第一篇:SAT写作 主题选择
1.“whether you think you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right”
Henry Ford, 1863-1947
Assignment: Does attitude determine success and failure in an endeavor? Plan and write an essay that develops and supports your views on this issue.2.There is an old proverb, “Spare the road and spoil the child.”
Assignment: which is a more effective means in teaching children to behave in a certain way---to promise rewards or to instill a fear of punishment?
3. Advertisements for the New York State Lottery say: all you need is a dollar and a dream., a slogan that encourages the fantasy that a big win will solve all of life’s problems.Yet, many lottery winners have suffered unexpected negative consequences.Their dreams have often turned into nightmares, and their lives are worse that they were before.Assignments: Can the realization of a dream be disastrous? Plan and write an essay that develops and supports your views on this issue.4.“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered”
Nelson Mandela, a long walk to freedom
Assignment: Do we need to understand our past in order to understand ourselves? Plan and write an essay that develops and supports your views on this issue.5.“Destiny is not a matter of chance.It is a matter of choice.It is not a thing to be waited for.It is a thing to be achieved.”
William Jennings Bryan(1860-1925)
Assignment: Do you think that a destiny achieved by the decisions and choices you have made is preferable to a destiny that comes from chance or luck? Plan and write an essay that develops and supports your views on this issue.
The vicissitude of history never fails to amaze us with all the changes it has brought to human life.If we trace back to see what has been changed since human civilization, seldom can we see anything that remains intact, with only one exception-the importance of reading.Despite the fact that reading has never dropped from our top priorities, few people keep the habit of it.As a reaction to such pathetic phenomenon, writer Frank Bruni draws people’s attention back to reading and encourages people to value it.Strategies he employs include contrast, credible reference and tactic reasoning that appeal to people’s emotion and agreement.One impressive feature of this article is Bruni’s contrast at the very beginning to introduce his topic, with the next paragraphs addressing its benefits.He compares things that he always ignores such as nephew’s birthday and niece’s school production with things he never fails to overlook-reading.For the majority of people, especially teenagers, birthday party and school performance are events that family members should remember.Unfortunately, this is not the case for the author.Reading at this point, readers are left a bit disappointed at the author and tend to pay more attention to what he wants to convey next.At the cusp of people’三立教育www.feisuxs
s attention, author Bruni brings about something that deserves greater emphasis-reading: “I’m incessantly asking my nephews and nieces what they’re reading and why they’re not reading more.” Thus the readers start to realize how justifiable the author is-as nothing like a birthday party or a performance in school is comparable with the importance of reading.With the utilization of this contrast, the author successfully draws the attention from the readers and lays a solid foundation for his later argument.Aside from this, the author’s careful choice of evidence adds credibility to the article.He cites properly a report by Common Sense Media, claiming that three is a sharp decline in the percentage of teenagers read for fun “fewer than 20 percent of 17-year-olds now read for pleasure”.At the same time, however, the number of the young who hardly ever read or never read for pleasure elevates from “only 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds” 30 years ago to “22 percent of 13-year-olds and 27 percent of 17-year-olds “ today.This worrisome report indicates that the young no longer read as much as they used to.Linked with the previous paragraphs, the author urges the reader to weight the disadvantage of such trend and possibly spurs some kind of response.Besides, the inclusion of an authoritative agency backs up Bruni’s point, makes the work of Bruni believable and credible.The most exquisite technique of the passage, however, is its elaborate reasoning.From paragraph 8 to 15, the author lists all the possible benefits of reading to add weight to the persuasiveness of the article.He starts from how 三立教育www.feisuxs
reading benefit the brain in paragraph 8, that interviews indicate a symbiotic relationship between reading and intelligence.Paragraph 9 follows with a benefit to the qualities required to success, because those people who read are more adept at “ reading people” and “sizing up the social whirl around them”.If these benefits are not enough, in paragraph 10, 11, 12 and 13, the author compares reading with exposure to technological devices to indicate how reading would benefit the spirit.One obvious benefit reading offers to the spirit is that reading smoothens people “with thoughts less jumbled, moods less jangled”.The other benefit to spirit is that reading grants people “the ability to focus and concentrate”, which becomes a social corrective to “metabolism and sensory overload of digital technology”, because those who indulge themselves in technology requires something to force them to be focused and have delayed gratification.Finally, in paragraph 14 and 15, Bruni talks about the joy of reading: as the connection reading can provide to people is not anything like watching a movie is able to offer.In order to prove the zealous love people possess for reading, he sites the line from the protagonist in a famous love story that “You read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.” People love reading want to share the zeal for it, because only those who read can feel the same addiction.All these are connected well to elaborate the value of reading to not only people’s brain and success, but also spirit and gratification.The combination of all these paragraphs provides the readers with a chance to see the 三立教育www.feisuxs
well-rounded and multi-layer benefits of reading, surely help the reader to deliver his idea.All in all, the evidence and source make the reader’s idea worthy of recognition, and the tactical reasoning appeals to people’s emotion and trust.These writing techniques contribute to a well-structured and compelling argument that reading deserves more attention and emphasis.以上相关信息由三立在线为你提供,希望阅读完以上文章后,你能有所收获,对学习有一定的帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线,专业老师为你指导讲解相关疑惑,为你的考试之路保驾护航。
SAT写作素材:The Crusades
Theme:both sides of an issue
Thesis:Everything has its benefit and its drawback
Subject:The Crusades
Detail: The Crusades, profoundly altering European history, were a series of attacks organized by Western Christians in order to take control of the holy city of Jerusalem from Muslim powers.Although they generally failed in their chief purpose, the Crusades exercised an immense influence on Western civilization by bringing the West into closer contact with new ways of living and thinking--stimulating commerce, giving fresh impetus to literature and invention, and increasing geographical knowledge.Example also serves:It is really impossible to fail.SAT写作素材:The Critical Period
Thesis:Every fresh crisis we encounter is an opportunity in disguise.Subject:The Critical Period!
The Critical Period was a decade during which the United States
underwent a hardship under the Article of Confederation.The Articles had weakness that hampered efficient operation of the gorvernment:with no provision for an executive branch,it lacked the ability to enforce laws that Congress passed,the Congress had no power to collect taxes,raise a
military,coin money,or regulate interstate commerce.The desperate condition of people was made plain by the Shay’s rebellion and several meetings held by some states to modify the tariff walls that had been erected by each of the 13 states against imports from any orther states.The new nation was
staggering.The Founding Fathers,who hoped to make America one place in world where freedom and love of humankind could flourish,soon realized the powerless central government under the confederation forms of country was undesirable and impratical.It turned out to the Philadephia Convention of 1787,which produced one of “the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man ”---The Constituition of United States.It established a federal forms of government that has a seperation of power among legislature,judicious and executive branch and a pision of power between states and central government.Further more,it sets a great precedent for future generations seeking liberty and freedpm as Amerca did.Example also serves : Dissatisfaction motivates people to change
Theme: Change
Thesis: The world isn’t always changing for better.Subject 1: Environment pollution & Economic inequality
Since the Industrial Revolution,our encironment has been in imminent danger.For example,a dramatic summer drought helped public focus their attentions on the greenhouse effect,a general warming of temperature on
Earth,which is caused by an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuels like coals,gasoline products and rapid
deforestation.Along with the rapid technology advance is the emergence of acid rain,ecological wasteland and natural disasters such as flood and
hurricane.Not only to encironment,but also to some people changes in today’s seemly progressive world are not always good.The booming America saw a growing economic inequality.In 2004,number of millionaire household in
America increased by 14% as the number of people living below the poverty line rose to about 37 million,including 15 million children.The annual budget passed by Congress in 2005 severely cut programs essential to strggling families,including child assistance and medicaid funding for the poor.Left in
such desperate condition, the poor could hardly appreciate these changesSubject 2 : Technology changes
Detail: In a culture which emails,cell phones and internet chat room have become everyday modes of communication,we are on the verge of breaking down all barriers to the complete and constant transfer of information.But if we seem to be moving toward unfetter union,we could also be seen more isolated as inpiduals than we have ever been before.Changes in technology
definitely make our lives easier,as shopping at home becomes easier than driving to the store,as meeting people online eliminates the need to spend a lot of time traveling,and as faxing someone a blueprint gets rid of necessity of meeting to disscuss a plan.However,the very techonology that purports to make connections and bring people closer together is helping them drift apart.One can absolutely recall some scenes which you was sitting alone in your bedroom busily talking to someone on msn whild rejecting the proposal to shop with your families or you was having lunch with friends while talking to someone else on your cellphones.All these convenient technologies including online services that prevent us from going out and meeting a real person,and cellphones that reduce the real human interaction,do not necessarily make us better.Example 2 also serves:The benefit of technology dose not always outweigh the cost.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882), the most popular American poet of the 19th century, whose works are still citedher dress caught fire from a lighted match.Longfellow settled in Cambridge, where he remained for the rest of his life.Longfellow's later poetry reflects his interest in establishing an American mythology.Among his other works are Tales Of A Wayside Inn(1863), a translation of Dante's The Divine Comedy(1865-67)and Christus: A Mystery(1872), a trilogy dealing with Christianity from its beginnings.The poet's 70th birthday in 1877 was celebrated around the country.Longfellow died in Cambridge on March 24, 1882.In London his marble image is seen in Westminster Abbey, in the Poet's Corner.人生礼赞 朗费罗