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London, 29-07-2011 Recommendation letter for Lee

Dear Sir or Madam,It is my pleasure to recommend Miss Lee who is one of my favorite students for her application to postgraduate studies in your university.I am James Spencer Abbey, the statistics lecturer in the London School of Economics and Political Science.I got to know Miss Lee personally when she was taking the course—Elementary Statistical Theory, having served as her class teacher and lecturer.As I observe, she showed great attitude in her English.She scored 7.5 points in her IELTS examination which shows that she has superb written and verbal skills and I feel proud of her.As we know even tutors incoming high school freshmen who are struggling with their English courses.She deserved the scores.In 2006-2008, Miss Lee has been achieved A-level certificate at Bellerbys College;she learnt professional courses, such as: Accounting, Core Math, Economics, and Business.Furthermore, she got 3 A's and a B in four subjects.After graduation, she was not satisfied with her present achievement and she started to study BSC Accounting& Finance at our LSE University.She performed activity in class and assisted me to do

research, and all the work handed to her completed satisfactorily.Through five years business study, she already found a solid academic foundation, which helps her further postgraduate study well.Apart from course work, Lee also possesses outstanding leaderLeep and extensive practical work experience.She performed Charity Team Leader of Chinese Scholars and Students Association at LES in 2008-2009.She worked conscientiously and responsibly, and involved in taking lead in specific events, for instance, annual volunteering teaching programme in Sichuan and Tibet, photo exhibitions, Charity Run in London, Charity Concert, and weekly fundraising events.One thing should be pointed out is that she successfully raised £1388 fund for the Overseas Chinese Students Children.In the event, she leading her peers to contact with many enterprises outside the university, gets support for school’s activities and Chinese embassy, so that she established well corporation relationship with Chinese embassy, sponsors and charity teams in universities across the UK.How brilliant she is.It is not everyone can do.She also worked as operator and analyst at Shanghai Launch Tech.Ltd during summer holiday in 2008;furthermore, she became a guider at Grant Thornton International – Hong Kong Member Firm in 2009.All these work experience shows that she owes analytical skills, interpersonal skills and ability to work under stress.Meanwhile, she is very cheerful, optimistic and independent.I really

consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable student.I am certain her diligence, coupling with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure her of academic achievements in her future academic pursuits.I strongly recommend her admission without any hesitation.If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me.King regards,James

The lecturer of LSE



美国商科专业分为一年半以及两年学制的学分硕士,是career-oriented的,另一种是大约2-3年国内搞科研的PHD preparation,可能需要写论文。至于美国商科奖学金发放情况,拿会计硕士来说,美国TOP100中有发放奖学金历史的,会有University of Notre Dame,University of Southern California,Wake Forest University,University of Rochester,Boston College,Case Western Reserve University,College of William and Mary,University of Miami,Southern Methodist University,University of Denver。





1、特殊政策。比如Stanford,很多院系比如能源工程等不管你什么背景,统统招徕读硕士,有的人自费,有的有全额奖学金。因为人家学校牛,不怕你中途跑了,怕的是你后面的PhD qualify exam过不了。先考过qualify,再谈读博士的事情。






在这种日益严峻的形势下,判断申请人硬性条件的标准也随之水涨船高。中国学生在考试方面的特有天赋和国内各种考试培训如火如荼的开展,不断的打破各个学校录取学生的GMAT平均分。700分以上的GMAT已是遍地开花,750分以上的GMAT已成为了冲击前五十学校的必要条件。以目前最火热的金融专业为例,从近两年的录取数据来看,GPA 3.5以上,105分以上的托福,和750分以上的GMAT,基本可以视为竞争前五十商学院的门槛。但硬性条件并不是学校参考的唯一标准,申请人所具备的各种素质都在学校的评估标准范围之内,包括全职工作经验、兼职或实习工作经验、专业活动背景、面试中的表现,等等。


商科的申请对申请者的全职工作经验要求甚高,尤其以MBA、金融、和会计最为突出。以MBA为例,虽然有的学校也宣称自己的项目欢迎应届本科生来申请,但查询录取学生数据时不难发现,录取学生基本都是具有一定工作经验的申请者。具体来看一下沃顿商学院的2013年MBA班的数据,国际学生的比例是36%,工作经验年限中间值是4年,平均GMAT 720。除开这样的顶尖商学院外,综合排名90的圣路易斯大学也明确要求MBA申请者要具备3年以上的全职工作经验。即便是对工作经验要求略微宽松一些的金融专业,具备优异硬性条件的应届生想要申请前五十的学校,还是相当困难的。


本科就读于国内知名高校,GPA 3.6,托福100+,GMAT 720,在美国印第安纳宾夕法

尼亚大学交换学习半年,有着丰富的课外活动经历,参加纽约联合国总部的国际大学生模拟联合国,台北模拟联合国等,并获得最佳代表称号,泰国渣打银行与泰国红十字会的Living with HIV志愿者项目,汇丰银行环球银行部担任实习助理……这是杜克大学MMS 一录取学生的真实背景,亮眼的活动背景和突出的硬性条件共同帮助该生获得了杜克大学的青睐。从这名学生的案例不难总结出优秀商学院是如何定义理想的申请者的。出名的本科学校、突出的硬性条件、国际化背景、丰富的活动、当然还有与上述出色背景成正比的申请文书。

四、越来越多的Waitlist Offer。

2012年的申请者们可能发现收到的waitlist offer越来越多。前几年申请5所学校,申请者可能获得1个waitlist offer,但今年收到2至3个waitlist offer已是非常常见了。究其原因,与申请人数的激增不无关系。商学院的申请一般分为几轮,少则两三轮,多则五轮甚至更多。学校审核每轮申请者时总会对后面一轮的申请者留有期待,从而对现在收到的可录也可拒的申请更多的愿意保持一种观望心态。Waitlist这个尴尬的设置,让学校有更多的机会来挑选最合适的申请人,但难为的却是我们申请者。面对这样无法抗拒的局面,申请者要理性面对waitlist,即不宜将waitlist等同于拒信,而完全放弃对waitlist学校的跟进和争取,也不可将全部心思用于让waitlist学校回心转意,而放弃了名气可能稍次但给予了录取的学校。申请竞争激烈可以说是每年申请情况的常态,对申请者的要求越来越高,但我们作为申请者也可以见招拆招,化解申请道路上的这些“拦路虎”。这里我给正在准备申请商学院的同学们一些建议。














收到了 offer,觉得自己应该把申请经历写下来,算是给后来的朋们一点经验,也算是给自己留下一点纪念吧。

先交代一下背景吧,我是 北京 211 院校(最烂的 211 学校 ^_^)的本科学生,学的是统计学(市场调查方向),偏经济方向一点,我们系也设在经济管理学院下,我不是什么牛人,成绩也很一般,大学前 3 年学积分(各科学分 * 各科成绩 / 总学分)83。一般的成绩,尤其是第一年的高等数学只有 60 多分,线性代数 66 分,还挂过一科!英语方面,四六级都 500 刚过,雅思 6.5,GMAT640。我是大三第一学期决定 出国 的,当时有点迷茫,最开始想去 英国,因此在 07 年 11 月份去新东方学了雅思,但之后又觉得英国不好,又贵,天气我也不喜欢。又考虑去 澳大利亚,但还是不太好,我正好有亲戚在 加拿大,最后就决定干脆去加拿大吧,毕竟有人在那边好办事一点 J。我 3 月份考的雅思,第一次还算凑和,6.5 分,每项都 6 分以上,但是觉得还是没有发挥出自己的水平(不是 考试 型选手……),尤其是听力只有 6.5 ……当时考完雅思,还琢磨着出国最好学个商科,于是跟着我们班另外一同去美国的 同学 开始学 GMAT ……由于考完雅思再就没看过,第二次考试成绩和第一回一样,我也就认命了…… 6.5 分的成绩也让我和 Mcgill 这种牛校说再见了。GMAT 考得比较曲折,当时由于奥运会,还有跟女朋友分手,两件事情搞得我学习进度受到了影响,本来打算 9 月份考的结果 10 月份才考完,分时还是不理想…… 640(数学 50,语文 27,作文 3.5),NND,反正决定去加拿大了,不念商科,继续学经济或者统计,就凑活着用吧。自己感觉把,留学 这事情能尽早准备就尽早准备,因为大多数情况,自己定的计划都会被拖延(至少我是这种人;-P)当时想 12 月就把所有材料的寄出去,最后还是拖到了一月,因此错过了一个学校的 deadline …… 关于 中介

北京的大小中介我也问过几家,其中有一个给我印象深刻,那人问过我的背景之后,斩钉截铁的说:你这样申请加拿大基本不可能,GPA 和语言成绩低了。我就问他: concordia 有没有戏?他说:绝对不可能,除非我找人让你去读 XX 项目来着…… 结果呢?我收到的第一个 offer 就是 concordia 的…… 所以说中介这东西还是仔细斟酌,个人建议还是不要找了。中介无非就是帮你写 推荐 信,ps 什么的,别的东西还是要自己办……去北美的话中介费至少 1w5-2w,有这么多钱干啥不成?

准备好了考试,就开始选校和准备申请的材料了。建议申请的同学都去看看《飞跃手册》和《 上海 交大留学手册》,对不太了解的同学是非常好的帮助,上面把申请的每一步都说得很详细。10 月-11 月我一直每天早上 7 点和考研的同学起来去图书馆占座,然后就上网查学校的资料。还好加拿大学校不多,选校方面不是问题,把大概能去的学校用一张 excel 表全部列出来,大概就是我这图片上的内容——专业、推荐信、语言成绩、deadline 等等,全部学校整理完之后可以用 excel 做个筛选,之后查起来很方便的。在网上看资料确实是很烦的事情,尤其是外国学校有的网站做的那叫一个恶心啊,字又小,我几乎每天眼睛都累得不行。如果有什么问题,不要犹豫,果断给小米发邮件,他们会很耐心的解答的。基本都能很快回复,有的学校磨磨蹭蹭一个礼拜回你也是很正常的。

通过筛选,我最后确定了申请 Guelph, Mc Master , Waterloo, UWO, Concordia 等 8 所学校,总共 13 个 program(向我们这种非牛人只能用鸟枪法啊)。之后要按照各个学校的要求准备材料,每个学校要求的可能略有不同,不过大概都差不多,无非 PS、Resume、References、成绩单 等下面分别说说: Personal Statement 最麻烦的东西,我构思就花了将近一个礼拜,大体构思如下: 第一段:总括开头,写明目的

第二段:谈谈兴趣是怎么来的,什么事情使我感兴趣的 第三段:学术情况,学习品质 第四段:课外活动 第五段:职业目标 第六段:学习目的 总结

Taishai 有一篇文章对我 ps 写作 的帮助非常大————

http:// 此外,我还看了传说中的《 How To Write A Winning Personal Statement For Graduate And Professional School 》。虽然有点老,但是内容和最后对教授的采访还是很好的。由于是自己写作,我的英文写作又不是很好,于是主要是以模仿抄袭为主 ^_^,我经常去太傻文书区,www.feisuxs 还有别的网站去收集创意和好的语句,用 word 收集下来。我先写了个中文版的 PS,然后再写英文的,最后然在加拿大的小姨找人看了看,从语言上润色了一下,就凑和着用了。个人感觉 PS 写作要义:无非以下几点: Answers —— 要回答学校的问题 Unique —— 一定要有特点 Honesty —— 要诚实 Present —— 立足现在

Expressive —— 语言有表现力

Resume 很 easy,找个模板套套就行,而且也不是所有学校都要。

References 加拿大的学校一般都要推荐表格,不过我也准备了推荐信,三封,系主任,副教授,实习时候的老板各一封。我也是全部自己写,先中文,后英文,这个就容易许多了。我参考了新东方的留学文书材料。个人觉得不要使用太多的牛逼词汇,把自己吹的好像爱因斯坦一样,太不现实了,重点是举出例子。向我而言,系主任那一封重点侧重突出我的创新能力和


写作的时候最好能够让每个老师的信看起来文笔不太一样,最后要有学校信头的纸打印,我们学校没有,自己拿 ps 做一个就行。成绩单、在读证明


在准备材料的时候一定要保持头脑清晰,千万不能乱,其实是很繁琐的事情,一会儿推荐信时间打错了,老师邮箱搞错了什么的。每天头脑头很乱,因此在前一天或当天早上我一般都把今天要完成的事情写在便利贴上,贴到醒目的地方。我当时为了清醒一点,把桌子收拾了一下,然后左边放了个鞋盒子,刚好能放下文件袋,然后买了十几个文件袋,用便利贴标明,每个学校、每个专业一个袋子,很清楚。然后自己做一个每个学校的 checklist,放在透明文件袋的第一页,准备好一个就用 mark pen 标明一下,就不会搞错了。笔筒里准备好剪刀、尺子、马克笔、签字笔,能随时取用。自己觉得相当有效率,哇咔咔。月初我终于准备好了全部材料,网上交申请 fee 的时候,突然发现老爸把建行的卡办错了,郁闷的不行,还好班里有一起申请的同学,我就用他的交了。第一次看到缴费成功,那叫一个激动啊!注意的是信用卡如果被 decline 三次就不能通过信用卡交费了,大家还是要小心。同学的信用卡是中国银行的,好像还不错。

剩下的就是把材料寄出去了,我 选择 的是 DHL,反正也不贵,125 一个,毕竟快又有保障,还是划得来的,一般 5 天之内就到了。而且加拿大的 post office 经常罢工,所以还是选择快递较好。关于陶瓷

怎么说呢,这是个尴尬的问题。因为我学的这个专业,半瓶子经济半瓶子统计,半个文科半个理科,那有什么实验室经验,而且又不是牛校,我自己寻思一下,找教授陶瓷也没什么好说的,自己的研究方向?我都不知道……最后一狠心,NND,不套了,爱咋咋地吧。经过慢长的等待,至今收到了 4 个学校的 offer(NND,McMaster 和 UWO 现在也没消息……)。很开心,毕竟这半年多很辛苦,个人认为比考研、找工作什么的烦多了,大事小事一大堆,一不小心就浮躁了。不过最后总算有了回报,心里还是挺温暖的。我还记得当时去问中介,中介说我希望渺茫,我就发誓,一定要让你们看看,我自己申也行。半年下来自己学到了很多,失恋、考试乱七八糟的事情掺和在一起让自己不知不觉的成长了,到最后回首申请的时候,我可以说没有遗憾,真的没有遗憾,自己尽力了,会收到好结果的。至于最后的 签证,我现在正在准备……也是相当麻烦……尽人事,安天命吧 ^_^ 最后我要感谢父母的支持、宿舍的兄弟 xiaoke,来二大爷,刀哥,辉哥,浩子,yxc,胖哥,cc,阿鱼,还有我在加拿大表姐,每天都跟我谈留学的事,帮我参考学校,开导我,没有你们我可能真的无法一路走来。

最后祝大家都能实现自己的梦想,从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌。PS:(目前就读Brock Statistics)

[ 本帖最后由 wwwjk366 于 2010-12-10 14:42 编辑 ]



模板 1:

Dear Mr ***

,I am writing to inform 通知you about the decision 决定to resign 辞职from my current 当前position.There are a few factors因素 involved.被包括

First and foremost,首先.Secondly, 其次 Last but not least,最后但不是最重要的一点.I would like to take this opportunity机会 to express my gratitude 感激for the rewarding experience that I have enjoyed during my employment.我想借此机会表达我的感激之情,我在这公司过的真的很开心

I sincerely wish you could approve批准 of my resignation, and I apologize in advance 提前for any inconvenience 不方便thus caused.占用


Sincerely yours

Li Ming 模板 2 Dear

,I am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as(as后面加一个职位,比如as a market manager,我相信我辞掉我现在这个职位,你应该不会感到意外).Though I have enjoyed working with you and other colleagues in the company / organization, there are a few reasons that force 强迫me to give up放弃 my current work.尽管我在这家公司和同事相处的很开心,但是还是有些原因让我不得不离开这里

For one thing,首先 For another,其次Moreover / Besides / In addition,此外另外

.I appreciate the plenty of help and encouragement鼓励 from you constantly不断地,and I am very sorry for any inconvenience thus caused.I promise that I will stay through the next month to help you find a replacement for my position.我非常感激长期以来你对我的帮助和鼓励,我真的非常对不起因为我给你带来的不便,我保证我下个月还会呆着这个公司帮你找到接替我职位的人。

Sincerely yours,Li Ming 离职原因

1、after two months, I do feel that it is not easy for me to get used to the extra work and night shift.2、the salary has proven to be much lower than you originally promised, and I have a large family to support.4、My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.本人离职的理由:希望在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经验。

5、My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.本人去职原因,是希望在广告业方面发展。

6、I am leaving our office to be with my mother and care for my aged mother in a distant city.我为照顾住在远地的年老母亲,而申请辞职。

7、My reason for leaving my present emplyment is simple because I see no chance of advancement.本人离职的理由是这样:本人深知无升迁的机会。

8、I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.本人希望在出口公司能获得更多的经验,故愿转职。

9、I am desirous of leaving the employment in order to improve my position and have more responsiblility.由于希望获得更高的职位负更多的责任,而离开现职。请求信

模板 1:

Dear ***

,I am WanYu.I’d like to ask if you have

/ can provide me with the information of

.The reasons for my urgent 紧急的need of

are as follows: 1)



.Therefore, I will be much obliged感激 if you can help me

.Please feel free to call me at for further questions.Thank you for your time and patience耐心, and I look forward to盼望 your prompt 尽快的 reply.回复

Yours, Li Ming

模板 2:


,My name is

, and I am

.I have made up my mind决定 to write to you in the hope that you can furnish 提供me with the information regarding关于


.At the present 目前I am preparing / doing , and am in lack of 缺少

that is crucial for the work / project / program.Therefore, it would be of great help 目前我正准备做某件事,但是我缺少某个信息,对于这件事那是很关键的,因此,你将帮我大忙了

if I can have your help for **.Please get back to me at your earliest convenience 在你方便时尽早as I have to ****soon.如果你能帮组我,请在你方便时尽早的把信息告知我,我好尽早的去做*** I am praying for your reply with full appreciation.我满怀感激期待你的回复

Yours sincerely,Li Ming


模板 1:


,I am very glad to hear that you want to seek寻找 some suggestions about 关于 in order to为了.From my point of view, 按照我的观点.Also, to you, I highly recommend 大力推荐that On the one hand, 一方面.On the other hand, 另一方面.Besides,此外 it is unnecessary 不合适for you to.Consequently从而, I believe that

.I hope that my opinions观点 are of help to you, and please feel free to contact me for more questions.我希望我的观点对你有帮助,如果还有别的疑问,随时可以联系我。Yours sincerely, Li Ming 模板 2:


,I am writing to express my views 观点concerning关于.In the first place首先, I would like to say thank you for the help and everything else you have been offering 提供to us.Meanwhile与此同时, I also want to make some advice 建议to better

.Firstly, we have found 发现that

.Secondly, we want to.Finally, we hope that

.I am looking forwards to your consideration考虑 about my proposals建议.Thanks in advance 尽快for that.Yours sincerely, Li Ming


模板 1:

To Whom It May Concern,致相关人员

I have learnt 了解from yesterday’s newspaper that you are employing 雇佣

.I wish to be considered as an applicant 应聘者for the position, and beg 请求to state陈述 my qualifications 能力条件as follows:

I am years old, a major student of University / College.某某学校某某专业

During my academic years, I have shown excellent performance and have been awarded first-class scholarship each year.In addition to my educational background, I have the rich work experience in the fields of

.Therefore, I believe I can be of value to your company.我上学那会,就表现出了我牛逼的能力,我还得到过一等奖学金,除了我的教育背景,我在某某领域还有丰富的工作经历,因此,我相信我会贵公司带来价值的

Enclosed 附上is my resume for your reference, and I shall be glad to call at your office if you desire an interview.Thank you.这是我的简历,方便你参考。如果你需要面试我,我将非常高兴。

Yours sincerely Li Ming 模板 2:


,I learned from my university BBS that there is a vacancy 空白for

, a position which I am very interested in.I am a senior student 大四学生from University, majoring in

.Under the influence of the courses I have taken, I develop a special interest in

Moreover此外, I have attained获得 a fair knowledge and experience in this field due to由于 my internship实习at

.It seems to me that all these have prepared me ideally for the role of

in such a company as yours.我是某某大学某某专业的大四学生,在我所修课程的影响下,我对某某产出了极大的兴趣,此外,当我在某某实习的时候我获得了一定的知识和经验,我所经历的事情已经让我充分准备好了在你这样公司里担任某某角色

For further information please refer to my attached resume参考我的简历.I should be please to attend for an interview at your convenience.Yours sincerely, Li Ming


模板 1:过去没有完成的事情 Dear

,I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing失败 to

.The reason is that

.I am sorry that I cannot finish

in time及时, but is it possible that I make up the loss 弥补损失by

? If so, I will put everything else aside to


I do hope that you can understand my situation 形势and accept接受 my apology.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 模板 2:将来不能做的事情 Dear

,Much to my regret 非常遗憾/ I am terribly sorry that I am unable to

.It is

mainly because at that time I will be full occupied占用 by

which is quite out of my expectation出乎意料, and that conflicts冲突 with your

.Therefore I am forced to adjust调整 my schedule 计划and cannot make my presence on your

.I sincerely hope that you will enjoy a good time.By the way, can we have dinner together some time next week? I hope to see you soon.I am really sorry again and I trust that you will understand.非常遗憾我不能做某某了,这主要是因为某某,所以那个时间段我又有一堆事,和你的某某发生冲突这真是出乎意料,因此我被迫调整我的计划,我不能参见你的某某了,我真诚的希望你玩的愉快,顺便说一下。。。

Yours sincerely, Li Ming


模板 1:


,I should like this message to be taken as an expression of heartfelt 衷心的gratitude to you and

.If it had not been for your assistance in giving me Aid救援帮助 and

, I fear 恐怕that

.During the

, you have given me generous help and continuous guidance by


Thus, I really appreciate

, and I hope that I may repay your kindness by

.Finally, I feel most obliged to thank you once more.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 模板 2:


,On behalf of 代表

, I would like to extend致以 our most sincere gratitude for

.We appreciate greatly your aid in not only不仅, but also而且

.It is said that 据说your

that we could enjoy such a wonderful trip / arrive at such splendid辉煌灿烂 achievements成就, and we will never forget your painstaking labor刻苦勤勉的劳动and full cooperation全力的合作 / warm hospitality.热情的招待

With this letter we would also like to formally 正式的invite 邀请you to

, so that

.WE look forwards to hosting you With personal regards.致意问候


模板 1:

To Whom It May Concern,致相关人员

I would like to apply for the master’s program in

department of your university, an opportunity that I have dreamed since

我想申请你们某某专业的硕士课程.To briefly introduce myself, I am a senior student majoring in


University.During my undergraduate study I have demonstrated证明excellent academic ability, which is reflected表现在 in my grades评价 and accomplishment成绩.I have attached to this letter my resume, a complete transcript成绩单, and three recommendation letters.我随信附上我的简历,一张完整的成绩单,三封推荐信。

I would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly consider my application.If you require more information, please feel free to contact me at

.Looking forwards to your reply.模板 2:

Dear Prof.:

I am a senior student in the Department of

, University of

.My major interests are

, and I understand your university has a good

program in those fields.Therefore, I would like to apply for a place at your

graduate school.研究生院

It would be great if you can mail me copies of the required application forms.必要的申请表格 Meanwhile, I also would like to apply for a scholarship, so could you please send me this application form as well?

Your assistance will be highly appreciated.I am looking forwards to hearing from you.投诉信

模板 1: Dear Manager,Last week I bought


at your store and when I got it home it did not work at al.When I tried to return it to the store, I was told that I could not get refunded.不能退钱给我

The sign标志 in your store says that money is returned within 7 days of purchase购买7日内 if any problem exists, and I did that within the said time.Thus I insist that I should have my money back by return the ** to you store。If I do not receive any satisfying response, I will further complain to the Consumer Protection Association.模板 2:

To Whom It May Concern,I am writing to complain 投诉about the poor service of your

I received when

.The reasons for my dissatisfaction不满意 lie upon体现 three points as follows: 1)



.Under these circumstances,情况 I find it difficult to

.I am sure that you are able to thoroughly understand my discontent不满意的原因, which you are bound to replace with a satisfactory solution.你一定会换一个让我满意的解决方法 I would be grateful if you could

as soon as possible.询问信

模板 1:


,I am writing to see if 是否it is possible for you to provide some information regarding关于.Currently, I am doing

/ planning

/ organizing组织, and am in urgent need 着急需要of the following things.First of all,.Secondly,.Thirdly,I would also like to inquire if

.If so如果可以, could you please

.Your prompt attention 关注would be highly appreciated, and thank you for your consideration.模板 2:


,I am

, and I would like to have some information about

.At the present目前, I am doing

and I intend to打算

.Therefore, I should be very obliged 感激if you would kindly furnish提供 me with details concerning关于

.Other than that除了那些, I also need

.I am expecting your reply with heartfelt真心的 appreciation


模板 1:


,I will be holding 举行某某 at在哪里 on几点钟 in order to为了做什么.As you are a Close亲密的 friend of our family, my parents and I would very much like you to join us in

and share our joy.The occasion 宴会等will start at 几点, and activities include 活动包括,and.In addition,此外 there will be

.I am sure you will enjoy a good time.My family would feel honored by your presence.Yours sincerely,Li Ming 模板 2: Dear ,On behalf of 代表, I would like to invite you to visit our university / my hometown for

.It would give us great pleasure if you could deliver a speech 发表演讲on the topic of during the visit, because

.I am sure that it would be immensely巨大的 beneficial帮助的 to


.During your stay in

, we would like to offer you with提供, which is free of charge免费.We would appreciate it very much if you could accept our invitation


模板 1:


Congratulations on your

.I know how hard you have been working and I am very proud of you for your achievement.成就

I understand for sure that it is your hard work / your excellent ability that leads you to the current success.This new position, on the other hand, adds a new dimension to your life 增加了一种新的层次的生活and is bound to肯定能怎么着

.What’s more, I also believe that

.May all goes beautifully in your new post!新职位 模板 2:


,Good news travels fast!好消息传的快 It was delightful高兴 for me to hear that.Please accept my sincere congratulations to your

.I have been watching your progress进步 with admiration 敬佩all the years这些年, and I know more than anyone else how much effort努力 you have put in.Now you prove to me a matured 成熟的and well-rounded能力全面的in every respect各个方面.Judging鉴于 from your current success / achievement, I am confident that in the future

.May all the years ahead fulfill your dreams!祝你在以后几年里实现你的梦想。



