第一篇:2015考研英语 翻译技巧之增词
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(1)When I came to I was in the water,swimming automatically,though I was about two thirds drowned.当我清醒过来时,发觉自己在水里,虽然浸得半死,却本能地浮着。(增补动词)(原文虽然没有“发觉”,但译者根据上下文增补了它,使译文意思更加明确、表达通顺。)
(2)He doubtlessly expected hugs,tablefuls of food,tears,laughter,and conversation followed by more conversation,then hugs and more hugs all over again,without end.毫无疑问,他以为会有热烈的拥抱,满桌的食物,激动的泪水,欢乐的笑声,一段接一段的谈话,一次又一次的拥抱,没完没了。(译文中增加了三个相应的形容词,形象地描绘出他想象中的欢乐场景,使意思更加明确,表达更加生动。)
(3)In the evening,after the banquets,the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions,he would work on the drafting of the final communique.晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后公报。
(4)These soon told her,… how easy it was and how little it interfered with life's affairs to go and see one's grave.这些人不久便告诉她…去看自己亲人的坟墓是多么容易,几乎一点儿也不妨碍日常生活。
(5)The sky is clear blue now the sun has flung diamonds down on meadow and bank and wood.此时已是万里蓝天,太阳把颗颗光彩夺目的钻石洒向草原,洒向河岸,洒向树林。
(1)These early cars were slow,clumsy,and inefficient.这些早期的汽车速度缓慢,行动笨拙,效率不高。(译文中在形容词前分别加上了三个名词,既使译文意思明确,又使它形成四字词组,匀称整齐。)中公考研 http://www.feisuxs
as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠
at a stone's throw一箭之遥
wet like a drown rat 湿如落汤鸡
as stupid as a goose 蠢得像猪
as stubborn as a mule 犟得像牛
seek a hare in a hen's nest 缘木求鱼
as dumb as an oyster 守口如瓶
lead a dog's life 过着牛马一样的生活
cry up wine and sell vinegar 挂羊头,卖狗肉
put back the clock 开倒车
talk horse 吹牛
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵
drink like a fish 牛饮
(1)Once the wife of a parson,always the wife of a parson.嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。
(2)One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。
(3)I was limp as a dish rag.My back felt as through it had been beaten with wires.我软得像一团棉花,脊背疼痛得好像被钢丝抽打过一样。
(原文中limp as a dish rag,如直译为“像洗碟布一样柔软”,既不地道,又让人产生一种较恶心的感觉,不如用汉语中常说的“软得像一团棉花”加以归化。)
(4)Everybody said how well the new Secretary was doing,but old Mr.Carr said shortly,“Yes.New brooms sweep clean.”
(原文new brooms sweep clean的字面意思是“新扫把扫得干净”,比喻“新任职的人干得好”,和汉语中的“新官上任三把火”异曲同工,貌离神合。)
(5)Among the blind the one-eyed man is King.山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。
(6)Last night I heard him driving his pig to market.昨夜我听到他鼾声如雷。
(7)Who would have thought of Mr.Mottram doing so well? And so many of his friends,too,凯程考研,考研机构,10年高质量辅导,值得信赖!以学员的前途为已任,为学员提供高效、专业的服务,团队合作,为学员服务,为学员引路。凯程考研辅导班,中国最强的考研辅导机构,http://www.feisuxs
that used to stay here? We were entertaining angels unawares.谁知道摩特兰先生干得那么出色?还有他那许多朋友,原来都住在这儿的,谁知道呀?我们真是有眼无珠。
凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿;
使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上;
经典例题: Because the body’s defense system is damaged,the patient has little ability to fight off many other diseases.参考译文: 由于人体的免疫系统遭到破坏,病人几乎没有什么能力来抵抗许许多多其他疾病的侵袭。
经典例题: Any substance is made up of atoms whether it is a solid,a liquid,or a gas.参考译文 任何物质,无论它是固体、液体或气体,都是由原子构成的。
经典例题: The desert animals can hide themselves from the heat during the daytime.参考译文: 沙漠中的兽类能躲避白天的炎热天气。
经典例题: We all took it for granted that he would attend the meeting,but in the end he never turned up.参考译文: 我们都想当然地以为他会来开会,但直到最后他也没有露面。
经典例题: We live and learn.参考译文: 活到老,学到老。
经典例题: Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.参考译文 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。经典例题: He looked gloomy and troubled.参考译文: 他看上去有些忧愁不安。
经典例题: If winter comes,can spring be far behind? 参考译文: 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
经典例题: The density of air varies directly as pressure,with temperature being constant.参考译文 温度不变,空气的密度和压力成正比。经典例题: Smoking is prohibited in public places.参考译文: 公共场所不许吸烟。
经典例题: A body in motion remains in motion unless acted on by an external force.参考译文 如果没有外力的作用,运动的物体仍然保持运动状态。
经典例题: Behaviorists,in contrast,say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy.分析:在同位句中,the fact就是指that所引导的blacks are often deprived of?that whites enjoy.在翻译成汉语时,就可以省略the fact,以免显得累赘。
参考译文: 相反,行为主义者认为,成绩的差异是由于黑人往往被剥夺了白人在教育及其他环境方面所享有的许多有利条件。(1990年真题)
经典例题: Technology is the application of scientific method and knowledge to industry to satisfy our material needs and wants.分析: 例句原文中的needs and wants是近义词,在英语中常一起出现,但从中文的角度来看,表达的是同一个意思。所以译文可以简洁一些。
参考译文: 技术就是在工业上应用科学方法和科学知识以满足我们物质上的需求。
经典例题: Insulators in reality conduct electricity but,nevertheless,their resistance is very high.分析: but,nevertheless是近义词,在文中都表示“但是”。
参考译文: 绝缘体实际上也导电,但其电阻很高。
凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿;
使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上;
He who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet.没有吃过苦的人不知道什么是甜。
Space and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying to explore.太空和海洋是科学家们努力探索的新领域。
His laughter, which was infectious, broke the silence.他那富有感染力的笑声打破了沉寂。
I told the story to John, who told it to his brother.他把这件事告诉了约翰,约翰又告诉了他的弟弟。
We wish to express our satisfaction at this to the Special Committee, whose activities deserve to be encouraged.在我们对特别委员会表示满意,特别委员会的工作应该受到鼓励。
You, whose predecessors scored initial success in astronomical research, have acquired a greater accomplishment in this respect.你们的先辈在天文学研究方面取得了初步的成功,而你们现在则在这一方面获得了更大的成就。
Although he lacks experience, he has enterprise and creativity, which are decisive in achieving success in the area.他虽然经验不足,但很有进取心和创造力,而这正是在这一领域获得成功的关键。
They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.他们制定出一种新方案,采用之后生产已迅速得到提高。
There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.楼下有人要见你。
In our factory, there are many people who are much interested in the new invention.在我们工厂里,许多人对这项新发明很感兴趣。
We used a plane of which almost every part carried some indication of national identity.我们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个部件都有一些国籍标志
She had a balance at her banker’s which would have made her beloved anywhere.她在银行里的存款足以使她到处受到欢迎
A driver who is driving the bus mustn’t talk with others or be absent-minded.司机在开车时,不许和人谈话,也不能走神。
He showed no further wish for conversation with Mrs.Smith, who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable.他似乎不愿再和史密斯太太讲话,因为她现在异常无礼,令人厌烦。
Men become desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families.人们极其迫切地要求工作,不管什么工作,只要它能维持一家人的生活就行。
He insisted on buying another house, which he had no use for 尽管他并没有这样的需要,他坚持要再买一幢房子。
He wishes to write an article that will attract the public attention to the matter.为了引起公众对这一事件的注意,他想写一篇文章。
He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument.为了证明他的论点,他正在收集确凿的材料以。
They tried to stamp out the revolt, which spread all the more furiously throughout the country.他们企图镇压反抗,结果反抗愈来愈烈,遍及全国。
She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was.她对孩子们很有耐心,而她丈夫却很少这样。
The meeting is scheduled for April 6th.会议定于四月六日举行。
Water can be changed from a liquid into a solid.水能从液体变成固体。] When rust is formed , a chemical change has taken place.当锈形成的时候,就发生了化学变化。主宾颠倒
She was given a new pen by her father.她爸爸送给她一支新钢笔。
Heat and light can be given off by this chemical change.这种化学反应能放出热和光。
Only a small portion of solar energy is now being used by us.现在我们只能利用一小部分太阳能。Communication satellites have already been used for living transmission in our country.我国已将通讯卫星用于实况转播。
The numerical data concerned are provided in the next chapter.下一章提供了有关的数据资料。增加主语
The issue has not yet been thoroughly explored.人们对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed.有人看见她大致在案发时进入了那座建筑物。
What we say here will not be long remembered, but what we do here can change the world.我们在这里所讲的话,人们不会长久记住。然而我们在这儿所做的事,却能改变世界。
Measures have been taken to prevent the epidemic from spreading quickly.已经采取了措施来防止这种流行病迅速蔓延。
Water can be shown as containing impurities.可以证明,水含有杂质。
The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end.必须全部停止这种讨厌的噪声。
The decision to attack was not taken lightly.进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。Printing was introduced into Europe from China.印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。
The manuscript was sent to the printer in London a few weeks before the French revolution.手稿是在法国革命前几周寄往伦敦付印的。
The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872.美国的学分制是1872年在哈佛大学首先实施的。
使用“被、受、遭、让、给、由、把、得到、受到、加以、得以、为...所、由...来”等等。The minister was found to have appropriated government money.部长被发现挪用公款。He had been fired for refusing to obey orders from the head office.他因拒绝接受总公司的命令而被解雇了。
The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street.那名男生在穿过街道时让一辆小公共汽车撞倒了。He was praised by his teacher.他得到了老师的表扬。
Problems should be resolved in good time.问题应及时加以解决。
For a long period to come, most of China’s elderly will continue to be provided for by their families.在未来较长的一段时间里,中国的老年人仍旧要由家庭来赡养。
It is considered that bioclimatology is an involved subject.有人认为,生物气候学是一门复杂的学科。
It is stressed that the field of science may be pided into two major areas: natural science and social science.有人强调说,科学的范畴可以分成两个主要领域:自然科学和社会科学。It should be pointed out that this process is oxidation.应该指出,这一过程就是氧化。下面是一些常用被动句型的习惯译法: It is hoped that...希望,有人希望 It is assumed that...假设,假定 It is claimed that...据说,有人主张 It is believed that...有人想信,大家相信 It is reported that...据报道,据通报 It is considered that...人们认为,据估计 It is said that...据说,有人说
It is supposed that...据推测,人们猜测 It has been announced that...已经宣布 It is asserted that...有人主张
It is rumored that...有人主张 It is rumored that...听说,谣传
It is noticed that...有人指出,人们注意到 It is suggested that...有人建议,建议 It is reputed that...人们认为,可以认为 It is learned that...据说,据闻,已经查明 It is demonstrated that...据证实,已经证明 It is estimated that...据估计,有人估计 It is estimated that...有人指出,人们指出 It is pointed out that...有人推荐,有人建议 It is proposed that...有人提出 It was told that...有人曾经说
It was first intended that...最初就有这样的想法
It will be said that...有人会说
It will be seen from this that...由此可见,因此可知
It was noted above that...前面已经指出 It must be admitted that...必须承认,老实说 It has been illustrated that.据图示,据说明 It is stressed that...有人强调说 It is stressed that...有人列举出了 It can not be denied that...无可否认
It can be said without exaggeration that...可以毫不夸张的说
It is sometimes asked that...人们有时会问 It was felt that...有人认识到了
It is universally accepted that人们普遍认为 It is unanimously agreed that..大家一致同意 It is alleged that...据说 It is calculated that...据计算 It has been proved that...已经证明 It has been found that...人们已经发现 It is still to be hoped that...我们仍然希望 It is well-known that..众所周知,大家都知道 It should be realized that.我们应该认识到.考研英语翻译技巧之状语从句
在英语中,时间状语从句的连接词常常有:when(当...的时候),whenever(每当...),as(当...时),since(自从...),until(直到...,如果不....),till(直到...),before(在...前),after(在...后),as soon as(一...就),once(一旦...),the moment(一...就),immediately(一...就),the day(在...那天),no sooner...than(一...就),hardly(scarcely)...when(一...就),the instant(一...就),instantly(一...就),directly(一...就),the minute(一...就),the second(一...就),every time(每当...),by the time(等到....的时候)等。
While she spoke, the tears were running down.她说话时,泪水直流。She came in when I was having supper.我正在吃饭的时候,她进来了。
As he finished the speech, the audience burst into applause.他结束讲话的时候,听众掌声雷动。
I’ll let you know as soon as I have it arranged.我一安排好就通知你。
Directly he uttered these words there was a dead silence.他刚说出这些话,大家就沉默下来。
Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.如果机器发生故障,就把电门关上。
A body at rest will not move till a force is exerted on it.若无外力的作用,静止的物体不会移动。
We can't start the job until we have the approval from the authority concerned.如果没有有关当局的批准,我们不能开始这项工作。
二、原因状语从句 英语中,原因状语从句的连接词常常是:because(因为),since(既然,由于),as(因为),now that(既然),seeing that(既然),considering that(考虑到,因为),in that(在某方面),in view of the fact that(鉴于)。
(一)译成表示“原因”的分句,放在主句之前翻译,显示“前因后果”的关系。The crops failed because the season was dry.因为气候干旱,作物歉收。We had to put the meeting off, since so many people were absent.由于很多人没有来,会议只好延期。
(二)有时候可以用汉语的“之所以...是因为”的结构来连接。A ga s differs from solid in that it has no definite shape.气体不同于固体是因为(就在于)它没有固定的形状。
He will get promoted, for he has done good work.他将得到提升,因为他工作干得好。Theory is valuable because it can provide a direction for practice.理论之所以有价值,是因为它能给实践指出方向。
I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me.我之所以教书并不是因为教书对我来说太容易
英语中连接条件状语从句的连接词常常有:if(如果),unless(除非,如果不),providing that(假如),so long as(只要),on condition that(条件是),suppose that(假如),in case(如果),only if(只要),if only(但愿,要是...就好了)等。
It was better in case they were captured.要是把他们捉到了,那就更好了。
If you tell me about it, then I shall be able to decide.假如你把一切都告诉我,那么我就能够作出决定。
You can drive tonight if you are ready.你今晚就可以出车,如果你愿意的话 No doubt I could earned something if I had really meant to.毫无疑问,我本来是可以赚到一点的,如果我真有那样打算的话。
英语中,表示让步关系的连接词常常有:though(虽然),although(虽然),even if(即使),as(尽管),while(尽管),whatever(无论什么),wherever(无论哪里),whoever(无论谁),however(无论怎样),no matter(不论,不管),for all that(尽管),granted that(即使),in spite of that fact that(尽管),despite the fact that(不管)等等。No matter what I say or how I say it, he always thinks I’m wrong.不管我说什么,也不管我怎么说,他说是认为我错了。
While we can not see the air, we can feel it.我们虽然看不见空气,但却能感觉到它。
Granted that you don’t like the proposal, you shouldn’t have rejected it without consulting others.即使你不喜欢这个建议,你也不应该没有同别人商量就把它否决了。
五、目的状语从句 在英语中,连接目的状语从句的连接词常常有:that(为了,以便),so that(为了,以便),lest(以防),in case(以防,以免),for fear that(以防)in order that(为了)等等。
(一)一般翻译在主句前面。一般来说,这种表示“为了”的目的状语从句通常放在主句前面翻译。He pushed open the door gently and stole out of the room for fear that he should awake her.为了不惊醒她,他轻轻推开房门,悄悄地溜了出去。
We should start early so that we might get there before noon.为了正午以前赶到那里,我们很早就动身了。
(二)还可以翻译在主句后面,表示“省(免)得”、“以免”、“以便”、“使得”、“生怕”等概念。He emphasized it again and again, lest she should forget.他反复强调这一点,免得她忘了。They hid themselves behind some bushed for fear that the enemy should find them.他们躲在树丛后面,以防被敌人发现。
(一)英语中,连接结果状语从句的连词常常有:so that, so...that, such...that, to such a degree等等,通常可以翻译为“结果,如此...以致于...”,可以直接翻译。He made a wrong decision, so that half of his lifetime was wasted.他做了错误的决定,结果浪费了自己半生的时间。The difference is such that all will perceive it.差别这么大,所有的人都看得出来。(可以省略连接词而不翻译)
(二)有时候,如果在主句中含有“never, never so, not so, not such”等否定词,“but that和but what”也可以连接结果状语从句,构成双重否定。翻译的时候,可以翻译为“没有...不”。She never comes but she borrow.她不借东西不来。(即:他如果不借东西就不来。)She is not so old but that she can read.他并没有老到不能读书。
(一)以what, whatever, whoever, whether, when, where, how, why等词引导的主语从句,在翻译的时候,一般可以按照英语原文顺序来翻译。
What he told me was only half-truth.他告诉我的只是些半真半假的东西而已。Whatever is worth doing should be done well.任何值得做的事情都应该做好。Whether he comes or not makes no difference.他来不来都没有关系。
When we can begin the expedition is still a question.我们何时才能开始这次考察仍然是悬而未决。How he is going to do it is a mystery.他准备怎么做这个事情是个迷。
It doesn’t make much difference whether he attends the meeting or not.他参加不参加会议没有多大关系。(It没有翻译)
It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have survived the crash.驾驶员在飞机坠毁之后,竟然还能活着,这看来是不可想象的。(It翻译为“这”)有时候,如果主语从句仍然按照英语原来的顺序翻译的话,it一般不需要译出来。在汉语译文的开始,一般可以用“...的是,...”这样的结构来翻译。
It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings.真奇怪,她竟然没有看出自己的缺点。(It不用翻译,还可以用“奇怪的是...”这样的结构来翻译)
(一)用that, what, how, when, which, why, whether, if 等引起的宾语从句,翻译成汉语的时候,一般不需要改变它在原句中的顺序。
I told him that because of the last condition, I’d have to turn it down.我告诉他,由于那最后一个条件,我只得谢绝。Can you hear what I say?你听得到我所讲的吗?
I don’t know that he swam across the river.我不知道他游过了那条河。I don’t know how he swam across the river.我不知道他是怎么游过那条河的。He has informed me when they are to discuss my proposal.他已经通知我他们将在什么时候谈论我的建议。
有时可加“说”字,再接下去翻译译英语原文宾语从句的内容。Smith replied that he was sorry.斯密斯回答说,他感到遗憾。
He would remind people again that it was decided not only by himself but by lots of others.他再三提醒大家说,决定这件事的不只是他一个人,还有其他许多人。
(二)用it 作形式宾语的句子,在翻译的时候,that所引导的宾语从句一般可按英语原文顺序翻译;it有时候可以不用翻译。
I made it clear to them that they must hand in their papers before 10 o’clock in the morning.我向他们讲清楚了的,他们必须在上午十时前交卷。(it没有翻译)
I heard it said that he had gone abroad.听说他已经出国了。(it没有翻译)但有时候,也可以在译文中将that引导的宾语从句提前到句子最前面翻译。I regard it as an honor that I am chosen to attend the meeting.我被选参加会议,感到光荣。(it没有翻译)
We consider it absolutely necessary that we should open our door to the outside world.打开国门,实行开放,我们认为这是绝对必要的。(it翻译为“这”)
It seems that it is going to snow.看起来要下雪了。That is why Jack got scolded.这就是杰克受到训斥的原因。
The question remains whether we can win the majority of the people.问题是我们能否赢得大多数人民群众的支持。
His view of the press was that the reporters were either for him or against him.他对新闻界的看法是,记者们不是支持他,就是反对他。
He expressed the hope that he would come over to visit China again.他表示希望再到中国来访问。There is a possibility that he is a spy.有可能他是一个间谍。
We know the fact that bodies possess weight.我们都知道物体具有重量这一事实。The rumor that he was arrested was unfounded.关于他被捕的传闻是没有根据的。
(三)增加“即”(或者“以为”)这样的词来连接,或用冒号、破折号直接分开主句和同位语从句。But this does not in any way alter the fact that they are now, from a practical point of view, irrational.但这却丝毫改变不了这样一个事实,即从实用的观点来看,他们今天仍是不合理的。We have reached the conclusion that practice is the criterion for testing truth.我们已经得出这样的结论:实践是检验真理的标准。
Not long ago, the scientists made an exciting discovery that this waste material could be turned into plastics.不久前,科学家们获得一个令人振奋的发现——可以把这种废物变成塑料。2010考研英语常考词语的固定搭配
一、名词的固定搭配 介词+名词形式
第一组 by accident 偶然
on account of 因为,由于 in addition 另外
in addition to 除……之外(包括)in the air 在流行中,在传播中
on(the/an)average 第二组
by chance 偶然,碰巧 in charge(of)负责,主管(a)round the clock 昼夜不停地 in common 共用,共有,共同 in conclusion 最后,总之 on condition that 在……条件下 第三组 in the course of
在……过程中,在……期间 of course 当然,自然,无疑
in danger 在危险中,垂危 out of danger 脱离危险 out of date 过期(时)的
up to date 时新的 in debt 欠债 in detail 详细地
in confidence 信任 in connection with/to关于 in consequence 因此,结果 in consequence of 由于…的缘故 on the contrary 反之,正相反 in contrast with/to 与……成对照
out of control 失去控制 under control 被控制住 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at the cost of 以……为代价
平均,一般来说 on the basis of 根据,在……的基础上 at(the)best 充其量,至多 for the better 好转,改善 on board 在船(车、飞机)上
out of breath 喘不过气来 on business 因公,因事 in any case 无论如何,总之 in case of 假使,万一
in case 假如,以防(万一),免得 in no case 决不 in difficulties 处境困难 in the distance 在远处
off duty 下班 第四组
in the event of 万一,如果发生 for example 例如
with the exception of除……之外 in the face of 面对,不顾,即使 in fact 其实,实际上 on fire 烧着 第五组
hand in hand 手拉手,携手 in hand 在掌握中,在控制中 on hand 在手边,临近
on(the)one hand...一方面……,on the other hand...另一方面…… at heart 在内心;实质上 第六组
at length 终于,最后;详细地 in the light of 按照,根据 in line 成一直线,排成一行 in line with 与……一致,按照 at a loss 困惑,不知所措 第七组
in nature 本质上 on occasion 有时,不时 in order 秩序井然,整齐 in order to 以便,为了 in order that 以便
out of order 发生故障,失调 第八组
to the point 切中要害,切题 in practice 在实际中,实际上 out of practice 久不练习,荒疏 at present 目前,现在 for the present 目前,暂时 in proportion to(与…)成比例的 第九组
on duty 值班,上班 on earth 究竟,到底 at all events 无论如何
on foot 步行
in force 有效;实施中
in favo(u)r of 有利于,赞成支持 in front of 在……面前 in(the)future 今后,将来 on guard 警惕,防范
by heart 牢记,凭记忆 at home
在家,在国内;自在,自如 in honor of 以纪念,向.表示敬意 on one’s honor 以名誉担保 in a hurry 匆忙地,立即
by all means 无论如何,必定 by means of 借助于,用 by no means 决不 in memory of 纪念
at the mercy of 在……支配下
on one’s own 独自地,独立地 in particular
特别地,尤其,详细地 in the past 在过去,以往 in person 亲自 in place 在适当的位置
in public 公开地,当众 for(the)purpose of为了 on purpose 故意,有意 with the purpose of 为了 in question 正在考虑 at random 随意地,任意地
in any event 无论如何 in effect 有效;实际上
in general 通常,大体上 in half 成两半
at hand 在手边,在附近from tip to toe 彻头彻尾,完全 by hand 用手
hand down to 往下传,传给(后代)
for instance 例如,举例说 at intervals 不时,时时 at last 最终,终于 at least 至少,最低限度 in the least 一点,丝毫
by mistake 错误地 at the moment 现在,此刻 for a moment 片刻,一会儿 for the moment 现在,暂时 in a moment 立刻,马上
in place of 代替
in the first place 起初,首先 in the last place 最后 out of place
不得其所的,不适当的 on the point 即将……的时候
at any rate 无论如何,至少 by reason of 由于 as regards 关于,至于
with/in regard to 对于,就…而论 in/with relation to 关系到 with respect to 关于 as a result 结果,因此 as a result of 由于……的结果 in return 作为报答,作为回报 on the road 在旅途中 第十组
at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 in sight 被看到,在望
out of sight 看不见,在视野之外in spite of
不管,不顾;尽管,虽然 on the spot 当场,在现场 in step 同步,合拍 第十一组
at the same time 但是,然而同时at times 有时
for the time being 目前,暂时 from time to time 有时,不时 in no time 立即,马上 in time 及时,适时地 第十二组
by the way 顺便提一下,另外 by way of 经由,通过……方式 in a way 在某点,在某种程度上in no way 决不 in the way of 妨碍
in one’s/the way 妨碍,阻碍 第十三组
have/gain access to 可以获得 take...into account 考虑 gain/have an advantage over 胜过,优于
pay the way for 为……铺平道路 take advantage of 利用,趁..之机pay attention to 注意 第十四组
make a/the difference
as a rule 规章,规则;通常照例 in the long run 最终,从长远观点看 for the sake of 为了……起见
on sale 出售;贱卖 on a large scale 大规模地
out of step 步调不一致,不协调 in stock 现有,备有 in sum 总而言之
in tears 流着泪,含泪,哭 in terms of
依据,按照;用……措词 for one thing 首先,一则
on time 准时 on top of 在……之上 out of touch 失去联系
in truth 事实上,实际上,的确 on try 试穿
by turns 轮流,交替地
after a while 过了一会,不久 for a while 暂时,一时 on the whole 总的来说 in a word 总而言之 in other words 换句话说,也就是说
do/try one’s best 尽力,努力 get the best of 胜过 make the best of 充分利用,妥善处理 get the better of 打败,致胜 catch one’s breath 屏息,歇口气 take care 小心,当心
有影响,很重要 on a small scale 小规模地 in secret 秘密地,私下地 in a sense 从某种意义上说 in shape 处于良好状态 on the side 作为兼职,额外
on the second thoughts 经重新考虑,一转念 at a time 每次,一次 at no time 从不,决不
at one time 同时,曾经,从前曾in turn 依次,轮流 in vain 徒劳,无效 a variety of 种种,各种 by virtue of 由于
at work 在工作,忙于 out of work 失业 in the world
take care of 照顾,照料 take a chance 冒险一试 take charge of 担任,负责 keep company with 与……交往 take delight in 以……为乐 with delight 欣然,乐意地
carry/bring into effect
使生效,使起作用 put into effect 实行,生效 come/go into effect 生效,实施 take effect 生效,起作用 catch one’s eye 引人注目 keep an eye on 留意,照看 第十五组
lose heart 丧失勇气,失去信心 get/learn by heart 记住,背诵 get hold of 抓住,掌握 keep house 管理家务,做家务 throw/cast light on 使明白,阐明bear/keep in mind 记住 have in mind 第十六组
make progress 进步,进展 give rise to 引起,使发生 make sense 讲得通,有意义 catch the sight of 发现,突然看见(go)on the stage 当演员 第十七组 act on 作用
appeal to 呼吁,要求 attempt at 企图,努力 第十八组 introduce to 介绍
a lot(of)许多(的),大量(的)lots of 大量,很多 fall in love with 相爱,爱上 a matter of(关于……)的问题 a number of 若干,许多 reply to 回答,答复 a series of 一系列,一连串 其他固定搭配
第十九组 trolley bus 无轨电车 I.D.card 身份证 credit card 信用卡
make faces 做鬼脸 find fault 埋怨,挑剔 catch fire 着火
come/go into force 生效,实施 make friends 交朋友,友好相处 be friends with 对……友好,记住,考虑到,想到 make up one’s mind 下决心 come/go into operation 使投入生产,使运转
put in order 整理,检修 keep/hold pace with 跟上,与……同步
take one’s time 不急不忙,从容进行 keep in touch 保持联系 keep track 通晓事态,注意动向 lose track 失去联系 make use of 利用
attitude to/towards 态度,看法 a great/good deal of 大量(的),许多(的)
no doubt 无疑,必定 next door 隔壁 out of doors 在户外
与……交上朋友 make fun of 取笑,嘲弄 keep one’s head 保持镇静 lose one’s head 不知所措
play a part 起作用 take place 发生,进行 take the place of 代替 come to the point 说到要点,扼要地说 bring/carry into practice 实施,实行
put to use 使用,利用 give way 让路,让步 lead the way 带路,引路 make one’s way 前进,进行 make way 让路,开路 keep one’s word 遵守诺言
influence on 影响 interference in 干涉
interference with 妨碍,打扰
face to face 面对面地 as a matter of fact 实际情况,真相
a few 有些,几个
quite a few 还不少,有相当数的 a little 一点,稍微,一些,少许 第二十组
fair play 公平竞赛;公平对待 in demand 有需要,销路好 rest room 厕所,盥洗室 primary school 小学
side by side 肩并肩,一个挨一个
二、动词的固定搭配 动词+介词形式
第二十一组 account for 说明(原因等)aim at 瞄准,针对 allow for 考虑到 appeal to 呼吁,要求 arrive at 达成,得出 ask after 询问,问候 第二十二组 bring forward 提出
bring out 使出现;公布;出版 bring up 教育,培养,使成长 build up 积累;堵塞;树立,逐步建立;增进;锻炼 call for 邀请;要求;需求 call forth 第二十三组 cover up 掩饰,掩盖 cut across 走捷径,抄近路 deal with 处理,对付,安排 do without 没有……也行 fill in/out 填充,填写 get at 得到,接近;意思是 get into 进入,陷入 第二十四组 live on/by
靠……生活,以……为食 live through 度过,经受过 look after 照管,照料
little by little 逐渐地 quite a little 相当多,不少 no matter 无论
heart and soul 全心全意 step by step 逐步 ahead of time 提前 all the time 一直,始终 once upon a time 从前
ask for 请求,要求 attach to 附属于,隶属于 begin with 从开始 break into 闯入 break off 断绝,结束 break through 突破
唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起 call off 放弃,取消 catch at 抓住(东西)
call on/upon 访问;号召,呼吁 call up 召集,动员;打电话 care for 照管;喜欢,意欲 carry off 夺去
go after 追求
go into 进入;研究,调查 go for
竭力想取得;喜爱;支持,拥护go through
经历,经受;详细检查 go with 伴随,与……协调
look at 看望,注视 look for 寻找,寻求 look into
the moment(that)一……就 no more 不再
once in a while 偶尔,有时 no wonder 难怪,怪不得 word for word 逐字地 decline with thanks 婉言谢绝
break up
中止,结束;打碎,折断 bring about 带来,造成 bring down 打倒,挫伤;降低 bring forth 产生,提上
carry on 继续下去;从事,经营carry out 贯彻,执行;实现 come to
总计,达到;苏醒,复原 count on 依靠;期待,指望 count up 把……相加
go without 没有……也行 improve on 改进 keep to 保持,坚持 lie in 在于 live up to 不辜负
look over 检查,查看,调查 look through
仔细查看,浏览,温习make for 走向,驶向;有助于
occur to 被想到,被想起 play with 以……为消遣,玩弄 refer to 第二十五组
send in 呈报,递交,送来 serve as 作为,用作 set aside 挑出,留出;拒绝 sit for 参加
stand by 支持,帮助;袖手旁观 stand for 代替,代表,意味着
参考,查阅,涉及,提到 run for 竞选
run into 撞上,偶然碰见
see to 注意,负责,照料,修理 send for 派人去请,召唤;索取
stand against 反抗,抵抗 stick to 坚持,忠于,信守 take after 与……相像 take for
把……认为是,把……看成是 take in 接受,吸收;了解,理解
take to 喜欢,亲近touch on 关系到,涉及 turn into 变成
turn to 变成;求助于,借助于 turn off 关上;出产;解雇
考研英语固定词组搭配汇总 a host of /a body of 大量 2 a test for 检测目的 3 a test on 对……进行测试 4 a test with 检测手段 5 above all 最重要 6 according to 根据 achieve equilibrium 取得平衡 8 achieve one's purpose 达到目的 9 achieve success 获得成功 10 achieve victory 获得胜利 11 act on 遵照……行动,作用于 12 act upon 对…有影响 13 add up to 总计,合计 14 add… to 把…加到… 15 adhere to /stick to 坚持,奉行 16 after all 毕竟,均不合题意; 17 agree on 对……取得一致意见 18 agree to 同意 agree with sb.同意某人的话 20 along with 和┄一道,和┄一起 21 alternate(with)交替 22 amount to 合计,共计 an equal to 与……相当的人/物,(地位)相同的人 and yet 然而 anything but 一点也不; 26 anything like 像……那样的东西 anywhere near 接近于 28 apart form 除……之外尚有 29 apply to 向……申请,适用于 30 appreciation of 对……的欣赏/赞赏 31 argue against 反对
as a result of 作为……的结果,由于
as a result(作为结果,因此)表结果,用不用逗号隔开看情况而定;
as a whole 作为一个整体,整个看来 35 as far as …/are concerned 就……而言 36 as for/to 至于,就…方面说 37 as if/though 好像,仿佛 38 as soon as 一……就~ 39 as nothing 决不 40 as to 至于,关于 41 as well 也,一样 42 as yet 迄今,到目前为止 43 aside from 除┄之外
associate … with…由…联想到…,把…联系起来 45 association with 与……的交往 46 at a disadvantage 处于不利地位 47 at a loss over 不知所措 48 at a time 每次,一次 49 at all 丝毫,根本 50 at any moment 即使,随时 51 at first 首先,开始的时候 52 at large 未被捕获的,大多数 53 at last 终于,最终 54 at least 至少
at length 最终,详细地 56 at most 最多
at no time 从不,决不 58 at one time 曾经,从前曾
at the cost/expense of 以……为代价 60 at the least 至少 61 at times 有时,间或 62 at…speed 以……的速度 63 attend on 照顾,侍候 64 attribute … to 把……归于 65 back up 后退,支持 66 base on 基于 67 be able to 能够,胜任 68 be about to 正打算 69 be accustomed to习惯于
be associated with 与……有关,与……有关系 71 be aware of 意识到 72 be capable of 有能力干 73 be caught in 遇到,陷入
be committed to 被交给┄,答应/承担……义务 75 be confined to 限制在,局限于 76 be confined/be restricted 受……限制 77 be dedicated to 奉献,献给 78 be devoted to 被用于,贡献给 79 be directed to 指向,针对 80 be drawn to 被┄所吸引 81 be due to 由于,因此
be exposed to 暴露在┄下,处在┄的作用之下 83 be fond of 喜爱 84 be full of 充满他
be habitual to(him)对(他来说)习以为常 86 be in order 合适,恰当 87 be involved in 参与,参加 88 be involved with 与……有关连 89 be left to 由┄来决定,由┄来想办法 90 be limited to 限制在┄,限定在
be linked to/with something 与……连接 92 be proud of 为……而骄傲 93 be referred to 被提及,被提交 94 be related to 与……有关 95 be sick of 厌恶,讨厌 96 be subject to 经受,遭受 97 be suitable for 适合于 98 be sure of 对┄的肯定 99 be thrown in 额外赠送 100 be tied by/with 被……捆绑 101 be tied to 束缚于,捆绑于 102 be tired of 厌倦,厌烦 103 behind time 晚点
belief in 对……的真实性或正确性具有的信心105 believe(… to be)相信……是 106 better than 好于…… 107 beyond question 毋庸置疑 108 break away 脱离,逃跑 109 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 110 break into 闯入
break in 强行进行,打断 112 break off 断绝,结束 113 break out 突发,爆发 114 break through 突破 115 break up 终止,结束,打碎 116 bring about 产生 117 bring forward 提出。
bring out 使出现;公布;出版 119 bring up 培养,养大;
by accident 偶然,含有不幸的因素 121 by all means 无论如何,必定 122 by chance 偶然,意外地 123 by choice 处于选择 124 by contrast 对比之下
by means of 用,依靠; 借助于 126 by means of 借助于 127 by mistake 错误地 128 by the way 顺便提一下
by virtue of 凭借,借助;因为 130 by way of 经由,通过…方式 131 call forth 唤起,引起 132 call for 邀请,要求,需要 133 call off 放弃,取消 134 call on/upon 访问,拜访 135 care for 照顾,关心 136 carry out 贯彻,执行,实现 137 cast/shed light on 阐明某事 138 catch up with 赶上 139 catch sight of 看见
center on 把……集中在,以……为中心 141 characterized by 以……为特征 142 coincide with 与…相符 143 come from 来自,来源于 144 come off 成功
come on 涉及,谈及,到达,结束,总共,共计,突然想起
come out 出版,出现,结局是 147 come to 等于,结果是; 总计,达到 148 come under attack 受到打击 149 come under 归人,受到 150 come up 发生,形成; 151 comment on 评论,发表意见 152 commit to 交付,把……投入 153 comply with 遵守,服从 154 conform to 遵守,符合,顺应 155 consist of 组成
156 consistent in 在(某方面)一致 157 consistent with 与……一致 158 contribute to 有助于,促进,加剧 159 copy out 抄写
160 correlate with 找出一一对应的关系 161 count on 指望 162 cut away 砍掉 163 cut down 削减 164 cut off 打断,中断 165 cut out 删掉
166 dedicate …to 奉献 167 depend on 依靠,依赖 168 die back 枯死
169 die down 逐渐消失;止息 170 die off 相继死去 171 die out 消失;死绝
172 difference in 在……方面的差别 173 do something for/to 改进,增强 174 doubt about 怀疑 175 due to 由于,因为 176 dwell on 利用 177 enter for 报名参加
178 enter into 开始(谈话,讨论)179 entertain a proposal 愿意考虑这一建议 180 entertain an idea 抱着一种想法 181 even if 甚至,即使
182 even though(虽然,尽管)表让步 183 ever since(自从┄之后,从此以后)表时间 184 faithful to 忠心于 185 fall from 从…落下 186 far from 毫不,远非 187 favor of 喜欢 188 figure out 计算出 189 find out 查明
190 focus on 集中于,集中研究 191 followed by 接着是 192 for all 尽管
193 for example 举例来说
194 for instance 和 such as 都表示举例,前者常接句子,后者常接名词或名词短语 195 for instance 例如
196 for the purpose of 为了┄目的 197 for the sake of 为了……起见 198 frankly speaking 坦白来说 199 freedom from 免于……(的自由)
200 from all appearances 从所能见到和所能知道的
201 from all sides 从四面八方,全面地
202 from now on 从现在开始
203 from/by all accounts 根据方面所说 204 gather up 拾起,集拢 205 generally speaking一般来说 206 get along with 进展,相处融洽 207 get away 逃脱,离开
208 get away with 侥幸逃脱,逃脱处罚 209 get down to 开始,着手 210 get in 进入,收获,收集 211 give in 妥协,让步,投降,屈服 212 give off 放出,释放 213 give out 分发,放出 214 give something away 泄露 215 give up 停止,放弃 216 give way 让路,让步 217 go beyond 超越,超过 218 go by 从……旁走过,顺访
2011备考必知:考研英语翻译常用多义词 单词
生义 accomplished a.已完成的,实现的 a.熟练精通的 account n.账户
n.报告,陈述 acknowledge v.(不情愿地)承认
v.致谢 answer v.回答
v.负责answer for approach v.靠近,接近v.开始,着手(工作,任务)(approach their work.开始他们的工作)artificial a.人工的,人造的 a.不自然的,不真实的
assume a.假定,臆测
a.采取,担任(assume many roles 担任许多角色)attribute v.把----归于(to)v.认为是。所为 n.品质,属性,特征
balance n.平衡
n.差额,余款,结余 beam n.横梁,光束 v.发光,微笑 bearing n.忍耐
n.收获,成果 betray v.背叛,出卖
v.流露,暴露 bond n.联结,结合物
n.公债,债券,契约 breakdown n.破裂
n.分类,(精神等)衰竭 fold v.折叠(用于数词后的词缀)倍
219 go for 追求 220 go in 进入,参加 221 go through 经历
222 hand on 传下来,依次传递 223 hand out 分发,散发 224 hand over 交出,移交
225 have a bearing on 与……有关系
226 have difficulty with 与……有分歧,相处不好 227 hold back 踌躇,退缩,阻止 228 hold down 控制
229 hold on to 紧紧抓住,坚持 230 hold on 继续,握住不放,坚持 231 hold out 维持,伸出,提出,坚持 232 hold up 保持良好,停止;阻滞 233 hold up 举起,承载,阻挡 234 if only(要是该多好,)表虚拟 235 in use 在使用
chart n.&v.(制)图表
v.详细计划code n.代码,代号
n.法典,法规coherent a.黏着的 a.(讨论中)一致的column n.圆柱,柱状物
n.(报刊中的)专栏condition n.情况
v.被----制约consideration n.考虑
n.考虑因素cover v.覆盖
v.给„.保险;采访discount v.打折 v.漠视,对„不全信distinct a.不同的 a.清楚的,明白的establish v.建立„机构
v.确认,证实establishment n.建立
n.机构evolution n.进化
n.缓慢进步exploit v.开发,剥削
n.功劳,功绩fellowship n.伙伴,友谊
n.奖学金figure n.数字,图形,图表,体态,相貌
v.出现(in);推断(on)(to figure in history 在历史上留名 They ~d on your arriving.他们预料你会来)finance n.财政,金融
v.为„提供资金flatly ad.水平地,平坦地ad.断然地,直截了当地(He flatly refused to join us)(five-fold 五倍 hundredfold 百倍)
foreign a.外国的a.无关的,不相干的 given a.规定的,指定的prep.鉴于,考虑到,倘若 gross a.毛,总
a.明显的 harbor n.海港,港口 v.心怀;给„提供避难处 hint n.暗示,示意
n.(pl)建议,点子 idea n.理论 n.思想,观点 import v.进口
n.要旨,含义 inform v.通知,告诉 v.告发,告密(~~ on sb)level a.水平的 v.对准,指责(Criticism have been leveled against him.)interpret v.解说
v.口译 mirror n.镜子
n.反映,反射 oblige v.强迫,强制 v.感激,感谢be obliged to package n.包裹 n.一揽子交易(计划等)(package deal 一揽子交易)particular a.个别的,特定的a.(用于表语)过分讲究的,挑剔的
pattern n.样式,模式
v.仿制,模仿 peculiar a.独特的,个人的 a.怪癖的 platform n.站台,月台
n.党纲,政纲 practically ad.实际上
ad.几乎,差不多 preparation n.准备,预备
n.制剂,制备品 promise v.承诺,诺言
n.希望,出息 promising a.有希望的,有前途的 pronounced a.明显的,显著的,确切的 provided pp.被提供的 conj.倘若
province n.省
n.领域 provincial a.乡下的 a.目光狭隘的 provision n.供应,给养
n.条款,规定 reach v.抵达
n.影响范围 far-reaching的影响深远的
reason n.原因
v.推理 reasoning n.推理
reserve n.储备,保留
n.缄默,谨慎,矜持 routine n.惯例
n.司空见惯的事 royalty n.王族(成员)n.(著作的)版税 safe a.安全的a.谨慎的 save v.救
school n.学校
n.学派,流派 second num.第二 v.附和,赞成 sensation n.感觉,知觉
n.轰动,激动 side n.侧面,边
v.偏袒,援助 solid a.固体的a.可靠的,有根据的,确实的 some a.一些
ad.大约,稍微(some 10 years ago 大约十年前)(It`s some warmer 今天稍暖和了点)
specialty n.特性
n.特产,特制品 spell v.拼写 v.招致,带来
n.符咒(Does laziness always ~~ failure? 懒惰总会导致失败吗?
That view might spell doom for marriage 这种观念可能会把婚姻引入绝境)
stomach n.胃 v.忍受,忍耐 How can you stomach their affronts? 你怎么能够忍受他们的侮辱?
substantially ad.实际上,实质上
be subject to a.易于
a.服从 thrust v.刺,攻击,推
n.要点,要旨 The whole thrust of the project was to make money.计划的核心在于赢利
retire on 依靠……退休
have…relation…to 与……有关系 up to 达到……的规模
come to the conclusion 形成某种结论 make of 提出 in detail 详细地
not…but结构应译为“不是……而是……”,但这样就显得罗嗦,所以译为“与……无关”,但(另一些有关)。a amount of指“数量达到……”, be related to指“与……有关”.be so made that 意为如…构成,不符合汉语表达习惯,所以译为就是如此.in principle 总的说来 deal with 应付…… all that 这一切包括
overall productivity 综合生产力水平Joint investment 联合投资 Drive 驱动
far too many 太多的(比实际需要)re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion 以简单机械的方式 chop out 削减