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Today ,I will introduce a movie to you.I believe that everyone has seen the movie High School Musical, which has been widely praised.And back by popular demand, the pupils of East High make an encore performance in the Disney Channel Original Movie, High School Musical 2.角色介绍:

These are the main actors and actresses of the movie.Troy—He's the star basketball player,star of the spring musical,and the star of Gabriella's eye.Gabriella—She's super smart , very good at studies,and mad in love with Troy.Sharpay—She's queen of the East High and Lava Spring Country club who is good at singing and performing.Ryan—A fashionable boy who always ends up playing second fiddle to sister Sharpay's star turns.Chad—Troy's best friend and he is outgoing, he knows Troy's very much.Taylor—Leader of the Scholastic Decathlon and probably the most level-headed Wildcat.She always gives some advices about boy to Gabriella.情节介绍:

9、In High School Music 2, it was summer holiday.10、Although the teens are looking forward to a break from their studies, Troy and his friends are still looking for jobs.And when the manager of Lava Springs offers Troy a job, the basketball star recommends his fellow students and asks if they can fill up any other available positions.By the end of the phone call, all his schoolmates have employment and the promise of hanging out together while collecting a paycheck.11、The only person unhappy with the arrangement is Sharpay Evans.Because of jealous of the attention Troy and Gabriella's newfound talents, she decide to break up Troy and Gabriella and all his friends.12、Meanwhile, Kelsi has written what's sure to be a winning duet for Troy and Gabriella to perform at the club's annual Midsummer Night's Talent Show.13、She made Troy promised to sing with her in the Talent Show with a plot.14、Which made Troy at a loss!

15、Troy talked with his father at a night about his confusion,but his father gave him a wrong advice, let him keep his eye on the prize.16、So, Troy started to go a wrong way , he began meet someone who are helpful with his future and scholarship.17、Gradually, Troy became more and more far away from his friends.18、Poor Troy, his friend Chad think that they are not a team.19、However, Ryan join the wildcats because of a baseball game.20、He was determined to help wildcats learn dancing perform at the club's annual Midsummer Night's Talent Show.21、What's worse , Gabriella found that Troy is changing, so she left.22、Gabriella'leaving let Troy realize that he wants his friends more than college scholarship so he refused to sing with Sharpay.23、Troy' back make all people be friends.24、At the end of the movie,on the Talent Show, Gabriella came back and song with Troy.Sweet new songs and mad awesome dancing make the summer before senior year a time that wildcats will remember forever.我想说:

Perfect friendship don't exist.There must be some quarrels and unpleasant things happen, but we are supposed to be brave to admit our mistakes.No matter when and where shouldn't we abandon our Friendship.Friendship need to be managed by heart!





秋天也是充满浪漫与诗意的季节,枫叶红遍长城内外,菊香飘过五湖四海,神州大地一派勃勃生机; 我们相聚在这美丽的日子里,让我们彼此手拉手,心贴心尽情享受这大自然赋予我们的一切;







今天我们聚到了一起是一件很不容易的事情,在座的我们叔叔阿姨都是我们登冉健康养生学习馆一直的忠实客户,对我们公司的产品和服务都给予了高度的认可,在高科技健康产品的呵护下,一直追随健康和快乐,特别是为了此次比赛,我们各个会馆的叔叔阿姨都辛苦的排练着,今天,在这里将您的热情释放,将您的情感抒发,登冉是您的舞台,登冉是您追求健康与快乐的希望之舟!!今天不同于往日,今天是个喜庆的日子,今天也是个好日子,接下来请欣赏,由晓山会馆为您带来的舞蹈《今天是个好日子》表演者:杨平黄少琴 丁雪梅 王红娣 李洪先 陈军 王玉琴 周国芬 曾耀琴 陈美云



晓山 合舞《大花轿》

表演者:杨平黄少琴 丁雪梅 王红娣 李洪先 陈军 《赞会馆》表演者:周福英 马兴莲 朱艺兰 陆其美 郑立兰 黄志红


扬子会馆 舞蹈《坐着火车去拉萨》葛庆香 王宝珍 王梅 叶玉萍 刘桂林 毛桂林 李凤兰 屠秋玲 叶雪华 张桂兰

新华会馆 大合唱《歌唱祖国》《松花江上》 表演者:邵花娟 尹斌 胡爱玲等 六合会馆 女生独唱《草原夜色美》 表演者:袁会进

王玉琴 周国芬 曾耀琴 陈美云等

扬子歌伴舞《回娘家》 表演者:李凤兰 葛庆香 俞乐安 江浦会馆 黄梅戏《谁料皇榜中状元》 表演者:张金兰

六合会馆 大合唱《桂花开 幸福来》

表演者:时永宽 朱根棣 汤春红 姬云霞 刘翠华 谈琳 徐德芳等

新华会馆 寿星二合唱《化蝶》

表演者:沈惠玲(79岁)翁福珍(89岁)扬子会馆大合唱《没有共产党就没有新中国》《打靶表演者:周福英 晓山 舞蹈《幸福山歌》


表演者:张桂兰 张秀珍 葛庆香 郑秀英等江浦会馆 黄梅戏《对花》 表演者:朱福年郑立兰 六合舞蹈《扇子舞》 表演者:杨凤珍 张红玲等 新华 小合唱《红梅赞》 表演者:邵花娟 胡爱玲等 江浦 女生独唱《万岁毛主席》

表演者:张秋霞 赵坚梅 梁秀琴 王玉琴 王志兰 毛长华

通过我们紧张而激烈的比赛,那么我们将在今天的所有节目当中评选出一等奖一名,二等奖二名,三等奖三名,那么由于需要我们统计老师需要一点时间来进行统计,所以在我们等待成绩的过程当中呢,我们江浦的韩叔叔和我为我们会员朋友带来一首《莫斯科郊外的晚上》 宣布最终结果!!

三等奖颁奖嘉宾,马洪志,王友洲,丁志强 二等奖颁奖嘉宾,



(一)魏:音乐,是一群跳跃的音符 范:音乐,是一种快乐的心情 魏:音乐,是一个梦想的表达 范:音乐,是一段美好的回忆 魏:就让我们怀着快乐的心情在那跳跃的音符中寻找彩虹般的微笑 范:请欣赏《歌曲串烧》 歌舞串烧串词

(二)主持人A:大家说**的拉丁舞表演的精彩吗?(好)主持人B:相信在今天的舞会现场,节奏明快、热情洋溢的拉丁舞吸引着每一位观众的目光,再次感谢他们的精彩表演。主持人A:那么**(另一主持人小名),看完如此心潮澎湃的舞蹈我们是不是得用动听的音乐来平静(调节)一下大伙儿的内心呢? 主持人B:诶?听你这么说,接下来是不是会有歌曲串烧重磅来袭了呢? 主持人A:没错,下面让我们欣赏由**带来的经典儿童歌曲串烧《美好的未来》和《洋娃娃与小熊跳舞》!歌舞串烧串词


(四)幼1:尽管,我们只是一棵幼苗,但我们骄傲地生活在父母的怀抱。幼2:尽管,我们只是一颗小星星,但我们幸福地闪亮在老师的身边。师1:在这美好的节日里,让我们满怀感激之情地说一声—— 师2:谢谢你们,辛勤的老师!谢谢你们,还在辛勤劳动的爸爸妈妈们!师1:百花幼儿园庆六一文艺晚会——现在开始!中三班《洗刷刷》 幼1:小搓板四方方,肥皂泡白花花,幼2:小朋友爱劳动,我们都是好宝宝。合:请欣赏舞蹈《洗刷刷》。大二班《孔雀舞》 师1:美丽的孔雀高贵而优雅,它带给我们的是一种美的享受。师2:接下来让我们一起走近美丽而神秘的傣族姑娘,体验《孔雀舞》的独特魅力 大大班《隐形的翅膀》 师1:童年是一支歌,跳跃着美妙的音符 师2:童年是一首诗,充满了幻想和憧憬 师1:请欣赏手语操《隐形的翅膀》 舞蹈班《春晓》 师2:唐代诗人孟浩然的《春晓》描绘出一副美丽的画卷,今天我们舞蹈班的幼儿将用优美的舞姿来演绎这美好的意境,请欣赏舞蹈《春晓》


李娜:(Good afternoon,leaders ,teachers,boys and girs,thank you for coming to this competition.today I ’m very glad to stand here to be the little host.I’m Li na)云博:尊敬的各位领导,老师,亲爱的同学们,大家上午好。感谢大家参与次演讲赛的现场




云博:下面我为大家介绍本次活动的评分标准 1.比赛内容应该健康积极,2.参赛者口齿清楚,语音标准,声音洪亮 3.参赛者仪表端正,大方得体。4.可以有适当的肢体语言,增强表现力





云博:我们的学校有参天大树,环境优雅,是学习的好地方啊。李娜:那么接下来要首先有请我们阳光校园队的李艺田一起听听他眼中的大章一中是什么样的 有请-李艺田---my school, 我想每个人眼中的学校都是不一样的,接下来让我们看看任蕊馨眼中的学校吧。掌声欢迎

前两位参赛者演讲结束,李艺田同学的得分到底怎么样呢?让我们有请评委老师亮分。还不错的分数哦 有请黄静琳,(宣布任蕊馨的分数)武艺佳



云博:李娜,最近你有没有经常在电视上听到这样一个词,梦想,比如说梦想秀,梦想星搭档,那到底什么是梦想呢? 乙:我觉得梦想应该是目标,是我努力达到的一个点。甲:那你的梦想是什么呢?


云博:刚才我们观看了阳光校园队的表现,大家觉得怎么样呢?表现不错,但是我们青春队有更精彩的演讲哦,飞扬的青春少不了梦想,让我们首先听听青春队武艺蕊(阳光)对梦想的看法吧 王志荣(阳光)做准备

云博:青春的路上需要梦想,同样更少不了朋友间的相互扶持,说到这,李娜,我想问你一个问题,你有好朋友吗 李娜:当然有啦,我的好朋友很多,有。。云博:你觉得什么样的人可以做朋友呢


有请李毅丹(阳光),范怡珂(阳光)同学做准备 有请范怡珂同学带来my best friend----liyidan 李娜:六年级到此已经全部演讲完毕,我觉得真是太棒了,你觉得呢,云博


李娜:首先有请我们五年级活力队,他们是袁宇翔与虞振宇,李帅辉与李志刚,xx和xx,xx和xx, 李娜:接下来首先登场的是袁宇翔与虞振宇,有请两位带来(5.3)What time does you school start?李帅辉与李志刚(5.4)做准备, 李帅辉与李志刚What time does you school start?(宣布袁宇翔与虞振宇分数)

where did you go(5.1)(李帅辉与李志刚分数)………play basketball…….()

云博:活力队已经表演完了,活力队的表演怎么样呢,让我们用热烈的掌声有请我们必胜队的成员上场,他们是刘英格和张露,高玉朴和吴佳新,xx和xx,xx和xx,首先有请带来刘英格和张露(5.3)where did you go? 接下来有请He can’t see(5.1).(宣布刘英格和张露分数)Are you feeling bored?(5.2)高玉朴和吴佳新where did you go(5.4)



李娜:The time flies!Leaders,teachers, boys and girs,.it’s time to say goodbye.The English speech is over.Thank all of you to join us.Thank you for excellent speech.Thank you for coming ,bye-bye 美好的时光总是短暂的,亲爱的领导老师同学们,又到了我们说再见的时候啦,今天的演讲比赛此刻已经结束,本次感谢选手的精彩表现,感谢评委老师,感谢大家的到来,谢谢各位!


A:(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning,please switch off your cell phones,thanks for your cooperation B:亲爱的观众朋友们,比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)

A: Good evening, distinguished guests, dear teachers and fellow students B:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家晚上好

A:Welcome to the English Speech Competition.of Computer College in China West Normal University

B:欢迎来到西华师范大学计算机学院英语演讲比赛现场 A:I am ** B;I’m** A:We are glad to stand here to host the feast.B:我们很高兴能在这里为大家主持这场盛宴

A:So, today, a very exciting day, it is the last stage of this year’s competition.You know, during the past few weeks the competition has undergone a fierce selection throughout the college.the con’testants tonight are here to prove to us, they are the best English speakers among our college.B:,今天,一个非常令人兴奋的一天,这是本次英语演讲的决赛。你知道,在过去的几周比赛在整个学院经历了激烈的竞争与选择。今晚的参赛选手在这里向我们证明,最好的英语在这里。

A:As we all know, everyone has a lot of dreams, Tonight please put your dreams linking to our country’s prosperity and people’s happiess to express your own wishes.That is our “Chinese Dream”.Yes, this is our theme

of tonight: “My Chinese Dream” B:每个人心中都有很多的梦想,大家把自己的梦想和祖国的强盛、人民的幸福联系在一起表达了各自不同的愿望,那便是我们的“中国梦”。是的,这就是我们今晚的主题:我的中国梦

A: I believe we are all familiar with Martin Luther King's speech“I Have a Dream” , what are your dreams?And how about your Chinese dream.? B:相信大家都很熟悉马丁路德金的“我有一个梦想”的演讲,那么,你的梦想又是什么呢?你的中国梦又是什么呢?

A :Before the competition, let’s meet the important people who are the charge tonight,B:在比赛之前,让我们为大家介绍莅临本次活动的嘉宾 A:they are

The president of computer science college ** ,welcome B:他们是:

计算机学院党总支副书记:**,欢迎 A:Our beloved teacher ** ,welcome B:计算机学院团总支书记:

**,欢迎 A:Judge unit come from thecollege of foreign languages,they are…… B:来自外国语学院的评委团,他们是

A:and the student representatives of computer science college,they



A:Let’s once again welcome their being presented with warmly applause B:让我们再次用热烈地掌声欢迎他们的到来

A:At first,let’s welcome Mr chen make an opening speech for our activity B:首先,有请**为我们活动致开幕辞

A:thanks for Mr chen’s wonderful speech,OK, now let’s go over the rules of the contest.B:再次感谢陈书记的讲话,那么现在让我们来看看我们的比赛规则吧 A:



2、演讲应紧扣“Chinese dream”这一主题,题材不限,适于演讲,富有感染力;






一名 二等奖:

二名 三等奖:

三名 优胜奖:
















A: Now no more words can meet our feeling,Tonight who will get the ring.,let’s





-------the competition----------start B:现在再多的语言也不能表达我们的心情,今晚鹿死谁手,让我们拭目以待,现在比赛开始。

A:now,let’s come to the first part ,welcome all the speekers in order ,they are ** A:ladies and gentlemen, let’s wait no more and put our hands together to welcome our contestant No.1** his speech title is Chinese dream.B: Thanks for**’s excellent speech,let welcome the no.2 contestant **her speech title is Chinese dream my dream A:Good job,now let’s welcome the third competitor**her speech title is Close to dream B:thank you,let’s welcome the next speeker ,he is the No.4 **,and his speech title is My Chinese dream A: Thanks for **’s wonderful speech,now the No.5**,her speech title is My.Chinese heart B:Well done ,thanks for **,now it comes to the part “microblog on the wall”

A:非常感谢**,现在到了我们的“微博上墙活动” B:…… A:……

A: Let’s back to our speech now the No.6 contestant **,please.Her speech title is Keep Your Dream.B:Thanks for**’s excellent performance,now let’s welcome the No.7 contestant **.Her speech title is The Chinese Dream A: Thanks for**’s excellent performance,now let’s welcome the No.8 contestant **.Her speech title is Green dream Green life B: thank you,let’s welcome the next speeker ,She is the No.9 **,and her speech title is My Chinese dream A:Ok,now let’s welcome the last speeker ,his number is 10, he is jiangke ,and his speech title is my Chinese dream and the history mission A:Ladies and Gentlemen ,our activity comes to the contestants’

Second performance “situation opera”.Let’s welcome the group one ,their “”

B:观众朋友们,现在是我们的选手第二次展示自己的时候,情景剧表演,首先有请第一组选手,他们带来的表演是 A:**,do you know …… B:……

A:ok,let’s welcome the group two ,what they will take for us ? just see and enjoy yourselves.B: 有请第二组选手,他们带来的表演是什么呢?敬请欣赏: A:oh,”microblog on the wall”comes again.put out your phone and give the contestants you are supporting a cherish vote.B:哇,现在又到了微波上墙活动,请大家拿出你的手机,为你支持的选手投上珍贵的一票吧,并且向本次活动发表你们心中的看法。A:……(念几段微博)B:……

A:And now, let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results.For this period, let’s welcome our judger miss ? to give us a comment on this competition and all the competitors B:现在让我们短暂的休息一下,等待最终的结果,在这段时间内让我们有请我们的评委??对我们这次活动和选手们的表现做一个简单的评论。欢迎。

A:thanks for ??’s comment.now welcome back to the English Speaking Contest for。。.After our judges’ discussion, the exciting moment is coming.B:感谢??宝贵的评论,现在让我们回到比赛,经过激烈的讨论,激动人心的时刻到了,评委们一致认为的选手分述如下: A:…… B: ……

A:Let me announce the third prize, the winner is-----congratulations!Let's welcome Mr.------to present the award.Thank you Mr.---

B:Next, let me announce the second prize, the winner is-----congratulations!And let's welcome Mr.-------to present the award.Thank you.A:Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winner.Ladies and gentlemen, the first winner of the competition is contestant No.---Congratulations!B :让我们以热烈的掌声祝贺他们

A:Everyone has their own dreams, everyone has their own dreams in China.We set sail with a dream, work hard and move forward.B: 每个人都有自己的梦想,每个人都有自己的中国梦。愿我们伴着梦想起航,努力奋斗,勇往直前 A :Till now, our contest has come to an end.Thank you for your coming!See you next time





