● 很多人有着跟我一样的经历,发了很多邮件给国外客户,但是似乎都
● 至于客户不回邮件的原因,这里就不扯了,详细请看我的文章“做外贸一个月的感受”。重点介绍一下,我自己摸索出来的一种新方法,不过这种方法只是针对不回邮件的客户。
● 如果知道了客户的名字和邮箱地址,发邮件过去,人家不一定会理我们。但是可以利用SKYPE搜索。即:
● 搜索到准确的信息后,我再添加他们。★★请求中会要求写自我介绍,那么我就大概写一下我是谁,是哪个公司的,公司产品主要是哪些,简单地介绍一下。比如:“This is Lydia, from ×××(公司名称)”,我们公司名称中就有包含了产品的名字,所以我就没介绍产品。
● 不过我用这种方法倒是加了5个客户,其中4个都是平时不回我邮件的客户。哈哈,很有成就感哦!
● 他们加了我的SKYPE后,我就直接问:“有没有收到我×月×日发的邮件?”如果对方说没有的话,那么我先跟他确认一下邮箱地址是否正确,然后再发一次给他。如果有必要的话,我就利用SKYPE打电话给客户-这样打电话是免费的,电话谈话可以加深他对我的印象。呵呵,还有客户主动打电话给我,问候我,然后我就借机谈我们公司产品的事情,这样他就会向我询价。如果我知道价格的,我就马上报给他;如果没法马上告诉他的,我就说“今天恐怕无法给他马上回复报价,但我明天会尽快回复你的。”这样既表示我已经重视了他的问题,又不耽误事!● 只要客户肯加我为好友,那么我就有机会跟他进一步交谈。这样机会更大一层。
● 当然,这种方法只能供大家参考哦!如果客户没通过你的请求,那么也就没辙,只能暗暗祈祷,哪天他上线了,看到你的请求,然后大发慈悲加你了。
4.开门见山,认真报价。客户最关心的就是产品质量与价格,所以简洁的开头后,便开始报价,证明你的专业性和诚意。而且也侧面表明双方都不想浪费时间,只想踏实把生意做成;报价过程中,切忌胡乱报价。就是说你的报价要是实价,否则会给人不专业的感觉,甚至会降低信任度。另外,不要怕客户的规格不全,就不 报价,而去询问。可以试探性的报,比如说,将与客户描述相近的规格报过去,如果不符要求,客户会发来详细的规格。
一. 外贸业务员业务能力
1. 对公司和产品一定要很熟悉。
2. 对市场的了解。
3. 业务技巧
很多客户都喜欢跟专业的业务人员谈生意,因为业务人员专业,所以谈判中可以解决很多问题,客户也愿意把订单交给专业的业务员来负责。当然,业务技巧也是通 过长时间的实践培养出来的,而在我自己这3年里的外贸经验中,我所学会的是“顾问式销售技巧”,一切从客户的需求出发,在电话,在电邮,或拜访中,我们要 不断提问,从客户的回答中了解到客户的需求,这样做会事半功倍,例如,如果客户是想买高质量的产品,你便可以挑一种好质量的产品给他,价格贵一点也没关 系,相反,如果客户只想买便宜的产品,在报价时就不要太高,否则就会吓跑客户。做业务其实可以简化为“了解或激发需求,然后去满足要求”。
二. 外贸业务员个人素质能力
1. 诚实
2. 热情
3. 耐心
4. 自信心
这一点最重要,在外贸中,一般公司拥有的客户有几百个之多,但真正下订单的,可能就那么几个。所以,业务员可能很多时间都是在做“无用功”。但是一定要有 自信心,有很多潜在的客户,都是要在很长的时间里才转变为真正的客户,所以必须持有坚定的自信,才会把业务做得更出色。
对公司充满信心,对自己的能力充满信心。能不能成功,差别就在工作欲望。没有坚定的意念及不够积极的人,即使是拥有很高的学历,或是头脑很灵活,还是不能 创造很好的业绩。而责任感的培养,必须要有强烈的“自己吃定了这行饭”的决心,才能逐渐拥有。才能全心全意地投入工作,以积极的态度即强烈的责任感,和百 分之百的信心来开拓自己的工作领域。
坚持不懈、知难而上、百折不挠、胜者永远不会半途而废。这个工作正是培养执着、耐性的绝佳环境。担任业务员不但要做好分内的工作,还必须站在第一线作战,这和其他担任后方支援工作的职务大不相同。对业务员而言,每天都是竞争激烈的战场。在这个枪林弹雨的战场之中,你必须具有灵敏的触觉,更必须具有坚韧的生 命力,就向野草一般--野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。由于你的努力,不但培养出敏锐的触感,也具备了坚韧的生命力,同时,还为自己赢得了成功,这正是一举三得的好事。
1、垃圾式发送:很多做外贸的,特别是新手,拿着老板给的或者是摘抄来的一大堆邮箱地址,Ctrl+C,然后Ctrl+V,一个邮件同时发送几十上百个地 址,省事倒是省事了,可惜,你做的是无用功。比如说我们公司的邮箱运营商设置,凡是携带超过5个以上的发送抄送地址的一律自动识别为垃圾邮件拒收,很多公 司的邮箱都有类似的设置。
2、错误主题:很多新手发邮件都喜欢使用“业务合作”“最新产品”之类的标题或干脆图省事无标题,殊不知现在网路上的骗子公司和卖票的奸商都是这类标题的 狂热使用者,我们公司的采购部基本上每天一开机,每台机就会涌进五六十封以上的有效邮件,基本上一上午的时间就是用来处理这些邮件,很多标题含糊的邮件连 打开的机会都没有,你怎么还会有机会展示你的优良产品?
4、谨慎选择附件:在盗版横行的中国没感觉,但在欧美,不是每个电脑里都有一大堆应用软件的,我告诉你大名鼎鼎的PHILIPS公司有几个小部门的电脑里 办公软件甚至只装一个简化版的WORD和EXCEL你信吗?可惜,这就是事实,微软的OFFICE软体在欧洲是相当的昂贵,基本上没有电脑在卖出时是预装 OFFICE或解压缩软件的,都是要企业或个人自己掏钱购买,很多小一些的企业真的是没有全套的新版OFFICE软体和最新的办公软体,你做的漂漂亮亮的 产品附件打都打不开有什么用呢?
1.首先自己确认每个邮件的内容是否回复的完整,是否按客人的要求在回复,是否及时回复 的,是否发送成功.一般企业邮箱或则公司邮箱都可以设置回执的.或则你也可以采用用两个邮件同时发送以确保发送成功.如果怕用自己私人邮箱老板不高兴的 话,可以把这些反映给老大,看看他的建议啊.2.有时候客人没及时回复邮件,可能是因为客人出差了,或则客人去TRAVEL了,或则其他私人原因没及时通知回复这多正常的.不要找急,坚持定期发邮件联系,如果客人真的需要产品,他以后回联系的.3.不是每个客人发的询盘,都是真的想采购的,在会客人邮件前,先对客人的询盘内容进行分析评估,有很多客人多是索取样板型,或则同行索取信息,或则其相关技术人员索取技术信息型的,这些邮件可能他们很少会即使回复在达到他们的相关目的后.4.平时注意多提高完善自己的邮件的专业性,把客人邮件进行分类,并坚持对些目标客人联系,相信会有好的结果的.5.你才做了半个月呢,其实一般刚开始做外贸1-6个月接到第一个单都很正常的,不要否认自己的努力.坚持联系,多提供自己对产品的熟悉专业,慢慢就好了.6.平时遇到这些问题,也可以和相关同事或则领导反馈沟通,也可以有很大的收获,毕竟他们是有经验的.7.检查下你们的邮件系统,应该是用企业邮箱发的吧?你得确定每封回复信息是否发送成功了,保险的办法就是同另外一个邮箱地址再发送一遍,顺便问他是否收到了你的邮件.
有电话没有 最好是能打电话去询问
Dear :
As we have not heard from you since we sent you our free samples(这里有些客户换成报单price list)of pedometer, we wonder whether you require further information before deciding to place an order.Our pedometer has important price advantages as we are a professional pedometer supplier since 1993, however if price is not one of your problems, our digital motion sensor pedometer may suit you better, which is more accuracy and get better quality.If you need any further information, please free to let us know.
Dear Mr.Jones:
We understand from your information posted on Alibaba.com that you are in the market for textiles.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future.We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles.We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present.You may also visit our online company introduction at Http://www.feisuxsF Copenhagen dated February, 21.In reply, we offer firm, subject to your reply reaching us on or before February 26 for 250 metric tons of groundnuts, handpicked, shelled and ungraded at RMB2000 net per metric ton CNF Copenhagen and any other European Main Ports.Shipment to be made within two months after receipt of your order payment by L/C payable by sight draft.Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.As you are aware that there has lately been a large demand for the above commodities.Such growing demand will likely result in increased prices.However you can secure these prices if you send us an immediate reply.Sincerely,(b.)
Dear Mr.Jones:
We thank you for your letter dated April 8 inquiring about our leather handbags.As requested, we take pleasure in offering you, subject to our final confirmation, 300 dozen deerskin handbags style No.MS190 at $124.00 per dozen CIF Hamburg.Shipment will be effected within 20 days after receipt of the relevant L/C issued by your first class bank in our favor upon signing Sales Contract.We are manufacturing various kinds of leather purses and waist belts for exportation, and enclosed a brochure of products for your reference.We hope some of them meet your taste and needs.If we can be of any further help, please feel free to let us know.Customers' inquiries are always meet with our careful attention.Sincerely,(c.)
Re: SWC Sugar Dear Sirs,We are in receipt of your letter of July 17, 2002 asking us to offer 10,000 metric tons of the subject sugar for shipment to Japan and appreciate very much your interest in our product.To comply with your request, we are offering you the following: 1.Commodity: Qingdao Superior White Crystal Sugar.2.Packing: To be packed in new gunny bag of 100kgs.each.3.Quantity: Ten thousand(10000)metric tons.4.Price: US dollars one hundred and five(US$105.00)per metric ton, Fob Qingdao.5.Payment: 100% by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit to be opened in our favor through A1 bank in Qingdao and to be drawn at sight.6.Shipment: Three or four weeks after receipt of letter of credit by the first available boat sailing to Yokohama direct.Please note that we do not have much ready stock on hand.Therefore, it is important that, in order to enable us to effect early shipment, your letter of credit should be opened in time if our price meets with your approval.We are awaiting your reply.Sincerely,H、作为对方供应商,认为对方压价太低
Dear Mr.Jones:
We confirm having received your telex No.LT/531 of May 17, asking us to make a 10% reduction in our price for Men's Shirts.Much to our regret, we are unable to comply with your request because we have given you the lowest possible price.We can assure you that the price quoted reflects the high quality of the products.We still hope to have the opportunity to work with you and any further enquiry will receive our prompt attention.Sincerely,I、作为买家,认为对方报价太高
Dear Mr.Jones,We acknowledge receipt of both your offer of May 6 and the samples of Men's Shirts, and thank you for these.While appreciating the good quality of your shirts, we find your price is rather too high for the market we wish to supply.We have also to point out that the Men's Shirts are available in our market from several European manufacturers, all of them are at prices from 10% to 15% below the price you quoted.Such being the case, we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price, say 10%.As our order would be worth around US$50,000, you may think it worthwhile to make a concession.We are looking forward to your reply, Sincerely,J、要求对方开立信用证
Dear Mr.Jones:
With reference to the 4,000 dozen shirts under our Sales Confirmation No.SX260, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching but up to the present we have not received the covering L/C.Please do you utmost to expedite its establishment so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time.In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.We look forward to receiving your favorable response at an early date.Sincerely,K、因对方未能如期信用证而交涉
Dear Mr.Jones:
With reference to our Sales Confirmation No.825 dated August 10, 2002, we regret to say that your letter of credit has not yet reached us up to the time of writing.This has caused us much inconvenience as we have already made preparations for shipment according to the stipulations of the said Sales Confirmation.You must be aware that the terms and conditions of a contract once signed should be strictly observed, failure to abide by them will mean violation of contract.If you refer to our Sales Confirmation, you will see the clause reading:
“The Buyer shall establish the covering Letter of Credit before 30th August, 2002, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind the contract without further notice.”
The goods you ordered have been ready for quite some time and the demand of late has been so great that we find it hard to keep them for you any longer.However, in consideration of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to wait for your L/C, which must reach us not later than October 5, 2002.If we again fail to receive your L/C in time, we shall cancel our Sales Confirmation and ask you to refund to us the storage charges we have paid on your behalf.Your cooperation in this respect will be appreciated.Sincerely,L、修改信用证
Dear Mr.Jones:
We have received your L/C No.121/99 issued by the Yemen Bank for Reconstruction & Development for the amount of $19,720 covering 1,600 dozen Men's Shirts.After reviewing the L/C, we find that transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed.As direct steamers to your port are difficult to find, we have to ship via Hong Kong more often than not.As to partial shipment, it would be our mutual benefit because we could ship immediately whatever we have on hand instead waiting for the whole lot to be completed.We, therefore, are writing this afternoon, asking you to amend the L/C to read: “TRANSSHIPMENT AND PARTIALSHIPMENT ALLOWED”
We shall be glad if you see to it that amendment is cabled without any delay, as our goods have been packed ready for shipment for quite some time.Sincerely,M、延期信用证的期限
Dear Mr.Jones:
We thank you for your L/C for the captioned goods.We are sorry that owing to some delay on the part of our suppliers at the point of origin, we are not able to get the goods ready before the end of this month.As a result, we sent you a cable yesterday reading: L/C1415 PLSCABLE EXTENSION SHIPMENT VALIDITY 15/31 MAY RESPECTIVELY LETFOLLOWS
It is expected that the consignment will be ready for shipment in the early part of May and we are arranging to ship it on s/s “Fanyang” sailing from Dalian on or about 10th May.We are looking forward to receiving your cable extension of the above L/C thus enabling us to effect shipment of the goods in question.We thank you for your cooperation.Sincerely,N、拒绝对方做独家代理商的要求 Dear Mr.Jones:
Thank you for your letter of 15th September.As we are now only at the get-acquainted stage, we feel it is too early to take into consideration the matter of sole agency.In our opinion, it would be better for both of us to try out a period of cooperation to see how things go.Also, it would be necessary for you to test the marketability of our products at your end and to continue your efforts in building a larger turnover to justify the sole agency arrangement.We enclose our latest pricelist covering all the products we handle within the framework of your specialized lines.We look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,O、指定对方为独家代理商
Dear Mr.Jones:
We have received your letter of the 15th and are impressed with the proposal you make.We are pleased to tell you that we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our Embroideries in the territory of Sweden.The Agency Agreement has been drawn up for a duration of one year, automatically renewable on expiration for a similar period unless a written notice is given to the contrary.Enclosed you will find a copy of the draft.Please go over the provisions and advise us whether they meet with your approval.We shall do all in our power to assist you in establishing a mutually beneficial trade.Sincerely,P、处理对货损的投诉
Dear Mr.Jones:
We have received your letter of 18th July, informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you arrived in a damaged condition on account of imperfectness of our packing.Upon receipt of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate attention.We have studied your surveyor's report very carefully.We are convinced that the present damage was due to extraordinary circumstances under which they were transported to you.We are therefore not responsible for the damage;but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone, we suggest that the loss be pided between both of us, to which we hope you will agree.Sincerely,Q、处理对货物品质的投诉 Dear Mr.Jones:
We very much regret to learn form your letter of 2nd March that you are not satisfied with the dress materials supplied to your order No.9578 From what you say it seems possible that some mistakes has been made in our selection of the materials meant for you and we are arranging for our Mr.Yang to call on you later this week to compare the materials supplied with the samples form which your ordered them.If it is found that our selection faulty, then you can most certainly rely on us to replace the materials.In any case, we are willing to take the materials back and, if we can not supply what you want, to cancel your order, though do this reluctantly since we have no wish to lose your custom.邮件技巧:
We are interested in all your products, could you please send us more information and samples about your products and price list?
Dear Sir/ Madam,Thanks for your inquiry at Alibaba.com.We are professional supplier for XX(产品名)at competitive price, located in XX(公司地址).By now our products have been exported to XX(出口国别或地区).Here is the attachment with some pictures & price of our products that may suit your market requirements.Also you’re welcome to check our website(xxx)for more details and select your interested products.We’re sincerely looking forward to developing business with you, If any comments, we would be glad to discuss in details through MSN:XXX mails or any way you like.(附件内容可挑选一些公司主打产品或通过搜索初略客户市场需求后可推荐的产品类型)
Dear Sir/ Madam,Several days no news from you and sincerely may all go well.Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for XXX(品名)dated on XXX as reply to your inquiry from Alibaba.com Have you got(or checked)the prices or not? Any comments by return will be much appreciated.It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on service of you in near future.Looking forward to your prompt response.(最好把第一次发给客户的邮件内容和客户最初的询盘附在邮件下方以提醒买家。简便方法:可直接转发第一封回复邮件。收件人写明买家的Email.)
Dear Sir/ Madam,How are you? Hope everything is ok with you all along.Now I am emailing you to keep in touch for further business.If any new inquiry, you’re welcome to reach us here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with competitive price as request.By the way, how about your order(or business)with item XXX? If still pending, I would like to offer our latest price to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other.如果连续三封邮件发出去之后买家仍然无动于衷,基本证明买家可能对您产品/价格不感兴趣或者由于其他原因暂时不需要您的产品,可暂时搁置,将时间用在继续寻找新的目标客户上。当然也有很多非常好的买家会被您的毅力感动,回复告诉您一些关于产品进展的情况。我们千万不可急于求成,应仔细分析家客户的提示有针对性得去保持追踪。
Dear,I’m doing fine, thanks for your information.I’m still in the planning of building my new office, due to the work constrain I decided to delay it first.Anyway I will contact you once I decided.Thanks!
Dear,Thank you!I received your email and I sent it to our outsourcing manager.He didn’t tell me anything just now.I will contact you soon once got any news.3.告诉您不及时回复邮件的原因
Dear,I receive more than 10 offers every day and it will take me some times to look into each and every offers.I will contact you in the future if you are in our selection of companies.Many thanks for your co-operation.跟进技巧:这类客户建议可通过发新产品介绍或者新报价的方式来保持联系,相信时间久了成为您客户的能性还是比较大的。至少让买家对您留有印象,即使暂时不需要您的产品,日后有需要的时候也会首先可想到您。
Dear,Sorry for delay in my reply.I have been so busy searching through all the mails, concerning the item of XX(产品).May I ask you, where you purchase XXX(可能是产品相关行业的其他产品或产品的材料部件).Currently We’re interested in this subject.In the coming days, I will reply concerning some samples.跟进技巧:这样的客户就要根据公司的实际情况来回复了,建议不管能否帮得上忙都能给些回复和建议,暂时不能成为客户也可以先做朋友嘛,至少他问的是与您产品相关的问题,中国有句俗话“多个朋友多条财路”,特别是生意上的朋友!
Dear,Sorry for the late reply.I will get back with you later.I am very busy at the moment.If you have US customer as reference, that would help a lot.I am not here to steal information.We use reference in US to generate trust, just like you have “connections”(friends)among Chinese.跟进技巧:应对这样的买家,如果公司在US地区有关系较好,规模较大的老客户,不妨挑选两个介绍给他/她,这样很能显示您的实力。但回复之前还是应根据公司具体产品在这个地区的推广情况来做妥当回复,站在买家立场多思考其询问的真正目的,考虑已在合作的客户公司是否愿意您将其公司名称透露,因为同一区域的多个采购上不可避免将存在竞争。一般简单告知公司名称即可,谨慎透露对方联系方式。如果在US地区没有客户,可以多介绍一些其他国家的客户来显示公司实力,同时向买家暗示我们在US地区还没有合作伙伴,如果您和我合作,将会帮助您开发整个US市场。
Dear,Thanks for your reply, I have received your quote and I am currently looking through all of the quotations that I have received.Currently your prices aren’t the best but your products are very good.If you could make your prices more competitive I am sure we would be putting an order in with you very soon.跟进技巧:可根据具体价格情况回复客户,或通过询问客户所在区域和订单量大小来做可能范围内的让步。
Tips: 跟进邮件的发送时间宜选择在星期二到星期五期间。星期
Hi Henry,Good day.Thank you for your order and support to Gielight, I'm very glad to be at your service.Now I'm are collecting some feedback from clients, can you do me a favor?
Can you tell me the reason of choosing Gielight as your partner? What's your standard of evaluating supplier?
In order to offer you better support in future, could you advise what we should improve in future?
Thank you in advance for your help,we will very appreciate it!
Dear Alice,Thanks for your inquiry, regarding our led high bay light.I am SELENA, FROM Gielight CO., LTD.Glad to be on service for you.In order to give you utmost support, do you mind if I ask the below questions:
1.Could you please let us know more information about your company? 2.How long have you been in LED lighting? 3.What are your main LED lighting products? 4.What is your business type, distributor, contractor, wholesaler, end user...? 5.Have you ever imported LED lighting products from China?
Your information will be highly appreciated.Thanks and looking forward to your reply!
Best regards, Selena,邮件四:(价格谈判)Hi Amigo,Frankly speaking, i really want to support you with very good quality of compatible tube at cheap price.But as you know, it seems very difficult to us due to the current market,As mentioned, you are competing with the tube Nano launched with cheap price, energy saving and high lumen.Can you share us more info about Nano company and its tube spec?
With our customers' feedback, price is not very important to valuable clients.They prefer to pay more attention to the quality, warranty and after-service.Real product value must combine all of these.So if i am sales, the best way is to show own advantages including the excellent products behind customers.Do you think so?
Actually, currently we have a new 150cm frosted compatible tube with 24w at 2900lm, which is mainly for German Market.If you feel interested, i can send you the price as reference tomorrow.But the cost is not cheap.Any problem, pls let me know.邮件五:(新产品推荐)
Thanks for your precious time to read my mail.After the exhibition in Frankful, we got lots of information from esteemed customers who liked the high lumen T8 LED tube with 120lm/w at frosted cover & 130lm/w at clear cover for their applications.According to their requirements and new VDE standards, we have successfully developped such powerful product recently.Pls kindly find out the attached testing report & pricelist if can help you during the promotion.We sincerely invite you to work with us with your most sincere comment.Alison
Dear Friend,Good day!
This is May from Gielight.With the continuous development of Led markets, customers are interested in the high Brightness and installation convenient for them.So I'd like to share our new design Led tube light T8 for your reference:
Dear Walter,Yes, i know most of customers are not happy with the price for high lumen tube.But actually, the high quality 150cm tube is specially for german market.Because of the installation height over 5m, they need higher brightness to illuminate the ground.In other words, they need high brightness 150cm LED tube to replace the existing 58w 150cm CFL tube.That is why we launch such product and only with 150cm at the moment.For our compatible tube, not only it is compatible with electronic ballast, but also compatible with magnetic ballast at the same time.Actually, for both type of ballasts its compatibility is more than 95%.Frankly speaking, the product is very potential with its innovative technology in current market.If you don't need the tube with high lumen(130lm/w at clear cover), we prefer to recommend you with our economic compatible tubes(110lm/w at clear cover)from from 60cm to 150cm.Can you share us your comment if it is suitable for your business and your market? If we are capable to cooperate with you and want to support you, what do you need us to do? Your most sincere suggestion is our best support.Alison.邮件八:(询问客户信息)
Dear David,Got it, thanks!
Normally, we will ask esteemed customers with the following questions before seiously quoting them.a.Any requirements about the warranty, quality, print, color, cover, lumen and certificate?
b.What is your customer range? Retailer, end-user, contractor or distributor?
c.Do you want to remove the ballast or not? And what is your ballast type?
If you can answer us, we are capable of helping and supporting your business in your market.Best regards,Alison
邮件九 展会邀请函:
Dear Friend,Good day!
This is Alison from Gielight, which has worked together with “China Wanda”, “Japan Honda”, “Japan Fuji Market”, “Germany Telecom”, “UK Vision” for almost 5 years at LED lighting field.We(Gielight)sincerely invite you to visit our booth at HK LED Show this month, then will see the following innovative items there.1.VDE certified T8 LED Tube(135LM/W)2.CE listed Electronic & Magnetic Ballast Compatible T8 LED Tube(135LM/W).........for Europe market 3.DLC/cULus listed + Electronic & Magnetic Ballast Compatible T8 LED Tube............for North American market 4.DLC/ETL/CE listed LED Panel(100-110LM/W)5.DLC/cULus/CE listed IP66 LED Highbay or Stadium Lamp(100-1000W)6.New version LED Streetlight + floodlight + tunnel light + tower lamp + projection lamp........If you will be there, pls kindly reply us and we will try our best to give you the help during your trip.Thanks & regards,Alison Huang 邮件十 回复询盘,问清楚客户需求:
Dear Larry
Good evening!And thanks for your inquiry.This is Joan from Gielight.Gielight as a professional manufacturer have been in the field of LED lighting over 8 years.We are keeping cooperate with Honda group and FujiMart in Japan, Wanda group(The biggest company group in China), Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong, Vision Accendo in UK.Gielight always do the project assistance for over three years, and there a engineer team focus on it.In order to support you better, could you pls kindly let us know some details as below?
1)Where do you use these led highbay light? Is that a project? 2)Could you pls kindly let us know the quantity you need so that we can work out a best offer for you? 3)How can we assist you will help you complete the project better? And what kind of offer can help you better?
A detailed quotation will be present to you as soon as got your feedback.Any question pls let me know.Thanks!
Best Regards
邮件十一 拒绝对方做独家代理商的要求
Dear Mr.Jack:
Thank you for your letter of 15th September.As we are now only at the get-acquainted stage, we feel it is too early to take into consideration the matter of sole agency.In our opinion, it would be better for both of us to try out a period of cooperation to see how things go.Also, it would be necessary for you to test the marketability of our products at your end and to continue your efforts in building a larger turnover to justify the sole agency arrangement.We enclose our latest pricelist covering all the products we handle within the framework of your specialized lines.We look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,邮件十二 指定对方为独家代理商
Dear Mr.Jack:
We have received your letter of the 15th and are impressed with the proposal you make.We are pleased to tell you that we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our Embroideries in the territory of Sweden.The Agency Agreement has been drawn up for a duration of one year, automatically renewable on expiration for a similar period unless a written notice is given to the contrary.Enclosed you will find a copy of the draft.Please go over the provisions and advise us whether they meet with your approval.We shall do all in our power to assist you in establishing a mutually beneficial trade.Sincerely,邮件十三 处理对货损的投诉
Dear Mr.Jack:
We have received your letter of 18th July, informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you arrived in a damaged condition on account of imperfectness of our packing.Upon receipt of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate attention.We have studied your surveyor's report very carefully.We are convinced that the present damage was due to extraordinary circumstances under which they were transported to you.We are therefore not responsible for the damage;but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone, we suggest that the loss be pided between both of us, to which we hope you will agree.Sincerely,邮件十四 放假通知邮件
Hi ***:
How about business recently?
I am writing to tell you that our factory and office will be temporarily closed from 1st Oct to 7th Oct, for the National Day holiday, and we will be back in office on 8th Oct.If you have any enquiries, pls send me email, I will check it during that time.Sorry for any inconvenience.Have a nice day,邮件十五 处理对货物品质的投诉
Dear Mr.Jack:
We very much regret to learn form your letter of 2nd March that you are not satisfied with the dress materials supplied to your order No.9578
From what you say it seems possible that some mistakes has been made in our selection of the materials meant for you and we are arranging for our Mr.Yang to call on you later this week to compare the materials supplied with the samples form which your ordered them.If it is found that our selection faulty, then you can most certainly rely on us to replace the materials.In any case, we are willing to take the materials back and, if we can not supply what you want, to cancel your order, though do this reluctantly since we have no wish to lose your custom.Sincerely,
Dear Sir: May 1, 2001
Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world.Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market-that it is the best mountain bike available.Enclosed is our brochure.Yours faithfully
Dear Sir: Jun.1, 2001
We received your promotional letter and brochure today.We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A.Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale.We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business.We look forward to hearing from you soon..Truly
Dear Sir: June 4, 2001
Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike.It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list.After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand.We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.交易的契机
Dear Sir: June 8, 2001
We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully.However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer.You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business.We hope to hear from you soon.Yours truly
5-1 同意进口商的还价
Dear Sirs: June 12, 2001
Thank you for your letter of June the 8th.We have accepted your offer on the terms suggested.Enclosed our will find a special price list that we believe will meet your ideas of prices.You should note that the recent advances in raw materials have affected the cost of this product unfavorably.However, for your order we have kept our prices down.Sincerely
5-2 拒绝进口商的还价
Dear Sirs: June 12, 2001
Thank you for your letter of June the 8th.We regret that we cannot meet your terms.We must point out that the falling market here leaves us little or no margin of profit.We must ask you for a keener price in respect to future orders.At present the best discount offered for a quantity of 200 is 5%.Our current situation leaves us little room to bargain.We hope you will reconsider the offer.Truly
Dear Sir: June 15, 2001
We have discussed your offer of 5% and accept it on the terms quoted.We are prepared to give your product a trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on or before the 20th of September.The enclosed order is given strictly on this condition.We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and/or cancellation of the order after this date.Truly
Dear Sir: June 20, 2001
Thank you very much for your order of June 15 for 200 Deer Mountain Bikes.We will make every possible effort to speed up delivery.We will advise you of the date of dispatch.We are at your service at all times.Sincerely
Gentlemen: June 18, 2001
Thank you for your order No.599.In order to execute it, please open an irrevocable L/C for the amount of US$ 50,000 in our favor.This account shall be available until Sep.20.Upon arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the order as requested.Sincerely
Dear Sir: June 24, 2001
Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms.According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to open a credit for
US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep.20.Please advise us by fax when the order has been executed.Sincerely
Dear Sir: Sep.1, 2001
We are sorry to report that in spite of our effort, we are unable to guarantee shipment by the agreed date due to a strike at our factory.We are afraid that your L/C will be expire before shipment.Therefore, please explain our situation to your customers and secure their consent to extend the L/C to Sept.30.Sincerely
Gentlemen: Sept.5, 2001
We received your letter today and have informed our customers of your situation.As requested, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to extend the L/C up to and including September 30.Please keep us abreast of any new development.Sincerely
Dear Sirs: Sept.25, 2001
Concerning our order No.599 for 200 mountain bikes, so far you have shipped only 50 bikes against the shipment.We are notifying you that we reserve our right to claim on you for the shortage, if it is confirmed.We have given our customers a definite assurance that we would supply the goods by the end of September.We hope you will look into this urgent matter.Yours faithfully
Gentlemen: Sept.30, 2001
In response to your letter of Sept.25, we regret your complaint very much.Today we received information from Hong Kong that the remaining 150 bikes were on a ship that developed engine trouble and had to put into port for repairs.The trouble was not serious, and the vessel is now on her way.She would arrive at your place tomorrow or the next day.Truly
14-1 取消订货
Dear Sirs: Oct.2, 2001
We are sorry that causes completely beyond your control have made it impossible for you to keep the shipment date of Sept.30.Since you have failed to uphold your end of the agreement, we find it necessary to cancel our order.Unfortunately, our buyers cannot wait indefinitely for the units.We are sorry that it is necessary to take such a drastic step.Sincerely
14-2 谅解迟运原因
Gentlemen: Oct.2, 2001
We have received of your notice of delay of shipment due to mechanical troubles on the ship.We are pleased that the order is now on its way.Thank you for the notice.We are eagerly awaiting the ship's arrival.Yours faithfully
Dear Sirs: Oct.4, 2001
Upon arrival of your shipment, the ship's agents noticed that case No.5 was damaged and notified us.The number of articles in the case is correct according to the invoice, but the following articles are broken:(List of articles)
As you will see in our survey report and of the ship's agents', that these units are damaged and quite unsaleable.Please send us replacements for the broken articles;we await your reply in due course.Sincerely
Dear Sirs: Oct.8, 2001
Thank you for informing us of the damaged shipment.Since the units were packed with the best of care, we can only assume that the cases were handled roughly.We therefore urge you to lodge your claim with the insurance company.Sincerely
Gentlemen: Oct.8, 2001
As soon as we got your letter we got in touch with the packers and asked them to look into the matter.It appears that the fault lies with the packaging materials used.We have since corrected the mistake.We apologize for the oversight, and are sending a new delivery immediately.Sincerely
Dear Sirs: Nov.30, 2001
It has come to our attention that your payment is one month overdue.The units ordered were delivered to you on September 26 and were invoiced on September 30.Payment is due on October 30.We look forward to seeing your remittance within a week.Sincerely
Dear Sirs: Oct.3, 2001
We have looked into the cause of the delay in payment and have found that our accounting department made an oversight in making your remittance.We are sorry for the inconvenience.The sum of US$ 20,000 has been sent to you by Telegraphic Transfer and should reach you sometime tomorrow.Sincerely