第一篇:Man, nature and technology
Man, nature and technology
Man, nature and technology, which they have a closed relation.Man and technology or nature and technology, all of them are mysterious and important.In fact, we all know man can’t live without nature.But few of us know about man and technology or nature technology.As time went by, people live better because of the improvement of technology.Human beings are the smartest living things.People would come up with all kinds of ways in order to gain the better things.But everything has its two aspects.For example, in order to be convenient to get information and communicate with friends and family or learn, people invented the Internet and computer.To be honest, Internet is very important and necessary.We can get more information what we want on the Internet in a short time.Also, we can learn a lot from Internet.On the Internet, we can make the world smaller.But it is not good if someone is lost in Internet.If you use a computer to play computer games, it will be harmful for you.So man and technology have a much closed relation.To me, I think if we have more wonderful technologies, we can do a lot, such as we can know the earthquake in advance, we can explore the nature more deeply, we can make nature more beautiful, we will be more convenient and so on.In a word, technology is very important for us and it is very great for us.We should be thankful for the technological invention.I think
technology is more benefit than harmful for us.
第二篇:running man
100711 E01
嘉宾:李孝利,黄静茵 100725 E03 嘉宾:李天熙,具荷拉(Kara),宋智孝
100808 E05
100815 E06
100822 E07
100829 E08
嘉宾:Victorica(fx), 李准(MBLAQ), 朴庆奎 100905 E09
嘉宾:金秀路,申凤善,李弘基(F.T.Island)100912 E10
嘉宾:车太贤、尹世雅 100919 E11
100926 E12
101003 E13
嘉宾:Lizzy(After School)、张东民
101010 E14
嘉宾:Lizzy(After School)101024 E15 嘉宾:Tony An(H.O.T.)
101031 E16
101107 E17(在汉阳女子大学录制)
101121 E18(增加MC Lizzy)
嘉宾:Lizzy(After School)101128 E19
101205 E20(气象厅)(缺mc宋钟基)
嘉宾:金希澈(Super Junior)
101212 E21 嘉宾:金济东
101219 E22
嘉宾:崔始源(Super Junior)、金民钟
101226 E23
110102 E24
嘉宾:李京实 宋恩伊 110109 E25
110116 E26(缺Lizzy)
嘉宾: 李文植 郑振英
110123 E27(mc缺Lizzy)
嘉宾:郑允浩 沈昌珉(东方神起)
110130 E28
嘉宾:金秉万 110206 E29
110213 E30
嘉宾:胜利(BIGBANG)110220 E31
110227 E32
嘉宾:Tony An(H.O.T.)、金光奎
110306 E33
嘉宾:吴志浩 110313 E34
嘉宾:Uee 朴俊奎
110320-110327 E35-E36
嘉宾:郑容和(C.N.BLUE)、姜大成(BigBang)110403 E37
110410 E38 嘉宾:无 110417 E39 嘉宾:sunny 允儿(少女时代)110424 E40 嘉宾:玉泽演 nichkhun(2pm)110501 E41 嘉宾:朴重勋 李善均
110508 E42(宋钟基因拍摄电影停止出演)
嘉宾:许永生(ss501)(许永生不是嘉宾,只是任务的传递者)110515 E43 嘉宾:IU 申凤善 110522 E44 嘉宾:张赫 110529 E45 嘉宾:张赫
110605 E46 嘉宾:金贤重 110612 E47 嘉宾:金贤重 110619 E48 嘉宾:无嘉宾(实战篇)110626 E49 嘉宾:具荷拉 卢世燕 110703 E50(泰国特辑)嘉宾:Nichkhun(2PM)金敏静 110710 E51(泰国特辑)嘉宾:Nichkhun(2PM)金敏静 110717 E52 嘉宾:崔民秀 110724 E53 嘉宾:崔民秀 尹素怡
10731E54(守护BOSS)嘉宾:池城 崔江熙
嘉宾:朴智妍(T-ara)崔雪莉 Luna(Fx)裴秀智(Miss A)110814E56(女高中生特辑二)
嘉宾:梁静雅 安文淑 金淑 申凤善 110821 E57
嘉宾:申世京 车太贤 110828 E58(HipHop歌手特辑)
嘉宾:申世京 车太贤 110904 E59
嘉宾:tiger jk、尹美莱、崔子、DynamicDuo、simon d 110911 E60 中秋节特辑
110918 E61 中国(北京)特辑(上)
110925 E62 中国特辑(下)武侠志特辑
111002 E63(宋智孝因严重的过敏反应近期将缺席RM的录影)
嘉宾:少女时代(泰妍,徐贤,孝渊,允儿,Jesscia,侑莉)111009 E64 同桌特辑2 下
嘉宾:少女时代(泰妍,徐贤,孝渊,允儿,Jesscia,Yuri)111023 E65
嘉宾:金柱赫、金宣儿 111030 E66
111106 E67
嘉宾:金秀路、朴艺珍 111113 E68
嘉宾:金秀路、朴艺珍 111120 E69
嘉宾:崔民秀 111127 E70
嘉宾:孙艺珍、李民基、朴哲民 111204 E71
嘉宾:吴妍秀 赵慧莲
111211 E72 中国(香港)特辑(上)
嘉宾:郑容和、李敏贞(成龙以视频方式做任务传递员)111218 E73 中国(香港)特辑(下)
嘉宾:郑容和 李敏贞
111225 E74(圣诞超能力者特辑)
120101 E75(韩流特辑)
嘉宾:崔始源(super junior)、崔珉豪(shinee)、昭熙(wonder girls)、雪莉(f(x))、孝琳(sistar)120108 E76(杀手特辑)
嘉宾:池珍熙、金圣洙、李天熙、朱相旭 120115 E77
嘉宾:IU、池珍熙、金圣洙、李天熙、朱相旭 120122 E78(楚汉志)
120129 E79(福尔摩斯特辑)
嘉宾:尹道贤、金济东 120205 E80
嘉宾:高雅罗、林秀香、孝敏(T-ara)120212 E81(寻找记忆)
120219 E82(Spy Game)
120226 E83(包袱死守大作战)
嘉宾:李多海、吴志浩 120304 E84(对决战)
嘉宾:BIGBANG 120311 E85
120318 E86 第一届Running Man锦标赛
嘉宾:河智苑、GAEKO 120325 E87
120401 E88 Running Man密码
嘉宾:郑在型、BOA 120408 E89 Running Man密码(爱丽丝梦游奇境)120415 E90 热血男儿特辑
嘉宾:朴俊奎、朴相勉、李德华 120422 E91 刘士邦再临特辑
地点:韩国纽约州立大学 120429 E92
嘉宾:朴振英 千正明
120506 E93 Running Man生存战
嘉宾:Krystal(fx)、奎利、胜妍(kara)、泫雅(4minute)、秀智(missA)120513 E94
嘉宾:Krystal(fx)、奎利、胜妍(kara)、泫雅(4minute)、秀智(missA)120520 E95
120527 E96 超能力足球赛
嘉宾:朴智星 IU
120603 E97 亚洲梦想杯特辑(缺刘在石)
嘉宾:朴智星、郑大世、费迪南德 120610 E98 僵尸特辑
120617 E99 君王大赛
嘉宾:林湖 李泰坤
120624 E100百期特辑众神之战
嘉宾: 金喜善
120701 E101 寻找真金(上)
嘉宾:尹钟信 金范秀 尹道贤
120708 E102 寻找真金(下)
嘉宾:金秀贤(金秀炫)120715 E103 美女与野兽
嘉宾:申世京、卢世燕、刘俊尚 120722 E104 奥运特辑
嘉宾:含恩静(T-ara)、银赫(super junior)、郑容和(C.N.Blue)、nichkhun(2PM)、李准(MBLAQ)、尹斗俊(Beast)、林时完(ZE:A帝国之子)120805 E105
嘉宾:韩智敏 120812 E106
嘉宾:韩智敏、金济东 120819 E107
嘉宾:金相中,张申英Gaeko(代替GARY)120826 E108 光洙特辑(Gary生病,缺席)
嘉宾:孔孝真,李准(MBLAQ)120902 E109
嘉宾:朴泰桓、孙妍在 120909 E110
嘉宾:朴泰桓、孙妍在 120916 E111 花中年特辑
嘉宾:李忠原孙秉浩高昌锡申正根林河龙 120923 E112
嘉宾:李忠原孙秉浩高昌锡申正根金泰妍(少女时代)120930 E113 中秋特辑(拍画片特辑)
嘉宾:廉晶雅刘海镇全美善 121007 E114
嘉宾:文根英 121014 E115
121021 E116
嘉宾:池珍熙宋昌义池城 121028 E117
嘉宾:池珍熙宋昌义池城裴秀智(miss A)金瑜斌(Wonder Girls)
黄队:刘在石 Gary 金瑜斌 池城 121104 E118
嘉宾:崔民秀 朴宝英
121111 E119(超能力棒球)
嘉宾:秋守信 柳贤振 陈世妍 121118 E120
嘉宾:李胜基朴信惠 121125 E121(007黑色后台)
嘉宾:李胜基朴信惠 121202 E122
嘉宾:金泰亨 郑源官 李尚原(消防车)朴南正 姜修智金完宣具荷拉 121209 E123
嘉宾:高修 韩孝珠 121216 E124
嘉宾:高修 韩孝珠
121223 E125(圣诞特辑)
嘉宾:朴相勉 郑亨敦 Juvie Train 柳谭 神童
121230 E126
130106 E127
嘉宾:崔智友 李起光 郑容和 李宗泫 Simon D 130113 E128
嘉宾:朴信阳 严智苑
第三篇:Man or nature
1、Man or nature, which do you think is more
powerful? 1: As we all know, men can not live without the earth, at least for now.Nature has the power to destroy everything in the world.Therefore, to live longer, people are trying their best to find another planet to settle down.2: Perhaps it disturbs many people that, man or nature, which you think is more powerful.What do you think of it, 3? 3: I don’t believe that nature can destroy the world we live.If it blows down our buildings, we can build another one.The firm faith won’t be put an end, that’s the most important thing which nature cannot defeat.2: Yeah, I can’t agree more.The scientists are now exploring the universe to find a planet which is fit for human living on.Obviously, men are so powerful for their smart mind and never give up spirit.Nothing could beat human-beings.4: Well, I have something to say.Universe is a misery for us at present.What if we can’t find other planets to live on? Don’t you see that nature is punishing us in its own way.We have to watch the disasters happen but with nothing to do.1: Yeah, people have suffered a lot from the natural calamities.However, we haven’t found a proper planet.3: But I still hold the true faith that men can make it as long as they never give up.4: Everyone’s points of view differ.However, no matter which is more powerful, we should take measures to protect our own home.
第四篇:影评12angry man
第五篇:RAIN MAN鉴赏
电影Rain Man读后感
Never give up!
I have to admit that these two films “Rain Man” and “Scent of a Woman”, as far as now, are both pretty good films that I have never seen.After seeing them, I‟m so shocked and moved that can‟t calm down for a long time, since these two films contain too much things and enlighten me a lot.These two films, naturally, have no relation according to the entirely different actor, director and etc.However, to my surprise, after comparing them, I find they have plenty of similarities in fact, which are mainly reflected on four parts.1.The process of the film
First of all, they‟re same in the development of the time and space.On the one hand, these two films happen in a week or so and are developed by the same time sequence.On the other hand, these two films both describe actors have a journey from one place to the other, but they go back the initial place finally.In “Scent of a Woman”, after the journey to New York, finally the colonel goes back home and Charlie Simms goes back to school again.In “Rain Man”, Raymond and Charlie also go back their own home.Then, about the content, they also have many same aspects.Both of these two films use two men as leading roles, Raymond Babbitt and Charlie Babbitt, Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade and Charlie Simms, and describe the whole process of knowing each well between them.During this process, they help each other and gradually finish an important change in their lives.In “Rain Man”, Charlie picks up family affection and gets new hope of life, and Raymond touches others and the outside world for the first time.In “Scent of a Woman”, the colonel finally overcomes the obstacle in his deep heart and picks up the courage of life again.In the meanwhile, Charlie gets the feeling such like the son gets love and protection from his father for the first time.2.Passions in the film
After seeing these two films, I‟m deeply touched by the brotherhood in “Rain Man”, and the friendship and even some passions just like the feeling of father and son in “Scent of a Woman”.In “Rain Man”, at the beginning, Charlie doesn‟t know he has a brother at all.However, he has a deep memory of a person, Rain Man.And he often gets crazy because of Raymond„s behaviors, but after the journey he gradually finds his big brother,who wants to protect him all the time through his cross-chatter, is Rain Man.Charlie loves his big brother so deeply, and even kisses him.Especially, the last scene in the film that Charlie is unwilling to let my brother go at the train station let me tear unconsciously.In “Scent of a Woman”, at the beginning, Charlie and the colonel also are strangers, even Charlie feels afraid with the colonel.But after the journey, the special passion between them is produced, for they help and
understand each other during the process.All of these let me see the beauty of humans and change my former attitude toward the nature of humans.I feel the truth that
humans are emotional creatures, without emotion we will be like helpless orphans.All of these let me see the beauty of humans and change my former attitude toward the nature of humans.We should be willing to trust others and sincerely treat others.Even if you‟re just strangers now, but after getting along with each other, you‟ll get
unexpected surprise that he already has become an important part in your life.We can learn a lot from each other.3.The fate of heroes
Whether “Rain Man” or “Scent of a Woman”, both of them design one hero is disabled, and he waits for someone to help him change and start a new beginning.And the other hero also gets into trouble and right faces the crossroad of life, in the same way, he also hopes someone to help him get out of these.Of course, at last, they meet each other and help each other unexpectedly.In “Rain Man”, Raymond is an autistic man who nearly never feels love from family, and Charlie who cares only about money and faces with trouble of his business.After the journey, Raymond changes Charlie and let him know that the brotherhood that is more important than money.In “Scent of a Woman”, the colonel who is blind because of an accident loses the courage of life.It‟s Charlie who changes him and help him get away from the his pain.In these two films heroes, who have similar fate, help each other, and influence each other.4.The truth of life in these two films
This part is my favorite, since it shocks me immensely to my attitude of life.The most important I learned is that never to give up because the God must open a window for you while closing your door.Each hero in films meets trouble in their own life, and they feel confused, desperate, and hopeless.However, they don‟t give up finally and overcome themselves.They are winners because they are brave to face anything meets them.Therefore, we should believe that there is always a way out when we‟re in trouble.We should have optimistic attitude toward our lives.In addition, I think our lives should be filled with windings and trouble, so that our lives can be colorful and worthy instead of tedious.The other truth I learned is about the relationship between people.It reminds me of a sentence written by Shakespeare that love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.Only by this way can we win respect and favors from others, and feel the beauty of the life.These two films are so successful that influence and touch lots of people.They inspire me to love my life and every person who appears in my life, and trust life.Never give up!