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Report to your stations immediately...2

这不是演习this is not a drill.3


We are under attack.4


We are under attack.5

日了狗了 Shit.6

注意言辞 Language.7

贾维斯 从上面看状况如何

Jarvis what's the view from upstairs.8


The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield.9

斯特拉克的科技水平Strucker's technology is 10

远远超出了我们已知的其他九头蛇基地 well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken.11

洛基的权杖一定在这里 Loki's scepter must be here.12

没有它 斯特拉克没有它就安装不了这种防御系统 Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it.13

终于要结束了 At long last.14

结束的过程还真有点长 男孩们

At long last is lasting a little long, boys.15

是呀 我想我们还少点惊喜呢

Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise.16

等一下 就没人想要吐槽一下

Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal 17

队长刚才说了“注意言辞”这件事吗 with the fact that Cap just said “Language”? 18

我就知道 I know.10019


Just slipped out.20


Who gave the order to attack? 21

斯特拉克先生 复仇者们

Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers.22

他们降落在远处的树林里 那附近的警卫们惊慌失措 They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked.23

他们毫无疑问是为了权杖而来的 They have to be after the scepter.24


-他们可是复仇者啊They're the Avengers!25

把其余的坦克都部署过去 集中火力攻击其中较弱的一个 Deploy the rest of the tanks.Concentrate fire on the weak ones.26

一次重创可以把他们集中起来 A hit can make them close ranks.27


Everything we've accomplished.28


We're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough.29


Then lets show them what we've accomplished.30


Send out the twins.31

太草率了 It's too soon.32

让他们来就是干这个的 It's what they signed up for.33

我的人能拖住他们 My men can hold them.34

长官 城市受到攻击了 Sir, the city is taking fire.35

好吧 我们都了解斯特拉克 Well, we know Strucker 36

他才不会关心平民的伤亡 isn't gonna worry about civilian casualties.37


Send in the Iron Legion.38

这个地方不安全 请赶快撤离

This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.39

我们来这是为了帮忙的 We are here to help.40

这个地方不安全 请赶快撤离

This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.41


Please back away.42


We wish to avoid collateral damage 43

当冲突结束之后 我们会通知你们

and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved.44

我们来这是为了帮忙的 We're here to help.45 我们不会屈服 We will not yield.46

美国人把他们的马戏团小丑送过来考验我们 The Americans send their...circus freaks to test us.47

我们将会把他们的尸体送回去 We will send them back in bags.48


-绝不投降No surrender.49


I'm going to surrender.50

你把所有的东西都删了 You delete everything.51

如果我们把武器给复仇者们 他们也许就不会 If we give the avengers the weapons they may not 52


-双胞胎The twins!!53


They're not ready to take on...54

不 不 我的意思是 No, no, I mean...55

双胞胎已经不见了 The twins.56


You didn't see that coming? 57

克林特 Clint.58


We have enhanced in the field.59

克林特受伤了 Clint's hit.60


Someone wanna deal with that bunker.61 谢了

Thank you.62

斯塔克 Stark!63


We really need to get inside.64

我在关闭它 I'm closing in.65

贾维斯 我怎么才能关闭它 Jarvis, am I...closing in? 66

你知道哪个能量盾的动力源在哪吗 You see a power source for that shield? 67


There's a passageway above the north tower.68

太棒了 我想用什么东西远程击破它 Great, I wanna poke it with something.69

搞定了 伙计们

Drawbridge is down, people.70


The enhanced? 71

我看不清楚他 He's a blur.72

在我们遇到的所有新的敌人中,他们这样的我还是第一次见 All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this.73

事实上 我到现在也没见到 In fact I still haven't.74

克林特伤的很重 伙计们 我们得撤了

Clint's hit pretty bad, guys, we're gonna need evac.75

我可以掩护巴顿上飞艇 撤退的越早越好

I can get Barton to the jet.The sooner we're gone the better.76

你和斯塔克去把权杖夺回来 You and Stark secure the scepter.77

知道了 Copy that.78

看起来他们还是排着队过来的 It look like they're lining up!79

嗯 他们很激动呢 Well, they're excited.80

找到权杖 Find the scepter.81

看在上帝的份上 注意点你的言辞 And for gosh sake watch your language.82


That's not going away any time soon.83

伙计们 停下来 我们来谈谈

Guys, stop, we gotta talk this through.84


It was a good talk.85

不 一点也不愉快 No it wasn't.86

哨兵模式 Sentry mode.87

好吧 贾维斯 Okay, Jarvis.88

你知道的 我想要所有的数据 You know, I want it all.10089 确保你会把所有的数据传到总部 Make sure you copy whole to HQ.90


We're locked down out here.91

该去找班纳了 摇篮曲时间到

Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby.92

我知道你在藏匿的不只是这些文件 I know you're hiding more than files.93

嘿 贾维斯 快给我用红外线扫描这个房间 Hey J, give me an IR scan of the room real quick.94

你左边的那堵墙 The wall to your left.95


I'm reading steel reinforcement, 96


and an air current.97

拜托一定要是暗门 Please be a secret door.98

拜托一定要是暗门 Please be a secret door.99 耶 Yay.100

嘿 大家伙 Hey, big guy.101


Sun's getting real low.102

斯特拉克男爵 Baron Strucker.103


Hydra's number one thug.104

严格说来 我是神盾局的暴徒 Technically, I'm a thug for Shield.105

好吧 严格说来 你被解雇了

Well then technically you're unemployed.106

洛基的权杖在哪儿 Where's Loki's scepter? 10107

别着急 我知道我一旦被打败 Don't worry, I know when I'm beat.10108

你会提到我是怎么配合你的 希望我没错 You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.10109


I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation.110


How many are there?


我们又多了一个变种人 We have a second enhanced.112

女人 别开火

Female, do not engage.113


You'll have to be faster than...114

兄弟们 我抓到斯特拉克了 Guys, I got Strucker.115

嗯 我这有 Yeah, I got...116


...something bigger.117 索尔 Thor.118

我的眼睛都被战利品吸引住了 I got eyes on the prize.119



你为什么没有 再多做一点 Why didn't you...do more? 121

你就这样让他们把它带走吗 You're just gonna let them take it?!122

嘿 摇篮曲比以往更管用啊

Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever.10123


Just wasn't expecting the code green.124

如果没有你 那就会两败俱伤了 You hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties.125


My best friend would have been a treasured memory.126

你知道的 有时候 我想听的

You know, sometimes exactly what I wanna hear, 127


isn't exactly what I wanna hear.128


How long before you trust me? 129

我才不会相信 I don't trust.130

索尔 告诉浩克他都干了些什么 Thor, report on the hulk.131


The gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims.132


But not the screams of the dead of course.133 受伤者的尖叫声 也许还有呜咽声 很大的怨气

Wounded screams, maybe whimpering, great deal of complaining 134

还有扭伤的三角肌的故事和痛风 and tales of sprained deltoids and gout.135

嘿 班纳 Hey Banner,10136


Dr.Cho is on her way in from Seoul, 137

她在你的实验室里开工你没意见吧 is it okay if she sets up in your lab? 138

-啊 好 她认识路


-Ah yeah, she knows her way around.好吧 他们会再次出现


-Well, they're gonna show up again.Something powerful.Here's your beverage.210

你还是你 巴顿先生

You'll be made of you, Mr.Barton.211


Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.212

我没有女朋友哦 I don't have a girlfriend.213

那我可搞不定哦 That, I can't fix.214

下一件事是这样的 托尼 This is the next thing, Tony.215


Your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust.216


That is exactly the plan.217

还有 希尔和我期待在周六的派对上见到你

And Hill and I expect to see you at the party on Saturday.218

不像你 我没有时间去参加派对

Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties.219

索尔会在那儿吗 Will Thor be there? 220


What's the rumpus? 221 嗯 权杖

Well, the scepter...222

你知道我们正纳闷为什么斯特拉克能发明这么多东西 you see we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive.223

所以 我正分析宝石的内部

So, I've been analyzing the gem inside 224

你也许能认得出来 you may recognize.225


-what are you trying to...你现在很悲伤

-不No.309 是的 Yes.310


If you will just allow me to contact Mr.Stark.311

为什么我要让你联系他 Why do you call him sir? 312


I believe your intentions to be hostile.313

我来帮你一把 I'm here to help.314

停下来 Stop.315

请停下来 Please...316

回来 回来 回来

Come back, come back, come back.317

好吧 你知道这套机器服装能举起很重的东西 对吗 Well, you know the suit can take the weight, right? 318

所以我拿起一个坦克 飞到将军府的正上方

So I take the tank, fly it right up to the general's palace, 319

扔到他跟前 我当时想说 傻逼 你找这个呢

drop it at his feet.I'm like boom, you looking for this.320

傻逼 你是不是在找 Boom, are you looking...321

为什么我要和你们说这个 给别人讲他们能笑死

Why do I even talk to you guys, everywhere else that story kills.322


That's the whole story? 323

是的 战争机器的故事 Yes, War-Machine story.324

噢 感觉挺不错

Oh, it is very good then.325

并且令人影响深刻 It's impressive.326


Quality save.327

哎 佩珀不在 她没来吗

So, no Pepper, she's not coming? 328

还有简呢 妞儿们都在哪呢

What about Jane, where are the ladies, gentlemen? 329

噢 佩珀女士有了她自己的公司

Oh, Miss Potts has a company of her own.330

是啊 我现在还不确定简在哪个国家

Yes, I'm not even sure what country Jane's in.331


Her work on the convergence 332


has made her the world's foremost astronomer.333


And the company that Pepper 334


runs has the largest tech conglomerate on earth.335

这相当令人感到兴奋 It's pretty exciting.336


There's even talk of Jane getting a...337

诺贝尔奖 Nobel Prize? 338

是啊 她们一定很忙

Yeah, they must be busy because 339

她们可不喜欢想念你们这些成天聚在一起 they'd hate missing you guys get together.340

充满雄性激素的家伙 Testosterone.341

不好意思 想要些止咳的 Excuse me.Want a lozenge? 342

还是简最好 But Jane's better.343

听起来像一场恶战啊 可惜错过了 Sounds like a hell of a fight, sorry I missed it.344


If I had known it was gonna be a fire fight, 345


I absolutely would have called.346

不 我其实不是真觉得遗憾 No, I'm not actually sorry.347


I'm just trying to sound tough.348


Very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case.349

复仇战斗是你们的世界 Avenging is your world.350

你们的世界很疯狂 Your world is crazy.351


Be it ever so humble.352 你在布鲁克林找到住处了吗

You found a place in Brooklyn yet? 353


I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn.354

还是家中温暖 你知道的 Well home is home, you know.355

我带着这个坦克飞到将军府上方 我把它丢到他跟前 I fly it right up to the general's palace, I drop it at his feet.356

我当时就想说 傻逼 你找这个呢 I'm like Boom, you looking for this? 357


I gotta have some of that.358

哦 不行 不行 不行 Oh, no, no, no.359

看这 这酒存了一千年了

See this, this is aged for a thousand years, 360


the barrels built from the wreck of Brunnhilde's fleet.361


It's not meant for mortal men.362

奥马哈海滩登陆凡人也受不了啊 小伙子 Neither was Omaha Beach, Blondie, 363

别吓唬人了 赶紧拿酒 stop trying to scare us.364 来吧 Come on.365 好吧 Alright.366

向前进 Excelsior.367


How did a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this? 368

一个小伙让我做错了决定 Fella done me wrong.369

你对男人的品位也不怎么样么 Got a lousy taste in men too.370

他没有那么差 He's not so bad.371

他有一个暴脾气 He has a temper.372

但是内心深处他是个和蔼的人 Deep down he's all flat.373


The fact is he's not like anybody I've ever known.374

我所有的朋友都是战士 All my friends are fighters, 375


and here comes this guy, 376

他花费他的一生 who spends his life 377

来避免战争 因为他知道他永远都不会输 avoiding the fight because he knows he'll win.378

听起来真让人惊讶 Sounds amazing.379

他也是一个大笨蛋 He's also a huge dork.380

妹子就喜欢这样的 Chicks dig that.381

那么你认为我应该怎样 我应该 So what do you think? Should I...382

摆脱他还是追求他 fight this or run with it? 383

追求他 是吗 Run with it, right? 384

或者说他 他对你做了什么事让你这么着迷

Or did he, was he, what did he do that's so wrong to you? 385


Not a damn thing.386

但永远不要说从不 But never say never.387

挺好的 It's nice.388

什么 什么挺好 What? What is? 389

你和罗曼诺夫 You and Romanov.390

不是 我们没有 不是那样的 No, we haven't, that wasn't.391

没事 没人打破了什么规定

It's okay, nobody is breaking any bylaws.392


It's just she's not the most open person in the world, 393


but with you she seems very relaxed.394

不是的 娜塔莎她 No, Natasha she...395

喜欢调情 likes to flirt.396 我见过她调情 I've seen her flirt, 397

你小子快了 up close, 398

不像刚才那样 this ain't that.399 看吧 Look, 400


as maybe the world's leading authority on waiting too long...401

但是你不要这样 Don't.402

你们都值得拥有对方 You both deserve a win.403

你说的我快了是什么意思 What do you mean up close? 404

但这是一个小把戏 不是 But it's a trick.Really? 410

那当然 Yeah.411


This is gonna be beautiful.412


Clint you've had a tough week, 413


we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up.414


You might have seen this before.415


I still don't know how you do it? 416

闻到无声的鄙视了吗 Smell the silent judgment? 417

你来 斯塔克用尽你的一切办法 Please, Stark by all means.418


Never want to shrink from an honest challenge.419 没错 Yeah.420

这只是物理现象 It's physics, 421

那会怎样 如果我举起来了 就能统治阿斯加德吗 so what, if I lift it I then rule Asgard? 422

是的 那当然 Yes, of course.423


I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta.424

我马上回来 Be right back.425


Are you even pulling? 426

你是跟我一队的吗 Are you on my team? 427

-就是这时候 拉

-好 开始

-Just represent, pull.-Alright, lets go.428

队长加油 Come on Cap.429

哈哈 没事 Ha ha, nothing.430

寡妇试试 And Widow? 431

哦 不 不 这事我不用证明自己 Oh no, no, that's not a question I need answered.432


All deference to the man who wouldn't be king.433

但那是作弊 你说的完全正确 But it's rigged.You bet your ass.434

斯蒂夫 Steve.435

你刚才说了很不好的话 He said a bad language word.436

你跟他们所有人都说了这件事吗 Did you tell everyone about this? 437

这手柄上有花纹 是吗 就像一个安全密码

The handle is imprinted, right, like a security code? 438


Who so ever is carrying Thor's 439


finger prints is I think the literal translation.440


教父 The Godfather 中英文双语剧本

I believe in America.我相信美国

America has made my fortune.美国使我发了财

And I raised my daughter in the American fashion.而我以美国方式教养我的女儿

I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonour her family.我给她自由 但也告诉她永远不要有辱家门

She found a boyfriend, not an ltalian.她交了位男友但不是意大利人

She went to the movies with him.She stayed out late.她跟他去看电影,深夜才回家

I didn't protest.我并没有责骂她

Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend.两个月前他与另一个男孩


They made her drink whiskey 他们强灌她喝威士忌

and then they tried to take advantage of her.然后他们想要占她便宜

She resisted, she kept her honour.她抵抗,她保住了名节

So they beat her like an animal.于是他们像对动物般的毒打她

When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken, 当我到医院时


her jaw was shattered, held together by wire.她的下巴被打碎了


She couldn't even weep because of the pain.她痛得不能哭

But I wept.Why did I weep? 但我却哭了,我为什么哭呢?

She was the light of my life.我视她如珠如宝

Beautiful girl.长得很美丽

Now she will never be beautiful again.现在她再也美丽不起来


I went to the police, like a good American.我…像个守法的美国人一样


These two boys were brought to trial.那两个男孩受到了审判

The judge sentenced them to three years in prison, but suspended the sentence.法官判他们有期徒刑三年 但缓刑

Suspended the sentence!They went free that very day!缓刑!


I stood in the courtroom like a fool.我像个傻瓜似的站在法庭中

Those two bastards, they smiled at me.而那两个混蛋竟朝着我笑

Then I said to my wife, “For justice, we must go to Don Corleone.” 于是我对我太太说

为求公道 我们必须去找柯里昂阁下

Why did you go to the police? Why didn't you come to me first? 你去报警前为何不先来找我?

What do you want of me? Tell me anything, but do what I beg you to do.你要我怎么样?

你尽管吩咐 但求你一定要帮我这个忙

What is that? 帮你什么忙?

I want them dead.That I cannot do.那个我办不到

I'll give you anything you ask.你要什么,我都会给你

I've known you many years, but this is the first time you've asked for help.我们相识多年


I can't remember the last time you invited me for a cup of coffee.我记不起你上次是何时 请我到你家去喝咖啡了

Even though my wife is godmother to your only child.何况我太太 还是你独生女的教母

But let's be frank here.You never wanted my friendship.我坦白说吧!


And you were afraid to be in my debt.而且你怕欠我人情

I didn't want to get into trouble.我不想卷入是非

I understand.我了解

You found Paradise in America.你在美国发了财

You made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law.生意做的很好,生活过的很好


You didn't need a friend like me.你不需要我这种朋友

But now you come to me and say, 但是…



“Don Corleone, give me justice.”

But you don't ask with respect.但你对我一点尊重也没有

You don't offer friendship.You don't even think to call me Godfather.你并不把我当朋友


You come on my daughter's wedding day and ask me to murder for money.你在我女儿结婚当天来我家



I ask you for justice.That is not justice.Your daughter is alive.那不是公道,你女儿还活着

Let them suffer, then, as she suffers.那么让他们像她一样受折磨

How much shall I pay you? 我应该付你多少钱?

Bonasera, Bonasera.包纳萨拉



What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?

让你这么的不尊重我If you'd come in friendship, 如果你以朋友身分来找我the scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day.那么伤害你女儿的杂碎 就会受到折磨

And if an honest man like you should make enemies, they'd be my enemies.你这种诚实人的敌人


And then they would fear you.那么,他们就会怕你

Be my friend? 当我的朋友?

Godfather? 教父


Some day, and that day may never come, I'll ask a service of you.他日我或需要你的帮忙


But until that day...但在那一天到来之前

...accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day.收下这份公道 做为小女结婚之礼

-Grazie, Godfather.Don't worry, he'll be here.-麦克在哪?-别担心,他一会就来


We're not taking the picture without Michael.待会再拍

-What's the matter?Are you a dance judge or something?-你看起来棒极了-你是裁判还是什么?

闪开吧,到附近晃晃 做你的工作

Take a walk and do your job.Sandra, watch the kids.Don't let them run wild.仙杜拉,帮个忙 别让孩子乱跑,好吗?


You watch yourself, all right?

20, 30 grand.In small bills, cash.两三万元小钞,全是现金

In that little silk purse.全在那个小丝袋里

If this were somebody else's wedding...Sfortunato!


Hey, Paulie!保利,接住吧!

Stupid jerk!你这个笨蛋!

What's the matter? 怎么回事?

-Have to go back to work.Not to our pais? 这件事我该交给谁去办?


Give it to a Jew Congressman in another district.Who else is on the list? 给别地区的犹太籍众议员



Hey, Michael!

He's not on the list, but Luca Brasi wants to see you.路卡布拉西不在名单上 但他想要见你

Is this necessary?


He didn't expect to be invited to the wedding, so he wanted to thank you.他没料到会受邀参加婚礼 所以要向你致谢


Don Corleone, I'm honoured and grateful that you have invited me 柯里昂阁下,在令媛婚礼这天

on the wedding day of your daughter.May their first child be a masculine child.能受邀到贵府深感荣幸



That man over there is talking to himself.那边的那个人在自言自语

See that scary guy over there?

看到那边 那个吓人的傢伙了吗?

-He's a very scary guy.Nice to meet you.-幸会!-幸会

Why does your brother have a different name? 若他是你哥哥,为何不同姓?

My brother Sonny found Tom Hagen in the street.小时候在街上 发现汤姆无家可归

He had no home, so my father took him in.所以家父收养了他

He's been with us ever since.从此他就和我们住在一起了

He's a good lawyer.他是个好律师

Not a Sicilian.I think he's going to be consigliere.不是西西里人 但我想他会当军师

-What's that?Thank you, Luca.Most valued friend.-祝福他们俩白头偕老-谢谢你,路卡


Don Corleone, I'm going to leave you now, because I know you're busy.柯里昂阁下,我晓得你忙 我先告退了

Thank you.谢谢

Signora Corleone!柯里昂夫人


Senator Cauley apologised for not coming, but said you'd understand.科利参议员对不能亲自来致歉

他说你会谅解的Also some of the judges.They've all sent gifts.还有一些法官也一样 他们都送了礼物


What is that outside? 外面是怎么回事?



I love you!我爱你!

He came all the way from California.I told you he'd come!他大老远由加州赶来参加婚礼

我告诉过你他会来的-He's probably in trouble again.Great!Sure.-你想见他吗?-当然!

-My father helped him with his career.Michael...-我们先听这首唱-不,麦克

Please, Michael.Tell me.拜托,麦克!告诉我When Johnny was starting out, he was signed to a personal service contract 强尼刚出道时 和一个乐队领班签了合约

with a big bandleader.And as his career got better and better, he wanted to get out of it.当他走红后,想要解除合约

Johnny is my father's godson.强尼是家父的教子

My father went to see this bandleader.于是家父去见乐队负责人

He offered him 1 0,000 dollars to let Johnny go, 而且出一万元要他与强尼解约

but the bandleader said no.他说不行!

So the next day my father went to see him, but this time with Luca Brasi.第二天家父再去见他 只是这次带着路卡布拉西

Within an hour, 一个小时之内

he signed a release for a certified cheque of 1,000 dollars.他签了解约书 只收了一千元的支票

-How did he do that?Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, 那是什么?


and father said that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract.他要是不签字脑袋就会开花

That's a true story.这是真实的故事

That's my family, Kay.It's not me.凯,那是我的家庭,不是我Beautiful!

I'll take care of it.我会处理的Tom...汤姆!

I want you to find Santino.Tell him to come to the office.叫山提诺来我的办公室

How are you, Fredo? 你好吗?弗雷多


My brother Fredo, this is Kay Adams.-Hi.Are you having a good time?-这是舍弟麦克-玩的愉快吗?

Yeah.This is your friend? 这是你的朋友?

I don't know what to do.My voice is weak.It's weak.我不知道该怎么办


Anyway, if I had this part in the picture, it puts me right back on top again.总之我若能得到那部戏的角色

我会再次走红的But this...man won't give it to me, the head of the studio.但是电影公司的老板不让我演

-What's his name?What? 山尼?你在里面吗?


The old man wants you.老头子要见你

One minute.好,马上去



A month ago he bought the movie rights to this book, a best-seller.他买下这本畅销书的电影版权

The main character is a guy just like me.男主角就像是我的写照

I wouldn't even have to act.我根本不需要演 只要当我自己即可


Godfather, I don't know what to do.You can act like a man!What's the matter with you? 你要表现得像个男人!


Is this how you turned out a Hollywood finocchio, that cries like a woman? 这就是你在好莱坞学到的?


“What can I do? What can I do?” What is that nonsense? 该怎么办?怎么办?



-You spend time with your family?I want you to leave it all to me.Soon, after they cut the cake.我女儿女婿何时离开?


Do we give your son-in-law something important? 你的新女婿要给重要职务吗?

Never.Give him a living, but never discuss the family business with him.永远不要!

让他们过好日子 但别让他插手家族中的事

-What else?When you come back from California.下周我们必须安排跟他见面


-When am I going to California?Start talking.好了,开始说吧!

I was sent by a friend of Johnny Fontane.我是强尼方亭的朋友派来的This friend would give his friendship to Mr Woltz, 他的朋友是我的委托人


if Mr Woltz would grant us a favour.他将会感激不尽

Woltz is listening.继续说下去

Give Johnny the part in that war film you're starting next week.把你下周开拍的 新片男主角让强尼担任

And what favour would your friend grant Mr Woltz? 他的朋友会回报我什么好处?

He could make your future union problems disappear.你若有工会问题 我的委托人能摆平

And one of your stars has just moved from marijuana to heroin.而你旗下一位抽大麻的大牌



Are you trying to muscle me? Listen, you son-of-a-bitch!


听着 你这个油腔滑调的王八蛋

Let me lay it on the line.Johnny Fontane will never get that movie!

让我对你及你的老板说清楚 不管他是何许人


No matter how many Dago Guinea greaseballs come out of the woodwork!

我不在乎有多少意大利的 移民来找我麻烦

-I'm German-lrish.I'm a lawyer.I haven't threatened...你大祸临头了 你甚至不会晓得是谁扁你

华尔斯先生,我是位律师 我不是来威胁你

I know New York's big lawyers.Who are you?

我认识纽约的每位大律师 你是谁?

I have a special practice.I handle one client.I'll wait for your call.我的执业情况特别 只为一位委托人办事

你有我的电话号码 我等你电话

By the way, I admire your pictures very much.告诉你,我很喜欢你的电影

Check him out.摸清他的底细

-It's really beautiful.Very nice.很漂亮

Why didn't you say you work for Corleone? 你为何不说 你为柯里昂阁下做事

I thought you were some cheap hustler Johnny was running in.我以为你只是个市井流氓

是强尼派来勒索我的除非真的必要 否则我不想提起他的名字

-I only use his name when necessary.Fine.No, I slept on the plane.-你不会太累吧?汤姆-我在飞机上睡过了

I have the Sollozzo notes here.我这里有索拉索的资料


Sollozzo is known as The Turk.He's supposed to be very good with a knife,他应该善于用刀

but only in matters of business with reasonable complaint.但只有发生利益冲突时 才会使用

His business is narcotics.他是做毒品生意的He has fields in Turkey, where they grow poppy.他们在土耳其种罂粟

In Sicily he has plants to process them into heroin.在西西里有工厂提练成海洛因

He needs cash, he needs protection from the police.他需要现金

以及在毒品交易时 需要警方的保护

He'll give a piece of the action.I don't know how much.我无法查出保护费价钱多少

The Tattaglia family is behind him here.They have to be in it for something.在纽约是塔塔基利亚家族 在保护他



-What about his prison record?A lot of money in that white powder.山提诺,你认为呢?



Yes.There's more money in narcotics than anything else.我赞成,毒品比什么都好赚

If we don't get into it, somebody else will, maybe the five families.就算我们不加入,别人也会

也许是五大家族之一 也许全部都会

With that money they can buy more police and political power.他们会用毒品赚到的钱 买通警方和政客

Then they come after us.到时就会赶上我们

Now we have unions and gambling, and that's great, but narcotics is the future.现在我们掌握了工会及赌场

而他们却掌握未来最好的东西 毒品

If we don't get a piece of that action, we risk everything in ten years' time.我们若不能分一杯羹



So? What's your answer going to be, Pop? 你的答案是什么呢?爸爸

Don Corleone.柯里昂阁下

I need a man who has powerful friends.我需要有势力的友人

I need a million dollars in cash.我需要一百万元的现金

I need those politicians that you carry in your pocket, like nickels and dimes.我需要你手中掌握的政客

-What is the interest for my family?Wait a minute.你是说塔塔基利亚家族 会保证我们的投资…


I have a sentimental weakness for my children, and I spoil them.你看我把孩子都给宠坏了

They talk when they should listen.But anyway...他们说话非常没有分寸


Signor Sollozzo, my no is final.I wish to congratulate you on your new business.我的决定还是不行


I know you'll do well, and good luck.我知道你会很成功… 我祝你好运

Especially since your interests don't conflict with mine.Thank you.尤其是你的生意 不会与我的冲突



Come here.到这来

What's the matter with you? Your brain is going soft from playing with that girl.你是怎么回事?

我看你和女孩子胡搞之后 脑子退化了

Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again.别让外人知道你在想什么

Go on.走吧

Tom, what's this nonsense? 汤姆,这是什么乱七八糟的?

It's from Johnny.He's starring in that new film.那是强尼送的 他主演了那部新电影


-Take it away.Just you.-你圣诞节想要什么?-我只要你

Andiamo, Fredo.醒醒,弗雷多

-Tell Paulie to get the car.I know.-路卡,我是布诺塔塔基利亚-我知道




You know who I am? 你知道我是谁吗?

I know you.我认识你

You have been talking to the Tattaglia family...right? 你和塔塔基利亚家族谈过了 对吧?

I think you and I can do business.我认为我们可以一起做些生意

I need someone strong like you.我需要像你这么壮的人

I heard you are not happy...我听说你与柯里昂家族不和

...with the Corleone family.Want to join me?


What's in it for me?


$50,000 to start with.起薪五万元

Not bad!还不坏

Agreed? 同意了?

Tom!Tom Hagen.Merry Christmas.汤姆哈金,圣诞快乐

-Glad to see you.I want to talk to you.Okay, Pop.稍候一下,弗雷多 我买点水果


Merry Christmas.I want some fruit.圣诞快乐,我要买些水果



Would you like me better if I were a nun? Like in the story.麦克,我若是修女 你是否会更喜欢我就像小说中的角色 你知道吗?


-What if I were lngrid Bergman?Where have you been?-山尼!我是麦克-麦克,你到哪去了?

-Is he all right?Yeah, I'm here.-你还在吗?-是的,我在这


-Where have you been? I was worried.Open up, it's Clemenza.-谁?-开门!我是克里曼沙


There's more news about your old man.Word is out that he's already dead.街头谣传他已经死了


-What's the matter with you?Sick.He's been sick all winter.保利在哪?


-How often?Pick him up now.I don't care how sick he is.Bring him to my father's house right now.我不管他病的有多重

只要他还在呼吸 我要你把他带到家父的房子去


-You want anyone sent over here?Santino Corleone?

-Yeah.That will be his first reaction, sure.山尼会不惜一切的来追杀你


So you have to talk sense into him.The Tattaglia family is behind me.所以要你去劝劝他

塔塔基利亚家族全力支持我The other New York families will go along with anything to prevent war.纽约其他的家族 也会不惜一切防止全面的战争

Let's face it, with all due respect, the Donwas slipping.让我们面对现实吧!汤姆


但教父已今非昔比 愿他安息!

Ten years ago, could I have gotten to him? 十年前我能对付他吗?

Well, now he's dead, Tom, and nothing can bring him back.但现在他已经死了



You've got to talk to Sonny, to the Caporegimes, Tessio, fat Clemenza.所以你得和山尼谈谈

也得说服两个大头目 泰西欧及肥克里曼沙

It's good business, Tom.那是笔好生意,汤姆

I'll try.But even Sonny won't be able to call off Luca Brasi.我试试看


Yeah, well...这个…路卡让我来担心

Let me worry about Luca.You just talk to Sonny.你只管说服山尼

And the other two kids.及他另外两个兄弟

-I'll do my best.Stay out of it.-你要把那些人全杀掉?-别插手这件事,麦克

索拉索是关键 除掉他一切就好办了

If you get rid of Sollozzo, everything falls into line.What about Luca? Sollozzo thinks he can control him.路卡呢? 索拉索认为他可以控制路卡


If Luca sold out, we're in a lot of trouble.如果路卡出卖我们 我们就有大麻烦了

-Has anyone been in touch with Luca?Luca never sleeps over with a broad.麦克,帮我个忙 打电话给路卡

他从不在外留宿 他每次办完事会立刻回家

Well, Tom, you're consigliere.What do we do if the old man dies? 汤姆,你是军师

若是老头死了 我们该怎么办?

If we lose the old man, we lose the political contacts and half our strength.我们万一失去了老头


The other New York families might support Sollozzo to avoid a long war.纽约其他的家族 为了避免长期的战争


This is almost 1 946.Nobody wants bloodshed anymore.现在是1946年了


If your father dies...若是令尊死了

...you make the deal.就由你做决定了,山尼

-Easy to say.He's not your father.The guy at the gates has a package.保利,我叫你在外面守着



Tessio, go see what it is.-Shall I stay?There's food.Are you hungry? 有点吃的,你饿了吗?

-No.That might be a good idea.那或许是个好主意

Take care of that son-of-a-bitch.Paulie sold out the old man.我要你立刻处置那个王八蛋


-Make that the first thing on your list.A Sicilian message.-这是什么?-那是西西里人的口信

It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.那表示路卡布拉西与鱼同眠了

-I'm going.Yeah, yeah, yeah.-别忘了油饼-知道了

Rocco, sit on the other side.You block the rear-view mirror.罗可,坐到另一边去



Sonny's running wild.He wants to go to mattresses already.他想要跟对手开战了

We have to find a spot on the West Side.Try 309 West 43rd Street.我们得在西区找个地方藏匿


-Know a good spot on the West Side?That's a bad word to use.消毒,用那个字很不好


Exterminate!Watch out, so we don't exterminate you!




Pull over.I've got to take a leak.
























Titanic 中英文剧本


-(Music Box Playing Tune)(Rose Sobbing)(Running Feet And Sobbing)(Taking Short, Anxious Breaths)杰克:Don't do it.别跳

罗斯:Stay back.退回去

罗斯:Don't come any closer.别靠近

杰克:Come on.Just give me your hand.I'll pull you back over.手伸出来,我拉你

罗斯:No!Stay where you are.I mean it.不,你别过来


罗斯:I'll let go.我会松手的 杰克:No, you won't.不,你不会的

罗斯:What doyou mean, no, I won't? 你什么意思?

罗斯:Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do.You don't know me.你凭什么说,我会不会去做什么? 你又不认识我

杰克:Well, you would have done it already.要跳早就跳了

罗斯:You're distracting me.Go away.你让我分心,走开

杰克:I can't.I'm involved now.不行,我已经介入了

杰克:You let go and I'm going to have to jump in there after you.你若跳下去的话,我也只好跟着跳了

罗斯:Don't be absurd.You'll be killed.别胡说八道了 你会死掉

杰克:-I'm a good swimmer.I'm not saying it wouldn't.我承认会很痛

杰克:To tell you the truth I'm a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.说真的,我比较担心的是水很冷(Shoe Drops To Deck)罗斯:-How cold?

杰克:-Freezing.有多冷? 非常冷,可能接近零度

杰克:Maybe a couple degrees over.杰克:You ever, uh...ever been to Wisconsin? 你去过威斯康辛州吗? 罗斯:What? 什么?

杰克:Well, they have some of the coldest winters around.那里冬天很冷

杰克:I grew up there near Chippewa Falls.我在那里长大的

杰克:I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota.我小时候跟父亲到威苏塔湖在冰上钓鱼

杰克:Ice fishing is, you know, where you--冰上钓鱼就是„

罗斯:(Angrily): I know what ice fishing is!我知道冰上钓鱼是什么啦!


杰克:You just seem like, you know, kind of an indoor girl.你看来„比较少到户外

杰克:Anyway, l, uh...总而言之„

杰克:I fell through some thin ice 冰层太薄,我掉进湖里

杰克:and I'm telling you...我跟你说啊

杰克:water that cold, like right down there 掉进那么冷的水里

杰克:it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body.有如被千刀万剐一样

杰克:You can't breathe, you can't think--你没法呼吸,没法思考

杰克:at least not about anything but the pain.只能感觉得到痛苦

杰克:Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you.所以,我不是很希望跟着你跳下去

杰克:Like I said...但我说过了

杰克:I don't have a choice.我没有什么选择

杰克:I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll come back over the rail 所以,我希望你下来

杰克:and get me off the hook here.别让我为难

罗斯:You're crazy.你疯了

杰克:That's what everybody says, but with all due respect, miss 大家都这么说,但是„ 说了你别生气

杰克:I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here.现在挂在船尾,想做傻事的人可 不是我

杰克:Come on.下来吧

杰克:Come on, give me your hand.You don't want to do this.手伸过来。跳下去可不好


杰克:I'm Jack Dawson.罗斯:Rose Dewitt Bukater.萝丝·狄威特·布克特

杰克:I'm going to have to get you to write that one down.你可能得写下来给我看才行

杰克:Come on.来吧

罗斯:-(Screams)Care for a brandy? 去叫纠察长

卡尔: This is completely unacceptable!What made you think 怎么可以这样?

卡尔:that you could put your hands on my fiancee? 是谁允许你碰我未婚妻的?

-Look at me, you filth!Cal, stop.卡尔


-It was an accident.propellers and I slipped.推进器吗?


And I would have gone over board but Mr.Dawson here saved me 我差点掉下去


and almost went over himself.他也差点掉下去

You wanted to see...She wanted to see the propellers.她想看推进器!

Like I said, women and machinery do not mix.我说嘛


Was that the way of it? 事情是这样的吗?

Yeah.Yeah, that was pretty much it.对,差不多 Well, the boy's a hero then.Good for you, son.Well done.这孩子英雄救美


So it's all's well and back to our brandy, eh? 没事,回去喝酒吧

Look at you.You must be freezing.Let's get you inside.看,你一定冻坏了


Perhaps a little something for the boy.该给点奖赏吧?

Of course.Mr.Lovejoy, I think a 20 should do it.应该的赖福杰先生,二十元够吧?

Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love? 我的行情就只有这么一点吗?

Rose is displeased.What to do? 萝丝不满意


I know.有了

Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening 就请你明晚跟我们一起用餐吧

to regale our group with...your heroic tale.还可以向我们叙述,你英勇救人的故事

Sure, count me in.好啊,没问题

Good.Settled then.好,就这么说定了

This should be interesting.Mmm.有好戏看了


Can l, uh...bum a smoke? 来根烟好吗?

You'll want to tie those.你鞋带松了

It's interesting.怎么小姐突然间滑倒.The young lady slips so suddenly and you still had time 你却有时间脱大衣跟鞋子?

to remove your jacket and your shoes.第三幕:

Do you love him? 你爱不爱他?

-Pardon me?(Nervous Laughter)就回答我的问题啊

This is absurd.You don't know me, and I don't know you 这太荒唐了!你我根本不认识

and we are not having this conversation at all.我们没什么好谈的了

You are rude and uncouth and presumptuous and I am leaving now.你非常无礼而且自以为是


Hello, Jack.哈啰,杰克

I changed my mind.我改变主意了

-They said you might be--Keep your eyes closed, don't peek.Do you trust me? 眼睛闭好


I trust you.我信任你

All right, open your eyes.好,张开眼睛

I'm flying!Jack!我在飞,杰克

(Softly): “Come, Josephine, my flying machine ” “来吧,约瑟芬,我的飞行器” “Going up, she goes” “我们一起飞上云霄„” “Up, she goes...”

That was the last time Titanic ever saw daylight.那是泰坦尼克号最后一次见到日光So we're up to dusk the night of the sinking.是沉船当天的傍晚

-Six hours to go.(Ship Groaning)(Planks Splitting)(Everyone Screaming)(Cries Out)


We have to move!我们快过去

-Give me your hand, I'll pull you over.I don't know.I don't know.现在会怎样?


-Jack: Hold on!Oh, God!Oh, God!Oh!抓紧

The ship is going to suck us down.我们会被吸下去

Take a deep breath when I say.等一下要吸口气

Kick for the surface and keep kicking.要赶快浮到水面

Do not let go of my hand.别放开我的手

We're going to make it, Rose.Trust me.我们可以活的,萝丝


I trust you.相信我

Ready? Ready? Now!准备„

(Taking Deep Breath)吸气!





Get off her!Get off her!萝丝!


-Rose!Swim, Rose!好冷!


Come on...here.快点

Keep swimming.Come on.继续游


Here, get on it.爬上去

Get on top.爬到上面


-Come on, Rose.Jack.趴好,萝丝

You'll be all right now.没事了

You'll be all right now.没事了

(Whistle Blows)

Crewman: Return the boats!把船划回来!

-(Both Shivering)(Crying)我很感激

You must--You must--一定要„


You must do me this honor--

You must promise me that you'll survive 你要答应我,你会活下去

that you won't give up 你不会放弃

no matter what happens 不管发生什么事

no matter how hopeless.不论希望多么的渺茫

Promise me now, Rose 现在答应我,萝丝

and never let go of that promise.且绝对不要食言

I promise.我答应你

Never let go.永不放弃

I will never let go, Jack.我不会放弃的,杰克


I'll never let go.我永不放弃

-(Kisses HerHand)-(Both Shivering)旁白:1,500 people went into the sea 泰坦尼克号沉没时„有一千五百人落海

when Titanic sank from under us.There were 20 boats floating nearby 附近有二十艘救生艇

and only one came back.只有一艘回头


Six were saved from the water 有六人获救

myself included.包括我在内

Six...out of 1,500.一千五百人,才活了六个

Afterward, the 700 people in the boats 后来


had nothing to do but wait--wait to die, wait to live...等死


wait for an absolution that would never come.等待宽恕,但永远等不到 “卡佩西亚号”



