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驻英国大使刘晓明在香港第一东方投资集团董事长诸立力获“全球经济奖”招待会上的致辞 2011年6月21日,英国伦敦亚洲之家

Remarks by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Reception in Honour of Mr Victor Chu, Winner of the 2011 Global Economy Prize of the Kiel Institute 21 June 2011, Asia House, London


Sir John Boyd, Mr Victor Chu,很高兴出席亚洲之家为诸立力先生荣获“全球经济奖”举行的庆祝招待会。

Today we are gathered here to congratulate Victor Chu on winning the 2011 Global Economy Prize of the Kiel Institute.诸立力先生的名字在汉语里发音是叠音-“DOUBLE Li”,即”双Li“。由此我想谈一下另外几对与诸先生有关的“双”。

For those of you who can speak mandarin, you may find that the pronunciation of Victor's full name is quite different in mandarin as in Cantonese.Instead of Lap Lik Chu in Cantonese, we call him Li Li Zhu in mandarin, which repeats the word of Li.So he is ”Double Li“.This reminded me of other things associated with ”doubles" that I would like to share with you.首先,我要以“双重身份”祝贺诸立力先生获得基尔世界经济研究所颁发的“全球经济奖”。第一个身份是官方身份,作为中国驻英大使,我要祝贺他成为第一个获此殊荣的中国人,他是中国的骄傲;第二个身份是非官方身份,作为诸先生的朋友,我已经记不得曾经多少次与他聚首畅谈,他的卓识使每次交谈都令我受益匪浅。

Firstly, I am here today wearing double hats.I am first of all the Chinese Ambassador to the UK, and I am particularly proud that Mr Chu has become the first Chinese to win this prize.I am also here as a friend of Victor.I lost count of how many times we have met, but I do remember the interesting, informative and enjoyable conversations we have had each time.I have benefited a lot from his insight and vision.其次,我要祝贺诸先生的“双重成就”。第一个成就,他是一位成功的企业家,他创立的香港第一东方投资集团经过20多年的发展,管理的资产庞大,执业界之牛耳。第二个成就,他是一位出色的社会活动家,他不仅关注金融和投资领域,而且高度重视跨文化和国际交流,努力担当中西方沟通了解的桥梁,不遗余力,矢志不渝。

Secondly, I wish to congratulate Mr Chu on his double achievements.His first achievement is as a successful entrepreneur.The Hong Kong-based First Eastern Investment Group he founded and capably chairs has, in the past two decades and more, developed into one of the leading investment companies in China, managing huge assets worldwide.But let us not forget that Mr Chu is also active in many other areas.He takes a keen interest in inter-cultural and international dialogue and exchanges, working tirelessly to build a bridge of understanding between China and the Western world.第三,我要感谢诸先生为中国经济发展所做的“双重贡献”。第一个贡献,他促进了对华投资。他倡导“中国直接投资”理念,第一东方投资集团在华投资项目高达数百个,帮助了中国企业发展壮大。特别值得一提的是,去年第一东方投资集团又投资1亿美元,参与组建总额达5亿美元的“中英基金”,专门支持英国的中小企业,帮助它们进入迅猛发展的中国市场。第二个贡献,他为中国的对外开放做出了许多积极努力。他成功推动中国国有企业在香港上市,促进了中国资本市场的成熟发展;他积极提议夏季达沃斯论坛设在了中国,使世界更加关注中国,同时中国的声音更能被世界听到。

Thirdly, I take this opportunity to thank Mr Chu for his double contributions to the Chinese economy.His first contribution is in the area of promoting investments into China.His First Eastern Investment Group manages hundreds of projects in China to help Chinese businesses grow in strength.What is particularly worth mentioning is a 100 million US dollar investment by First Eastern last year as part of the 500 million US dollar China-UK fund to help British SMEs better explore the fast-growing Chinese market.His second contribution is in the area of greater openness of the Chinese economy.He helped Chinese state-owned enterprises to go public in Hong Kong.This is conducive to the growth of the Chinese capital markets.He actively called for the Summer Davos to be held in China.This initiative has created another platform for dialogue and interaction between China and the world.诸先生荣获“全球经济奖”名至实归。我再次向他表示热烈祝贺。

Let me conclude by saying that as far as I can see, Mr Victor Li Li Chu is a most deserving winner of this prestigious prize.Once again my warm congratulations.谢谢。

Thank you.





Address by H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe at the Reception for the 62nd

Anniversary of the People's Republic of ChinaSeptember, 201


Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,在秋风送爽的美好日子里,我们在此欢聚一堂,共同庆祝中华人民共和国成立62周年。首先,我代表中国驻欧盟使团和驻比利时使馆,对大家出席招待会表示热烈欢迎!

Good evening!On behalf of the Chinese Mission to the EU and the Chinese Embassy in Belgium, I warmly welcome you on the 62nd Anniversary of the People's Republic of China.今年以来,世界政治经济形势继续发生重大而深刻的变化。部分地区局势动荡,金融危机深层次影响持续显现。在这一背景下,中国继续深化改革,着力解决发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题,实现政治上的稳定,经济上的又好又快发展。中国上半年国内生产总值实现9.6%的增长,城镇新增就业655万人,前8个月财政收入同比增长30.9%,居民收入稳步提高,各项社会事业蓬勃发展。This year, we witnessed some major and profound changes in international politics and world economy.We've seen disturbances in some regions and after-effects of the financial crisis.Despite such externalities, China carried on with its reform and opening up and made harder effort towards balanced, coordinated and sustainable development.Political stability and economic growth have been maintained.People's income is growing.Social infrastructure is improving.Fiscal revenue increased by 30.9% in the first eight months.China's GDP was up by 9.6% in the first half of the year, and 6.55 million new jobs were created.无论形势如何发展变化,中国始终坚持走和平发展道路。不久前,中国发布了《中国的和平发展》白皮书,再次向世界郑重确认了这一方针。和平发展是中


However the world changes, China remains committed to peaceful development.This commitment was solemnly reaffirmed in a recently released white paper.Peaceful development is a unique path, a path newly explored by China, the world's largest developing country.It has become the will of state.It's enshrined in the national strategy.It's already been put in practice.This year, China continued to promote friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation with our partners.We've been actively involved in global economic governance, financial cooperation, macroeconomic policy coordination, and the reform of international financial institutions.For countries that are caught in difficulties, China offered its assistance through various forms, making an important contribution to the stability and growth of the world economy.经过30多年的发展,中欧全方位、宽领域、多层次的合作格局更加成熟与稳固。今年来,中欧关系实现了新的超越。范龙佩先生作为首任欧洲理事会主席首次访华,与中方就结合中国“十二五”规划和“欧洲2020战略”推动中欧合作发展达成重要共识。中欧第二轮高级别战略对话成功举行,中欧青年交流年顺利启动。今年1至8月,双方贸易额同比增长了21.8%,双向投资和技术合作加速发展。下半年,中欧将迎来第十四次中欧领导人会晤和第四次经贸高层对话等一系列重大活动。我们愿同欧方一道,充分利用好这些契机,推动中欧关系在更新、更高水平上取得更大发展。

Thanks to our common effort over more than three decades, China and the EU have established a broad, all-directional, and multi-tiered cooperation structure that constantly grows and consolidates with new breakthroughs.This year, President Van Rompuy of the European Council paid his first official visit to China, where the two sides reached important agreements on furthering our cooperation through coordinating China's 12th Five Year Plan and Europe's 2020 Strategy.The second China-EU High-Level Strategic Dialogue and the EU-China Year of Youth also record great success.Our trade was up by 21.8% in the first eight months, while two-way investment and technological cooperation kept growing at a fast speed.In the remainder of the year, we'll work closely with the EU partners to make sure that the upcoming 14th China-EU Summit and 4th High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue(HED)will conclude with strong impetus to promote our relations to a new height.各位来宾,Ladies and Gentlemen,中欧关系不断取得进展,既是中欧各自发展的需要,也有赖于大家的理解和支持。希望你们继续做中欧友好的使者和互利合作的积极参与者和重要贡献者,为进一步提升中欧关系发挥更大作用。

A growing China-EU relationship serves our mutual interest, but at the same time requires our input and support.I sincerely hope that everyone here tonight will render your support and become envoys of our friendship and contributors to our cooperation.现在,请允许我提议:


Now, I wish to propose a toast:

To the 62nd anniversary of the People's Republic of China,To the prosperity and the welfare of our peoples,To our friendship and cooperation, and

To the health and happiness of all,Cheers!





Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at Reception “to Refresh and Share Experiences of Studying in China”September 2010, Education Section, Chinese Embassy


Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,欢迎大家出席中国驻英国大使馆教育处举办的“记忆中国,难忘母校”英国赴华留学生招待会。

May I warmly welcome you to the Education Section of the Chinese Embassy to refresh and share your experiences of studying in China.我的同事曾建议我今天用中文讲话,因为今天的招待会不同平常,是为英国曾经赴华的留学生举办。可是,我了解到,出席今天招待会的嘉宾不仅于此,还有许多目前虽不会讲中文,但为推广在英汉语教学、资助英国学生赴华留学而热心出力的人士和企业机构代表,我要感谢你们长期以来对中英教育交流的关心和支持。而我现在还无法要求你们所有的人听懂中文,因为在英国的孔子学院起步时间不长,数量也不够多。孔子曰:“行远必自迩,登高必自卑”(语出《中庸》,意为走远路要从近处开始,登高要从低点起步)。所以,我决定今天还是用英文讲。我希望,有朝一日,我们之间能用中文自由交流。

My colleagues at the Embassy suggested I speak in Chinese for tonight's event.But I learnt that apart from British students in China, there will be many other friends and business leaders, who do not speak Chinese but are keen to promote mandarin teaching in the UK and offer funding for British young people studying in China.I am thankful to them for their commitment and support to China-UK educational exchanges.Naturally I cannot expect all of them to understand mandarin.We still need many more Confucius Institutes to spread mandarin wider in the UK.As Confucius said, “Going on a long journey, one must start from a short step, and climbing high, one must start from low.” So I decided to speak in English today to make things easier for you to start, but I do hope one day we will be able to communicate in Chinese.60年前,首批外国留华人员来到百废待兴的新中国;51年前,首批英国留学生踏上了中国的土地。2009年,有来自190多个国家和地区的23万多名留学生在中国的610余所高校、科研院所等学习;60年来中国累计接受了留学人员169万人次。中国接受外国留学生事业是逐步发展的过程,特别是改革开放后,取得了长足进步。

years ago, the first group of foreign students came to the newborn People's

Republic.9 years after that, the first group of British students came to China.Fast forward to 2009, over 230 thousand students from more than 190 countries and regions were studying in 610 Chinese universities and research institutes.The past 60 years have seen

1.69 million foreign students studying in China.Many of them came during the past 32 years of reform and opening up.在中国,在母校,你们留下了欢笑和汗水,留下了青春足迹,留下了美丽回忆。当然,许多英国赴华留学生可能当初都经历了一个思考和抉择的过程,毕竟“汉语热”只是最近几年才出现;也可能都经受了许多困难和挑战,因为既要学习一门复杂的东方语言,又要适应迥异的生活环境,更要了解完全不同的文化,我本人年轻时就曾赴国外留学,对此深有体会;你们也可能曾怀疑自己学成归来的前途,担心自己一辈子会坐“冷板凳”。

I hope you have spent some very nice time of your youth living and studying in China and brought back lasting memories.And I assume that for many of you, going to China might not be an easy decision to make.After all, the “mandarin fever” has only been a thing of recent years.You must have gone through a difficult time, trying to learn a foreign language and at the same time adapting to a totally different culture and environment.You may also have worried about your future, unsure about whether speaking mandarin will land you in a decent job.I also studied abroad in my younger years, so I can imagine how you felt when you were in China.正如亚里士多德所言,教育的根是苦涩的,但其果实是甜美的(The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.)。付出总会有所回报,如今,从中国学成归国的英国留学生在许多领域或功成名就,或崭露头角。你们利用自己的所学所长,提升了英国社会对华了解和认识的水平,促进了两国经贸合作和文化交流,推动了中英关系的发展。

As Aristotle said, “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” Many of the British young people studying in China have gone through this bitter-sweet experience.They have now become leaders of their fields.Their knowledge and experience of China has also helped the British society to know more about China, and contributed to stronger business and cultural ties.我很高兴得知,你们中的几位杰出人士,包括前欧盟驻华大使魏根深博士、大英图书馆中文部主任吴芳思(FRANCES WOOD)博士和英国民间机构筷子俱乐部的主任童海珍女士(H-J Colston),不久将代表所有英国赴华留学生,前往中国出席纪念外国学生来华留学60周年的庆祝活动。

I am glad to learn that Dr.Endymion Wilkinson, former EU Ambassador to China, Dr.Frances Wood, Head of the Chinese Department at the British Library and H-J Colston, Director of the Chopsticks Club, are going to China as representatives of British students for the 60th anniversary celebration of foreign students coming to China.我最近统计了一下到任以来的活动,意外地发现其中与中英教育交流合作相关的最多。仔细一想,这确也不足为奇。因为目前有近十万中国学生在英国留学,据说今年申请学生签证的人数又增加了60%。我最近从国内述职休假回来,航班上几乎一半是年轻学生。现在英国已设立了12所孔子学院和53家孔子课堂,去年,全英孔子学院举办的活动吸引了近10万名英民众参与。中英两国的大学间建立了上百对校际交流机制,合作非常密切。

I was pleasantly surprised to find that of all the events I have attended since I came to London, educational events account for the largest share.This is quite understandable, given the fact that nearly 100 thousand Chinese students study here.And the number of student visa applications grew by as much as 60% this year.On my way back to London after a home leave in summer, I found that almost half of the seats on the plane were taken by Chinese students coming to the UK.There are now 12 Confucius Institutes and 53 Confucius Classrooms in Britain, attracting nearly 100 thousand British people last year.More than 100 pairs of university partnerships have also been set up between our two countries.中英教育合作是中英关系的重要组成部分。今年,虽然英国政府发生了更迭,但两国关系保持了良好发展的势头。我们愿与英方共同努力,推动中英关系长期健康稳定发展,进一步造福于两国和世界人民。

Education exchanges and cooperation are an important part of China-UK relations.We are committed to work with our British colleagues for a sound and steady growth of our relations, which serves the interests of both peoples and the world at large.中英合作前景广阔,到中国留学、学习汉语前程似锦,大有可为。事实已经并将继续证明,你们的选择完全是明智和正确的。希望你们做中英友好的纽带、两国合作的桥梁,为中英关系发展作出更大贡献。

A flourishing China-UK partnership means promising prospects for studying in China and learning mandarin.You have proven yourselves to be far-sighted in your choice and decision.I do hope that you will serve as a bridge of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and contribute more to China-UK relations.我希望大家多到中国参观访问,重回母校,重拾记忆,同时了解中国几十年来、甚至几年来的最新发展变化,及时更新对中国的认识。我也期待英国每年赴华留学人数在目前3千人的基础上进一步增长,不断扩大两国友好合作的力量。

I also hope you will find time to go back to China and visit your alma mater to refresh the memories of your days in China and see the latest development in the country.I wish to see more and more British students going to study in China, bringing the current 3,000 per year to an even higher level.This will further strengthen the foundation for China-UK friendship and cooperation.最后,在我结束讲话之前,我愿为我馆教育处打一则广告:明年秋季,中国驻英国大使馆教育处将协助国内相关部门在伦敦举办首次“留学中国”(STUDY IN CHINA)教育展,欢迎你们和你们的亲朋好友届时前来参观和交流。

Before I conclude, let me put in an advertisement for our Education Section: The first “Study in China” Exhibition will be held in London in autumn next year.We look forward to seeing you again or your families and friends there.谢谢大家。

Thank you.

























Sir David Brewer,Chairman Stephen Perry,Chairman Richard Reid,Lord Howe,Ladies and Gentlemen,I am delighted to once again join all you friends from the British business community.I want to thank you most warmly for hosting such a grand dinner.This is a very meaningful way to mark forty years of full diplomatic relations between China and UK.In this special year for China-UK relations, it is appropriate to refresh old friendships and make new ones.More importantly, it is the time to learn from the past and so create a stronger future.It is the time to build on the progress made and work for greater achievements.In this fortieth year of relations I was encouraged we made a good start.Here are some examples:

· Mr.Li Changchun, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and State Councilor Madame Liu Yandong successfully visited the UK last month.Many of you present here attended the relevant events.·




level people-to-people dialogue was launched.· The UK Now project was unveiled in China.· We were preparing for a series of important dialogues and visits scheduled for later this year.· We were planning for multiple




trade, and

finance,cultural cooperation investment, people-to-people links.· We look forward to the London Olympic Games becoming another highlight in our bilateral relations.These are all positive trends.However, there are always some forces working against our joined efforts to build warm relations.· These forces dislike the dynamic growth of China-UK relations.· They have trifled away the progress made through hard efforts.· They have wasted the rare opportunities in our bilateral ties.· This is why we now face an undesirable situation in our relations.This is not the first time we have encountered difficulties.History shows a variable climate in the past four decades.We have experienced both storms and calm sunshine.Our relationship has never been plain sailing.We have often had to travel on a bumpy road.Some of you may recall two months ago a reception at the Chinese Embassy.At that time I mainly talked about achievements in these past 40 years.This evening I will focus on the lessons we should draw from those four decades.Learning lessons from the past will help us avoid roller-coasters in our relations.This approach could remove many bumps from the road we will travel along.To drive home my message, I will quote a famous British statesman.Lord Palmerston twice served as British Prime Minister in the 19th century.However, he is best remembered for his direction of British foreign policy.One of his famous quotes says:

“Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.”

This indicates that securing 'interests' is an enduring goal of British foreign policy.There is no doubt that interests are critical to the development of any country.Yet interests differ in nature and need to be treated accordingly.This means we must have a good knowledge about two questions:

· What are the interests involved in China-UK relations?

· How should we properly handle these interests?

To address these questions, I believe the following three points are essential.First, we should advance common interests.We have success stories in this aspect.In the 1970s, opposing world hegemony, and power expansion, served the common interests of China and UK.To advance these interests, relations.In the 1980s, maintaining stability and prosperity in Hong Kong represented our common interests.Through negotiations, we signed the Joint Declaration over Hong Kong.This milestone document laid a solid foundation for the final solution for the future of Hong Kong.Lord Howe was one of those who made important contributions to this historical achievement.Today, common interests of China and UK cover broader areas.At a bilateral level, our shared interests lie in:

· Increasing trade.· Expanding two-way investment.· Boosting growth of both economies.· Stepping up cooperation in education, our



overcame difficulties and established ambassadorial culture and science and technology

· And strengthening people-to-people links.At a global level, the world economy is full of uncertainties.The international landscape is going through profound changes.So, our common interests are defined as:

· Working together for world peace, stability and prosperity

· And jointly tackling common challenges facing all mankind.China-UK relations can only keep growing when both nations are truly committed to a Sino-UK comprehensive strategic partnership and common interests of the two countries.My second point is that we should respect each other's interests.China and UK are different in many ways.We are different in:

· History.· Culture.· Values.· Social system

· And development stage

It should be no surprise that we have different national interests.As a developing country, China considers the following as its core interests:

· Preserving its basic state system.· Defending its national security.· Safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity

· And ensuring sustained and stable economic and social development.These interests are the 'red line' of China's foreign policy.They shall not be crossed by any foreign country.Any attempt to support and connive at anti-China separatist forces hurts China's core interests.Whatever the excuses, such moves will meet firm opposition from China.China will not do anything to undermine Britain's national interests.So it is perfectly reasonable that Britain should also respect China's national interests.If that is not the case then bilateral ties will surely suffer.My third point is that we should uphold overarching interests.National interests are overarching because they concern the people of entire country.So, what are in the best interests of Chinese and British people?

I believe that our two peoples are eager to see greater progress in China-UK relations and more fruitful cooperation between us in all fields.This certainly is the goal of all you business leaders gathered here this evening.Through cooperation, we will be able to expand trade, increase investment, create jobs, and promote economic growth.These will bring benefits to all of our peoples.Working towards these achievements make up the overarching interests of China and UK.Political leaders should at all time uphold the overarching interests of the two countries.They should always support the larger interests of bilateral relations.They should follow the will of the people and advance well-being of all the people.What political leaders should not do is to pander to minority views.They should not please small groups at the sacrifice of overall interests of the country.This is what distinguishes statesmen from politicians.In China-UK relations, we need statesmen who have strategic vision and keep in mind the larger picture.We do not need short-sighed politicians who are blinded by immediate interests and obsession with votes.What we need to serve is overarching national interests, not interests of interest groups, not interests of some forces.Friends from the British business community:

You have produced 'icebreakers' in our bilateral relations.You have long been active participants and firm promoters of China-UK business ties.Growth of China-UK relations needs the support of thriving economic cooperation.It also needs the guarantee of a sound political relationship.In the absence of mutual political trust, there will be no stable bilateral relationship.In turn, deepening economic cooperation will be a 'mission impossible.'

As China-UK political relationship is now facing difficulty, I do hope that you friends from British business community will:

· Carry forward the spirit of 'icebreakers'.· Leverage your influence and play your part in creating



political environment for economic cooperation.· And help bring China-UK relations back to a normal track.This is my expectation of you!

It is also our shared interest!

Thank you!


驻印度大使张炎“中国新年食品文化节”致辞时间:2010-02-22 20:54来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1284次


Remarks at the Chinese New Year Food & Culture Festival

by the Ambassador H.E.Mr.Zhang Yan

January 31, 2010


中国驻印度大使 张炎


Distinguished guests,Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen,各位来宾,女士们,先生们,After 10 more days, Chinese people are going to celebrate the Chinese lunar new year, the Year of Tiger.We are very happy and honoured to have so many friends come joint us in this Chinese New Year Food & Culture Festival and share the festivity with us.Allow me to extend my warm welcome and new year greetings to all of you.再过十多天,中国人民将庆祝农历新年——虎年。我们很高兴也很荣幸有这么多朋友来参加这个中国新年食品文化节的开幕式,和我们同欢。请允许我向你们表示热烈的欢迎并致以新年的问候。

The Year of Tiger is a very lucky year.In China, tiger stands for being courageous, energetic and very capable.I wish the Year of Tiger will bring every body good luck.虎年是一个非常幸运的年份。在中国,虎代表勇气,活力以及能力。我祝各位虎年都交好运。

2010 is a very important year for China.Chinese people after a very successful year of 2009, will continue to work hard to build their country into a moderately prosperous society in an all-aspects way, and make their fresh contribution to the world peace and development.This year, China will host the World Expo in Shanghai from May to October and the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou in November.More than 240 countries, regions and international organizations will participate in the Shanghai Expo, this makes it the largest ever in the world expo history.With the theme of “Better City, Better Life”, all countries, including India, will their latest achievement in science and technology especially in green life and environment friendly technology.I hope all friends, including Indian friends, will have chance to visit this spectacular event.2010年对中国是一个非常重要的年份,送走成就辉煌的2009,中国人民将继续致力于全面建设小康社会,为世界的和平与发展作出新贡献。今年5月至10月,中国将在上海举办世博会,11月在广州召开第16届亚运会。届时,240个国家和地区以及国际组织将参展世博会,是世博历史上最大规模的一次盛会。以“城市让生活更美好”为主题,所有参展方,包括印度,将展示最新科技,特别是绿色生活和环境友好型技术。我希望包括印度朋友在内的所有人都能有机会参加这一盛事。

2010 is also an auspicious year for China-India relation.Two countries are going to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relation.China Festival and India Festival will be held respectively.We are also busily preparing the state visit by Indian President to China.I am sure those activities will further promote the people to people exchanges and strengthen the bilateral cooperation.I am confident with your gracious support, we will further advance China-India Strategic Cooperative Partnership and open a new chapter in China-India relation.2010年是中印关系发展不平凡的一年。两国将庆祝建交60周年,将互相在对方国家举办“中国节”和“印度节”。我们也在积极筹备印度总统对中国的国事访问。我相信这些活动将进一步促进两国人民之间的理解和友谊,深化双边关系的发展。我也相信在你们的大力支持下,我们将会进一步加强中印战略伙伴关系,谱写中印关系的新篇章。

Dear friends,各位朋友,Today’s gathering is part of the celebration for the 60th anniversary and it will warm up the China Festival in India.we have prepared lots of Chinese delicacies.There are typical dishes representing various branches of Chinese cuisine.My staff and their spouses have also prepared some fantastic culture shows.They are not dancers and models, but better than professional dancers and models.I hope you will enjoy both the Chinese food and the performances.今天的活动是庆祝建交60周年的开始,也是为“中国节”的到来预热。我们准备了许多道中国菜肴,包括了不同菜系的特色菜。我的同事和配偶们也准备了一些精彩的文化表演。他们虽然不是舞蹈家和模特,但要比专业舞者和模特还专业。希望大家一起享受我们的中国美食和表演。

Finally, as Chinese custom goes, I would like to wish everybody good health, good luck and big wealth in the new year!


Thank you!




