肝与藏血of blood stored in the liver can restrict

和理气功能联系在一起。前者liver-yang hyperactivity so as to maintain the

与肝的储藏血液和调节血量normal flow of qi.If the liver fails to

有关。肝内储藏一定的血量可function normally in storing blood.Such

以防止肝阳上亢从而维持气pathological changes as liver-blood 的正常运行。如果肝的藏血功deficiency or bleeding will occur.The liver

能异常将会引起肝血虚或出also play a principal role in regulating the

血等病理改变。肝同样对血量blood volume,especially the volume in the 的调节起作用,特别是外周血peripheral portion of the body.The latter,量。后者和维持气的正常运行governing the normal flow of qi, is an

有关,与气的运动、提高人体important link in regulating qi movement,血液循环和调节情志有重要promoting the circulation of blood and body,关系。肝的另外一个功能表现as well as harmonizing emotional activities.在调节情志活动、促进消化吸The liver's another function is incarnated in

收和维持气的正常运行上。除its regulating emotional activities,此之外,肝与筋、爪和眼紧密promoting digestion and absorption and


keeping qi and blood flowing normally.Besides the above, the liver are also closely related to the tendons, nails and the eyes.It has its specific body opening in the eyes and its outward manifestation on the nails.5.kidney


The kidneys, situated in the lumbar zone, one on either side of the spinal column, store the congenital essence and are, therefore, considered as the “foundation of prenatal

肾位于腰部,脊柱两life”.Their main physiological functions 旁各一,储藏先天之精,因此are: storing essence;dominating growth, 被认为是“先天之本”。肾的development and reproduction;regulating 主要生理功能为:藏精、促生water metabolism and receiving qi.The kidneys 长、主水、纳气。肾还司骨、also take charge of the bone and manufacturc 髓。同时,肾其华在发,开窍marrow.Meanwhile, the kidneys have their 与耳及两个隐秘部位—前后conditioias revealed on hairs and open into 二阴。肾经与膀胱经相联系,the ears and, the two“private parts”-urethra 构成表里关系。and anus.The kidneys' meridians connect with the urinary bladder, with which they are internally-externally related.THE SIX FU-ORGANS AND THE EXTRAORDINARY FU-ORGANS


TCM refers the gallbladder, the stomach, the large intestine, the small intestine, the urinary

中医的六腑指bladder and the triple energizer to the six 的是胆、胃、大肠、小fu-organs.it is not only that, besides the 肠、膀胱和三焦。这不functions of their own, they are characterized by 仅是因为除了其自身功their common role ofdecomposing and digesting water 能之外,它们具有腐熟、and food, and discharging the wastes, but that, in 消化水谷和传化糟粕的the process of digesting and absorbing food and 共同功能特点,而且是excreting the wastes, they are closely related to 因为在食物的消化、吸each other both physiologically and 收及排除残渣的过程pathologically.Their functional feather is 中,它们在生理和病理excretion without storage and taking descending and 上是密切相关的。它们unobstruction as their normal functional state.的特点是泄而不藏,以TCM's rational knowledge of the interrelationship 通降为合。中医对六腑of the six fu-organs is well grounded on ancient 关系的理性认识来自于anatomical knowledge, the observation of the 对六腑生理和病理改变physiological and pathological changes of the six 的认识和长期丰富的临fu-organs and the summarization of long-term and 床经验。rich medical experience.Food entering the stomach is decomposed into

食物进入胃内chyme which after digested by the stomach, is 经胃的消化变为食糜后transported to the small intestine in which it is 转运至小肠,在小肠内further digested by means of bile excreted by the 由胆汁进一步消化。小gallbladder.The small intestine “separates the 肠有分清别浊的功能。clear from turbid”.The clear, refers to food 清指的是食物精华,它essence, is transported and distributed to all 有脾运送分散到人体的parts of the body by the spleen;while the turbid 各个部分。而浊指的是is the residues of water and food.Of them waste 水谷残渣。浊水经过膀water goes into the kidney, and then into the 胱转化成尿液排出体urinary bladder where it is turned into uruie to be 外。另外的部分则运送excreted from the body.And the other is conveyed 到大肠,在大肠内转化to the large intestine where it is changed into 成粪便由肛门排出体feces and leaves the body via the anus.In the whole 外。在水谷运化的整个process of the transportation and transformation of 过程中,三焦调节气的water and food, the triple energizer dominates qi 运化和整个人体的气的transformation and qi movement of the whole body.运动。

The triple energizer is one ot the six fu-organs,三焦是六腑之and among all the zang-fu organs, it is the largest 一,在所有的脏腑器官fu-organ in the human body.Huangdi's Classic on 中,它是人体中最大的Medicine holds: “The triple energizer is separated 腑。《黄帝内经》认为:from the zang-fu organs and yet is within the body.“三焦与脏腑分离但位It encloses all organs and is the largest one.” And 于体内。它围绕所有的the book also advanced a viewpoint that “The triple 器官,是人体最大的器energizer exists in name only but is not the 官”。该书亦提出一个entity”.Triple energizer has no exterior-interior 观点即“三焦有名无relationships with the zang-organs, it is therefore 实”。三焦和脏之间没called “solitary fu-organ”.Its main functions are 有表里关系,因此也称to pass various kinds of qi and to serve as the 为“孤腑”。它的主要pathway for body fluid.It is pided into three 功能是运行各种气体并parts: the upper energizer, middle energizer and 是体液运行的通道。它lower energizer.The triple energizer with the 分为三个部分:上焦、related zang-fu organs, each having its own 中焦、下焦。三焦与相function to perform, accomplish jointly a 关脏腑,各自执行其功complicated physiological process in the 能共同完成消化、吸收、digestion, absorption, distribution and excretion.分散、排泄这个复杂的生理过程。

The upper energizer refers usually to the part

上焦通常指的above the diaphragm, including the heart, lungs and 是膈以上的部分包括head as well.Its main physiological function is to 心、肺和头。它的主要distribute essence-qi throughout the body.In other 生理功能是散精至身体words, in combination with the heart and the lung, 的各个部分。换言之,the upper energizer distributes essence-qi to the 通过心肺结合,上焦散whole body to warm and nourish the skin and muscles, 精至全体以温养肌肤筋tendons and bones.This function is described in 骨。这个功能在《灵枢》Miraculous Pivot “The upper energizer resembles a 中被喻为“上焦如雾”,sprayer.“ This is a metaphor, which is used to 这是一种隐喻法,通常describe the function of the upper energizer to 用于描述上焦散精的功sprinkle fog-like cereal essence.能。

The middle energizer refers mainly to the

中焦主要指的abdorminal part between the diaphragm and 是位于膈和脐之间的腹umbilicus, and includes such zang-fu organs as the 部部分,包括脾、胃、spleen, stomach, liver and gallbladder.Its main 肝、胆。它的主要生理physiological functions are to decompose food and 功能是腐熟水谷将精微transform nutrient substances into qi and blood, 物质转化胃气血,泌糟and to discharge the wastes and steam body fluid.粕、蒸津液。这个功能This function is mentioned in Miraculous Pivot: 在《灵枢》中被喻为“中”The middle energizer is likened to a fermentation 焦如沤”。“沤”指的tun.“ By ”fermentation tun“ is meant the place where 是食物腐熟消化的地food is decomposed and digested.方。

The lower energizer refers, generally, to the

总的来说,下焦portion located below the stomach, including the 指的是位于胃以下的部small intestine, large intestine, kidneys, urinary 分包括小肠、大肠、肾、bladder.etc.Its main function is to discharge food 膀胱等。它的主要生理residuces and urine.So there is also a saying in 功能是排泄糟粕和尿Miraculous Pivot, ”The lower energizer works like 液。所以《灵枢》将其a sewer.“ Here ”sewer“ is used to describe the 喻为“下焦如渎”。function to excrete the wastes.However, with the “渎”是用于描述排泄development of visceral manifestations(zang 废物的功能。然而,随xiang), essence and blood of the liver and kidney 之脏象学说的发展,后as well as primordial qi are generally attributed 人多认为肝肾之精血和to the lower energizer by later generations.元气也来自下焦。

In short, the triple energizer dominates all

简而言之,三焦kinds of qi and qi transformation of the human body, 主司各种气体调节体内and serves as the pathway for water.Therefore, 气体的运化并是水运行Basic Questions says: ”The triple energizer, as the 的通道。因此,《素问》waterways, is an organ in charge of the water 曰:三焦者,决渎之官,circulation, flowing along the waterways.“ 水道出焉。

While the six fu-organs transport and tranform water and food, the process of reception, digestion, transportation and excretion are also in progress.The six fu-organs are usually in a state

六腑在运化水of the alternations between emptiness and fullness.谷中,依次进行受纳、And they transform food into essence but not store 消化、传输、排泄的过it.That's why TCM believes: ” the six fu-organs 程。六腑常处于更实更function well when they are unobstructruction, the 虚之中,传化物而不藏。unobstructed is the normal functional state for the 这就是为什么中医认为six fu-organs;where the regular descent is their 六腑以通为用,以降为normal functional activities.“Pathologically, 和。病理上六腑功能的disorders among the six fu-organs often affect each 失调会相互影响。例如,other.For instance, when body fluid is consumed 当胃实热证时,体液被because of excessive heat in the stomach, the large 消耗,大肠的传输功能intestine is bound to have trouble in 也一定会出现问题而导transportation, and, in consequence, constipation 致便秘的发生。大肠传occurs.A disturbance of the large intestine in 输功能异常不仅会导致transmission and transformation not only leads to 大肠气滞,也会影响胃the obstruction of the large intestine itself, but 气沉降而导致反复呕also affects the regular descent of stomach-qi, 吐。胆火炽盛,常犯及causing repeated vomiting.A dominant gallbladder 胃造成呕吐苦水。脾胃fire often interferes with the stomach and results 实热常熏蒸肝胆,这便in vomiting bitter fluid.Dampness and heat 会导致胆汁外溢返流。accumulated in the stomach and spleen burn and steam the liver and the gallbladder.This may cause the bile to overflow, and give rise to jaundice.Apart from the six fu-organs, there are the

六腑之外,尚有brain, marrow, bones, vessels, gallbladder and 脑、髓、骨、脉、胆、uterus termed the ”extraordinary fu-organs“.Like 女子胞称为“奇恒之the fu organs morphology, the extraordinary 腑”。它在形态上与六fu-organs are mostly hollow but not the pathways for 腑相似,大多为空,但the digestion and excretion of cereal food and, like 不是水谷消化和排泄的the zang argans functionally, they also store 通道;在功能上与脏相essence-qi.With the exception of the gallbladder, 似,它们也可藏精。除they have no exterior-interior relationships.了胆,其他的都没有表


The brain is located in the skull and connects

脑位于头颅,与with the spinal marrow.It is the organ of spirit,髓相联系。它是精神、consciousness and thinking.Basic Question says:

意识、思考的器官。《素”The head is the house of intelligence“.(,the head

问》曰:头者,精明之is the residence of intelligence)Li Shizhen of the

府。明代的李时珍指出:Ming Dynasty pointee out, ”The brain is the seat of

脑为元神之府。心统管the mind“, and the heart governs all funcctions of

全身功能包括精神活the whole body, including mental activities.In the

动。清代王清任指出Qing Dynasty, Wang Qingren stated: ”The

“智力和记忆来自于脑intelligence and memory onginate from the brain but

而非心”。他认思考、not from the heart.“ And he also considered:

记忆、视力、听力、嗅”Thinking, memory, vision, hearing, smelling and

觉和言语都由脑控制。speaking are all controlled by the brain.“ Although

虽然中医对脑的生理和TCM has some knowledge of the brain's physiology and

病理有了一些认识,胆pathology, it still ascribes the functions of the

始终将其归于心、肝和brain to the heart, the liver and respectively to

其他的五脏的功能里,the five zang-organs, and holds that spirit,认为魂、意识、思考于consciousness and thinking are related to the five



The uterus, or womb(wu:m), situated in the

位于下腹膀胱之后的器lower abdomen posterior to the urinary bladder in

官,是个倒置梨形的器women, is an inverted pear-shaped organ where

官,是月经发生和孕育menstruation occurs and the foetus is bred.They are

胎儿的场所。它们是两two complex physiological processes in which

个复杂的生理过程,由tiangui, a kind of refined nutritious substance

肾经化生的精微物质-transformed from the kidney-essence, plays the most

天暌在其中起了非常重important role.Both Chong and Ren meridians

要的作用。冲任二脉都originate from the uterus.The uterus is also

起于女子胞。女子胞同closely related to the heart, liver and spleen,样与心、肝、脾有着紧because normal menstruation and the nourishment of

密的联系。因为,月经the foetus rely on the blood dominated by the heart, 的正常和胎儿的营养要stored by the liver and controlledby the spleen.依靠心的主血、肝的藏Therefore the dysfunction of the above organs will

血和脾的摄血功能。因affect the normal functions of the uterus, bring

此,以上脏器的功能失about menstrual disorder and sterility.调将会影响女子胞的正


需要指出的是 It should be pointed out that according to the 根据脏象理论,脏腑器theory of visceral manifestation, the names of the 官的名字与现代人体解zang-fu organs correspond to those of the modern 剖学的器官相对应指的human anatomy and refers to the substantial 是内脏器官的物质形internal organs.However, in the physiology and 式。然而,在生理和病patholoty, the knowledge of TCM differs greatly 理上,中医和西医的认from that of western medicine, which has been learnt 识却大相径庭,这在以a lot from the above.上的阐述中能明显体




While the relationship among the zang-fu organs is quite a complicated matter--so much so that(so such an extent that)it deserves to be devoped a lot of

尽管五脏与六腑之关pages, yet, thanks to TCM's concise and

系如此之复杂,需要大量篇幅brilliant summarization, it may just as well

加以论述;但由于中医学精辟be briefed in a broad outline.In TCM, the zang 的概括性,这种关系仍可以简organs pertain to yin and are thought of as

要概述如下。中医认为,脏属interior, while the fu-organs to yang and,阴、属里,而腑则属阳、属表。naturally enough, as exterior.The

它们之间的表里关系以经脉相interior-exterior relationship between them

连。它们的这种关系及其之间is formed by the connections of their

在生理上的协调和病理上的相meridians.This relationship as well as their

互影响可以清楚的体现于心和physiological cooperation and pathological

小肠、肺和大肠、脾和胃、肝interaction can be clearly seen in the

和胆及肾和膀胱之间的相互关interrelations between the heart and the


small intestine, the lung and the large intestine,the spleen and the stomach, the liver and the gallbladder and the kidney and the urinary bladder.The heart and the small intestine are

心和小肠由心经和小connected by the heart meridian and the small 肠经相连形成表里关系。因此,intestine meridian to form an 也使它们在病理上互相关联。exterior-interior relationship.Thus making 心有实火,可移热于小肠,引the two pathologically related to each other.起尿少,尿痛等症。反之,小The excessive heart-fire tends to go into the 肠有热,亦可循经上炎于心,small intestine resulitng in oliguria, 使心火内炽,引起心烦,舌赤,burning pains during urination,etc.口舌生疮等症。Conversely, the excessive heat in the small intestine may go upward along the meridian to the heart and cause internal hyperactivity of heart-fire.Leading to dysphoria, crimson tongue, oral ulceration and so on.The lung and the large intestine form an exterior-interior relationship by mutual connections of their meridians.The

肺和大肠通过它们的dispersing and deseending functions of the

经脉相互联系形成表里关系。lung help the large intestine to perform its

肺的宣发和肃降功能助大肠完transporting task.When the lung functions

成传输的任务。肺的功能正常normally, the large intestine does well.则大肠的功能也正常。相反,Conversely when the descending function of

当肺的肃降功能异常时,大肠the lung qi do not work well, it will affect 的传化功能将会受到影响,使the functionof the large intestine in

肠运动困难。另一方面,便溏transportation, causing difficult bowel

和腑气郁滞可以影响肺气的肃movements.On the other hand, loose stools and


the stoppage of fu-qi may affect the descent of lung-qi, giving rise to asthmatic cough and chest distress.Both the stomach and the spleen lie in the middle energizerand are connected by their meridians to form an exterior-interior relationship.The stomach governs the reception, while the spleen governs the transportation and transformation.The

脾胃位于中焦,通过它relationship between the two is that ”the 们的经脉相连形成表里关系。spleen conveys the booy fluid for the 胃主受纳,脾主运化。两者的stomach“.If pathogenic damp attacks the 关系为“脾为胃传其津液”。spleen, it will injure the transporting and 湿邪犯脾时,脾的运化功能受transforming functions of the spleen and 损会影响胃的受纳和沉降,导affect the reception and the descending 致纳呆、呕吐、恶心和气滞。action of the stomach, resulting in poor 因此,脾胃共同协调完成饮食appetite, vomiting, nausea and gastric 的消化、吸收和散布任务。相distention.So the spleen and the stomach 反,饮食不节、食滞于胃不仅share out the work and cooperate with each 会影响胃的沉降功能,脾的运other to jointly accomplish the task of the 化功能也会受到影响,产生腹digestion, absorption and distribution of 胀、腹泻的症状。food.On the contrary, intemperance of food intake(improper diet)and dyspeptic retention of the stomach will bring about both the dysfunction of the stomach in descent but that of the spleen's transportation and transformation, causing such symptoms as abdominal distention, diarrhea.The gallbladder is attached to the liver, and they are connected by their meridians to form an exterior-interior relationship.Bile derives from surplus qi of the liver.It is stored and excreted by the

肝胆相连,它们通过经gallbladder located under the liver.Only

脉形成表里关系。胆汁来自于when the liver performs its function

过剩的肝气。它储藏、排泄自successfully can bile be secreted, stored and

位于肝下的胆。只有肝的功能excreted normally.On the other hand, when

正常,胆汁的分泌、储藏和排bile is excreted properly, the liver can give

泄才能正常。另一方面,只有full play to its function in regulating the

胆汁的排泄正常,肝才能充分normal flow of qi.Conversely, when bile fails

执行其正常的理气功能。相反,to be excreted normally, the liver function

当胆汁排泄异常时,肝的功能will be affected, too.Therefore, the liver

也会受影响。因此,肝胆在生and gallbladder are closely related

理和病理上紧密联系。肝病通physiologically and pathologically.The

常影响及胆,反之亦然。因此,diseases of liver often involve the

肝胆在生理和病理上不能完全gallbladder and the contrary is also true.分离。例如,肝胆实火都会出Therefore, the liver and gallbladder cannot


be completely separated physiologically and pathologically.For example, excessive fire of both the liver and the gallbladder may present such symptoms as qi-stagnation and heat-dampness.The kidney and urinary bladder, like the other zang-fu organs, form an exterior-interior relationship through their meridians.The kidneys control opening and

肾和膀胱与其它的脏closing, while the urinarybladder governs 腑一样通过经脉形成表里关storing and excreting urine.Both are related 系。肾主开合,膀胱则是储藏to water metablism.Whether the function of 和排泄尿液。两者都与水液代the urinary bladder is normal or not depends 谢有关。膀胱的功能正常与否on the sufficiency or deficiency of 依赖肾气的充足与否。肾气充kidney-qi.When kidney-qi is sufficient and 足,则固摄有权,膀胱开合有its astringency is right, the urinary bladder 度,从而维持水液的正常代谢。will open and close regularly, thus 如果,肾气不足,一方面可使maintaining normal water metabolism.In case 肾气化无常,固摄无权,则膀kidney-qi is deficient, there will be the 胱开合失度,即可出现小便不disturbance of its qi transformation and 利,失禁,遗尿,尿频等病症。astrictive action, causing the irregular opening and closing of the urinary bladder, manifested as dysuria, incontinence of urine, enuresis and frequency of micturition.So far the text has just briefly discussed the relationship between the five

至此,该篇已简要讨论zang-and the six fu-organs.To have a thorough

了五脏六腑之间的关系。要想understanding of their interrelations and the

彻底理解它们的关系及脏腑理zang-fu theory, it is also important to know

论,重要的是要了解五脏和六the relationship between the five zang-organs

腑的关系,限于篇幅,这些关and that between the six fu-organs as well,系只好于此割爱。

which, as space is limited, have to be reluctantly parted with here.In short, although the zang-and fu-organs have different physiological functions, there is a close relationship between them in

简而言之,虽然脏与腑maintaining the normal functions of the body, 的生理功能不同,但是它们之and it is the meridian-collateral system that 间的密切关系却维持了人体功makes them internally-externally 能的正常,通过经络系统使它interconnected.Without the interconnecting 们形成了表里联系。没有经络pathways of the meridians and collaterals, 这一联系通道,脏腑就会变得each of the zang-fu organs would become an 孤立静止,不能执行其功能活isolated and static organ and unable to 动。《素问》中说:“五脏之perform its functional activities.A case in 道,皆出于经遂,以行血气”。point to show the relationship is what is said 这便是一个表明这种关系的很in Basic Questions.”The zang-organs are all 好的例证。connected with the meridians to perform the circulation of qi and blood.“



In TCM books, qi is always mentioned in the same breath with blood and body fluid, for they

在中医书中,气总是are all the fundamental substances constituting 与血和津液相提并论,因为the human body and maintaining its life 它们都是构成人体和维持生activities.However, among them qi is 命活动的基本物质。然而,particularly important for the human body.That 它们之中,气对于人体尤为is why TCM often explains the life activities 重要。这就是中医为什么要of the human body in the viewpoint of qi.For 用气的观点来解释生命活this reason, ZhangJingyue said: ”Man's life 动。因此,张景岳说:“人relies entirely upon this qi.“ Classic 之有生,全赖此气”。《难onMedical Problems states:”qi is ihe root of the 经》则指出:“气者,人之human body;once the root is damaged, the stem 根本也;根绝则茎叶枯矣”。and leaves would turn withered“.And, also, 《素问》还指出:“天地合Basic Questions points out : ”One's life is the 气,命之曰人”。combination of qi of heaven and earth“.Qi in the human body is composed of

人体之气由先天之congenital qi and acquired qi.The former is

气和后天之气组成。前者为inherited from one's parents before birth,the

出生之前秉承父母之气,后latter is derived from cereal essence

者来自与脾胃生化的水谷精transformed by the spleen and stomach and fresh

微及肺从自然界吸入的清air inhaled from the natural world by the lung.气。因此,气是以上三种因Therefore, qi is a combination of three kinds

素的结合。很显然气的根源of factors.It is easy to see that the source

与产生与先天禀赋、后天营or production of qi is related to innate

养和周围的环境有关,也与endowment, acquired nutrition and

肾、脾、胃、肺共同活动有environmental conditions, and the actions of


the kidney, spleen, stomach, lung as well.Congenital qi and acquired qi complement

先天之气与后天之each other.Congenital qi is the material 气互相补充。先天之气是后foundation for the production of acquired qi, 天之气产生的物质基础,后and acquired qi continuously supplements 天之气则补充和营养先天之congenital qi with nourishments.Both of them 气。因此,两者之间是互相are, therefore, described as an interdependent 依赖的关系—先天之气是后relation-congenital qi promoting acquired 天之气的基础,后天之气营qi,which, in turn, nourishing congenital qi.养先天之气。各种气和它们There are all kinds of qi and, their functions 之间的功能极其复杂,不是are too intricate to be expounded in a few 三言两语可以讲清的。让我words.To provide a precise exposition, let's 们用以下的六个标题来讨discuss them under six heads.论,以提供一个精确的解释。1.Promoting Action of Qi


Qi, as a sort of refined substance full of vigour, plays a promoting and activating role

气,一种充满活性的in the growth and development of the human body, 精微物质,对人体的生长发the physiological activities of the zang-fu 育、脏腑经络的生理活动、organs and meridians, the production and 血液的产生和循环、津液的circulation of blood, as well as the production, 产生、散布和排泄都起到促distribution and excretion of body fluid.If the 进和推动作用。如果因为气above functions are weakened due to 虚而使以上的功能减弱,就qi-deficiency, the following pathologic 会发生以下的病理改变:人changes will occur: tardy growth and 体生长发育的停滞、脏腑经development of the human body, hypofunction of 络功能减弱、血液凝滞和津the zang-fu organs and meridians, stagnation of 液停滞等。blood, fluid retention, etc.2.Warming Action of Qi 2.气的温煦功能

Whether man's body temperature is normal or

人体体温正常与not depends on the warming action of qi.Classic 否依赖于气的温煦作用。《难on Medical Problerns says:” Qi is responsible 经》曰:气者,温也。只有for warming.“ Only through the warming action 通过气的温煦作用,脏腑经of qi can all zang-fu organs,meridiarns and 络和其它组织结构才能行使other structures perform their normal 其正常的功能活动,血液和functional activities, and can such liquid 体液等津液物质才能正常循substances as blood and body fluid circulate 环。语云:“血得温而运,normally.As the saying goes: ” Blood flows in 得寒而凝。”例如:阳气不warmth, while it coagulates in cold.“For 足会导致气的温煦作用减example, the insufficiency of yang-qi may 弱,引起恶寒、四肢冰冷、impair the warming action of qi, causing an 体温降低等等。相反,如气aversion to cold, cold limbs.Lowered body 过剩则会导致气无法散热,temperature and so on.Conversely, qi excess may 引起喜冷、发热等症状。《素result in the failure of qi to disperse heat, 问》指出:“气实者,热也;marked by preference for cold, fever, etc.Basic 气虚者,寒也”。Questions states, ”Qi excess preduces heat, while qi deficiency produces cold.“ 3.Defending Action of Qi


Qi has defending function to defend the body surface against the exogenous pathogens

气的防御功能为防and to combat with the invaded exogenous

卫外邪袭表并将外邪驱除至pathogens to drive them out of the body.The book

体外。因此,《素问》指出:Basic Questions, therefore, states:” When vital

“正气存内,邪不可干”和qi exists in the body, the exogenous pathogens

“邪气所凑,其气必虚”疾can not attack the body.“ And ” If the pathogens


invade and occupy the body, qi-deficiency is bound to ensue.“ Thereby leading to illness.4.Controlling Action of Qi


Qi also has controlling action, by which is

气也有固摄的作用,meant the ability to control the liquid 这意味着气有固摄液体和人substances and fix the internal organs in the 体内脏器官的能力。这可以body.This is shown in the following aspects: 从以下几方面体现:(1)Keeping the blood flowing within the vessels(1)维持血液在脉管中运to prevent it from extravasating without 行,防止其无故外溢。reason.(2)控制和调节汗液、尿液、(2)Controlling and regulating the secretion 精液、唾液、胆汁等的储存and excretion of sweat, urine, sperm, saliva,和排泄,以维持水液代谢的gastrointestinal juices, etc , to maintain a 相对平衡。relative balance of water metabolism.(3)维持内脏器官在正常的(3)Firming the internal organs in their normal

位置不至于下垂。positions without prolapse.If this action is impaired,如果此功能受损,将hemorrhage, premature ejaculation, spontaneous 会出现出血、早泄、自汗、sweating, urinary incontinence, and 遗尿和遗精。如果该功能不spermatorrhea will occur.If this action fails 能正常运行,则会出现胃下to work normally,such prolapses as 垂、肾下垂、子宫下垂等下gastroptosis, nephroptosis, hysteroptosis will 垂症状。be brought about.The promoting and controlling actions of

气的促进和固摄功qi are the two aspects of mutual opposition and 能是相互对立、相互补充的mutual complement.Provided these two actions 两方面。如果这两种功能能work harmoniously, blood circulation and water 协调运行,则血液循环和水metabolism can be normally carried on.液代谢就会正常。5.Action of Qi Transformation


Qi transformation may be defined as various kinds of changes brought about by the movement of qi.Concretely speaking, it refers

气的气化功能可以to the respective metabolism of essence, qi, 定义为各种不同的变化来自blood and body fluid and their reciprocal 于气的运动。具体的说,它transformation.For instance, food is 指的是精、气、血和体液的transformed into qi, blood and body fluid;body 独立代谢和它们彼此的相互fluid are converted into sweat and urine by 转化。例如,食物转化成气、metabolizing, and the residues of food,after 血和体液;体液通过代谢转digestion and absorption, are turned into feces 化成汗和尿液,而食物残渣to be discharged from the body.All these 经过消化和吸收后则转化成processes are all the specific manifeatations 粪便排除体外。所有的这些of the action of qi transformation.If qi 过程都是气化功能的特殊表transformation is out of order, it will affect 现。如果气化功能失常则会the digestion, absorpiion of food, the 影响食物的消化和吸收,精、metabolism and transformation of essence, blood 血、体液的代谢和转化,汗and body fluid, the excretion of sweat, urine 液、尿液和粪便的排泄等等。and feces and so on.To put it briefly, qi 简要的说,气化实际上是体transformation is actually the process in which 内物质代谢和转化的过程。the substances in the body are metabolized and 虽然以上五种气的功能各不intertransformed.Although the above five 相同,但它们在生命的维持actions of qi differ from one another, they are 上是不可分离的。它们之间indispensable to maintaining human life.Their 的协调合作和相互支持是生harmonious cooperation and mutual support 理活动顺利完成的保障。ensure that the physiological activities are completed smoothly.The Movement of Qi is known as ”qi ji“, qi

气的运动叫做“气activity.Qi in the human body travels

机”。气运行于全身到达所throughout the body and reach all the zang-fu

有的脏腑组织和经络,促进organs and meridians to promote and activate the


physiological activities of the human body.Qi has four basic forms: ascending,气有四种运动形式:descending, exiting and entering.These four 升、降、出、入。这四种形forms are the basis of human's life 式是人类生命活动的基础。activities.Once these movements stop, it means 一旦这些运动停止了,便意that the life activities ceaseand death ensues.味这生命活动的终止和死亡的发生。

The ascending, descending, exiting and entering of qi are mainly embodied in the

气的升、降、出、入physiological activities of the zang-fu organs,具体表现在脏腑组织、经络meridians and other processes of metabolism.和其它代谢过程的生理活动For example,the lung governs respiration,中。例如,肺主呼吸,呼气exhaling pertains to exiting, inhaling to

为出,吸气为入;宣发为升,entering;and dispersing pertains to ascending,肃降为降。脾的升清和胃的lowering to descending.The spleen sends the

降浊。人体的各种生理活动clear upward and the stomach passes the turbid

都必将在气的四种运动形式downward.So all kinds of physiological


activities in the human body, essentially, are reflected in the four movements of qi.According to the sources, functions and

根据根源、功能和分distributions, qi is pided into four types:

布,可以将气分为四类:元primordial(yuan qi), genuine qi(zhenqi),气、真气、宗气、营气和卫pectoral qi(zong qi), nutritive qi(ying qi)


and defensive qi(wei ai).l.Primordial qi, also known as genuine qi(zhen qi)is the most important of the four kinds of

1.元气,也叫做真气是四种qi.It is the primary motive force of life

气中最重要的一种。它是人activities.Primordial qi derives from the

体活动的原动力。元气源于congenital essence stored in the kidney, and

先天之精,储藏于肾中,依depends on the acquired essence regenerated by

赖脾胃化生的后天之精滋the spleen and stomach.The book Miraculous

养。《灵枢》中明确说:“真Pivot makes it clear by saying, ”Genuine qi

气者,所受于天,与谷气并(Zhen qi)is inherited from heaven(the


parents)and combined with cereal essence to replenish the body.“ 2.Pectoral qi is formed from a combination of

2.宗气由肺吸入的清气和脾the fresh air inhaled by the lung and the cereal

胃化生的谷气混合而成。宗essence conveyed by the spleen and stornach.气主要执行两种功能。一种Pectoral qi performs two main functions.One is

是走息道以行呼吸,宗气的traveling through the respiratory tract to

充足与否会影响到声音、言prormote respiration and the sufficiency or

语和呼吸的状态。另一种是insufficiency of pectoral qi influences the

贯心脉以行气血,宗气的充conditions the voice.speech or breath and so

足与否与气血的运行、体温、on.The other is running through the

四肢活动、视觉、听觉能力heart-meridians to promote the circulation of

以及心脏搏动的力量和节律qi and blood.The vicissitude of Pectoral qi is


related to the flow of qi and blood, the body temperature and the activities of the trunk and limbs, the visual and aural perceptibility, as well as the strength and rhythm of the heart beat.3.Nutritive qi is the qi that circulates together with blood in the vessels.Nutritive 3.营气是与血共同运行脉中qi originates from the pure part of cereal 的气。营气源于脾胃运化的essence transformed by the spleen and stomach 水谷精微的纯净部分,并承and bears responsibility for the blood 担着血液的产生和濡养全身production and the nutrition of the whole body.的职责。营气属于阴,所以Nutritive qi is considered as yin, so it is also 也称作营阴。called nutritive yin(ying-yin).4.Defensive qi, like nutritive qi, comes from cereal essence,but, unlike nutritive qi, it runs outside the blood vessels.Defensive qi has

4.卫气,如营气一般,来自the following functions: protecting the body

水谷精微,但是却行于脉外,surface against exogenous pathogens,这与营气不同。卫气有以下controlling the opening and closing of the

功能:保护体表免受外邪侵pores, adjusting the excretion of sweat,犯,司毛孔的开合,调节汗warming and nourishing the zang-fu organs.液排泄,温养脏腑组织、肌muscles and the skin with hairs,肤毛发等和维持体温的恒etc.,maintaining a relatively constant body

定。“卫气”这一名字正是temperature.It is given the name ”defensive qi“

因为它有抗御外邪的功能。precisely because of its

卫气属阳,所以别名叫“卫antiexogenouspathogenic action.Defensive qi

阳”,这正好与以上提及的belongs to yang, so it has another name


defensive yang(wei-yang),” which presents a strinking contrast with ying-yin as mentioned above.THE TYPES OF QI AND THEIR MOVEMENTS Types of Qi

Movement starting from between the two kidneys, passing through Yuan tri-energizer and circulating Qi(Primordial through the while body, inward to Qi)zang-and fu-organs and outward to the muscles and skin.Zong stored in the chest and poured Qi(Pectoral into the meridians of the heart Qi)and the lung.Ying originating from tri-energizer, Qi(Nutritive entering the meridians by way of Qi)the lung, and circulating all

气的分型与运动 气的分型

运动 始于两肾之间,行于三焦,周行全身,内至脏腑,外达肌肤。




营气 over the body.circulating outside but leaning Wei against the meridians, vaporized Qi(Defensive to the diaphragm and scattered in Qi the chest, travelling between the skin and flesh.Special phrases




As the saying goes, As=in the way that,as the


story goes/runs as the matter stands as the case may be as things are as things run

照目前情形 依照情况 照此情况



Blood, circulating in the vessels, is a

血液行于脉red liquid substance rich in nutrients.It is one 管之中,是一种富含营养of the indispensable substances that constitute 的红色液体物质。它是构the human body and maintain its life activities.成人体和维持生命活动不Blood originates from cereal essence transformed 可缺少的物质。血源于脾by the spleen and stomach, and has the functions 胃化生的水谷精微,具有of nourishing and moistening the whole body.营养和滋润全身的功能。

Nutritive qi and body fluid are thought of as

营气和津液the material basis of blood formation.As both of 被认为是形成血液的物质them derive from cereal essence, the quality of 基础。因为它们都来自水the food intake and the conditions of the spleen 谷精微,所以摄入饮食的and the stomach are bound to have a direct bearing 质量和脾胃的状态与血液on blood formation.Either a long-term 的形成直接相关。无论是malnutrition or a lasting hypofunction of the 长期的营养不良或脾胃损spleen and stomach may cause insufficient blood 伤都会使血液产生不足,formation, resulting in blood deficiency.That's 导致血虚。这就是为什么why TCM states“ Reinforcing the spleen and the 中医认为“补脾肾,血自stomach enables blood to develop spontaneously.” 生”。

Normal blood circulation comes of the

正常的血液循行joint action of the heart, the lung, the spleen 来自于心、肺、脾和肝的and the liver.The heart-qi is the fundamental 共同作用。心气是推动血motive power to propel blood circulation.The 液循行的原动力。肺主司lung is in charge of qi of the whole body and, 一身之气,因此,与宗气therefore, has an important bearing on the 的形成有重要的关系。当formation of zong qi.When zong qi gets in the 宗气注入心经便可以促进heart meridian, it may promote the movement of qi 气血的运行。脾使血液流and blood.The spleen may keep blood flowing 于脉管之中,防止其外溢。BLOOD AND BODY FLUID-THE MATERIAL BASIS OF LIFE ACTIVITIES within the vessels and prevent it from 肝除了有储藏血液的功能extravasating.And the liver, besides its 外,还可以调节血量,维function of storing blood, adjusts the volume of 持气血的正常运行。如以blood flow and maintain the normal flow of qi and 上所说的任何一脏不能正blood.In case any one of the above organs fails 常行使其功能的话,就会to work properly, abnormal blood circulation is 发生异常的血液循行。例certain to occur.The heart-qi deficiency, for 如,心气不足可以导致心instance, may lead to heart-blood stagnation.The 血凝滞;脾气不足无法收spleen-qi deficiency fails to control blood, 摄血液导致出血等;肝气leading to bleeding, etc.The disturbance of qi 不调、血液循行紊乱则会flow of the liver and blood circulation may bring 出现血瘀、血肿、女性月about such pathological changes as blood stasis 经不调、痛经、或闭经。or swelling, abnormal menstruation, dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea in women.Blood circulates within the vessels, by which it is carried to the zang-fu organs internally and to the skin, muscles, tendons and bones

血在血管中循行,externally.It circulates ceaselessly Like a ring 内至脏腑,外达皮肉筋骨,without end to nourish and moisten all the organs 如环无端,运行不息,营and tissues.In this, normal physiological 养滋润所有脏腑组织。这activities are maintained.Basic Questions 样,正常的生理活动才得says:“The liver with blood is able to ensure 以维持。《素问》云:“肝normal vision.the feet with blood are able to 受血而能视,足受血而能walk.the palms with blood are able to grip 步,掌受血而能握,指受things, the fingers with blood are able to grasp”.血而能摄。”对于血和髓、“When discussing the relationship between blood 骨节之间关系的探讨,《灵and the tendons, the bones and the joints, 枢》指出:“血常则髓骨Miraculous Pivot points out:”When blood is 坚,骨节敏。”故此,足normal, the tendons and the bones are strong and 见人体之感觉、运动均不the joints are nimble.“ Thus, it can be seen that 能须臾离开血液提供的营the sensation the the movement of the body never 养。for a moment deviate from the nutrients provided by blood.Blood is also the material basis of mental

血液也是精神活activities.Sound mental activity results from 动的物质基础。健全的精normal circulation and a sufficient supply of 神活动来自于正常的血液blood.So any blood trouble, whatever the causes 循行及充足的血液供应。maybe, will bring about symptoms of mental 所以不论什么原因导致的activities varying in degrees.Basic Questions 血液问题都会引起不同程advises people: ” Qi and blood are the foundation 度上的精神症状。《素问》for human mental activities and have to be nursed 建议:“气血者,人之神,with caution.“ And Miraculous Pivot informs us, 不可不慎养。”《灵枢》” Harmonious blood vessels ensure a vigorous 则提醒我们:“血脉安,spirit.“ These famous remarks show the close 精神乃治。”这些著名的relationship between blood and mental 鉴言都体现了血和精神活activities.Deficiency of blood, therefore, will 动之间的密切关系。因此,cause mental disorder.For example, heart-blood 血虚会导致精神错乱。例or liver-blood deficiency will lead to such 如,心血或肝血不足会导symptoms as palpitation, insomnia and 致心悸、失眠和多梦的症dreaminess.状。

Body fluid is called jinye in TCM, including

体液在中医称为all kinds of fluids in the organs and tissues and 津液,包括存在于脏腑组their secretions, such as gastricjuice, 织和它们之间间隙的各种intestinal juice, nasal discharge, tears, sweat, 液体如胆汁、肠液、鼻涕、urine and so on.Just like qi and blood, body fluid 眼泪、汗液、尿液等等。is also one of the essential substances 与气血一样,津液也是构constituting the human body and maintaining its 成人体和维持生命活动的life 必要物质之一。

jin and ye are always mentioned in the same

津与液总是相提breath because of the fact that, for one thing, 并论,因为一方面,它们both of them derive from food and water 都来源于脾胃化生的水谷transported and transformed by the spleen and 精微;另一方面是由于它stomach.and for another, they can transform into 们可以互相转化。但是,each other.But they are actually different in 实际上它们在稀薄、性状、thickness, property, function and distribution.功能和分布上是不同的。By and large, jin is the fluid which is clear and 总的来说,津是一种清、thin and flows easily.It is distributed in the 稀、易于流动的液体。它skin, muscles and orifices, furthermore, it 分布于肌肤官窍,可以进permeates the blood vessels to keep them 一步渗透到脉管使其保持moistened.Ye, on the contrary, is thick fluid 湿润。相反,液是一种质with flowing less easily.It is distributed in the 稠、不易流动的液体。它joints, brain, marrow and internal organs to 分布于关节、脑髓和内脏,nourish them.Jin and ye may transform into each 使其得到滋养。津和液可other.These two fluids are hard to be separated 以互相转化。这两种液体completely and, for this reason, they are jointly 很难完全区分,因此,它referred to as ”jinye“(body fluid).In case of 们合称“津液”。在津或the impairment of jin or exhaustion of ye, the two 液的枯竭上,两种必须辨must be identified in TDS.证的区分。

The formation, distribution and excretion of

津液的形成、分布body fluid are the complex physiological process 和排泄是一个由许多脏腑in which they are accomplished by the joint action 组织共同完成的复杂过of many organs.As is pointed out in Basic 程。正如《素问》所指出Questions : ”After food and drink enter the 的:“饮入于胃,游溢精stomach, they are digested and transformed into 气,上输于脾,脾气散精,food essence and then, transmitted upward to the 上归于肺,通调水道,下spleen, which disperses the essence upward to the 输膀胱,水精四布,五经lung and the lung regulates water pathways 并行。”这段描述提示了:downward to the urinary bladder.And by doing so(1)津液由胃中消化吸body fluid is finally disseminated to all parts 收、小肠进行分清别浊、of the body along all the meridians and 脾运化的水谷中形成。(2)collaterals." This description suggests that, 1)津液的分布和排泄由许多body fluid is formed from food and water by 脏腑组织共同完成,如脾digestion and absorption of the stomach, 的运化功能、肺的宣发肃separating the clarity from the turbidity of the 降功能、肾的蒸发沉降功small intestine and tramformation of the spleen;能。(3)津液以三焦为通2)the distribution and excretion of body fluid 道进行分布和排泄。are accomplished by the joint action of many zang-fu organ, such as the transforming function of the spleen, the dispersing and descending function of the lung, the steaming and ascending function of the kidney;and 3)body fluid takes triple energizer as its passageway for distribution and excretion.Body fluid bears two physiological functions:

津液有两种生理moistening and nourishing:body fluid distributed

功能:滋润和营养。津液to the body surface moistens and nourishes the

分布于肌表滋养肌肤毛muscles and skin with hairs;body fluid permeated

发;渗透于体窍滋润和保through the body orifices moistens and protects

护眼、鼻、嘴和其它官窍;the eyes, nose,mouth and other openings;body

津液渗透至脉管起到营养fluid infiltrated into the blood vessels

和滑利的作用,也是血液nourishes and smooths them and is also the basic 的基本组成成分;津液注component of blood;body fluid poured into the

入内脏使其得到滋养;骨internal organs nourishes and moistens them, and

中的津液对骨髓、脊髓和body fluid in the bone nourishes and moistens the


bone marrow, spinal cord and brain marrow.


Hello,everyone.My name is///.I'm twelve years old.I am a Middle school student.I was born in Panjin,It is an beautiful city.Now I study in Bohai No.1 Middle School.I'm in Class Three,Grade Two.There are thirteen-five students in our class.We have four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.Our classes begin at 7:00 and end at 17:00.I love my teachers and my classmates.They are all very nice.There are three people in My family,my father my morther ang I.My father is a worker.He works in a factory.My mother is a worker,too.She works in Xinghai street.I like our family.I am good at math and Chinese.My English is so-so,but I often listening speaking reading and writing.I really like English very much.My favourite sport is football ang I like it very much.I'm good at computers.I hope to become a computer expert when I grow up.I will study hard to make my dream come true.Thank you!

Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you very much for reading my application and I am much honored to introduce myself here.My name is XXX.I am 24 years old and I come from ***, the capital of Hunan Province.I am seeking an opportunity to work with *** as a Engineer.My professional experience and my awareness of your unparalleled reputation have led me to want to work for your company.I have a bachelor degree with a major in Electronic field.I graduated from ***University-widely considered one of the most beautiful

universities of the world.During the 4 year undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished.I was granted scholarship every semester.Additionally, I applied a *** patent, it was authorized in 2005.In 2005, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.I selected Electronic Engineering of *** University to continue my study.In the passing1 year, my research and study dedicated to Linux.I applied another patent which was still in applying.I won the scholarship in 2006.Besides, I participated in many school activities, which widened my horizons and gave me many opportunities to do practical work in companies.All of that were very useful to my major study.During this period, I have learnt much.I learned the values of teamwork and commitment, how to win, how to work hard, how to concentrate and focus on goals, and how to balance my time and priorities.The passing years offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence.With a healthy body, with the solid professional knowledge, with the youthful passion, with the yearning for the future and the admiration of your company, I am eager to enter your company and make my share of contribution to it.Thank you for your patience.Best wishes.Sincerely yours,ABC

Any suggestion and the criticism.Thanks!


Dear teacher and students:

Good afternoon!I am a 2015 Social Medicine and Health Service Management professional Wang, today the topic isChinese Medicine Keeping In Good Health.I will introduce the following four aspects on Chinese medicine keeping in good health: first, the concept of Chinese medicine keeping in good health;second, methods of traditional Chinese medicine keeping in good health;third, The persist on Chinese medicine keeping in good health;and finally, the right idea of Chinese medicine keeping in good health.Let's look at the concept of Chinese medicine keeping in good health, Chinese medicine keeping in good health is based on the traditional Chinese medicine theory as the instruction which follows the changing law of Yin and Yang five lines of biochemical collection, scientifically adjust to human body, maintain healthy and dynamic life.Mental health is to point to by your mind, and cultivate modern, adjust life so as to maintain the body to reduce disease and improve health to prolong life purpose.There are many ways of Chinese medicine keeping in good health.I will mention several common methods.The first is dietetic life-nourishing.Reasonable diet can recuperation essence, correct the bias of the yin and yang organs, prevent disease, prolong life.Chinese medicine keeping in good healththeory holdscatering to the “grain for the support, the five fruits in order to assist, no storage for the benefit, five dishes for the charge”, but also pay attention to flavors reconcile, otherwise, it will cause nutritional imbalance, physical bias, internal organs function disorders disease;The next one is Sport-type health preservation.Chinese medicine believes that “wishes to labor in the form, not a sickness.” Therefore, the ancients in the medical and life practice such as massage groping form, qigong, taiji, Bagua, Wuqinxi like manner to physical sickness.Of course, if a man overwork, can easily cause “injured workers”, also known as “five workers and injured,” that long as the injured blood long injury lay gas, sedentary flesh wound, long-established bone injury, a long line of injured tendons.The third is static God health.Static God health plays an important role in traditional Chinese medicine and health science.The ancients believed that God is the master of life activities, maintaining an air of quiet, psychological balance, strength can be maintained innocence, so Ann and five internal organs, to help prevent disease, promote health and longevity.On the contrary, it will lead to emotional injuries, such as anger liver damage, like sad, thinking injured spleen, lung distress, fear of renal injury, as well as to induce a variety of physical and mental disorders;and finally is the gas preserve one's health.Human vitality has metaplasiaing , promoting blood and astringent, warming and nourishing the body tissues to resist evil, enhancing the role of the internal organs function.Nutritional imbalance, improper work and rest, emotional disorders, and many other factors, can cause element deficiency, depression, stagnation, inverse, and thus make the body from pathological changes.Chinese medicine keeping in good health transfer gas regimen advocated by careful living, along seasons, quit fatigue, anti-over work, adjusting diet, and flavors, impassioned tone, provincial speech, learning breathing and a series of measures to restore vitality, illnesses and sickness.Chinese medicine keeping in good health insists that only perseverance, perseverance in order to really achieve longevity effect.Insisting on Chinese medicine keeping in good health performances in lifelong health, life and health, dedicated to health.Chinese medicine keeping in good health attaches great importance to the sustainability of health that health was not a staged event, it is accompanied by the person's life, such as prenatal care, from infancy to pay attention to protect children's health and development, child care, childhood, adolescence is a human growth and development the critical period, this time the body should pay attention to strengthening nutrition supplements, exercise, in order to better promote the body's growth and development.To adulthood, though people are more abundant energy, good physique, but if you do not pay attention to health in this period will not only damage to human health, but also to accelerate the pace of middle-aged people into the ranks of the elderly.In old age, the elderly appear only appearance of aging characteristics, they also began to degenerate variety of physiological functions, such as difficulties in walking, respiratory function decline and so, therefore, the elderly need more health to enjoy their later years.This is the lifelong health.The persistence of health is also reflected in the health methods resides in their daily lives, living everywhere in health, for example, maintain a good sleep, eat breakfast in the morning, maintain a pleasant mood.Persistent health refers to the health of people in the choice of method needs according to their own situation, choose the appropriate one's health, and do not change.Finally, the Chinese medicine keeping in good health to have the right idea.The first is the overall concept, understand that the human body is a unified organism, the body's shape and function, as well as a variety of physiological activities between organs are unified.Human life activity as a chain, if one part of a problem, it may be affected by other sectors, abnormal.Followed by “support” just “fill”, raising refers to the body nursed back to health, the health of many ways, such as adjusting diet, photo transfer emotions, movement, resting all health approach.The third is personal.Finally, however, points to health.Above all ,this is my report, thank you for your listening!


Respected institute leader:


Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance exhibition reading my recommendation.Although I am a 2005 normal computer professional of college, but because her husband's body sake, and in 2009 affinity, study and practice Chinese acupuncture and massage.During the university, I took an active part in and organize class, colleges and so on many large-scale activity, has accumulated rich experience, the study by the teachers and students's consistent high praise.This good developed my interpersonal skills, make I learned how to get along with people, also make me more pragmatic, to have more responsibility.All this is I unremitting efforts of result, I also have the embodiment of the enterprising spirit.Believe it will be my future study and work experience and the important treasure.More than two years of study made me realize, doctors face is not only cure the disease, and a series of problems, so there is sense of responsibility, thinking bouncing, endurance and strong adaptability insight, I, the hope can practice of the concept of the doctor gamani, engaged in medical relevant professional needed for the doctor-patient seek for the each other.TCM already smell Texas institute was founded in 1990, is New York magazine voted the best one of the three in traditional Chinese medicine colleges.TCM academy is only a Texas taught classical courses(TCM WenBing theory, moreover treatise on febrile diseases, four people), jinyuan Chinese medicine colleges, different courses taught by different talents, the Chinese medicine master classes, and placed dr TCM acupuncture and specialized subject and professional, Chinese medicine acupuncture, classify to professional teacher appointment.The Chinese medicine colleges of TCM colleges for American second to none.Here I got the support of family, my family also provides for me enough money abroad.I am willing to apply to your school to study abroad, such as be allowed, must study hard, learn homecoming, after TCM English teaching will be engaged in medical related working for or medicine for the career, China spread to promote world peace culture, the cultural exchange between China and America to contribute strength.I know, opportunity always favors are ready for it, I also not is not prepared and come!please give me a institute leader the opportunity to study, thank you!



Cover: wang lili



come from nanyang in hennan province.It is a beautiful place with a long history.There are many places of historic interest and celebrities in my hometown,for instance,xxx,xxx and so on.The people in my hometown are very friedly,hardworking ,sincere and honest.What's more,we can get along with each other very well.I love my hometown very much.that'all.thank you

Baoding is a city with a history dating back to the Western Han Dynasty.It was destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century, but after the Mongols

established the Yuan Dynasty, it was rebuilt.Baoding is located around 140 kilometres south of Beijing.It is nearly halfway between Beijing and

Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei province.Baoding is located in the centre of the Bohai Rim economic area which includes Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang.One of the largest employers in Baoding is China Lucky Film, the largest photosensitive materials and magnetic recording media manufacturer in China.Perhaps the best known item to supposedly originate in Baoding are Baoding Balls.Anxin County is home to the Quantou Village Music Association(圈头村音乐会), a well known traditional music group performing on guan(oboes), sheng(mouth organs), and percussion.The village of Quantou is located on an island in Lake Baiyangdian.The city's streets follow a rough grid pattern, although this is less obvious in the older part of the city.The traditional main street of old Baoding is Yuhua Road, running from the city's centre to its eastern edge — most of Baoding's historic buildings are located in this area, along with some of its larger

shopping centres.Other major streets include Dongfeng Road and Changyang Avenue.There is a ring road around the city.Beijing is the capital of China with a long history.There are lots of places of interest, such as the Great Wall长城, the Palace Museum故宫, and the

Summer Palace颐和园 and so on.Since it lies in the north of China, the winter here is long and it snows sometimes.Autumn is the best season in Beijing, for it is neither too cold nor too hot.One of the most famous traditional foods is Beijing(Roast)Duck.The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.By hosting the Olympics, we”ll have the chance to let the world know more about China and Beijing.So, come to Beijing and you”ll enjoy it.my hometown is hubei, a beautiful town along the Yangtze river.the house is built near the river, so when you open your window, you can see the beautiful scenery of Yangtze river.shengnongxi is a nice tourist attraction which attracts tourist from all over the world.and these sightseeing boats can been seen in front of ourhouse.i am prud of my hometown when i am seeing these boats.what`s more.people here are very friendly and warm-hearted.welcome to my hometown, and you can enjoy many delicious and peculiar food here.绍兴是中国历史文化名城,是著名的水乡、桥乡、酒乡、书法之乡、名士之乡;是“一座没有围墙的历史博物馆”,中国五千年文明史,都可以在此找到遗存、得到印证。筑城于公元前490年,是春秋时期140多座诸侯城中6个幸存者之一。历史上曾两度为都。中华民族的立国始祖、治水英雄大禹归葬于此,越王勾践卧薪尝胆、发愤图强于此,书圣王羲之超凡绝伦的《兰亭序》作于此,陆游千古爱情绝唱的《钗头凤》题于此;范蠡、西施、嵇康、贺子章、徐渭、秋瑾、蔡元培、鲁迅、周恩来等等历史人物都哺育于此、根植于此。毛泽东有诗赞:“越台名士乡。” 绍兴的人力资源厚实。绍兴历来把发展教育、科技作为市策,并已结硕果。当代绍兴籍中科院、工程师院士就有38名,正教授级科技人员近千名。全市现有各类专业技术人员12.3万人,受良好教育的从业人员266.7万人,可为经济社会发展提供各类专业人才。Shaoxing is a historical and cultural city in China, is a well-known fishing village Township, the Town of calligraphy village, billow Township;“A museum without walls” China's 5,000-year history, this can be found in the remains has been confirmed.Fortification in the year 490 BC, is the Spring and Autumn Period more than 140 survivors of one of six city blocks nobility.History to have twice.Founding ancestor of the Chinese nation, water hero Dayu buried here, King Himself restraints salary here, Shu Wang Xizhi terrific explanation for the “Orchid Pavilion Preface” Here, I wrote that eternal love Masterpiece of the “Original Beauty,” this;Fan Li.Xi Shi, Ji Kang, chairwoman of the Charter, Xu Wei, Qiu Jin, Cai Yuanpei, Lu Xun, Zhou Enlai and so on historical figures are nurtured here, rooted here.Mao Zedong's poetry in praise : “Taiwan billow more Jianhu Lake Township.”Shaoxing human resources thick.Shaoxing has always regarded the development of education, science and technology as a city policy, and has led to great achievements.CAS contemporary home in Shaoxing, academicians have 38 engineers, scientists and technicians is a professor 1,000.The city's existing 123,000 professional and technical personnel, well-educated workers by 2.667 million people, provide for the economic and social development



