

My Dream is to Be an Interpreter

1.Why I want to be an interpreter.If I became an interpreter, I could go to many countries and went to different people and even made friends with them.I could help people communicate with each other and I could learn other countries’ history and culture, and at the same time, I can spread Chinese history and culture all over the world.I am very pleased to bridge the gap between people of different races.If I were an interpreter, I would have a great sense of success.2.What good qualities are needed to be a good interpreter.To be a good interpreter, one of the basic skills needed is a good command of Chinese.You should study Chinese all the time so that you can make your translation accurate and vivid.Second, you should have a good ability of listening so that you could respond quickly.You should be very knowledgeable in many fields so as to attend different kinds of meetings.In an IT meeting, you should not only master English skills very well, but also know the IT knowledge.In this way, you can interpret accurately.So many people say that a good interpreter is the expert in many areas.3.Who is my favorite interpreter.My favorite interpreter is Zhang Lu, who is the interpreter of Premier Wen Jiabao.She is very knowledgeable and experienced in every important press conference.I like her very much.She is very responsible and strong-minded.She always works until midnight.4.What I should do at the moment.Now I am a middle school student.I think I should study Chinese and English hard at school, and try my best to be the top student in each exam.And I should remember a lot of poems and sayings and English vocabulary.In my free time, I will need different kinds of books to increase my knowledge.At weekends, I can see some foreign movies.You know, I can learn a lot of things in the foreign movie, such as the foreign culture and the foreign language.It is very interesting.Sometimes, if I am allowed, I will surf the Internet to look for more information about what is happening all over the world and learn about the latest news about the world.I think all these things can help me to be a knowledgeable person in the future.5.What kind of treatment interpreters can get.Interpreters always have a good salary.They usually have 5 thousand yuan a day.But you know, although they can earn so much a day for one conference, the have to prepare for it about a whole week.Besides, they don’t always have chances to interpret conferences.Unlike teachers who always have 20 classes every week, their job is not regular.So they always earn 300 to 500 thousand yuan a year.But as you know, their job is such a big responsibility, so they are always having a lot of stress every day.6.In the future, which university you want to go to learn language.If i had a chance, i would like to go to Beijing Foreign Studies University, because it is the most famous language study university in China.I know a lot of famous people who had to study there, such as Yang Lan, He Jiong and so on.I really hope that I could hope that I could study in this university.7.What your parents think of your dream.Well, they really hope I could become an interpreter because it is a very stable job and I could have a strong salary and live a comfortable life.Besides, I can go to foreign countries to

broaden my horizon and they support me a lot.They always buy many English booksand movies for me, so that I can enlarge my vocabulary and increase my knowledge about the culture and history of foreign countries.8.Which one you want to be, a translator or an interpreter.I want to be an interpreter, because a translator just translates languages which are written on books, but an interpreter interprets orally.So, I also think to be an interpreter is more difficult than to be a translator.9.What difficulties you think you can meet when you interpret.1)If the speaker spoke too quickly or not clearly, I couldn't interpret.2)Even If I could understand it, but when I try to interpret it into Chinese, maybe I couldn't

not find suitable Chinese words quickly.3)When I go to meetings about different fields, maybe there are a lot of terms.10.If there are some disadvantages of being an interpreter.There are still a few disadvantages.1)This job is not very regular

2)I will be under a lot of stress.3)Although I can earn a lot of money for one meeting, I have to prepare for a very long

time for it.Questions for you to think about :

1.Why do you want to be a interpreter?

2.What fields are you interested in?

3.How to be a qualified interpreter?

4.What are some qualities to be a good interpreter?

5.If you became a interpreter, what would you like to do?

6.If you couldn't become a interpreter, what would you do?




Goodmorning , dearteachersandfriends!

My name isli zhen jia.I am nine.Today,I’m very happy to stand here,I will talk about my dream.Everyone has a dream,I have a dream that one day I can be a diplomat.I want to intrduce China to the world.China is a great country.My country is very beautiful.She has big mountains, long rivers and hardworking people.I love my country.Of couese I hope I can go to America, France, Germany, England…… And so on, I hope I can travel around the world.I know, to be a diplomat,I need to learn English.English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.I like English very much.Evevymorning, I read English.I often watch English cartoons.My favourite cartoon is “the cat and mouse ”.Rome was not built in a day.I believe that after hard study, I can speak English well.Where there is a will, there is a way.I belive my dream is not a day-dream,it will come true.I belive dream, I belive hope,I belive I can fly.At last, I want to tell the world, Diaoyu Islands are Chinese.That’s all.Thanks.(武南铁二小 李振佳)







谢谢!(武南铁二小 李振佳)



IhavebeenfondoftheaspiringspeechofMartinLutherKing.Jr,《 Ihaveadream 》, thoughIcann'tunderstandittotally , Ireallydidenvythepassionpassingonthroughit.It'sthepursuitofdream.,itishope , itisfaith , eventobebecomingstrongbelief.Regretfully , Iamnotadreaminggirl , never.Irarelythinkaboutmyfuture , maybeit'sbecauseIdon'tlikethinking.ButwhenIwasabout4yearsold , Ipaintedeverywhere , bed,wardrobe,wallandsoon.Thatmustbeverydelightfulandreallyahappiness.WhenIwas5yearsold , mothertookmetostudypiano.InthefirsttwoyearsIheldmyinteresttoit , finallyIlostinterest.ButIkeptonstudyingitforfiveyears , justfollowingmom'sadvice.Evenfromthebeginning , Ineverthoughtofbecomingapianist.LaterIenteredcollege , Ifounditistimetothinkaboutmyfuturelifeandmyfuturecareer.WhatkindofpersonIwanttobe ? WhatkindofjobIliketochoose ? OnceItoldmyfriendsIdidn'thavedream , shewasextremelyastonished , asifIwasamonster.ThensheaskedmewhyIcametoschoolstudy , whyIwenttouniversitycampus , thinkingforawhile , Iansweredbecauseothersdidso.Thatisreallyachild'sanswer , butnowIwouldreplyherthisway , inordertoliveahappylifewithmyfamily.Perhapsyoudon"tregardthisasadream ,butforme , thisisthethingImostwanttorealize.Toreachthisgoal , therearemanymethods.Iconsiderthesemethodsasthechoiceofmyfuturecareer.BeforeIcametoTianJingUniversityofFinanceandEconomics , Ievendidn'thearofhumanresourcemanagement.Actually , Iamnotsuitableforhumanresourcemanagementindeed.Idon'thavehighEQ , alsonotgoodatacquaintingwithpeople.WhatImostlackingispatience , Ialwaysgetanxious , andIcan'tmakemywordsbeataroundthebush , soIdon'townquiteaexcellentinterpersonalcommunicationskills , butitisoneofthe necessarycapacityasaHRMpersonnel.Anotherequally1

importantcapabilityistheright ,comprehensiveunderstandingofhumannatureandextensive socialknowledge.BotharewhatIamlacking , andIdon'tthinkIcanmakeupforthisinashorttime.Iamborntobeinthecharge.Inmanager'sleadership , Iwillbemoreactivetoaccomplishmyduty.IhavethoughttobecomeaChiefFinancialOfficersincelastsummer.InordertobecomeaCFO , fundermentalaccountingisnecessary.AlthoughIdonotlikethelengthyandcomplexaccountingentries ,Iammoreinterestedinfinancialmanagement.Facingtomoneyandallkindsofcapitalassets , Ifeelmoreconfident.Inmoderncompany , CFOisthemostimportantandvaluableoneofthetopmanagementpositions , masteringthefinancialinformationandthecashresourcesofthebusiness.Intheoperationprocessofacompany , CFOneedtocommunicatebetweenthefinancialmarketoperationsandtheinternalfinancialmanagement.WhyIeverthoughttobeaCFO ? IjustfindthatbecomingaCFOcanequipmeacomprehensivetalent.Broadrangeofvariousknowledgeishelpful.AsfarasIknow , CFOplaysakeyroleincorporatestrategy , notonlyinchargeofthefinancedepartmentspecially.Thethreecrucialrolesare :(1)operatbusinessfinanceinthestrategiclevelthroughfinancialmeans;(2)sellthecompanytoinvestors, namelyraisesufficientoperatingfunds;(3)achievecorporatestrategyatthelowestcostbymergingandpurchasing.SothesesetupthestandardsofaCFO , itisindependentjudgement , superiorsenseofbusiness, athoroughunderstandingofbusiness.Ilearnedthesecommonsensefrommyelectivecourse , butnowIfounditseemedtoodifficultformetomakeitcometrue , asthestudyingofmanagementandaccountingindepth , IammoreandmoreconcentratingontheintegrationofauditingandHRM.Thisseemstobeanemergingfieldofmanagement , andtherearefewpeoplecontributingtoitsstudy , somanyaspectsofthehumanresourcemanagementauditingcanberesearchedanddeveloped.NextIwanttotalkaboutsomeofmyunderstandingandcomprehensionoftheHRMauditing.HRMauditingistocheck,analyse,evaluatethehumanresourcemanagementstrategy , practiceandresultsinaccordancetosomeprofessionalmeans ,alsoa

processcheckingthefunctionofanorganization'shuman resourcepolicies,procedures,documents,systemsandpractice.ThisisacombiningtotheroleofHRMandauditing , onlybythiswaycanthepositionofHRMbeimprovedintheenterpriseandtheurgencyofpayingmoreattentiononHRM.Actually , humanresourceisonekindoflastingresourcewhichcan'tbeimitatedandhardtoreplace.Therefore , effective managementofhumanresourceisthereallong-termcorporatecompetitive advantage.HRMisalsothemostfundamentalonehand , determiningthe successorfailure.Humanresourcestructureisirrational , hardtomobile , low utilization , managersgetusedtofocusonfinancialmanagement , costcontrolandproductquality , whatweneedtocarryonistheanalysisoftheperformanceandbeneficialsofHRM.Weshouldnotonlyknowthe6W1H , alsoknowhowtheefficiencyis.Itmeanswemustanalysehowtheinputandoutputmatchesandfindmethodstosolveproblem.Thisjobisalsodecidedbypersonnels'interpersonalcommunicationskillsandtheprofessionalaccountingknowledge , combiningtheaccurateauditingmeasuringstandardstoHRMsubjectivemethods , theartistryofHRMconnectingtotherationalauditing,whichmakeitdifficulttoimplement.Aboveall , thebiggestdifferencebetweenconventionalandHRMauditingispayingmoreattentiontotheeffectivenessofHRM , bringingupauditingopinionesormanagementproposalsunreasonablefactorsexitinginHRMtore-arrangestaffeffectivelyandimprovetheeconomicefficiencyofenterprises.Thingsarealwayseasiersaid.Toimplementthistask , therearemanyHRMauditingtools , suchashumanresourcescorecard , humanresource index.1977 , theAmericanProcessorShusterdesignedthefirstHumanResourcesIndexQuestionnairebymeasureingstaffsatisfactionof15HRjobestogettheassessmentoftheenterprisemanagementperformanceandtheorganizationalatmosphere.IBMestablishedafeedbacksystemtestingand assessingofthesituationofhumanresourcesintermsofHRindex.HRscorecardarealsowidelyusedtotakeonquantitativeandqualitativeanalysisofpersonnelchangecost , staffreplacementcostandvariouseconomicbenefits.HRscorecardsupplyasolutiontoquantifythemeasurementofHRMcostsandgains , whichtroubledHRstaffallthetime.TherearefourstagesofHRauditing,ComplianceAuditing,SystemAuditing,PerformanceAuditing,Value-orientedAuditing.MostChinesecompanyarestillinthestateofComplianceAuditing , lackingoftheeffectiveconceptsofHRM.ButhowtoattachmoreattentiononHRMefficiencyonearth ? Theassessmentandevaluationindexsystemandcriteriaarefarmoreimperfect , andtheHRaccountingsystemaswell.Therearenotavaiblemodelsanduniversalstandardstomeasurethevalueofhumanresourceanddifficulttocarryoutfinancialaccounting.TheintroductionoftheFRAIPModelhelpsolveittosomeextent.TherearefivepartsofFRAIP,justlikesettingupastrategichumanresourceauditingbuilding , theroofisFunctionAuditing , thetwopillarsareRuleAuditingandActionAuditing , thefoundationisInfrastructureAuditingandthecoreisStrategicPrincipalAuditing.FunctionAuditing'smissionistomakesurewhetheralltheHRMfunctionssupporttheorganizationalstrategy.It'sthebasisoftheotherfour.RuleAuditingistocheckalltheHRMactionswhetherconsistentwiththeexternallegalrulesandtheinternalsystemsandprocessesornot.ActionAuditingistheprocesstorealizethewholeHRMfunctions.InfrastructureAuditingistheoperationalplatformofhumanresourcemanagement , andtheinfrastructuresincludeadministrationstructure , organizationstructure , positionstructureandthehumanresourceinformationsystem.Humanbeingisthedynamicstrategicresources , wemusttakeadvantageofthehumancapitalpotentialtothemaximumextent.Themaincontentincludesrecruitment , personnelmobilityfrequency , legaldisputes , informationsystemsandtrainingeffectiveness evaluation.Humancapitalisthefinaldeterminingfactorthatcontributestorealizingthevalueofhumanresourcemanagementfunctions.Infact , HumanResourceAuditingispartofHRM , actingacrucialroleincorporatestrategylevel , butitisunfamiliartonearlyallmanagers.Whatisthereasonindepth ? Oneistheoveralllowlevelofdevelopmentof enterprise , managersandworkerdon'tneedquithighqualityrequirements;On theotherhand , whatcompanyfacesisaoversupplyinglabourmarket.Companiesthatliterallyrisestrategichumanresourcemanagementtoahighdegreeofattentionaretoorare.Thefactis , manycompaniesdon'tholdaconsistenthumanresourcepolicy.Withrespecttothe

implementation oftheinstitution , thetopmanagementpersonnelsarealwaysthefirsttodestructcompanyinstitution.Incontract , thestrategictargetofHRAistooadvancedtoactitsmeaningfulfunction.Intermsoftheresults , HRAcanonlydiagnosewherethecrucialpointexits , notsolveit.Ithelpscompanyunderstandthemissingandtheneededimprovement , butthemissiontofindsolutionsbelongstothehumanresourcemanagementpersonnel , thatis , theHRAcansupporttheenterprisetotakeactionsintermsofthediagnosisinthemaximumextent , butthespecificmeasuresthatshouldbetakendependonfurtherdiscussionsandanalysesoftheHRMpersonnel.SothedifficultycomesroundtotheoriginalHRMproblem.Itisdifficulttocarryoutquantitativeanalysisofthehumanresourcemanagementactivities'contributiontocorporateperformance , sotheproblemscan;tbesolvedyet.ThisiswhysomanycompanieshavelittleinterestinHumanResourceAuditing.AlthoughHumanResourceAuditingholdhugepotentials , itswayofdevelopingisstillmuchtootortuous.WiththeissuingoftheLaborContractLaw , therehavebeensomelayingfundamentalstodeveloptheHumanResourceAuditingbecauseitmaybeenforcedlegally.Tillthen , theHumanResourceAuditingwillbedevelopingrapidly.Thisisalsogoodnewsforenterprises , theefficiencyofmanagementcanbeimprovedtoamuchhigherextent.TheideaonwhatIwanttodoisallaboutthis.Itisanoriginalblueprint , therearemanyaspectsformetothinkover.AsIlearnmoreandmoremanagementandaccountingknowledge , Iwillfindoutthedistinctdirectionofmyfuturecareer.ThisisreallyquitasenseofaspirationwhichIneverhavebefore , planningmyfutureandmakingmydreamcometruestepbysteparesatisfying.Andthisistherightthingtodointhiskeyperiodofmylifetime.Now , Icanalsocry“ Ihaveadream ”out.



My dream is not the most splendid, but the most ordinary one.I merely dream that one day I can be a good teacher and doctor to the soul.Perhaps my classmates may laugh at me, thinking my dream not worth mentioning, but that is exactly the job what I want to do.Here, I’d like to share with you some of my experiences.I used to be a “bad” student in middle school, hating books and classes.Teachers made me disgusting.Worse still, I was often skipping classes, which angered my head-teacher all the time.Then, you may have the question why I hated school so much at that time.I have a “big” class——There are 108 students in the classroom.When I first entered school, I made my determination to study hard, continuing my primary’s excellence.But, when I stepped into the new classroom, I was shocked.How could such a small classroom hold so a lot as many as 108 students!Then, the head-teacher came in and declared the beginning of my middle school classes.At first, I could pitch my efforts to follow my teacher’s pace.But later on, owing to a sudden impatience, I lost the rhythm of my teacher, and was unable to know what the teacher was saying.For fear of wasting time listening to the classes, from which I might acquire nothing, I turned to studying myself.From then on, I hated classes and teachers.What I wanted was merely a quiet surrounding where I could do self-study.So, when on sight of the teachers’ entering classroom, I would step out and tried to study on the playground.I was the most unique one, I think.When I graduated from middle school, I got high marks and ranked first in my class.But I didn’t feel proud, because I knew I had lost many.I didn’t have an overall understanding of my middle school knowledge.If I were a teacher, I would limit my class to within 30 students.In this way, I can alter my pace of teaching according to everyone’s understanding ability.Also, I can do some work for those students who now and then have difficulty following my pace.I didn’t encounter such a teacher in my middle school, so I want to be such a kind of teacher, helping to enlighten those who may have problems understanding their teachers’ classes.I also want to be a doctor to the soul, because I used to be mentally ill and felt great pain during the process.Just as I mentioned forward,I studied hard and tried every effort to pursue perfectness.I had no friends and the only duty for me was to study harder and harder.When I entered high school, problems arose.I found my head dizzy and energy exhausted.After the hospital’s identification, I found that I was mentally ill.Because of that, school arranged for me to stay in hospital for weeks.One day, my head-teacher visited me and told me that I was too anxious for perfectness.From then on, I discovered my problems.After leaving hospital, I tried to laugh all the time.I tried my best not to pursue a goal like crazy.I only did my best.Now, I am a sunny boy;I have a lot of friends.The most impressive impression I leave on them is that I love laughing all the time.Sadly, I discover many classmates neighboring me, more or less, have problems.Some are very sensitive.So, because I have a good teacher, I also want to be such a kind of teacher, lightening my students’ soul, making them optimistic about everything around.That is my dream, the most ordinary dream.I know even if I realize my dream, I can help only a small number of children.I have no regret, because I firmly believe that I have made a difference to them.I have lightened their path to shine.



Good afternoon everyone today I am very happy we can gather here to discuss the dream

As we all know everyone have dreams pupil's dream may be watch TV all day and get a lot of pocket money worker's dream may be get a high salary and so onBut now I will set my dream.When I was in primary school I had a lot of dreams such as police scientists astronauts and so on because I think I can serve my country if I do those

However when I was in high school I dream to be a teacher the reason is to be a teacher is very glorious and I respect teacher very much I think I will feel great if I teach students

But now I have more the short term I will study hard and take part in a lot of activities get a diploma and perhaps take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schoolsin the long term I dream of starting my own company I don't want listen to people and I want to be success

All right that's all about my dreams

Dreams of when I was in primary school

Dreams of when I was in high school

Dreams of now

may be my dream is not great but I still will tryFinally send a pome for everyone :Host fast to dreams

For if dream die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That can never fly

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen only with sonw!!

That's all Thank you!!


2012 11 11



