Guide Words on Way of East Ring Road
Dear Friends:
Good morning!Today our destination is Guang’an City.Guang'an is on the East Ring Road of Sichuan.This Ring Road starts from Chengdu, and goes through the following cities in order: Suining, Nanchong, Guang'an, Dazhou, Bazhong, Guangyuan, Mianyang, Deyang, and finally goes back to Chengdu, with a total length of around 1100kms.Along this Ring Road, there are many tourism resources.You can experience the glamour of Chinese Buddhist culture, the shock of Chinese Dead Sea, Tengwang Pavilion, Jianmen pass, the revolutionary spirit of Chinese old generation revolutionists, such as Zhude ,Dengxiaoping, Chenyi.You can also trace the historical remains of Three Kingdoms and culture of ancient Sichuan.The distance between Chengdu and Guang'an is around 350kms, and it will take us about four hours.Starting from Chengdu, we have been driving about 3 hours and have passed Daying, Suining.We will be soon in Nanchong city.Nanchong ,the cradle of the culture of Three Kingdoms, is located in the east of Sichuan.It is the transportation hub ,the heart and the important town of east Sichuan.It's also appraised as the national garden city and excellent tourist city in China, like the shining pearl besides Jialing River.Now please look out of the window on the left, those rows of clothes you can see are made of silk.I am sure you have heard that silk produced in Nanchong interest lots of tourists.Why ,anyone want to know?As recorded in one of the earliest local chronicles , Huayang Nation Chronicles, as early as Zhou dynasty, silk fabrics produced in Nanchong was the article of tribute to the imperialcourt from that time for its exquisite spinning skill.So the silk industry had once been one of the pillars industry of Nanchong.A noted poet DuFu of Tang Dynasty had written beautiful poems to praise the massive planting of mulberry tree in Nanchong, ''the leaves of mulberry tree grow luxurianty with plentiful rain,birds flying above the greenery mulberry sea '', revealing the vigorous and flourishing growth of mulberry tree and the prosperous silk economy in Nanchong.In April ,2005, Nanchong was awarded the“China silk capital” title by Chinese silk association.After talking about the silk ,some of you are still intoxicated in the silk world ,isn't it? Now Everyone ,please attention.This city not only renowned for its excellent silk fabrics, the miraculous winding meander of jiangling river, also famous for the origin of the “three kingdoms” culture.look, the place we are passing by is one of Nanchong's very famed tourist attraction, the Xishan Scenic area.It' about 8 square kilometers, and the Xihe
River(Western River)flows slowly by the foot of the mountain,which forms the natural water landscape combined with mountain and lush forests.Have you heard about Reading tower of chenshou? Where is it?Yeah,it's right here.It lies in the Xishan Scenic area, where the celebrated historian chenshou studied.He was born here in the year of 233 in Western Jin Dynasty,when the three kingdoms , Wei ,Shu ,Wu were at war.The upheavals of the whole society made him accomplished his master piece annals of three kingdoms of his twenty year's hardworking to record the history of the three kingdoms during the period of 220 to 280.The annals of three kingdoms, together with Record of the Historian by Simaqian, History of Han dynasty by Bangu and History of post Han dynasty by Fanye, are regarded as the four great books of history and have an important position in the Chinese historiography.And now, there have been a variety of version of annals of three kingdoms ever since its completion.The novel ,a romance of three kingdoms ,was compiled according to annals of three kingdoms.The plays, based on the accounts of annals of three kingdoms, have as many as two hundred in china.Thus,the Annal of three kingdoms ,written by chenshou is exactly the source of the system of three kingdoms culture.Since then, Nanchong have been well known throughout the world for its literature achievement , and we also can call it the culture of three kingdoms city.This is the thousand-year-old ancient silk city ,the heart of and the important town of east Sichuan, the culture of three kingdoms city.It stand here for thousand of years waiting for all of you.All right, dear friends, our bus is out of the main city area.Now let's have a break and enjoy the movie, a romance of three kingdoms with english subtitle.One hour later we will arrive our destination guang'an and I will tell you the story of the great revolutionists Dengxiaoping ,who greatly changed the whole China by the reform and opening-up policy.
南山集体概况、南山集团产业、南山禅寺天王殿、南山禅寺大雄宝殿、南山大佛、南山玉佛等。六、三仙山·八仙过海景区 三仙山概况、三和大殿、蓬莱仙岛、方壶仙境、瀛洲仙境、珍宝馆、龙王庙、玉佛寺、十一面观音殿、楠木馆
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水观音景区 地址:四川省绵阳市梓潼县 戈家桃林景区 地址:绵阳市 窦圌山景区 地址:绵阳市江油市 电话:(0816)3879898 西羌九黄山景区 地址:绵阳市北川桂溪乡 戈家桃林景区-公交车站 途径公交车:70 可点击车次查看路线详情 七曲山风景区大庙景区售票处 地址:绵阳市四川省梓潼县梓潼县中心部 窦圌山景区北门 地址:绵阳市江油市 七曲山风景区大庙景区详情» 地址:宜宾市蜀南竹海景区仙寓洞旁 评分
宜宾蜀南竹海悦盛大酒店详情» 地址:四川、宜宾蜀南竹海景区内、博物馆至索道途中 300 米处
景点讲解 各们游客,你们好,我是大家的导游,谭军,大家叫我小谭就可以了.欢迎大家到我们富乐山来.先给大家提个醒,大家在游览过程中,一定注意保管好自己财物及你们的安全.富乐山,距离绵阳市区二公里.被誉为“绵州第一山”。何以又称为富乐山呢?据《方舆览胜》记载,东汉建安16 年,刘备入四川,刘璋在此迎接他,他望见四川险要和富饶十分高兴,饮酒中不禁称赞:“富哉,今日之乐乎”。富乐山由此而得名,其名沿袭至今。
这里是豫州园.当年刘备依附曹操,曹操向汉献帝推荐他去豫州牧.该园用宋代唐庚的诗句:”富乐之名谁所留,建安年间刘豫州”命名.园内一弯池水清澈如镜,稀释荷花芬香挺拔,密匝红鱼在池中嬉游,一抹人工瀑布倚山而泻,溅起雪花般的漪涟,周边亭廊绿树倒映池中,显得格外生动盎然.沿过曲径,缓步来到绿茵覆盖的悠悠草坪,眼前便是排列有序,姹紫嫣红,互展风姿的小巧花卉盆栽,其中尤以月季花最为娇艳,难怪绵阳市民冠以市花的荣号.还有那树干挺拔,立于山腰的香樟树,不卑不亢,令人叹美.它与市花齐名戴上了市树的美冠.各位游客,如果您们愿意,可以步行缓登,到富乐山顶上,人称西蜀黄鹤楼的富乐阁。不走路也可以,为了便利游客观赏,在这绿色广场的右侧修建有一条旅游滑道。上至富乐阁下至富乐山广场,提升道长261米,下滑道长684米,垂直高度为 50余米,大家不妨坐滑车旅游吧。
雄踞山顶的富乐阁,琉璃黄瓦,古风绰绰,是富乐山风景区的标志,它高度为53.30米,共五层,总面积为6855平方米,48 个凌空飞出的翘角下都缀有一个铜质风铃,风起铃响,会把你带进一个空旷幽远神思以往的情景之中。请看吧,外观的阁楼四周圆柱上都有名人题写的牌匾对联。如正面两块:“星沉五丈原,鞠躬谋复汉,昔日顾庐真卓识;功盖三分国,遗恨失吞吴,后来决策 且深思”。上联说刘备三顾茅庐敦请诸葛亮之正确,下联讲我行我素导致虢亭失败。国势衰微的教训,对衬恰当,有褒有贬。
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Hangzhou!I’m very happy to be your tour guide.I promise todayyou’ll have fun.Ok, now we are in the West Lake scenery, one of the famous World Heritage sites.Well, the most popular saying goes like“Above is paradise, below is Suzhou and Hangzhou.”So people say that the West Lake was originally a jewel fallen from heaven.So you can see how beautiful it is!
Alright, now let’slook at your left side.Do you see the long bridge over there? That’s our first station today “Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge.”Now, everybody follow me and be careful please.The Broken Bridge is Located at the east end of the Bai Causeway, we can see it is a single-arch vaulted stone.8.8 meters long and 8.6 meters wide, it has a clear span of 6.1 meters.It offers a nice view of the Inner Lake and the Solitary Hill.See, when standing here,you’ll get a wide view of the West Lake.Alright, now does anyone have any questions? As you can see, the Broken Bridge is not broken at all.So why do we call it“broken”? Why? Because it snows almost every winter in Hangzhou and when the sun comes out after some day’s snowfall, the snow on the sunny side of the bridge melts first, while the snow on the shady side of the bridge still lingers.When we lookat it at a distance or from the nearby hill, the bridge seems to be broken.So now you know, the Broken Bridge is not broken.And it looks extremely beautiful under the snow.So I strongly advice you may come and have a look in winter next time.“千年等一回,等一回啊~“.Personally, I would call this bridge Heart-Broken Bridge, for it was the scene of a very popular, particularly sad folk story—the story of White Snake.Have you ever heard about it? It tells a story between a secular boy and a snake-turned girl.At one point, the boy abandoned the girl and left Hangzhou.Sad and alone, the girl went to the bridge where she met him for the first time and sang,”The bridge is not broken, but my heart is.“Just like Romeo and Juliet in the west, their ending is a tragedy.And as the story passed on from generation to generation, the name of the bridge goes beyond the boundary of the city of Hangzhou.In recently years, every morning, local people are seen jogging past the bridge, or practicingtaijiquan(Chinese shadow boxing)by the bridge, or even doing ballroom dancing inside pavilion and pavements nearby.Look, there are just some local drama lovers performing the local opera named “the lady white snake”in the pavilion over there, you see?The beautiful legend will continue forever.Ok, I’ll stop here.Later you’ll have 20 minutes to take photos and walk around, but not far away.Meanwhile, please take care of your belongings.And our next station is LeifengPagoda.Its 10:00 now, let’s meet at 10:20 later right here.Have fun, everybody!See you.