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1.not know Jack about

对某事一无所知。如: I don't know Jack about fishing意思就是 I don't know anything about fishing(我对钓鱼一无所知)。而I don’t know Jack的意思就是“我什么也不知道”。关于Jack,还有两个常见的句子。Do you know Jack shit? 意思就是问别人, “你知不知道什么叫无知? 在美国的口语中,Jack shit 算是一句粗话,意思是什么也没有。

2.Jack of all trades

万事通。一般指杂而不精,也就是我们平时所说的“三脚猫”。Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。3.No way, Jose

“不可能的荷西”,常用于熟人之间拒绝做某事。Jose并不表示叫这个名的人,而是跟way押韵,说起来响亮,好听。这种说法始于20世纪60年代美国乡村。4.a cup of Joe

一杯咖啡。A cup of Joe也就是a cup of coffee。这个说法是从纽约一家公司Martinson's Coffee的Joe Martinson的名字得来的,据说当时临近街区都弥漫着咖啡的芳香,所以人们都称咖啡为 a cup of Joe。Martinson's Coffee在美国历史悠久,它的追随者25%都是纽约人。5.Jeez Louise

表示惊讶。如:One million? Jeez-Louise!You get any of that?(一百万?老天!有你的份吗?)

Jeez Louise, don't you know that all banks are closed today? It is Saturday.(天啊,你难道不知道今天银行不营业吗?今天可是周六)。6.John Hancock

亲笔签名。John Hancock是在 The Declaration of Independence(美国独立宣言)上署名的独立战士中,将自己的名字签得又好又大的一个人,他的签名美观大方而且个头也比别的签名大。所以美国人常把John Hancock当作signature(署名,签名)的意思.。如:I need your John Hancock.我需要您的签名。7.John Q.Public

普通人。在美语中,John Q.Public也是指“普通人,民众”。类似的词组是:John Q.Citizen.美语里还有很多与John有关的词组,如:big John(新兵),cheap John(乱杀价的商人;叫卖小贩),honest John(诚实的人;容易上当的人),square John(诚实可靠的人;奉公守法的人)。8.For Pete’s sake

感叹词,用以强烈表达情绪,意为“哎呀,天哪”,有些地方也译作“看在上帝面上;千万;务必” 等。在这个短语中,Pete是耶酥大弟子St.Peter的昵称。常在恳求或请求他人时使用。如:For Pete's sake,stop making so much noise.(哎呀,天哪!别弄出那么讨厌的声音啦!)此外,它还应用于其他种种不同的场合。假设你向别人道了歉,他还没完没了,这时你可以说:I said I was sorry.What else do you want me to do, for Pete's sake?(我已经说对不起了,拜托,你还想叫我怎样啊?)9.not kno

w a person from Adam


不相识。源自《圣经·旧约·士师记》第2、3章。上帝创造了世界上的第一个男人,取名为亚当(Adam)。因为亚当非女人所生,所以没有肚脐,是最容易辨认的人,“not know somebody from Adam”就表示“完全不认识某人”。

Mrs.Smith is a friend of mine, but I don’t know her husband from Adam.史密斯太太是我的朋友,但我完全不认识她丈夫。10.Sheila

在口语中表示少女,年轻貌美的女子。一般为女子英文名,译为希拉,类似于Shelly, Cecilia.16句英语人名俗语 1 a cup of Joe

一杯咖啡。A cup of Joe也就是a cup of coffee。这个说法是从纽约一家公司Martinson's Coffee的Joe Martinson的名字得来的,据说当时临近街区都弥漫着咖啡的芳香,所以人们都称咖啡为a cup of Joe。Martinson's Coffee在美国历史悠久,它的追随者25%都是纽约人。average Joe

平常人,普通人。An average Joe refers to someone who is just like everyone else;a normal person.'Average' means 'in the middle' or 'not extreme', and 'Joe' is a common male name.So 'average Joe' refers to a man who is not extremely different from everyone else.Average意思是“平均的,一般水平的”,而Joe又是一个极其常见的名字,所以人们就用average Joe来表示很普通的一个人。例如我们会说,雷?罗马诺是这个时代全美最受欢迎的电视明星之一,可他却似乎不把自己当成什么大人物,仿佛就是与你生活在同一座城市里的“average Joe”。not know Jack about

对某事一无所知。如: I don't know jack about fishing意思就是I don't know anything about fishing(我对钓鱼一无所知)。而I don’t know Jack的意思就是“我什么也不知道”。关于Jack,还有两个常见的句子。Do you know jack shit? 意思就是问别人, “你知不知道什么叫无知? 在美国的口语中,jack shit 算是一句粗话,意思是什么也没有。John Q.Public

普通人。在美语中,John Q.Public也是指“普通人,民众”。类似的词组是:John Q.Citizen.美语里还有很多与John有关的词组,如:big John(新兵),cheap John(乱杀价的商人;叫卖小贩),honest John(诚实的人;容易上当的人),square John(诚实可靠的人;奉公守法的人)。Jeez Louise

表示惊讶。如:One million? Jeez-Louise!You get any of that?(一百万?老天!有你的份吗?)

Jeez Louise, don't you know that all banks are closed today? It is Saturday.(天啊,你难道不知道今天银行不营业吗?今天可是周六)。For Pete’s sake


使用。如:For Pete's sake,stop making so much noise.(哎呀,天哪!别弄出那么讨厌的声音啦!)此外,它还应用于其他种种不同的场合。假设你向别人道了歉,他还没完没了,这时你可以说:I said I was sorry.What else do you want me to do, for Pete's sake?(我已经说对不起了,拜托,你还想叫我怎样啊?)

类似的表达方式还有for Christ sake,for heaven's sake,for mercy’s sake,for pity’s sake,for God’ sake.For Christ's sake和for God's sake有亵渎神明之嫌,一般避免使用。但在重大事件的场合是可以使用的,不受限制。

正因为在严重事件的场合使用。所以for Christ's sake和for God's sake语气最强,其次是for Pete's sake,其余的大致相同。另外,在使用时,男女有别。for Pete's sake和for God’sake多为男性使用。for goodness’sake,for heaven's sake,以及for pity's sake的使用者以女性居多,但男性在表示特别强烈的感情时也可以使用。但for mercy's sake几乎只有女性使用。a doubting Thomas

生性多疑的人。源自《圣经?新约?约翰福音》第20章。该篇讲到耶稣复活后出现在众人面前,十二门徒之一托马斯没有亲眼见到,声称除非看到他手上的钉痕,用手探入他的肋旁,否则不信他已复活。后来人们用“doubting Thomas”指那些不肯轻易相信别人的人。

He’s a real doubting Thomas — he simply wouldn’t believe I’d won the car until he saw it with his own eyes.他是一个真正的怀疑主义者—在没有看到之前他就是不相信我赢得那辆车。8 a plain Jane

长相不起眼,外貌平凡的女人。这里的plain是“不惹人注目的,朴素的”,而Jane是一般女人名,plain与Jane合辙押韵。如:I wonder why a handsome man like Jeff married such a plain Jane.我很奇怪像杰夫这样出色的男子怎么与一个不怎么起眼的姑娘结婚。


在英语中,有很多人名都代表一类人或是一类物,比如Joe就是个比较有代表性的名字。如果把它当做真名来理解就会闹笑话了。刚到美国,总在校园里听到别人叫“hi,Joe!”一开始很奇怪:怎么美国叫Joe的名字这么多?有几次自己熟悉的朋友也被称为Joe——他们明明不叫这名字,我就更好奇了。有一次在逛街的时候遇到了一个名人,这种机会在国内比较难的,所以我大呼小叫了一把。旁边一个美国人很淡定地来了句:“Well,he is a JoeBlow too!”在他的解释下我才知道Joe在芝加哥俚语中只是一个虚指

,可以拿来称呼任何男生,就跟小时候《看图说话》里所有的男生都叫小明一样。而JoeBlow就是指普通人,同样意思的说法还有JoeDoakes、JoeQPublic、Joe average、JoeQ Taxpayer等。相对来说,同样的意思,Joe Six-pack就有点贬义了,就 是说:这种人,扔到人堆里都找不出来。

此外,Joe和某些名词或者量词搭配使用也会衍生出很多意思。比如JoeCollege是表示普通大学生,而a cup ofJoe的意思可不是一堆人,而是一杯咖啡。Joe在英语中还有平庸的意味,比如JoeMiller就是指老掉牙的笑话。


美国虽然是个很开放的国家,但基督教的势力也不可小觑。尤其是在一些俚语中,还能看到《圣经》的影子,不过在年轻人嘴里,它们往往会被换作他用。比如说ForPete’s sake这个词。美国大学宽进严出,所以通宵作业、复习是常态。当然,玩起来也很疯狂。有一次为了应付第二天的考试,一个同学来我租住的房子抄笔记。而和我合租的墨西哥同学正好在开party,非常吵。一开始我们还好言请他们把声音放小一点,结果你也知道,墨西哥人就是自顾自的。两个回合之后,那个老美终于忍无可忍地站在公共区域大吼一声:“Be quite,forfuck’s sake!”未果之后甩门而去。这是句脏话,可它是什么意思呢:“安静点,别妨碍我们‘办事儿’!”?瞬间我就有点懵:毕竟,当时我跟那老美就是孤男寡女在一起。后来那个老美看我一脸尴尬的样子,就向我解释:这句话是从forPete’s sake演化出来的。Pete是St.Peter的昵称,他是耶稣的大弟子,也是最虔诚的使徒之一。所以这句话可以翻译成“苍天呐”,而现代人常常不会用这么古板的说法,所以如果要表示极端愤怒常会说成for fuck’sake或者forpig’sake。s s

Adoubting Thomas多疑的家伙

和St.Peter的虔诚相比,耶稣的门徒Thomas显然就没那么好的口碑了。这个人的性格也被美国俚语吸收了进来。在英语中doubtingThomas指的就是那种生性多疑的人,大约就相当于中国人讲到曹操吧。有一次一个女同学聊她的男朋友,她来了句:“He’s a realdoubting Thomas——he simplywouldn’twhat I said.”就是说:“他是个生性多疑的家伙,根本就不相信我的话。”在美国,相互信任、宽容通常被视作是相处的基础,恋爱生活虽然甜蜜,但生性自由的美国人无论男女都很少能容忍男朋友或女朋友整天对自己来什么查勤啥的。后来我在谷歌上查到这个说法源自《圣经·新约·约翰福音》第20章。该篇讲到耶稣复活后出现在众人面前,十二门徒之一托马斯没有亲眼见到,声称除非看到耶稣手上的钉痕,用手探入他的



1.I couldn't care less.这句话的意思是「我不在乎」,「缺乏兴趣」(lack of interest),也就是:I don't care at all.或 I don't give a hoot.例如:

人家如果问: What do you think of the budget-cut?(你对预算削减有何看法?)

你回答: I couldn't care less.(我毫不在乎)

至于 I couldn't care more.就是「我很在乎」(I care a lot.)或 I care deeply.同理:

I couldn't agree more.=I totally agree.(我完全同意)

2.No bones about it.意思是:真实的,诚恳的(truly, sincerely or exactly),也就是 to make no bones about it.(bone 要加 s, it 是指 something)例如:

His wife is beautiful;no bones about it.(他的太太真是很漂亮)

3.take it on me!

意思是:「这是我的,请用吧!」「这是免费的」(help yourself to it;it is free),这多半是指吃的东西或一些不贵重的东西。例如:

Here are some candies from England;take one on me.(这是来自英国的糖果,尝一个吧!)(one = candy)

可见 take 后面的 it,是指 something,而 on 的后面通常不指别人,所以多半也只用在第一人称单数 me。

(假如夫妇在一起,也可以说:Take it on us.)

4.I am from Missouri.这句话有时后面要加一句:「I need to be shown.」或「You have got to show me.」,意思是 Missouri 州的人很固执(stubborn),不太信任别人,一定要人家「证明一下」(prove it to me),所以密苏里州也被称为「The Show Me State」。

据说这句话所以流行(尤其在美国中西部)是因为美国一些名人都住过密苏里州,包括 Harry Truman, Mark Twain, Walt Disney 等。后来老外不轻易相信别人时,就使用这句话。(也有半开玩笑性质)例如:

He is not easily convinced because he is from Missouri.(他是来自密苏里州,所以不容易说服他。)

Don't try to fool me;I am from Missouri.(You have got to show me.)(别愚弄我,我是来自密苏里州。)


1.clock in 打卡

Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。

2.come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐

Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。3.come easily 易如反掌

Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。

4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪

Don't have a cow!I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。

5.push around 欺骗

Don't try to push me around!别想耍我!


1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静

Keep your shirt on.He didn't mean to offend you.That's just the way he talks.保持冷静。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。

2.cool it冷静一点

Cool it.You are making me mad.冷静一点。你快把我逼疯了。

3.joy ride兜风

Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。


Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。

5.red-letter day大日子

This is a red-letter day for Susan.She made her first sale to a very important client.今天是susan的大日子。她和一个非常重要的客户做成了第一笔生意。


1.go up in smoke成为泡影

Peter’s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office.办公室出了问题,peter的假期泡汤了。

2.hit the road上路

We should probably hit the road.It’s going to take us two hours to get home.我们可能该上路了吧?到家的两个小时呢!

3.shape up表现良好,乖

You’d better shape up if you want to stay on.如果你还想留下来的话最好乖一点儿。

4.scare the shit out of someone吓死某人了

Don’t sneak up behind me like that.You scared the shit out of me.不要那样从后面突然吓我。你吓死我了。

5.pull strings运用关系(源于“拉木偶的线”)

He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert.他运用关系替我们拿到音乐会前排的位子。美国口语俚语(4)

1.come again 再说一遍

Come again? I didn't quite understand what you said.再说一遍好吗?你刚说的话我不明白。

2.come clean 全盘托出,招供

The criminal decided to come clean.罪犯决定供出事实。

3.spring for 请客

Let me spring for dinner.我来请客吃饭吧。

4.spill the beans 泄漏秘密

Don't spill the beans.It's supposed to be a secret.别说漏了嘴,这可是个秘密哦!

5.stick in the mud 保守的人

Cathy is such a stick in the mud.She never wants to try anything new.Cathy真保守,她从不想尝试新事物。



I have to go to the john.Wait for me in the car.我要去厕所。在车里等我一下。

2.keep in line管束

He needs to be kept in line.He's too wild.他太野了,要好好管束一下。

3.jump the gun草率行事

Don't jump the gun.We have to be patient for a while.不要草率行事。我们应该耐心等一会儿。

4.jump to conclusion妄下结论

Don't jump to conclusion.We have to figure it out first.不要妄下结论,先把事情搞清楚。


This car is a real lemon.It has broken down four times.这辆车真次,已经坏了四次了!


1.fishy 可疑的

His story sounds fishy.We should see if it's really true.他的故事听起来可疑。我们应该看看到底是不是真的。

2.flip out 乐死了

Chris flipped out when I told him that we won the game.我告诉克里斯我们赢了比赛时,他乐歪了。

3.fix someone up 撮合某人

I think Xixi and Macaulay would make a perfect couple.Let's fix them up.(Haha,just kidding:)



4.take a shine to 有好感

He really likes you.There are very few people he takes a shine to right away.他真的喜欢你。他很少对人一见面就有好感的。

5.third wheel 累赘,电灯泡

You two go on ahead.I don't want to be a third wheel.你们两个去好了,我不想当电灯泡。


1.ripoff 骗人的东西

What a ripoff!The new car I bought doesn't work!真是个骗人货!我买的新车启动不了!

2.rock the boat 找麻烦

Don't rock the boat!Things are fine just the way they are.别找麻烦了,事情这样就够好了。

3.blow it 搞砸了,弄坏了

I blew it on that last exam.我上次考试靠砸了。

4.in hot water 有麻烦

He is in hot water with his girlfriend recently.近段时间他跟女友的关系有点僵。

5.put one's foot in one's mouth 祸从口出

Wally is always saying such stupid thing.He has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth.沃力尽说这种蠢话。他真有惹是生非的本事。



The movie was a flop.Nobody went to see it.这部电影卖座率奇低,没有人去看。

2.drop in/by/over 随时造访

Feel free to drop in anytime.I'm usually home and I'd love the company.欢迎随时来坐坐。我通常在家,也喜欢游人做伴。

3.drop a line 写信

Drop me a line!给我写信!

4.duck 躲闪,突然低下头

Remind little Bobby to duck his head when he crawls under the table so he won't hit his head.提醒小波比爬到桌下时要低头才不会受伤。

5.go with the flow 随从大家的意见 Sharon is an easy-going person.She just goes with the flow.沙伦是个随和的人。人家怎么说,她就怎么做。


1.act up 胡闹,出毛病

The children started to act up as soon as the teacher left the room.老师一离开教室,孩子们就闹起来了。

2.ad lib 即兴而作,随口编

The comedian ad libbed most of his routine.那个喜剧演员大多是即兴表演。

3.blah-blah-blah 说个不停

All she does is go “blah-blah-blah” all night.她整夜说个不停。

4.hit it off 投缘,一见如故

They hit it off instantly and have been good friends ever since.他们一见面就很投缘,从此成了好朋友。

5.zit 青春痘

Why is it that every time I have a hot date, I break out with a big zit on my face?



1.put someone on the spot 让某人为难

Don't put me on the spot like this.You know I can't give you confidential information.别这样让我为难,你知道我不能给你机密资料的。

2.racket 非法行业,挂羊头卖狗肉

The police are determined to break up the racket.警方决定打击这个非法行业。

3.have it good 享受得很

She really has it good.Everybody caters to her every need.她真是享受得很,大家都依着他。

4.don't knock it 不要太挑剔

Don;t knock it!You won't be able to find another job that pays so well.别挑剔了!你未必可以找到另外一个待遇这么好的工作!

5.pig out 狼吞虎咽

We pigged out on potato chips and cookies until our bellies ached.我们大吃薯条和曲奇,吃到肚子撑到痛为止。


1.down in the dumps垂头丧气

The players were down in the dumps after their team lost the championship game.球员输掉决赛哪一场后个个垂头丧气。

2.horse around嬉闹 We've horsed around long enough.It's time to get to work.我们闹够了,该去工作了。

3.pass something up放弃某事物

You can't pass up this job.This kind of opportunity comes only once in a lifetime.你不可错过这个工作。这种机会一辈子才有一次。

4.go whole hog全力以赴

She went whole hog in planning he New Year's Eve party.她全心全力筹办新年晚会。


There's no way he can lose.He's a shoo-in.他不会输的,他是位长胜将军。


1.get the ball rolling开始

Let's get the ball rolling.让我们开始吧。

2.get on the ball用心做

If you hope to keep your job, you'd better get on the ball and meet the deadline.如果你还想要你的那份工作,你最好用心做,赶上最后期限!


He's a real lady-killer.他是个不折不扣的帅哥。

4.lay off停止,解雇

Lay off!I don't need you to tell me what to do!别再讲了!我不需要你告诉我怎么去做!

5.knock it off=cut it off停止

Knock it off!I'm trying to get some sleep.别吵了!我正想睡觉呢!


1.have a passion for钟爱

I have a passion for blue dresses.我钟爱蓝色的衣服。

2.pep talk打气,鼓励的话

The coach gave his team a pep talk at half time, hoping to lead them to victory.教练在半场时候给球员们打起,希望将他们引上胜利之途。

3.pick someone’s brains请教某人

I don’t understand any of this medical terminology.Do you mind if I pick your brains since you’re so knowledgeable in this area?


4.pass out醉到了

He passed out after three beers.喝了三杯啤酒后他就醉倒了。

5.way back好久以前

We’ve been friends since way back.我们老早就是好朋友了。美国口语俚语(14)

1.hit someone with a problem让某人面对问题

I’m sorry to hit you with this problem.I don’t know who else to turn to.很抱歉把这个问题抛给你,我不知道还可以找谁求助。

2.have it bad for狂恋

He really has it bad for her, but she has no ideas.他狂恋着她,而她却不知道。

3.hung over宿醉未醒

Don’t disturb him.He’s still hung over from last night.别吵醒他,他宿醉仍未醒。

4. has-been过时的人或物

Lisa is a has-been.No one will hire her any more.丽莎已经过时了。没人会再雇佣她。

4.have a bone to pick with有账要算

I have a bone to pick with you.You still owe me the fifteen dollars you borrowed.我有账跟你算。你向我借的十五美金还没还呢!


1.let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密

I won't let the cat out of the bag.我不会泄漏秘密的。

2.in the market for 想买,积极物色

People are always in the market for something new and different.人们总想买点新奇的且与众不同的东西。

3.meddle in 干涉,搅和

Harold asked his boss stop meddling in his personal life.哈罗德要求老板别再干涉他的私生活。

4.screw loose脱线,神经不对头

Bill must have a screw loose somewhere;he's acting really strangely.Bill一定是哪根筋不对,他的行动真奇怪。

5.sell someone on 以...说服某人

She sold me on her idea.I think it will work.她用她的看法说服了我,我想那行得通。


1.hang in there忍耐一下

Hang in there.Things will look up soon.忍耐一下。事情很快就会好转的。


He takes a hands-off approach when it comes to raising his children.他用无为而治的方式教养小孩。

3.gag me with a spoon我快吐了

Gag me with a spoon!Please don’t tell me such disgusting stories any more.我快吐了!请别再说这么恶心的故事了。

4.get a move on赶快 Get a move on.You can’t park your car here.赶快!你不能在这儿停车。

5.cook up想出

He cooked up a wonderful way to surprise his wife on her birthday.他想出一个在他太太生日时让她惊喜的妙法。(呵,女人心中的好丈夫!)


1.roll with the punches逆来顺受

You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.如果你想在这一行生存下去的话,就得逆来顺受。

2.right off the bat立刻

I was all prepared to put up a fight, but he gave in right off the bat.我正准备和他大打一场,但是他马上就投降了。

3.get one’s feet wet参与,开始做

It’s not good to concentrate all your efforts on just writing.You should get your feet wet and trying painting or dancing.单单写作对你不好。你应该涉猎一下绘画或舞蹈。

4.get after盯着,责备

Ann’s mother gets after her to hang up her clothes.安的妈妈盯着她,要她把衣服挂好。

5.pan out成功,奏效

Unfortunately, the deal did not pan out.I lost a thousand dollars.这笔生意不幸没有成功,我损失了1,000美元。


1.screw someone over欺负某人

After working in the office for ten years, Alice was fired for no apparent reason.How can they screw her over like that?


2.down to the wire等到最后一刻才开始做事

Peter always waits until the last minute to do his work.I could never leave it down to the wire like that.彼得总是等到最后一刻才开始做事。我从不想他那样等到最后一刻才开始干。


You can’t buck the system.你无法抗拒整个制度。


Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.阿诺德是我见过的最笨的人。

5.blow the lid off揭发(丑闻)

That newspaper story blew the lid off the Senator’s illegal business deals.报纸的报道揭发了参议员的非法勾当。


1.round up集合 Round everybody up.It’s time for our business meeting.叫大家集合,开会时间到了。

2.put someone up留宿某人

I can put you up for a couple of days.My apartment is big enough for two people.你可以在我这里住几天。我的公寓可以住两个人。

3.take care of business负责

Who’s going to take care of business while I am away? 我不在的时候谁负责?

4.take out on拿…出气

Don’t take your frustrations out on me.别把气出在我身上。

5.hot stuff大人物

He thinks he’s hot stuff.But everybody else thinks he’s a jerk.他自以为了不得,但其他人认为他是个傻瓜。



Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.I want to hear what happens next.让我们来认真了解详细的情况,我想知道后来发生了什么。

2.no good很糟

This typewriter is no good.Every time I use it, the ribbon falls out.这台打字机很糟。每次已用,色带就掉下来。

3.have someone’s number清楚某人的底细,看穿某人

She dare not do anything to me, I have her number.她不敢对我怎么样的,因为我对她的底细一清二楚。

4.hot number新鲜、迷人的人或事务,尤物

Tom thinks Sherry is a hot number.Tom认为Sherry是个尤物。

5.off the hook逃脱,溜掉,不受罚

I’ll let you off the hook this time, but don’t do that again.这次不罚你,下次不要这样干了。



Everything here is hunky-dory.Don’t worry.别担心,这里一切都没问题。

2.I kid you not我不骗你

I kid you not.I saw this woman talking to her hand.我不骗你。我看见这个女人跟她的手说话。

3.pop one’s cork大发脾气

I’ve never seen Teresa pop her cork before.I always thought she was a very laid-back person.我从来没见过Teresa发脾气。我原来一直以为她是个好好小姐。

4.poke one’s nose into something多管闲事

Gladys is always poking her nose into other people’s business.I don’t see how she has time to take care of her own affairs.格拉迪斯总是爱管闲事,我不知道她怎么会有时间处理她自己的事。

5.pull a fast one欺骗

He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it.他想要欺骗我们,但在他阴谋得逞之前我们就知道了。


1.beats me我不知道

Beats me.We haven’t learned that.我不知道。我们还没学过那个。

2.beat it走开

Beat it!I’m busy right now.走开!我现在正忙着。

3.beat a dead horse白费口舌,白费力气

I’ve already made up my mind.There’s no sense beating a dead horse.我已经下了决心,不要再白费口舌了。

4.John Hancock签名

Put your John Hancock right here.请在这里签名。

5.keep it under raps保密

Don’t tell anyone about the party.Let’s just keep it under eraps.不要吧晚会的事告诉任何人。这件事情不要泄漏出去。


1.kick around讨论;多考虑一下

Let’s kick around a few more proposals before we come to a final decision.我们最后决定之前多考虑几个方案吧。


The junkie stole money in order to buy more drugs.这名吸毒者为了买更多的毒品而偷钱。

3.put away大吃大喝

I’ve never seen anybody put away so much food and still look so thin.我从未见过这么能吃的人还这么瘦。

4.put a move on挑逗

He tried to put the moves on her, but she turned him down.他想要挑逗她,但她拒绝了他。

5.put one’s ass on the line两肋插刀,不惜一切

I put my ass on the line for you.I know you’ll do the same for me someday.我为你两肋插刀,我知道有朝一日你也会为我这么做。



What a drag!There’s nothing to do here!真是讨厌!这里没什么可干的!

2.a drop in the bucket沧海一粟 The amount of money Mr.Howell spent on a new Rolls-Royce was just a drop in the bucket compared to his annual salary.豪威尔先生卖一辆辛劳斯莱斯汽车的钱和他的年薪相比不过是沧海一粟。

3.drop dead去死

Suzy told Mike, “Drop dead!” when he kept teasing her about her weight.麦克不停的取笑苏齐的体重时,苏齐说:“你去死吧!” 4.down and out穷困潦倒

Sarah was down and out after losing her job and her apartment.萨拉丢掉工作和房子后变得穷困潦倒。

5.all that jazz诸如此类

He only cares about basketball, TV, girls, and all that jazz.他只关心篮球、电视、女孩这一类事情。



Grace is always correcting other people.She thinks she’s a know-it-all.格雷斯总是在纠正别人,她觉得自己是万事通。


That man is really kooky.He has fifty-three cats!那个人真怪。他养了53只猫!

3.let someone have it让某人好看

Next time I see Rick, I’m going to let him have it.下次我看到李克时要他好看。

4.a leg up占上风

All Jeff’s hard work is paying off.He’s a leg up on the rest of his competitors.杰夫的努力是有报答的。他在竞争对手中占了上风。


Chris is such a low-life.He sleeps on the park bench and drink booze all day.克利斯真是落魄潦倒。他睡在公园板凳上而且整天喝酒。


1.call it quits不干了

After being in the used car business for 40 years, Harry finally called it quits.做了40年旧车生意后,哈利终于洗手不干了。

2.chip in出钱

We all chipped in to buy Jennifer a going-away present.大家都出钱买一个送别礼物给Jennifer.3.a chip off the old block一个模子印出来的;酷似(父母的人)

Scott certainly is a chip off the old block.He reminds me so much of his father when he was that age.斯克特酷似他爸爸。他让我想起他爸爸在他这年龄时的许多事。

4.clean up one’s act信心革面,重新做人

You’d better clean up your act if you want to go to a good school.如果你想金好学校就要洗心革面,奋发图强 5.cliffhanger吊人胃口的东西

TV series like Dallas usually end the season with a cliffhanger.象《达拉斯》这样的电视连续剧经常以吊人胃口的方式结束一个时节。



Terry is so bullheaded;he won’t listen to anybody else’s opinion.特利这么顽固,他听不进别人的意见。

2.bum rap责骂

Louise got a bum rap for taking sides with Richard.路易斯因为偏袒理查德而受到责骂。


That show was a real bummer.那场表演令人倒尽胃口。

4.burn someone up激怒某人

It burns me up when people don’t do their job right.有人没把份内的事做好就令我生气。

5.catch on to突然了解

It took Cindy a long time to catch on to what Bill was saying.辛迪许久以后才突然明白比尔所说的话


Don't miss the boat.不要错失良机 Don't take it for granted.不要想当然 Don't get me wrong.不要误会 play it by ears.到时候再说 it's up in the air.还没决定好

may i take a rain check?下次好吗? red neck 乡巴佬

go down to business 言归正传

the shoes were on the other foot.时过境迁 you are a chicken 你是胆小鬼 you are a hot chick 你很火辣

market meet 专门找一夜情的派对 no sweet 没问题

no sweet without sweat.一份耕耘一分收获 cold shoulder 拒绝 cold feet 害怕

cold turkey 冷血动物 lose my shirt 一无所有 hold your horses 耐心点 hit books K书 doggy bag 打包


Call it a day 最初是指一天中有一定的工作限量,当这些工作做完的时候,你就应该“call it a day”,表示一天的工作已经完成。不过,还有一种说法源于“上帝创世纪”,从第一天到第六天每天都有一定的工作要做,最后一天工作结束,称为“安息日”。而每一天的工作完成后也要“call it a day”。

Finger in every pie指的就是涉足多个领域和活动的“全能”人物。

都火烧眉头了,你还 „„!

大难临头的时候,如果你没有诸葛亮的气定神闲,就赶快去着手解决问题吧!千万不敢“to fiddle while Rome burns”(事情都火烧眉头了,还抓些无关痛痒的细枝末节)。


一大早,同事就向我抱怨:“我本想办一个小型的私人聚会,没想到老婆把该请的、不该请的全请来了!”呵呵,“这该请的,不该请的”该如何用英语来表达呢?看好了!“Every Tom, Dick and Harry”。

现在正是一年中最热的时候,在英语中,“三伏天”有一个特殊的表达方式 —— dog days of summer。

山穷水尽:at the end of your rope

情人们互递情书本来是一件浪漫的事情,不过人人都害怕上面写的是:“我们分手吧!” 这一定令人伤心欲绝。在英语的“分手信”里,被甩的人都有一个共同的称谓——John.“Dear John letter”(分手信)源自第二次世界大战的时候,由于美国成千上万的士兵都驻守在异国,他们和女友或妻子的距离造成了感情上的隔阂,当这些隔阂在信纸上交流的时候就变成了:“Dear John, I have found someone else whom I think the world of.I think the only way out is for us to get a porce.”

赛跑一贯以朝天开枪作为开跑的信号,赛跑时,如果运动员不遵守比赛规则,在枪还没响的时候就开始跑,那么他就是“to jump the gun”,也就是我们所说的“抢跑”。


事情是这样的:一外国朋友须在月底前租到一居室。不过,目前来看,情形很不乐观,他的求租贴都发出两周了依然毫无头绪。“What if you fail to rent the one-bedroom apartment? ” 我问。“Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.” 他回答道。

如履薄冰:to walk on eggs

AA制 Dutch treatment;go Dutch

成功秘诀:“Go the extra mile!”

滔滔不绝:run off at the mouth

“The die is cast!” 是句俗语,当你下定决心要去做某件事、既使失败也决意要做时,都可以用它来形容。Die在这里是dice(骰子)的单数形式。

感叹世事变化,真个是“风水轮流转,三十年河东三十年河西呀!”习语“shoe is on the other foot”暗含有“风水轮流转”之意。

奇数叫“odd number”,偶数叫“even number”。

老啦!no spring chicken]

眼冒金星:see stars//have stars in one's eyes

付诸东流:down the drain

子曰:非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动。意思说,不符合礼教的话不能说,不符合礼教的东西不能看,不符合礼教的事不能做。英语中,其相应的英文表达为:See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil(do no evil)。

skeleton in one's closet”(东掖西藏的丑事)

“家丑不可外扬”常用谚语“Do not wash your dirty linen in public”

问:“化干戈为玉帛”—— 打一四字俗语。呵呵,谜底:“和气生财”。汉语中,“化干戈为玉帛”语出《淮南子•原道训》,常用以比喻争战者能舍弃纷争、追求和平。英语中,俗语“beat your swords into plowshares”可表达相同的意思。

晴天霹雳:A bolt from the blue



to have a crush on(someone); to feel an instant magnetism;

to catch one's eyes; to hit it off;to have the hots for(someone);

to be attracted to each other.这些片语,都是描写男女间互相倾慕,两情相悦,有吸引力或一见锺情。

例如:* He(she)has a crush on her(him)(他对她十分爱慕)。

* He felt an instant magnetism when their eyes met.(他们见面时,他立即感到磁性般的吸住)。意指女的外表吸引;如果是 she felt …… 那么就是指男的外表吸引。

* A nice-looking girl caught his eye.(漂亮的妞儿吸住)。注意:不用eyes。

* He was introduced to a pretty woman and they seem to hit it off immediately.(他被介绍给一位漂亮女子後,他们似乎就一见锺情)。或

* They were attracted to each other the moment their eyes met.* When he met her, he had the hots for her.(当他见到她,他就对她爱慕不已。)(多半指 sexual attraction。)


* She did not feel any attraction toward him.(她对他毫无兴趣);或* He is the man for whom she feels no attraction, catch or no catch.(不管他的条件好或坏,她对他就是没有兴趣)。这里的 catch,可指财富、地位、名望和外表。


* Mr.Lin has been considered a prince on a white horse.(林先生被认为是白马王子。)这是中古时代女子对男人的梦中理想


* He is a prince in a shining armour.(动词时态:shine, shone 或shined。)

* Many people think that Mr.Clinton is a real lady„s man.(或 a real womanizer)(许多人认为柯林顿先生喜欢在女人窝里。)

*As a casanova, he has many girl friends.(由於他是美男子,他有许多女友。)

(Casanova 是意大利人,据说是顶尖的美男子,他的全名是:Casanova deseingalt Giovanni Giacomo 在此 casanova 被当做普通名词,故 c不必大写。


* He has melted her down and made her knees buckle.(他把她溶化了,使她拜倒他的西装裤下)。这句话老外通常不用在男人身上,也许因为男子应该比较坚强些吧!

* So many women swarmed him like bees to the honey.(许多女人看到他,就像一群蜜蜂见到蜜那样蜂拥而至。)

倘若说:…… like flies to the garbage指像一群苍蝇喜欢垃圾那样,当然就不是恭维了。to be a beauty queen;to be a dream boat;to be a cutie;to be a babe;

to be a fox.这些都是形容女人漂亮,曲线玲珑,身材曼妙,挥身性感或散发一种性感的野性。例如:* She is a beauty queen.(= very beautiful)

* She is a cutie.(= pretty and attractive)(漂亮迷人)

* She is a dream boat.(= ideal type of woman)(理想女人)

* She is a babe.(= very beautiful and attractive)

* She is a fox.(= She is a foxy lady = She is sexy.)(她很性感)。

注意:如果说: She is as sneaky(或 cunning)as a fox.又是指她像狐狸一样的狡猾。


* Her beauty(attraction)has caused his knees to shake.(或 to quiver)(她的漂亮迷人使他膝部发抖)。或* She made him feel up there in the clouds.(= on clouds nine = on the top of the world)(她使他神魂颠倒,飘飘然如仙。)

其实,所谓「情人眼里出西施」(Beauty is in the eyes of beholder),世上的美或丑,只是主观的看法而已。

to fall in love with(someone);to fall head over heels in love;to love(someone)from head to toe.都是指男欢女爱,沉溺情海,或是爱得晕头转向。

例如:* They have fallen in love with each other for years.(他们相爱多年)。

(动词时态:fall, fell, fallen)

* He fell head over heels in love with her.(= He fell for her head over heels = He is head over-heels in love withher.)(他与她沉溺情海,爱得晕头转向。)多半指很快落入情海。

* He loves her from head to toe.(他从头到脚地爱她)。多指经过较长时间後才热恋, 或* He falls madly in love with her.至於男女热恋时「目中无人」或「形影不离」,也可以说:

* They are two peas in a pod.(他们像豆荚里的两粒豆子--即形影不离。)

* They only have eyes for each other(and forget the entire world.)(世界上似乎只有他们两个人。)如何学说一口地道的美式口语

Potluck Party: 一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。

Pull over!把车子开到旁边。Drop me a line!写封信给我。

Give me a ring.= Call me!来个电话吧!For here or to go? 堂食或外卖。

cool;That's cool!等於台湾年轻人常用的囗语“酷!”,表示不赖嘛!用于人或事均可。What's up? = What's happening? = What's new?

见面时随口问候的话“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?”一般的回答是“Nothing much!”或“Nothing new!”

Cut it out!= Knock it out!= Stop it!少来这一套!同学之间开玩笑的话。

Don't give me a hard time!别跟我过不去好不好!Get yourself together!振作点行不行!Do you have “the” time? 现在几点钟?可别误以为人家要约你出去。

Hang in there.= Don't give up.= Keep trying.再撑一下。

Give me a break!你饶了我吧!(开玩笑的话)Hang on.请稍候。Blow it.= Screw up.搞砸了。What a big hassle.真是个麻烦事。What a crummy day.多倒霉的一天。Go for it.加油 You bet.= Of course.当然;看我的!Wishful thinking.一厢情愿的想法。

Don't be so fussy!别那么挑剔好不好。It's a long story.唉!说来话长。

How have you been? = How are you doing? 你过得如何?近来可好?

Take things for granted.自以为理所当然。Don't put on airs.别摆架子。

Give me a lift!= Give me a ride!送我一程吧!Have a crush on someone.迷恋某人。

What's the catch? 有什么内幕?Party animal.开Party狂的人(喜欢参加舞会的人)。

Pain in the neck.=Pain in the ass.讨厌的东西、人或事。Skeleton in the closet.家丑

Don't get on my nerve!别把我惹毛了!Afat chance.=A poor chance.机会很小。

I am racking my brains.我正在绞尽脑。She's a real drag.她真有点碍手碍脚。

Spacingout.=daydreaming.做白日梦。I am so fed up.我受够了!

It doesn't go with your dress.跟你的衣服不配。

What's the point? = What are you trying to say? 你的重点是什么?

By all means.=Definitely.一定是。Let's get a bite.= Let's go eat.去吃点东西吧!

I'll buy you a lunch(a drink;a dinner).= It's on me.= My treat.我请客

Let's go dutch.各付各的My stomach is upset.我的胃不舒服diarrhea [dai r'i ] 拉肚子

吃牛排时,waitor 会问“How would you like it ?” 就是问“要几分熟?”的意思,可以选择 rare,medium 或 well-done。I am under the weather.=I am not feeling well.我不太舒服!

May I take a rain check? 可不可改到下次?(例如有人请你吃饭,你不能赴约,只好请他改到下一次。)I am not myself today.我今天什么都不对劲!Let's get it straight.咱们把事情弄清楚!What's the rush!急什么!Such a fruitcake!神经病!

I'll swing by later.=I'll stop by later.待会儿,我会来转一下。

I got the tip straight from the horse's mouth.这个消息是千真万确的(tip指消息)!

easy as pie = very easy = piece of cake 很容易。flunk out 被当掉。take french leave 不告而别。I don't get the picture.=I don't understand.我不明白。You should give him a piece of your mind.你应该向他表达你的不满。hit the road = take off = get on one's way 离开。

Now he is in the driver's seat =He is in control now。Keep a low profile(or low key).采取低姿态。Kinky =bizarre =wacky =weird 古怪的。klutz(=clutz)=idiot 白痴、笨蛋。

know one's way around 识途老马。lion's share 大部份。tailgate 尾随(尤其跟车跟得太近)。take a back seat.让步。take a hike =leave me alone =get lost 滚开。hit the hay =go to bed 睡觉。Can you give me a lift? =Can you give me a ride? 载我一程好吗?

green hand 生手、没有经验的人。moonshine = mountain dew 指私酿的烈酒(威士忌)或走私的酒。胡说八道也可用moonshine。His story is plain moonshine。

chill out =calm down =relax(来自黑人英语)

rip off =steal;I was ripped off.我被偷了;rip off 也常被用为“剥夺”My right was ripped off.权利被剥夺(来自黑人英语)。我们称美国大兵为G.I.(Government Issue)or GI Joe, 德国兵或德国佬为 Fritzor Kraut,称英国佬为John Bull,日本人为Jap。或Nip,犹太人为Jew都是很不礼貌的称呼。mess around(with)瞎混;Get to work.Don't mess around.赶快工作,别瞎搅和。snob 势利眼。sneak in,sneak out 偷偷溜进去,溜出来。sneakers 运动鞋。

She is such a brown-noser.她是个马屁精。This is in way over my head.对我而言这实在太难了。I am an exam jitter and I always get a cramp in my stomach.我是个考试紧张大师,一考试胃就抽筋。Keep your study(work)on track.请按进度读书(工作)。

Did you come up with any ideas? 有没有想到什麽新的意见?

Don't get uptight!Take it easy.别紧张,慢慢来!

Cheese!It tastes like cardboard.Cheese吃起来味如嚼腊!

Get one's feet wet.与中文里的“涉足”或“下海”,寓意相同,表示初尝某事。I am going to try dancing for the very first time.Just to get my feet wet。

与衣服相关的5句地道英语表达1.Dress to Kill = wear one‟s finest clothing


The reception for the new ambassador was quite lavish.Naturally, everybody was dressed to kill.Since it was a formal occasion, everyone was dressed in their finiest, most elegant clothes.欢迎新大使的招待会很豪华。自然,每个人的衣服都漂亮得电死人。因为这是个正式场合,大家都穿着最好最体面的衣服。

2.Knock Someone„s Socks Off = enthuse and excite


A:Hi, John.What„s new?嗨,约翰, 怎么样?

B: Oh, nothing too much with me, but you ought to see Nick„s new car.It„ll knock your socks off!哦, 还那样.不过你真该看看尼克的新车.那车真带劲!

3.Lose One„s Shirt = lose a great deal of money连衬衫都输掉了,表示输了很多钱。B: What„s new with Doug these days?他怎么样?

A: He wasn„t doing so well.For one thing, he told me he lost his shirt at the races.不太好.有件事,他告诉我马赛上输了很多钱.B: Doug has always liked to bet on the horses.I„m not surprised that he lost a great deal of money.他喜欢赌马.说他输了大钱我一点都不奇怪.4.Wet Blanket = dull or boring person who spoils the happiness of others


James was not invited to go on the outing with the rest of the group because he„s such a wet blanket.詹姆士没被同组的人邀请出游,因为他是个倒人胃口的人.5.Dress to the Teeth = dressed elegantly


A: Did you see Hilda at the party last night? 昨天的晚会上看见希尔达了吗?

B: Yes, I did.She was really dressed to the teeth!看见了.精心打扮得都到牙齿了


kick ass 了不起

A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes.You're good.B: Yep.I just kick ass.“kick ass” 除了字面上的「踢屁股」外, 还有「厉害、打败」的意思。当「踢屁股」时, 比如某人放你鸽子, 你很气, 就可以说:“I'm going to kick his ass.”(我得踢他的屁股)。当「厉害」用时, 就像上面例句一样用。“kick ass”还可作「打败某人的意思」。比如某人一向在某方面比你强, 终于有一天你比他厉害了, 你就可以说:“Hahaha……I kicked yourass.”.觉得 “ass” 太难听的人, 就用 “butt” 吧!

2.XYZ 检查你的拉链

Hey, man.XYZ.“XYZ” 是 “Check your zipper.” 的意思。在美国, 填表选项时多用打「X」来表示(台湾则用打勾表示)。这个选项的动作就叫“Check”, 也就是这里的XYZ 的 X所代表的。Y 是 Your, Z 就是 Zipper 啰!

3.Hit the road.上路了

A: Do you want to come in for some tea?

B: No.I'm running late.I really need to hit the road.“running late” 是快迟到了的意思。

“Hit the road” 的 “hit” 有「去」的意思。好比某人每周去健身房三次, 你就可以说 “He hits the gym three times a week.”.“I really need to hit the road.” 还可以用说成“I really need to get going.”.4.hang out 和朋友在一起

A: I don't know what is going on lately.Jack seems to curse a lot these days.B: Well, that's just what you get from hanging out with the wrong crowd.“hang out” 是和朋友一起做一些事。看电影、逛街、聊天都算。也不限指异性朋友。


I really like talking to her.I think we two really click.click the mouse(点击鼠标),不过 click 不一定只用在异性之间。朋友之间的频率相同也可以用。



例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she s crawling around the boss and making eyes at him.她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。

as busy as a bee(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的as graceful as a swan(象天鹅)姿态优雅的as gentle as a lamb(象羊羔)性情温顺的as cunning as a fox(象狐狸)一样狡猾的as poor as a church mouse i' beat 一贫如洗

I'm beat.我非常疲乏。

beat gums空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话

bell the cat为众人的利益承担风险

black sheep害群之马

Buddy,where is John?要上厕所?(在美国中,男厕所有John's room一说.)Bungee jumping蹦极跳

Stop bugging me,man!喂,别烦我了。


white clollar白领

pink clollar gold粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)

gold-clollar workers金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司的利润大小和收益都有直接的重要影响。他们的工作环境优雅,职业体面,有着丰厚的收入和稳固的经济地位)

dog-eared books读得卷了边的书

dog sleep不时惊醒的睡眠

dog tired像狗一样的累

dog watch夜班

old dog上了岁数的人、老手

a sly dog偷鸡摸狗者

a yellow dog杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人

a big dog看门狗、保镖;要人

you are a lucky dog!你真是个幸运儿!

dog nose啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒

a dog in a blanket葡萄卷饼或卷布丁

as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是 忠实、卖力、辛劳 的化身。

He, who lies down with dogs must rise up with flea


a good dog devers a good bone.西方人论功行赏时常说 好狗应有好骨头 a

a dog in the manger占着马槽(不拉屎)

Honey,i forgot to duck亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。

eat crow由于夸大其词或过分自信,最后不得不承认错误。

eat his words食言

out at elbows elbow one's way捉襟见肘

elbow one's way 用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道

get a black eye被别人打青了眼睛

mind your eye叫别人当心

blink our eyes眨眼睛

flash our eyes at sth瞟一眼

make eyes cast sheep's eye 抛媚眼

cast sheep's eye暗送秋波

You have an eye for sth有眼光有见解

finely arched eyebrows纤细的弓形眉

pencil the eyebrows 描眉

rough bushy eyebrows浓密的粗眉

eyelash grower睫毛膏

eyelash curler卷睫毛器

without turning an eyelash泰然自若,不动声色

not bat an eyelid没合眼睡觉 ,对事情泰然自若

hang on by the eyelids事情危在旦夕

face the music不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面a matter of face 面子攸关的事情

lose face丢面子

例如:He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing face.他知道自己错了,但却不肯承认错误,因为怕失去面子。

save one's face挽回面子

pull a long face拉长了脸

make a face at you对你做个鬼脸

have the face厚颜无耻

例如:I m so surprised that you have the face to do so!


cold gish态度冷冰冰,没有热情的人。

drink like a fish牛饮



例如:We strive to show booksellers what we are doing to support them and drive footfall into their stores.我们要努力向图书商展示我们将如何支持他们,并使更多的客人进入他们的商


green eyed嫉妒

green finger(thumb)? 把大伙干不好的活都干得漂漂亮亮

例如:A person with green finger has a magic touch that makes plants grow well and quickly.长着绿手指的人是有魔法的,只要他一碰,植物就长的又快又好。green hand生手

例如: I m still green at my job.我依然是个新手。

green light允许、许可

例如: I m only waiting for the green light from you.我在等您的允许。

green revolution绿色革命

例如:These developing countries produced enough food to serve their people after

green revolution.绿色革命后,这些发展中国家就生产出足够的粮食来满足国民的需要。the green years青春年华

he is ripe in years but green in heart.形容某人是老当益壮lose your heart to someone和某人谈恋爱

lack heart缺乏勇气

win your heart赢得你的心

broken heart破碎的心

heart of stone石头心肠

pour out your heart倾吐你的心事

have a heart可怜可怜你

his heart in the right place他的心肠是很好的not to wear yourheart on your sleeve不要太情绪化

Don't take the failure to your heart别为失败而难过

lose heart 失去信心

your heart of gold金子般的心,美好心灵

write a leter to her and declared your heart写信表达爱慕之情Don't let your heart get cold不要让你的热情冷却下来

a man after her own heart正和她心意的人

put your heart at rest放下心来

straight from the horse's mouth 来自权威和可靠的消息。

I was welcomed with open arms我被热烈欢迎。

keep a good house招待周到

例如:I haven t got a good house, but I ll keep a good house.我没有好的房子,但我会招待周到的。

kill someone with kindness 热情的让人受不了

know sth.like the palm of one's hand 了如指掌

lead a cat-and-dog life过着不和睦的、敌对的生活。

lead a double life 婚外恋、婚外情

love at first sight一见钟情

lumox 傻大个儿

例如:The lummox has loused up their company s whole business.那个傻大个儿把公司的买卖搞的一团遭.smoked meat(bacon)熏肉

strong meat 难以消化的食品,难理解的事物

grill the meat在烤架上把肉烤得滋滋冒油

fry the meat 把肉炒一下

a meaty book一本有实际内容的好书

you young monkey小淘气鬼

Stop monkeying with my camera!


make a monkey(out)of愚弄、耍弄

例如:You suddenly realized that you had been made a monkey(out)of by your opponents.你就会突然发现自己被对手给耍了。

monkey business 耍些骗人的把戏、捣鬼

例如:You suspected monkey business at the polls.你怀疑选举投票中有鬼。


例如:He won a monkey at the horse races.他在跑马中赢了500美元。

Nature calls要上厕所。

pain in the neck讨厌、恶心

例如:You gave me an awful pain in the neck.你真让我觉得讨厌。

up to one's neck忙的不可开交

break one's neck努力地、拼命地做事

例如:I m really up to my neck in my work today, I couldn t get away from the office till 6:30.So I had to break my neck to get to my sister s engagement party at 7 o clock.我今天忙得不可开交,因为我不能6:30下班,所以我必须拼命地做事才能参加我妹妹7:00的订婚宴会。

save one's neck免受苦难或惩罚

例如:The fighter planes saved our necks.空军的战斗机保全了我们的生命。

crane one's neck to see sth.伸长脖子看什么东西

never say uncle嘴硬,不肯服输、不肯承认。

例如:I refused to say uncle no matter how they threatened me.无论他们怎样吓唬我,我都不肯服输。

Tom never says uncle.He wouldn t admit he s wrong for the life of him.汤姆的嘴特硬,打死都不肯承认错误。

nitpicker爱吹毛求疵的人(nitpicker means a kind of person who always criticizes others by noticing small and unimportant differences)

one track-minded单轨思维,大脑不灵活,缺乏灵活的思维能力

例如:If you are a track-minded person, you will not understand what I intend.如果你是一根筋的人,你就无法领会我的意图了。

one's cup of tea某人喜欢的事情

例如:That s not my cup of tea.那不是我喜欢的事。

I hope you'll soon be in the pink again.我希望你早点恢复健康。play the woman撒娇

his right man他的得力助手

The way-side rose路边的玫瑰

the rose of the party晚会上最美丽、最引人注目的女孩

Everything is coming up roses自己经历的每件事都非常顺利、圆满.Life is not all roses.人生并不是十全十美。

No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰;

rosy view乐观看法

rosy prospect美好前景

have roses in your cheeks面色红润

set the world on fire一些震撼世界的杰出成就

platform shoes厚底鞋

lace up your shoes系鞋带

common as an old shoe不摆架子,平易近人

be in another's shoes处于别人的位置

die in shoes暴死街头 <这句话我完全不理解为什么,怎么在鞋子里死了就是暴死街头呢?

My shoes bite(me).鞋子穿了脚疼

for a song 很便宜

例如:I bought this house for a song.我以很便宜的价格卖了这座房子。

soul mate性情相同的人、精神上的伙伴、性情相同

例如:I wouldn t marry anyone until I run into a soul mate of mine.碰不到性情相同的人决不结婚。

It's a steal真便宜


sticky business让人左右为难的事情


例如:How could he be so two-faced? 他怎么能这么阴一套阳一套的?

in hot water处在困境之中

in smooth water进入顺境

spend money like water花钱大手大脚

pour cold water on your idea向你的这个想法浇点冷水

wedge heel坡跟鞋

wolf down his food狼吞虎咽地吃东西

cry wolf谎言欺人

例如:That politician cries wolf in every speech he makes.那个政治家在他的每篇演说中都发出的警报。

from the word go 立刻,马上

例如:When Mary and I met, I was dazzled.But I learned right away wehad nothing in common.I knew from the word go it wouldn t work no matter how beautiful she was。




