Ben has recently graduated college, with his parents now expecting great things from him.At his “Homecoming” party, Mrs.Robinson, the wife of his father's business partner, has Ben drive her home, which leads to an affair between the two.The affair eventually ends, but comes back to haunt him when he finds himself falling for Elaine, Mrs.Robinson's daughter.It makes us understand why Ben just has to do what he does, also telling us that Ben is not the strongest person in the world.Ross is quite nice too,although her character is pretty forgettable.If Ben would have chosen for Mrs.Robinson instead of the daughter it would probably have been more believable.Captain of the Crosscountry Team
Head of the Debating Club
Associate Editor of the college newspaper in his Junior year
Managing Editor in his Senior
………...Overall I think this is a great film, with only the ending as really implausible, although I must admit I liked it this way.Even if it has flaws, even if it is a little dated at times, it feels fresh and is more entertaining than most films today.The Graduate was a movie that everyone could relate to.The feeling of being thrown out into the world and life just passing you by is overwhelming which is how we find out main character Benjamin feeling.When we first meet him he stares straight ahead with a look that could mean so many things and in fact I felt that through out the movie I could never really tell how he felt except by the change if music and its tempo.I found Hoffman's character hard to grasp
except that he is just going through the motions in his monkey suit to make his parents happy.The action is mainly seen through the eyes of Benjamin Braddock, a confused twenty-one year old, who is worried about his future but who does not simply want to follow the commercial path of his affluent family and their friends.When Benjamin is on the plane there is a head shot of him staring straight ahead and his head seems to be enveloped by the brilliantly white head rest.I found that shot to be amusing because it showed the innocence that he possessed even after completing four years of college.Benjamin was the prodigal son who did everything to make his parents happy, even when he voiced complaints to his father about the party or the ping suit;he was never heard, throughout the movie his character is ignored until he meets Elaine.One of the many great scenes that drive the point across that he is lost in his own world where he can only hear himself is when he comes out for his 21st birthday party and his father will not listen to his objections.The audience is taken into the back yard through Benjamin's perspective(his own world)
looking through the goggles.All we can hear is his breath and all he can hear is himself which is what he is used to.His breath blocks every body out and he is pushed repeatedly back into the pool by his father.Benjamin decides to stay submerged and avoid reality.This theme of submersion is present in the beginning of the movie when he is looking through the fish tank and watches the fish swim around, they seem so free yet they can only swim so far before they are back where they started.Benjamin feels alone in the beginning until Mrs.Robinson begins to show an interest in him and pretty soon that white 'halo' from the plane turns to black.As far as the viewer can tell there is no emotional connection between Ben and Mrs.Robinson, he still walks around aimlessly and his manner turns from that of a paranoid youth, like many of us, to an almost cocky young man.An interesting aspect between the relationship of Ben and Mrs.Robinson is the way the gender roles are switched.Ben is interested in involving conversation to their meetings and feels like he is being used while Mrs.Robison just wants to be purely physical.Ben has a more feminine personality then Mrs.Robison because she has so many secrets kept inside.The romance between Ben and Elaine is somewhat rushed because one second they are in a adult club where Elaine feels insulted and wants nothing to do with Ben, and then the next thing we know they are laughing and getting along and going on another date.The next instance Elaine is being married off yet she does not object.When Ben shows up to the wedding it is hard to say whether she is happy because she loves him or if she is happy because he offers and escape for her.All she can hear is Ben screaming her name, everyone else is blocked out.
新好莱坞电影比较有代表性的还的斯坦利•库布里克的《2001遨游太空》(1968年)、《发条桔子》(1971年);马丁•斯科西斯的《出租汽车司机》(1976年);米洛斯·福尔曼拍摄 《飞越疯人院》(1971年);弗朗西斯·科波拉《现代启示录》(1979年)。
① 在情节结构上,新好莱坞电影打破追求戏剧性的单向叙事模式,时空转换更加灵活,不再追求故事情节的完整性而寻求开放的结尾。
② 人物不再定型化,而是根据其性格自身的发展展现其自然本性。善与恶不再是划分人物好坏的径渭分明的标准。除此之外,新好莱坞电影在人物和情节的关系上,使人物不再隶属于情节而是从情节突出人物。如科波拉的《现代启示录》,情节的发展实际上是主人公一步步走向疯狂的历程。影片给人的震撼不是情节是否具有悬念性,而是残酷战争环境下人的异化和异化的人:奉命杀死一个战争狂人的中尉却在经历了种种事件之后变成了另一个狂人。③ 新好莱坞电影更加重视包括镜头语言在内的电影技巧的开拓。新好莱坞电影不追求银幕上的真实而是运用各种电影技巧使其产生一定的间离效果,也因此,在新好莱坞电影中,各种角度和不同速度的镜头、定格、跳接等十分丰富。新的影像语言强化了视觉上的冲击力,使画面更具艺术效果,而隐喻和象征手法的运用则从另一个方面为电影增加了哲理内涵,从而也使影片更具导演个人风格特征。如科波拉的《教父》,它实际上是把一个美国电影中颇为传统的“家庭故事”放大为一个家庭的神话,使传统强盗片中的个人英雄融化在一个无所不在的家族势力之中,而这个家族则成为当代美国乃至整个资本主义的缩影。
影片开始时,男主人公表情严肃地走着,表现了他对未来的迷茫与担忧。接着皮箱的镜头则暗示了他那已被安排好的未来,没有选择,没有自主,皮箱的拐弯说明了一定的模式,Ben必须按照既定模式走。它对自己的人生没有掌控权。这大胆揭露了六十年代年轻人迷失方向,戳破美式中产阶级虚伪面具。它告诉父亲“I want to be different”,然而这是不可能的。宴会上重重玻璃的一幕是一个动机,表现了人与人之间缺乏交流,有隔阂。Ben在鱼缸后喘气,是把他比做了一条鱼。Mrs Robinson把钥匙扔进了鱼缸,Ben伸手去拿钥匙的这一幕,绝妙地隐喻了Ben的上钩,钥匙是女人放的饵。发生关系之后,导演通过Ben躺在床上,Mrs Robinson身着不同衣服来回走动,表现了岁月流逝,也说明两人不止一次发生了关系。其间两人从没有交流,表现了两人只有肉体交易,没有精神沟通的空虚失爱状态。
这是影片中运用蒙太奇的绝妙之处。接着,把Ben跳到Mrs Robinson身上的镜头切换到游泳时跳到浮板上的镜头,这是比喻蒙太奇,把浮板比作Mrs Robinson。这表明两人只有肉 体接触,毫无精神交流,互相只是一种工具罢了。Ben穿着厚重的服装那一幕,是一个主观镜头,是通过他的视角来看世界,这运用了摄影技术。到水中后,万籁俱寂,只有粗大的喘气声,这是声音蒙太奇,形象地让观众体验到了Ben的处境,周围寂静,呼吸困难,仿佛身临其境。
影片中也有许多幽默之处,包括语言幽默、动作幽默等等。服务生询问Ben:”Are you here for the affair,sir?”这是一语双关,“affair”在英语中既指婚礼,又指幽会,而Ben 正是 在婚礼宴会上与Mrs Robinson幽会的。这是语言幽默。幽会开房时,Ben把原来写着真名 的纸放入口袋,重新写上了假名。他把手放在铃上,服务生敲在他手上,他被敲得很疼。接 吻前Ben不自然得清了清喉咙,接吻时,由于Ben鼻大而歪着脸,之后Mrs Ronbinson吸着口烟屏着气接吻,结束后才一吐为快。脱衣服时,Ben伸出手来,Mrs Robinson却在搓 衣服。Ben痛苦地撞脑袋。这些是夸张的动作幽默,让人忍俊不禁,也生动表现了Ben的年轻懵懂。
《毕业生》是一部经典的影片,对于世界电影的发展有着重要的贡献,它的许多电影手法仍在指导着许多后人,它被视为经典,被视为模范,现在的不少电影中能见到与其异曲同工的妙处所在,它依然有着借鉴作用,它在电影界的影响至今仍然很大。我们没有忘记这部精彩的电影,这是一部有着非凡意义的电影。尤其是它的主题曲,”The Sounf of Silence”仍然耳熟能详。淡淡的忧伤,淡淡的灰色,正符合影片的主题,反映着主人公的迷茫心境。总而言之,《毕业生》的光辉将照耀后世,将永远熠熠生辉!
“新好莱坞电影 ”的先锋之作
你要去斯卡布罗市集吗? 你好,黑暗,我的朋友。
1.Terrific classic, 21 October 2004 Author: rbverhoef(rbverhoef@hotmail.com)from The Hague, Netherlands
'The Graduate' still feels fresh although it was made in the sixties.It tells the story of Mrs.Robinson(Anne Bancroft)who seduces graduate Ben Braddock(Dustin Hoffman).She could be his mother and indeed Mrs.Robinson has a daughter named Elaine(Katharine Ross)who is Ben's age.After Mrs.Robinson and Ben has shared the bed for a while he has to go on a date with Elaine because his parents force him.Mrs.Robinson is not happy, even less when Ben and Elaine start liking each other.This classic film from director Mike Nichols, his second movie after the great 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf', may have lost its strength in some scenes but other great moments make up for that.The first time we meet Ben, just graduated on a party, every single one wants to speak to him and he is getting really tired of them all.He tries to lose them all and that ends up with having the first encounter with Mrs.Robinson.This leads up to the best known scene with the most memorable line from this film.The second party is on Ben's birthday.His must show his present which gives us a hilarious scene.Considering the first party he finds his peace at last, although probably not the way he wanted it.Little things like this make this movie entertaining.The strong acting from both Hoffman and Bancroft also help.Especially the early scenes from Bancroft are terrific.They make us understand why Ben just has to do what he does, also telling us that Ben is not the strongest person in the world.Ross is quite nice too, although her character is pretty forgettable.If Ben would have chosen for Mrs.Robinson instead of the daughter it would probably have been more believable.The music from Simon & Garfunkel is great, although it does not add something to the film really.Because three well known songs('Mrs.Robinson', 'The Sound of Silence' and 'Scarborough Fair')play over and over again some people will get tired of it after a while.I liked the songs enough to not have that problem.Overall I think this is a great film, with only the ending as really implausible, although I must admit I liked it this way.Even if it has flaws, even if it is a little dated at times, it feels fresh and is more entertaining than most films today.2.The Graduate, 29 January 2006 Author: Delonga22 from United States
Mike Nichol's The Graduate was a movie that everyone could relate to.The feeling of being thrown out into the world and life just passing you by is overwhelming which is how we find out main character Benjamin feeling.When we first meet him he stares straight ahead with a look that could mean so many things and in fact I felt that through out the movie I could never really tell how he felt except by the change if music and its tempo.I found Hoffman's character hard to grasp except that he is just going through the motions in his monkey suit to make his parents happy.When Benjamin is on the plane there is a head shot of him staring straight ahead and his head seems to be enveloped by the brilliantly white head rest.I found that shot to be amusing because it showed the innocence that he possessed even after completing four years of college.Benjamin was the prodigal son who did everything to make his parents happy, even when he voiced complaints to his father about the party or the ping suit;he was never heard, throughout the movie his character is ignored until he meets Elaine.One of the many great scenes that drive the point across that he is lost in his own world where he can only hear himself is when he comes out for his 21st birthday party and his father will not listen to his objections.The audience is taken into the back yard through Benjamin's perspective(his own world)looking through the goggles.All we can hear is his breath and all he can hear is himself which is what he is used to.His breath blocks every body out and he is pushed repeatedly back into the pool by his father.Benjamin decides to stay submerged and avoid reality.This theme of submersion is present in the beginning of the movie when he is looking through the fish tank and watches the fish swim around, they seem so free yet they can only swim so far before they are back where they started.Benjamin feels alone in the beginning until Mrs.Robinson begins to show an interest in him and pretty soon that white 'halo' from the plane turns to black.As far as the viewer can tell there is no emotional connection between Ben and Mrs.Robinson, he still walks around aimlessly and his manner turns from that of a paranoid youth, like many of us, to an almost cocky young man.An interesting aspect between the relationship of Ben and Mrs.Robinson is the way the gender roles are switched.Ben is interested in involving conversation to their meetings and feels like he is being used while Mrs.Robison just wants to be purely physical.Ben has a more feminine personality then Mrs.Robison because she has so many secrets kept inside.The romance between Ben and Elaine is somewhat rushed because one second they are in a adult club where Elaine feels insulted and wants nothing to do with Ben, and then the next thing we know they are laughing and getting along and going on another date.The next instance Elaine is being married off yet she does not object.When Ben shows up to the wedding it is hard to say whether she is happy because she loves him or if she is happy because he offers and escape for her.All she can hear is Ben screaming her name, everyone else is blocked out.They escape from the wedding and the end scene I found leaving me hanging.I would have expected that they would have kissed and lived happily ever after but instead their smiles fade away as they realize they have no idea what will happen next and they are back to the beginning again.The film leaves you wondering what will happen? Will the characters end up happy together? Or are they looking to each other as an escape from the domination of their parents?
2。研究生,2006年1月29日 作者:来自美国Delonga22
达斯 汀·霍夫曼对未知世界的彷徨和向往,以及那个洋溢着激情和冲动的结尾,都一丝不差地契合了毕业生的心情。当然,还有那首广为传唱的插曲,它会适时地荡起你 心中淡淡的离愁.有时也会有一种对未来的迷茫就像影片中展示的那样,彷徨,无所事事.就是那样发呆,死死的发呆......从影片的开始本的脸上就是一脸麻木的表情,正是所有毕业生所共有的.而影片的音乐更是增添了一种忧郁的色彩,悠悠的,清清的,让人不知不觉的进入了自己内 心的世界去思考些什么.什么呢?本是一个优秀的毕业生,而且他的家人早就为他准备好了一切就等着他的归来,而他对这些似乎还上不在意.他对自己的人生充满 了疑问.或许他也曾憧憬过很多美好的未来,但在现实生活中他要面对的东西远远超过了学校的书本,他要面对各种诱惑,还要承受高潮过后的寂寞,这就是人生.或许他还没有作好准备,或许他开始暴露他人性中的缺点.当罗宾逊太太邀请他到她家的时候,或者是在她开始诱惑他的时候,他的良知开始沦陷,我们不能说他的内心没有挣扎,但最后他还是选择的堕落.而罗宾逊太太就 是这个社会的象征,她牢牢掌控着本.她曾经也是一个像本一样憧憬美好的毕业生,但经过世事的经历,她一点一点的被这个社会同化.现在成了一个追求肉欲享 乐,精神空虚的半老徐娘.在自身受到威胁时是那么的狡诈恶毒.或许到最后我们都会像她那样吧.而这时的本也暴露了他的弱点,他懦弱,这一点从开始在罗宾逊 太太家里面对她的调情是本的不知所措就可以看出.面对这个社会本是一张空白的纸,他要经历的东西还有很多,他要学的东西还有很多.现在的本精神也如罗宾逊 太太一样空虚,但他多了懦弱.但在与罗宾逊太太偷情的这段时间里他也感觉到了无聊一天他的父亲严厉的问到“你对自己的未来到底有什么打算” 时, 他被刺眼的阳光弄得睁不开眼,现实的问题对他来说是那么棘手,而他只能在不停的游泳和偷情中去逃避.“你问住我了”本的回答无力而迷茫,但这也唤起了他对 自身的思考.而就在这时他的天使一连出现了.一连可以说是片中唯一的完美形象了但可惜也是三个人中最单纯的一个.本从她身上发现了自己已经和逐渐失去的东西,终于鼓起 勇气向一连告白,但事情当然不会那么简单,罗宾逊太太疯了似的阻挠他们.但两颗相爱的心走到了一起,终于在一个大雨之日本向一连坦白了他的行为,但当一连 知道那个女人就是自己的母亲时.她无法忍受毅然的离开了本.一连的离开让本开始思考,他发现自己不能没有一连,她带给他太多的东西,让他找到了自己的方向,找到了自己生活下去的理由.他决定追回一连.在破坏婚礼的这场戏里,镜头对混乱的表现很到位,在看到窗外哀号的本时,镜头分别给罗宾逊太太和罗宾逊先生一个特写,夹杂在混乱的全景中,级好的表现了他们那种虚伪面孔下的穷凶级恶的扭曲,而本终于得到了一连.最后两个人奔跑着踏上象征自由的公车奔向解放.他们的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容,眼中有希望有欣喜有决心但也有些许的迷茫.新的生活就要开始不知道两个人即将面对的会是什么?
班级:12通信2班 学号:112263030211
《Forrest Gump》
Life is like a box of chocolates.You never know what youre gonna get.Forrest gump mother's this understanding to illustrate: each person's life is, and it is unique.Forrest gump, is listening to such teachings, one step a footprint on out their own the miracle of life.From IQ only 75 points, to go to special schools, the football athletes, to the Vietnam war hero, to the shrimp boat captain, to around the United States, forrest gump with birth defects of body, reached many intelligent people maybe a lifetime also highly difficult to achieve.At the beginning and end of the film you will see in the vast blue sky, a root is lightsome and white feathers from the sky, slowly landed in forrest gump feet.This is actually films in hint: this world, if someone see life like a feather pure, simple and beautiful, so, this person must be forrest gump.Young forrest gump leg disability, forrest gump's mother, son have to put on a heavy iron frame, walking to assist.After school, his companions laugh at him, on the way to play with him, chasing throw stones.The female classmate Jenny shouted: “forrest, run.” Forrest gump panic, started to run, fell struggled to climb up.Gradually, iron frame is not bound him, he run such as fly.Men not overtake him, helpless.This is forrest gump life the first miracle.The miracle is for other miracle was kicked off in the future.Run with amazing speed, forrest gump into the rugby team, later again into the university and eventually graduate.Thought his life here has been very perfect, I didn't think his life's wonderful fragment has just ended.Very soon, he took part in the Vietnam war.The battlefield in Vietnam, forrest gump troops in the ambush, a evacuation order, forrest gump remember Jenny's charge: “hit and run.” The content to be turned and ran.He ran out of the forest, smoothly arrived in a safe place, but he thought of his comrades, he returned to the battlefield, his comrades back one back.After returning, forrest gump is met President for battle achievement is remarkable.Gump became a spokesperson for table tennis, and get a part of money, he bought a shrimp boat, only do yourself is not familiar with the shrimp industry
Thought he would be so comfortable, but he was the only one who love, Jenny came back, Jane began to give him bring happiness and joy, and then Jenny and quietly left.Forrest gump began to fell into chaos, he is going to start running.Someone said he seemed to be thinking in the running, but I think he won't, because forrest gump is a focus on people, if he were running, that he must be in the running, don't want to other things in our mind.What's more, he is a person always live in their own world.Later, he ran for a long time, and have a lot of followers, finally one day, he didn't want to run, and Jenny is back on his world, and of course their son-little forrest gump.Whose end is perfect.Lieutenant Dan is also a perfect ending.Forrest gump's persistent rescued Jenny and lieutenant Dan, or at least to save their souls.Forrest gump's life appeared a lot of miracle, but not the miracle, also will never lead you to envy him, you can only appreciate and forrest gump together those years, life and history, taste the bitter sweet, in order to “across defects, perfect life”.Life is like a feather, who also don't know where next moment want to gone with the wind, insists he wants to is good, but a lot of people like Jenny, in order to pursue and pursue, ignore the side Fine, only the angrily moment in mind, or as lt.Dan to make pain became the pain of forever.There is no one in the film of forrest gump said thank you, but I believe that all those who have seen the film will sincerely say: thank you, forrest gump.
这部电影教会我们很多东西。我们应该多陪陪自己的父母,让他们消除对年老的惧怕。同时可以加强两代人之间的理解。作为一个子女,我们要学会换位思考问题,多想想自己的父母.《On Golden Pond》 Film critics 《On Golden Pond》describes that a retired elderly professor and his wife were on holidays in New England Lake , and he faced many aging crisis in the quite days.His daughter had just got porced and she was in a wandering mind.There was always a poor relationship between both father and daughter.As the proverb” Blood is thicker than water.”They united their knot finally because the 13-year old grandchildren lived together with grandparents for some time.The movie discusses the ageing problem and the generation gap.First , the ageing problem.He did not want to face the fact that he had been old, because he had a stronger personality as he was young.First, he went to pick strawberries in the woods and he behaved very panicked when he lost.Second, when his grandson asked his age, he would be angry and fight back.Third, he did not acknowledged that he was old even in front of his wife.He was afraid of death.Finally, when a heart attack, he saw his wife's nervous.Though life to death , he had an open heart.Second ,the generation gap between father and daughter.The father and daughter were in fact very painful.They wanted to get good well each other.But they did not take the first step.In fact, in the parents ' hearts, sons and daughters were the most important.The lacking of communication led to the estrangement between the two generations.This movie teaches us many things.As the proverb “The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.”We should spend more time with our parents, making them to eliminate the fear of old.At the same time ,We need to strengthen the communication with our parents.As a child, we must learn the transposition thinking, thinking more of our parents.The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.Blood is thicker than water.Every heart has its own sorrow.Fact speak louder than words.