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英国文化 名词解释

英国文化 名词解释

第一篇:英国文化 名词解释

1.The Kiwi

It is the name of one of the native birds in New Zealand.It is flightless.In colloquial English the Kiwi,capitalized,is also used to refer to a New Zealander.2.The Open Polytechnic in New Zealand

It is the largest educational institution in New Zealand.Most of its students study part-time.It offers more than 700 courses in a wide range of subjects.Multimedia learning is one of its characteristics.3.The Bill of Rights in the USA

It consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.It guarantees freedom and inpidual rights such as freedom of speech,the right to assemble in public places,the right to own weapons and so on.4.“The Wizard of Menlo Park”

It refers to Thomas Alva Edison.He was the most famous of all American inventors.Among his many important inventions are electric lamp,phonograph,motion pictures and so on.As he was so clever and talented and his workplace were located in Menlo Park,New Jersey,he earned the title.5.Martin Luther King Jr.A black Baptist minister,he was the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.In 1963,King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream”speech.As a civil rights leader,King worked not only to end racial discrimination and poverty,but also to raise the self image of the black.Due to his strong belief in non-violent peaceful protest,King was awarded the Nobel Peace-Prize in 1964.He was assassinated in the city of Memphis in April 1968.6.The Strategy of Preemption in the USA

President Bush put forward the strategy of preemption.By preemption,when it determined that a country which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or produced weapons of mass destruction or has the potential to have such weapons,the US should use force to remove this threat to US security and should not wait till the danger becomes imminent or until the US is attacked.This has come to be known as the Bush doctrine.7.Early Jazz Music

It appeared in the southern New Orleans at the end of the 19 century.It was a blend of folk music,work chants,spirituals,marches,and European classical music.Instruments are used as a trumpet,a trombone,and percussion instruments like the drum,banjo,and guitars.Jazz developed into the 1920’s with two different styles,namely,the Chicago style jazz and the New York style.8.The Canadian Identity

It refers to something which is distinctively Canadian,different from other countries,and the very reason for making Canada so special.For example,two official languages of English and French can be considered as part of the Canadian identity.9.The Canadian Mosaic

Canada is a nation of immigrants.When it is described as a mosaic,it means that the immigrant groups do not have to throw off their old customs,languages and traditions.This resembles a mosaic of different cultures which overlap but do not overwhelm each other.10.The Inuit

The Inuit used to be called the Eskimo who lives in far north of the arctic climate by hunting.Today,some of these people still live this way;while others make a living through selling carvings and handicrafts.th



Heroic Couplet:a couplet consisting of two rhymed lines of iambic pentameter, and written in an elevated style.1.Renaissance:a revival or rebirth of the artistic and scientific revival which originated in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe.It has two features: a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature and keen interest in activities of humanity.2.Sonnet:14-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter.3.Blank verse:poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.4.Neoclassicism:the Enlightenment brought about a revival of interest in Greek and Roman works.This tendency is known as Neoclassicism.5.Sentimentalism:it was one of the important trends in English literature of the later decades of the 18th century.It concentrated on the free expression of thoughts and emotions, and presented a new view of human nature which prized feeling over thinking, passion over reason.6.Romanticism:imagination, emotion and freedom are certainly the focal points of romanticism.The particular characteristics of the literature of romanticism include: subjectivity and an emphasis on inpidualism;freedom from rules;solitary life rather then life in society;the beliefs that imagination is superior to reason;and love of and worship of nature.7.Lake Poets:the English poets who lived in and drew inspiration from the Lake District at the beginning of the 19th century.8.Byronic Heroes:a variant of the Romantic heroes as a type of character(enthusiasm, persistence, pursuing freedom), named after the English Romantic Poet Gordon Byron.9.Realism:seeks to portray familiar characters, situations, and settings in a realistic manner.This is done primarily by using an objective narrative point of view and through the buildup of accurate detail.10.Aestheticism:an art movement supporting the emphasis of aesthetic values more than socio-political themes for literature, fine art, music and other arts.11.Stream-of-Consciousness:it is a literary technique that presents the thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur without any clarification by the author.It is a narrative mode.12.Dramatic Monologue:a kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not given in the poem.13.Iambic Pentameter:a poetic line consisting of five verse feet, with each foot an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, that is, with each foot an iamb.14.Epic:a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated.15.Elegy:a poem of mourning, usually over the death of an inpidual;may also be a lament over the passing of life and beauty or a meditation of the nature of death;a type of lyric poem.16.Canto:a section of a long poem.The cantos can be a great poem

17.Ode:a complex and often lengthy lyric poem, written in a dignified formal style on some lofty or serious subjects.Odes are written for a special occasion, to honor a person or a season or to commemorate an event.Spenserian Stanza: a nine-line stanza made up of 8 lines of iambic pentameter ending with an Alexandrine.Its thyme scheme is ababbcbcc.This stanza was common to travel literature.18.Metrical Pattern: a lyric poem of five 14-lined stanzas containing four tercets and a closing couplet.The rhyme scheme is aba bcb cdc ded ee.文学史


1.《贝奥武甫》: the natural epic of the English people;Denmark story, alliteration, metaphor, understatements


3.杰弗里 乔叟):the Father of English Poetry;The Canterbury Tales《埃特伯雷故事集》(24stories)


1.:-the communication between more and the traveler which just came back from Utopia.2.the first English Essayist;Essays《随笔集》-Of Studies, Of Truth(philosophical and literary works)

3.first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.4.:Poet's poet;The Fairy Queen《仙后》(to Queen Elizabeth I)


Sonnet 18(Shall I compare thee to a summer's day)


1.:the leading poet of Metaphysical school of poetry;A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning《分离:莫忧伤》

2.Paradise Lost《失乐园》(a revolt against God's authority), Paradise Regained《复乐园》(how Christ overcame Santa)——stories were taken from Bible

3.the son of Renaissance;Pilgrim's Progress《天路历程》(imagination, shadowing, realistic religious allegory)



1.the age of reason, classicism, sentimentalism and romanticism(novels, prose, dramas, poetry)

2.:representative of English realistic novel;(the development of a young man from a naive and artless youth to a clever and hardened man)

3.(fictional, satirical-human nature, the European Government, the differences between religions, whole English state system)

4.:the Father of English novel;The History of Tome Jones, a Foundling《汤姆 琼斯》,satiric


5.:Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard《墓园挽歌》

6.:perfected in heroic couplet;An Essay on Criticism《论批评》

7.:pre-romantic;Songs of Innonce《天真之歌》,Songs of Experience《经验之歌》-London, The Tiger

8.:A Red Red Rose《一朵红红的玫瑰》


9.:Master of Comedy of manners;The School for Scandal《造谣学校》


1.《序曲》;I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud《我似流云天自游》;The Solitary Reaper《孤寂的割麦女》;features: poet of nature and human heart

2.the first critic of the Romantic school;The Rime of the Ancient Mariner《古舟子咏》

3.:vigorous, strong and beautiful;Childe Harold's Pilgrimage《恰尔德 哈罗尔德游记》(spenserian stanza, fights for liberty);Don Juan《唐 璜》(a broad critical picture of European life);When We Two Parted《昔日依依别》;She Walks in Beauty《她走在美的光影中》;The Isles of Greece《哀希腊》

4.Ode to the West Wind《西风颂》-赞颂西风,希望与其紧密相连;Prometheus Unbound《解放了的普罗米修斯》(the victory for man's struggle against tyranny and oppression)

5.sensuous, colorful and rich in imagery;Ode to a Nightingale《夜莺颂》;Ode on a Grecian Urn《希腊古瓮颂》

6.:Father of Historical Novel;combine historical fact and romantic imagination

7.wit, dry humour, subtle irony,realistic;Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》(Elizabeth and Darcy);Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》;Emma《爱玛》

8.《穷亲戚》;Dream-children《童年梦幻》;A Reverie《幻想曲》


1.summit: realistic novel

2.critical realist writer;humour, wit, happy endings;A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》(London & Paris, where there is oppression, there is revolution);David Copperfield《大卫 科波菲尔》;Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》;Hard Time《艰难时世》;Great Expectations《远大前程》; Dombey and Son《董贝父子》;Pickwick Papers《匹克威克外传》

3.: Vanity Fair《名利场》(to satirize the social more, decadence and corruption of his time;to criticize the values measured by wealth)

4.:novelist, her novels are celebrated for their realism and psychological insights;Adam Bede《亚当 比德》(social inequality);The Mill on the Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》;Silas Marner《织工马南》

5.: succeeded Wordsworth as Poet Laureate in 1850;Break, Break, Break《拍吧,拍吧,拍吧》;Crossing the Bar《过沙洲》

6.: dramatic monologues;My Last Duchess《我已故的公爵夫人》 7.:简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会底层,受尽磨难。但她有倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神。小说以浓郁抒情的笔法和深刻细腻的心理描写,引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见。扎根于相互理解、相互尊重的基础之上的深挚爱情,具有强烈的震撼心灵的艺术力量。其最为成功之处在于塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。《呼啸山庄》:描写吉卜赛弃儿希斯克利夫被山庄老主人收养后,因受辱和恋爱不遂,外出致富,回来后对与其女友凯瑟琳结婚的地主林顿及其子女进行报复的故事。

: Agnes Gray《安格尼斯 格雷》


1.: feature:past and modern, critical, realism, determinism;Tess of The D'urbervillles《德伯家的苔丝》;Jude the Obscure《无名的裘德》

2.: From the Four Winds《四季的风》;The Man of Property《有产业的人》;The Silver Box《银盒》

3.《华伦夫人的职业》;Pygmalion《皮革马利翁》(transform a cockney-speaking flower girl into a woman as poised and well-spoken as a duchess);The Apple Cart《苹果车》

4.: aestheticism;The Happy Prince and Other Tales《快乐王子》;The Picture of Dorian Gray《道林 格雷的画像》

5.《儿子和情人》; The White Peacock《白孔雀》

6.Virginia Woolf: stream-of-consciousness;feminist;To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》;Mrs Dalloway《达洛维夫人》

7.《尤利西斯》(stream of consciousness, a modern prose epic);Dubliners《都柏林人》



1.Renaissance:a revival or rebirth of the artistic and scientific revival which originated in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe.It has two features: a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature and keen interest in activities of humanity.2.Neoclassicism:the Enlightenment brought about a revival of interest in Greek and Roman works.This tendency is known as Neoclassicism.3.Romanticism:imagination, emotion and freedom are certainly the focal points of romanticism.The particular characteristics of the literature of romanticism include: subjectivity and an emphasis on inpidualism;freedom from rules;solitary life rather then life in society;the beliefs that imagination is superior to reason;and love of and worship of nature.4.Byronic Heroes:a variant of the Romantic heroes as a type of character(enthusiasm, persistence, pursuing freedom), named after the English Romantic Poet Gordon Byron.5.Epic:a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated.6.Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry;The Canterbury Tales(main contents;124 stories planned, only 24 finished;written in Middle English;significance;form: heroic couplet)

7.The Lake Poetsall lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century.As a group, they followed no single “school” of thought or literary practice then known, although their works were uniformly disparaged by the Edinburgh Review.They are considered part of the Romantic Movement.8.Metaphysical poetry is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne.9. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.It emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life.Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life,but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.、


Chapter One Land and People

1.British Isles

2.Great Britain

3.Lake District

4.Common law

5.The Church of England

6.the British Commonwealth

Chapter Three History

1.Roman Conquest

2.Alfred the Great

3.William the Conqueror

4.Magna Carta

5.Great Council

6.The Hundred Years’ War

7.Black Death

8.The Wars of the Roses

9.The Gunpowder Plot





14.The Bill of Rights

15.The Glorious Revolution

16.The Germanic tribes

17.The Enclosure Movement

18.The Industrial Revolution

19.The Reformation

Chapter Four Government and Politics

1.The British monarchy

2.The House of Lords

3.The House of Commons

Chapter Seven Education

1.Public School

2.Open University












17、丛书是将数人之书合为一编而别提一总名,以利学者系统览阅。清代乾隆年间编成的《四库全书》是丛书中的代表作。、中国古代丛书林林总总,最值得一提的是清代乾隆年间编纂成的大型从书(B)A《古今图书集成》 B《四库全书》 C《二十四史》、诗经分为(ACE)三大类。A 风 B乐 C雅 D礼 E颂、汉魏六朝诸子的代表作有(ACDF)A 《新语》 B《文馆词林》 C《法言》 D《论衡》E《玉台新咏》 F《淮南子》、2001年江苏自考卷:至今世界上页数最多的丛书是(D)A永乐大典 B《古今图书集成》

C 《康熙字典》 D《四库全书》(这道题出得无根无据,书上没有,可见偏度之大。)5、2001年江苏自考卷:《周礼》又名周官,是一部(D)A记录周代贵族礼制的书 B我国最早的诗歌总集 C占卜书 D谈论政治制度的书、2001年江苏卷:汉代六经中的《乐经》不存在,增加了(B)合为七经。A 论语孟子 B孝经论语 C孟子老子 D老子庄子、2002年江苏卷:诗经是我国最早的一部(诗歌总集)。、(孙子)是我国现存最早的兵书。、战国时法学家商鞅及其后学著作的合编是〈商君书〉。



第一节中国古代科学的伟大成就、世界公认最早的太阳黑子记录,是西汉成帝河平元年的记载。最早记载哈雷慧星的是公元前613 年,记于《春秋》(有星孛入于北斗)。、对现代天文学贡献最大的,要数新星和超新星的记录。最早记录新星是公元前134 年。、中国对日月食的记载,也是世界上最早、最丰富的。、中国早在五六千年以前,就已经创制了世界上最早的测天仪器,即浑仪。宋代天文学家苏颂设计的水运仪象台,沈括改综合型为分工型,元代郭守敬于1276年制成的简化的浑仪-简仪。、早在五六千年前,中国的先民就开始把天体黄道、赤道附近的恒性分为28个星区,每个星区各取一星为主,称为二十八宿。、战国天文学家石申著《天文》8 卷记录了121 颗恒星的赤道座标位置,这是世界上最古老的星表。
















15、新石器时代:距今约1 万年左右,人类进入新石器时代。新石器时代最重要的特征:原始农业的出现、陶器的制造、磨光石器的广泛使用以及村落出现、氏族制度的形成等。






21、永嘉之乱:八王之乱时,混战中的诸王招引匈奴乌桓、鲜卑贵族助战,大河南北从此成为匈奴鲜卑人的世界。晋永嘉二年(308 年),匈奴贵族刘渊在山西平阳称帝,国号汉。永嘉五年(311 年),刘渊的军队攻陷洛阳,俘虏晋朝皇帝,史称“永嘉之乱”。









