

Agree or disagree A university should focus more on its facilities, computers or laboratory, rather than on hiring famous teachers

Nowadays, highly education has been attached more important than before.A argue that school facilities should pay more attention than professor lecture.From my perspective, although such hardware like computer centers and science lab provide some benefits to university students, university depends on quality of stuff.Admittedly, a school equipped with great facilities is more appealing the applicants.The reason is that it can make study easier.A bright library offers such a quiet condition for knowledge absorption;a computer center provides a self-govern ways to study;a science lab make student get more practice about miracles.However, this factors become less considerate when it comes to the quality of the professors.For one thing, not only do famous teachers can impart the knowledge, but instill the angle that to solve the problem.To pass on knowledge, a human is no better than a machine or a high-tech tool.The difference lies in the

special ways to get the solutions and the potential inspiration by the former.Take my favorite teacher for example, she often shows us some different way to solve the difficulties.And then she tells us the angle to work out the problem.As for me, it was not until her explanation, that I know about the easier way to work the problem.That is something that high-tech can barely achieve.For another, universities with qualified teachers tend to have higher graduate employment.It is not hard to imagine that a teacher with connections can bring more opportunity to get internship.As an old saying goes, knowledge starts with practice.It is still true now.Students who swamped in labs, would never face the brutal fact that you need a window for people to see what you’ve got.In this way, a well-connect professor can open that for you, instead of lifeless labs.In conclusion, though facilities could promote learning, but it fail to generate more practical merits to students.Recruit more qualified teacher should be paid more attention and stress.


托福写作范文欣赏:a new university in your community



这篇托福独立写作满分范文的主要内容是讨论了如果政府宣布计划兴建一所新的大学,而有些人认为你所在的社区是个建大学的好地方,那么请你也对比一下在你所在的社区建新大学的好处和坏处。The government has announced that it plans to build a new university.Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university.Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community.Use specific details in your discussion.①优点:学生上学方便;促进当地的教育发展




My community is located in a quiet and small town with very

beautiful natural sceneries.The environment is very suitable for a new university.Everyone in my community would without doubt enjoy a sense of pride when informed that a new university will be built here.However, just as any other constructions, this action will bring many advantages as well as disadvantages to my community.The most essential and exciting advantage is that a new university will definitely enhance the education on all levels in my community.Usually, children living nearby a university would frequently visit or play in the university, and thus they can be unconsciously influenced by the academic environment.This influence might be more effective to them than any preach from their parents about the importance of studying.By building a new university, children in my community will develop a greater motivation for studying hard.Moreover, with a university located nearby, all the primary schools, middle schools will have a greater sense of competition.The teachers may encourage the students to work harder to get a university degree, since it would be very embarrassing that the students of their own community could not be admitted by the new university.Besides, a new university in my community will boom the local economy.As we all know, universities are always surrounded by a wide range of stores, restaurants and markets which provide services to the students and faculty.Thus it is very likely that the new university will

encourage the local residents to offer their services around the school.As a result, more people will be employed and the employment rate which bothers the government for years might eventually drop.However, with closer examination, the disadvantages of building a new university in my community could also be formidable.Since my community is far from the city, most of its residents are seniors.Even for the younger people living here, they prefer a quiet environment and are afraid of any major changes made to their lives.Therefore, the attention brought by a new university might be unbearable to these local people.To be specific, traffic will no doubt increase in the near future.With more cars and people on the roads, it is possible that the local environmental quality will decrease.If the air is no more clean, our community might lose its strongest attraction.Then current residents might feel quite reluctant to live here in the future.In sum, the advantages of building a new university in my community seems very promising, yet we have to consider the undesirable consequences it might bring about.The government should really be cautious and take all the possible factors into consideration before making such a decision.'



Do you agree or disagree that university should spend money on improving facilities(labs and general requirements)rather than hiring famous teachers?

Nowadays it rarely surprises us any more that there are relatively large numbers of facilities such as labs and libraries in the campus of universities.However, hordes of people are likely to go to extremes to hold that the university should not spend that much money on improving facilities on account of the lack of fund.Perhaps there is a slice of credibility in their argument, but I, without hesitation, advocate that it’s really essential for the universities to improve facilities

Granted, it is true that by saving money from the investment of facilities, the universities may concentrate more on the development of curriculum and the welfare which is provided for the teachers and professors.The statistics from the Harvard University reveal, astonishingly, that 62.7% people suggest that the universities should not be too eager to develop the general requirements.However, they ignore the fact that these facilities provided by the universities will definitely benefit the students in more ways than one.First and foremost, what never seizes to enthrall me is that the facilities will build a great atmosphere for the people(mainly college students)to study and relax.If the university constructs a great library which stores up millions of books or more, it will surely appeal to lots of studious students and those who don’t have the opportunity to attend the university.So actually this kind of facilities benefits the whole society, so do labs and other general requirements.Also, facilities like a natatorium or a gym can provide the basic facilities for students to relax.As we all know, students suffer both from studying burden and everyday lives.They need a way to relax, and these facilities just happen to provide great opportunities to relieve and extenuate their pressure.Therefore, there is no denying that by spending money on improving facilities a university will, to a great extent, enrich the students’ knowledge and broaden their horizon and give them the chance to relax at the same time.Moreover, the reputation gained from various facilities exerts a considerable fascination on me.If a university has more facilities which can provide students with more privilege, it can surely attract more top students who want the best education.Also, a famous university with variety numbers of facilities can add to the prestige of the city, the province, even the country which it belongs to.A case concerns MIT, which is one of the most celebrated universities all over the world.It has gained a high reputation for its prominent labs and stat-of-the-art equipments which provide students with the remarkable experimental qualification.Also, it makes its city, Cambridge, better known by the people as a cosmopolitan, international and civilized conurbation.Accordingly, it is apparent that the variety of the universities will make itself more eminent, therefore making significant contribution to the prosperity of the region.In conclusion, it is true that the limitation on funding facilities will economize some manpower and material resources for a university, but in order to provide both the students andthe universities with a bright future, spending money on these general equipments should never be off the table by a university.







☆ Historically, in America workers have been mercilessly exploited by big corporations.For example, garment industry workers, railway workers and fruit pickers were suffering many hardships and paid very little.☆ Clearly, this is a positive alternative for motivated parents and their children.☆ Undoubtedly, the most basic elements of writing are to be found in pictures.B 句中做手脚

☆ 同理,在新托福作文的句中也经常可以引入小短语,它会让句子显得更加灵活多变。

 Shopping, a necessary part of daily life, is increasingly time-consuming(消耗时间的)in North America. We’II all die in the end, and because of this, we should cherish every moment of life. In America, those who move long distances are generally the kind of people who play the major role in holding the community together, in large part because / partly because they are more confident and have better career opportunities. The internet is a simple collection of screens  改成 ☆ The Internet is, simply, a collection of screens of information(known as webpages)that reside on thousands of computers around the world.☆ A positive attitude, after all, is essential for a student’s academic performance.☆ Upon reflection, I recognize, sadly, my experience of being a high-school student and those of the high-school students today are not as different as I hoped.☆ Many scientists believe that human activity has very little, if any, impact on the recent warming trend on Earth.C副词领路人


例如: The ability to speak English is increasingly important in a global society.The medicine doesn’t cure the illness.It merely(just)stops the pain.The product’s success can’t be solely(-only,但注意solely只能作副词)attributed to the advertising.类似的副词还有:approximately(大约),markedly(显著地),substantially(大幅度地,显著地,在比较正式的文章和演讲中异常常用),considerably(显著地,可观地),slightly 微小地,marginally c略微地,和fractionally 本意是分数地,但一般就近似“微小程度地”意思。



☆ Not only should the parents spend more time with their children, they should also try to communicate with their children more often.☆ Only in this way can the problem of child obesity be effectively controlled.☆ Under no circumstances should teachers punish their students physically.☆ Strange as it may seem, parents’ attention sometimes hinders(阻碍)students’ academic progress.☆近义词:

hinder / impede / obstruct

☆ Neither of these factors is the case any longer.☆ Never have there been more appropriate vehicles for direct marketing than the Internet and E-mails.E强调但不强势

用It is… that..或者It is… who…

Parents and siblings have a far greater impact on the development of their personality traits.Though friends definitely play a significant role in shaping teenagers’ personality, it is the parents and siblings that have a far greater impact on the development of their personality traits.F虚拟不等忽悠

The recent crisis could not have occurred without the participation of the biggest players on Wall Street.Had I lived in a small town, my life would have been confined to(被限制)very few possibilities.G抽象画法的of Importance / help / value / interest / significance / necessity / quality等。比如 :

☆ Fossil fuel is of great importance to the development of industry, transportation and tourism.☆ Whether people in the developing world are suffering is of no interest to many wealthy citizens in industrial countries.H 被动也疯狂

It can be argued that… It has been noted that… It’s observed that..It’s believed that…

It’s commonly accepted that… It’s generally recognized that… It is reported that..(注意这里可以用现在时)It’s estimated that…


请注意这里的变性是指“改变词性”的句式变换手法。写作中的变性主要有三种: 改变前: People are concerned because the traditional values are gradually disappearing from the tribes.People are concerned about the gradual disappearance of the traditional tribal values.改变前: Some people don’t fulfill their responsibilities as parents.改变后: Some people don’t fulfill their parental responsibilities.Telecommuting(在家远程上班)can bring numerous benefits to both employees and employers.Both employees and employers can benefit from telecommuting.Telecommuting can benefit employers and employees.Telecommuting is beneficial to both employees and employers.Both employees and employers can be beneficiaries(受益者)of telecommuting.J副词排成队

☆ Athletes tend to move gracefully, energetically and powerfully.Some people argue that the new instruction methodology can help students develop intellectually and emotionally.☆All this material is now quickly, inexpensively and readily available from the comfort of our desks and work stations.☆ After the surgery, most young patients feel physically and mentally back to normal within a week.M双重否定就是肯定

☆1t is not unrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job.意思是:去做某事是现实的

☆ Not surprisingly, It is not uncommon that It was not unusual that

三、托福句库必备排比法 1.词语排比(1)名词

We have nothing but truth, goodness and beauty.我们除了真实、善良和漂亮之外,一无所有。 She gave up her family, her honor, and her fortune for liberty. 她放弃了家庭、荣耀和财富,只是为了追求自由。 用family,honor,fortune:比来突出她对自由的渴望以及毅然为之所做出的牺牲非常大。

(2)动词  Since now, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and prepare ourselves for new challenges. 从现在开始,我们必须重新振作,整装待发,迎接新的挑战。 三个简单的动词“重新振作、整装待发、迎接挑战”,却能够有力地号召大家为当前的工作做好准备,起到鼓舞人心的作用。 During our life, we should never stop studying, thinking, and practicing. 在我们的一生中,我们必须不断学习,不断思考,不断实践。 用三个动词精炼、抽象地概括了人一生不断成长的过程,道出了人生的本质。

(3)形容词  What an ugly, greedy, and selfish man! 这是一个多么丑陋、贪婪,自私的人呀! 连用三个形容词塑造了一个丑陋的形象,也流露出了作者的厌恶之情。 Skateboarding is both exciting and dangerous. 滑板运动又兴奋又危险。(4)副词

In they all came, one after another, some shyly, some boldly, some gracefully, some awkwardly…(Dickens)他们都进来了,一个接着一个,有的害羞,有的胆大,有的优雅,有的笨拙„„(狄更斯)


Four things are not to be brought back: a word spoken, an arrow discharged, the pine decree and past time.(E.P.)四件事情是无法收回来的:说出去的话,放出去的箭,神圣的法会,以及过去的时间。

Only depend on those values can we succeed – hard work and tolerance, fair play and courage…



Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.(Kennedy)


Our government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.我们的政府是民有、民主、民享的政府。


The time has come to relearn our history, to reaffirm our responsibility and to choose our new target.是到了重新学习历史、重新确认责任、选择我们新的目标的时刻了。

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for more people now than in the past to get an education.文章1 Never does the topic referring to education fail to arouse the attention of public, with the increasing awareness of the importance of education as well as the growing amount of educational resources.I maintain that people are now easier to become educated than in the past.First of all, educational level of a country is considered as a vital factor to a country's international competitiveness.More and more countries are willing to give money to educational institution.Government issues fund to universities or colleges to make sure that almost every student are able to afford the tuition and get education.Government also provides teachers with excellent conditions in order to attract more scholars to engage in educational field.Government also equips universities or colleges with high quality facilities to encourage teachers and students to get involved in all kinds of researches.Therefore, with the help of government, education has become easier for most people.What’s more, various open classes and learning materials are available on the internet so that people can learn whenever or wherever they want.They need not to go to school to get education.As a university student, I can benefit a lot from the shared online educational materials.For example, I am able to have access to the classes that are offered in Harvard University, Stanford University and other famous universities all over the world.I really enjoy the convenience that internet has brought to us.Therefore, I believe that people have more opportunities to get education with the help of internet.Last but not least, the awareness of education has increased dramatically in modern society, and the reasons may be that a strong educational background is beneficial to all of us.Under a heavy influence of global unemployment crisis, most people find that it is hard to find a job.However, a person with master degree may possess more chances to get an ideal job.In a word, the pressure of living in modern society also serves as an important motivation that stimulates people to become educated.All in all, with the help of government and the wide spread of internet as well as increasing awareness of education, it is surly easier for people to become educated than in the past.文章2 The twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen/witnessed the development and advancement of many fields and areas of society.Education is an area that has developed tremendously in the past hundred years.The rise of the middle class, the standardization of education, and the opening of many more schools has made it possible for more people now than in the past to get an education.In China specifically, education reform began with the opening up and reform period of the 1980’s.During this time China also opened up its economy and changed from a state run economy to a market economy.A market economy in China has made it possible for the development of the middle class.Historically throughout the world, education belonged to the social elites.People from the lower class, which always outnumbered the upper class, did not have the money or resources to become educated.The middle class is a group of people who are not necessarily the elites of society, but have the money to pay for education.Since the 1980’s, the middle class has been rapidly growing, increasing ten-fold 十倍the number of children who have the opportunities to get an education.With the rise of the middle class, also comes an increase in pressure on the government.倒装Since more people can afford education, more pressure is put on the government to provide teachers and schools for the children of the middle class.The government is then spurred into action to increase funding and resources for education nationwide.This has then prompted the opening of schools in many areas beyond the major cities and the training of many new teachers.More teachers and more schools mean that more people will be educated.The government’s attention on education has helped with the standardization of education in China.This standardization has created nationwide tests that have made it so that every student, no matter his or her background or hometown, has the opportunity to attend high school and apply for college.Not only do more students have the opportunity to attend school, but they also have the opportunity to continue their education further than previous generations.The rise of the middle class, the increased involvement of the government, and the standardization of education has made it so that more people, now than ever, have the opportunity to become educated.范文

It has been argued that despite the continued advancement of science and technology, our lives have changed in a way that is more tremendous than ever.I, however I disagree.First, environmental problems are still on the waiting list.Technology-dominated industrialization has generated such problems as global warming, acid rain and urban smog, which has given rise to a series of adverse effects-climate change, death of aquatic life and respiratory diseases.Although quality of life has improved, there are still many things that could be improved in China, like safety and living conditions.If the most significant transformation in living standards has taken place, how is it possible that ecocide is still a real and ever-present danger? Second, world peace still hangs by a thread.Take the Iraq War for example.It broke out eight years ago and since then Iraqis have been living in hell.Their homes are torched and destroyed and their families have been torn apart.It is certain that they have not received all the benefits of advanced technology.Superpowers are busy with the nuclear experiments, but the highly technological work brings anything but world peace.If the most significant transformation in living standard has taken place, how is it possible that some on this planet are still in great agony?

Lastly, the pace of life is increasingly faster and shows no sign of slowing down.Undoubtedly, development in IT industries and communication devices has enabled people to enjoy more convenient lives.However, it is also the seemingly almighty technologies that have put people in suffering.Wherever you go, cell phones make it possible for your boss to spot you and give you more work, whether you like it or not.Computers, which give companies the ability to teleconference and conduct online interviews, have turned our homes into a mere extension of our offices.If the most significant transformation in living standards has taken place, how is it possible that people now are still suffering from deprived sleep, unbalanced diet and strained family relations?

All in all, science and technology have been and will continue to develop, but the fundamental transformation of our lives has not yet taken place.(363 words)






Work and experience create and broaden our knowledge.It is of value to test the veracity of the indirect book knowledge by applying it to reality.Sir Isaac Newton, applied mathematics to his personal experience, resulting the discovery of kinetic theory.Nicholus Copernicus, through extensive observation and existing scientific analysis, calculated the earth and other planets’ orbit around the sun.Such knowledge is now easily assessable in textbooks, but would require decades of work on our own to research and understand that phenomenon.Books are valuable when knowledge is beyond the scope of our experiences.Perhaps the most obvious examples are those fluent writers.They write various stories, the scopes of which are far beyond any inpidual's experiences.Take Joyce Carol Oates for example, her productivity has been prodigious, accumulating in less than two decades to nearly thirty titles, including novels, collections of short stories and verse, plays and literary criticism.Although some of them appear to come from her own direct observations, her dreams, and her fears, much more is clearly from the experiences of others.Her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers, the television news and talk shows, and the popular magazines of our day.学习方式:


哥伦布 Christopher Columbus As a child, he helped his father as a weaver.He always liked the sea.Genoa was an important seaport.There is no doubt that as a child he caught rides on ships.He had little schooling but was a genius with the sea.His plan was not to prove that the world was flat, but it was to find a shortcut to the Spice Islands.He wanted to establish a city there for trade, seaports, and much more.When he grew into a man he was interested in sailing to Asia by going west.学一科还是学很多科

Leonardo da Vinci is best remembered as the painter of the Mona Lisa(1503-1506)and The Last Supper(1495).But he's almost equally famous for his astonishing multiplicity of talents: he dabbled in architecture, sculpture, engineering, geology, hydraulics and the military arts, all with success, and in his spare time doodled parachutes and flying machines that resembled inventions of the 19th and 20th centuries.He made detailed drawings of human anatomy which are still highly regarded today.Leonardo also was quirky enough to write notebook entries in mirror

decades after his death.学一科还是学多科 generalist


(backwards)script, a trick which kept many of his observations from being widely known until

Professionals and specialists have always found knowledge of other disciplines helpful and inspiring.If students are allowed to enroll only in the courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields, the blockades between disciplines will not only hamper discoveries at the boundaries, but also preclude infusion of fresh ideas and inspiration.With a broader knowledge base, students can choose disciplines of concentration, complexity, and profundity according to their interest.As a saying goes, interest is the best teacher.You cannot account on one to succeed in a field in which he is not interested in and the scarcity of the interest can lead to a disappearance of creativity too.interest




Music and art are very mathematical.In the early 1400s, Leon Battista Alberti suggested painting be considered a liberal Art with a scientific basis.In De Pictura he exposed optical perspective as a geometrical technique which could be applied by artists to their work.书本知识


You can cover a great deal of country in books.Life-transforming ideas have always come to me through books.Books are the quietest and most constant of friends;they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.





