The Memorial Hall of the Victims In Nanjing Massacre By Japanese Invaders Ladies and gentlemen, on the way to The Memorial Hall of the Victims In Nanjing Massacre By Japanese Invaders, I’d like to tell you something about its historical background.On Sept 18th, 1931, Japanese started a well-prepared war of aggression to China, Japanese troops occupied three provinces of northeast China within five months.A key moment came on July 7th, 1937.The Japanese troops were carrying out training exercises near Wanping , a strategically important town outside Beijing.Theydeclared that one of their soldiers was missing and assumed that the Chinese army might have captured him and so demanded a search for him in Wanping town, but the Chinese side refused and said they would do the searching themselves.Taking this as an excuse, the Japanese army attacked the Chinese army and the Chinese army fought back.The battle took place at a bridge leading to the town.This is called Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge Incident, which marked the beginning of a full-scale invasion of China by the Japanese.After Beijing fell, they occupied Shanghai on November 12th, then marched toward Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, General Tang Shengzhi led the national revolutionary army to defend the city but ended in failure.This is known as the “Defending Battle of Nanjing”.On Dec 13, 1937, the Japanese army occupied Nanjing and during the following six weeks they started a bloody massacre in the city.About 300,000 innocent civilians and unarmed Chinese soldiers were brutally slaughtered in mass or by inpidual beheadings in the killing races.Some were buried or burned alive.More than 20,000 women were raped and many of them were then killed.The memorial hall stands on the site of the massacre at Jiangdong Gate during the Nanjing Massacre.It was built in 1985, and was expanded first from 1994 to 1995, and then from 2005 to 2007.The new memorial hall was completed and opened to the public on December 13, 2007, which was the 70th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre.The memorial consists of four parts, namely the assembly ground , the exhibition hall, the site of the massacre and the Peace Park.The new hall is shaped like the bow of a ship that rises high above the ground, representing ‘the Ship of Peace’.Its profile looks like a broken saber.Seen from above, it resembles a sword turned into a plowshare.The new hall was designed by architect He Jingtang from South China University of Technology while the old one by architect Qi Kang from Southeast University.Both designs are distinctive in style and innovation.Now you can see a group of copper sculptures, the one that stands more than ten meters high in the east is named A Ruined Family, which shows a heartbroken mother holding her dead child killed in the Nanjing Massacre.This sculpture in front of us is named The Cry of the Spirits.The whole sculpture conveys a sense of the power of justice and the resistance of the Chinese nation.Here is the Assembly Square.Citizens of Nanjing assemble here on December 13 every year to mourn over the victims and pray for peace.At the other end is the bow of ‘the Ship of Peace’ composed of steps.The wall in the distance is called the Wall of Calamity.Carved on the black granite are the words ‘Victims 300,000’ in 12 languages including Chinese, English, Japanese, German, Portuguese, Greek, Dutch and others.To the east of the Wall of Calamity is a cross-shaped monument that bears the Arabian numbers 1937.12.13-1938.1, indicating the six weeks of Nanjing Massacre.The rubble stones under it indicate that the memorial hall was built above the Mass Grave of theMassacre.Here is another sculpture in the shape of a bell frame, which signifies ‘the 300,000 fallen people’.Three black triangular prisms and five brownish red circles form the number 300,000, and three black horizontal beams in the middle give the shape of the Chinese character for ‘people’.Hung on the frame is the Bell of Peace, which was donated by the overseas Chinese in Japan.Carved on the bell are pictures and words about the Nanjing Massacre.Its Chinese name Bell of Peace was written by Qi Gong, Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Association of Calligraphers.The bell is sounded on December 13 every year.Now we come to the Exhibition Hall of Historical Records.On the first floor is A Human Holocaust: Historical Facts of the Nanjing Massacre and on the second floor is The Victory in 1945.Please go on to visit the hall.In order to maintain solemnity inside the hall, tour guides are not allowed to speak loudly, so please read the English introductions by yourselves This section is about John Rabe, a German businessman who helped Chinese civilians by setting up Nanking Safety Zone.This respectable gentleman is known as “Schinder in China”.The rows of folders keep the records of the victims.Now we come to the statue complex.This is the “Footprints of the Witnesses of History”.It is 40 meters long and 1.6meters wide.The footprints come from 222 survivors of the Massacre.On the back of the statues of the survivors, there is a long poem on the bronze wall called “Wild Snow”.Written by Chinese military poet Mr.Wang Jiuxin, the poem narrates and accuses the crimes committed by the Japanese invaders.This is the bronze statue of the American Chinese Zhang Chunru or Iris Chang as her English name.She is the writer of the famous book “the Rape of Nanking, the Forgotten Holocaust of World War II”.Here is the inscription in Chinese “Nanjing Massacre Memorial” carved on the front stone wall with Deng Xiaoping’s handwriting.Now you can see 17 stone tablets standing on both sides of the alley in the yard.They represent the victim monuments in other parts of Nanjing.Three groups of large-sized sculptures are embedded in the south wall.They are the reproduction of the whole process before and after Nanjing Massacre in accordance of historical photos.Next is the 4-meter-high marble statue “the Call of a Mother”.Here is the granite stone wall with the name list of the victims, also called the “Crying Wall”.It is 43 meters long and 3.5 meters in height.Now we come to the “Display Hall of Victims’ Remains”, next to it is the “Mass Grave”.Here are the Basso-relievo depicting the scenes of the Massacre, the Memorial Square and the Meditation Hall, etc.Now we arrive at the platform in the Peace Park.In the middle of the Peace Park is a 160-meter-long water pond, resembling a mirror of history.And on the right is the Wall of Victory.The whole embossment is 140 meters long, which represents the joy of Chinese people for winning the victory in the anti-Japanese war.This is the white marble sculpture “Peace”.A mother holding her child with a dove flying free.The sculpture is 30 meters high with the moral to remember the 300, 000 slaughtered compatriots in Nanjing Massacre.Nanjing Massacre is not only the misfortune of the Chinese people but also of the world.It was an unscrupulous trampling of human civilization.People from China and other parts of the world visit the place and express their grievances as well their wishes for the world peace.Experiences of the past, if not forgotten, are a guide for the future.The memorial hall presents not only to the Chinese but also to successive generations of the Japanese that only an acceptance and understanding of the past wrongs can create a better future for the mankind.Thanks for listening!
发布日期:2013-11-04 访问次数:219次 字号:[ 大 中 小 ]
The Memorial Hall of the Victims In Nanjing Massacre By Japanese Invaders
Ladies and gentlemen, on the way to The Memorial Hall of the Victims In
Nanjing Massacre By Japanese Invaders, I‟d like to tell you something
about its historical background.On Sept 18th, 1931, Japanese started a well-prepared war of aggression to China, Japanese troops occupied three provinces of northeast China within five months.A key moment came on July 7th, 1937.The Japanese troops were carrying out training exercises near Wanping , a strategically important town outside Beijing.Theydeclared that one of their soldiers was missing and assumed that the Chinese army might have captured him and so demanded a search for him in Wanping town, but the Chinese side refused and said they would do the searching themselves.Taking this as an excuse, the Japanese army attacked the Chinese army and the Chinese army fought back.The battle took place at a bridge leading to the town.This is called Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge Incident, which marked the beginning of a full-scale invasion of China by the Japanese.After Beijing fell, they occupied Shanghai on November 12th, then marched toward Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, General Tang Shengzhi led the national revolutionary army to defend the city but ended in failure.This is known as the “Defending Battle of Nanjing”.On Dec 13, 1937, the Japanese army occupied Nanjing and during the following six weeks they started a bloody massacre in the city.About 300,000 innocent civilians and unarmed Chinese soldiers were brutally slaughtered in mass or by inpidual beheadings in the killing races.Some were buried or burned alive.More than 20,000 women were raped and many of them were then killed.The memorial hall stands on the site of the massacre at Jiangdong Gate during the Nanjing Massacre.It was built in 1985, and was expanded first from 1994 to 1995, and then from 2005 to 2007.The new memorial hall was completed and opened to the public on December 13, 2007, which was the 70th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre.The memorial consists of four parts, namely the assembly ground , the exhibition hall, the site of the massacre and the Peace Park.The new hall is shaped like the bow of a ship that rises high above the ground, representing „the Ship of Peace‟.Its profile looks like a broken saber.Seen from above, it resembles a sword turned into a plowshare.The new hall was designed by architect He Jingtang from South China University of Technology while the old one by architect Qi Kang from Southeast University.Both designs are distinctive in style and innovation.Now you can see a group of copper sculptures, the one that stands more than ten meters high in the east is named A Ruined Family, which shows a heartbroken mother holding her dead child killed in the Nanjing Massacre.This sculpture in front of us is named The Cry of the Spirits.The whole sculpture conveys a sense of the power of justice and the resistance of the Chinese nation.Here is the Assembly Square.Citizens of Nanjing assemble here on December 13 every year to mourn over the victims and pray for peace.At the other end is the bow of „the Ship of Peace‟ composed of steps.The wall in the distance is called the Wall of Calamity.Carved on the black granite are the words „Victims 300,000‟ in 12 languages including Chinese, English, Japanese, German, Portuguese, Greek, Dutch and others.To the east of the Wall of Calamity is a cross-shaped monument that bears the Arabian numbers 1937.12.13-1938.1, indicating the six weeks of Nanjing Massacre.The rubble stones under it indicate that the memorial hall was built above the Mass Grave of theMassacre.Here is another sculpture in the shape of a bell frame, which signifies „the 300,000 fallen people‟.Three black triangular prisms and five brownish red circles form the number 300,000, and three black horizontal beams in the middle give the shape of the Chinese character for „people‟.Hung on the frame is the Bell of Peace, which was donated by the overseas Chinese in Japan.Carved on the bell are pictures and words about the Nanjing Massacre.Its Chinese name Bell of Peace was written by Qi Gong, Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Association of Calligraphers.The bell is sounded on December 13 every year.Now we come to the Exhibition Hall of Historical Records.On the first floor is A Human Holocaust: Historical Facts of the Nanjing Massacre and on the second floor is The Victory in 1945.Please go on to visit the hall.In order to maintain solemnity inside the hall, tour guides are not allowed to speak loudly, so please read the English introductions by yourselves
This section is about John Rabe, a German businessman who helped Chinese civilians by setting up Nanking Safety Zone.This respectable gentleman is known as “Schinder in China”.The rows of folders keep the records of the victims.Now we come to the statue complex.This is the “Footprints of the Witnesses of History”.It is 40 meters long and 1.6meters wide.The footprints come from 222 survivors of the Massacre.On the back of the statues of the survivors, there is a long poem on the bronze wall called “Wild Snow”.Written by Chinese military poet Mr.Wang Jiuxin, the poem narrates and accuses the crimes committed by the Japanese invaders.This is the bronze statue of the American Chinese Zhang Chunru or Iris Chang as her English name.She is the writer of the famous book “the Rape of Nanking, the Forgotten Holocaust of World War II”.Here is the inscription in Chinese “Nanjing Massacre Memorial” carved on the front stone wall with Deng Xiaoping‟s handwriting.Now you can see 17 stone tablets standing on both sides of the alley in the yard.They represent the victim monuments in other parts of Nanjing.Three groups of large-sized sculptures are embedded in the south wall.They are the reproduction of the whole process before and after Nanjing Massacre in accordance of historical photos.Next is the 4-meter-high marble statue “the Call of a Mother”.Here is the granite stone wall with the name list of the victims, also called the “Crying Wall”.It is 43 meters long and 3.5 meters in height.Now we come to the “Display Hall of Victims‟ Remains”, next to it is the “Mass Grave”.Here are the Basso-relievo depicting the scenes of the Massacre, the Memorial Square and the Meditation Hall, etc.Now we arrive at the platform in the Peace Park.In the middle of the Peace Park is a 160-meter-long water pond, resembling a mirror of history.And on the right is the Wall of Victory.The whole embossment is 140 meters long, which represents the joy of Chinese people for winning the victory in the anti-Japanese war.This is the white marble sculpture “Peace”.A mother holding her child with a dove flying free.The sculpture is 30 meters high with the moral to remember the 300, 000 slaughtered compatriots in Nanjing Massacre.Nanjing Massacre is not only the misfortune of the Chinese people but also of the world.It was an unscrupulous trampling of human civilization.People from China and other parts of the world visit the place and express their grievances as well their wishes for the world peace.Experiences of the past, if not forgotten, are a guide for the future.The memorial hall presents not only to the Chinese but also to successive generations of the Japanese that only an acceptance and understanding of the past wrongs can create a better future for the mankind.Thanks for listening!
前事不忘 后事之师——侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆参观记
湖北省宜都市杨守敬小学 杨艳丽
进入悼念广场,一条两边布满鹅卵石的不宽的路伸向史料陈列馆。迎面映入眼帘的是一块高大突兀的石壁,“遇难者300000”,用中英日三国文字镌刻,斗大的字,让每个进入的中国人一眼就看得见,让每一个进入的日本人一眼就看得见,让每一个进入的不同种族、肤色的人一眼都看得见1 30万!其实这还是保守的统计,实际在大屠杀中遇难的人数远不止这个数字。
首先以实景展示的是日军攻破南京的经过。1937年1 2月,日军从上海进逼南京城,国军浴血抵抗,但未能有效阻击其多路进攻。12月13日,在一片混乱中日军攻入城内,长达六周的大屠杀拉开序幕,人类史上最惨绝人寰的悲剧无情上演!战役中牺牲的国军将士可歌可泣的事迹令人动容,他们的照片高悬壁上,他们的名字光耀山河,与日月同辉!(观后感 www.feisuxs)需要记住的还有一个名字——松井石根,正是他下令日军可以在城内烧杀淫掠,为所欲为(此人在战后接受审判,作为乙级战犯在南京被执行死刑,没有逃脱历史的惩罚)。
当然最令人愤慨的是侵华日军罄竹难书的罪行,馆内以照片、实物、影像、名人信札、侵华日军回忆录等详实确凿的史料证据展现出来。遍布六朝古都大街小巷的日军官兵就是恶魔、野兽,难以想象的罪恶在那漫长的六周里每分每秒都在发生,昔日的金陵胜地沦为炼狱,成群的手无寸铁的百姓被驱赶到长江边,遭遇机枪疯狂扫射,鲜血染红江面。为节省子弹,日军干脆逼迫人们走向“万人坑”——活埋。每12秒就有一个宝贵的生命消失,1 2秒,1 2秒!惨无人道的杀人游戏是野兽取乐的消遣,一颗中国男子的头颅被搁在路边木栅上,死去的面容上满布凄苦悲伤,嘴里被塞进半支香烟!这颗头颅还被当做皮球踢来踢去,围观者发出鬼哭狼嚎般的狂笑,他们不是人!中国人的命就这么不值钱吗?!我感到满身的热血在沸腾,满腔的怒火在燃烧!
在经历了1 20分钟沉痛与悲愤的心灵旅程后,我走到出口。墙壁上镌刻着醒目的大字——“前事不忘,后事之师”,“铭记历史,忘记仇恨”。
以史为鉴,可知兴替。回顾南京大屠杀惨剧,可上溯至1 840年古老的国门被侵略者坚船利炮打开为发端的百年磨难史与屈辱史,我们获得的教训与经验何其沉痛与深刻。
9*** 韩东