第一篇:双城记 赏析 英文
Full of romantic elements in the suspense novel---a Tale of Two Cities
1.1 Strong romantic elements in Dickens’ novel It is generally regarded Dickens as a realist, but not a romantic writer.However, French historian Kazha thinks that Dickens is essentially a romantic, he classified Dickens and the Bronte sisters as a romantic writer,to Thackeray called realists.His argument on the later research on Dickens is very enlightening.British novelist, George Gissing and Jester Dayton found the romanticism in Dickens’ creations, Gisssing think that Dickens and Shakespeare, are the supreme idealist, he even directly called Dickens a “romantic realism ” [1 ];Jester Dayton that shaped the characters of Dickens is not a person like“ God ”, he called England Dickens,“ the last myth of writers, perhaps the greatest myth of writers ” [2].Modern British poet T.S.Eliot said that “Dickens's characters and the characters Dante and Shakespeare, like, all belong to the scope of poetry” [2].Indeed, the spirit of idealism to the romantic way Dickens can never exclude.In his work, romantic love is often described;the struggle of good over evil is romantic;figure of joys and sorrows of life and death is often romantic parting.Specific to the “Tale of Two Cities,” the novel, Carlton and Pross complete of their noble acts are on the very romantic, even when Cruncher from bad to good are also very impassioned, romantic and exciting atmosphere.A Tale of Two Cities is a true reflection of the times that all kinds of conflict and discord, quirks, depression, vitality and their unusual wealth.Although the details of Charles Dickens described unique, the characters sharp and detailed observation of the external characteristics, he may be described as a “realist” is not appropriate.1.2A suspense novel with wonderful story Dickens is good at creating suspense..A Tale of Two Cities is particularly successful in dramatized the plight of inpiduals with personality conflicts by a good structure and the tense atmosphere in the social historical background.At the beginning , the writer didn’t tell us the reason why Dt.Manette as a prison for 18 years.When Charles Darnay ask to Dr.Manette that he want to marry Lucie, Manette seemed to be aware of what cause for alarm, again and again to stop Darnay, asked him to repeat the morning of the marriage;the same evening, Manette again fall ill, the spirit of it Lost in the days of the Bastille.Even wondered for a moment the reader, however, not be explained Dickens.Readers can not help asking: what is the link of Darnay's life experience and Manette? Until the end of the book, people knows the link of Damay and Manette.By use of suspense, Dickens make the Manette as a person who see the bright side of human nature, and bring a wonderful story and the beauty of works of art for readers.The benevolence spirit and in the novel.2.1The justification of the revolutionA Tale of Two Cities“ was written in the 19th century 50's, a period of rapid economic development of capitalism.The capitalist development brings evils and impoverishment of working people's lives lead the British society to the edge of the outbreak of a social revolution.As early as 30~40years in 19c , the working class to fight for political rights, on a grand scale across the country launched a ”charter movement.“ Which Lenin called asthe world's first broad, truly mass, political, proletarian revolutionary movement[3] And this makes Dickens clearly aware of the 50's Britain and 18th century French society is very similar.For this reason,he decided to create a novel set in the French Revolution to Criticize the British social reality, provide a reference for the contemporary English, it is the background that the novel ”Tale of Two Cities“ in 1859 come out.”Tale of Two Cities“ is a historical theme of the novel, but Dickens's focus is firmly targeted at the real life.Works of the late 19th century French and British social life, extensive descriptions of the French Revolution broke out to explore the root causes are to the French Revolution's various social crisis and the reality of British society together, in an ancient metaphor for the modern use of way, warned the British rulers of the bourgeoisie: the cruel exploitation and oppression, the people's extreme poverty is the root of the revolution, if not alleviate the suffering of the civilian population, then the current outbreak of revolution in Britain is inevitable.Novels to social conflicts before the French Revolution shows very detailed and real, whether in cities or in rural areas ”, hunger rampant everywhere“, the majority of the people to ”mulberry grass“ for the food, while the upper class is extravagant, bully Pa women, among the country do not see ”a face with any respect,“ unbearable oppression, the people are ready to ”hang with a rope and pulley to the enemy.“ In
1859, Charles Dickens On the ”Tale of Two Cities“ creative experience, said: ”I spent a lot of time and effort to create“ Tale of Two Cities ”, after numerous changes, finally satisfied.Able to repay my creation your effort in any way any money and other things, but the novel's theme of the meaning and the joy of creation is complete.“[4] Indeed, the deep thinking of this for Dickens, regardless of their historical significance revealed and social significance, or possess its own aesthetic values are worthy descendants mining and exploration.2.2 Forgiveness Thought and the benevolence spirit ”Tale of Two Cities“ is a controversial novel, the lower revolutionary image Madame Defarge of the novel impact assessment is an important factor.Liang Shiqiu said: ”Dickens read the card depends on which of the“ French Revolution ”, was deeply moved and determined to try to write a history of the Romans.Karay and sent two cars for his reference book, but most are not Charles Dickens Canada used because he did not want to write the history of the revolution have been Carey and the best structure in the former, not to write the necessary, as long as he captures the atmosphere of that era, with a story to illustrate the bloodshed will only lead to more bloodshed, only love can save the hearts of catastrophe.“[5] This is insightful.Dickens is the French Revolution as the only carrier to reflect the sharp class antagonisms and intense class struggle, as reflected in this class antagonism and class struggle has shown a wide range of people and human nature, the expression of specific events that goes beyond and have a more general sense of things.Dickens in the novel shaped the way Lucie, Manette ,Darnay and Carlton the ideal of humanitarian character, in that they embodied a kind of humanity as the core of the Christmas spirit.Best embodies the spirit of this love to be part of the British lawyer Carlton, purely for love, his unconditional practice the ”I want for you and your loved ones and make all the sacrifices“ of the promise, help Lucie's husband escape the prison to arrange a road away from the danger , while he replace Darnay on the guillotine.The Lord said: I am the resurrection, life is in me;believes in me, though dead, yet he will live;whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”intended to emphasize the spirit of Carlton's benevolence and altruism world forever.Conclusion
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens shows effectively the novelist’s aim to point out the injustice of oppression and the justification of the revolution.However, Dickens shows his strong criticism on the excess of bloodshed during the French Revolution, especially in his consideration of the innocent(like Charles Darnay)being punished along with the guilty.He feels that the old ways of oppression must be changed, and that much oppression and much misery inevitably lead to revolution, but when the revolution actually comes, he thinks that it is too violent and that the less bloodshed the better.The chief and the best portrayed figure is the benevolence spirit the leader of the revolution.
双城记英文观后感(精选多篇)第一篇:双城记 爱—幸福的基本元素-----------双城记观后感
ataleoftwocitiesisoneofdickens'smostimportantrepresentativeworksthenovelprofoundlyexposedthesocietycontradictionbeforethefrenchrevolution,intenselyattacksthearistocraticsocialclassisdissoluteandcruel,andsincerelysympathizeswiththedepressedclassesthenovelalsodescribedmanymagnificentscenesliketherevoltpeopleattackedbastilleandsoon,whichdisplayedpeople'sgreatstrength thenovelhasportrayedmanydifferentpeopledoctormanetteishonestandkindbutsuffersthepersecutionactuallylucieisbeautifulandgentlelorryisuprightandhonest,charlesisgracefulandnoble,,sydneyissemblanceofindifferent,innermostfeelingsofwarm,unconventionalbutalsoselflessandloftymissprossisstraightforwardandloyal,evremondebrothersarecruelandsinisterthecomplexhatredishardtosolve,thecruelrevengehasmademorehatreds,lovesrebirthinthehelledge,buttakethelifeastheprice asanoutstandingwriter,indickens'swork,thelanguageskillisessentialeachkindofrhetorictechnique,liketheanalogy,theexaggeration,thecontrast,thehumorous,andthetauntarehandledskillfully,andtheartistryoftheworkisalsodeliveredthepeakataleoftwocitieshasitsdifferencewiththegeneralhistoricalnovel,itscharacterandthemainplotareallfictionalizeswiththebroadrealbackgroundofthefrenchrevolution,theauthortakethefictionalcharacterdoctormanette'sexperienceasthemainclue,interweavestheunjustcharge,loveandrevengethreeindependencesbutalsoincidentcross-correlationstoriestogether,theplotiscriss-crossed,andtheclueiscomplextheauthoruseinsertnarrates,foreshadowing,upholsteryandsomanytechniques,causesthestructureintegrityandstrictness,theplotwindinganxiousandrichoftheatricalnature,itdisplayedtheremarkableartisticskillthestyleataleoftwocitiesissolemnityandmelancholy,fillsindignantion,butlacksthehumoroftheearlyworks 第三篇:双城记赏析英文
1fullofromanticelementsinthesuspensenovel---ataleoftwocities xxstrongromanticelementsindickens’novelitisgenerallyregardeddickensasarealist,butnotaromanticwriterhowever,frenchhistoriankazhathinksthatdickensisessentiallyaromantic,heclassifieddickensandthebrontesistersasaromanticwriter,tothackeraycalledrealistshisargumentonthelaterresearchondickensisveryenlighteningbritishnovelist,georgegissingandjesterdaytonfoundtheromanticismindickens’creations,gisssingthinkthatdickensandshakespeare,arethesupremeidealist,heevendirectlycalleddickensa“romanticrealism”[1];jesterdaytonthatshapedthecharactersofdickensisnotapersonlike“god”,hecalledenglanddickens,“thelastmythofwriters,perhapsthegreatestmythofwriters”[2]modernbritishpoettseliotsaidthat“dickens'scharactersandthecharactersdanteandshakespeare,like,allbelongtothescopeofpoetry”[2]indeed,thespiritofidealismtotheromanticwaydickenscanneverexcludeinhiswork,romanticloveisoftendescribed;thestruggleofgoodoverevilisromantic;figureofjoysandsorrowsoflifeanddeathisoftenromanticpartingspecifictothe“taleoftwocities,”thenovel,carltonandprosscompleteoftheirnobleactsareontheveryromantic,evenwhencruncherfrombadtogoodarealsoveryimpassioned,romanticandexcitingatmosphereataleoftwocitiesisatruereflectionofthetimesthatallkindsofconflictanddiscord,quirks,depression,vitalityandtheirunusualwealthalthoughthedetailsofcharlesdickensdescribedunique,thecharacterssharpanddetailedobservationoftheexternalcharacteristics,hemaybedescribedasa“realist”isnotappropriate xxasuspensenovelwithwonderfulstorydickensisgoodatcreatingsuspenseataleoftwocitiesisparticularlysuccessfulindramatizedtheplightofinpidualswithpersonalityconflictsbyagoodstructureandthetenseatmosphereinthesocialhistoricalbackgroundatthebeginning,thewriterdidn’ttellusthereasonwhydtmanetteasaprisonforxxyearswhencharlesdarnayasktodrmanettethathewanttomarrylucie,manetteseemedtobeawareofwhatcauseforalarm,againandagaintostopdarnay,askedhimtorepeatthemorningofthemarriage;thesameevening,manetteagainfallill,thespiritofitlostinthedaysofthebastille even(本
荐好:)wonderedforamomentthereader,however,notbeexplaineddickensreaderscannothelpasking:whatisthelinkofdarnay'slifeexperienceandmanette?untiltheendofthebook,peopleknowsthelinkofdamayandmanettebyuseofsuspense,dickensmakethemanetteasapersonwhoseethebrightsideofhumannature,andbringawonderfulstoryandthebeautyofworksofartforreaders 2thebenevolencespiritandinthenovel xxthejustificationoftherevolutionataleoftwocities“waswritteninthexxthcenturyxx's,aperiodofrapideconomicdevelopmentofcapitalismthecapitalistdevelopmentbringsevilsandimpoverishmentofworkingpeople'slivesleadthebritishsocietytotheedgeoftheoutbreakofasocialrevolutionasearlyasxx~xxyearsinxxc,theworkingclasstofightforpoliticalrights,onagrandscaleacrossthecountrylauncheda”chartermovement“whichlenincalledastheworld'sfirstbroad,trulymass,political,proletarianrevolutionarymovement[3]andthismakesdickensclearlyawareofthexx'sbritainandxxthcenturyfrenchsocietyisverysimilarforthisreason,hedecidedtocreateanovelsetinthefrenchrevolutiontocriticizethebritishsocialreality,provideareferenceforthecontemporaryenglish,itisthebackgroundthatthenovel”taleoftwocities“inxxxxcomeout”taleoftwocities“isahistoricalthemeofthenovel,butdickens'sfocusisfirmlytargetedatthereallifeworksofthelatexxthcenturyfrenchandbritishsociallife,extensivedescriptionsofthefrenchrevolutionbrokeouttoexploretherootcausesaretothefrenchrevolution'svarioussocialcrisisandtherealityofbritishsocietytogether,inanancientmetaphorforthemodernuseofway,warnedthebritishrulersofthebourgeoisie:thecruelexploitationandoppression,thepeople'sextremepovertyistherootoftherevolution,ifnotalleviatethesufferingofthecivilianpopulation,thenthecurrentoutbreakofrevolutioninbritainisinevitablenovelstosocialconflictsbeforethefrenchrevolutionshowsverydetailedandreal,whetherincitiesorinruralareas”,hungerrampanteverywhere“,themajorityofthepeopleto”mulberrygrass“forthefood,whiletheupperclassisextravagant,bullypawomen,amongthecountrydonotsee”afacewithanyrespect,“unbearableoppression,thepeoplearereadyto”hangwitharopeandpulleytotheenemy“in xxxx,charlesdickensonthe”taleoftwocities“creativeexperience,said:”ispentalotoftimeandefforttocreate“taleoftwocities”,afternumerouschanges,finallysatisfiedabletorepaymycreationyoureffortinanywayanymoneyandotherthings,butthenovel'sthemeofthemeaningandthejoyofcreationiscomplete“[4]indeed,thedeepthinkingofthisfordickens,regardlessoftheirhistoricalsignificancerevealedandsocialsignificance,orpossessitsownaestheticvaluesareworthydescendantsminingandexploration xxforgivenessthoughtandthebenevolencespirit”taleoftwocities“isacontroversialnovel,thelowerrevolutionaryimagemadamedefargeofthenovelimpactassessmentisanimportantfactorliangshiqiusaid:”dickensreadthecarddependsonwhichofthe“frenchrevolution”,wasdeeplymovedanddeterminedtotrytowriteahistoryoftheromanskarayandsenttwocarsforhisreferencebook,butmostarenotcharlesdickenscanadausedbecausehedidnotwanttowritethehistoryoftherevolutionhavebeencareyandthebeststructureintheformer,nottowritethenecessary,aslongashecapturestheatmosphereofthatera,withastorytoillustratethebloodshedwillonlyleadtomorebloodshed,onlylovecansavetheheartsofcatastrophe“[5]thisisinsightfuldickensisthefrenchrevolutionastheonlycarriertoreflectthesharpclassantagonismsandintenseclassstruggle,asreflectedinthisclassantagonismandclassstrugglehasshownawiderangeofpeopleandhumannature,theexpressionofspecificeventsthatgoesbeyondandhaveamoregeneralsenseofthingsdickensinthenovelshapedthewaylucie,manette,darnayandcarltontheidealofhumanitariancharacter,inthattheyembodiedakindofhumanityasthecoreofthechristmasspiritbestembodiesthespiritofthislovetobepartofthebritishlawyercarlton,purelyforlove,hisunconditionalpracticethe”iwantforyouandyourlovedonesandmakeallthesacrifices“ofthepromise,helplucie'shusbandescapetheprisontoarrangearoadawayfromthedanger,whilehereplacedarnayontheguillotinethelordsaid:iamtheresurrection,lifeisinme;believesinme,thoughdead,yethewilllive;whoeverlivesandbelievesinmewillneverdie”intendedtoemphasizethespiritofcarlton'sbenevolenceandaltruismworldforever conclusion ataleoftwocitiesbycharlesdickensshowseffectivelythenovelist’saimtopointouttheinjusticeofoppressionandthejustificationoftherevolutionhowever,dickensshowshisstrongcriticismontheexcessofbloodshedduringthefrenchrevolution,especiallyinhisconsiderationoftheinnocent(likecharlesdarnay)beingpunishedalongwiththeguiltyhefeelsthattheoldwaysofoppressionmustbechanged,andthatmuchoppressionandmuchmiseryinevitablyleadtorevolution,butwhentherevolutionactuallycomes,hethinksthatitistooviolentandthatthelessbloodshedthebetterthechiefandthebestportrayedfigureisthebenevolencespirittheleaderoftherevolution 第四篇:双城记英文读后感 mycommonsonataleoftwocities asweallknow,charlesdickens'novelataleoftwocitiesisanovelbasedonthefrenchrevolutioninthelatexxxxsinthatterribletime,everymomentwasfullofgreatfearbeforethatgreatrevolution,thecommonpeople,especiallythepeasants,werepoor,hungryandunhappythekingandthenoblemenmaltreatedthepoorinmanywaysbuttheyhadneverfeltalittleashamed,onthecontrarytheythoughttheycoulddobadthingsinthenatureofthings asanoutstandingwriter,indickens'swork,thelanguageskillisessentialeachkindofrhetorictechnique,liketheanalogy,theexaggeration,thecontrast,thehumorous,andthetauntarehandledskillfullyandtheartistryoftheworkisalsodeliveredthepeaktheauthoruseinsertnarrates,foreshadowing,upholsteryandsomanytechniques,causesthestructureintegrityandstrictness,theplotwindinganxiousandrichoftheatricalnature,itdisplayedtheremarkableartisticskillthestyleataleoftwocitiesissolemnityandmelancholy,fillsindignation,butlacksthehumoroftheearlyworks besides,thisnovelcriticizestheviolenceandoppressioninthesocietyinthisnovel,theauthornotonlyexpresseshishumanitarianismonthelovebetweenhumanbeings,butalsoexpresseshisviewaccordingtohiscriticstotheviolenceandoppressioninthatsocietytheauthor expresseshisopinionontwopartsfirst,hecriticizesthearistocrats,esptherepresentativemarquisofevremondesecond,healsocriticizestherevolutionariesinthefrenchrevolutionhowever,whenweseefromthedescriptionofthecouple,theauthordoesnotthinkhighoftherevolution whatismore,thisnoveladvocatesthechristianloveandself-sacrificecharlesdickens'novelataleoftwocitiesisessentiallyataleoflove,sacrifice,and,mostimportantly,resurrectiondrmanette,charlesdarnay,andsydneycarton,alldesperatemenleadingcatastrophiclives,makegreatsacrificesinordertoattaintruephysical,spiritual,andsocietalresurrectionforthemselvesandtheonestheyloveinthisnovel,theauthorportrayssometypicalcharactersthatembodytheauthor’sview ultimately,ataleoftwocitiesisessentiallyataleoflove,sacrifice,andmostimportantly,resurrectionthroughpersonalsacrificesorsacrificesforthosewhotheyloved,itshowsthehuman’svirtueandintegritybystrugglingfor,huntingfor,andsacrificingforabetterlife,allofthemaincharactersareforeverresurrectedintheheartsofthosetheyloveforever 第五篇:双城记英文读书报告 thereportoftheataleoftwocities recently,ireadataleoftwocitiesithinkthatit’sagoodnovel first,iwanttointroducetheauthorofthisbookhisnameischarlesdickens,heisanoutstandingwriterheisoneofthegreatestwritersinthexxcenturyhowever,hehadapainfulchildhoodhewasarrestedwhenhewasxxyearsoldduetohouseholddebthehadonlyafewyearsoflearningso,inhisearlyyears,hisworksaremoreaboutthepainfulchildrenhecriticizedtheblackofcapitalismandhadthesympathyforthepoornow,letmeintroducethisnovelthebackgroundofthisbookisthefrenchrevolutionbeforetherevolution,theyoungdoctormanettewitnessedtheguiltyofthefrenchmarquissohewasarrestedinthebastillebythemarquisaftertwoyears,hiswifediedhisdaughterluciewassendtolondonbyhisfriendslorryandadoptedbythemissprosswhoisamaidservantafterxxyears,hewasreleasedfromthebastilleandwastakencarebyhisoldservantdefargehisdaughterwantedtotakehisfathertolondoninthetravel,shemetthesonofthemarquischarlesdarnaywhohatedtheguiltyofhisfatherandunclethentheylovedeachotherandnow,charlesdannay’sfatherhaddied,somanettewantedtoforgetthepainfulmemoryandhopedhisdaughterhappysoheagreedwiththeminxxxx,francebreaktherevolutionallofthemarquiseswassendtotheguillotinebecausethedarnaywasamarquissothedefargereadthereportwhichwaswrittenbythedoctorthendannaywassentencedtodeathnowcartonwhoalwayshiddenlovedluciewenttotheprisonandhepretendeddannaysodannayescapedtheprisonandcartonwaskilledhowevermadamedefargestillnotgaveupshewantedtokilleddannay’swifelucieandtheiryoungchild;finallyshewasburnedbythepross afterreadthisnovel,letmeknowaboutthefrenchrevolutionithinkthepeoplewholivedinthatperiodwerenotluckythepoorwereverysadtheyweretooblindnessandiwasmovedthecarton,hediedforhislove,andilikehimverymuch 姓名:张喜华
Reading Report of A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles.Dicken(1812~1870),a famous English novelist, who only had a few years on the school.He become well-known writer, thanks to diligent self-study and hard work..He lived in the transitional period that from the semi-feudal society to industrial capitalist society of England.The background of the novel and the author's life has a close relationship between the times.In reality, Dickens himself had great concern to the French Revolution.His interest in the French Revolution began in England which is lurking in serious social crises at that time.The society of England in later the 19th century was remarkably like the France of later the 18th century.In the novel, with the broad real background of the French Revolution, it profoundly exposed the society contradiction between the poor and aristocrats.The poor suffered from overcrowding, hunger, repetitive labor and long hours of work.Poor peasants were exploited greatly by the aristocrats and they led a terrible life.On the contrary, the aristocrats shared luxurious material plundered from the poor.What’s more, the upper class bullied or even killed the poor without any mercy.So brave peasants rose up and fought against the aristocrats.From the novel , we can easily read about the author's thoughts.He intensely attacks the aristocratic social class which is dissolute and cruel, and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.About the content, the novel is mainly about three parts: the unjust charge, love and revenge, which are independence but also incident cross-correlation stories together.Dickens portrayed many vivid characters.About positive characters, Dr.Alexandre Manette ,who's experience is taken as the main clue by the author,is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually.Lucie Manette, Doctor Manette's daughter, is beautiful and gentle.Charles Darney is graceful and noble.He is a descendant of French nobility, but dissatisfying with his family's acts of oppression of workers and giving up inheritance rights of property, then he lived in London as a French teacher.Sydney Carton is a talented but cynical British lawyer,who's dual character, one that is both selfless and sensitive, as well as self-pitying and inconsiderate, that makes him one of literature's most fascinating characters.At that time he had began to love Lucie but he did not pursue her for one year.He loved Lucie, but he‟s afraid himself can bring happiness to her.He once told Lucie that“ „If it had been possible, Miss Manette, that you could have returned the love of the man you see before yourself--flung away, wasted, drunken, poor creature of misuse as you know him to be—he would have been conscious this day and hour, in spite of his happiness, that he would bring you misery, bring you to sorrow and repentance , blight you, disgrace you, pull you down with him.I know very well that you can have no tenderness for me, I ask for none, I am even thankful that it cannot be.’” We are easily moved by his sprit: “For you, and for any dear to you, I would do anything.If my career were of that better kind that there was any opportunity or capacity of sacrifice in it, I would embrace any sacrifice for you and for those dear to you.” He just buried his love in his heart deeply.when Darnay was to be killed ,he carried out his promise.In the end of the story , Carton was carried to execution ground, but he was quiet, for his Lucie
and her husband Darnay, he believed he had a splendid life and was worth of loosing his life.Sydney Carton saved Darnay and carried out his promise.Although he was killed instead of Darnay, he wouldn‟t die in our heart.For me, in fact, Sydney Carton made the best and deepest impression on me.And I believe Such unselfish deed was just the one that every reader wanted to appreciate.On the other hand, about negative characters, in the novel, without any hesitation, Dickens exposed what the Evremonde brothers had done.In order to own a peasant woman, the Evremonde brothers forced four innocent peasants to death.While they just signed a piece of paper then they could send anyone to the prison until they let him out.How decaying they were!What‟s more, the earls regarded the poor as animals not human beings.And once when his carriage knocked down a poor child, the aristocrat only cared about his own horses but not the young poor child.When he knew the child was dead, instead of fearing guilt, “It is extraordinary to me,' said he, „that you people cannot take care of yourselves and your children.One or the other of you is forever in the way.How do I know what injury you have done my horses? See!Give him that.' He threw out a gold coin……”.These circumstances made me feel the aristocrats are not human beings at all.How cruel and sinister they are.The author used various kinds of writing techniques, such as flashback(the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities), narration interspersed with flashbacks, foreshadowing, foreshadowing and so on.It made the Structure become complete and tight and the plots become tense and dramatic.Its style is solemn and gloomy.It's full of worried and indignant.What's a pity, in my opinion, the whole novel is the lack of humor.That is a fly in the ointment.The author also use lots of rhetoric.For instance, Dickens began A Tale of Two Cities with this famous sentence: “It was the best of times, it was the worse of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness;it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness;it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, …”It is a typical example of parallel structures.Ten used in conjunction by the “it was...” constitutes a sentence to form a perfect parallel structure(which includes five sets of pairs of dual sentence).It described the spirit of the era in which this novel takes place and was easy to take the reader into the specific circumstances at the time of that era.In addition, there are many a good sentences.For example, at the end of the novel, When Carlton was in exchange for his loved Lucie 's happiness with his own lives that he calmly embarked on a guillotine, and said that: It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done;it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.I was really touched by his great spirit.Many people think that love is selfish, but Sydney Carton tell us there is the purest and loftiest love in the word, although it is hidden in the deep of the heart , it is profound;although it bear a lot of torture, it make his lover happy;although it is to devote selflessly, it is not waiting for payback.This kind of love has reached a new height, it is beautiful with a little cheerless, it must become classic love.Another example, “Sadly, sadly, the sun rose;it rose upon no sadder sight than the man of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise, incapable of his own help and his own happiness, sensible of the blight on him, and resigning himself to let it eat him away.”(Book 2, Chapter 5), it‟s a theory of Sydney's view of himself.In conclusion, reading between the lines, I began to understand the position of humanitarian was important in Dickens‟ novels.He had a firm and obvious distinguish between mercy and evil.In A Tale of Two Cities, he showed deep sympathy to the poor.On the other hand, he strongly condemned the feudal aristocrats‟ behaviors.In the novel, we can read his thoughts that no matter the person was rich or poor, if his behaviors agreed with morality, it should be praised.If not, then it should be criticized.More important is we can’t deny that some of Dickens’ views about humanitarian are still worth appreciating and leaning today.That is, we should agree that humanitarian is important to us.And only“love makes the world go round”.
In 1757, young doctor Manette was suddenly forced to visit a patient by Marquis St.Evremonde brothers when he was walking.In the Marquis mansion, he witnessed the deaths of a crazy peasant woman and a teenager.And he was informed the inside story that for a moment of happiness Marquis Brothers killed the family.He refused the bribery and wrote a letter to the court to accuse them.Unexpectedly, the defendant got the letter and Dr.Manette was sent to the Bastille---one of the most terrible prisons in the world, by the noble Marquis St.Evremonde.Two years later, his wife died of sadness and his daughter Loucie was received by his friend in London.18 years later, he was released and Lucie came to pick him up to London to live.And on the way, they encountered youth Charles Darnay and got his attentive care.Charles Darnay was the nephew of the Marquis St.Evremonde, who abandoned the noble degree to live by himself.In the process of getting along, he fell in love with Lucie sincerely.For his daughter’s happiness, Marnette decided to let the past be past and agree to their marriage.In 1789, the revolution of France broke, and nobles were sent to death.In order to rescue his housekeeper he returned back to French in a risk.As soon as he got, he was arrested.Marnette and his daughter arrived after hearing this news.Due to Marnette’s testimony, Darnay was released.But just several hours later, he was arrested again.In court, a bloody letter was presented that was written by Marnette when he was in prison to curse Darnay’s family.Finally Darnay was sentenced to be dead.Just then, Sydney Carton, a lawyer assistant, who had been secretly in love with Loucie, came to Paris.He bribed the jailer, entered prison and replaced Darnay.Marnette,Darbay successfully.But Sydeney died.and Loucie escaped French
This novel shapes three deep figures.One is the Marquis St.Evrémonde's brother, as a representative of the feudal aristocracy, the only unshakable philosophy for them is oppressing people, and they are the object for the author to put pain and lash.Another is the revolutionary masses like Mr.and Mrs.Defarge.It must be pointed out that their image is distorted.For example Mrs.Defarge, she was born in a farm family who was insulted and persecuted by the feudal aristocracy, with depth regret.The author deeply sympathizes with her misery, and before and after revolution broke out
he very admire her strong character, best talents and special organization and leadership skills.But when the revolution further, it shows her cold, fierce and narrow.Especially when she went to the doctor's to search Lucie and her little baby, she is a bloodthirsty lunatic.Finally, she died in her own gun.The third type is idealized person: they are in the author's mind use humanitarian resolving social contradictions, use love overcome hate.Including Dr Manette and his daughter, Charles Draney, Sydney Carton, etc.Love can advance everything.Like Dr Manette's family was destroyed by the Marquis St.Evrémonde, but for the love of his daughter, he abandon the feudal hate;Darney is marquis's nephew, but he relies the guilty his family did, then he give up what he would get and determine use his own action to atonement.Those person one is victim of noble's tyranny, tolerate everything;another is the heir to the marquis.That is the love, almost their daughter and wife, Lucie, let them forget the sin.They make a happy life!It is an opposite way to solve the social problem by violence.The style of the novel is solemn, depressed, full of worried and indignant.As is common in English literature, good and evil are symbolized with light and darkness.Lucie Manette is the light and Madame Defarge is darkness.Darkness represents uncertainty, fear and peril.It is dark when Mr.Lorry rides to Dover;it is dark in the prisons;dark shadows follow Madame Defarge;dark, gloomy doldrums disturb Dr.Manette;his capture and captivity are shrouded in darkness;the Marquis’s estate is burned in the dark of night;Jerry Cruncher raids graves in the darkness;Charles's second arrest also occurs at night.Both Lucie and Mr.Lorry feel the dark threat it is Mrs.Defarge.“That dreadful woman seems to throw a shadow on me,” remarks Lucie.Although Mr.Lorry tries to comfort her, “the shadow of the manner of Mrs.Defarges was dark upon herself”.Mrs.Defarge is “like a shadow over the white road”, the snow symbolizing purity and Madame Defarge's darkness corruption.Dickens also compares the dark color of blood to the pure white snow: the blood takes on the shade of the crimes of its shedders A tragedy of the history 历史悲剧
Crazily, but truthfully, I finished reading the most part of the novel “A Tale of Two Cities” in just one day.Lost in the story, I felt like being together with the characters and experiencing the same exciting events.Soon it came to an end.To tell you my feelings, it’s infinite sadness and a strong emotion that can drive me to cry.The story is set in London and Paris at the time of the great French Revolution.It shows the causes of revolution and its effects on people's day-to-day lives.Before the revolution, the King and the aristocracy treated their people cruelly in France.The common people were extremely poor and miserable.The crops in the fields were poor as if even the land shared the misery of the people.And there were so heavy taxes that all the villagers had nothing to hand over at last.On the other hand, the aristocracy made their will as the law by using money and gold.There were no justice, no equality and no fairness.Just as what happened to Dr Manette, he wrote to the Minister to show the crime what Marquis St.Evrémonde had done, resulting in himself being arrested and sent to the prison Bastille without any reason.Then this situation of darkness was needed to be changed.As people such as the Defarges prepared and arranged, at length the Revolution came to break out.When the Bastille was captured and the King was tried and put to death as well as many other aristocrats, things didn't go on as what they had been expected.The situation stayed the same or even worse.The prisoners from the Bastille were set free while more prisons were filled with people who had done no wrong again.People who once lived on the bottom of class took the charge now and their heart had been full of evil.The only thing they wanted to do was to revenge.And these so-called “patriots” would like to see more and more innocent prisoners going to the guillotine and that's their joy.As the novel wrote, “In everything they did were merciless, for they had been hardened in the fires of suffering and the touch of pity could make no mark on them“.Equality and fairness is what people seek, which led to the French Revolution.As a consequence, neither equality nor fairness was got after the revolution.And that's the tragedy of the history.I was heavyhearted when reading what Sydney Carton said before death and I burst into tears finally.A Tale of Two Cities is a novel by Charles Dickens.The key events take place just before and during the French Revolution.The novel is set mostly in London and revolutionary Paris.In my opinion, it is a tale about love, tolerance and revenge.First of all, let's turn to love.It is the love of Sydney Carton that makes this book so impressive.When Sydney Carton hears that Lucie Manette will get married to Charles Darnay, instead of being angry, he promises Lucie that he would give his life to keep someone she loves alive because he loves her so much.This kind of love is beyond love itself.In the end, he keeps his promise.He exchanges places with Charles Darnay and is sent to the Guillotine.His sacrifice for love makes the story reach the climax.Besides, it is etched in the mind of all the readers forever.We can forget every character in this story except him.Then it comes to tolerance.The old man, Dr.Alexander Manette, father of Lucie Manette who cannot escape the memory of being held in the Bastille.However, He deserves our respect and admire.Though he suffers a lot of pain which is from the Evremonde Brothers----Charles Darnay's father and uncle, he doesn't change his qualities.He is kind and tolerant as before.He agrees on the marriage of Lucie and Charles and at last try his best to save Charles.Compared to the revenge of Madame Therese Defarge, the tolerance of Dr.Alexander Manette is precious and meaningful.Revenge comes at last.Madame Therese Defarge, a key revolutionist who seeks revenge all her life.She sits all day in the wine shop, silently knitting.Names of the enemies are carefully knitted into her work.She is very stubborn and unforgiving in her revenge on the Evremonde family.It is nothing to her that an innocent man was going to the Guillotine because of his father's and his uncle's crimes.She says:” all the Evremonde people must go to the guillotine.The wife and the child must follow the husband.“ How terrible and mad she is!
Dickens has a gift for telling about the aspects of contemporary society.It is common sense to regard a revolution as a progressive social movement which causes great changes in culture, economy, and politics.However Dickens maintains a special perspective on the French Revolution.The acts of violence done by the revolutionists are among the most memorable scenes in the novel.Castles are burned, laws are changed and the rich powerful nobles are sent to the Guillotine.The Guillotine cut off the heads of many, many people-the powerful and the cruel, but also the beautiful, the innocent and the good.The young woman who are sent to the Guillotine with Sydney gives me a great impression.She says:” I am innocent.I am not afraid to die, but I have done nothing.They say that the Revolution will do so much good for the poor people, how can my death help the poor? If it is true, I am willing to die, but I do not know how that can be." Yes, how can the death help the poor people? The revolutionists fight to win power, now they use it to kill more people, whether good or evil.Their violent actions makes the society more disordered.Everything has two sides, the same goes for the revolution.It removes something bad, laggard and evil, and to some extent it removes something good, nice and fair inevitably.