Part I Passage Translation(60%)
邮差时常送来好消息或坏消息。对于许多居住在洛杉矶的人来说,排在“坏消息”榜首就是陪审员的传票。这份文件要求你必须以邮件或电话回复参与陪审工作。许多人觉得陪审团义务实在是件乏味,避之不及的烦琐事情。事实上,法院工作人员说他们最常听到的问题是:干嘛要我陪审?正式的回答是: 陪审是每个合格公民必须承担的义务。
如果你是一位公民,看得懂、听得懂英语,如果年满18岁,而且与当事人无干系,你就有资格当陪审员。如果你不回应传票,可能会被罚款高达1 500美元。陪审团审理工作可能持续一天或一个月。如果你在政府里工作,这就不成问题,因为政府会因你参与陪审而照发工资给你。但是,如果你是私营业主,那段时间你可能失去正常的收入。取而代之的是,你陪审一天15美元。这就是人们。尽可能躲避参与陪审的另一个原因。
“你有什么毛病呢?腰痛使你坐不了椅子整天看重播的电视吗?” “我有比这更好的借口。我有屁。放屁会恼怒其他陪审员和在法庭上的其他人。他们不得不打开的所有窗口,或戴上防毒面具。” “但问题是你怎么放屁呢?”
“这真是一个绝妙的主意!”波莉眼珠一转说道,心想他至少离开这个家一天。Part II
Sentence Translation(40%)
1.As a teacher, your prime task is to master the skills of clearly and a accurately expressing yourself, and properly citing examples to illustrate your ideas. 2.The past decade has seen fast development in China and the living standard of the people has been remarkably improved 0 Now even Cars have become daily commodities for the people. 3.There is an old saying that“Where there is a will.there is a way”.But I believe nowadays the old saying should be changed into“Where there is intelligence,there is a way”.
4.After two months of treatment,the patient show marked signs of improvement,and he may probably be discharged in three weeks.
5.Today‟s success is the results of the accumulation of yesterday, and the success of tomorrow depends on the hard work of today.However, the code to success is wholehearted work and good
attitude to work.
发送者:libo 时间: 2012-10-18 15:34 Part 1 Passage translation(60%)Direction: Translate the following passage into Chinese How to Get out of Jury Duty The mailman delivers good news and bad news.Topping the “bad news” list for many people who live in Los Angeles is a jury summons.This document tells you that you must respond by mail or phone for possible service on a jury.Many people feel that jury duty is a boring chore and would prefer not doing it.In fact, court clerks say that the most common question they hear is: Why do I have to serve? The official response is: Jury duty is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.If you are a citizen, if you can read and understand English, if you‟re over 18 years old, and if you‟re not a felon, you are eligible for jury duty.If you ignore the summons, you might be fined up to $1,500.A jury trial might last one day or one month.If you work for the government, this is no problem, because the government will pay you your regular salary while you are on jury duty.However, if you are self-employed, you lose your regular income for that time period.Instead of your regular income, you get $15 a DAY for sitting on a jury.This is another reason people try to avoid jury duty.Jack got the bad news yesterday.Even though he was retired and sat around all day watching reruns of old movies, he told his wife Polly he wasn‟t going to be a juror.He hated jury duty and he was not going to let the courts interfere with his retirement.“So how do you think you are going to get out of it?” Polly asked, both amused and irritated.“Are you going to claim that you‟re dead? Or are you going to tell them you‟ve moved out of the country?”
“No, both of those involve too much paperwork.I‟ve got a better idea.It‟s a medical excuse.It says here that if you have a physical disability, you can be dismissed.”
“What‟s your disability? Your 'bad back' doesn't allow you to sit in a chair watching reruns all day?”
“No.Something better than that.I‟ve got gas.It‟ll offend the other jurors and everyone else in the courtroom.They‟ll have to open all the windows or issue gas masks.”
“But there‟s one problem.You don‟t have gas.”
“But I know how to create it.I‟ll eat a lot of peanuts and fruit the morning that I go to court.As soon as they get a whiff of my „problem,‟ they‟ll tell me to go home and stay home.”
“That‟s a brilliant idea!” Polly said, as she rolled her eyes.At least it would get him out of the house for one day, she thought.Part 2 Sentence translation(40%)Translate the following sentences into English(8% each)1.作为教师,你的第一要务就是掌握清晰、准确表达自己的能力和引用恰当的事例来解释你的想法。
No matter what your reaction is – gloat, anguish or indifference, we have to confront a proposition: Academics are having devaluation.It depends on you to interpret the word ―devaluation‖.If it means applied sciences are pushed to the foreground and that more academically respectable research on basic theory is not appreciated, and that literature,history,philosophy, and other ancient disciplines are even snubbed, the phenomenon should cause concern;If it means that with the impact of commodity economy and the low pay to the intellectuals, scholars are not able to devote their energy to study, but to the ―self-help production projects‖, at least this is not a good omen;But if it means academic research cannot receive public concerns any longer, and that there is no longer the exciting scene that ―the whole nation rejoices for the birth of an outstanding work‖, I think it is normal, neither pleasant nor depressing.Academic research is ―a lonely cause‖ and does not have much profit to be reaped.In the past few years because of the particular political and cultural environment, it is easy to publish books, to set the world on fire and to get hollow reputation.Academics seem to become ―Vanity Fair‖ all at once, but now it is back to ―a different post‖.Students who missed the opportunity suffer from this and what they can do is only to hark back to the fortunes of their predecessors.―On the Transitional Age‖,a well-known work of Liang Qichao, involves that the transitional age is likely to produce heroes – political ones, and of course, academic ones.May 4 period can produce heroes and so does the past few years.But now it is difficult for a person even to ―set the pace for a short time‖.Heroes seem to be disappeared.Without heroes, a time cannot necessarily lack high academic achievements, only ones in lack of drama.Academic revolution times seem no longer to cry and roar excitingly all the way to advance.The following should be the normal building with little poetry and more difficulties.It is undoubtedly very frustrating for a hot-blooded youth.No matter he has been in the limelight in the past few years or has not got up the stages.Despite the depression, it is necessary to adjust one’s mentality, even scholar approaches and research methods.It is like in a new semester, primary school students have to get minds off from running wild in the past holidays.Certainly some people ―have long since known this would happen‖ and never ―run wild‖ before.But it is not a feather in their caps.I am always staying at a respectable distance from ―pure scholars‖ who do not have any utilitarianism, any vanity, any wildness or any ecstasies.Sometimes I even ―measure the stature of great men by the yardstick of small men‖, and think they put on a show of calmness because of lacking literary talent, or maybe they just scorn sour grapes out of finding fault.I admire people who both can ―run wild‖ and ―march in goose steps‖.There is a time to ―run wild‖ and a time to ―march in goose steps‖ for them.They knocked spots off one batch of person when ―running wild‖ before and will knock spots off another batch when ―marching goose steps‖ now.Reading and learning are not easy.In the great poem-monk Su Manshu’s novels, there is often an awkward situation that the hero is deprived of the choosing ability, in front of an enthusiastic, persistent, bright and courageous westernized woman and a refined, elegant, gentle and subtle, oriental woman, and finally at the edge of a cliff he has to drop everything and converts to Buddhism.This kind of theme pattern is reproduced constantly by modern writers’ pens.Simply the westernized women got the upper hand in the May 4 period, while the oriental women did in the 40s.Though the writers have given a clear answer, more often than not, the choice is forced by time.In the depth of their hearts, probably just like Su Manshu, they waver between two types of women, two kinds of living ideals, two different attitudes, or ―Poetry and Prose‖ – a term borrowed from Mao Dun.―No heroes‖, ―lacking drama‖, ―marching in goose steps‖, and ―the normal building‖ are all doubtless signs of the prose time.Perhaps we have to make a ―beautiful and desolated‖ gesture, to bid farewell to ―poetry‖ and head for ―prose‖.I hope I can compose another article with the reserved title – biding farewell to ―prose‖ and heading for ―poetry‖.Even though it may be difficult to bring that good article to fruition for a short time, we might as well keep or create some poetry for the prose time, in case ―the lonely cause‖ should become too lonely and ―the prose time‖ should be over prosaic.汉译英原文
In the more obscure scientific circles which I frequent there is a legend circulating about a late distinguished scientist who, in his declining years, persisted in wearing enormous padded boots much too large for him.He had developed, it seems, what to his fellows was a wholly irrational fear of falling through the interstices of that largely empty molecular space which common men in their folly speak of as the world.A stroll across his living-room floor had become, for him, something as dizzily horrendous as the activities of a window washer on the Empire State Building.Indeed, with equal reason he could have passed a ghostly hand through his own ribs.The quivering network of his nerves, the awe-inspiring movement of his thought had become a vague cloud of electrons interspersed with the light-year distances that obtain between us and the farther galaxies.This was the natural world which he had helped to create, and in which, at last, he had found himself a lonely and imprisoned occupant.All around him the ignorant rushed on their way over the illusion of substantial floors, leaping, though they did not see it, from particle to particle, over a bottomless abyss.There was even a question as to the reality of the particles which bore them up.It did not, however, keep insubstantial newspapers from being sold, or insubstantial love from being made.Not long ago I became aware of another world perhaps equally natural and real, which man is beginning to forget.My thinking began in New England under a boat dock.The lake I speak of has been pre-empted and civilized by man.All day long in the vacation season high-speed motorboats, driven with the reckless abandon common to the young Apollos of our society, speed back and forth, carrying loads of equally attractive girls.The shores echo to the roar of powerful motors and the delighted screams of young Americans with uncounted horsepower surging under their hands.In truth, as I sat there under the boat dock, I had some desire to swim or to canoe in the older ways of the great forest which once lay about this region.Either notion would have been folly.I would have been gaily chopped to ribbons by teen-age youngsters whose eyes were always immutably fixed on the far horizons of space, or upon the dials which indicated the speed of their passing.There was another world, I was to discover, along the lake shallows and under the boat dock, where the motors could not come.As I sat there one sunny morning when the water was peculiarly translucent, I saw a dark shadow moving swiftly over the bottom.It was the first sign of life I had seen in this lake, whose shores seemed to yield little but washed-in beer cans.By and by the gliding shadow ceased to scurry from stone to stone over the bottom.Unexpectedly, it headed almost directly for me.A furry nose with gray whiskers broke the surface.Below the whiskers green water foliage trailed out in an inverted V as long as his body.A muskrat still lived in the lake.He was bringing in his breakfast.I sat very still in the strips of sunlight under the pier.To my surprise the muskrat came almost to my feet with his little breakfast of greens.He was young, and it rapidly became obvious to me that he was laboring under an illusion of his own, and that he thought animals and men were still living in the Garden of Eden.He gave me a friendly glance from time to time as he nibbled his greens.Once, even, he went out into the lake again and returned to my feet with more greens.He had not, it seemed, heard very much about men.I shuddered.Only the evening before I had heard a man describe with triumphant enthusiasm how he had killed a rat in the garden because the creature had dared to nibble his petunias.He had even showed me the murder weapon, a sharp-edged brick.On this pleasant shore a war existed and would go on until nothing remained but man.Yet this creature with the gray, appealing face wanted very little: a strip of shore to coast up and down, sunlight and moonlight, some weeds from the deep water.He was an edge-of-the-world dweller, caught between a vanishing forest and a deep lake preempted by unpredictable machines full of chopping blades.He eyed me nearsightedly, a green leaf poised in his mouth.Plainly he had come with some poorly instructed memory about the lion and the lamb.―You had better run away now,‖ I said softly, making no movement in the shafts of light.―You are in the wrong universe and must not make this mistake again.I am really a very terrible and cunning beast.I can throw stones.‖ With this I dropped a little pebble at his feet.He looked at me half blindly, with eyes much better adjusted to the wavering shadows of his lake bottom than to sight in the open air.He made almost as if to take the pebble up into his forepaws.Then a thought seemed to cross his mind—a thought perhaps telepathically received, as Freud once hinted, in the dark world below and before man, a whisper of ancient disaster heard in the depths of a burrow.Perhaps after all this was not Eden.His nose twitched carefully;he edged toward the water.As he vanished in an oncoming wave, there went with him a natural world, distinct from the world of girls and motorboats, distinct from the world of the professor holding to reality by some great snowshoe effort in his study.My muskrat’s shore-line universe was edged with the dark wall of hills on one side and the waspish drone of motors farther out, but it was a world of sunlight he had taken down into the water weeds.It hovered there, waiting for my disappearance.I walked away, obscurely pleased that darkness had not gained on life by any act of mine.In so many worlds, I thought, how natural is ―natural‖—and is there anything we can call a natural world at all?
第三篇:2018 翻译大赛
Essentially, “Craftsman Spirit” is an artisan spirit which reflects one’s morality, ability and quality of job.It is one of the professional value and behaviour.The fundamental elements of “Craftsman Spirit” include, among other things, devotion, lean, concentration, and innovation.其一,敬业。中华民族历来有“敬业乐群”“忠于职守”的传统。早在春秋时期,孔子就主张人在一生中始终要“执事敬”“事思敬”“修己以敬”。
First of all, devotion.It is the tradition of the Chinese to do our duty.In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius advocated that people should try to take their responsibility for their whole lives.其二,精益。能基业长青的企业,无不是精益求精才获得成功的。瑞士手表得以誉满天下、畅销世界、成为经典,靠的就是制表匠们对每一个零件、每一道工序、每一块手表都精心打磨、专心雕琢的精益精神。
Second, lean.of the successful enterprises that can base industry evergreen without the excellence.The reason why Swiss watches became internationally renowned, best-selling and a classic is the pursuit of that inspires the watchmakers to concentrate on polishing each part, each working procedure, each a watch carefully.其三,专注。专注就是内心笃定而着眼于细节的耐心、执着、坚持的精神,这是一切“大国工匠”所必须具备的精神特质。从中外实践经验来看,工匠精神都意味着一种执着,即一种几十年如一日的坚持与韧性。其实,在中国早就有“艺痴者技必良”的说法。古代工匠大多穷其一生只专注于做一件事,或几件内容相近的事情。《庄子》中记载的游刃有余的“庖丁解牛”、《核舟记》中记载的奇巧人王叔远等大抵如此。
Third, concentration.Concentration is the spirit of patience, persistence and persistence that are determined in the mind and focus on detail.This is the spiritual trait that all “great craftsmen” must possess.Through the experience of home and abroad practice, the spirit of craftsman means a kind of perseverance, which is a kind of persistence and toughness for several decades’ studies.In fact, in China, there has been a “art fool” theory.Most ancient craftsmen spent their entire lives focusing on just one thing, or few things similar.The story, Baoding Jie Niu, in Zhuangzi and the marvellous craftsman Wang recorded in the “Peach-Stone Boat” are the representations of that spirit.其四,创新。“工匠精神”强调执着、坚持、专注甚至是陶醉、痴迷,但绝不等同于因循守旧、拘泥一格的“匠气”,其中包括着追求突破、追求革新的创新内蕴。这意味着,工匠必须把“匠心”融入生产的每个环节,既要对职业有敬畏、对质量够精准,又要富有追求突破、追求革新的创新活力。事实上,古往今来,热衷于创新和发明的工匠们一直是世界科技进步的重要推动力量。
Fourth, creativity.In spite that “Craftsman Spirit” emphasizes the dedication, persistence, concentration, and even obsession, including the pursuit of creativity contents of breakthrough and reform, should in no way be equal with conformism and confinement.This require craftsman to integrate the “Craftsman Ship” into every link of production.They must be both in awe of the profession, the precision of quality and the innovative vitality of reforming.In fact, the artisans who are passionate about innovation and invention have been an important part to promote the advancement of global science and technology.
全国口译大赛以其自始至终的权威性、公正性、媒体透明度和公信力承载着各方关注, 同时也吸引了来自全国各地高校的大批英语爱好者。大赛将秉承优良传统,严格标准,从职业素养、技巧运用、信息传达等多方面考察参赛选手的综合水平,选拔优秀选手的同时让全社会了解口译行业。口译是外语应用领域最具挑战性的技能之一, 口译大赛则对选手提出了极高的要求, 不仅是英语应用能力的表现, 同时也是口译技巧和应变能力的提升, 因此口译大赛具有很强的学术性、观赏性和挑战性。
本次大赛面向以汉语和英语为源语言或目标语言的国内外口译学习者及口译工作者,并欢迎外籍选手和港澳台选手组队参加。大赛采取初赛、复赛、大区赛、全国总决赛四级赛制,分别在2018年3月下旬、4月下旬、5月下旬和6月举行。大赛复赛以上将产生一、二、三等奖及特别奖,大赛还设最佳组织奖、优秀指导教师奖等其他奖项,大赛组委会将向获奖选手颁发荣誉证书、奖品及奖杯。“第七届全国口译大赛(英语)”山东赛区的复赛定于4月22日(周日)在济南市历下区红尚坊三楼举行,各位选手务必于4月21日下午2 点到5点到比赛场地报到。报到时交款、领取发票、抽签决定比赛顺序,并领取号码牌。
山东省翻译协会 2018年4月8日