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1.中教和外教英语课堂教学之比较 2.CLT在口语教学中的应用 3.中学英语语法教学的探讨

4.课堂游戏在初中英语教学中的作用与运用原则 5.初一学生英语学习产生两极分化的原因及对策 6.语音知识在中学英语教学的作用 7.浅谈多媒体辅助小学英语教学的利与弊 8.浅谈初中英语课导入环节的策略 9.浅析人教版新目标教材的新视角 10.小组合作在英语教学中的应用 11.心理学在中学英语教育中的运用 12.英文歌曲在幼儿英语教学中的应用 13.中学英语教学中“交际型”导入策略 14.“快乐”教学法在初中英语教学中的研究 15.浅谈“五步教学法”


17.任务型教学在初中英语听力课堂上的应用 18.交际法教学和任务型教学的比较

19.以“学生为中心”的教学法在高中英语教学中的应用 20.论中学英语教育中肢体语言运用 21.浅析中学英语教学课堂提问原则 22.家教在中学生英语学习中的利弊

23.文化意识在中学英语教学中的作用及培养 24.汉语语言环境对初中生英语口语的影响 25.中学英语教师话语标记语的语用策略 26.论英语教学中的情感效应 27.教具在初中英语课堂的应用 28.小组讨论在英语口语课堂的应用 29.“网络”对大学英语教学的影响 30.简笔画教学法在少儿英语教学中的应用 31.试论英语教学的情景创设



34.浅谈如何使用新编英语教材,搞好农村初中英语口语教学 35.高中英语教学中学生自主学习能力的培养 36.浅析初中英语词汇教学的策略与方法

37.大学英语口语课堂教学中学生学习动机激发的策略研究 38.现代教育技术辅助英语教学的利与弊 39.大学英语教学中实施“合作学习”的研究 40.情景教学法在初中英语课堂上的应用 41.高中英语课堂互动教学中的教师提问策略 43.英文电影对提高英语口语的作用

44.多媒体及网络技术在大学英语词汇学教学中的应用 45.试析中学英语教学中学生创造性思维能力的培养 46.“契约学习”在高中英语写作教学中的应用 47.半自主学习在初中英语课堂教学中的应用 48.研究性学习策略在高中英语写作教学中的应用 49.“任务式教学法”在高中英语阅读教学中的应用 50.情景教学法在高中语法课堂上的应用 51.论英语谚语在中学英语教学中的渗透 52.浅析小学英语词汇教学的策略与方法

53.“全身动作反映”教学法在小学英语教学中的应用 54.简述情景语境在教学中的重要性

55.浅议英语口语创新教学在农村中学的实施 56.交际法在现代英语口语教学中的运用 57.浅析外语教师提问策略

二、翻译: 1.从关联理论角度对影视作品英汉翻译中字幕与配音的比较及其策略研究 2.商务英语中品牌翻译的不对等性 3.中外广告互译差别对比 4.浅谈英文广告翻译的策略 5.从谚语翻译看翻译的“等值理论” 6.外贸英语函电的语言特点及翻译 7.浅析动物词汇在英语翻译中的不对等性 8.英语中新词的发展及其翻译 9.浅谈跨文化交际与旅游翻译 10.英语口译中惯用句型的翻译

11.浅析在跨文化交际背景下数字文化负载词的翻译 12.英语专业八级中长句的翻译策略与技巧 13.分析英语电影名称与英语新闻名称翻译的区别 14.浅谈中菜英译的不可译性

15.不同言语行为情况下的英汉互译技巧 16.从文化角度看习语的翻译 17.英语商标名的探究及其翻译 18.英汉互译中修辞格的翻译 19.寒暄语及礼节性语言的翻译 20.科技英语文章的特点及翻译 21.英语翻译中的中式英语分析 22.中式思维对公示语翻译的影响 23.从口译过程看口译技能训练 24.英语广告翻译中的语用失误 25.鲁迅小说中的成语翻译 26.论广告翻译中文化差异 27.新闻标题翻译策略 28.谚语的不可译性 29.广告的特点及翻译 30.交替传译与同声传译翻译方法对比 31.浅议英语中定语从句的汉译 32.颜色词的翻译


34.英文电影与中文电影标题特点与互译技巧 35.文化对成语翻译的影响 36.商标的翻译策略

37.中英颜色词汇的差异与相似之处 38.文学作品中汉译英过程中的美感缺失 39.英语习语中数字模糊性的翻译 40.文化因素在英文商标翻译中的作用 41.从中英句式差异看中英翻译 42.论英汉互译中形象语言的转换 43.浅谈商务名片的翻译技巧与方法 44.浅析中国古典诗歌标题的英译 45.浅谈英语中双关语的不可译现象 46.英汉互译中词汇意义转移的研究 47.增删法在翻译中的应用

48.汉译英中的中式英语及其解决措施 49.浅谈中国特色词汇英译方法 50.中西方颜色内涵的对比分析

51.思维方式差异对英汉习语构成和互译影响 52.从广告语篇看排比修辞的功能与翻译策略 53.中外电影名字翻译方法与比较

54.从标记理论的视角谈英汉商业广告的翻译 55.英汉互译中被动句的翻译 56.中国菜名的英语翻译技巧 57.翻译中的文化缺损与形象转移 58.英汉翻译中四字格短语的运用 59.非谓语动词的翻译技巧 60.论口译的跨文化语用失误 61.浅析英汉翻译中的词类转换 62.英语体育词汇的翻译技巧 63.浅谈如何综合选用直译和意译 64.意译在广告用语翻译中的应用 65.功能对等理论在公益广告翻译中的应用 66.从文化差异的角度看翻译中情感意义的丢失 67.浅析意译法在电影字幕翻译中的运用 68.等效翻译理论在英汉长句翻译中的应用 69.英语服装商标的特点及翻译方法 70.英语公示语的特点及翻译方法 71.英语新闻标题的翻译策略 72.浅析英语商标的特点及翻译

73.功能对等理论在英语俚语翻译中的应用 74.交际翻译理论在英语广告翻译中的应用 75.模糊理论在英汉互译中的应用 76.论口译中跨文化语用失误究

77.功能翻译理论视角下的企业简介英译研究 78.英译汉笔译译者特征 79.英汉文化差异对翻译的影响



2.英语专业毕业论文摘要连接词And语用失误分析 3.礼貌原则在外贸英语函电中的应用 4.浅析江西方言对英语学习的影响 5.浅析隐喻在日常生活中的运用 6.浅析委婉语的交际功能和表现手法 7.英汉拟声词对比分析 8.从语用学的礼貌原则看英语中的委婉语 9.从广告语的句法结构看中西思维方式的差异 10.论英语中禁忌语和委婉语的使用 11.从语用学的角度看礼貌原则 12.矛盾言语中的和谐与统一

13.产生英语歧义现象的语音与词汇因素分析 14.湖北方言对英语发音的影响

15.试析“中西礼貌语及行为选择”在跨文化交际中的差异 16.广告英语的语言艺术性 17.语用失误问题与跨文化交际

18.论英语语言学词汇中新词的形成和性质 19.英语双关语在广告语中的使用 20.中美称赞语及其答语模式的对比分析 21.论颜色词在经济上的语言特点 22.从语体差异谈科技英语词汇 23.从音位学角度看音译 24.英语词汇语境意义分析 25.语境对理解语意的影响 26.颜色词的联想意义 27.从禁忌语中看中西文化差异 28.英式幽默中的修辞格

29.浅谈中式英语与中国英语的差别 30.《阿甘正传》中阿甘台词的言外行为 31.浅析英语中双关语现象 32.浅析中英语言中的禁忌语 33.浅析英语中动词变名词的规律 34.从构词法角度浅析英语词缀的增减 35.论网络语言的前景

36.英语词汇中的外来语及外来语素漫谈 37.四川方言对英文发音的影响 38.暗喻的模糊性及其修辞效果 39.浅谈委婉语的跨文化现象 40.浅析模糊语在人类交际中的运用 41.粤语方言对英语发音的影响 42.外来文化对英语词汇的影响 43.现代英语中名词转化成动词的现象 44.英美报刊中新闻语言与文学语言的差别 45.中西方餐饮文化词汇的比较

46.从语用学的礼貌原则看英语中的委婉语 47.英语委婉语的文化意蕴及其交际功能 48.希腊神话对英语词汇的影响

49.英语中性别歧视现象及其历史文化透析 50.广告英语的词法特点 51.英汉新词中的借词研究 52.模糊词汇的作用

53.英美侵略史对英语语言的影响 54.广告中的幽默效应

55.从广告中看同音异义词的作用 56.英语广告中的修辞手法的运用 57.英语语言词汇的历时性特点及具体表现 58.从历史发展看委婉语的变化

59.中国大学生在接受与拒绝中的过渡语语用失误研究 60.大学英语专业学习者写作中的话语标记语使用研究 61.从关联理论看英语广告双关语

62.(本人)方言及其对英语语音学习的负面影响 63.英语招聘广告的句法特点 64.英语财经报道的语言特点 65.英语报刊标题中的歧义现象分析 66.广告英语中歧义的功能分析


1.中西方文学中神话形象之比较 2.浅析中西称谓之间的文化差异 3.论商务英语中中西委婉语的不同 4.从美国选举辩论看美国选举 5.广告英语中所透视的文化 6.从动物词汇看中外文化 7.中西礼貌原则对比

8.宗教文化对美国思维方式的影响 9.从英汉喜悲的隐喻中看其文化异同 10.从美国的昵称浅析美国文化的多样性 11.身势语在跨文化交际中的应用 12.中国乡村文化与美国乡村文化的对比 13.浅谈英汉数字的文化差异与翻译

14.英国维多利亚时期经济发展对文化发展的影响 15.美国黑人对美国文化的影响 16.跨文化角度对商标名称的研究 17.英汉跨文化交际中的礼貌原则差异 18.希腊神话对美国文化的影响

19.从泡沫剧《办公室》看英美语言风格差异 20.中西餐饮方面的餐桌礼仪 21.美国迷惘一代与中国80后之比较 22.非语言交流中体现的文化差异 23.文化差异造成的中西方幽默异同 24.中西广告语中思维模式的不同 25.英语称谓与汉语称谓的差异 26.颜色的象征意义

27.论欧美电影对我们传统文化的冲突 28.从英文谚语看中西文化的差异 29.英语广告与中文广告的对比 30.对比中美人对个人主义的不同理解 31.种族歧视中黑人的本位意识 32.汉英民族生活习俗比较 33.英汉动物文化寓意的比较 34.对比中西方结婚礼仪的不同 35.从中文名字翻译看中西方文化冲突 36.从比喻语言看中西文化差异 37.从忌语看中西方文化差异 38.中西方文化差异对礼貌用语的影响 39.从英美社交习惯看中英文化差异

40.意识流在中西方文化领域中的作用及影响 41.美国西部牛仔对美国文化的影响 42.论中西方文化颜色词语的象征意义 43.浅谈文化干扰与外语习得 44.从广告中看西方的思维模式 45.中美餐桌礼仪文化对比 46.中美服饰文化对比

47.中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响 48.从中西委婉语的对比透视中西文化差异 49.从隐私权看中西文化差异

50.美国文化和文化移情在外语教学中的体现 51.从“朵拉”系列动画教育片看美国文化与儿童教育 52.从中西禁忌语中看中西文化差异及渗透




2.从影片与小说《红字》看电影与文学的不同表达效果 3.美国低层劳动人民的悲剧在《愤怒的葡萄》中体现 4.从《鲁宾逊漂流记》看性格决定快乐 5.简奥斯汀的修辞手法及其效果

6.《德伯家的苔丝》与《嘉莉妹妹》中的悲剧比较 7.通过《麦田里的守望者》分析20世纪西方文学特征 8.时代背景对《傲慢与偏见》的写作影响 9.从宗教的角度来分析苔丝的命运 10.《永别了,武器》中的反战思想 11.《了不起的盖茨比》所反映的社会意义 12.《推销员之死》与现代美国社会

13.《飘》中斯嘉丽的生活观对当代女性的影响 14.论《爱丽丝漫游仙境》的童话性与现实性 15.《名利场》的现实意义


1.浅析中小城市旅游资源的开发和保护 2.乡村旅游特色产品开发初探—以***为例

3.开发学生旅游市场的途径及方法研究—以大学生旅游市场为例 4.旅游文化在旅游英语中的定位 5.浅析旅游导游词中的文化翻译 6.浅谈导游讲解对旅游景区形象的影响 7.导游服务中的常见问题及对策分析 8.试述对文化旅游的认识及其实现途径 9.浅论民俗文化旅游的开发与利用 10.浅谈图示理论在旅游英语教学中的应用 11.导游职业认知偏差原因及对策分析 12.浅谈形体语言在旅游服务中的运用 13.创造性思维在旅游业中的应用

14.从功能派翻译理论角度评估中文旅游网站的英译 15.旅游英语的特点及翻译 16.论多媒体教学在旅游英语教学中的应用

第二篇:国际教育学院本科毕业论文选题 2012
































浅谈跨国公司管理本土化的障碍与对策——以宝洁(或其他公司)为例 中国零售业应对外资零售业的策略













附:英语专业论文参考选题(Suggested Topics of Graduation Papers for English Majors)

1.A Brief Analysis of the Heroine Personality in Jane Eyre 《简爱》的主人翁个性分析

2.A Brief Comment on O’Henry Short Stories 亨利的短篇小说述评

3.A Comment on Hardy’s Fatalism 评哈代的宿命论

4.A Comparison between the Themes of Pilgrimage to the West and Pilgrim’s Progress 《西游记》


5.A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre 《简爱》男女平等思想的探索

6.A Study of Native American Literature 美国本土文学的研究

7.A Study of Student-Centered English Vocabulary Teaching 以学生为中心的英语词汇教学

8.A Study of the Translation of Sports Terms 体育专有名词的翻译

9.A Study of Transitional Words and Expressions 过渡词及表达法的研究

10.About the Breaking of American Dream from the Great Gatsby 从《了不起的盖茨比》看美国梦的破碎

11.About the Quality-oriented Education in English Language Teaching 英语教学中的素质教育

12.About Transform of Parts of Speech in Translation 论翻译中词性的转换

13.Application of English Idioms in Daily Life 英语习语在日常生活中的运用

14.Body Language Difference in Meaning in Cross-cultural Communication 体态语在跨文化交际


15.Characterization in Charles Dickens’ Novels 狄更斯小说中的人物塑造

16.Choice of Correct Words in Translation在翻译中如何准确选词

17.Comment on Bernard Shaw’s Dramatic Art 评肖伯纳的戏剧艺术

18.Comparing First and Second Language Acquisitions 二语习得与母语的比较研究

19.Cross-culture Failures by Chinese learners of English中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误区

20.Cultural Differences and Idiomatic Expressions in Translation 论翻译中的文化差异及习惯表达

21.Cultural Factors and Limitations in Translation 翻译的文化因素局限性

22.Developing Students’ Cultural Awareness through Foreign Language Teaching 通过外语教学培


23.Dialectics in Translation 翻译中的辩证法

24.Differences between Audio-lingual Method and Functional Approach 听说法与交际法的区别

25.Effects of Learner’s Motivation in Foreign Language Learning 外语学习中学习动机的影响

26.English Classroom Teaching: Teacher-dominant or Student-centered 英语课堂教学——教师主宰


27.Error Analysis in English Learning as a Foreign Language 英语学习中的错误分析研究

28.Euphemistic Expressions in Foreign Affairs 外事用语中的委婉表达

29.Features of Network English 网络英语的特点

30.Food Culture in America and China 中美饮食文化比较

31.How to Appreciate English Prose: Traditional and Modern Ways 如何欣赏英语散文——传统与


32.Humor and Satire in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》的幽默与讽刺

33.Influence of Mark Twain’s Works in China 马克吐温的作品在中国的影响

34.Influence of Science and Technology on English Vocabulary 科学技术对英语词汇的影响

35.Information Theory and Translation 信息论与翻译

36.Inter-Translation of English and Chinese Proverbs 英汉谚语的互译

37.Jane Austen and the Heroine in Pride and Prejudice 简奥丝丁和《傲慢与偏见》的女主人

38.Lexical Gaps in Chinese and English Inter-Translation 英汉互译的词义差异

39.Linguistic Features of Abraham Lincoln’s Addresses 论林肯演说词的语言特征

40.Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 商务合同的语言特征

41.Linguistic Features of English Advertisements 英语广告的语言特征

42.Linguistic Taboos in Chinese and English Languages 谈汉英语言中的禁忌现象

43.Logical Fallacies in English Writing 英文写作中的逻辑谬误

44.Metaphoric Expressions in Poem …论《…》诗中的暗喻

45.Methods and Procedures in Language Teaching 语言教学的方法及过程

46.Needs Analysis of Language Learners 语言学习者的需求分析

47.On Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning 论第二语言学习的态度及动机

48.On Charles Dickens Style in … 论狄更斯的《…》中的语言风格

49.On T.S.Eliot’s Mythological Consciousness 论艾略特的神话意识

50.On Teacher-Learner Classroom Communication 论教师与学生之间的课堂交流

51.On the Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice 论《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克

52.On the Criteria of Translation议翻译标准

53.On the Development of Jane Eyre’s Character 论简爱的性格发展

54.On the Feasibility of Communicative Approach in China 谈交际法在中国的可行性

55.On the Functions of Ambiguity in English 论英语歧义的功能

56.On the Humour of Mark Twain 马克吐温的幽默观

57.On the Importance of Translation Theory 翻译理论的重要性

58.On the Learning Strategy of English as a Foreign language 谈英语的学习策略

59.On the Linguistic Features of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝利费恩历险记》的语


60.On the Poetry of Robert Frost(1874-1963)评议弗罗斯特的诗歌

61.On the Poetry of William Wordsworth(1770-1885)评议沃兹沃斯的诗歌

62.On the Principles for Translation 浅议翻译原则

63.On the Relations of Basic Language Skills 基本语言技能的关系

64.On the Similarities and Differences of the Speeches by Elder and Younger Bush 论老布什、小布


65.On the Style of Withering Heights《呼啸山庄》的文体分析

66.On the Tragedy of Loman’s Family in Death of A Salesman 《推销员之死》中罗曼一家的悲剧

67.On the Vividness and Images in Poem … 论《…》诗文的生动性与比喻

68.On the Words and Expressions Belittling the Female 蔑视女性的词汇和表达法

69.On the Writing / Translation of Foreign Trade Contracts 论涉外经济合同写作/翻译

70.On Translation of Computer Terms 论计算机的术语翻译

71.On Translation of Tourist Guide 论旅游指南的翻译

72.On Translation of Trade Names and Names of Export Commodities 论商标、出口商品名称的翻

73.On Winston Churchill’s Prose Writing 评邱吉尔的散文写作

74.Parallelism in English英语中的排比现象

75.Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning 个性因素在外语学习中的作用

76.Points of View and the Mode of Discourse in Vanity Fair 论《名利场》的观点及言语方式

77.Politeness and Indirect Speech Acts 礼貌与间接言语行为

78.Pragmatic Failures in the Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误

79.Professional Skills for Foreign Language Teachers in Chinese Middle Schools 中国中学外语教师的专业技能

80.Relations of Speed and Understandability in Reading Comprehension 阅读理解中速度与理解性


81.Relationship between … Theory and Language Research论…理论与语言研究的关系

82.Relationship of Age to SLA(Second Language Acquisition)论年龄与第二语言习得的关系

83.Rhetorical and Narrative Devices in A Farewell to Arms 《永别了,武器》的修辞与描写手法

84.Scarlet and Black in The Scarlet Letter 《红字》中的红与黑

85.Semantic Analysis of Nominalisation in EST 科技英语名词化语义分析

86.Sex Differentiation and Sexism in English Language 论英语中的性别现象及性别歧视

87.Similarities and Dissimilarities of British and American Englishes论英式英语和美式英语的异同

88.Social Context in the Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 外语教学中的社会语境

89.Study of “Hemingway Style” 论“海明威风格”

90.Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions 论习语中的象征手法

91.Syntactical Features of Business English 谈商务英语写作的句法特征

92.Syntax in John Milton’s Paradise Lost 弥尔顿的《失乐园》的句法探讨

93.Techniques of Theme Production in Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》主题的表现手法

94.The Application of Communicative Approach Techniques in Modern Foreign Language Teaching

and Learning 交际法的教学手段在现代外语教学中的运用

95.The Characteristics of Computer Language Vocabulary 计算机语言词汇的特点

96.The Cognitive and Affective Factors in Task-based English Teaching英语任务型教学中的认知和


97.The E/C Translation of Metaphors 暗喻的英汉翻译

98.The Function of Grammar in English Study 英语学习中语法的功能

99.The Influence of L1 on the Learning of a Foreign Language 母语对外语学习的影响

100.The Influence of Wars on American Literature 战争对美国文学的影响

101.The Linguistic Charms of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆索亚历险记》的语言魅力 102.The Negation in Translation 论正说反译和反说正译

103.The Role of Grammatical Rules in English Language Learning 语法规则在英语学习中的地位 104.The Significance of Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Testing 外语测试中交际


105.The Theory of “Dynamic Equivalence” and its Application in E/C Translation 等效翻译理论及其


106.The Translation of Proper Names 专有名词的翻译

107.The Understanding and Translation of Attributive Clause 定语从句的理解与翻译

108.The Use of Nouns in English 英语中名词的使用

109.The Ways of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English 英语中强调语气的表达方式

110.Thomas Hardy and his Tess of the D’Urbervilles 哈代和他的《苔丝》

111.Translation of Rhetoric Devices in EST(English for Science and Technology)论科技英语中修辞


112.Translation Techniques of Idioms and Slangs 成语、俚语的翻译技巧

113.Translation Techniques of Proverbs, Loanwords and Colloquialisms 谚语、外来语和俗语的翻译















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组员:葛艳萍 陈华伟



















1.A Comparative Study of Tao Yuan-Min and William Wordsworth 2.On Characterization of Jane Eyre 3.An Analysis of Jane Eyre 4.Mrs.Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese 5.Jane Eyre’s Search for Christianity

6.Comment in the Techniques of Emily Bronte’s Dual Personalities in Wuthering Heights 7.The Realism of the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 8.Mark Twain and Huck Finn 9.Love Stories in William Cather’s “O Pioneers” 10.Life with Struggle 11.A Character Analysis of the Heroine of Emma 12.Thought of Marriage in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” 13.An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” and “Annabel Lee” 14.An Analysis of the Source of Tess’ Tragedy 15.Heroism in Hemingway’s Works 16.“Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty”

17.The Light of the Dark:the Greatest Works of Conan and Agatha 18.The Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter 19.About the Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter 20.On Wuthering Heights 21.Money and Marriage 22.The Literature Characteristics in A Tale of Two Cities 23.Jane Eyre, a Symbol of Feminism 24.Desalination and Optimization 25.The Impact of Money on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 26.The Dilemma of Marriage 27.On Wordsworth’s View of Nature

28.On the Symbolism of D.H.Lawrence’s “The Rainbow” 29.A Brief Discussion about Tess 30.The Character of Jane Eyre 31.A Challenge to Morality and Convention 32.A Picturesque Nouel, Tess of the D’Urbervilles 33.Simple Analysis on Milton and Paradise Lost 34.How the Brontes Become World Famous Writers 35.The Humanity Hidden Behind Nature 36.Analysis of Characters of Don Quxiote 37.Analysis of the Characters in Jane Eyre 38.The Character Analysis of Pride and Prejudice 39.On the Author and the Major Characters of The Pearl 40.Three Structures in Pride and Prejudice 41.Revelation in Fore Couples of Pride and Prejudice 42.The Brief Analysis of Shakespeare’s Tragedy Tradition 43.The Versification of English Poetry and Metrical 44.Contrast Between Chinese Poetry and Sonnets 45.Social Reality Reflected in Ode To the West Wing 46.Hamlet and His Delay 47.To Champ with the Changes 48.Hawthorne’s Theory of Romance and The Scarlet Letter 49.The Cuban Culture Contest of “The Old Man and the Sea” 50.Comment the Themes of “The Merchant of Venice” 51.An Analysis of the Characters in Jane Eyre 52.The Real Theme of the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 53.On the Bronte Sisters and theirs Writings 54.To Love or To Be Loved? Analysis of Major Characters in Wuthering Heights 55.Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights 56.On the Image of Jane Eyre 57.The Character of Hamlet

58.The Analysis of Santiago’s Character

59.The Appearance of New Women:On Carrie’s New Image

60.The Comparison of the Character of Carrie Meeber and Jennie Gerhardt 61.Love and Lust---Pride and Prejudice 62.The Philosophy of Life in Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea” 63.Realism in Mark Twain 64.Mark Twain---The Pessimist Who Brought Laughter to The World 65.A New Industry Raising From the Horizon 66.Blind Loyalty and Tragic Destiny 67.Rebecca’s Character Description

68.Humor and Realism of Mark Twain’s “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of California County”

69.The Colonialist Discourse in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea 70.Robinson Crusoe and the Colonial Empire 71.A Character Analysis of the Hero of Wuthering Heights 72.Remartes on D.K.Lawrence’s Psychological Analyses 73.On Transliteration 74.OnJulien and Stendhal 75.A Probe into the Ambiguity and Symbolization of Eliot’s Poetry 76.A Bridge Over the Trouble Water 77.The Characteristics of Hemingway’s Art in “The Old Man and The Sea” 78.Emily Bronte and Wuthering Heights 79.Hamlet: Character Analysis 80.An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Image

81.The Realism of Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 82.A Farewell to Arms—A Clear Mirror 83.A Brief Comment on the Scarlet Letter 84.Jane Eyre: A Great Masterpiece with Prejudice—We Should Analyze a Work Dialogically

85.To Foster an Earthy Rainbow 86.The Tragic Fate of Tess 87.Gone with the Wind and the Awakening of Women 88.Hemingway and Hemingway Heroes 89.Two Women, Two Different Destinies 90.The Sound of Heart-Reverie and Melancholy in Emily Dickinson’s Poems 91.The Negative Influence of Society on the Oliver Twist 92.Amazing Return—An Analysis of the Character of Hester Prynne in the Scarlet Letter 93.The Beauty in Sense, in Sound and in Form 94.Return and Transcendence—Comment on the Bear and The Old Man and The Sea 95.Comment on the Biblical Images in Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes 96.Reexamination of Santiago—Hero of The Old Man and The Sea

97.Comparison of Gone with the Wind and The Collector—An Analysis of Women’s Problem 98.Satire in Catch—22 99.The Typical Characteristic of O.Henry’s Short Story—Comment on The Gift of the Maggie 100.Does Hester Get Rebirth? Reexamination of the Heroine in the Scarlet Letter 101.The Person Seeking for Rainbow 102.Analysis of Jane Eyre 103.Destruction of Tess in Tess of the D’Urbervilles 104.Morals Affect Tess’ Fate

105.“Jude the obscure” as the Masterpiece by Hardy 106.Eternal Charm 107.The Symbols in the Scarlet Letter 108.Rebellions& Faithful


1.The Application of Schema Theory in Reading Comprehension 2.Body Language in English Teaching 3.The Diversification of English Language Teaching 4.The Present Situation of Bilingual Education 5.Culture and English Teaching 6.Some Designs on English Learning 7.Creating Learning Environments 8.Collaborative Learning: Group Work 9.How Group Work Helps to Teach English Well 10.The Process of Language Learning and Teaching 11.Motivation for English Teaching 12.Solitariness 13.The Activities Used to Improve the English Teaching Class 14.Practice of Task-based Teaching Approach Based on Construction 15.The Interest of English Learning 16.Teach Reading in Senior Middle School 17.Cooperative Learning in the Secondary School 18.A Balanced Activities Approach in Communicative Foreign Language Teaching 19.On Communicative Way in Grammar Teaching 20.Culture Education in School English Teaching 21.Consideration on Bilingual Teaching 22.Cross-culture Communication and English Teaching in Middle School 23.Study of Business Letter 24.The English Teaching Based on Multimedia 25.The Contrast of Middle School Education between China & West 26.Culture Lead-in in English Teaching 27.Psychological Factors in English Teaching at Middle School

28.The Factors Affecting on Teaching a Language and Relevant Teaching Methods 29.A Thesis Presented to the Department of English

30.Making Use of Resources on the Internet to Assist Middle School Teaching 31.How to Improve Students’ Listening Abilities

32.Communicative Language Teaching and the Teaching in English Class 33.Grammar Teaching Within a Communicative Framework 34.Cultural Awareness in English Teaching 35.The Impact of Different Interpersonal Relationship 36.How to Learn English Vocabulary Effectively 37.On English Writing

38.The Social Psychological Factors of Foreign Language Learning 39.How to Improve the English Writing Ability 40.The Practice of English Class Teaching

41.On Pair Work and Group Work and Their Use in English Language Teaching 42.Cultural Difference and English Teaching 43.International Communication College Culture and Education 44.Initiation and Situation in English Learning Motivation 45.Cognitive Approach in Oral English Teaching 46.Self-access Learning’s Effects on the Application of the Balanced Activities Approach 47.International Communicative Activities into College English Language Teaching 48.The Application of Communication Approach to English Teaching 49.A Comparative Study of Compliments: Cross-culture Perspectives 50.Cross-cultural Communication and English Teaching

51.Increasing Cultural Awareness of English for Middle School Students 52.How to Improve Listening Skills of the Secondary School Students in English Teaching


1.Latin’s Influence on the English Vocabulary in the History Perspective 2.The Recognition of Componential Analysis and Its Application 3.On English Language Historical Changes 4.On English Vocabulary Acquisition 5.My Study on Complimenting 6.Change of Meaning 7.Personality Equality and Wealth Equality 8.An Exploration of Body Language 9.The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English 10.On the Merit and Application of Computer-assisted Instruction 11.Multiple Intelligence Theory and Language Teaching-Considering Student-Countered

12.Body Language on Nonverbal Communication 13.Analysis of Language Characteristics in Advertising English


1.A Brief Discussion on Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English 2.The Euphemism in English

3.Characteristic and Cultural Differences of the English and Chinese Idioms 4.Culture Differences in English Learning 5.Animals in Chinese and Western Culture 6.Cultural Differences in English Teaching 7.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language 8.The Impact of Economic Globalization on World Culture 9.A Comparison of Color Words between Chinese and English 10.The Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English Culture 11.Deep-structure Transfer in Cross-cultural Communication 12.Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication 13.English and Chinese Idioms 14.Proverbs and Culture 15.Body Language Functions in Cultures 16.Difference and Similarities of the Word: Black 17.Culture, Language and Communication 18.Euphemism---Their Construction and Application 19.Culture Difference and Translation

20.Exotic Cultures Influence on English Vocabulary 21.The Future Emergence of Chinese English 22.Euphemism in English 23.The Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures and English Education 24.Differences Between American and English on Lexis 25.Similarities and Differences in the Connotation of Animal Words in English 26.The Comparison of Culture and Language Between Chinese and English 27.Differences Between American and British English 28.Cultural Difference in Idioms and Ways of Mastery Them 29.Religious Cultural Factors Affecting the Differences of Meanings of Words 30.Specific Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures 31.An Informal Discussion on Vocabulary’s Cultural Connotation Between Chinese and English

32.The Differences of Family Values between China and American

33.The dissertation of the Foreign Language Department in Jiangxi Normal University 34.The Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpersonal Relationships


1.The Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 2.Interpreting and Interpreting Skills 3.On Poem Translation 4.The Appropriateness and Comparison of Poem Translation 5.The Character of Title and Translation 6.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 7.English and Chinese Comparison and Translation 8.On the Faithfulness in Translation 9.On Literal Translation and Free Translation 10.Translation for EST 11.On Translation Methods of Numerals in Chinese and English 12.On the Du Fu’s Poems Translation

13.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 14.Loyalty in Translation

15.Equivalence and its Application in Translation 16.Cultural Equivalence in Translation 17.Onomatopoeia and its Translation

18.On the Cross-Culture Pragmatic Failure in English Translation 19.Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set-Phrase 20.What is an Ideal Translation? 21.A Brief Comparison Between Two Basic Translation Methods—Literal Translation and Free Translation 22.Elementary Comment on Literal Translation and Free Translation 23.Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation 24.On the Translation of English Idioms 25.Arts in Verse Translation 26.On Translating the Passive Voice in Scientific and Technology English into Chinese 27.A Comparative Study of Two English Version of the Chang Ganxing 28.Review on the Translation of Movie Titles 29.Features and Translation of Idioms 30.The Translation of Long Sentences 31.Literature Translation and the Important of it 32.Problems Arising in Idiom Translation Caused by Culture Discussion and My Attempt at Dealing with these Problems





