Dear teachers and school fellows,Good morning!Today, my topic is water does not rot;door-hinge is never worm-eaten,”流水不腐,户枢不蠹”是个成语,出自《吕氏春秋》Lu Shi Chun Qiu,意指常流的水不发臭,常转的门轴不遭虫蛀。
Water does not rot;door-hinge is never worm-eaten,is a phrase from Lu Shi Chun metaphor tells us that exercising regularly can keep life longer and keep us more energetic.古人对运动与强身健体关系的深刻认识,是在两千多年前。下面我给大家讲三个故事。
As far as two thousand years ago, Ancients had a profound understanding of the relationship between exercise and body.Well,let me tell you three stories.第一个故事是《管仲开游泳馆》。齐桓公想北伐,又怕越国乘机入侵,为了防备越国入侵,需要训练水兵。齐桓公问计管仲,管仲建议开展游泳活动。管仲开办游泳馆,鼓励群众学习游泳,对能游者赐千金,通过这种办法,从学习游泳的群众中选拔出了5万名水兵。齐桓公北伐时,越兵果然从水路来偷袭
The first story is about a person called Guan Zhong, who opened a swimming pool to encourage people to swim and rewarded themwith a lot of wealth so as to recruit50,000 sailors.This was because the Duke Huan of Qiwanted to embark a battle against the northern states.Meanwhile, he was afraid that Yue State would take the opportunity to invade his , As heexpected, Yue state invaded Qi State during the war, but the sailors succeeded in defeating them.第二个故事是《华佗创编五禽戏》。华佗是东汉著名的医学家。他认为,大多数的疾病都是因为气血不流通而发生的,如果人体也经常活动,让气血畅通,不就能保持身体健康了。于是他天天早早起来,在庭院里做些活动,伸伸胳膊,抬抬腿,弯弯腰,扭扭脖子。一有空,他就研究活动身体的方法,在实践中创
The second story is “the famous physician, Hua Tuo,composed”five animal mimic boxing;” He believed that most of the diseases were due to lack of blood occurred to him that exercising regularlywas a good way to solve the problem, maintaining a healthy body.So he woke up early every day, doing activities in the courtyard, such as stretching his arms, liftinglegs, curving waist, twistingneck.Day after day, he composed a set of five animal mimic boxing practice including the imitation of five animals, respectively tiger, deer, monkey, bear, and bird.Because he kept up doing five animal mimic boxing, he led
a healthy life with good ears and eyes in his old days.第三个故事是《陶侃运砖头练筋骨》。陶侃是东晋时期的一位名将,降职到广州,并没有灰心丧气。他每天早晨把一百块砖头从书房里搬到屋外,到了晚上,又把砖头一叠叠运到屋里。人们看到他每天这样做,感到很奇怪,忍不住问他为什么这样做。陶侃严肃地说:”如果闲散惯了,将来国家需要我的时候,还怎么能担当重任呢?所以,我每天借这个练练筋骨。”
The third story isTao kan’s practicing by carrying bricks.Tao Kan was a famous general in Jin Dynasty who was demoted to Guangzhou butnot discouraged.Every morning he moved hundred pieces of brick from the study outside and at night he did the opposite.It was so strange that others asked him why he did Kan said gravely: “What if the country offers me a chance to serve in the future?SoI
have tostrengthen myselfto stand by at any time?”
Three stories of the ancients tell us that exercise not only can develop physical health, but also the character ofperseverance.Students, we have many things such as money, power, status, love, etc.but these are based on having a healthy body.If not, everything will come
to with the prevalentsports activities, people’s idea of life has changed dramatically.In some cities, people prefer to treat friends to fitness rather than a big would like to go to the football pitch instead of sittingdisappointedfor the defeat of Chinese soccer team in front of the TV.看着男生在球场上拼杀的女生们,别再三五成群的闲逛了,跳跳绳,踢踢毽子,跑跑步……都是不错的运动。
Watching theboyson the pitchgrappling, girlshad better not hang outin small groups any longer.Why not dorope-skipping,shuttlecock-kicking, running …which will be a smart decision.同学们,让”让流水不腐,户枢不蠹”这句千古名言,激励着我们自觉地投身体育锻炼中吧。
School fellows, the quote--the water does not rot, door hinge is never worm-eaten inspires us to participate in physical exercise consciously.我运动,我健康;我运动,我快乐。生命不息,运动不止。爱运动,我们拥有健康的体魄;爱运动,我们享受精彩的生活。爱运动,能让你高效、活泼而富有……那就让我们一起来运动吧!
Doing exercise makes youhealthy and enjoyable, effective as well as about doingexercise together?
That’s all.Thank you!
Ladies and gentlemen:
Good morning!
Warm wind comes, and birds sing in the morning.The topic today is how to communicate with others.As the saying goes, faith can move mountains.So first of all, before communicating with other people, please be faithful.Then we can trust each other, and make friends with others.Secondly, nice communicating needs understanding each other.Long live the understanding.Therefore, we will make more and more friends if we can understand others.Thirdly, we should do our best to be wise people.Humor is a way of wisdom.If we have a sense of humor in our talk, we will become more popular.Finally, we should listen to our friends carefully.It is not only a kind of respecting others, but also a way of getting important information.Let’s be the best talker, and live and study happily in our school!
Thank you.
the students, next sunday is a meaningful holiday is father's day.on father's day, we should know the origin of it.1909, bruce lived in washington more than medvedev, in time to celebrate mother's day had an idea: since there is a mother's day, so why not have a father's day then?
multi-dev and his mother five years ago his younger brother, is the primary custody of his father great.how many years have passed, and 6 siblings during the father's birthday anniversary of the death, with a total recall father put up with all kinds of scenarios to support their families.in support of dr.rasmus, write to the state government, she wrote an earnest letter words, called for the establishment of father's day, and recommended the festival will be june 5 in her father's birthday that day.the state government to adopt the recommendation of her rush, will be father's day on the 19th, that is, the first in june 1909, sunday, 3.the following year, more than medvedev people of sri lanka where the city of spokane to celebrate this festival, the mayor announced the proclamation father's day, scheduled for this day for the anniversary of chonju.other states also celebrate father's day.father's day in this day, people choose specific flowers to show respect for his father.it adopted a number of people peter medvedev suggested that wearing red roses to the surviving loved father said, wearing a white rose to express his grief for his father passed away.later, in vancouver, people chose to wear white clove, pennsylvania with a dandelion to pay tribute to the father said.in order to make father's day into law, and all aspects of a strong appeal to parliament to recognize the holiday.in 1972, president nixon signed father's day, the establishment of the parliamentary resolution.to legal form this festive set.students, this festival is the first established by foreigners, but it is the expression of the people of the world his father's respect and love for the elders, therefore, we should also remember that such a festival.although this beautiful festival is over, but for the respect and affection of the older generation will never last.students, parents gave us life, raising their hands, we grew up with constantly exhort their ears......in our parents loved us, we should not all the same as the birds and leaves temple with the same love return them? if you wish, with our love life, love to learn the mental outlook of the expulsion of the trouble in their minds, to bring them joy and pleasure you!
father's day this year will soon be past, but we feel respected elders has not disappeared forever.hope that we can learn in the future, remember the life of ex-rearing parents, and with a grateful attitude towards parents has done for us.birthday of their parents, and when mother's day, father's day came to the time, do not forget to send out best wishes for them, say greetings.thank you!
爱护我们的校园、爱护校园里的一切公共财物, 是一个人自身道德修养的体现, 也是社会公德在校园里的体现, 社会公德是全体公民在社会交往和公共生活中应该遵循的行为准则。作为中学生来讲, 我们应以文明礼貌、助人为乐、爱护公物、保护环境、遵纪守法来要求自己, 做一个好学生、好公民。
爱护公物是全体同学生活和学习的需要。校园里的一切设施, 都是为全体学生服务的公共设施, 是让我们学习和生活更方便的设施。试想, 一个同学不爱护公物, 十个同学不爱护公物, 百位学生不爱护公物, 那么我们的校园将不成其为校园, 也必将给每位同学的生活和学习带来许多的不便和负面影响。
爱护公物是培养学生良好习惯的需要。学生阶段是学习知识, 更是学会做人的关键时期。这一时期, 良好习惯的形成, 对于今后步入社会, 立足于社会都不无裨益, 成功是好习惯的积累。每位同学现在所作的一切, 均是为将来夯实基础的。所以, 舍弃不良习惯, 培养良好品性对自己的未来至关重要。人为损坏公物的行为是不道德的, 将为社会所不容, 将为人们所不齿。
同学们, 勿以善小而不为, 勿以恶小而为之。爱护桌椅、轻开轻关门窗等等看似简单, 但意义重大;一个人做一件好事容易, 做一辈子好事难。长久地将爱护公物坚持下去, 也并非易事。请让我们从我做起, 从身边做起, 从小事做起, 养成爱护公物的好习惯, 用心去爱护所有的公物, 让我们人人都有一颗文明的公德心, 成为一名新时代高素质的中学生!
我的讲话完了, 谢谢大家!