1:who is your favorite detective you know from TV or books?
2: I think it must be Sherlock Holmes.4:wow,I like him,too.3:how well do you know about him?
2: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived in a Victorian lodging house at 221b Baker Street between 1881-1904, accordingto the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.3:not bad.But weaker than me.herlockHolmes,the world's first consulting detective, was born
January 6, 1854 the descendant of country squires.He spent two years
at university before taking rooms in Montague street around the corner
from the British Museum.While at university he spent the long vacation with a friend, Victor Trevor, at Trevor's family home where Trevor Sr.,suggested Holmes make a profession out of his ability to observe.4:in addition, Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into more than fifty languages, and made into plays, films, radio and television series, a musical comedy and so on.By 1920 Doyle was one of the most highly paid writers in the world.:well, it is actully very popular and famous.nowadays, Most people like reading detective stories better than love stories.So how about you three?
2: in fact I love love stories more.4: are you a young girl?
2: of cause not.But I think I’m too old to read detective stories now.3:So you read love stories?
2: I think I can learn a sea of love skills at least.1: but you can also learn a lot of kill skills from detective stories!
2: I think it is not very useful for me……
1:who is your favorite detective you know from TV or books?
2: I think it must be Sherlock Holmes.4:wow,I like him,too.3:how well do you know about him?
2: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived in a Victorian lodging house at 221b Baker Street between 1881-1904, according to the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.3:not bad.But weaker than me.herlockHolmes, the world's first consulting detective, was born January 6, 1854 the descendant of country squires.He spent two years at university before taking rooms in Montague street around the corner from the British Museum.While at university he spent the long vacation with a friend, Victor Trevor, at Trevor's family home where Trevor Sr., suggested Holmes make a profession out of his ability to observe.4:in addition, Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into more than fifty languages, and made into plays, films, radio and television series, a musical comedy and so on.By 1920 Doyle was one of the most highly paid writers in the world.:well, it is actully very popular and famous.nowadays, Most people like reading detective stories better than love stories.So how about you three?
2: in fact I love love stories more.4: are you a young girl?
2: of cause not.But I think I’m too old to read detective stories now.3:So you read love stories?
2: I think I can learn a sea of love skills at least.1: but you can also learn a lot of kill skills from detective stories!
2: I think it is not very useful for me……
四人回过头回答:A君:没错(配音:大唐双龙传主题曲)B君:我们就是 C君:一朵梨花压海棠
4人一起:人见人爱,车见车载的机电系四大酷哥啦!A君:这是我们的证件。(四人拿出证件,分别是学生证 出生证 光棍证 拿一个出来说一个名字)
(报幕):唐伯虎四人休息了一晚,到了第二天,一大早便要求四大酷哥带他们到了广东路路通学院游玩,因为其他三位酷哥要上课.便由A君陪同四大才子逛校园.A君:四位才子,不知道你们想观看什么呢?我是知无不言,言无不尽.~~ 唐伯虎:其实我们此次受邀到这里游玩,不单是为了玩耍。而是要在这里了解一下新时代的校园,准备在江南开办一所古今结合中西合并的学院,学院的名字都想好了就叫(乱七八糟学院)。
A君:(动作:往前看。)排序:花花世界文学社团——东倒西歪舞蹈社团——拳打脚踢武术社团——各类社团是数不胜数啊? 动作介绍:
文征明:不愧是大学院!双截棍都有此等风采~~我看好你们哦~~~ A君:我也看好我哟!嘿嘿......不过,我是不会骄傲的。(动作:表情前面骄傲。后面严肃)
(动作:A君带四人围到桌子前)A君:这便是我们学院的骄傲,航天飞机零件都是从这里出的。周文宾:不知兄台所说的航天飞机是何物? A君;航天飞机,这个嘛 是——大风筝。这个大风筝啦!高度机密。(掉人胃口的表情动作)周文宾:可我看这物件好像锤子啊!
A君;很多物体看表面是看不出内在美的,比如,你看我觉得有深度吗? 祝枝山:不怎么觉得!
祝枝山;很有深度,的确!都60000度了。(道具:贴着60000度字样的大眼镜)唐伯虎:那兄台是否能告诉我们,此为何物呢? A君厚着脸皮道!!
A君;这刚才不是说了,是高新技术~是机密!(拿锤子的人抬起头说:这其实就是个锤子......)A君:原来如此,我个人认为,航天器上是需要锤子的 四人:动作............鄙视.........A君:好了,接下来带你们去吃东西,叫花鸡公司的产品.......土里土气鸡翅...........四人跟着走:边走祝枝山边问:”这土里土气鸡翅有什么名堂”........A君答:其实他还是鸡翅。落幕..........第三幕(送别)(报幕)了解了现代化学院,四大才子也游玩够了。赶着回去筹办学院的事情。四大酷哥亲自送别,听说还准备了礼物哦!听说是????保密中~~~ 音乐响起《你是风儿我是沙》音乐待定
四才子:各位,来了。(表情严肃,音乐响起,音乐待选)礼物有大盒子装着,里面放牙签 四才子郑重的接过了礼物。
四才子打开了礼物!(音乐~~~雷声 雨声 ~~~)四才子呆立 A君:四位才子,怎么啦!!唐兄??周兄???礼物满意吗?
四大酷哥:其实也没那么好了,小礼物,都是龙的传人嘛!(动作:拍胸膛!音乐《中国人》响起~~~~ 四大才子:行了行了~~~四位兄台,啥都别说了。缘份啊!祝枝山:BUS~~~(其实不想走响起)八人难舍难分~~~~~~~~~~~~ 落幕~~~~~~~~~~
Conversation M:Man W:Woman M:你好,下课有时间吗?
M:Hello!Are you free after the class? W:什么事啊?
W:Something wrong? M:我想约你一起吃个饭。
M: No, no, no, I just want to have a dinner with you.W:原来是这样啊,去哪儿吃啊?
W:I see, then, where will we go to have the dinner? M:在临江门那边,新开的一家自助烤肉,我们可以去尝尝。
M:In Linjiangmen, a buffet barbecue opened recently, we can go these to taste it.W: 那么远,还是别去了,我们去我们亲爱的食堂吃吧,便宜还近。W: It's too far, don’t go there, let’s turn to our dear canteen, cheap and near.M:食堂啊,食堂人太多了,还有一群小绿人跟我们抢饭吃。
M: Canteen, too much people, so crowded, and a group of “green people” rob our food.W:你说的小绿人是大一军训的吧!
M:What you said “green people” refer to the freshmen who are training? M:是啊。M:Of course.W:那好吧,这称呼倒挺有意思的,可是我还想减肥呢,太胖了。W:OK, It’s pretty funny, but I want to shape myself, I am too fat.M:减肥,你这么瘦,还减什么肥啊。M:Shape, you are so slim, how to shape? W:哪有啊,我们寝室的都可瘦了,就我胖,所以我以后不想吃肉了,除非等我再瘦下来。
W:Are you kidding me? One of my roommates is thinner than me, so I decide to stop to eat meat before I get thinner.M:不管怎么样,我都不觉得你胖,相反,我认为你很漂亮。
M:No matter what you are, I never think you are fat, on the contrary, I still think you are a beauty.W:谢谢你夸奖我,是去吃烤肉吗?贵不贵?
W:Thank you for you praise me, are we going to have the barbecue?Is it expensive? M:这么说你是同意喽!太好了,我发现女人就喜欢被人夸,而且还非常善变。M:So you agree with me, wonderful, I found that woman prefer to be praised, how a capricious girl!W:那是喽!谁不喜欢被别人夸啊,你们男生不也一样吗,对了,我们要去吃的烤肉贵不贵啊,好不好吃,要是不好吃的话我可不去。
W:Surely!Nobody dislike to be praised,including you boys, by the way, is the barbecue we are going to eat expensive?
M:五月一号到五月四号搞活动,58元每位,但是买一张送一张等值代金券,意思就是我们吃完一次,下次还可以再来吃一回,但是我也不知道好不好吃,新开业的嘛!M:During May 1 to May 4, they have the promotion, 58 RMB per person, while you buy one they will send you a equivalent voucher, which means that if we go there this time, we can go there to have a second time free, but I don’t know whether it is tasty, after all, they have opened a few days.W:听起来很有诱惑力,那就去他家吧!我们待会怎么过去啊?
W:It sounds very tempting, I decide to go there!How should we way to therelater? M:打车过去吧,几分钟就到了,怎么样? M:How about taking a taxi, for few minutes.W:我突然想起来一件事情,我过两天还要见老师,毕业设计也没做多少,我怕老师到时候批评我,我想抓紧时间做毕业设计,实在不好意思,要不我们改天再去吧!
W:Oh, it occurs to me that I will meet my teacher, but my Graduation Course Design has not finished and I want to finish my job quickly.How about another day? M:我能理解你,要不这样吧,我们这周末再去吧!M:I can understand you, how about this weekend? W:好呀!谢谢你能理解我,最近真的是太忙了。
W:Fine.I’m so busy nearly.Well you are so understanding and thank you.M:是啊,可是我们也忙不了几天了,现在已经五月了,等到六月底我们就要离开我们的学校了。
M:Yeah, but we can’t have too many busy days, and now is May, until the end of June we will leave our school.W:我觉得时间过得真是太快了,一眨眼,四年就过去了,好羡慕大一的学生,他们还可以在这儿待那么久。
W:I think that time has gone by really fast, four years go away for a moment, and I admire the freshmenbecause they can stay here for so long.M:哈哈,羡慕他们,当我们是大一的时候,我们羡慕即将离校的学长学姐,羡慕他们可以出去挣钱,再也不用上学了,所以,没必要羡慕他们,好好珍惜现在吧!
M:Ha ha, admire them, when we were freshmen, we admire the senior, admire they can go out to earn money, don't need to study anymore, so,it’s no need to envy them, cherish now!
W:嗯!我会的,在接下来的时间里,我一定要使每一天都过得充实,关心好身边的人。W:Well!I will, in the next time, I must make every day meaningful, care about the people around me.M:这就对了,好了,我们先上课吧,回头再聊。M:Okay, that's right, let's go to class, talk with you later.W:好的,拜拜!W:OK, bye bye!M:拜拜!M:Bye bye!
四人英语话剧剧本-The Rolling Orange The Rolling Orange讲述桔子的故事。一天早上,桔子一家醒来,发现人们开着卡车,搬着梯子,来摘桔子了,快来看看他们的命运如何吧。人物
Father Orange Klye:
Mother Orange Wallis:
Older Sister Orange Jessie:
Little Brother Orange
Characters Father Orange:
He is a middle-aged, considerate, and thoughtful man.Mother Orange:
She is a younger and more youthful woman than Father.She is also very optimistic.Older Sister Orange:
She is young , energetic, and competitive.Little Brother Orange: He is the youngest and, therefore, a little spoiled.SCENE I 场景一:果园
One Morning in an Orange Orchard.(Today is a sunny day.An orange family is discussing nervously about something on an orange tree in an orchard.)Father:
I was awakened early this morning by the sound of trucks in the field(yawning).Mother:
Well, it wasn’t the first time to be like this.Sister:
A whole bunch of strange men was brought in by trucks.Brother:
That really scared me.They got out and started to climb up ladders.Sister:
(Afraid suddenly)Oh!My friends were grabbed and put into large bags.I could hear them yell for help.Father:
Hey!We shouldn’t look at them;otherwise, they’ll notice us.Mother:
But it’s useless.Sister:
Oh, God!We’re discovered!
Oh!We’re being grabbed and pulled from our branches.What will we do for food and water? Sister:
It will be so uncomfortable going to town in that bag with a lot of strangers.Mother:
Well, we’ll just have to do our best.Father:
SCENE II On a Fruit Stand.(After having been on the road in a bag for half an hour, they are placed on a fruit stand.)Sister:
Gee!This place is so cold and desolate.I wish we had our friends here on this stand(looks at the opposite fruit stall).Brother:
I tried to make friends with these people on our way here, but everyone looked pretty uncomfortable and scared.(Suddenly)
Oh!Mother!How could they do that? Mother:
What are you talking about?
I know what she’s talking about(Brother turns to look).Father:
What did you see? Sister:
My friends were cut up and eaten.How could they do that? I’m so scared.Father:
Now, children, be calm.Mother:
Sh~ Someone’s coming.Father:
Try to be quiet.Sister:
I don’t want to be taken away.Brother:
Oh!My friend’s being taken away.Sister:
Your friend looks so fat.Mother:
If we look sour, maybe we won’t be taken away.Brother:
That’s a bright idea.But how could we look sour? Mother:
Now, children, stop being scared and calm down.Father:
Oh!No!I’m being looked at.Mother:
I told you not to eat so much.Now you look so fat and juicy.(Father is being taken away.)Brother:
Oh, no, Dad!
(Sadly)Good bye, children.Sister:
Oh!Dad’s being put into the basket and taken away.Mother:
Oh, no!Brother:
Stop that.Our father can’t be taken away.Mother:
Look, he’s being bagged and put into a cart.Sister:
Hey!The cart’s wheels are going out of the store.Brother:
A car’s pulling up.Mother:
Oh, no!His bag is being picked up.Sister:
But it’s breaking.And Dad’s falling out.Brother:
Dad’s rolling away.All:
(Jumping up and down cheering)ROLL!ROLL!He’s getting away.Sister & Brother:
Yip!Yip!Hurray for Dad!Mother: Oh!Thank God.