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Ways of Taking to Strangers

Up until a year ago I saw the world as a place where very few doors opened for me.At first I thought it was due to bing extremely introverted.But as time went on, I started to straggle with making friends I started talking to strangers on my college campus and in the city because I was tried of staying on the sidelines.It was scary for a naturally timid person like me, but I decided to fight the fear.Great things come to those who are willing to risk rejection and put

themselves out there.After two months of doing this, Imade some great friends, simply by starting conversations.After of these interactions allowed me to understand how to engage with people.For example, I learned that tone and body language are more important than saying the right thing.Through my experiences, I learned that people are usually friendly and happy to talk to you.I feel happier knowing that I have the power to talk to whomever I want to.More opportunities arrived by networking with others.Here are some ways I learned about turning strangers into friends.Firstly, say the magic word: “Hi ”.It sounds so obvious, but it's the big barrier.You have to use that magic word to start a conversation.I noticed that people are welcoming after you break the ice.It's not something that everyone wants to do because it takes some curage to go uo to someone you're never met before and start a conversation.However, more people are more welcoming than we generally expect.When you encounter someone who isn't, remember, that someone else will be.Secondly, detach yourself from the outcome.When you don't expect any outcome, you won't be disappointed or offered if someone doesn't respond to you.What's more, tolerate rejection.If they reject you, it does not mean they do reject you.It is about where they are ai mentally, so do not take it personally.If they passed up on the opportunity to connect with you, then they missed out on something great.Forthly, don't mind what strangers thinking about.This is your life, and you have the right to talk to whomever you wan to talk to.Not everyone is that open.Allow them to be how they are and think how they do, without letting it challenge your courage.Fifthly, if you feel the fear, do it anyway.One of the best ways to combat the fear is to do it

repeatedly.Push through the fear and it will start to feel more naturally.Finally, practice.Don't worry if you seem a little awkward or aggressive at first.If your intentions are authentic, you will come across that way more and more each time you try.These tips are my ways of talking ro strangers.


Ways of Taking to Strangers Up until a year ago I saw the world as a place where very few doors opened for me.At first I thought it was due to bing extremely introverted.But as time went on, I started to straggle with making friends I started talking to strangers on my college campus and in the city because I was tried of staying on the sidelines.It was scary for a naturally timid person like me, but I decided to fight the fear.Great things come to those who are willing to risk rejection and put themselves out there.After two months of doing this, Imade some great friends, simply by starting conversations.After of these interactions allowed me to understand how to engage with people.For example, I learned that tone and body language are more important than saying the right thing.Through my experiences, I learned that people are usually friendly and happy to talk to you.I feel happier knowing that I have the power to talk to whomever I want to.More opportunities arrived by networking with others.Here are some ways I learned about turning strangers into friends.Firstly, say the magic word: “Hi ”.It sounds so obvious, but it's the big barrier.You have to use that magic word to start a conversation.I noticed that people are welcoming after you break the ice.It's not something that everyone wants to do because it takes some curage to go uo to someone you're never met before and start a conversation.However, more people are more welcoming than we generally expect.When you encounter someone who isn't, remember, that someone else will be.Secondly, detach yourself from the outcome.When you don't expect any outcome, you won't be disappointed or offered if someone doesn't respond to you.What's more, tolerate rejection.If they reject you, it does not mean they do reject you.It is about where they are ai mentally, so do not take it personally.If they passed up on the opportunity to connect with you, then they missed out on something great.Forthly, don't mind what strangers thinking about.This is your life, and you have the right to talk to whomever you wan to talk to.Not everyone is that open.Allow them to be how they are and think how they do, without letting it challenge your courage.Fifthly, if you feel the fear, do it anyway.One of the best ways to combat the fear is to do it repeatedly.Push through the fear and it will start to feel more naturally.Finally, practice.Don't worry if you seem a little awkward or aggressive at first.If your intentions are authentic, you will come across that way more and more each time you try.These tips are my ways of talking ro strangers.


















第四篇:帮助陌生人 英语作文


1. What do you think of the examples? 2. How can we prevent this indifference? 3. How to make yourself different? 4. How do your family members think of the declining social morality? Answers: In these given examples, many people pass by someone who need help, while didn’t give them a hand.And these examples are not single, but happened almost everywhere.The problem may not because people do not have sympathy, but worry about get into trouble.Before they give the strangers help the may fist think” if the strangers will do harm to me? There are always many cheaters” but not “the people need help, I should give him a hand”.They always think about themselves first.Now many of us have recognized the problem and given their own advances.Most of the advances are about legislating a law to punish those who don’t give others help.But I think this is not the best way.On the one hand, it's too sorrowful to see that we should depend on legislation to solve the problem about morality.This is the degeneration of humanity.On the other hand, a law can’t solve the problem totally because it can’t change people’s mind.We shouldn’t try to punish someone but to rebuild a environment to help each other.For example, the parents should teach their children to help people who need help, but not to teach them get away from troubles.As to myself, I think I can also do some useful things.Such as help others actively, and tell other people to give help, so as not to feel helpless when we need others help.And what about my family members think about the decline of morality? They all agree with my opinion that we should learn from these examples and give others help.My mother said she would help that injured girl since she is a doctor, and she is also a mother, she know how worried her mother will be.My father said that more parents should let their children know the important to help others.Everyone should contribute to rebuild a warm society.While, there will be a long way for us to go.



陌生人谈话是口语交际中的一大难关,处理得好,可以一见如故,相间恨晚.处理得不好,又能导致四目相对,局促无言.听朋友讲了个真实的故事:不久前出差主在一家旅店,一个先我而住的已悠闲地躺在床上欣赏电视节目,一个后我而住的,放下旅行包,稍试风尘,冲了一杯浓茶,边品边研究起那为先我而来者,师傅来了好久了?比这位客人先来一刻.他边指着正在看书的我边说.听口音不是苏北人啊?噢,山东枣庄人!啊,枣庄好地方啊,我在读小学时就在<<铁道游击队>>连环画上知道了.三年前去了一趟枣庄,还彼有兴致地玩了一遭呢.听了这话,那位枣庄的客人马上来了兴趣,二人从枣庄和铁道游击队谈开了,那亲热,不知底细的人恐怕要以为他们是一道来的呢.接着就是互赠名片,一起进餐.睡觉前双方居然还在各自身边带来的合同上签了字:枣庄客人定了苏南某人造革厂的一批风桶;苏南客人从枣庄客人那里弄到一批价格比较合理的议价煤.他们的认识,交谈与成功,就在于他们找到了对 “枣庄” “铁道游击队”都熟悉这个共同点.怎样才能找到自己同陌生人之间的共同点呢? 有五种方式去寻找共同点: 1.察颜观色,寻找与陌生人的共同点

一个人的心理状况,精神追求,生活爱好等等,都或多或少地要在他们的表情,服饰,谈吐,举止等方面有所表现,只要你善于观察,就会发现你们的共同点.例:一退伍军人乘车与陌生人相遇,位置真好在司机后面.汽车上路后不久就抛锚了,驾驶员车上车下忙了一通还是没有修好.这位陌生人建议驾驶员把油路再查一遍,驾驶员将信将疑地去查了一遍果然找到了原因.这位退伍军人感到他的这绝活可能是从部队学来的,于是试探道.你在部队呆过吧?噢,呆了六七年.哦,算来咱俩还应是战友呢.你当兵时部队在那里--------于是,一对陌生人就谈了起来,据说后来他们还成了朋友.而这就是在观察对方以后,发现都当过兵这个共同点的.当然,这察颜观色发现的东西,还要同自己的情趣爱好相结合,自己对此也有兴趣,打破沉寂的气氛才有可能.否则,即使发现了共同点,也还是无话可说,或讲一两句就 “卡壳”.2.以话试探性,侦察共同点: 俩陌生人相对而座时,为了打破这沉默的局面,开口讲话是首要的,有人以打招呼开场,询问对方籍贯,身份,从中获取信息;有人听说话口音,言辞,侦察对方情况;有的以动作开场,边帮对方做某些急需帮助的事,边以话试探;有的以借火吸烟,也可以发现对方特点,找开口语交际的局面.两个年轻人从某县城上车,座在一条长凳上.其中一人问对方 “在什么地方下车? “到底,你呢?” “我也是,你到南京什么地方?” “我到南京山西路一家亲戚有事,你就是此地人吧?” “不是的,我是到南京走亲戚的.”经过双方的火力侦察,双方对县城熟悉,对南京了解,都是亲戚的共同点就清楚了.两个人发现对方共同点后谈得很投机,下车后还互邀对方做客.这种融洽的效果看上去是偶然的,实际上也是有其必然因的:火力侦察,发现共同点.3.听人介绍,猜度共同点.你去朋友家串门,遇到有生人在座,作为对于二者都熟悉的主人,会马上出面为双方介绍,说明双方与主人的关系,各自的身份,工作单位,甚至个性特点,爱好等等,细心人从介绍中马上就可发现对方与自己有什么共同之处.一位是县物价局的股长和一位县中的教师,在一个朋友家见了面,主人把这对陌生人作了介绍,他们马上发现都是主任的同学这个共同点,马上就围绕同学这个突破口进行交谈,相互认识和了解,以至变得亲热起来.这当中重要的是在听介绍时要仔细地分析认识对方,发现共同点后再在交谈中延伸,不断地发现新的共同关心的话题.4.揣摩谈话,探索共同点: 为了发现陌生人同自己的共同点,可以在需要交际的人同别人谈话是留心分析,揣摩,也可以在对方和自己交谈时揣摩对方的话语,从中发现共同点.在广州的某百货店里,一位在海南舰队的军官对服务生说:请你把这个东西拿给我看看.还把 “我”说成字典里查不到的地道的苏北土语.另一位也是苏北人在广州某陆军部队服役.听了前者这句话,也用手指着货架上的某一商品对营业员说了一句相同的话,两句字里行间都渗透苏北乡土气息,使两位陌生人相视一笑,买了各自要买的东西,出了店门就谈了起来,从老乡到部队,从眼下任务谈到几年来走过的路,介绍着将来的打算.身在异乡的这对老乡的亲热劲,不知情的人还以为是老朋友相遇,可见细心揣摩对方的谈话确实是可以通过找出双方的共同点,使陌生人变为朋友.5.步步深入,挖掘共同点.发现共同点是不太难的,但这只能是谈话的初级阶段所需要的.随着交谈内容的深入,共同点会越来越多.为了使交谈的更有益于对方,必须一步步地挖掘深一层的共同点,才能如愿以偿.一个度假的大学生和一位在法院工作的同志,在一个共同的朋友家聚餐,经主人介绍认识后,陌生人谈了起来,慢慢地二人都发现对社会上的不正之风的看法有共同点,不知不觉地展开了讨论,他们从令人发指的社会现象,谈到产生的土壤和根源,从民主与法制的作用,谈到对党和国家的期望.越谈越深入,越谈双方距离越缩短,越谈双方的共同点越多.事后双方都认为这次交谈对大学生认识社会,对法院同志了解外面的信息和群众要求,增强为纠正不正之风尽力的自觉性都是有益处的.寻找共同点的方法还很多,譬如面临的共同的生活环境,共同的工作任务,共同的工作任务,共同的行路方向,共同的生活习惯等等,只要仔细发现,陌生人无话可讲的局面是不难打破的.愿天下陌生人都能相见如故,一往情深.



