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1.My Life in China LiXin: Michael, as our vice-Premier Li Lanqing wrote appreciatively, “ Comrade Crook in his history of more than 50 years in China, devoted his energy to China's revolution and construction, contributing outstandingly to training talents for our diplomatic, foreign trade and educational fronts.” We can see that your father was drawn to China by the Chinese revolution, while you stay in China as well.Could you talk about your experience and the things that attract you in China?

Mr.Michael Crook: Yes.I think that I didn't come to China for the revolution.I was born here.I went through very many events in recent Chinese history.China has changed so much.I think it is really remarkable and it is a great privilege to have the opportunity to live through so many historical events.I prefer excitement and I think China is the place to come for excitement.For example, I first went to England when I was six or seven years old and after that I visited England again when I was twelve, fifteen, about twenties, thirties and forties.I felt that I could go back to the same neighbourhood where my grandma has been living for the last forty or fifty years.While I remember the road outside Beijing Foreign Studies University it was a dirt road.And the dirt road then became the paved road;then it became a wider road and now it is a two levels multi-lane highway.All these happened just in my lifetime but I'm not even old yet.Li:Your parents are educators, writers and old devoted friends of our country and our people.Mr.David Crook in particular, he spent a life of dedication.I couldn't help wondering: when you were a child, were they very strict with you?

Michael: No, actually they weren't.I think that the Chinese notion of education is rather different from the western notion of education.In Chinese education, I could think of many sayings like “ Talented students are trained by strict teacher.” And folk wisdom of “ Beating means love, scolding means affection.” And so on.The idea is that pain and suffering are necessary to get good result.In English we have “ the carrot and the stick”.I think in Chinese tradition, a lot of stress was made on the stick.Well, I feel that the carrot is much more effective than the stick.Encouragement is better than scolding and criticism.I think that my parents are both good educators.They don't use the stick.It was much more positive encouragement and more freedom.They would discuss things with us reasonably.They treat us more or less as equals.My father used to say that he didn't believe in the generation gap, such as, parents don't understand their children and children don't understand their parents.Why, if you don't communicate, if every time your children tell you something they truly believe and their innermost truthful thoughts, you immediately scold them, then of course they stop talking to you and won't tell you the truth.Li: Do you have kids? As their father, do you think that you'll let them choose where they are going to stay?

Michael: Yes.I have three kids.They are all grown now.All three of my kids live in America by their own choice.I'm living in China by my choice.I chose to live here and they chose to live there.I can't decide for them.I would be very happy if one or more of them were to decide to come and live in China.I would enjoy having my children close by.All three of my children have talked about coming to China.It's a matter of when.Li: We do admire people fluent in two languages.As I was told you were brought up bilingually, right?

Michael: Not actually.I didn't begin bilingually.I wasn't brought up bilingually from birth, for example in a mix-marriage.That was not the case in my family.When I was young, the home language was Chinese.So I learned Chinese before I learned English.Li: Do you have any good experience to share with the large number of language learners?

Michael: Well, I think first of all, it's a wonderful thing to be bilingual.You are able to communicate directly with people from different cultures.I would offer some tips according to my own experience.First, I think that having two languages the best thing for me is just for use.Then I think learning a foreign language, practice should come before theory.I know people who get complicated books about foreign language and study the grammar and so on.I personally think that it's a waste of time certainly at the beginning.I would stress just talk, talk a lot.It doesn't matter if you make mistakes.我在中国的生活

李昕:马凯,正如我国副总理李岚清赞赏地写下的,“柯鲁克同志在他待在中国的50多年里,把全部精力投入到中国的革命和建设中,为我国的外交、外贸和教育战线培养人才做出了突出的贡献。”我们知道你父亲是受中国革命的吸引来到中国,但你也待在了这儿。你能谈谈你的个人经历和吸引你待在中国的事吗? 柯马凯先生:好的。我想,我并不是受革命吸引来中国的。我出生在这儿。我经历了中国近期历史上许多事件。中国变化太大了。我认为这真是了不起,而能有机会经历这么多历史事件是我莫大的荣幸。我喜爱激动,我认为中国正是感受激动的地方。比如说,我在6、7岁时第一次去英国,后来又在12岁、15岁、20几岁、30几岁和40几岁时重访英国。我觉得我总可以回到相同的街区,我祖母


李:你的父母是教育家、作家,也是我们国家和人民忠诚的老朋友。尤其是大卫·柯鲁克先生,他的一生是奉献的一生。我不由地想:在你小时候,他们对你要求严厉吗? 马凯:不,他们并不严厉。我认为中国的教育观念和西方的大不相同。中国的教育,有许多老话,如“严师出高徒”,民间流传的“打是疼,骂是爱”等等。认为痛苦和磨难是获得成功的必要条件。在英语里,我们有“胡萝卜加大棒”的说法。我觉得中国传统做法是对“大棒”强调过多。而我感觉“胡萝卜”可比“大棒”有效得多。鼓励胜于责骂和批评。


李:你有孩子吗?作为他们的父亲,你会让他们选择待在哪国? 马凯:有,我有三个孩子。现在他们都长大了。他们三人都选择了住在美国。我选择住在中国。我选择住这儿,他们选择住那儿。我不能替他们做决定。如果他们中有一两个或全都要决定回来住在中国,那我是很高兴的。我很喜欢孩子住在近旁。他们三个人都跟我谈起过来中国的事,只是个时间早晚的问题。李:我们很羡慕那些能流利地讲两门语言的人。据我所知,你是双语培养成才的,是吗? 马凯:并不确切。我不是从一开始就学两门语言的。我不像某些跨国婚姻中,孩子一出生就用双语培养。在我们家不是这样。我小时候,在家里所用语言是汉语。我学汉语比英语早。

李:你有什么好的经验与众多的语言学习者分享吗? 马凯:哦,我想,首先会双语是一件很美好的事。你能够直接跟来自不同文化的人交流。根据我的经验,我可以提供一些小建议。第一,我认为会两门语言对我来说最好的事就是使用它们。其次,我认为学习一门外语,实践要先于理论。我认识一些人,他们手头有各种各样的外语书,他们学文法等。我认为在开始阶段那肯定是浪费时间。我要强调的是,说,而且要多说。犯错不要紧。



I thank living before love ,it broght me repine;爱情之前我感谢生活,它给我向往;

I thank living after love ,it brought me enrichment;爱情之后我感谢生活,它给我丰富;

I thank living during love ,it brought me craze.爱情之中我感谢生活,它给我狂热.I thank living before prosper ,it broght me pure;繁荣之前我感谢生活,它给我纯美;

I thank living after prosper ,it brought me stillness;繁荣之后我感谢生活,它给我沉静;

I thank living during prosper ,it brought me heat.繁荣之中我感谢生活,它给我热量.I thank living before ugly ,it brought me charming;丑陋之前我感谢生活,它给我妩媚;

I thank living after ugly ,it bought me light;丑陋之后我感谢生活,它给我淡定;

I thank living during ugly ,it brought me torment.丑陋之中我感谢生活,它给我煎熬.I thank living before caducity ,it brought me youth;衰老之前我感谢生活,它给我青春;

I thank living after caducity ,it brought me easiness;


I thank living during caducity ,it brought me process.衰老之中我感谢生活,它给我过程.I thank living before suffering ,it boughtme safety;


I thank living after suffering ,it bought me happiness;


I thank living during suffering ,it boughtme experience.痛苦之中我感谢生活,它给我体验.I thank living ,it is worth doing that for me.我感谢生活,它值得我感谢.Sadness ,gladness ,deformity,regret ,its all I would like to accept according to the order.悲伤,喜悦,残缺,遗憾,它的一切我都在感谢中照单全收.I thank living ,it is good for me to do it.我感谢生活,它值得我感谢.Every particular ,every flavor ,every tear all drop into laughter.每一个细节,每一种滋味,每一滴泪水掉进笑靥.There is never heaven ,living is heaven.没有天堂,生活就是天堂.




















Dear teachers and classmates:

Good morning!

The theme of my speech is traffic safety.In my mind, traffic safety issues are closely related to each of us.According to the statistics,last year, the number of the deaths in traffic accidents reached to 500 thousands, of which more than 100 thousand were primary and secondary students.This is a ruthless and cruel figure, which is enough to make people realize the importance of traffic safety.A typical traffic accident on the second bridge of the Yangtze river in Wanzhou district, Chonqing City, on Oct, 28, 202_, resulted in a number of deaths, but the cause of the accident was only the dispute between the female passenger and the bus driver.The accident only illustrates one point: people’s awareness of traffic safety protection is very poor.I hereby propose to all teachers and students:

Don’t rush towards the door before the stop of the vehicle.Only after the vehicle stops steadily, we can get up and down.When a vehicle is involved in a traffic accident, we must obey the command of the sales staff.When you are in a traffic accident on a vehicle, you can crush the windows to escape.Let’s abide by the traffic rules together and join our hands to keep safety with you and me at all the time.Thank you!



[英] [???u?]

[美] [???u]







n.1①an important topic or problem for debate or discussion


②(issues)informal personal problems or difficulties


③(issues)problems or difficulties, especially with a service or facility(服务或设施方面的)问题,困难

2①[mass noun]the action of supplying or distributing an item for use, sale, or official purposes 分配;分发;发行

②[count noun]a number or set of items distributed at one time


③[count noun]each of a regular series of publications


3①dated a result or outcome of something〈旧〉 结果;后果

4①[mass noun]the action of flowing or coming out


5①[mass noun]formal or Law children of one's own

〈正式〉 或【律】 子女,后代,后嗣

v.1①[with obj.]supply or distribute(something)


②(issue someone with)supply someone with(something)


③formally send out or make known 发布

④put(something)on sale or into general use 发行

2①[no obj.](issue from)come, go, or flow out from


②result or be derived from 由…产生,由…得出;导致,造成2.relate

[英] [r??le?t]

[美] [r??le?t]







①give an account of(a sequence of events);narrate


①(be related)be connected by blood or marriage


②be causally connected(与…)有因果关系,关联

③(relate something to)discuss something in such a way as to indicate its connections with(something else)


④[no obj.](relate to)have reference to;concern


⑤[no obj.](relate to)feel sympathy with;identify with



[英] [d??spju?t]

[美] [d??spjut]








a disagreement, argument, or debate 意见不同;争辩;辩论


argue about(something);discuss heatedly 争论;辩论

question whether(a statement or alleged fact)is true or valid


compete for;strive to win 为…竞争;争夺

archaic resist(a landing or advance)

〈古〉 阻止(着陆);抵抗(进攻)


[英] [??l?stre?t]

[美] [??l??stre?t]







①provide(a book, newspaper, etc.)with pictures


②explain or make(something)clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.举例说明;以图表说明

③serve as an example of 为…的 例证,证明…


[英] [k??mɑ?nd]

[美] [k??m?nd]







v.1①[reporting verb]give an authoritative or peremptory order


②[with obj.]Military have authority over;be in charge of(a unit)【军】 统率;指挥;管辖。

③[with obj.]dominate(a strategic position)from a superior height(战略位置)俯视,俯瞰

④[with obj.]archaic control or restrain(oneself or one's feelings)〈古〉 控制(或抑制)(自己,自己的感情)

2①[with obj.]be in a strong enough position to have or secure


②deserve and get(something such as sympathy or respect)



①an authoritative order 命令

②Computing an instruction or signal causing a computer to perform one of its basic functions【计算机】 指令,命令

③[mass noun]authority, especially over armed forces(尤指陆海空三军的)指挥(权),统率(权)

④[in sing.]the ability to use or control something


⑤[treated as sing.or pl.]Military a group of officers exercising control over a particular group or operation

【军】 指挥部,司令部。

⑥Military a body of troops or a district under the control of a particular officer

【军】 部队;军区(在一名指挥官管辖下的军队或地区)


[英] [??b??d]

[美] [??ba?d]







①[no obj.](abide by)accept or act in accordance with(a rule, decision, or recommendation)接受,遵照(规则,决定,劝告)

①[with obj.](can/could not abide)informal be unable to tolerate(someone or something)〈非正式〉 无法忍受(某人,某事)

①[no obj.](of a feeling or a memory)continue without fading or being lost(感情,记忆)始终不渝。

②archaic live;dwell〈古〉 生活,居住。



一、“传统节日”单词预热 vocabulary work 烹调 cooking cuisine 鱼肉满架 well stocked with fish and meat 象征意义 symbolic significance 农历 lunar calendar 阳历 solar calendar 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 清明节 Pure Brightness Day 重阳节 Double Ninth Day 放逐 be exiled 忠臣 loyal minister 糯米粽子 glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves 祭祀亡灵 in memory of sb.龙舟比赛 dragon boat races 中秋节 Mid Autumn Festival 满月 full moon 月饼 moon cake 蜜饯 preserved fruits 豆沙 bean paste 蛋黄 egg yolk 海鲜 seafood 家禽 poultry 饺子 dumplings 八宝饭 eight treasure rice 米羹 rice balls 油条 fried sticks 麻花 fried twisted stick 炒面 Chaomian 叉烧包 steamed bun with roast pork 粥 porridge 芋头 taro 葱油饼 pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion 有关春节的常用词 放鞭炮 let off firecrackers 耍龙灯 play the dragon lantern 耍狮子 play the lion dance 拜年 pay a new-year call



Traditional holiday meals are different from everyday meals in terms of quantity and quality.In addition, some foods with a long history and symbolic significance are indispensable on these occasions.例如,我国的端午节是纪念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人们通常要赛龙舟、吃粽子。

For example, on the Dragon Boat Festival, a day set aside in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, people will hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。

The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon.The round moon is a symbol for completeness, and family reunion.The special food of the day is the yuebing, a round moon cake.春节是中国的农历新年,除了常见的海鲜、家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统菜肴,如饺子和年糕。

The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday.In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will prepare traditional food, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the year cake according to their regional custom.



一、“传统节日”单词预热 vocabulary work 象征意义 symbolic significance 农历 lunar calendar 阳历 solar calendar 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 清明节 Pure Brightness Day 重阳节 Double Ninth Day 放逐 be exiled 忠臣 loyal minister 祭祀亡灵 in memory of sb.龙舟比赛 dragon boat races 中秋节 Mid Autumn Festival 满月 full moon 月饼 moon cake 饺子 dumplings 粥 porridge 有关春节的常用词 放鞭炮 let off firecrackers 耍龙灯 play the dragon lantern 耍狮子 play the lion dance 拜年 pay a new-year call

二、有关“介绍”的翻译 

 我很高兴向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。

I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidays.表示“介绍情况”时,我们可以这样翻译: 

 1.to share with you brief information 在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。

I'd like to share with you brief information in this respect.2.to give a brief account of 我简单介绍我厂的情况。

Let me, first of all, give you a brief account of this factory.在来宾们参观我校之前,请允许我简要介绍一下我校的概况。

Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our school.3.to tell us how/what 请主席先生介绍一下中国农村扶贫运动的情况。

Will Mr.Chairman tell us how the anti-poverty drive is going on in China? 4.to show you 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.5.to provide sb.with some information 借此机会,向各位介绍上海经济发展和开展国际经贸交往的一些情况。I’d like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information about Shanghai’s economic development and its foreign trade.


For example, on the Dragon Boat Festival, a day set aside in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, people will hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。

The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon.The round moon is a symbol for completeness, and family reunion.The special food of the day is the yuebing, a round moon cake.春节是中国的农历新年,除了常见的海鲜、家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统菜肴,如饺子和年糕。

The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday.In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will prepare traditional food, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the year cake according to their regional custom.



