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一、全心全意服务 任劳任怨工作


二、主动征求意见 力求饭菜可口



三、以身作则 作好食堂各项工作





Time is like an arrow, before you can say Jack Robinson of time elapse quickly 2012 be about to near end, what accompanying christmas day immediately is festival the breath with new year’s day, the ding 2013 is about to knock noisy.Above all, I congratulate beforehand everybody Happy New Year, work is great!Turn one’s head 2012, below the consideration guidance that leads in everybody, below the support of extensive staff, hold chef concurrently as pision commander of a hutch, I hold to set oneself an example to others from beginning to end, high level, strict requirement, solidarity and lead dining room employee, insist to be attached most importance to with overall situation, obedience organizes arrangement, dry group loves group, had paid dining room government with his real operation, make sure the job is moved normally turn, provide elegant, goluptious dish and excellent service for leader and employee, we still are reclaimed come out several mus of ground, grow vegetable, raise a cattle, sheep, chicken, duck.Add the variety of design and color of meal, accomplish advocate non-staple food is reasonable and tie-in, reduce loss, managing cost.The concept of warm service, it is the ground heart and soul elegant, violet gold serves.In 2012, the dining room recieves exterior have dinner 121 times in all, add up to 1077 person-time, the accord that is reached a guest by the leader reputably.The specific work that comes to a year now sums up as follows: One, working respect: I hold the position of dining room director to hold job of dining room cook concurrently now.The draw on the wisdom of the masses below the guidance that I lead in everybody, make more reasonable job plan.Fall in the circumstance of managing defray above all, satiate had eaten to be not wasted, improve oneself cooking technology ceaselessly on the technology.In practice I am explored ceaselessly, let leader and employee can eat on sweet and goluptious meal.2, run a side: Above all, groom regularly from personnel of course of study to the kitchen and coach, put an end to the gross error in unit process of cargo bandling, for instance burn, scald.Actual condition strengthens combinative employee quality education, to what operation personnel undertakes having specific aim hutch art grooms, and often incentive the career that they regard the work is him.The course tries hard, employee whole quality is able to rise;Pay attention to appearance, abide by discipline of kitchen regulations system, work, not absence from duty, not absent from work, do not be late, not leave early;Now, we had formed the group of a harmony, high grade, efficient, innovation.3, quality respect: Dish quality is a dining room be able to fresh, solid core.Grow as chef, I father to close quality, assure to feed capable person, not not fresh, cankered, degenerative.Ensure the have dinner of employee is wholesome, nice even take strict precautions against bromatoxism, reject mildew to change, expire food.Next, add the variety of design and color of meal, accomplish advocate, non-staple food is reasonable and tie-in.4, wholesome respect: Carry out strictly “ law of food sanitation safety “ , catch safety of good food sanitation to work seriously, each link that food machines.Press a regulation, every employee must be in charge of to respective wholesome area, hope to undertaking two days every be alexipharmiced between the operation leader and work in the same placing have casual inspection;Offer precious opinion, try to correct.Next, formulary provision raw material must be classified deposit, cent manages somewhere else, kitchenware also must be deposited in fixed position;Additional, storeroom, last the raw material such as ark, refrigerant box deposits the ground to also undertake periodic temperature and humidity are measured.We use the power that everything can use, ensure food sanitation is safe, prevent food decay, create needless waste.5, cost respect: In ensure do not overspend, not wasteful, and below the circumstance of dish quality, reduce one of a be our pursuit from

beginning to end loss, managing cost, main goals.Grow as chef, in at ordinary times an a few new methods that reduce cost also are summed up in the job.Be like: Master principle of ” of first-in first-out of inventory state, determined executive “ at any time, throw the raw material with longer time of goods in stock as soon as possible use;Development is tasted without cost dish, in order to reduce cost.The place on put together is narrated, in this year, pass the joint efforts of the group, we obtained remarkable result in kitchen management field;Quality of control of quality of innovation, dish, cost, employee is tasted to carry advanced respect to obtain quite high grade in dish.Of course, we still are put in inadequacy.Ask leader and colleague to supervise point out mistakes so that they can be corrected, I also feel the challenge sex that my bear works and innovation sex.Through a year of much effort, on original working basis, strict him requirement is mixed help in the kitchen personnel, inadequacy is found out in the following job, preserve good tradition.Henceforth, the group that I can lead us certainly tries hard ceaselessly, accept a challenge, be brave in to innovate, cooking is more elegant and delicious dish.Demit is old during seeing the New Year in, we will go up in the foundation 2012, continue to strengthen monitoring of sanitation of management, quality and cost control, want to improve oneself working train of thought at the same time, inspect new course to taste, accelerate the innovation of dish.Anyhow, in the job henceforth, lash ceaselessly oneself enrich energy, raise knowledge of oneself quality, nutrition and cooking level, in order to get used to the development of times and enterprise, grow jointly with the company.I believe, 2013 what our group can move toward a successful joyance to harvest certainly.Fall in the leader of Zhang Zong, Yang Zong to the best of my belief, below the indefatigable effort of faculty, it is a basis according to goal of purpose of company culture, spirit of enterprise, business, company, work steadily sureness is ongoing, violet gold must be met certainly the meeting of development is better and better.


















所属部门:国网乌鲁木齐供电公司乌鲁木齐供电公司项目机关食堂 直接上级:食堂经理 直接下级:各岗位厨师 4职责及要求

4.1负责食堂厨房整体营运工作:包括食堂经理派发给的所有任务,人员管理,协助食堂经理制定各种规章制度,控制伙食标准,保证食品质量,注意饮食,环境卫生及设备维修维护管理; 4.2负责新员工面试和技能考核,向食堂经理提供初试建议; 4.3预算食堂原材料消耗,填报采购计划,注意降低消耗,杜绝浪费; 4.4根据季节负责合理制定调配食谱,注意营养搭配,并严格控制成本;




4.7制定新老员工技能培训计划,并组织实施; 4.8协调好食堂厨房与公司各部门的工作关系; 4.9及时传达上级领导的有关指示; 4.10做好食堂厨师的工作技能培训;


4.12定期(每个工作日)召开5分钟会议,对当天发现的问题做出整改,定期讨论研发新菜品方案,提出合理化建议; 4.13每天检查员工考勤情况、仪容仪表情况;

4.14每天早会时必须安排好当天的工作,做好第二天的工作计划。包括申请购货、核对食谱、检查卫生、检查当日购进的食材等; 4.15检查菜房的环境卫生、食品的摆放和卫生,及时解决存在的问题; 4.16全面了解市场价格,做到合理安排、有效利用 , 在确保饭菜质量的同时,降低成本;

4.17全面掌握用餐人员的口味,制定合理、营养的食谱,力争价廉质优,确保满意进餐; 支持性文件 5.1《食堂管理手册》 5.2《餐饮服务SOP》 相关记录


6.1《食堂厨房每日工作检查表》 6.2《食堂留样登记表》 6.3《燃气开关检查表》 6.4《餐具消毒记录表》 6.5《整改通知单》 6.6《厨房设备检修记录表》 6.7《厨房卫生检查表》 6.8《库存记录表》


















