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Given the speed of the spoken language, one hour of simultaneous interpretation amounts to approximately 9,000 words.In about 2 hours, therefore, an interpreter will have processed and uttered roughly 20,000 words.It is interesting to compare this figure of 20,000 words with the amount handled in written translation.As we saw, earlier, the UN lays down a standard of between 6 and 8 pages, or 2,000 to 3,000 words per day.The daily contractual work load for conference translator is calculated on the basis of 2,000 words for ordinary texts and 1,000 words for technical texts.Thus, in one day, the interpreter processes 10 times as many words as the translator.However, as these words are concentrated into the time the interpreter is actually speaking(1/3 of the meeting time), the interpreter is in fact working 30 times faster than a translator.Whatever the fundamental differences between translation and interpretation, it is obvious that a working speed 3,000 % greater than that of a translator cannot be sustained for long, which is why simultaneous interpreters relieve one another every 20 minutes or half an hour.口译与笔译的发展背景是不同的,笔译是在口译的基础上发展起来的,之后笔译发展比较迅速;笔译与口译存在着不同的标准、模式,尤其是近几年口译标准相继出现,丰富了口译标准,口译与笔译的特点与步骤不同,口译因为是现场工作,压力较大,而笔译相对而言要求的准确性较高。所以,翻译达人认为口译与笔译对译员的素质要求是不同的。


口译就其工作方式而言一般可分为即席翻译(consecutive interpretation)和同声传译(simultaneous interpretation)两大类。讲话人说完一句话、一段话甚至一整篇后,由译员在现场立即译给听众的口译方式就叫做即席翻译,也称交替传译或连续翻译。讲话的时间可以从几秒(几十个字)到几分钟(几百乃至几千个字)不等。讲话与翻译交替进行。这种翻译方式主要用于两种情况:一是正式会见、政治会谈、外交或商务谈判、公务交涉、大会发言、学术交流、新闻发布会、记者招待会、宴会祝酒、开幕式、闭幕式、法庭辩论、情况介绍会等正规场合,译员往往要借助笔记进行口译;二是接待、礼宾迎送、陪同、参观、游览、宴会、购物、娱乐、生活安排等日常会话中,译员通常凭记忆进行口译。同声传译则是讲话人一面讲,译员一面译的口译方式。同声传译主要用于国际会议。同声传译可以分为三种情况:一是会议传译,即译员利用大会会场的电化设备,在传译箱里通过耳机收听讲话人的讲话,马上又通过话筒译给听众,几乎与讲话人同步,最多比讲话人慢几秒钟:二是视译(sight interpretation),即译员一面看原文讲稿或书面材料(如讲话稿),一面译出材料的内容。一般要求译员不停地看,不停地译,而不是看完一句译一句;三是耳语传译(whispering),即译员把会议上听到的话,立即小声地译给身边的一两个人听。讲话人不停地讲。耳语翻译一般对原讲话有较大的压缩与概括。这种传译也称“咬耳朵”翻译。





















高级的第一节都是必做题,给出1篇400词左右的英?汉?语文章要求考生将其译成汉?英?语,第二节为选做题,给出3篇英?汉?语文章,每篇各400词左右,要求考生选择两篇译成汉?英?语,题量各3道题,分值各150分,总计300分,时间为6小时。业内然后是篇:专家谈全国翻译专业资格考试 我们中国外文局翻译资格考评中心作为全国翻译资格水平考试的具体实施和组织单位,近期邀请全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试专家委员会的部分专家谈翻译考试,向考生介绍有关翻译考试的大纲、模块设置、题型、如何备考等相关问题。


李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 1 1.既往不咎,尽释前嫌。


1.Forgive and forget.2.there is no doubt that to manage money affairs for each family has become the focus of attention of various parities.But those ordinary people who want to make better use of their money were greatly discouraged by the numerous bad news in capital markets.They are hesitant to make any investment with their hard-earned money because of the fact that the stock price shrank by a large margin,which is followed by the sharp fall of the financial index,even by the shady deals.The book “Accounting” offers excellent solutions to the above problems by introducing the first-hand materials to the readers,including many tools and methods of investment,experience introduction from experts,a large number of authoritative evaluation questions,and particular modes of managing money affairs for different groups of readers.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 2 1.好事不出门,坏事传千里。

2.随着人才竞争日益激烈,高校的研究计划也越发的昂贵,这使得企业有更多的机会“入侵”校园。美国大多数的药剂公司和整个学术部门签订了合同,实质上是一种学术垄断。据美国教育委员会主席Stanley O.Ikenberry研究发现,特别是在医学教育方面,过去10年,医学教育的质量和性质、决策者们的战略性选择更多的是被市场所左右,而不是从医学教育发展的长远目标出发。1.Bad news travels fast.2.With competition for talented people becoming fiercer,the budget of higher institutions of learning for research rose to a new height,giving more opportunities for the enterprises to get into schools.Most of the pharmaceutical companies have signed contracts with the whole academic circle,which is intrinsically a kind of academic monopoly.Stanley O.Ikenberry,president of the Commission of Education of the United States,discovered in his research that it was the market instead of the consideration for a long-term development of the medical science that determined the quality and nature of the medical education,and influenced the strategic choice.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 3 1.一失足成千古恨,再回首已百年身。


1.A little neglect may breed great mischief.2.However,with the development of the city,Shanghai Odeum is becoming more and more inharmonious with its surroundings for its location between the crowded residential area in the south and the Yan an Viaduct——one of the truck roads in Shanghai in the north.The performances in the Odeum were often disrupted by the passing vehicles,while the audiences coming for the performances were troubled by the inconvenience of transportation quite a lot——they had to walk a rather long distance to reach the odeum because there was not parking lot near it at all.Inside the odeum,the stage is quite small,and would seem much crowed if choir and band appear on the stage at the same time.Given the above-mentioned reasons,Shanghai Municipal Government decides to include the 72-year-old Shanghai Odeum in the People's Square Reconstruction Project.Specifically,the odeum will be translated 100 meters southward.Its gate will also be changed——from north-oriented to south-oriented.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 4 1.人多好办事。

2.榜样总是跑在最前端。在寻求新榜样的努力中,人们将所有美好的标签都贴到了民营科技企业家、以及被冠以“知识精英”之名的海归派身上。新的体制环境对他们宠爱有加,他们成了官员推宠的座上宾,传媒报道的宠儿。如果说台湾高科技的经验是缘起于新竹的那3000个归国留学生,那么我们也有理由将所有光环都加到民营科技企业家和海归们头上。1.Many hands make light work.2.Models are always most attractive.In people's efforts in finding a model,they attributed all the good qualities to the national capitalist in the field of science and technology,and to the “returned students”,the so-called “elite intellectual”。Besides enjoying the rules and systems favorable to them,the national capitalists are the favorites of the government officials and reporters.If we attribute the high technology of Taiwan to those 3000 people who have studied abroad,we can justify our practice of attaching all the good qualities to the national capitalist in the field of science and technology,and to the “returned students”。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 5 1.一不做,二不休。

2.随着人才竞争日益激烈,高校的研究计划也越发的昂贵,这使得企业有更多的机会“入侵”校园。美国大多数的药剂公司和整个学术部门签订了合同,实质上是一种学术垄断。据美国教育委员会主席Stanley O.Ikenberry研究发现,特别是在医学教育方面,过去10年,医学教育的质量和性质、决策者们的战略性选择更多的是被市场所左右,而不是从医学教育发展的长远目标出发。

1.As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.2.With competition for talented people becoming fiercer,the budget of higher institutions of learning for research rose to a new height,giving more opportunities for the enterprises to get into schools.Most of the pharmaceutical companies have signed contracts with the whole academic circle,which is intrinsically a kind of academic monopoly.Stanley O.Ikenberry,president of the Commission of Education of the United States,discovered in his research that it was the market instead of the consideration for a long-term development of the medical science that determined the quality and nature of the medical education,and influenced the strategic choice.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 6 1.欲加之罪,何患无辞。

2.环球影城是全球最大、效益最好的主题公园之一。奥兰多环球影城自1990年开业以来,已吸引了超过一亿人次的游客,而日本大阪环球影城也创下了历史上最成功的主题公园的记录。上海环球影城主题公园项目将以好莱坞众多的电影精品为基础,运用高科技手段,让游客亲身体验电影中的逼真场景,增强游客的参与性和娱乐性,同时,其游乐内容将依托环球影城制作的电影不断进行更新。1.He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.2.The Universal Film City is one of the biggest and most profitable theme parks in the world.Orlando Universal Film City has attracted more than 100 million tourists since it was open to public in 1990; while Osaka Universal Film City has been the most successful theme parks globally.Based on the numerous great films made in Hollywood,Shanghai Universal Film City Theme Park will,with various technological means give the tourists an opportunity to experience the scenes similar to those in the film,thus getting more tourists involved and offering more funs to them.Meanwhile,it will keep on updating the games and entertainments it offers with the films made by Shanghai Universal Film City.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 7 1.一失足成千古恨,再回首已百年身。


1.A little neglect may breed great mischief.2.However,with the development of the city,Shanghai Odeum is becoming more and more inharmonious with its surroundings for its location between the crowded residential area in the south and the Yan an Viaduct——one of the truck roads in Shanghai in the north.The performances in the Odeum were often disrupted by the passing vehicles,while the audiences coming for the performances were troubled by the inconvenience of transportation quite a lot——they had to walk a rather long distance to reach the odeum because there was not parking lot near it at all.Inside the odeum,the stage is quite small,and would seem much crowed if choir and band appear on the stage at the same time.Given the above-mentioned reasons,Shanghai Municipal Government decides to include the 72-year-old Shanghai Odeum in the People's Square Reconstruction Project.Specifically,the odeum will be translated 100 meters southward.Its gate will also be changed——from north-oriented to south-oriented.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 8 新华社试水开心网


China’s official media have been the recent target of a 45 billion yuan($6.6 billion)push to expand their influence at home and abroad.This effort has seen the launch of an English edition of the Global Times, a major boost for the domestic and international operations of the official People’s Daily newspaper, and an ambitious plan for state broadcaster CCTV to become a global contender along the lines of CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera.中国政府最近准备斥资人民币450亿元(合66亿美元),以扩大中国各官方媒体在国内外的影响力。政府为此推出了《环球时报》(Global Times)英文版,着力推动了官方报纸《*》(People’s Daily)的国内和国际业务,并启动了一项雄心勃勃的计划,想让中央电视台(CCTV)成为能与美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、英国广播公司(BBC)和卡塔尔半岛电视台(Al Jazeera)相比肩的全球性媒体。


According to its self-introduction on Kaixin001.com, Xinhua TV is a newly launched 24-hour news service by Xinhua news agency, providing real time video coverage of breaking political, social and economic news, along with in-depth reports, with contributions from reporters in over Xinhua’s 100-plus bureaus world-wide.新华电视在开心网上的自我介绍说,它是新华社新推出的24小时不间断新闻服务,提供突发性政治、社会和经济新闻的实时视频报导以及深度报导,新华社全球100多家分社的记者都将为新华电视提供内容。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 9 欧洲人怎么看美国




One thing is clear: Most Europeans think America's political influence in the world was negative over the past five years, but say it has taken a sharply positive turn since Barack Obama's election as U.S.president.When it comes to culture, Europeans' view of America's contributions is more complex.Some aspects are loathed, others are loved.Large numbers of Europeans say they detest American food, but cite films and television shows as the country's best exports.不过有一点是明显的:大多数欧洲人认为过去五年美国在全球的政治影响是负面的,但他们也表示自奥巴马当选美国总统以来,美国的政治影响出现了明显的好转。


李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 10








Struggling with the highest unemployment rates since the 1970s, OECD countries 'should make efforts to help the most vulnerable by ensuring that financial safety nets are adequate for job losers and low-income families and making it a priority to tackle rising youth unemployment,' the organization recommended.李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 11

心焦求职者 宁缺也勿滥


华盛顿的职业顾问乔普拉(Karen Chopra)清楚地了解“第一份工作邀请饥渴症”带来的全部危害。


翻译练习: But rather than letting her clients succumb, Ms.Chopra will discuss a position's pros and cons with them to figure out how much they like the job versus how much they just want to stop searching.'Most people hate the job search,' she says.'It's an anxiety-producing time.But there are real dangers to taking a job that is not a good fit.'

If you're in a job you dislike, for instance, you may not perform well.And if you leave the job after a few months, there will be a short stint to explain

on your resume.词汇提示:

succumb vi.屈服;屈从 pros and cons 利弊




李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 12 中国最年轻市长遭人肉搜索




Zhou’s meteoric rise through the local government ranks since his graduation from Tsinghua University in 202_ has drawn many skeptics who doubted his qualifications and questioned his rapid promotion.In online forums, they have demanded more information about his family background, personal connections and the procedures involved in his appointment as mayor of Yicheng, a small city of 200,000.Searchers haven’t found any political connections in his faily background, though it still seems, at times, that Zhou can do no right.Web users posted a photo of Zhou on a visit to a local farm that shows him standing with his hands behind his back as another person held an umbrella for him.This was juxtaposed with a photo of Premier Wen Jiabao walking in the rain, carrying his own umbrella for an unflattering comparison to the young mayor.词汇提示:

juxtapose vt.使并置, 使并列



李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 13):《变形金刚2》 通用汽车活广告?


《变形金刚2》在中国上映的头5天里,累计获得2,190万美元的票房,创下了英文电影在中国的票房纪录。该片为通用汽车(General Motors)提供了一个无与伦比的大屏幕广告平台──影片以显著地位展示了通用汽车产品。


While some critics have panned the movie as 'a horrible experience of unbearable length,' there's no doubt 'Transformers' resonates with Chinese audiences who were introduced to the cast of Autobots and their battle against evil when the cartoon series and action figures were brought here in the late 1980s.Some filmgoers have commented that the real stars of 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' are not Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, but the GM line-up of cars, led by the Chevrolet Camaro as the Autobot Bumblebee.尽管一些批评人士说这部影片是“对难以容忍的片长的一种恐怖体验”,对那些在上世纪80年代末《变形金刚》动画片和动作人物引入中国时就接触到“汽车人”及其与邪恶势力的斗争的中国观众来说,《变形金刚2》毫无疑问引起了共鸣。

一些观众评论说,《变形金刚2》中的真正明星不是希亚•拉伯夫(Shia LaBeouf),也不是梅根•福克斯(Megan Fox),而是通用汽车的系列产品,其中为首的就是雪佛兰(Chevrolet)Camaro“扮演”的大黄蜂。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 14



大多数预测人士似乎都认为经济增长将在未来几个季度持续疲软,但会在202_年下半年回升到趋势水平──雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)研究报告,202_年12月12日。

目前这场上世纪三十年代以来幅度最深、时间最长的经济衰退将在202_年下半年结束──富国银行(Wells Fargo)新闻稿,202_年12月19日


Calls for a 'second-half' recovery have been a common theme of this recession-and so far, have only underscored the degree to which forecasters underestimated the magnitude of this downturn.Indeed, rather than the second-half recovery originally expected last year, the credit crisis intensified, massive layoffs ensued, and by year-end the global economy was mired in its worst downturn since the Great Depression.关于下半年经济复苏的说法已经成为了这场经济衰退迄今的一个共同主题,这只说明了预测人士严重低估了此次经济衰退。实际上,经济非但没有像原先设想的那样在去年下半年实现复苏,信贷危机反而进一步加剧,导致大量人员失业,年底前全球经济陷入了大萧条以来最为严重的下滑。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 15 买国货就买奔驰宝马? 背景资料:

China's ''buy Chinese' policy may have some loopholes big enough to drive a Beemer through.Beijing has called for Chinese companies to obtain more of the stimulus-related contracts, and the government's auto industry support plan requires domestic brands to account for 50% of new official vehicle purchases.Yet tongues are wagging over a government procurement list of suitable official vehicles that includes Mercedes-Benz and BMW.中国“购买国货”的政策可能存在一些足够大的漏洞,大到“宝马”也能乘虚而入。



The list actually includes the luxury auto makers' Chinese joint ventures.Mercedes-Benz vehicles in China are made through a partnership with Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co.known as Beijing Benz-DaimlerChrysler Automotive Co., while BMW has teamed with Brilliance China Automotive Holdings to manufacture and sell its cars domestically.这份清单实际上包括了豪华汽车厂家在中国的合资企业。中国的奔驰车是通过与北京汽车工业控股有限公司(Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co.)设立的合资企业北京奔驰-戴姆勒-克莱斯勒汽车有限公司(Beijing Benz-Daimlerchrysler Automotive Co.)生产的,而宝马则与华晨中国汽车控股有限公司(Brilliance China Automotive Holdings)合资生产并在国内销售宝马品牌的汽车。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 16 中美携手重建阿富汗





This month, the Afghan foreign minister visited China to generate interest in oil, gas and iron-ore concessions.He and his Chinese counterpart agreed to study ways to open up commercial traffic on their 47-mile shared border--located in a remote mountain region and largely inaccessible--such as building a road through the area.阿富汗外交部长本月访问中国,两国商谈了在石油、天然气和铁矿石项目进行合作的兴趣。阿富汗外长和中国官员同意研究在中阿两国47英里边境开放商业往来的可能性,例如修建一条通往边境地区的道路。中国和阿富汗边境位于偏远山区,大多不通车。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 17 关掉大脑里自我怀疑的声音






If these real-life examples sound familiar, you may have a caustic commentary running in your head, too.Psychologists say many of their patients are plagued by a harsh Inner Critic--including some extremely successful people who think it's the secret to their success.如果这些真实的事例对你来说感觉非常地熟悉,那么你的头脑里可能也有那么一个严厉的声音在回荡。心理学家称,很多病人都备受苛刻的自我怀疑的折磨──包括一些非常成功的人士,他们认为这正是自己成功的秘诀。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 18 婚姻使人肥?

In an interesting result, the study found that while women living with, but not married to, a romantic partner were also more likely to become obese, men cohabitating with a romantic partner had no increased risk of obesity.The researchers said that they are still unclear why that may be the case.词汇提示:

obese adj.肥胖的;肥大的 cohabitate 同居 obesity n.肥胖


李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 19 塑造旧上海滩的匈牙利大师

In the early 1930s I.M.Pei, then a teenager, walked out of the Grand Theatre on Shanghai's West Nanjing Road after a movie, glanced up--and was spellbound.The Park Hotel, next door to the theater, was the tallest building in town, a splendid Art Deco specimen that soared powerfully over a low-slung city.The young man who would go on to design famous structures around the world says it played a key role in his decision to become an architect.词汇提示:

spellbound a.被咒语所镇住的, 被迷住的 Art Deco 装饰艺术

20世纪30年代,当时还只有十几岁的贝聿铭(I.M.Pei)看完电影,走出坐落于上海南京西路的大光明大戏院(Grand Theatre)。他抬头往上看,被一幅景象深深地打动了。剧院旁边的国际饭店(Park Hotel)是当时上海最高的建筑,作为装饰艺术(Art Deco)的典范作品,它威严俯瞰着由众多低矮小楼组成的上海滩。日后设计了很多世界著名建筑的贝聿铭说,这一情景给他带来了极大震撼,让他从此走向建筑设计之路发挥了重要的推动作用。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 20 油价即将回落? 背景资料:






Oil bulls have focused on two notions: a weaker dollar and rising demand from China.When the dollar declines, commodity prices tend to rise since they are priced in dollars.Need more of the weak buck to buy the same amount of crude, all things being equal.There is something to this idea, because the dollar has struggled and many expect it to have a rough go amid soaring


李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 21 中国推迟预装绿坝软件

China's government delayed its controversial requirement that manufacturers include Web-filtering software in all new personal computers sold in the country--an 11th-hour move that shows the challenges Beijing faces in its wide-ranging efforts to rein in the In ternet.中国政府推迟了要求电脑厂家从7月1日开始为所有新出售的个人电脑配备网络过滤软件这一备受争议的做法。这个在最后关头采取的举措显示出北京在加强互联网控制方面所面临的挑战。

李智口译笔译一天一练:Day 22

油价创纪录一周年 今年好景不再




首先是全球最大的原油消耗国美国传出的消息:失业率上升至9.5%,为里根(Ronald Reagan)总统第一任以来的最高纪录;同时联邦政府也裁员。我们在道琼斯通讯社的同事报导,制造、建筑和专职服务业(就业)都出现大幅下滑,这残酷地提醒人们,经济复苏之路绝非坦途。欧元区失业率也达到9.5%,为10年高点。失业率增长意味着不安定因素增加、开支减少以及燃料消耗量下降。


But this might not even be the worst news for oil bulls.Months of big OPEC production cuts have been a primary factor for the sweeping recovery in crude prices.But that hardnosed disciplined is wavering as a steady stream of increased production from some of the cartel's members quietly enters the market.但对于看涨原油的人来说,上述消息还算不上最糟糕的。连月来欧佩克大幅减产是原油价格全面反弹的主要因素。但欧佩克的戒律正在动摇,一些成员国增产,悄然为市场提供了稳定的供应。


英语精英俱乐部——English Elite Club


This year on World Tuberculosis Day there is cause for optimism.The recent adoption of a fast and powerful new diagnostic tool promises to accelerate international gains against the disease.今年世界防治结核病日有理由感到乐观。最近采用一种迅速、高效的新诊断工具,可望加快国际结核病防治工作的进展。

At the same time, our hope must be tempered by the sobering fact that multidrug-resistant forms of TB remain an ever-present threat that, if allowed to spread unchecked, could set back the steady progress made during the past two decades.与此同时,各种形式的耐多药结核病仍是经常存在的一种威胁,如果任其传播而不加阻止,可能抵消过去二十年不断取得的进展,这个严肃的事实必须使我们的希望有所节制。

The World Health Organization's Stop TB Strategy has brought major achievements, including impressive improvements in the way TB care is delivered.Over the past 15 years, well over 40 million people have received treatment in accordance with the Strategy.Prevalence and death rates continue to fall, demonstrating the power of international commitment to save lives.世界卫生组织的《杜绝结核病战略》已经带来巨大的成就,包括结核病治疗法的实施方式令人瞩目的改进。15年来,按照这项《战略》接受治疗的人数远超过4000万。流行率和死亡率不断下降,显示国际拯救生命的承诺很有力量。

This progress could be lost if we are not vigilant.Efforts to carry out the Strategy are severely underfunded, as is research to develop additional, badly needed tools.Without further improvements in TB prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, some 8 million people will die of TB between now and 202_.TB will also claim the lives of many people infected with HIV.如果我们不保持警觉,上述进展就可能消失。这项《战略》的执行工作严重缺乏资金,在研发更多迫切需要的工具方面也是如此。在结核病的预防、早日诊断和治疗方面如果不能继续进展,从现在到202_年,约有800万人会死于结核病。结核病也会夺去许多感染艾滋病毒的人的性命。

TB care still fails to reach everyone in need.About one third of people with TB do not benefit from accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.Most of these nearly 3 million people are in vulnerable and marginalized groups, including slum dwellers, migrant workers and drug users.结核病的治疗工作仍然不能涵盖每个需要治疗的人。约有三分之一的结核病人没有得到正确的诊断和适当的治疗。这些将近300万的人大多数属于弱势和处于社会边缘的群体,包括贫民窟的居民、移徙工人和吸_________________________________________________________ 202_寒假口译特训营——造就精英人才

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We need to reach them by teaming up with civil society, health workers and businesses.In the 21st century, no one should die from this curable disease.我们必须同民间社会、保健工作人员和企业联合起来,向他们施出援手。在二十一世纪,没有任何人应该死于这种可以治疗的疾病。

Access to quality health care is a basic human right.On World TB Day, I call for action to carry out the Stop TB Strategy everywhere, for all those who need it.This will go a long way toward universal access to diagnosis and treatment, and that, in turn, will help rid the world of one of the biggest infectious killers facing humankind.获得优良的保健服务是一种基本人权。在世界防治结核病日,我呼吁采取行动,在全球各地为一切有此需要的人实施《杜绝结核病战略》。此举将大有助于使世人普遍得到诊断和治疗,这反过来又有助于在全世界铲除人类所面临的最致命传染病之一。


Tomorrow, hundreds of millions of people around the world will observe Earth Hour.By switching off their lights for 60 minutes at 8.30 p.m.local time, each of these men, women and children will send a powerful message that they want to change what's happening to our world.明天(3月26日),全世界数以亿计的人们将会参加“地球一小时”的活动。在当地时间的晚间8点30分,每一个男人,女人和孩子都将传递出改变地球现状的强烈信息。

As in previous years, UN communities around the world will take part.Here in New York, all our buildings will go dark – including our main headquarters which is currently closed for renovation.同往年一样,联合国位于世界各地的机构都将参与到这一活动中。而在纽约联合国总部,我们的大楼也将熄灯,包括我们目前正在关闭期间进行装修的秘书处大楼。

It is more than half a century since our striking monument to world peace and cooperation rose on the East River.This New York landmark is now receiving a much-needed overhaul.When completed, the new LEED-certified _________________________________________________________ 202_寒假口译特训营——造就精英人才

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UN Headquarters will use less energy and water, and create less waste.It will be an example of modern sustainable architecture at its best.在纽约东河边矗立了半个多世纪的联合国秘书处大楼目前正在装修,装修完成后,联合国大楼将是一座低能耗、低费水、低排放的建筑。它将成为现代可持续发展建筑的最好的典范。

All over the world inpiduals, communities, businesses and governments are creating new examples for our common future – new visions for sustainable living and new technologies to realize it.Tomorrow, let us join together to celebrate this shared quest to protect the planet and ensure human well-being.Let us use 60 minutes of darkness to help the world see the light.世界各地的民众、社区、企业和政府正在为了人类共同的未来而创造新的典范,在以可持续方式生活方面确立新的愿景,并为实现这一愿景而开发新的技术。在26日这一天,让我们为了保护地球和确保人类福祉而共同庆祝,用60分钟的黑暗帮助世界看到光明。


As the world charts a more sustainable future, the crucial interplay among water, food and energy is one of the most formidable challenges we face.Without water there is no dignity and no escape from poverty.Yet the Millennium Development Goal target for water and sanitation is among those on which many countries lag the most.在全世界策划一个更可持续的前景之际,水、粮食与能源的相互作用是我们面临的最巨大挑战之一。没有水,就没有尊严,也无法摆脱贫穷。然而,《千年发展目标》里水和环境卫生的指标却属于许多国家最落后的指标。

In little over a generation, 60 per cent of the global population will be living in towns and cities, with much of the increase taking place in the inner city slums and squatter settlements of the developing world.The theme of this year’s observance of World Water Day--“Water for Cities”--highlights some of the main challenges of this increasingly urban future.约略再过一代,全球人口的60%将住在城市,其中大部分增加人数将出现在发展中国家的市中心贫民区和棚户区。今年纪念世界水日的主题——“城市用水”——凸显这个日益城市化的前景所具有的一些主要挑_________________________________________________________ 202_寒假口译特训营——造就精英人才

英语精英俱乐部——English Elite Club


Urbanization brings opportunities for more efficient water management and improved access to drinking water and sanitation.At the same time, problems are often magnified in cities, and are currently outpacing our ability to devise solutions.城市化带来更有效管理用水和更能获得饮用水和环境卫生的机会。同时,城市里的各种问题往往扩大,目前逐渐超出我们拟订解决办法的能力。

Over the past decade, the number of urban dwellers who lack access to a water tap in their home or immediate vicinity has risen by an estimated 114 million, and the number of those who lack access to the most basic sanitation facilities has risen by 134 million.This 20 per cent increase has had a hugely detrimental impact on human health and on economic productivity: people are sick and unable to work.过去十年,家里或附近没有水龙头可用的城市居民的人数估计增加了1.14亿,没有最基本的环卫设施可用的城市居民的人数则增加了1.34亿。这个20%增加数额对人类健康和经济生产力都有极其有害的影响:人民生病不能工作。

Water challenges go beyond questions of access.In many countries, girls are forced to drop out of school owing to a lack of sanitation facilities, and women are harassed or assaulted when carrying water or visiting a public toilet.Moreover, the poorest and most vulnerable members of society often have little choice but to buy water from informal vendors at prices estimated to be 20 to 100 per cent higher than that of their richer neighbours, who receive piped city water in their homes.This is not just unsustainable;it is unacceptable.用水方面的挑战还不限于取得用水的问题。许多国家的女童因为缺乏环卫设施而被迫退学,妇女提水或上公用厕所时被人骚扰或侵犯。此外,最穷最弱的社会成员往往不得不向非正式的贩子买水,价钱比在家里接引本市自来水的有钱邻居所付的价钱大约高出20%至100%。这种情况不仅不可持续,而且不可接受。

Water problems will figure prominently at the forthcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, in 202_ – Rio + 20.My High-level Panel on Global Sustainability and UN-Water are examining ways in which we can connect the dots among water, energy and food security, with the aim of reducing poverty and inequality, generating jobs, and minimizing the risks of climate change and environmental stress.在将于202_年在里约热内卢举行的联合国可持续发展大会(里约+20)上,水的问题将居于显著的地位。我的全球可持续性和联合国水机制问题高级别小组正在研究我们可以采用什么方法把水、能源和粮食安全之_________________________________________________________ 202_寒假口译特训营——造就精英人才

英语精英俱乐部——English Elite Club


On World Water Day, I urge governments to recognize the urban water crisis for what it is – a crisis of governance, weak policies and poor management, rather than one of scarcity.Let us also pledge to reverse the alarming decline in pro poor investment in water and sanitation.And let us reaffirm our commitment to ending the plight of the more than 800 million people who, in a world of plenty, still do not have the safe drinking water or sanitation they need for a life in dignity and good health.在世界水日,我呼吁各国政府认识城市用水危机的真相——这是治理方式、软弱政策和管理不善造成的危机,而非供不应求的危机。我们还要保证把水和环卫方面有利于穷人的投资急剧下降的趋势扭转过来。同时让我们重申:我们承诺终止8亿多人民的苦难,他们虽然处于一个富足的世界中,却仍然得不到他们的尊严和健康生活所需的安全饮用水或环境卫生。



各位选手、各位评委、各位来宾: Judges and contestants, Ladies and gentlemen,首先,祝贺“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛十周岁生日。我很高兴再次出席英国区预选赛。当你再到一个地方或再次出席一项活动,中国有一句唐诗叫:“前度刘郎今又来”。恰好我姓“刘”,所以这句话形容今天的场合是再贴切不过了。

I have real pleasure attending this 10th “Chinese Bridge” Competition.I enjoyed it so much last year – so it's very good to be back!We Chinese people love poetry and are always looking for amusing word links.So I cannot resist giving you a link about 'coming back'as I am indeed a Mr Liu come back again!

This 10th anniversary must be a celebration – as the competition is now a huge success.The aim of the competition – to use an English pun – is to to create a deeper 'bridge of understanding'.It has united college students worldwide.Since it started in China in 202_ a hundred thousand students from more than seventy _________________________________________________________ 202_寒假口译特训营——造就精英人才

英语精英俱乐部——English Elite Club

countries have competed.Now that's something well worth celebrating!Also we should give a big cheer for how the competition is boosting the learning of the Chinese language worldwide.Making learning fun is a sure recipe for success.I am certain that formula is the why the competition is a winner.我再度前来,是要给各位选手加一把油,希望再次给你们带来好运。去年,英国赛区选拔的蒋思哲等三位同学在中国举行的总决赛中取得了特等奖及两个三等奖这一前所未有的好成绩。我希望今年你们再接再厉,能有新的优秀选手脱颖而出,再创佳绩。我也希望你们不仅仅把这里当作是一个赛场,更把这里当作是一个展现学习成果的舞台,互相交流学习心得的平台。

I come back to bring you good luck again.The same event last year produced three finalists.One of them, Mr Stewart Johnson, went on to win the very top prize in China.The other two won third prizes in the finals.That was Britain's best ever performance.I wish you the very best of luck to achieve the success of the UK contestants last year – and they set you a rather high standard!So there's the challenge!I wish you more world-beating success from you British contestants this year!


I come back to heat up the Mandarin fever.The contest is motivating the learning of Mandarin.I cannot tell you just how thrilled I am by that.Nearly one hundred thousand people are learning Mandarin in Britain.In your secondary and primary schools54 British universities teach Mandarin.7 of those universities offer Mandarin as a major subject.Then there are 13 Confucius Institutes and 54 Confucius Classrooms that have been opened.On a personal note, not long ago, I had the honour of joining His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales in the opening ceremony of a Confucius Classroom at Llandovery College in Wales.His Royal Highness said to me“Wei Er Shi Huan Ying Ni!”(Wales Welcomes You).What a wonderful example of leadership by the Prince to encourage young people to learn Mandarin!His example is very valuable.我再度前来,是要给正在学习汉语的广大英国青年鼓一把劲。语言是文化的载体,是交流的工具。希望你们通过汉语学习,了解中国五千年文明历史及深厚文化传统,了解今天的中国正在努力建设一个和谐、民主、繁荣、现代化的国家。就在上周,中国全国人民代表大会通过了“十二五”规划,这是中国未来五年发展的蓝图,其核心就是要转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构,大力发展社会事业,保障和改善民生。中国不会单纯满足于经济总量成为世界第二,而是要使所有民众充分享受发展的成果,真正实现国强和民富。你们学习汉语,了解中国,可以说正当其时,精彩无限,前途无量。

I come back to cheer on the young Britons who started learning Mandarin.Languages are the most important carriers of cultural messagesThe National People's Congress.This 'blueprint' stresses the importance of adjusting China's growth model.This means changing the economy from dependency on exports to encouraging consumption inside China.The plan will strengthen social programmesand so improve the quality of people's lives.But, growing in size and quantity is by no means China's goal.What China is after is high quality growth and a happy life for its people.The aim is for every Chinese to share in the success of development.The 'blueprint' wants China and its people to more and more “go out” into the world.All this points to very great advantages for young Britons to start learning Mandarin and begin to really understand China.我再度前来,是要给中英友谊喝一声彩。中国和英国都是两个伟大的国家,都为人类文明的发展作出了重要贡献。中国和英国都在努力促进经济增长,双方经济互补性强,合作潜力大;中国和英国都是大国,在国际事务中发挥着重要作用。今天的中英关系,是全面的关系、合作的关系、伙伴的关系。中英关系从来没有像现在这样广泛和深入,从来没有像现在这样充满发展动力和机遇。中英关系的发展需要两国人民的全力支持、参与和投入,特别是需要两国年轻人的继承和创新。你们学习汉语的过程,也是与中国接触和交流的过程,希望你们多与中国青年接触和交流。我常说,青年是国家的未来,也是中英关系的未来。希望中英两国青年通过语言和思想的交流,增进了解和理解,培植中英友谊之花,孕育中英友谊之果,为中英关系奠定更加美好的未来。

I come back to cheer for China-Uk friendship.China and the UK share much a great deal.We are both great nations who have made tremendous contributions to human civilisation.A key shared attribute is our inventiveness.A simple example is in creating revolutions in communications.China gave the world paper and printing.In turn UK used paper and printing to create another communications revolution.This was the invention of the postage stamps and low cost mail delivery.Both our countries play a major role in global affairs.Both are increasingly drawn together to promote economic development.Often our exchanges stress economics and trade.But I believe the optimal way to accelerate trade and economics is with much deeper cultural understanding.That is why this competition has such huge significance.Through building the bridge we link the young people of the world.Young people are the future and so the future of our friendship.最后,我愿用中文对今天的参赛选手说:“中国欢迎你们!”,“祝你们再次载誉而归!”

To conclude.I cannot grant magic wishes to make you all champions – but let me wish all the contestants best of luck.现在我宣布第十届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛英国区预选赛正式开始!

Now please allow me to officially announce the opening of the 10th “Chinese Bridge” Competition!

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What is interpreting: Interpreting means an interpreter, after hearing the message /information from the source languae, conveys its meaning to the audience orally in the target language.即:口译员在听取原语后,通过口头表达的方式以目标语向听众传达讲话人的意思,在语言上无法沟通的双方或多方之间通过口译员的传译能够进行交流沟通。虽然口译和笔译的性质不同,他们都是跨文化交流,翻译,无论口译还是笔译,就是翻得文化。但是他们又有各自不同的特点和标准: 特点和标准不同: 笔译的质量标准:


准(准确)(correctness)、顺(流利)(smoothness)、快(快速)(quick response)准:准确理解the message of the source language and turn it into target language 顺:指翻译在用目的语表达原语信息时要通顺,流畅。符合目的语的表达规范。快:












口译翻出来的东西不见得十全十美,英文讲要be content with the second best.只要意思不走样就可以。即:退而求其次,但是不能离开原文去退而求其次。我教的一个学生,后来做了很好的翻译,曾尝试过做口译,但是做不好,因为他老是琢磨这个词怎样翻才最好,因为他属于完美主义者,perfectionist.这样是不行的。

我们做口译和笔译都要翻两个方面的问题,一个是信息的Matter, another is manner.that is what and how.ordinarilly, what is more important than how, but in some cases, manner is more important than matter, e.g.the translation of poems.但是,口译的着重点在matter, We pay little attention to manner.In some cases, do not pay attention to manner.见翻译与文化 182---183 主人当场朗诵一首诗,不会翻这首诗歌,但是决不能冷场,怎么办,可以把大意说给听众。

如果遇到不会的单词-----蓝宝石,sapphire ,you can say “a kind of blue colored precious stone.一位翻译给斯里兰卡一个政府官员翻,他说我们生产“胡椒” 翻译不知道胡椒叫Pepper 就说:I hear that in Sri Lanka you produce spices.客人马上说Yes, yes.We produce this kind of spices, that kind of spices.机智,或者说应变能力是口译的基本素质之一:A good interpreter should be very resourceful.1.口译是非常线性的或者说是顺句驱动。即按照讲话人的顺序,先出来什么就译什么,不做太大的颠倒。----翻译与文化215页 翻译时多用中文短句。


In a few minutes, the secretery-general will give us a report on the latest developments in the Middle East, about his efforts for an international peace conference and his talks with leaders in the region.这是一个简单句,但是有好几个意义单位,由结构词连接,如果按照词性对应的方式,将on和 about都译成中文的介词,就需要对原文的语序进行颠倒 “等一会,秘书长要就中东最近的事态发展、就他为国际和平会议所做的努力以及他和该地区各国领导人的会谈给我们做个报告。”

汉学家招远任把这种句子结构称为一种Pregnant sentence。就是说前面的介词和后面的动词之间加了一个很长的句子。









The economies of the developing countries, the least developing countries and island countries have encountered difficulties in the past few years.-----translation Developing countries, the least developing countries and island countries have encountered economic difficulties in the past few years.-

-------interpretation Any stranger who rode past his shop on a raining day would see him standing at the door.两种翻法:



We shall vote on the amendments before we vote on the resolution itself.中文:在我们就决议草案投票之前我们先就修正案投票。





所以有人戏称同传就是把before 译成 after, 把 after 译成 before。



十、几百、几千人。笔译可以坐在办公室,甚至自己家,到时见完成任务就行。因此口译比笔译要承受大得多的心理压力。口译必须面对公众现场翻译,有很强的时效性。口译员一般不能对翻译过的 内容进行大量的更正和补充,除非有重大错漏:数字、年代、人员、职务等。

如果现场有同行,或者你给懂英语的领导翻译,你的压力会更大。有些领导会当场纠正你,或者把你替下来。——见翻译与文化第173—174 笔译可以查字典,请教同行,打电话请教,上门请教都行,翻译有充分的时间反复阅读原语,译完后反复推敲直到满意为止-----如翻译08年奥运菜单,商务厅派个特级厨师,交大,外院,翻译协会的专家在一起切磋。

而口译要提前做准备,要做好预习和家庭作业,如到纺织厂,高压电磁厂,农村,前几天就要准备。背单词,查词汇等。否则就要抓瞎。如果事前不准备,翻译遇到科学发展观,8荣8耻,怎么办?可以译为:8 dos and 8don’ts, 然后再解释socialist code of conduct.四、心理过程不完全相同

口译是通过耳朵理解,而笔译是通过眼睛理解,这是很大的不同,特别是对我们母语不是外语的人,听力是很大问题,很多问题你看得懂,但你不见得听得懂。影响听力的原因: 1.口音问题

同样很简单的英语,口音很重的话就听不懂。2.词汇量问题。口译无法查词典 3.知识面问题

4.注意力问题----《翻译与文化》 176---177页

口 译 的 主要形式

根据信息的传递形式口译有三种:交传、同传和联络口译(liaison interpreting)1.交传:(Consecutive interpreting, CI)


2.(simultaneous interpreting)同传,又称为 “同步口译“。一般通过专门设备来完成。翻译坐在特制的口译员箱里,通过耳机收听发言人的讲话,同时通过麦克把发言人的讲话内容用目标语翻给听众。听众则用耳机选择所需要的语言频道,接受翻译服务。


3.联络口译, 一般用于陪同口译的场合,有导游、购物、活动安排、餐前餐后的谈话、参观时的解说等。语言难度不如交传、同传难度大,译文内容要求相对宽松。使用范围非常广。4.Various types of interpreting


1.会议口译(conference interpreting)主要采取同传或交传的形式。会议口译员有个世界性的行业组织,叫:“国际会议口译员协会”----international Association of conference interpreters.2.business interpreting 3.要求熟悉.法律知识和程序,通常要经过认证,一般被称为 “宣誓译员

“(court interpreting)4.媒体口译(media interpreting),如:press conference等。

5.电话口译(telephone interpreting)。欧美用的较多。如:王世平周游欧洲的旅行,做了许多卡片,过海关无法沟通时,海关官员打电话给翻译。


language interpreting)for the mute and deaf persons.在美国特别发达,也有他们的行业协会。


7.导游口译(guide interpreting),是非常chanllenging 的工作,需要有广博的知识面,幽默的谈吐,良好的人际沟通能力。如:叫花鸡,“女儿红”,----daughter’s wine, 生女儿后,埋一坛花雕酒,绍兴的一种黄酒,也叫绍兴花雕,女儿出嫁时起出来款待客人。

“状元红”,scholar’s wine----生儿子后,也埋一坛花雕酒,待到金榜提名时取酒设宴。

故事讲完后,便传来了to the daughter, to the scholar 碰杯声。

导游翻译要向外国旅游者介绍中国的名胜古迹,历史文化、民俗风情,宣传当地的土特产品。因此,他们除了应该具有较高的中外文水平,广博的知识面外,还必须熟悉中国的文化背景和国外旅游者的心理因素。如:敬老院不能译为home for old people, 美国有个 “永不老合唱团“,永不老应该译为“ever young”, not “never old”

Do not ever say: “ When I was as old as you were, I wouldn’t be as strong as you.”

“left-handed compliment”

敬老院可以译为 “home for senior citizens” 或者套用美国人的说法 “golden age village”(老人公寓)或者说 “home for golden agers”。


Quolification for an interpreter 口译是一种高难度(very difficult)高要求(very challenging, but high return)高回报的工作。加内容---梅德铭363页

一、扎实的双语基本功: A. 扎实的汉语基本功

1.一位外宾看见一个中医诊室里有一面锦旗,上书三个字:“华佗再见”。(让学生念念)问翻译是什么意思。翻译就说:goodbye, Huatuo。古文“见”“现”相通,如:华山的华与花儿的花相通。意思是“华佗再世”,或是“现世华佗”。可以译为Modern Hua Tuo or Hua Tuo Born Again,再解释就可以。

2.有一本介绍广东情况的书,介绍肇庆的古代名建筑---梅庵,说到佛教神宗六组惠能平生爱梅,曾在该地“插梅为纪”。该书将这句话译为:“将梅花插在花瓶里’.其实“纪”、“记”古汉语相通,插在花瓶里能延续多久?能坐纪念吗?插者,插值也。应该译为: Master

Monk Huineng, the sixth patriarch of Buddhist Zen sect, was fond of plum plowers, and planted plum trees heere as a memory of his visit to Zhaoqing.3.剑花是这里的特产

一本全国性的 画册上译为Sword decoration.而实际上是一种仙人掌似的植物,又称“霸王花”Crab cactus flower。

4.日本入唐留学僧荣睿大师,当地译者按照“名从主人”的 原则译为“ “Master Monk Yoei”(根据当地文献)。而省和国家级的责编、校译者将其改为Rong Rui

5.将法国维希矿泉水译为Weixi mineral water,应为Vichy

B. 扎实的外语基本功



An interpreter has to know everything of sth and sth of everything 笔译不同,有些人终生从事某一类的科技翻译,或时政翻译,可以查词典,可以咨询,可以讨论等。

只懂语言充其量是一本词典,能熟练在两种甚至三种文化之间游弋才能称做翻 8











再好的口译员也有出错的时候,如:周总理的高翻章含之,周总理介绍邓银超说:这是我的爱人,章译为: this is my lover周总理立即纠正说,不对,This is my wife.202_年6月29日,普京在圣彼得堡会见美国商界代表团时宣称: 俄国GDP年增长水平达到了7%,翻译译为5%。普京及时更正,还开玩笑说: 翻译要精力集中!





 口译是一种技能,需要专门的、系统的培训才能掌握。口译员已经成为一个热门专业。口译技能需要专门的教学和培训,学生需要系统学习口译听辨理解的技能,短期记忆的技能,快速笔记的技能,口译转换的技能,口译表达的技能,公众场合演说的技能等。只有通过科学的训练,熟练的运用这些技能,才能成功进入口译的职场。本课程开设一年,设计的交传技巧主要包括:

1.听取信息 2.逻辑分析 3.口译记忆 4.口译笔记 5.数字训练 6.公众演讲 7.跨文化交际能力 8.应变技巧



2.视译,又叫有稿同传(sight interpreting, or simultaneous interpreting with texts)3.应对技巧





