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The Beacon Of Life----Purpose

I think that purpose is very important in life for all of us,or our world won’t get better.The reason why Addison thought so is that he knew that purpose brought some advantages to everybody.We all know that there are many famous inventors in the world.For example:Edison had a purpose of inventing bulbs.Because he saw the disadvantages of living in the night by burning candles.He wanted to invent something bright to make people see something easily in the dark.After Edison invented bulbs, people could do many thingsat night as they did in theday.The Wright brothers had a purpose of making something to fly in the sky.Becausethey noticed that birds could fly in the sky by their wings.They invented the plane.So we can go any placeswe want quickly by plane instead of taking a carriage.CaiLunhad a purpose of producing something that couldreplace bamboo.Because he found that bamboo was too heavy to carry for ordinary persons.So we can write words on paper instead of onbamboo.Thus it can be seen, purpose is like a flame, sooner or later, it can be larger.It can make our society move forward.Purpose is important.However, if you just think, but not do it right now, all the things that you think will be gone.So if you have something great in your mind,just do it.Don’t wait.Do you want to wait until you are too old to follow your purpose?

The first thing of purpose is that you dare guess.Some people guess that there are alien in the space.Some people guess that there are ghosts in the world.Even Plato once guessed that people would become half robots.That’s really crazy.Purpose is a prediction of future.What we guess may become what will happen in the near future.Maybe,we are flying in the space several years later.


American TV dramas are quite prevailing in the group of teenagers these days.Some people think it has nothing to do with the students.But in my eyes,I regard them as a tool to learn English and they help me to know different culture.First American TV dramas can enhance my sense of learning English.Broke Girls is one of my favorite American TV dramas and it shows on every Saturday evening.When it begins, I’ll be concentrated on the screen and too addicted to the drama to hear mom’s instruction I be expected at the dinner table.As soon as it ends, the video will be rewound and I’ll write down some important words,phrases and sentenses that will help me with English.My vocabulary will be expanded with lots of words learned.Next ,their accent is pretty good in the drama so that it can get my spoken English improved.Only if master the native English expression will I do better in learning English.Ultimately ,the most important significance of watching American TV dramas do I think is to know the differences between America and China.There are a large number of stories in Broke Girls permeated with their own culture such as the civil war and Great Depression.The characters are always talking about the news which is from all over America, most of it about politics.In one episode,the main character Oley walked along the street ,one of his old companions putting his hand on Oley’s shoulder.“hey ,Oley!I’m Thomas Jefferson.We haven’t seen each other for several years!”Oley thought for a while and answered,“Oh, you are the person who writes the declaration!Have you finished writing?”Puzzled by this confusing conversation,I looked through the dictionary.With the unfamiliar words looked up,I realized that the declaration referred to the Declaration of Independence and the great president Thomas Jefferson’s name is the same as the old friend’s.It reminded me of what I had known about Jefferson in my junior high school.My history teacher used to mention the leader of War of Independence..Otherwise,I completely forget about him.As a student of art,it’s necessary to understand their historical background.The more knowledge I gain,the better history and politics grades I get.Though I benefit from American dramas a lot,there should be a proper limit to them.You will be sure to be addicted to the dramas unless you control yourself.We are supposed to keep a balance between our study and American TV dramas.American dramas should be treated as an important way to improve the level of English or other subjects rather than just for entertainment.



(一)【Learning goals】

1.Be accustomed to listening to the materials and taking some key notes timely.2.Grasp the main idea and details of the materials.【Instructions】

1.Finish all the tasks within 45 minutes.2.Try to write down key points to answer the questions.Step1 Warming upEnjoy a classical English song, filling in blanks.Almost _________, west Virginia Blue ridge ___________Shenandoah __________________ is old there Older than the trees __________ than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country roads, take me home To the place I _________ West Virginia, ________________________Take me home, country roads All my _________ gathered round her Miner’s lady, stranger to ____________________ _________ and _________, painted on the _________Misty taste of moonshine Teardrops in my eye I hear her _______In the morning _________ she calls me The radio __________ me of my home ___________________And driving down the road I get a feeling That I should have been home __________, ___________Step2 Listening practice 限时听力训练 第1段材料WE ARE ON A JOURNEY

1_________ you are, and 2_______ you may be, there is one thing in which you and I are just alike, at this moment, and in all the moments of our 3__________.We are not at 4_______;we are on a 5________.Our life is not a mere fact;it is a 6_________, a 7________, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.We are gaining something, or losing something, every day.Even when our position and our character seem to 8________ precisely the same, they are changing.For the mere advance of time is a change.It is not the same thing to have a bare field in January and in July.The reason makes the 9___________.The 10__________ that are 11____________ in the child are childish in the man.Everything that we do is a step in one 12_________ or another.Even the 13__________to do something is in itself a deed.It sets us forward or backward.The action of the negative pole of a magnetic needle is just as real as the reaction of the positive pole.To 14___________is to accept---the other alternative(二中选一).Are you nearer to your 15________ today than you were yesterday? Yes,---you must be a little nearer to some port or other;for since your ship was first launched upon the sea of life you have never been still for a single moment;the sea is too deep, you could not find an anchorage(泊地)if you would;there can be no pause until you come into port.第2段材料

1.What would Joe probably do during the Thanksgiving holiday? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Why is Ariel in a hurry to leave? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.What might be the relationship between the speakers? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 第3段材料 1.Where does Thomas Manning work? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.How tall is the tallest person? 英语创新大赛听力辅导

(一)3.How old is the oldest person? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Step3 Listening tips听力技巧指导 ★ 预读考题听力与语法、阅读不同,语法、阅读可以读完再回读,但听力的内容是暂时、一次性的,因此学会抓要点、关键词,以意群为单位理解全文,就变得相当重要。在听力测试中,问题都已印在考卷上,同时在各部分题目前试题上都印有一段题目指令,磁带上也录有相应指令,由于每年考试这部分指令都基本相同,考生只要熟悉这些内容,就可以利用播放指令的这段时间,或利用两道题目之间的10秒停顿间隙,快速浏览一下已印在试卷上的问题和四个选择项,从而获取听音前的思考线索和对听音内容的背景提示,这样在听的过程中,就可以有针对性地有选择地听原文,从而抓住相关信息,滤除不相关的内容,减轻听的负担和记忆的负荷,以提高听的有效性,同时,通过阅读干扰项,多些背景提示,再分析四个选择项的异同,以此作为线索,听的时候,做到有的放矢。例如看到下面一题时,即可知道整个录音很可能与抢劫有关。What strikes the woman most about the male robber is his .A.clothesB.ageC.physiqueD.appearance一旦获悉即将听到的一篇材料与抢劫有关的信息后,大脑就很自然地启动一些所储存的关于抢劫的情景,这样就几乎达到了兵马未动,粮草先行的境地,从而主动权就掌握在考生手里。反之,如果不进行试题预读,可能在听完全部材料的三分之一后才知道其中心议题是抢劫。这就是预读的重要性。不仅如此,还可以利用多余的答题时间来达到预读的目的。题与题之间一般有15秒的答题时间,如果考生只用5秒就做好了第一题,那么余下的10秒就可以用于预读第2题、第3题等。★ 仔细审题审题似乎是一个老生常谈的话题,但却是十分重要的问题。这里所说的审题并非指考生完全看不懂题目,而是指由于审题不仔细而捕捉不到问题的核心。来看看下面一道题: The modern electronic anti-noise devices A.are an update version of the traditional methods.B.share similarities with the traditional methods. C.are as inefficient as the traditional methods.D.are based on an entirely new working principle.以上问题的核心在于领会 modern electronic anti-noise devices(现代抗噪音电子装置)的定义,而不仅仅是抗噪音电子装置),更不是一般的 anti-noise devices(抗噪音装置)。录音中很可能出现有关anti-noise device在各个不同发展时期不同特点的信息,如果不认真审题,就会出现张冠李戴的错误。另外,审题的仔细还表现在领悟特殊形式的题干,如否定式Which of the following is INCORRECT,或排除式All the following are true EXCEPT,等等。正确审题是答题的关键,否则听力能力再好的考生也不会有好的成绩。★ 领会讲话者的语气听懂说话者的语气可帮助回答问题。这一点在听力第二部分(对话或面试)显得更为重要。例如,Well,I’m afraid I do. But I might be mistaken.表示了说话者不肯定的语气。有时字面意思与说话者所要表达的意图相反,这时考生更多的是依赖讲话者的口气来答题。如,I’d be sacked if I accepted your offer.所表达的是拒绝。讲话的口气是多种多样的,它可以表达惊奇、犹豫、挑战、讽刺、安慰、决心等,正确领会它们会收到事半功倍的效果。★ 听与记录同时进行考生可在听的过程中适当做些笔录因为仅凭脑力无法记住长达数分钟的讨论或对话。考生在记录时不必拘于形式,做一些只要自己能明白的简单符号记录即可,特别是众多的数字、时间、日期、人名、地名更需要做些笔记。最后,希望广大考生千万不要盲目信仰应试技巧而忽视语言基本能力的训练,因为技巧只不过是以扎实语言基本功为基础的一点儿辅助性的东西而已。Step4 Assignment课后作业 Read the following words correctly and keep their Chinese meanings in mind.★ Places you may go to: museum, airport, railway station, subway / underground,hospital, clinic, dentist’s, post office, restaurant, cinema/theatre, sports center, stadium, gym, studio, hotel, shopping mall, supermarket, department store,amusement / theme park, barber’s, hairdresser’s university,college, library, bookstore, factory, workshop, farm, workroom,a monument to …, Buckingham Palace, the Palace Museum,the Summer Palace, Disneyland.★ Occupation(part-time job /full-time job)businessman /clerk /manager /boss/secretary professor/teacher/headmaster/lawyer/artistdoctor / nurse / librarianengineer /technician/ scientist/astronaut policeman / policewoman cook / driver / farmer / dustmanshop-assistant / waitresssalesman/saleswoman government official

Interest is the best teacher.兴趣是最好的老师。Practice makes perfect.练习成就完美。/熟能生巧。



When we find that someone we admire has done something terribly wrong or behaved unexpectedly.we feel greatly disappointed.But constant discovery leads to our realization that great ideas and great deeds come from imperfect people like ourselves.Write an essay on the following question with no less than 300 words, in which you develop your point of view on this issue, support your position with reasoning and example taken from your readings, studies experience ,or obersavations ,you can add a title by yourself.Do we benefit from learning about the flaws of people we admire and respect.









