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ABC warfare:Atomic-biological-chemical warfare 原子/生物/化学战 ABM Treaty:Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 反弹道导弹条约 ADB:Asian Development Bank 亚洲发展银行

AIDS:Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合症 AID:Agency for International Development 国际开发总署

APEC:Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经合组织

ARATS:Association for Relations Across Taiwan Straights 海峡两岸关系协会 ASEAN:Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟 ATM:Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机 BP:British Petroleum Company 英国石油公司 BSE:Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 疯牛病 CIA:Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局

CIS:Commonwealth of Independent States 独联体

CPA:Coalition Provisional Authority 临时联合政权(伊拉克)CPPCC:Chinese People`s Political Consultative Conference(中国)全国人民政治协商会议 CTBT:Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 全面禁止核武器条约

DPRK:The Democratic People`s Republic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 DPP:Democratic Progressive Party [台]民进党 DMZ:Demilitarized Zone 非军事区

ERM:Exchange Rate Mechanism 欧洲货币体系汇率机制 UE:European Union 欧盟

FBI:Federal Bureau of Investigation 美国联邦调查局 FIFA:International Football Association 国际足球联合会

GATT:the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定

GMT:Greenwich Mean Time=Universal Time 格林尼治时间/世界时间 GNP:Gross National Product 国民生产总值 GDP:Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 HAMAS:哈马斯

IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构

ICJ:International Court of Justice International Court of Justice 国际法院(联合国)ICRC:International Committee of the Red Cross 国际红十字委员会 ILO:International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织(联合国)IMF:International Monetary Fund(联合国)国际货币基金组织 IOC:International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会

IRA:Irish Republican Army 爱尔兰共和军

IPR:Intellectual property rights 知识产权

KEDO:Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization 朝鲜半岛能源开发组织 KMT:Kuomingtang 国民党

LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏 LP:Long-playing record 密纹唱片

LSE:London Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所 M&A:Merger in Acquistion 兼并与收购 MIA:Missing in Action 战斗中失踪的人 MP:Member of Parliament(英国)下院议员 MQP:Most Quoted Person 最知名的运动员 MVP:Most Valuable Player 最有价值球员 NAM:Non-aligned Movement 不结盟运动

NASA:National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美国)国家航空和航天局 NATO:North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织 NBA:National Baskerball Association 美国职业篮球联赛

NBC warfare:Nuclear-biological-chemical warfare 核、生、化战争 NGO:Non-governmental Organization 非政府机构 NMD:National Missile Defense 国家导弹防御系统 NPC:National People`s Congress(中国)全国人民代表大会 NPT:Non-proliferation Treaty 防止核武器扩散条约 OAS:Oraganization of American States 美洲国家组织

OAU:Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织

OECD:Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作和发展组织 OFT:Office of Fair Trading 公平交易局

OIC:Organization of Islamic Conference 伊斯兰会议组织

OPEC:Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 欧佩克石油输出国家组织 OTC:Over-the-Counter 场外交易-非处方药

PLO:Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织 PNTR:Permanent Normal Trade Relation 永久正常贸易关系 POW:Prisoner of War 战俘 ROK:Republic of Korea 韩国

RUC:Royal Ulster Constabulary(英国)北爱尔兰皇家骑警队 SAR:Special Administrative Region(香港/澳门)特别行政区 SARS:Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SEF:Straits Exchange Foundation(台湾)海峡交流基金会 SEZ:Special Economic Zone(中国)经济特区 UPU:Universal Postal Union 万国邮政联盟

UNESCO:Inited Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织

UNDP:United Nations`Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国开发计划署 UNICEF:United Nations Children`s Fund 联合国儿童基金会 WB:World Bank 世界银行

WFP:World Food Program(联合国)世界粮食计划署 WHO:World Health Organization 世界卫生组织

WTO:World Trade Organization 世贸组织

UNHCR:Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 联合国难民事务高级专员公署 国际政要: 科菲.安南(Kofi A.Annan)联合国秘书长 金正日(Kim Jong Il)前朝鲜领导人

小泉纯一郎(Junichiro Koizumi)日本首相 亚西尔.阿拉法特(Yasser Arafat)前巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席 阿里埃勒.沙龙(Ariel Sharon)前以色列总理 卡扎菲(Gaddafi)利比亚领导人 托尼.布莱尔(Tony Blair)英国首相

雅克.希拉克(Jacques Chirac)法国总统

弗拉基米尔.普京(Vladimir Putin)俄罗斯联邦总统 莫克里(Anglia Merkel)德国总理

理查德.布鲁斯.切尼(Richard Bruce Cheney)美国副总统 康多莉扎.赖斯(Condoleezza Rice)美国国务卿

唐纳德.亨利.拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Henry Rumsfeld)美国国防部长 艾伦.格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)美联储主席 基辛格(Henry Kissinger)美国前国务卿

姆贝基(Thabo Mbeki)南非总统

穆巴拉克(Muhammed Hosni Mubarak)埃及总统 阿塔尔.比哈里.瓦杰帕伊(Atal Bihari Vajpayee)印度总理 穆沙拉夫(Pervez Musharraf)巴基斯坦总统

需要注意的同音异意词 add-ad aids-aides allowed-aloud altar-alter ark-arc bail-bale band-banned base-bass beach-beech bear-bare bite-byte block-bloc blue-blew bored-board bread-bred break-brake brews-bruise browse-brows bury-berry cannon-canon cereal-serial chili-chilly choose-chews clause-claw colonel-kernel complimentary-complementary core-corps course-coarse creak-creek cruise-crews dessert-desert die-dye fate-fete find-fined flee-flea flower-flour fur-fir guerrilla-gorilla heal-heel heroin-heroine him-hymn horse-hoarse i`ll-isle-aisle idle-idol konows-noses leak-leek led-lead lightining-lightening made-maid marshal-martial mat-matt mayor-mare medal-meddle missed-mist not-knot ours-hours overseas-oversees pair-pear-pare palate-palette-pallet paste-paced pours-pores peak-peek-pique peer-pier pigeon-pidgin plum-plumb pole-poll queue-cue rain-reign-rein raise-raze-rays sensor-censor sent-cent-scent shoot-chute soar-sore soul-sole-Seoul stair-stare stake-steak stationary-stationery straight-strait swat-swot sweet-suite tale-tail taught-taut team-teem tear-tier through-throne tick-tic tire-tide time-thyme toe-tow vain-vein wait-weight warn-worn waste-waist wave-waive way-weigh week-weak we`ll-wheel we`ve-weave whale-wail whales-Wales what-watt where-wear-ware whether-weather which-witch whole-hole wine-whine


描述经济增长:recover,grow,rise,go up,climb,take off,jump,leap,surge,soar,skyrocket 描述经济下降:fall,drop,go down,reach a low point fall off,decline,collapse,break,cut,dip,reduce,level off,plummet,plunge,slow,slow down,slump,recession,depression 经贸发展趋势较大或较快:fairly,rather,a great deal,much,dramatically,drastically,considerably,remarkably,markedly,sharply,significantly,apparently,greatly,tremendously 经贸发展趋势较小或较慢:gradually,gently,slightly,slowly

accountant 会计师

allowance,grant,subsidy 补贴,补助,津贴 article 物品,商品 asset 资产

balance of payments 国际收支(差额表)black market 黑市 bond,debenture 债券 by-product 副产品 capital 资本

cash payment 现金支付 cheque/check 支票

client,customer 顾客,客户 commerce,trade,trading 贸易 commercial channels 商业渠道 commercial transaction 买卖,交易 compensation 赔偿,补偿 consumer goods 消费品 consumption 消费 cost price 成本价 customs duty 关税 dealer 经销商

deferred payment,payment by installments 延期付款 deficit 亏空,赤字 deflation 通货紧缩 demand 需求

depreciation 减价,贬值 devaluation(货币)贬值 discount 折扣

domestic/local currency 本国货币 down payment 预付定金 drawing 提款

earnings 利润,收益

economic fluctuation 经济波动 economic policy 经济政策 exchange rate 汇率,兑换率

expenditure,outgoings 开支,支出 foreign exchange 外汇

foreign/external trade对外贸易,外贸 free-trade area/zone 自由贸易区 gross income/earnings 总收入,总收益 income tax 所得税

increase in value,appreciation 增值,升值 infrastructuer 基本建设 investment 投资 issue 发行(股票)liabilities 债务,负债

long term loan 长期贷款

manufactured/finished goods 制成品,产成品 market price 市场价

merchant 商人(美)批发商(英)零售商 middleman 中间商,经纪人 monopoly 垄断

mortgage 抵押

operating expenses 营业费用 outlet 销路

output 产出,产量

planned economy 计划经济 preferential price 优惠价 price index 物价指数

private sector 私营成分,私营部门 productivity 生产率 profitability 利润率

public sector 公共部门,公共成分 quota 配额

quotation 报价,牌价 raising limit 涨停板 rate of interest 利率 raw material 原料

real estate 不动产,房地产 receipt 收据(invoice 发票)registered trademark 注册商标 retail trade 零售业

running expenses 日常费用,经营费用 savings 存款

securities 有价证券

share 股份,股票

shareholder,stockholder 股票持有人,股东 speculation 投机

stock exchange 股票市场 supply 供给

taxation 征税,纳税 tax-free 免税的 trust 托拉斯

turnover,volume of business 营业额,销售额 value added tax(VAT)增值税 wholesale price 批发价 yield 产量收益,收益率


agenda 议事日程

agreement 协定,协议 alliance 联合,联盟

ambassador 大使(embassy)大使馆 announcement 公告,通告

apartheid,racial segregation 种族隔离 at the invitation of...应...邀请 bilateral negotiation 双边贸易 cabinet 内阁

Civil servant 公务员 communique 公报

consul 领事(consulate)领事馆 diplomat 外交家,外交官

diplomatic practice 外交惯例

established international practice 国际惯例 exchange views 交换意见 foreign affairs 外交 goodwill visit 友好访问 hard line 强硬路线

international situation 国际形势

Left/right wing 左/右派

maintain neutrality 保持中立 memorandum 备忘录

message of greeting/congratulation 贺电

mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让 neutral state/country 中立国 news conference 记者招待会 official visit 正式访问 refugee camp 难民营 Sino-US relationship 中美关系 speech of welcome 欢迎词 state visit 国事访问 statement 声明

summit meeting 首脑会议 top-level talk 最高级会谈

unconfirmed report 未经证实的消息 well-wired source 消息灵通人士 withdrawal 撤军


asteroid 小行星 astronaut 宇航员

atom 原子(atomic power 原子能)comet 彗星

constellation 星座 density 密度 energy 能 equator 赤道 fluid 流体 friction 摩擦力 galaxy,Milky Way 银河 gravity 重力 intensity 强度 lauch pad 发射台 lunar module 登月舱 mass 质量 matter 物质

nuclear reactor 核反应堆 nuclear test 核试验 nucleus 核 orbit 轨道 planet 行星 polestar 北极星 radiation 辐射 satellite 卫星 shooting star 流星 solar cell 太阳能电池 solar system 太阳系 spacecraft 航天器 Telstar 通信卫星 to accelerate 加速 to split 分裂

underwater test 水下试验 vacuum 真空 velocity 速度 zenith 天顶

Weather aurora 极光

atmospheric pressure 气压 avalanche 雪崩 blizzard 暴风雪 cyclone 旋风(印度洋上吹来)dew 露水

downpour 暴雨 drizzle 毛毛雨 drought 干旱 elements 自然力量 fog 浓雾 forest fire 山火 freeze 冰冻 frost 霜

gale 季节风,大风 gust of wind 阵风 hail 冰雹

haze 阴霾,薄雾

humidity 潮湿

hurricane 飓风(大西洋上吹来)landslide 滑坡 land wind 陆风 lightning 闪电 meteorology 气象学 mirage 海市蜃楼 mist 雾

mud flow 泥石流 sleet 雨夹雪 snowfall 降雪 snowflake 雪花

storm,tempest 暴风雨 temperature 气温 thunder 雷

high tidal waves/tsunami 海啸 tornado 陆龙卷(特指沙漠中)typhoon 台风(太平洋上吹来)waterspout 水龙卷 whirlwind 龙卷风


red-letter 大日子

not one`s day 不顺利,运气不好 on a roll 顺利,运气好 clock in(上班)打卡 come easily 易如反掌 push around 欺骗

keep one`s shirt on 保持冷静 bite the bullet 咬紧牙关 go up in smoke 成为泡影 hit the road 上路

come again 再说一遍

come clean 全盘托出,招供 all wet 大错特错 know-it-all 万事通

jump the gun 草率行事

jump to conclusion 妄下结论

a fair shot 很大的希望

born with 啊silver spoon in one`s mouth 生来富贵 chill out 冷静下来

clean up one`s act 重新做人 rock the boat 找麻烦 blow it 搞砸了,弄坏了 in hot water 有麻烦

flop(表演、电影等)不卖座,失败 cheap shot 卑鄙的手段 drop in/by/over 随时造访 go with the flow 随大流 act up 胡闹,出毛病

get lost 滚开

put someone on the spot 让某人为难 don`t knock it 不要太挑剔 pig out 狼吞虎咽

pass something up 放弃某事务 get the ball rolling 开始 knock it off=cut it off 停止 go for it 加油

pick someone`s brains 请教某人 pass out 醉倒了 way back 好久以前

chicken out 退缩

have a bone to pick with 有帐要算 don`t have a cow 别大惊小怪 shape up 表现良好,乖

第二篇:中级口译笔记 新东方



1、welcome/reception/thanks/apology/wishes A:title:president总统,总裁,大学校长 Chairman主席,董事长 CEO/CFO headmaster中小学校长 vice副 premier总理(社会主义国家)Chancellor(德)prime(minister部长)首相(英)managing代理 mayor市长 Your Honor阁下 Your Excellency殿下 representative代表 participant与会代表

B:Expression of emotion:on behalf of,representing谨代表 express,extend表达 staff员工 board董事会 crew机组人员,船员,球员 faculty师资队伍 delegation代表团 sincere,cordial,heartfelt诚挚的,由衷的 authentic,gunuine真挚的 hospitality热情好客 gracious盛情的

Model Sentence:On behalf of(sb), I'd like to express(emotion)to(sb)(1)for sth.(2)who on the occasion of,at the joyous moment of值此之际

2、Making Toast MS:(1)May I propose a toast(2)May I ask you to join me in a toast(3)May I aske you to raise your glasses to..toCheers!

3、Confenrence siminar,symposium专题讨论 panel discussion小组讨论 MS:(1)I regard it as my great pleasure/honor/privilege(2)It's my great honor(3)I'm honored to introduce you Mr.(title),who is delivering/addressing a speech on the topic of(sth).二、Politics

1、International Politics A:Displomacy;B:cooperation(1)Economy/Trade(2)Environmenal Protection(3)anti-terrorism statesman政治家 politician政客 ambassador大使 embassy大使馆 sovereignty主权 territory领土/空/海 integrity完整 declaim谴责 interfere with干涉 safe guard捍卫 internal affairs内政 state affairs国事 stand/stance立场 persistent一贯坚持的 advocate,call for主张 difference分歧 clash,conflict冲突 friction磨擦 contradiction矛盾 hegemony霸权主义 power politics强权政治

10个短语:相互理解,相互尊重,相互信任,相互平等,互惠互利mutual understanding, respect, trust, equality, benefits 求同存异seek commonground while putting aside differences 和睦相处,睦邻友好,与邻为伴,与人为善good neighbour policy(harmonius和谐 coexistence)MS:插入语 subject,(),v.object(1)which(2)doing(3)n.(4)with n.doing(5)adj./adv.(6)because/when/if(7)noun/prep phrase(8)n.+(1)-(7)WORDS(ADD):与会来宾guest present 光临participation,presence,attandance 业绩achievement 永久的everlasting,permanent,eternal,immortal 稳定stability,tranquility 国际大都市cosmopolitan city,cosmopolis 大都会metropolitan city,metropolis 活力energy,dynamism,dynamics,vigor 热情enthusiasm,zeal 多样性persity 举国同庆national celebration 良辰佳时good time 事业有成good career 吉祥如意luck 高度礼仪utmost courtesy 非凡的extraordinary 改革开放reform and opening up 计划经济planned economy 广阔的extensive 前景prospect 万能词:most,gorgeous


1、离江苏省著名旅游城市苏州仅40公里之遥的古镇周庄被称之为“东方威尼斯”,每年以其典型的江南水乡的景色吸引着无数海内外游客纷至沓来。Zhouzhuang,an ancient town which is only 40 kilometres away from Suzhou,a wel-known tourist city in Jiangsu Province,is crouned as Oriental Venice,attracting countless people all of the world with its typical landscape of the south of Yangtze River.2、中国是世界上四大文明古国之一,在5000年的历史长河中,曾经以四大文明震惊全球。虽然在近代饱受侵略和战争的痛苦,但是由于中国人民的艰苦卓绝的努力和不懈的奋斗,取得了令人瞩目的发展和成就。China,one of the four cradles of ancient world with it Four Inventions in the 5000-year history,has gained tremendous feats/accomplishment with their arduous and unremitting efforts though sffered from the pains of aggression/invasion/intrusion and wars in the modern time.二、1、(3)Terrorism:human bomb人体炸弹 suicide attack自杀式袭击 kidnap绑架 hostage人质 transnational crime跨国犯罪 crack down upon严厉打击 drug smuggling贩毒 hijack劫机 murdur谋杀

There is a grand and arduous task and long way to go.任重而道远。jorint efforts共同努力

2、Domestic Politics(1)Economic restructuring(2)West Development 西气东输:pipeling natural gas from the west to the east 西电东送:transmission of elcetricity from the west to the east 南水北调:persion(分流)of water from the south to the north 三峡工程:Three Gorges Project Taiwan:authorities当局政府 straits海峡两岸

negotiation谈判协商 mainland大陆 reunification统一 separaist分裂的,分裂分子 pision分裂 embrace怀抱 compatriot台湾同胞 patriotic爱国主义的

minority(enthnic groups)少数民族 prosperity繁荣 Taiwan independence台独 one China and one Taiwan一中一台 one China and two systems一国两制血脉相连,血浓于水,一脉相承,情同手足:blood of brotherhood


1、Introduciton of schools,courses and edu BG

2、aims of edu

3、forms of edu

4、concepts of edu

1、School:normal师范 of science and techonology(engineering)理工 colleage专科学校 institute研究所attached/affiliated to附属

上外SISU:Shanghai International Study University 华师大ECNU:East China Normal University 上财大SUFE:Shanghai Institute of Financial and Economy year大学年级:freshman大一 sophomore大二 junior大三 senior大四

Course:required[AmE]/compulsory[BrE]必修 selective[AmE]/optional[BrE]选修

BG:certificate证书 diploma文凭:associate undergraduate(本科生)大专,postgraduate研究生 degree学位:bachelor's学士,master's硕士,doctoral博士,psot doctoral博士后,academician院士 credential能证明个人技能的文件总称

MS:school,founded/attached/crouned as被誉为/characterized by,featuring以为特征/covering/boasting,enjoying拥有/aiming to以为宗旨,v.object(1)software-faculty(2)hardware-teaching facilities,teaching building,multi-media,computerized library,well-equipped,state-of-the-art最尖端的,lab,canteen,dorm,stadium,gymnasium celebrated久负盛名的

2、Aim:cultivate,foster,nurtue培养 qualified personel人才 talent,gift天资 apititude禀赋

ingenious天才的 genious天才 all-round development in moval,intellectual,physical,aesthetic and labour edu德智体美劳全面发展

3、Form:9-year compulsory edu九年制义务教育 general higher edu全日制普通高等教育 distance远程教育 evening school夜校 on-line网络教育 edu on air电大 self-taught exam自学考试 correspondence函授 adult edu成人教育 credit point学分 score cheat be expelled开除 fail不及格 make-up exam补考 qualifying exam入学资格考试 college entrance exam高考 conpetitive竞争激烈的 eroll/recruit招生 admission录取

boarding,residential寄宿 non-residential走读 新东方中级口译笔记:口译(3)


Apart from 9-year compulsory edu and general higher edu,there are many other forms in China.The aim of which is to provide those who for reasons fail to receive higher edu with a second opportunity to be educated.According to the statistics from Chinese Edu Ministry,there are 168600 people having gained the diploma of associate undergraduate or undergraduate through exams since 1986.A majority of them is playing an active role in all walks of life and making their due contribution to our society.三、4、concept:founder/Father/pioneer/predecessor奠基人 classical edu古典教育

Teaching according to one's aptitude因材施教 Edu is classless有教无类 exam-oriented应试教育

quality-oriented素质教育 cramming teaching method填鸭式教育

老师tutor,mentor导师,instructor,master 学生disciple门徒


1、Introduction of seienic spots,tourist attractions:Fire:volcano,eruption,lava熔岩,ash火山灰 Earth:cave洞,grotto窟,tombs陵墓(群),mausoleum单人墓,cliff/precipe悬崖, mountains山脉,peak顶(峰),hill丘陵,basin盆地,plateau高原,highland高地,plain平原 e.g.Mount Huang黄山 Wood:pavilion亭,terrace台(坛),mansion楼,tower阁,pagoda佛塔,chamber厢,attic阁楼,corridor廊, water-side pavilion水榭,temple,church基督教堂,cathedral天主教堂,chapel礼拜堂,abbey修道院, mosque清真寺 Water:spring,well,cascade/waterfall瀑布,canal运河, streams,jungle热带雨林,marshland沼泽地,wetland湿地,pond/poll塘

2、Description of scenery:scenery,landscape山水总称,views,vista城市

MS:(1)doing/done(time)(2)with n.doing/done(scenery)prep.n.拥有,随着,凭借(3)sentence/subject v.object(emotion)e.g.1、Strolling in Jinzhaigou in May,with the streams winding,merry birds singing and breeze touching your cheeks,one feels like heaven.2、With the wild geese flying south and withered leaves gone with the autumn wind,seeing this,one gets homesick.steep,precipitous雄奇险峻,峻拔突兀 sparkling波光粼粼 a wide expense of misty water烟波浩渺 transparent清澈见底的 mountains beyond mountains山外有山,重峦叠嶂 In heaven there is a paradise,on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.上有天堂,下有苏杭

The trips to the Five Mountains make those to the rest unnecessary,and the trip to Huangshan,Mountain makes those to the Five unnecessary.五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳

Guilin's landscape tops China and Yangshuo's Guilin.桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林

I would like compare the West Lake to a beauty who looks perfact in both heavy and light make-up.于把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜

Mount Tai belittles the rest of mountains.会当凌绝顶,一览众山小

equator赤道,tropual热带的,sub副,temperate温带,longitude经度,latitude纬度,agreeable气候宜人的 HW:位于江苏省著名旅游城市镇江的乾隆御花园,相传是清朝乾隆年间乾隆皇帝七下江南时修建的,供其与其嫔妃避暑而用。漫步园中,小桥流水,湖石假山,亭台楼阁,相映成趣,令人心旷神怡,流连忘返。Qianlong Imperial Garden,located in Zhengjiang,a renowned tourist city in Jiangsu Province,is said to be built as a summer resort for emperor Qianlong and his concubines in Qing Dynasty.Strolling in the Garden,with bridges and waters,lake-side rocks and rokeries,pavilions,terrace,mansion and tower,matching/ed harmoniously,one feels soothed and relaxed,reluctant to leave.新东方中级口译笔记:口译(4)

五、economy/finance/trade/commerce/real estate(1)trend(2)scale A、number B、times C、percentage Economy:G(gross大致的)NP国民生产总值 GDP国内生产总值 per capita人均 consumption消费 domestu demand(国)内需(求)stimulate/fuel刺激,拉动 disposable income可支配收入 Gini/Engel Coeffecient基尼/恩格尔指数

inflation通货膨胀 deflation通货紧缩 hyperinflation急性通货膨胀 revenue年/岁收入 turnover营业额 budget预算 deficit赤字/亏损/逆差 surplus盈余/顺差 macrocontrol宏观调控 annual年的

(1)depression萧条 stagnation停滞 recession倒退 slackness,sluggish,inactive没有活动,交易不活跃 brisk景气的

soar,rocket,mushroom,boom,bloom,blosom,surge,spring up,prosper,thrive大幅度攀升 ascend上升 plunge,plump,slump,collapse大幅度下跌,暴跌 drop,fall,decline,shrink,subside,descend下降 fluctuate波动 remain,little changed平稳

dramatically,drastically,tremendously,ultimately,sharply大幅地 slightly轻微地 moderately适中地 gradually逐渐地 successively陆续地

句法结构:(1)subject of change v.adv.time(2)There be a adj.n.+ in subject time(3)Time witnessed/saw a adj.n.+ in subject(4)country/region/company enjoy/suffer/experience a adj.n.+ in subject time(适合笔译)Finance:currency货币 appreciation升值 depreciation贬值 issue发行 circulation流通 convertinto把兑换为 foreign exchange reserve外汇储备 stocks股票 shares股份 shareholder股东 board董事会 listed company上市公司 bear,bull,deer stock exchange证券交易所 futures期货 funds基金 bonds债券 securities证券 risk风险 crisis危机 fiscal财政的

(2)A、1)reaching No.(the record high/peak历史最高值)2)increasing by/to No.增长了/到 No.higher/lower than that of B、double,triple,quadruple, times(that of)e.g.跟95年同期相比增长了6倍 6 times that of the same period of 1995 1)tripled 2)tripling that of year C、1)% of 2)% higher/lower than that of Trade:volume总额 transaction交易 sanition(贸易)制裁 imposeon对实施贸易制裁 buyer买家 supplier供货商 distributor分销商 wholesaler批发商 retailor零售商 sample样品 agent代理 offer/counter报/还盘 ceiling price最高价 floor price最低价 bonus奖金 commission佣金 kickback回扣 shipping海运 delivery运货 freight(空)货运 tariff关税 barrier壁垒

Real estate:bubble泡沫 overheating过热 speculation投机 curb/curtail抑制 by mortgage按揭货款 by instalment分期付款 downpayment首付 deposit押金 city center市区 down town商业中心 surburb郊区 rural area乡村 villa别墅 apartment,flat公寓 per square meter每平方米 metro,underground,subway地铁 LRT轻轨 neglev磁悬浮 trolley bus电车


The past 8 years witnessed unprecedented real estate bubble and overheating.Taken Shanghai as an example,the averal housing price 8 years ago was nerely 4000RMB per square meter,but 9800 now,which is underaffordable burden to those wage-owners with no more than 4000 monthly income who long for possessing a decent apartment of their own in Shanghai.Considering this,Shanghai municiple government put forward and carry out a series of measures including raising interest rate and real estate tax aiming to curb the speculation,the initial effects of which are shown.省略句:e.g.1)China is America's fourth trade partner and America China's second.2)Asia enjoys the fasted economic growth in the world,China in Asia,Shanghai in China,and Pudong in Shanghai.补充:enterprises企业 entrepreneur企业家

solely-funded独资 joint venture合资 cooperated合作 state-owned国有



1、Festival: W:Christmas-Santa,slade,reindeer,chimney,socks,stockings,Jesus Christ;Thanksgiving-rejuvenation,turkey,settler;Easter E:Spring Festival(eve),Lattern,Dragon Boat,Md-autumn

2、culinary art:reunion团圆 unity团结 completeness圆满 happiness吉祥如意

has a long history历史悠久 date back to long time ago源远流长 profound博大精深 unique独树一帜

presprous/thriving长盛不衰 color,arouma,taste色香味 layout摆放 timing火候 slicing刀功 blending of seasonings 佐料搭配fried,steamed,boiled,grilled烧烤的,baked烘烤的,smoked,braised红烧的,stewed炖的,simmered煨的 Raw material:meat:chicken,pork,beef,mutton大羊肉,lamb小羊肉,fish vegetable:cabbage,eggplant,celery芹菜,lotus root藕,sweet potato红薯,leek韭菜,pepper,mushroom,taro芋头,yam山药,cauliflower,broccoli西兰花 slicied切片,shredded切丝,diced切块,minced切成肉末状

3、Art:(1)calligraphy,painting:calligrapher,inscription甲骨文,on oracle,bones,pictograph象形文字,official sript隶书,regular楷书,running草书,cursive行书,powerful刚劲有力,smooth行云流水,游龙戏凤,natural浑然天成,vivid栩栩如生,惟妙惟肖,masterpiece大师作品,amateur业余爱好者

Prac:Wangxizhi,crowned as the master of calligraphy,born in East Jin Dynasty,was good at running & cursive sript.His works wer powerful,smooth & natural,looked up to by later amateurs.adv.:也许是地理位置的缘故,也许是历史渊源的缘故,汉语热在亚洲的热度最高。Geographically,or historically,learning Chinese enjoys the highest fever in Asia.中国饮食文化历史悠久,源远流长,博大精深。中华菜系之所以能在世界各大菜系中独树一帜,长盛不衰,除了其令人称道的色香味之外,更在其中所蕴含的丰富文化色彩。中华菜系按地域划分可分为淮扬菜,川菜,越菜以及鲁菜及人们所熟知的东甜西辣,南淡北咸。Chinese culinary art has a long history and is profound.The reason why it has been unique and prosperous is the color,aroma & taste,and the rich culture elements inside.Geographically,it can be pivded into Huaiyang,chuan,Canton & Shandong cuisine known as sweet east,hot&spicy west,lighty sourth and salty north.(2)literature:essay散文,赋,骈文,poem,lyrics词,couplets,octave律诗,quatrain绝句,sonnet十四行诗(3)craftsmanship:china,tea pts茶具,embroidery刺绣,sandal wood fan檀香扇,dayed figure泥人,tri-colored cloisonne唐三彩,terra-cotta worriors & horses兵马俑,paper cutting剪纸,pottery陶器,exquisite/superior工艺精湛,别具匠心,巧夺天工,鬼斧神工,preserve传承,carry foward发扬光大(4)Martial Arts:school流派,master宗师,Qigong,Shadow boxing太极拳,karate空手道,Taekondo跆拳道,judo柔道,mudually complementary and constraint相生相克,互根互用

(5)Beijing Opera:singing,monologue,making poses,cution唱念做打 nation treasure国粹

5、Religion:Buddhism,Christanity,Protestant,Catholicism,Islam,Muslim,Hinduism,Judaism犹太教,Orthodox东正教,priest(基)牧师,father(天)神父,confess忏悔,prayer祈祷,blessing保佑,covert to皈依,baptize洗礼,Holy Bable,Old testament,Genesis,redemption救赎,choir唱诗班,atheist无神论者


1、等比:(1)no morethan和同等(2)no/nothing lessthan并不亚于,与同等,简直就是(3)否定词+more/other/else than只不过而已,只好(4)A is to B what C is to D(5)may as wellas既可以也可以 might~~~既不能也不能(6)enough/sufficient/serve to/for,equal to,deserve,worthy of,merit与相等

2、差比:(1)all/none/so much the er更加,还是(2)next to仅次于,几乎等于,除此之外(3)最高级+but,the next to+最高级:第二

3、极比:(1)asas any最(2)否定词+soas(3)否定词+比较级(2)(3)没有比更

焦点:(1)2008 Olympics:bid for,win the bid,sponsor赞助商,masiot吉祥物,track&fields,Gymnastics,water competition,volunteer,telecommunication,organization,commuittee,infrastructure基础设施,countdown倒计时(2)Environmental Protestion:causes,consequences,solutions




Crime&Punshiment 罪与罚



Car theft(偷车)

ID Card theft(intelligent crime智能犯罪)

Pickpocket 扒手

Shoplifter 顺手牵羊者



Break-in 入室盗窃


Attack 攻击

Assault 袭击

Mugging 背后袭击

Rape 强奸


Robbery 抢劫

Hijack 劫持

Hostage 人质

Kidnapping/Abduction 绑架



School/Campus violence 校园暴力

Bully 欺负

Juvenile Delinquency 青少年犯罪

Drug addiction/abuse 吸毒

Drug trafficking 贩毒

Cheating 作弊

Academic Plagiarism 学术剽窃

Copy 抄袭

Corporal Punishment 体罚

Spank 打屁股

Slap 抽耳光


Corruption 腐败

Bribery 贿赂

Fraud, Scam 诈骗


Speeding 超速驾驶

Drunken driving 醉酒驾车

Reckless driving 鲁莽驾车

Fine, Ticket 罚款


Parking 停车


Delinquent Offender



Smuggling 走私

Smuggled goods 水货

Cheap copy/copycat 山寨

Piracy 盗版

Swindle 骗财

Law & Order 法制类

Law Enforcement 执法

Law-abiding citizen 守法公民


Capital punishment 死刑

Life imprisonment 终生监禁

Jailed / Behind bars 入狱,铁窗生涯

Prison/Jail break 越狱


Execution 处死


Community Service 社区服务

Deportation 驱逐出境

Extradition 引渡


Judge 法官

Supreme Court 最高法院

Attorney 辩护律师

Lawyer 律师


Defendant 被告

Prosecutor 检察官

Sue 起诉

Lawsuit 诉讼

Jury 陪审团

Innocent 无罪

Guilty 有罪

Be sentenced to„被判„

Trail 审判

试验Evidence 证据

Forensic medicine 法医

Investigation 调查

Interrogation 审问


Police Department 警察局

Witness 目击证人

Jurisdiction 裁判权,审判权

Criminal Justice System 犯罪司法系统


WHO-World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 Epidemic;Pandemic;Endemic 流行病

Plague 瘟疫

Disease;illness 疾病

Ailment 小病

Bird flu;Avian flu 禽流感


Foot & Mouth Disease 口蹄疫

Mad Cow Disease 疯牛病


Swine flu 猪流感

AIDS 艾滋病

Virus 病毒

Bacteria;Fungus 细菌


Calorie 卡路里,食物热量


Diet 节食

Blood sugar 血糖

blood pressure 血压

Cholesterol 胆固醇

Fiber 纤维

Calcium 钙

Vitamin 维生素

Fruit sugar;fructose 果糖

Glucose 麦芽糖

Nutrition 营养


Medical service 医疗服务

Heath care 保健

Public health 公共卫生/健康

Clinic 诊所

Diagnosis 诊断

Treatment 治疗

Cure 治愈

Alternative therapy 替代疗法

Immune system 免疫系统

Medication 药物治疗


OTC 非处方药

Pre script ion 处方药

Pregnancy 怀孕

Contain 控制(疾病蔓延)

Outbreak 爆发


Asthma 哮喘

Insomnia 失眠

Diabetes 糖尿病

Cancer 癌症

Bronchitis 支气管炎

Heart attack 心脏病

Obesity 肥胖症

Cough 咳嗽

Respiratory problem 呼吸道问题

Malaria 疟疾

Diarrhea 腹泻

Dehydration 脱水

Infectious/contagious/communicable disease 传染病


Painkiller 止痛药


Anti-depressant 抗忧郁药

Antibiotic 抗生素

商务词汇合集/Corporate World

Career Advancement 职业晋升

Chief executive office—CEO 首席执行官

Hierarchy 等级制

Bureaucracy 官僚主义

Executive, management 执行层;管理层

Shareholder;stakeholder 股东

Board of Directors 董事会

Chairman 主席

Vice President—V.P.副总裁

Corporate Identity 公司形象

Public relationship---P.R.公关

Entrepreneur 企业家,创业者

Sales & Marketing 销售和市场

Research & Development 研发

Logistics 后勤;物流

Accounting 财务;会计

Merger & Acquisition 并购

Budget 预算


Revenue 收入

Gross turnover 总营业额

Output 产值,产出

Profit margin(边际)利润

Productivity 生产力

Trade Union 工会

IRS---Internal Revenue Service 国税局(美)

Incentive 鼓励

Restructuring;reorganizing;reshuffle 重组


Supply & Demand 供求关系

Transaction;trade 交易

Private Equity—P.E.私募基金

Venture Capital---V.C.风险投资

Patent 专利

IPR----Intellectual Property Rights 知识产权

Resources Optimization 资源优化

Take over 接管

Processing 加工

Assembly 组装

Launch;unveil;roll out 发布(新产品)



Multi-national corporation 跨国企业

Subsidiary 子公司

Branch 分公司

Affiliated company 附属公司

Associated company 联合公司

Joint venture 合资企业

Joint stake 合股企业

Monopoly 垄断







Leading company







Higher education 高等教育

Colleges & Universities 大专院校

Academy 学院

Academy of Science 科学院

Bachelor 学士

Master 硕士

Doctoral Degree;PhD 博士学位

Undergraduate 大学生

Graduate 毕业生;研究生

(Liberal)Arts 文科

Science 理科

Engineering 工科

Dropout 辍学生

Auditor 旁听生

Transferred Student 插班生

Diploma 文凭

Certificate 证书

Tuition 学费

Student Loan 学生贷款

Grant;Scholarship;Fellowship 奖学金


Lecture 讲座


Seminar;Workshop 研讨会

Enrolment 登记入学

Admission 录取

Entrance Exam 入学考试

Major 主修;专业

Minor 辅修

Associate Professor 副教授

Discipline 学科

Extracurricular activity课外活动

Curriculum 教学大纲

Term;Semester 学期

Attendance 出勤


IQ---Intelligent Quotient 智商

EQ---Emotional Quotient 情商

Intelligence 智力

Intellectual 知识分子;智力上的;

Cognitive 认知的—cognition 认知

Perceptive 感知的----perception 感知


Intuition 直觉

Instinct 本能

Infant 婴儿

Kindergarten 幼儿园

Day-care Center 日间看护中心


Literature 文学

Anthropology 人类学

Sociology;Social Science 社会科学

Psychology 心理学

Philosophy 哲学

Law 法学

Medicine 医学

Electronic Engineering 电子工程学

Agriculture 农学

Architecture 建筑学

Astronomy 天文学

Economics 经济学

Politics 政治学

Biochemistry 生物化学

Linguistics 语言学


Diplomacy 外交学

Business Administration 商业管理

Journalism 新闻学

Mass Communication 大众传播学

Finance 财政;金融学

Banking 银行学

Accounting 会计学

网络和电子产品词汇合集/Internet & Electronics

Distance Learning 远程教育

Network 网络

Website 网站

Portal 门户

Operating system 操作系统


IT—Information Technology 信息技术

Broadband 宽带

Bandwidth 带宽

Paid subscriber 付费订阅者/用户

Administrator 系统管理员;超级用户

Access to„ 接入;访问

Page 网页


Click 点击

Connection 连接

Junk mail;Spam 垃圾邮件

Virtual reality 虚拟现实

Cyber Space 虚拟世界


PC—Personal Computer 个人电脑

Server 服务器

Laptop 笔记本电脑

CPU 中央处理器

Chip 芯片

Processor 处理器

Monitor 显示器

Keyboard 键盘

Mouse 鼠标

Wireless 无线

Backup 备份

Breakdown;crash 故障/崩溃

Database 数据库

Download 下载

Upload 上传


Trojan 木马

Virus 病毒

Driver 驱动程序

Source code 源代码

Modem 调制解调器

Storage 存储

Digital 数码的

Gadget 电子产品;小器具

Electronic products 电子产品

DV---Digital video 数码摄像机

Printer 打印机

Photocopier 复印机

Overhead projector 投影仪

Scanner 扫描仪

Open source 开源

Parameter 参数

Phishing 网上欺诈

Credit card system 信用卡系统

Online shopping 网上购物

Peripheral 周边,外设

Instruction 指令

Internet Addiction/obsession 网瘾


Porno 色情

Violence 暴力

Online game 网络游戏

Automation 自动化


交通工具/Means of transportation

Maglev 磁悬浮(Magnetically levitated train)

Ferry 轮渡

Yacht 游艇

Airship, dirigible 飞艇

Aircraft 飞机

Space shuttle 宇宙飞船

Cab, taxi 计程车

Light rail 轻轨

Sky train 轻轨上的列车

Subway 地铁(美)

Underground railway 地铁(英)

Tunnel 隧道

Metro 地铁(法)

Cable bridge 缆桥


Rapid transit system 快速交通系统


Passport 护照

Visa 签证,不要和visa card(visa信用卡)混淆

Identity card/ID card 身份证

Guidebook 指南

度假旅行on vacation

Tourist;traveler;holiday-maker 旅行者,度假者

Tourism 旅游业

Package tour/holiday 全包旅行/度假

Accommodation 食宿

Transport 交通

Travel agency 旅行社

Luggage claim 行李认领

Travel insurance 旅行保险

Traveler’s cheque 旅行者支票

Express 特快

Schedule 日程安排

Itinerary 行程

Refund 退款


Compensation 赔偿

Insurance certificate 保险证明

Insurance policy 保单

Insurance premium 保费

Insurance coverage 保险范围

坐飞机/By air

Economy/coach class 经济舱

Business class 商务舱

Flight 航班

Get bumped 未登机

Get stranded 滞留

Single trip 单程

Round trip 往返

Boarding 登机

Timetable 时刻表

Time zone 时区

Dehydration 脱水(bad effects of traveling by air)

Exhaustion 乏力

Customs 海关

Tariff 关税

Customs clearance 通关


Security 安全

Emergency 紧急事件

Hotel & resort 宾馆和度假胜地

Sight-seeing 观光

Car&Accidents 汽车和交通事故类词汇合集

auto, motor, vehicle 汽车

GM-General Motor 通用汽车

auto maker 汽车生产商

Pickup 皮卡车

Van 小火车

Ambulance 救护车

Limo/limousine 豪华驾车,加长型的

Ford 福特汽车

Chrysler 克莱斯勒

Volvo 沃尔沃

public transport/mass transit 公交系统

traffic jam/congestion 交通堵塞

rush hour 高峰时段

commuter 通勤者;上班族

passenger 乘客

pedestrian 行人


jaywalking 乱穿马路

zebra stripes/crossing 斑马线,人行道

汽车类/All about car

Airbag 安全气囊

Brake 刹车

Accelerator 加速器,accelerate 加速

Windshield 挡风板

Auto bumper/ front bumper 保险杠。缓冲器

Pedal 踏板

Gear 档

Alarm 警报

Driving license 驾照

Car-pooling 拼车

Parking meter 停车计时器

Lane 车道

Private car 私家车

Route 路线

hybrid car 混合动力车


Fuel efficiency 燃油经济性


Mileage 里程 X miles per gallon gas

Mph miles per hour 时速

公路事故/Road Accidents

Drunken driving 醉酒驾车

Reckless driving 鲁莽驾驶

Man behind the wheel 驾驶员

Speeding 超速驾车

Overtake 超车

slippery road 路滑

foggy weather 大雾天

mechanical failure 机械故障

poor judgement 糟糕的判断


替代能源·新能源/Alternative energy

Solar energy 太阳能

Tidal /wave energy潮汐能

Geothermal energy地热能

Nuclear power 核能

Hydroelectric power 水电能


Pollution-free 无污染

Recycling 循环利用

Renewable 可再生的

Non-renewable energy 一次能源

Energy conservation 节能

自然资源/Natural Resources

Coal 煤炭

Petroleum 石油

Rubber 橡胶

Ethanol 乙醇,酒精(新的汽车燃料)

Consumption 消耗

Depletion 耗竭

Energy crisis 能源危机

Shortage/lack/poverty of power 能源短缺


Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳

Ecological environment 生态环境

Pollutant;pollutor 污染物


Water contamination 水污染

Noise pollution 噪音污染

Industrial dust pollution 工业粉尘污染

Soil erosion 水土流失,土地侵蚀

Radioactive contamination 放射性污染

Sewage disposal 污水处理


Monsoon 季风,雨季

Ice core冰芯

Decibel 分贝

Restore the farmland to forest 退耕还林


EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)美国环保署

Atmosphere 大气层

Ozone layer 臭氧层

Disruption to ozone layer 臭氧层破坏

Radiation 射线;放射性

Infra-red 红外线

Light wave 光波

Acid rain 酸雨

Wildlife 野生动物


Rainforest 雨林

Endangered/threatened species 濒危物种

Rare breed 稀有物种

Environmentalist 环保主义者

Conservationist 节能注意者

Ecosystem 生态系统

Biopersity 生物多样性

Extinction 灭绝

Existence 生存

Survival 幸存

Food Chain 食物链

Organic garden 有机花园

Natural Heritage 自然遗产

GM Food(Genetically modified food)转基因食物

Genetic engineering 转基因工程

Biodegradable 可降解的

Decompose 化解,分解

Fertilizer 化肥

Chemicals 化学物质

Pesticide 杀虫剂

Green Belt 绿化带



the Kyoto Protocol 京都议定书

Copenhagen Climate Summit 哥本哈根气候峰会

Bali Roadmap 巴厘岛路线图


Employment 就业

Unemployment rate 失业率

Employee 雇员

Employer 雇主

the under-employed 半失业者

the unemployed 失业者

retire 退休

pension 养老金

part-time;temporary jobs 兼职;短工

full-time;permanent 全职;长工

moonlighting 兼职

the self-employed 自营者

Interview 面试

Interviewer 面试官;interviewee 面试者

apply for 申请

job applicant 工作申请者


prospective employee 潜在雇员

candidate 候选人

resign/quit 辞职

job-hunting 求职

job-hopping 跳槽

brain drain 人才流失

brain gain 人才获得

headhunt 猎头

superior 上级

subordinate 下级

fire;sack;dismiss 解雇

lay off;downsize;shed jobs;cut jobs;Make „redundant 裁员

terminate the contract 终止合同

expire 合同期满

CV, resume 简历

Qualification 资质

References 推荐信;证明人

Job de script ion 工作描述

HR—Human Resources 人力资源

Duty;responsibility 职责

Recruitment 招聘

Recruiting manager 招聘经理


Intern 实习生

Executive trainee 管理培训生

Career advancement 职场晋升

Starting salary 起薪

Pay rise 加薪

Promotion 升值

Pay cut 减薪

Wage 周薪

Salary 薪水

Bonus 奖金

Dividend 红利;分红

Subsidy;allowance 津贴;补贴

Performance evaluation 绩效评估

Training course 培训课程

Overtime compensation 加班费

Workload 工作量


Multinational 跨国公司

Conglomerate 大型联合企业

Group 集团




Printed media 印刷媒体

Newspaper & magazine 报纸和杂志

Broadcasting media 广播媒体

TV & Radio 电视和广播

Direct media 直接媒体

Direct mall 直邮

Billboards 公告牌

Sign 标志

Point-of-purchase ads “买点”广告

SMS-short messages 短消息


Press/news conference 新闻发布会

Blog 博客

Podcast 博客

Webcast 网上直播

Circulation 发行,流通

Headline 头条新闻

Journalist 记者


Reporter 记者

Correspondent 特派员

Paparazzi 狗仔队

News agency 通讯社

Tabloid 小报

Briefing 简报

Sub script ion 订阅

Commercial 电视广告

Advertisement;advertising;ads 广告

Classified ads 分类广告

Wanted ads 招工广告

Newsstand 报摊

Kiosk 报亭

Exclusive 独家新闻

Scoop 特训;独家新闻

Contribute 投稿

Column 专栏

Columnist 专栏作家

media/feeding frenzy 媒体炒作

sensationalize 炒作




Religious association 宗教联系

Christianity 基督教

Roman Catholic 罗马天主教

Orthodox 东正教

Islamic 伊斯兰教

Buddhism 佛教

the Confucianists 儒家

Taoism 道家

Extremist 极端分子

Cult 邪教

Terrorism 恐怖主义

Terrorist 恐怖分子


Tradition & custom 传统和习俗

Value 价值观

Ethics 道德;ethical 道德的

Manners;etiquette 礼节

Norm;code 准则;规矩


文化冲突/休克/Cultural clash/shock

Immigration 移民

Illegal immigrants 非法移民

Discrimination;prejudice;bias 歧视

Racial discrimination 种族歧视

Sexual harassment 性骚扰

Communication 沟通

Interaction 互动

Diversity 多元化

Melting pot 大熔炉

Imbalance;disparity 不平衡;差异

Adaptation;adjustment 适应

Gesture 手势

Body language 肢体语言

Homesickness 思乡

Insult;humiliation 侮辱

Offend/ commit crimes 犯罪

Folk 民间

Sophisticated 通晓人情世故的;有城府的;

Inconvenience 不便

Urbanization 城市化

Rural area 农村地区


Mountainous area 山区

Urban area 城镇地区

Urban residents 城市居民

Rural population 农村人口

Downtown 市中心;市区

Suburban area 郊区

Countryside 农村

Misunderstanding 误解


Census 人口普查、统计

Demographic data 人口数据

Census Bureau 人口普查局

Birth rate 出生率

Mortality rate 死亡率

Divorce rate 离婚率

Generation gap 代沟

Information gap 信息鸿沟

Aging population 老龄化人口

Senior citizens 老年人

Mid-aged 中年人

Teens;teenager;adolescent 青少年

Puberty 青春期


Depression 忧郁症

Anti-depressant 抗忧郁药

Life expectancy;life span 寿命

Baby boom 生育高峰;婴儿潮

Baby boomer 生育高峰段出生的人

Privacy 隐私

家庭模式/Family patter

Extended family 大家庭

Nuclear family 核心家庭

DINK Double income with no kids 丁克家庭

Single-parent household 单亲家庭

Infidelity 不忠


1, share with you my thought 1)我赞同许多东亚学者的观点,即东方文明可以医治盛行西方世界的顽疾(一个城市的特质:随处可以感觉到的深厚的文化底蕴)I share with many scholars in east Asia that the east/oriental civilization will cure the prevalent hard ills in the west.(the prevailing thick cultural atmosphere.)2)Let the pacific tide roll peacefully on, carrying a 2 way flow of people and ideas that can break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust, and build up bonds of cooperation and shared optimism(引出定语从句省略法)让这股太平洋潮流平稳的滚滚向前,带来人才和思维的双向交流,打破猜忌和不信任的障碍,加强我们的合作,提高双方的信心。

3)this is the day for us to rise to the heights of greatness/ that can build a new and better world.就在今天,是我们攀登理想高峰/缔造辉煌的时候了,是我们建设一个美好新世界的时候了。

新一届中央政府在领导人民朝向新的高峰前进our Central leadership has taken us to even greater heightens.4)the company abolished seniority based-salaries in favor of more highly leveraged compensation that offered huge cash bonuses and stock option grants to top performers.(更有激励性的分配制度)(注意很多中文并列结构实际上是定语从句)公司废除了论资排辈的薪酬体系,转而实行更有激励性的分配制度,向业绩突出者提供丰厚的现金奖励和期权。

5)we don’t have to await the arrival of the human genetic engineering to foresee a time when we will be able to enhance intelligence, memory, emotional sensitivity and sexuality as well as reduce aggressiveness and manipulate behavior /in a host of other ways.(而且途径是很多的。)我们不需要等待人类基因工程的到来便可以预见到一个时代,我们能够提高智力,记忆力,情绪敏感和性能力,同时又能降低侵略性,控制自身的行为。并且手段是多样的/途径是很多的。

Many organizations are seeking to take advantage of flatter management structures by moving through to self-managed teams.很多企业设法利用更加扁平的管理结构/更为精简的管理结构,其做法就是向自我管理的团队过渡/组建自我管理的团队。(引出定语从句重复使用法)

6)I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.我请你们和我一道举杯,为我们两国人民的友谊与合作干杯,我们的友谊和合作带来了全世界人民的友谊与合作。我要求在场的各位和我一同举杯,为我们的友谊与合作干杯,我们的友谊与合作必将带来全世界的人民的友谊与和平。

7)they enthusiastically participate in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age(昔日)他们积极地投身一场技术革命,这场技术革命对人类的影响力肯定会超过划时代的欧洲文艺复兴和昔日的工业革命。


1)the united states has long been known as a melting pot, because many of its people are descended from settlers who came from all over the world to make their homes in the new land.2)Other governmental activities are the responsibilities of the inpidual states, which have their own constitutions and laws.the new airport, which is merely half an hour’s drive from the city hall, is the biggest international airport in the area.例句1)的说法不大符合汉语的习惯表达,因此可以借鉴例句2)的译法,从而达到顺译目的

In each state, however, there is at least one university and often several colleges that receive support from state funds.2, 愿洗耳恭听

3,a growing number of foreign firms are pouring into china(此处不宜用flood,这个词通常形容不好的,诸如难民潮the refugee flood, 民工潮the laborer flood)1)越来越多的人担心SARS的爆发将会给经济带来负面影响 there is a growing that the SARS outbreak/epidemic/plague will have a negative influence on our economy.2)Negative attitudes toward parenthood and marriage have increased.对结婚生子持否定态度的人增加了。

3)越来越多的人意识到这将影响我国经济的发展,威胁我国的保健制度,退休制度以及其他一些福利制度的健康发展。(医疗保健medi-care)there is a growing awareness that this will leave a negative influence on our economic development, threaten the healthy/sound development of our health-care, old-age/endowment and other benefits/welfare systems.4)在美国,居高不下的离婚率,不断增加的单亲家庭,数量剧增的未婚父母,日趋增多的同性恋家庭。这些都足以证明传统的家庭正在经历着崩溃的危机。许多美国人意识到在寻求解放的道路上我们走得太远了。The high porce rate, the increasing/growing number of single-parent families/households and unmarried parents and homosexual families.All suggest that the traditional families are going through the crisis of collapse.There is a growing awareness that we are going too far in the pursuit of inpidual freedom.4,among the best choices of their investment destinations

1)新世纪的上海充满希望,是各国有远见的金融家和企业家大展宏图的黄金宝地,让我们携手合作。共图发展大业shanghai in a new century is a city of opportunities/ prospects, it offers a preferred choice/destination for the great ambitions of forward-looking financial people and entrepreneurs.Let’s join hands /efforts for the shared goal of development.香港市民一定能够以主人翁的姿态,抓住机遇,善用机遇,实现自己的抱负,建设香港未来

take up the role of master and capitalize on every opportunity to realize their visions, work for a better HK.2)上海奥特因中心那田园式的环境,优雅静谧,颇有欧美乡村情调,是旅游度假或商住的理想场所。Enveloped in elegant, peaceful and pastoral surroundings, flavored with a European and American country impression,---offers an ideal choice for/impressed with a European and American country flavor.5,海外人士在上海及其周边地区的投资近年来翻了2番 foreign investment in shanghai and it’s surrounding /neighboring areas has doubled and redoubled.1)中国奇迹般的崛起为亚太地区的经济强国已经吸引了,并将继续吸引着越来越多的外国投资

china’s miraculous rise as one of the economic powers in the Asia Pacific region has attracted and will continue to attract more and more foreign investment.2)香港是在国家走向盛世的背景下回归到祖国的怀抱的

HK returned to its motherland at the time of her rise to power 6,中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一

1)众所周知,亚洲是全球经济发展最为迅速的地区,中国是亚洲经济增长最快的国家,上海市中国经济发展最引人注目的城市之一。(Asia has the fastest growing economy in the world while china’s economic development /takes the lead /leads/tops in Asia.And shanghai is among the cities)

7,出现这样的投资热有许多缘由1)投资热 there are many reasons/ factors for this investment fever/rush(contribute to, attribute to)2)the phenomenal success has led to a worldwide fever to proliferate dot.com companies, both as a prestigious symbol and a quicker way to wealth.硅谷巨大的成功在全世界范围内掀起了一股兴办网络公司的热潮,因为网络公司既是身份的象征优势快速致富的途径

3)TV violence has swollen the torrent of real-life crime.电视暴力镜头对生活中的犯罪现象起到了推波助澜的作用

4)文化是指一个民族的整体生活方式 culture means/is/ refers to the total way of life of a nation.5)经济学的研究对象是在变化着的市场上人们的购买行为 economics studies/examines the changing purchase behavior of consumers.6)心理学主要研究的是人 psychology treats /studies people.7)当代市场营销学认为从经济的角度上消费决定生产。Modern marketing subscribes to the notion that production is justified by

8,很重视对外开放 attach great important to/ put much emphasis on opening to the outside world.1)今年下半年我公司的重点将放在研发和开国新市场上面。We will put much emphasis on R&D and market exploration in the second half of this year.R&D defines our work in the second half of this year.2)我们承认不同的文化之间的巨大差异,这些差异有时可能会引起摩擦 we acknowledge the great differences between different cultures.These differences may give rise to conflicts.(arouse/cause)9团体投资者/投资公司 inpidual /corporate/group/institutional investors.1)南京高校云集,数量全国第二 nanjing has the second largest concentration of institutions of advanced education.2)The silicon valley has the largest concentration of brilliant computer professionals and the best supporting service in the world and easy access to world-class research institutions.硅谷优秀的电脑人才济济,数量全球第一,同时它还有最好的“软件”环境,能够轻易利用世界级的研究所

3)(后勤人员The supporting staff 杭州有着很好的硬件和软件环境.Hangzhou has the best infrastructure facilities and supporting services.)4)That is why an army of academies and consultants descended on Enron in the late 1990s and held it up as a paragon of management virtue.这就是为什么大批的学者和咨询家于90年代云集安然,将其推崇为管理的典范。

5)Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock in search of fame and fast money.硅谷就像一个磁铁,吸引着无数天赋异斌的工程师,科学家和企业家,他们从海外云集而至/纷至沓来,寻求功名利禄。

6)What counts most is one’s vision and track record, and not one’s nationality, skin color or creed.This together with a multiracial society, informal lifestyle and agreeable climate, lures foreigners to its shores.(最重要的是一个人的眼界和成长经历,而不是国籍,肤色和信仰。加上美国是一个多种族的社会,生活方式不拘礼仪,气候宜人。这些都吸引着海外人士越洋而来。(cater to, appeal to,---)catering餐饮)7)It is a common practice for start-ups to offer generous share options to employees in order to attract the right talent into their folds.创业者的通常做法是向员工提供丰厚的期权,以将合适的人才收入麾下。

8)中美两国在制度和价值观方面存在差异 we have differences in institutions and values.10,the logic behind this preference 这样的偏好背后的原因

1)what really makes our agriculture successful, in my view, is the philosophy behind it rather than the actual machinery or technology.3)更新推进各国开展经济,技术合作的指导思想across national boundaries)4)the thinking behind this move is market share/presence.11,基本情况是这样的,basically.1)together we can make the planet a better place通过共同的努力我们能够将这个星球建设成一个更美好的家园。(从英翻中的角度来说,我们的通常想法是through our joint effort , we can build this planet into a better world for human beings.)从中得出结论——很多英文的副词在中文中的译文是一个长短语或者短句子。当一个中文的词汇无法解释意思复杂的英文副词时,我们可以用一个句子来丰富想象的空间

2)Initially I would like to embark on this joint venture at a moderate rate and a safe scale 起步的时候,我希望这个合资企业能够有一个适当的速度和稳妥的规模 3)There on the beach he saw a group of savages dancing obscenely around the campfire.在沙滩上有一群野人,围绕着篝火跳舞,动作不堪入目(棘手的副词,看其在句子中的位置,如果靠前,那么提出来放到句首翻译,如果靠后,那么提出来放到句末)The techniques involved are amazingly varied.所涉及的技术变化多端,令人称奇。(中文的并列结构很可能是英文的偏正结构)

4)I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我想感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待,中国人的热情好客享誉世界,这一点果然名不虚传。5)Changing the core values, the attitudes and the fundamental relations of a vast organization is overwhelmingly/impossibly difficult.改变核心价值观,态度和基本关系对于一家大企业来说很难做到,简直不可能

6)But when Harry and Ron are suspiciously prevented from entering platform 93/4 and boarding the Hogwarts Express back to school, the boys take emergency action to avoid being late for the new term.但是,令人费解的事,哈利和罗恩无法进入93/4车站,登上开往魔法学校的快列,于是两个人采取紧急措施。

12,最大程度上发挥有关双方的优势 to the largest extent, give play to the strengths of both parties concerned =maximize the strengths of both parties concerned.1)充分利用中国加入世贸组织的契机optimize the opportunities coming along with china’s WTO entry.2)。中国加入世界贸易组织以及非贸易壁垒的逐步取消将会使中国的强势产业发挥自己的优势。China’s WTO entry and the falling non-trade barriers will give play to our advantageous industries.3)我方还将安排商务会谈,有意者请与我方联系we will stage business negotiations, the interested/concerned parties may contact us.(中文中的呈现基本上可以用stage来表示.---精彩纷呈,不容错过all fascinating programs will be staged here, you are not going to miss them)stage 还可以表示举办:杭州展览馆将举办几场大型的展览the hall will stage several major exhibitions.13,不断完善 improve 通常来替代perfect的意思。

1)南京的交通状况人不如人意the traffic in nanjing is to be improved/ is not desirable 2)我们会尽力完善江苏软件园区的基础设施we will try our best to improve the infrastructure facilities in Jiangsu software park.3)我们将不断完善法制,创造更公平,更透明和可以预见的市场环境 we will continue to improve the rule of law and create a more fair, transparent and predictable market environment.如果将其中的可以预见的改变成统一的,那么需要重新调整句子结构we will continue to improve the rule of law and create a unified market for more fair and transparent competition.14,先进的技术 leading/advanced/sophisticated(这个词只能是凑合,通常表示尖端的,如果用来表示人,译作老到的,如果是the sophisticated city life译作五彩斑斓的城市生活)advance用作名词:进展。The rapid advance of science and technology科学技术的突飞猛进。作动词用表示:推进

推进社会主义精神文明建设advance the cultivation of healthy values across the nation.这里的精神文明不能用spiritual 表示的意思和宗教的东西靠的近。

1)我公司是长江三角洲地区的龙头企业,使这行内的老大。我们的拳头产品一直为消费者认可并且反应良好ours is a leading company in the Yangtze river delta.Our leading/flagship products are favorably accepted by the consumers.2)国家鼓励开办产品出口型和技术先进的外资企业。The government encourages the establishment of export companies and technologically leading companies.(很多情况下我们提到的“倡导,提倡”均用encourage来表示。倡导建设一个节能社会encourage the establishment of an energy-saving society.)15,经济回报economic return /gains /yields(promise, produce, yield)经济效益、投资回报

1)they are generally investing for the long term and are not unduly concerned with the lack of immediate yield.(他们通常是长线投资,不会急功近利)2)the drug which can give people instant happiness该药物能够给病人立竿见影的效果

16,研究资料research material/literature,研究结果显示the research findings show/suggest(2010年远景目标纲要明确提出要大力发展社会福利事业the outline of long-range objectives for 2010 proposes that we shall vigorously develop the social benefits system.)

17,投资方式很多the form of investment 各国人民有权选择自己的政府形式和发展道路-people of all countries have the right to decide/choose the form of their governments and the course to development.付款方式,the term of payment(term of the contract合同期限, terms of the contract.合同条款)

Throughout my term as Secretary General, I have sought to place human beings at the center of everything we do—from conflict prevention to development of human rights.在我担任联合国秘书长的任期内,我始终将人类至于我工作的中心。从避免冲突到发展人权。

my question concerns the term of our partnership 我的问题有关合作的期限。至于我们的合作期限,我们可以定位15年,合同期满后还可以续签 we may begin with 15 years and then extend it/ renew the contract after expiry.a major appeal of investing in bonds is that they provide investor with a steady stream of income and guarantee the repayment of the loan in full at maturity.投资债券的一个诱惑就是他们能够给投资者带来稳定的收入,并且确保到其全部返还投资金额。

18同中方合资办企业(through partnership with)

1)您打算在合资企业中占有多少投资比重 how much money do you live to invest in the JV.What is your percentage of investment in this partnership.2)以优良的服务态度,优惠的旅游价格,我公司竭诚与客户建立互利互惠的合作关系,坦诚相待,共同发展商务旅游。With excellent services and favorable/competitive prices/rates, our company sincerely seeks to establish mutually beneficially cooperation with our clients in an honest partnership and develop the tourist activities together.19,投资兴办---时,for a joint venture 1)考虑到您的方便和舒适,我们安排您入住金陵饭店 for your convenience and comfort, we will accommodate you in the Jingling hotel.2)我公司将报销您的费用,包括住宿费,伙食费以及差旅费。Our company will take care of /cover your expenses, including the accommodation, food and fares.(蒋海霞)1,交换我们的意见exchange our views.1)江泽民和克林顿就双方关心的问题交换了意见 they exchanged their views on issues of both concern.2)社区服务是当今各国普遍关注的一个问题(community service has drawn wide /much attention across the world)community service is an issue of common concern in the world.3)防治艾滋病的运动是全国性的,也是世界性的问题 the prevention of AIDS is an issue of national and international consequences.4)台湾问题 the Taiwan issue.2,这是一次具有历史意义的,开拓性的会议 this is an effort of historic and pioneering significance./this is a historic and pioneering effort.1)实践证明,我们协调经济发展和环境保护两者之间关系的做法是行之有效的 events of the past/work of the past have confirmed that our practice/ effort/endeavor to balance economic development and environmental protection is effective.1)这标志着中国在攀登世界科技高峰的征程上迈出了具有重大意义的一步。marks tremendous progress/ a significant step forward in our mission of scaling /effort to rise up to the heights in science and technology.1,国际关系的巨大变化tremendous /big / profound change in international relations 1)整个国际关系正在经历着深邃的变化 the whole international relationship is undergoing profound changes 2)怀着对贵国人民的深厚感情with profound and amicable sentiments/attachments for your people(get attached to sb依恋某人/ get too much involved with sb于某人剪不断,理还乱)3)总裁的话说到了我们员工的心坎中the president’s words echo the sentiments among the staff.4)亚洲是地球上最大的洲,聚居着世界60%的人口,资源十分丰富,历史源远流长,文化博大精深。

Asia has the biggest land in the world.It has 60% of the world’s population, rich/abundant natural resources, a long /time honored history , wealthy and profound cultures.2,对形成一个新的世界格局产生积极的影响(shaping)leave a positive impact/influence on the shaping/forming/formation of a new world patterns.1)国际格局 world configuration of power(政治色彩浓烈)2)因特网的普及改变了世界的面貌the growth/spread of internet has changed the face of the world/ reshaped the world.(强调往好的方向发展)。

(popularize the knowledge of laws, 普法,普及环保知识 popularize the importance of environmental protection)如果涉及到具体的情况,可以进一步细化:Popularize the importance of the preservation of clear rivers, popularize the importance of the protection of pasture lands.(草原的保护)3)近年来在亚洲国家的共荣努力之下,包容,平等和渐进的地区合作意识正在加强,开放,健康和互利的合作局面正在形成。(featuring)in recent years, with the joint efforts of Asian countries, the awareness of regional cooperation featuring tolerance, equality and progress is growing/improving;an open, healthy and mutually beneficial cooperation is taking shape.4)(我们要建立互利,互补,共同发展的新型国际关系establish new international relations featuring mutual benefit, support and common development)3,借此机会,我想向成功地举办了这次会议的泰王国政府表示衷心的感谢(on this occasion/taking this opportunity/here, I would love to extend/express my sincere/heart-felt thanks to the government of Thailand kingdom for successfully hosting/holding this meeting), host主办 host country主办国.china will host the 2008 Olympic games.1)感谢董事长先生得盛情邀请,使我们来到装饰得如此华丽得大厅,参加如此欢快得圣诞晚会

Thank Mr.President for his nice invitation which has brought us to this luxuriously decorated hall to attend this Christmas party.加拿大温哥华兰戈拉社区学院对本次研讨会的成功召开给予了很大的帮助,对此我谨致以诚挚的谢意

I would like to thank the Langara Community College of Vancouver, Canada for its great help which has made this successful opening possible.4,新的方法 new approach

1)将革命的热情和科学的方法结合combine revolutionary passion with scientific approaches

2)这取决我们如何看待/处理这个问题 depends on how we view/ see and handle this matter.How we approach this matter.3)Such never-say-die approach is the sine qua non for the ultimate triumph in entrepreneurship and technological breakthrough.这种永不言败的作风是企业成功和技术创新必不可少的条件

5,伙伴关系必须建筑在—的基础上 such a partnership should be based on----,注意强记一些基础性的东西:P-和平,E平等,F友谊,B互利互惠

1)向管理向技术要效益(improve by relying on, 科教兴国)improve economic benefits by relying on management and technology.Improve national strength by relying on advances in science and technology.8加强技术交流与合作(step up/ strengthen)

step up: 比较具体的东西price, exchanges, cooperation, efforts, law enforcement执法力度

build up:比较抽象的东西friendship, cooperation, trust, confidence.1)你认为中国式的管理模式有无优点,将其与美国式的管理模式便比较,你的看法如何

do you see any advantage/strength with the Chinese way of management, how do you compare it with the American way of management.注意从中文和英文的不同,很可能一个英文的句子需要两个中文的句子来对应。

This day has brought terrible news and great shock to our nation 今天噩耗传来,举国悲痛。

2)你认为如何评价美中两种不同的经营之道的利弊 how do you comment on the advantage and disadvantage with the Chinese and American ways of management.(weakness and strength)3)中国及东亚一些其他亚洲国家的经济成功不是简单模仿西方文明的结果,恰恰相反,他代表了一种新的文化的诞生,一种集东西方传统优点之大成的新的价值体系。

The economic success in china and some other countries in East Asia is not a simple/mechanical imitation /copy of the western culture, on the contrary, it represents the birth of a new culture, a new values system that Incorporates /combines the strengths of the east and west cultures.4)根据事情本身的是非曲直来判断问题judge things on their own merits/ put things in their right/true perspective正确地认识把握

5)This is because most Chinese companies keep to the bottom-up, the top down and then bottom-up decision-making principle which involves many people at different levels.这是因为大部分中国企业坚持垂直的管理模式/原则,这要涉及到很多层面上的很多人员

6)No one at corporate was asking the right questions.It was completely hands-off management , a runaway train.公司层面没有人在真正的管事,完全是放任自流的管理,是一匹脱缰的野马。

7)The new entrepreneurial culture encourages the “loose and tight” environment.That is to combine tight controls with max inpidual authority to allow entrepreneurship to flourish without the culture edging into chaos.新的企业文化提倡张弛有度的企业环境,也就是将严格的控管和最大限度的个人权限结合,从而使企业家精神/才能/创业精神能够充分发挥,同时企业文化也不至陷入混乱

6,理解亚洲国家---1)我们要学会如何理解陌生的文化习俗,礼仪规范 we shall learn to interpret different cultures , customs and etiquette patterns.2)作为企业的领导人,CEO必须能理解会计数据。As CEO of the company, you should interpret the accounting data.3)眼下由于SARS的肆虐,我们必须进行大规模的宣传教育,这样潜在病人就可以理解自己的症状

given the SARS outbreak/epidemic/plague, we need to launch an educational campaign, thus the potential patients can interpret their symptoms.(latent 病情潜伏的)7,我们准备增进与亚洲和---合作we are /stand ready to step cooperation with Asian countries.(be prepared to do通常表示不好的,诸如我们不准备接受讨价还价we are not prepared for any counter-bid/bargaining)1)加强我们的相互信任和合作 build up our mutual trust and cooperation 8,制定了相关的法律 make/formulate relevant laws 1)台了一系列措施。我们缺乏严格的法律监管 put in place a set of measures,we don’t have powerful laws in place.(we lack the supervision of powerful laws-加强执法 step up law enforcement有法必依the laws shall run the course.)2)国家有关外资企业的法规the state laws and regulations concerning/governing foreign companies 我想借此机会介绍国家有关外资企业的法规,国际关系准则 I would love to say something about the state laws and regulations governing foreign companies,principles concerning/governing international relations.I want to focus on the principles that underlie the relationship between New Zealand and the PRC.我想重点讲讲(dwell on sth—I have come here not to dwell on a closed door past 我来中国不是为了强调闭关锁国的过去)中新两国关系的知道原则

These are the underlying reasons for the success of our agricultural sector.这些才识我们农业部门取胜的深层次原因

9,进行了重大的改革(政府换界governmental reshuffle政府重组 reorganization/transform governmental functions)(国有企业的改组改造—reorganization and technological upgrading)1)我公司正在进行重大的改革our company is undergoing big reforms/ a big restructuring 2)优化出口商品结构 rationalize the export mix 3)沿线地区的能源结构,产业结构都会发生很大的变化 the energy infrastructure facilities and industrial mix all along the pipe line will be greatly improved 10,一体化中前进 make progress /forge ahead/march forward in integration 1)亚太经合组织不断发展,东亚区域合作方兴未艾,上海合作组织顺利运转(the APEC is making constant progress, regional cooperation in east Asia is developing in full swing/ running its course, shanghai cooperation organization is functioning smoothly)2)They are confident that its long-term prospects remain bright as the ultimate potential of the information age hasn’t run its full course.他们确信长远的发展前景依然明朗,因为信息时代方兴未艾。(信息时代最终前能的发挥还有些时日)

1,your Excellency 1)阁下your honor/Excellency 2)殿下your highness /Excellency 3)陛下your majesty 2,thank you for you kind words感谢你热情洋溢的欢迎词“nice”

1)感谢您的盛情款待/盛情邀请 thank you for your gracious hospitality and invitation 2)借此机会,我想代表全团成员以及以我个人的名义向您表示由衷地感谢,感谢您为我们做出的特殊/周道的安排和盛情款待。On this occasion/taking this opportunity, I would love to , on behalf of all the members of my delegation/group and also in my own name, extend to you our sincere thanks/gratitude for your special arrangements and gracious hospitality


Efforts should firstly be given to economic development and then extended to other areas/ we should center our efforts on economic growth and then extend into other areas/ we should give priority to economic growth and then extend our efforts to other areas.立足现有的合作渠道,不断扩大合作范围(work from/optimize the existing channels,expand/extend to other areas)

卓有成效的引导国家在过去几十年打下的良好基础上,朝向新的高峰前进 Working from the solid foundation laid in past decades, our Central leadership has taken us to even greater heightens.


1, share with you my thought 我赞同许多东亚学者的观点,即东方文明可以医治盛行西方世界的顽疾(一个城市的特质:随处可以感觉到的深厚的文化底蕴)I share with many scholars in east Asia that the east/oriental civilization will cure the prevalent hard ills in the west.(the prevailing thick cultural atmosphere.)2)Let the pacific tide roll peacefully on, carrying a 2 way flow of people and ideas that can break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust, and build up bonds of cooperation and shared optimism(引出定语从句省略法)让这股太平洋潮流平稳的滚滚向前,带来人才和思维的双向交流,打破猜忌和不信任的障碍,加强我们的合作,提高双方的信心。

3)this is the day for us to rise to the heights of greatness/ that can build a new and better world.就在今天,是我们攀登理想高峰/缔造辉煌的时候了,是我们建设一个美好新世界的时候了。

新一届中央政府在领导人民朝向新的高峰前进our Central leadership has taken us to even greater heightens.4)the company abolished seniority based-salaries in favor of more highly leveraged compensation that offered huge cash bonuses and stock option grants to top performers.(更有激励性的分配制度)(注意很多中文并列结构实际上是定语从句)公司废除了论资排辈的薪酬体系,转而实行更有激励性的分配制度,向业绩突出者提供丰厚的现金奖励和期权。

5)we don’t have to await the arrival of the human genetic engineering to foresee a time when we will be able to enhance intelligence, memory, emotional sensitivity and sexuality as well as reduce aggressiveness and manipulate behavior /in a host of other ways.(而且途径是很多的。)我们不需要等待人类基因工程的到来便可以预见到一个时代,我们能够提高智力,记忆力,情绪敏感和性能力,同时又能降低侵略性,控制自身的行为。并且手段是多样的/途径是很多的。

Many organizations are seeking to take advantage of flatter management structures by moving through to self-managed teams.很多企业设法利用更加扁平的管理结构/更为精简的管理结构,其做法就是向自我管理的团队过渡/组建自我管理的团队。(引出定语从句重复使用法)

6)I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.我请你们和我一道举杯,为我们两国人民的友谊与合作干杯,我们的友谊和合作带来了全世界人民的友谊与合作。

我要求在场的各位和我一同举杯,为我们的友谊与合作干杯,我们的友谊与合作必将带来全世界的人民的友谊与和平。7)they enthusiastically participate in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age(昔日)他们积极地投身一场技术革命,这场技术革命对人类的影响力肯定会超过划时代的欧洲文艺复兴和昔日的工业革命。


the united states has long been known as a melting pot, because many of its people are descended from settlers who came from all over the world to make their homes in the new land.Other governmental activities are the responsibilities of the inpidual states, which have their own constitutions and laws.the new airport, which is merely half an hour’s drive from the city hall, is the biggest international airport in the area.例句1)的说法不大符合汉语的习惯表达,因此可以借鉴例句2)的译法,从而达到顺译目的

In each state, however, there is at least one university and often several colleges that receive support from state funds.2, 愿洗耳恭听

3,a growing number of foreign firms are pouring into china(此处不宜用flood,这个词通常形容不好的,诸如难民潮the refugee flood, 民工潮the laborer flood)1)越来越多的人担心SARS的爆发将会给经济带来负面影响 there is a growing that the SARS outbreak/epidemic/plague will have a negative influence on our economy.Negative attitudes toward parenthood and marriage have increased.对结婚生子持否定态度的人增加了。

越来越多的人意识到这将影响我国经济的发展,威胁我国的保健制度,退休制度以及其他一些福利制度的健康发展。(医疗保健medi-care)there is a growing awareness that this will leave a negative influence on our economic development, threaten the healthy/sound development of our health-care, old-age/endowment and other benefits/welfare systems.在美国,居高不下的离婚率,不断增加的单亲家庭,数量剧增的未婚父母,日趋增多的同性恋家庭。这些都足以证明传统的

家庭正在经历着崩溃的危机。许多美国人意识到在寻求解放的道路上我们走得太远了。The high porce rate, the increasing/growing number of single-parent families/households and unmarried parents and homosexual families.All suggest that the traditional families are going through the crisis of collapse.There is a growing awareness that we are going too far in the pursuit of inpidual freedom.4,among the best choices of their investment destinations

新世纪的上海充满希望,是各国有远见的金融家和企业家大展宏图的黄金宝地,让我们携手合作。共图发展大业shanghai in a new century is a city of opportunities/ prospects, it offers a preferred choice/destination for the great ambitions of forward-looking financial people and entrepreneurs.Let’s join hands /efforts for the shared goal of development.香港市民一定能够以主人翁的姿态,抓住机遇,善用机遇,实现自己的抱负,建设香港未来

take up the role of master and capitalize on every opportunity to realize their visions, work for a better HK.上海奥特因中心那田园式的环境,优雅静谧,颇有欧美乡村情调,是旅游度假或商住的理想场所。Enveloped in elegant, peaceful and pastoral surroundings, flavored with a European and American country impression,---offers an ideal choice for/impressed with a European and American country flavor.5,海外人士在上海及其周边地区的投资近年来翻了2番 foreign investment in shanghai and it’s surrounding /neighboring areas has doubled and redoubled.中国奇迹般的崛起为亚太地区的经济强国已经吸引了,并将继续吸引着越来越多的外国投资

china’s miraculous rise as one of the economic powers in the Asia Pacific region has attracted and will continue to attract more and more foreign investment.香港是在国家走向盛世的背景下回归到祖国的怀抱的 HK returned to its motherland at the time of her rise to power 6,中国是世界上经济增长最快的国家之一

众所周知,亚洲是全球经济发展最为迅速的地区,中国是亚洲经济增长最快的国家,上海市中国经济发展最引人注目的城市之一。(Asia has the fastest growing economy in the world while china’s economic development /takes the lead /leads/tops in Asia.And shanghai is among the cities)

7,出现这样的投资热有许多缘由1)投资热 there are many reasons/ factors for this investment fever/rush(contribute to, attribute to)the phenomenal success has led to a worldwide fever to proliferate dot.com companies, both as a prestigious symbol and a quicker way to wealth.硅谷巨大的成功在全世界范围内掀起了一股兴办网络公司的热潮,因为网络公司既是身份的象征优势快速致富的途径

TV violence has swollen the torrent of real-life crime.电视暴力镜头对生活中的犯罪现象起到了推波助澜的作用 文化是指一个民族的整体生活方式 culture means/is/ refers to the total way of life of a nation.经济学的研究对象是在变化着的市场上人们的购买行为 economics studies/examines the changing purchase behavior of consumers.心理学主要研究的是人 psychology treats /studies people.当代市场营销学认为从经济的角度上消费决定生产。Modern marketing subscribes to the notion that production is justified by 8,很重视对外开放 attach great important to/ put much emphasis on opening to the outside world.1)今年下半年我公司的重点将放在研发和开国新市场上面。We will put much emphasis on R&D and market exploration in the second half of this year.R&D defines our work in the second half of this year.2)我们承认不同的文化之间的巨大差异,这些差异有时可能会引起摩擦 we acknowledge the great differences between different cultures.These differences may give rise to conflicts.(arouse/cause)9团体投资者/投资公司 inpidual /corporate/group/institutional investors.南京高校云集,数量全国第二 nanjing has the second largest concentration of institutions of advanced education.The silicon valley has the largest concentration of brilliant computer professionals and the best supporting service in the world and easy access to world-class research institutions.硅谷优秀的电脑人才济济,数量全球第一,同时它还有最好的―软件‖环境,能够轻易利用世界级的研究所

(后勤人员The supporting staff 杭州有着很好的硬件和软件环境.Hangzhou has the best infrastructure facilities and supporting services.)That is why an army of academies and consultants descended on Enron in the late 1990s and held it up as a paragon of management virtue.这就是为什么大批的学者和咨询家于90年代云集安然,将其推崇为管理的典范。

Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock in search of fame and fast money.硅谷就像一个磁铁,吸引着无数天赋异斌的工程师,科学家和企业家,他们从海外云集而至/纷至沓来,寻求功名利禄。

What counts most is one’s vision and track record, and not one’s nationality, skin color or creed.This together with a multiracial society, informal lifestyle and agreeable climate, lures foreigners to its shores.(最重要的是一个人的眼界和成长经历,而不是国籍,肤色和信仰。加上美国是一个多种族的社会,生活方式不拘礼仪,气候宜人。这些都吸引着海外人士越洋而来。(cater to, appeal to,---)catering餐饮)It is a common practice for start-ups to offer generous share options to employees in order to attract the right talent into their folds.创业者的通常做法是向员工提供丰厚的期权,以将合适的人才收入麾下。

中美两国在制度和价值观方面存在差异 we have differences in institutions and values.10,the logic behind this preference 这样的偏好背后的原因 1)what really makes our agriculture successful, in my view, is the philosophy behind it rather than the actual machinery or technology.更新推进各国开展经济,技术合作的指导思想across national boundaries)the thinking behind this move is market share/presence.11,基本情况是这样的,basically.1)together we can make the planet a better place通过共同的努力我们能够将这个星球建设成一个更美好的家园。(从英翻中的角度来说,我们的通常想法是through our joint effort , we can build this planet into a better world for human beings.)从中得出结论——很多英文的副词在中文中的译文是一个长短语或者短句子。当一个中文的词汇无法解释意思复杂的英文副词时,我们可以用一个句子来丰富想象的空间

2)Initially I would like to embark on this joint venture at a moderate rate and a safe scale 起步的时候,我希望这个合资企业能够有一个适当的速度和稳妥的规模

3)There on the beach he saw a group of savages dancing obscenely around the campfire.在沙滩上有一群野人,围绕着篝火跳舞,动作不堪入目(棘手的副词,看其在句子中的位置,如果靠前,那么提出来放到句首翻译,如果靠后,那么提出来放到句末)The techniques involved are amazingly varied.所涉及的技术变化多端,令人称奇。(中文的并列结构很可能是英文的偏正结构)4)I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我想感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待,中国人的热情好客享誉世界,这一点果然名不虚传。

5)Changing the core values, the attitudes and the fundamental relations of a vast organization is overwhelmingly/impossibly difficult.改变核心价值观,态度和基本关系对于一家大企业来说很难做到,简直不可能

6)But when Harry and Ron are suspiciously prevented from entering platform 93/4 and boarding the Hogwarts Express back to school, the boys take emergency action to avoid being late for the new term.但是,令人费解的事,哈利和罗恩无法进入93/4车站,登上开往魔法学校的快列,于是两个人采取紧急措施。

12,最大程度上发挥有关双方的优势 to the largest extent, give play to the strengths of both parties concerned =maximize the strengths of both parties concerned.1)充分利用中国加入世贸组织的契机optimize the opportunities coming along with china’s WTO entry.2)。中国加入世界贸易组织以及非贸易壁垒的逐步取消将会使中国的强势产业发挥自己的优势。China’s WTO entry and the falling non-trade barriers will give play to our advantageous industries.3)我方还将安排商务会谈,有意者请与我方联系we will stage business negotiations, the interested/concerned parties may contact us.(中文中的呈现基本上可以用stage来表示.---精彩纷呈,不容错过all fascinating programs will be staged here, you are not going to miss them)stage 还可以表示举办:杭州展览馆将举办几场大型的展览the hall will stage several major exhibitions.13,不断完善 improve 通常来替代perfect的意思。

南京的交通状况人不如人意the traffic in nanjing is to be improved/ is not desirable 我们会尽力完善江苏软件园区的基础设施we will try our best to improve the infrastructure facilities in Jiangsu software park.我们将不断完善法制,创造更公平,更透明和可以预见的市场环境 we will continue to improve the rule of law and create a more fair, transparent and predictable market environment.如果将其中的可以预见的改变成统一的,那么需要重新调整句子结构we will continue to improve the rule of law and create a unified market for more fair and transparent competition.14,先进的技术 leading/advanced/sophisticated(这个词只能是凑合,通常表示尖端的,如果用来表示人,译作老到的,如果是the sophisticated city life译作五彩斑斓的城市生活)advance用作名词:进展。The rapid advance of science and technology科学技术的突飞猛进。作动词用表示:推进

推进社会主义精神文明建设advance the cultivation of healthy values across the nation.这里的精神文明不能用spiritual 表示的意思和宗教的东西靠的近。

我公司是长江三角洲地区的龙头企业,使这行内的老大。我们的拳头产品一直为消费者认可并且反应良好ours is a leading company in the Yangtze river delta.Our leading/flagship products are favorably accepted by the consumers.国家鼓励开办产品出口型和技术先进的外资企业。The government encourages the establishment of export companies and technologically leading companies.(很多情况下我们提到的―倡导,提倡‖均用encourage来表示。倡导建设一个节能社会encourage the establishment of an energy-saving society.)15,经济回报economic return /gains /yields(promise, produce, yield)经济效益、投资回报

they are generally investing for the long term and are not unduly concerned with the lack of immediate yield.(他们通常是长线投资,不会急功近利)the drug which can give people instant happiness该药物能够给病人立竿见影的效果

16,研究资料research material/literature,研究结果显示the research findings show/suggest(2010年远景目标纲要明确提出要大力发展社会福利事业the outline of long-range objectives for 2010 proposes that we shall vigorously develop the social benefits system.)

17,投资方式很多the form of investment 各国人民有权选择自己的政府形式和发展道路-people of all countries have the right to decide/choose the form of their governments and the course to development.付款方式,the term of payment(term of the contract合同期限, terms of the contract.合同条款)

Throughout my term as Secretary General, I have sought to place human beings at the center of everything we do—from conflict prevention to development of human rights.在我担任联合国秘书长的任期内,我始终将人类至于我工作的中心。从避免冲突到发展人权。

my question concerns the term of our partnership 我的问题有关合作的期限。

至于我们的合作期限,我们可以定位15年,合同期满后还可以续签 we may begin with 15 years and then extend it/ renew the contract after expiry.a major appeal of investing in bonds is that they provide investor with a steady stream of income and guarantee the repayment of the loan in full at maturity.投资债券的一个诱惑就是他们能够给投资者带来稳定的收入,并且确保到其全部返还投资金额。18同中方合资办企业(through partnership with)

您打算在合资企业中占有多少投资比重 how much money do you live to invest in the JV.What is your percentage of investment in this partnership.以优良的服务态度,优惠的旅游价格,我公司竭诚与客户建立互利互惠的合作关系,坦诚相待,共同发展商务旅游。With excellent services and favorable/competitive prices/rates, our company sincerely seeks to establish mutually beneficially cooperation with our clients in an honest partnership and develop the tourist activities together.19,投资兴办---时,for a joint venture 考虑到您的方便和舒适,我们安排您入住金陵饭店 for your convenience and comfort, we will accommodate you in the Jingling hotel.我公司将报销您的费用,包括住宿费,伙食费以及差旅费。Our company will take care of /cover your expenses, including the accommodation, food and fares.(蒋海霞)

交换我们的意见exchange our views.江泽民和克林顿就双方关心的问题交换了意见 they exchanged their views on issues of both concern.社区服务是当今各国普遍关注的一个问题(community service has drawn wide /much attention across the world)community service is an issue of common concern in the world.防治艾滋病的运动是全国性的,也是世界性的问题 the prevention of AIDS is an issue of national and international consequences.台湾问题 the Taiwan issue.这是一次具有历史意义的,开拓性的会议 this is an effort of historic and pioneering significance./this is a historic and pioneering effort.实践证明,我们协调经济发展和环境保护两者之间关系的做法是行之有效的 events of the past/work of the past have confirmed that our practice/ effort/endeavor to balance economic development and environmental protection is effective.这标志着中国在攀登世界科技高峰的征程上迈出了具有重大意义的一步。

marks tremendous progress/ a significant step forward in our mission of scaling /effort to rise up to the heights in science and technology.国际关系的巨大变化tremendous /big / profound change in international relations 整个国际关系正在经历着深邃的变化 the whole international relationship is undergoing profound changes 怀着对贵国人民的深厚感情with profound and amicable sentiments/attachments for your people(get attached to sb依恋某人/ get too much involved with sb于某人剪不断,理还乱)总裁的话说到了我们员工的心坎中the president’s words echo the sentiments among the staff.亚洲是地球上最大的洲,聚居着世界60%的人口,资源十分丰富,历史源远流长,文化博大精深。

Asia has the biggest land in the world.It has 60% of the world’s population, rich/abundant natural resources, a long /time honored history , wealthy and profound cultures.对形成一个新的世界格局产生积极的影响(shaping)leave a positive impact/influence on the shaping/forming/formation of a new world patterns.国际格局 world configuration of power(政治色彩浓烈)因特网的普及改变了世界的面貌the growth/spread of internet has changed the face of the world/ reshaped the world.(强调往好的方向发展)。

(popularize the knowledge of laws, 普法,普及环保知识 popularize the importance of environmental protection)如果涉及到具体的情况,可以进一步细化:Popularize the importance of the preservation of clear rivers, popularize the importance of the protection of pasture lands.(草原的保护)近年来在亚洲国家的共荣努力之下,包容,平等和渐进的地区合作意识正在加强,开放,健康和互利的合作局面正在形成。(featuring)in recent years, with the joint efforts of Asian countries, the awareness of regional cooperation featuring tolerance, equality and progress is growing/improving;an open, healthy and mutually beneficial cooperation is taking shape.(我们要建立互利,互补,共同发展的新型国际关系establish new international relations featuring mutual benefit, support and common development)借此机会,我想向成功地举办了这次会议的泰王国政府表示衷心的感谢(on this occasion/taking this opportunity/here, I would love to extend/express my sincere/heart-felt thanks to the government of Thailand kingdom for successfully hosting/holding this meeting), host主办 host country主办国.china will host the 2008 Olympic games.1)感谢董事长先生得盛情邀请,使我们来到装饰得如此华丽得大厅,参加如此欢快得圣诞晚会

Thank Mr.President for his nice invitation which has brought us to this luxuriously decorated hall to attend this Christmas party.加拿大温哥华兰戈拉社区学院对本次研讨会的成功召开给予了很大的帮助,对此我谨致以诚挚的谢意

I would like to thank the Langara Community College of Vancouver, Canada for its great help which has made this successful opening possible.新的方法 new approach

将革命的热情和科学的方法结合combine revolutionary passion with scientific approaches

这取决我们如何看待/处理这个问题 depends on how we view/ see and handle this matter.How we approach this matter.Such never-say-die approach is the sine qua non for the ultimate triumph in entrepreneurship and technological breakthrough.这种永不言败的作风是企业成功和技术创新必不可少的条件

伙伴关系必须建筑在—的基础上 such a partnership should be based on----,注意强记一些基础性的东西:P-和平,E平等,F友谊,B互利互惠

向管理向技术要效益(improve by relying on, 科教兴国)improve economic benefits by relying on management and technology.Improve national strength by relying on advances in science and technology.8加强技术交流与合作(step up/ strengthen)

step up: 比较具体的东西price, exchanges, cooperation, efforts, law enforcement执法力度 build up:比较抽象的东西friendship, cooperation, trust, confidence.你认为中国式的管理模式有无优点,将其与美国式的管理模式便比较,你的看法如何

do you see any advantage/strength with the Chinese way of management, how do you compare it with the American way of management.注意从中文和英文的不同,很可能一个英文的句子需要两个中文的句子来对应。

This day has brought terrible news and great shock to our nation 今天噩耗传来,举国悲痛。

你认为如何评价美中两种不同的经营之道的利弊 how do you comment on the advantage and disadvantage with the Chinese and American ways of management.(weakness and strength)中国及东亚一些其他亚洲国家的经济成功不是简单模仿西方文明的结果,恰恰相反,他代表了一种新的文化的诞生,一种集东西方传统优点之大成的新的价值体系。

The economic success in china and some other countries in East Asia is not a simple/mechanical imitation /copy of the western culture, on the contrary, it represents the birth of a new culture, a new values system that Incorporates /combines the strengths of the east and west cultures.根据事情本身的是非曲直来判断问题judge things on their own merits/ put things in their right/true perspective正确地认识把握

This is because most Chinese companies keep to the bottom-up, the top down and then bottom-up decision-making principle which involves many people at different levels.这是因为大部分中国企业坚持垂直的管理模式/原则,这要涉及到很多层面上的很多人员

No one at corporate was asking the right questions.It was completely hands-off management , a runaway train.公司层面没有人在真正的管事,完全是放任自流的管理,是一匹脱缰的野马。

The new entrepreneurial culture encourages the ―loose and tight‖ environment.That is to combine tight controls with max inpidual authority to allow entrepreneurship to flourish without the culture edging into chaos.新的企业文化提倡张弛有度的企业环境,也就是将严格的控管和最大限度的个人权限结合,从而使企业家精神/才能/创业精神能够充分发挥,同时企业文化也不至陷入混乱

理解亚洲国家---我们要学会如何理解陌生的文化习俗,礼仪规范 we shall learn to interpret different cultures , customs and etiquette patterns.作为企业的领导人,CEO必须能理解会计数据。As CEO of the company, you should interpret the accounting data.眼下由于SARS的肆虐,我们必须进行大规模的宣传教育,这样潜在病人就可以理解自己的症状

given the SARS outbreak/epidemic/plague, we need to launch an educational campaign, thus the potential patients can interpret their symptoms.(latent 病情潜伏的)我们准备增进与亚洲和---合作we are /stand ready to step cooperation with Asian countries.(be prepared to do通常表示不好的,诸如我们不准备接受讨价还价we are not prepared for any counter-bid/bargaining)加强我们的相互信任和合作 build up our mutual trust and cooperation 制定了相关的法律 make/formulate relevant laws

台了一系列措施。我们缺乏严格的法律监管 put in place a set of measures,we don’t have powerful laws in place.(we lack the supervision of powerful laws-加强执法 step up law enforcement有法必依the laws shall run the course.)国家有关外资企业的法规the state laws and regulations concerning/governing foreign companies 我想借此机会介绍国家有关外资企业的法规,国际关系准则 I would love to say something about the state laws and regulations governing foreign companies,principles concerning/governing international relations.I want to focus on the principles that underlie the relationship between New Zealand and the PRC.我想重点讲讲(dwell on sth—I have come here not to dwell on a closed door past 我来中国不是为了强调闭关锁国的过去)中新两国关系的知道原则

These are the underlying reasons for the success of our agricultural sector.这些才识我们农业部门取胜的深层次原因

进行了重大的改革(政府换界governmental reshuffle政府重组 reorganization/transform governmental functions)(国有企业的改组改造—reorganization and technological upgrading)我公司正在进行重大的改革our company is undergoing big reforms/ a big restructuring 优化出口商品结构 rationalize the export mix 沿线地区的能源结构,产业结构都会发生很大的变化 the energy infrastructure facilities and industrial mix all along the pipe line will be greatly improved 一体化中前进 make progress /forge ahead/march forward in integration 亚太经合组织不断发展,东亚区域合作方兴未艾,上海合作组织顺利运转(the APEC is making constant progress, regional cooperation in east Asia is developing in full swing/ running its course, shanghai cooperation organization is functioning smoothly)They are confident that its long-term prospects remain bright as the ultimate potential of the information age hasn’t run its full course.他们确信长远的发展前景依然明朗,因为信息时代方兴未艾。(信息时代最终前能的发挥还有些时日)

your Excellency 阁下your honor/Excellency 殿下your highness /Excellency 陛下your majesty thank you for you kind words感谢你热情洋溢的欢迎词―nice‖

感谢您的盛情款待/盛情邀请 thank you for your gracious hospitality and invitation 借此机会,我想代表全团成员以及以我个人的名义向您表示由衷地感谢,感谢您为我们做出的特殊/周道的安排和盛情款待。On this occasion/taking this opportunity, I would love to , on behalf of all the members of my delegation/group and also in my own name, extend to you our sincere thanks/gratitude for your special arrangements and gracious hospitality 以经济建设为重点(优先发展经济),逐步拓展全方位合作

Efforts should firstly be given to economic development and then extended to other areas/ we should center our efforts on economic growth and then extend into other areas/ we should give priority to economic growth and then extend our efforts to other areas.立足现有的合作渠道,不断扩大合作范围(work from/optimize the existing channels,expand/extend to other areas)


Working from the solid foundation laid in past decades, our Central leadership has taken us to even greater heightens.occasion

至此南京爱立信成立十周年之际 on the occasion of Ericsson’s tenth anniversary(借此机会on this occasion, taking this opportunity, 或者在口译时可以尝试here)节日在中国是人们勤于烹调,饱享口福的时候 holidays are a good time/occasion for lavish cooking and eating Renew old friendships and establish new contacts 拜访老朋友,结交新朋友(在考试中如果翻译成重温旧情,结交新友,也可


The Chinese take time to learn if their prospective business contacts are reliable, for example, by inviting them to a party or socializing with them.中国人会花时间去了解是否潜在的业务伙伴是否可靠,比如,邀请他们参加宴会或者与他们进行社交。(prospective在某种程度上=would-be)(托福阅读中的例句 the fairs bring handmade goods from outlying cities to would-be buyers in the cities.)同时注意prospective和perspective拼写上的类似。Put things in their right/true perspective 正确的看待和处理


China and the ASEAN countries have reached an agreement that we will phase in the Sino-ASEAN free trade zone in the next 10 years and are making contact for an early launch of the negotiations.我们将逐步淘汰这批机器,代之以先进的技术。We shall phase out the outdated machinery and bring in advanced technology 我们恪守入世承诺,有步骤地扩大开放领域,降低关税水平,(逐步)取消非关税壁垒*(遵守WTO有关规定 relevant wto provisions)we will honor(abide by, comply with, conform to)our WTO entry commitment by opening wider to the outside world in a planed manner, reducing/lowering/cutting the tariff, and phasing out the non-tariff barriers.(对外开放的领域和地域areas of economic operation/activities and geographical regions)

从实际需要和实践出发,可以把贸易,交通,农业,信息能源作为优先合作的领域,并逐步向其他领域扩展 working from the actual needs and our experiences, we can focus our efforts on cooperation in such areas as trade, communications, agriculture , information technology and energy.And gradually extend our efforts to other areas.从国情出发,中国在全面推进现代化的过程中,将环保史为基本国策,将经济持续发展视为重要战略,同时在全国范围内展开污染防治和生态环境保护工作)(working from our national conditions, the central government of china, in the process of moving/pushing toward,/in an all-out drive for its modernization, regards environmental protection as a basic state policy and sustainable economic development as an important strategy, while launching a nation-wide campaign for the prevention and treatment of pollution problems.)When we established our friendly and cooperative relations, we did so on the understanding that we would develop our friendship on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit 当我们建立友好合作关系时,我们基于如下认识,即,我们友谊的发展要建立在互相尊敬,平等和互惠的基础上。



I have friends who are interested in Foreign direct investment in china 我的朋友对于直接在华投资很感兴趣 in the spirit of mutual benefit and equality 本着互利平等的精神 on the principles of 本着这样的原则 in----capacity.以—身份

我们欢迎台湾当局领导人以适当的身份前来访问。We welcome the authorities of Taiwan to visit china in proper capacities.we therefore welcome----(再分配)Events of the past decade have confirmed time and time again that our friendship and cooperation will continue to flourish and yield more fruits in the days to come/through the rest of the century and into the next.过去(的辉煌历程)一再证明我们的友谊将会与时俱进,我们的合作将硕果累累

注意其中的events是由翻译人员说了算数。可以翻译成好的也可以翻译成不好的。口译的关键是断句,由于断句的需要,through the rest of this century and into the next 必须独立成句。―由本世纪跨入下个世纪‖ I look forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavor and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people。



They assign ratings both to entities issuing bonds and to specific corporate bond issues.This gives investors a guide as to their credit quality, which indicates possible risks 他们为债券发行实体以及特定的公司债券评定等级。从而给投资者一定的指导,让他们了解公司的信用等级,以及潜在的风险。

We were tested by one of the most brutal global economies in decades, as well as by the impact of the tragedy of September 11.尽管遭遇了几十年来最糟糕的经济,以及9.11这个悲剧,但是我们经受住了考验。

So let us start a long march together on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.让我们一起长征,沿着不同的道路,朝着同一个目标(走的路不同,目标却一致),即建造一个和平公正的世界秩序,所有人都享有同等的尊严,所有国家不管大小都有权决定自己的政府形式,发展道路,不受外界干扰或主宰.People consider her behavior a shameful piece of snobbery 首先转换people consider her behavior a shameful piece of(snobbish)人们认为他为人势力,行为可耻。

His father is a drunk brute—brute=brutal 他父亲酗酒成性,脾气不好 The old big house is cozy 这个老房子又宽敞又温馨

On the basis of –(1,互通有无exchange of each other’s needed products.2, 优势互补, mutual support of relative advantage.)7, in the service of your people(in the interest of , to the benefit of)造福于---1)我希望我们能加强合作与交流,造福两国人民I hope that we can step up our exchanges and cooperation to the benefit of our two peoples.2)中国改革开放的新跨越不仅给中国人民带来了巨大的福祉,也必将提供无限的商机,为亚洲和世界经济合作开辟新的广阔空间(china’s new leap forward of reform and opening-up will not only bring huge benefits to the Chinese people, but also provide numerous business opportunities , ushering in broad prospects for /opening up a broad horizon for economic cooperation in Asia and the world at large.)



NY city sits at the mouth of the Hudson river, where the Mississippi empties into the sea)

Shanghai sits at the middle point of china’s coastal line, where the Yangtze river empties into the sea。Adjacent to the prosperous shanghai downtown area, backed up by the populous and affluent Yangtze River delta, facing the developed pacific and ASEAN countries and regions.It boasts an ideal geographical location

4,沿途有大批的历史文物the silk road is dotted with /boasts/features a good wealth of cultural relics

面积46、7公顷的世界公园分为17处分景区,收集了亚,非,欧,南北美,以及大洋洲的主要名胜景点 the 46.7 hectare world park features /boasts 17 pisions, staging all the major scenic spots from Asia, Africa, Europe and America.the auto industry’s most fierce competition has been staged in china, the biggest virgin auto market in the world.汽车工业最激烈的竞争已经在中国这个世界上最大的新兴市场上演


Back at my college, a professor of east civilization introduced me to the wealthy Confucianism and Daoism

大吃大喝历来是春节的主要内容,除了常见的海鲜,家禽和肉类外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制一些传统菜肴Local customs also dictate the preparation and consumption of some traditional food.(完全可以用如下:lavish eating and drinking constitutes the major activity of spring festival, apart from the common sea food and poultry, people also cook some traditional dishes according to local customs.)当风和日丽的时候举目远眺,佘山,金山,崇明到隐约可见。真有登泰山而小天下的感觉。On a fine and sunny day, the observation

deck commands an indistinct view of the----in the distance.You will find the world below suddenly belittled.5,富有情趣的地方文化

The tourists will admire a wide range f unique and intriguing fauna and flora, a comfortable and sunny climate, and an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people 这里的珍禽异兽奇花异草无不让游客叹为观止,这里气候宜人,阳光明媚,这里的人民富有情趣,见识广博。

冬天,雪盖群峰松披霜,静观素雅,别有一番情趣。in winter, the snow capped peaks and frosted pine-trees stage quite a spectacle of particular interest.八达岭海拔千米,高低起伏,曲折绵延,宛如苍龙,气势磅礴

Badaling rises 1000 meters above the sea level , lies in undulation and meanders off just like a dragon with imposing magnificence.(钱江大桥净空高达40米,万吨油轮畅通其下)Qianjiang river bridge stands 40 meters above the water and offers easy passage/navigation for 10,000-ton ships 莫斯科的地铁深入地下几百米,在高雅油画和装饰的衬托下更像一个博物馆

The subway/metro system of Moscow goes down 100 meters under the ground and impresses tourists more like a museum with the fine paintings and decorations.整个布局手法巧妙,气魄雄伟,是集我国造园艺术之大成 the layout is skillful and magnificent.It incorporates/combines the strengths of china’s garden building art.上海奥特因中心那田园式的环境,优雅静谧,颇有欧美乡村情调,是旅游度假或商住的理想场所。Enveloped in elegant, peaceful and pastoral surroundings, flavored with a European and American country impression,---offers an ideal choice for 南京卧虎藏龙Nanjing is known as a land of attractive resources and magical power and a birth place of creative and gifted minds.6,少数民族 ethnic minorities

少数民族风味餐馆 ethnic restaurants 职业道德。Work/professional ethic

7,如天方夜谭一般神奇 sounds exotic and amazing.中国地大物博,游人无不叹为观止 tourists will surely admire/ marvel at the vast expanse and abundant resources of china.赞叹黄山的魅力 marvel at the charms of huangshan mountains.上海已经建成了具有一定规模和相当影响力的比较完整的金融市场体系,包括证券市场,外汇市场,保险市场,金银买卖市场 shanghai has established a relatively complete financial market with some size and influence, including a stock market, a foreign exchange market, an insurance market and a bullion(gold and silver)-trading market 上海已经建成以中央银行为领导,国有商业银行为主体,各种金融机构并存和共同发展金融机构体系。

Shanghai has established a financial institution system with the central bank as the head, state owned commercial banks as the body and other financial organizations developing together.也意味着国际社会启动了经济发展和社会进步的新时期.it also marks a new era of economic development and social progress for the international community.加入世贸组织是中国对外开放的一个新起点,我们将在更大的范围和更深的程度上参与国际经济合作和竞争。China’s WTO entry marks a new starting point /a new horizon/ a new height in china’s reform and opening up course.We will participate international economic cooperation and competition extensively and intensively

当今世界竞争纷纷,技术革新对一个企业来说至关重要(in today’s world of intensified competition, technological innovation means everything to a company)或者in today’s world , there is much competition and innovation means everything for a company.南京发达的交通以及网络软件是创业的好地方 with its advanced/desirable superhighway and future highway, Nanjing offers an ideal choice for business start-up 当然说道硬件软件的时候也可以借代这样的结构,最好的是infrastructure facilities and supporting services.a third decisive factor is the vital role of venture capitalists who willingly support promising start-ups with urgently needed initial capital to get them started.第三个决定性因素是风险资本家所扮演的重要角色,他们愿意支持前途看好的创业者,向他们提供急需的第一笔资金,迈出第一步。(start-up可以指创业,创新企业,创业者)

the valley’s professionals are among the most hardworking people anywhere, especially during the start-up stage.硅谷的人才是世界上最勤劳的人,尤其是创业期间。

800万岂止是一个吉利的数字,我认为这对于启动这家合资企业来说也是合适的。8 million is more than a lucky number, it is quite good for the start-up of a joint venture.新型企业an emerging/growth company Iraq is an emerging market.a virgin market新兴市场

Thank you for inviting me to talk about the emerging biological revolution.感谢你邀请我来谈谈即将到来的生物技术革命

2,科学技术突飞猛进 the rapid advance of science and technology,science and technology which develop in leaps,science and technology which is developing with each passing day.1)with the rapid spread of the internet and the relentless technological innovations generated through it, the information ear is truly upon us.随着因特网的快速发展以及随之而来的永无止境的技术革新,信息时代已经到来。

1)new breakthroughs in biological technology is announced daily.这里的announced 是一个不痛不痒的词汇,译不译都无所谓——生物技术每天都取得突破性进展

3,正在深刻的影响着人们的政治---生活 is having a profound influence on people’s political life.1)the disease has changed the personal as well as the political---how we think and how we love, what we teach our children and what we say in public.这里面的how we think 可以翻译成一个名词—我们的思维模式,同样的例子如下 2)因特网的迅速普及改变了我们的商务模式 how we do business 3)我们过去十年来的经历 what we have been through 4)随着中国改革开放的深入,我们将大力实施走出去的战略,鼓励中国各种所有制企业走向世界 as china’s reform and opening-up continues, we shall vigorously(积极—力度,active--积极,态度)implement the strategy of ―going global‖ and encourage enterprises of all ownerships to do so.随着我国改革开放的深入和综合国力的增强,上海金融业必将在更高的层次上得到全面地拓展。(enjoy/embark on)5)中国进一步发展经济,扩大开放,对各国企业就意味着更多的商机(there be)

as china opens wider and continues to develop its economy, there will be more business opportunities to companies across the world.中国社会的变化,使得许多问题得到了解决,同时也产生了一些问题。As china changes, many problems are solved and new ones crop up.4,适应这个发展趋势 in response to this development trend.人们的反应不一,但是就旧金山的同性恋人群来收,当一项严肃的教育计划出台后,因同性恋行为而传播的疾病大大下降了 people will respond differently, but for the homosexual population in Sanfansisco, when a serious educational campaign was launched, the homosexually-transmitted diseases decreased dramatically.为了应对长虹的有一次降价,TCL将重点放在严格的质量控制和提高售后服务上

To counter this another price cut by its rival, TCL focuses/ puts much emphasis on strict quality control and better after-sales services.中国作为一个发展中国家面临着发展经济和保护环境的双重任务。As a developing country, china is confronted with / faces.the dual task of economic development and environmental protection.他认为在后冷战时期,全球冲突愿与文化冲突,而文化冲突的焦点集中在宗教和信仰的不同,而非意识形态的不同。也非国与国之间在经济和政治上的对抗。特认为同属一个文明圈的国家将聚合在一起,信奉儒教和伊斯兰教的国家将站在同一条战线上,与西方国家和世界其他地区形成对抗。

He argues(在表述观点的时候通常用)that in the post-cold war era, global conflicts focuses on different religious beliefs instead of different ideologies, still less the economic and political confrontation between countries..he holds that countries belonging to the same civilization rim will unite and Confucius and Islamic countries will stand together against the rest of the world.5,总体上对全球经济发展有好处。Be conducive /beneficial to global economy at large.但也必须看到 be aware of

事实上亚洲经济上的成功是亚洲人民觉悟起来,产生了文化认同感。他们8,促进各国生产力的发展 expand productive forces(当然,此处用promote也是可以的。)1)扩大对外开放 open wider to the outside world.2)扩大对外开放的领域和地域 expand areas of economic operation/activities and geographical regions that are open to the outside world.3)扩大就业渠道 create more jobs 9,弘扬发展精神 promote / carry forward the spirit of achieving development though cooperation.1)弘扬中华文化的精髓 promote/carry forward the best elements/marrow of Chinese culture.东亚,南亚,西亚,和中亚在地理上相对独立,经济发展各具特色

--------are relatively separate in geographical locations and unique in the ways of achieving economic development.(这里不能用independent来形容相对独立。因为这个词的政治色彩太浓,而文章中所要表达的是地理概念)

3)我们要坚持产品多元化战略,坚持以质取胜 we shall pursue the strategy of product persification and trying to win success by relying on quality.(和科教兴国的翻译方法差不多)

11,合作的空间大于竞争的空间(there is bigger scope for/more space for cooperation than for competition)bonds also appeal to investors because of their scope for capital appreciation 债券也吸引投资者因为债券有折更好的资本升值空间

in a nutshell, an investor should consider investing in bonds as an alternative for the purpose of persification in investment(当作投资选择)总之,投掷这应该考虑投资于股票,将其作为投资多元话的一种投资手段/选择

corporate bonds offer an ideal alternative to equities and government bonds, providing some of the benefits of each.(相对于---之外的更理想的投资选择/手段)12, 加强企业间的合作是当今企业发展的重要方向----closer/strengthened cooperation between companies defines /features/point out(the direction of)the future development


This will provide /offer important channels and mechanisms for more /improved exchanges and closer cooperation between countries in Asia.2)加强双边合作有利于推动区域合作的顺利开展(serve, facilite)Closer bilateral cooperation serves /facilitates regional cooperation

12,这种观点是很有见地的 this is quite insightful and well-grounded./sensible 一段时间以来许多方面对亚洲区域合作的发展方向提出了不少独到的见解

Over a time, many have contributed very sensible/insightful views on the orientation of Asia regional cooperation 13,改革开放以来,中国企业与海外企业积极开展经济技术合作,取得了巨大成就ever since reform and opening-up, Chinese companies and overseas companies have conducted vigorous economic cooperation and scored great achievements.我们的本地化进程加快了技术转让 our localization/local presence has accelerated technology transfer.我们正处在一个从工业化社会向服务和信息社会的转轨过程。We are right in a transition from an industrialized society to an information society.转变政府职能 transform the governmental functions.indeed, many visitors to New Zealand are impressed by what they see, and they want to transplant New Zealand methods and technologies to their own countries.的确,很多来新西兰的游客对所见印象深刻,他们希望能够将新西兰的方法移植到本国,(translate science and technology into productive forces.将先进的科技转化为生产力)14,中国将严格遵守

honor/observe 今晚我们在金陵饭店为您接风洗尘,并将南京的朋友介绍给你。

Tonight we’ll hold a dinner party for you and I’d like you to meet my friends in Nanjing.15,全方位,多层次,宽领域的对外开放 a multidirectional and multilevel opening-up in a wide rage of areas.海化集团是一个集科,工,贸于一体的跨地区,跨行业,跨所有制的大型集团公司。公司下设研究所,物贸中心,百货商店,房地产开发公司,娱乐总汇,旅游公司以及中澳合资纺织品有限公司等40家公司,拥有资产5亿多元,员工6000多人,年销售额18亿元。

Haihua group is a large cross-regional, cross-industrial and cross-trade group corporation encompassing scientific research, manufacturing and trade.It has under it a research institute, a material-trading center, a department store, a real estate development company, a recreational concourse , a travel agency and a sino-Austrialian jointly-funded textile co, ltd, altogether 40 members, wigh a total assets of 500 million, a staff of 6000 and an annual sales income of 18 billion.棘手的形容词(处理方法和棘手的形容词差不多)如果在句子的结构中比较靠前,那么提到前面翻译成一句话,如果在后面,那么提出来,放到句子末尾翻译成一句话。如果在中间,那么就地翻译。Champaign is an international symbol of some kind of pleasure.在全世界,香槟都代表了一种欢快的生活

Too much emphasis on earnings growth and inpidual initiative, coupled with a shocking absence of the usual corporate checks and balances turned Enron’s entrepreneurial culture form one that rewarded aggressive strategy to one that increasingly relied on unethical means.过分的强调收益的增长以及个人主观能动性,以及令人震惊的是,缺乏常有公司的监管平衡机制,这些事的黯然的企业文化从提倡进去战略变成越来越依靠不道德的手段。

Enron seemed to have transformed itself from a stogy regulated utility to a fast-moving enterprise where performance was paramount 似乎黯然已经转变,从一个行动迟缓的,条条框框/没收成规的/繁文缛节的公司变成了一个行动迅速,重视绩效的单位 Layers of management were wiped out.Hundreds of outsiders were recruited and encouraged to bring new thinking to a tradition-bound business.好多的管理层被提掉了,从外面招聘了很多新人,并且鼓励他们将新的思想带进一个受传统束缚的企业。

People become mentally rigid and increasingly fixed in their views are they age(随着年龄的增长,人们变得思维僵化,墨守成规)开始重新考虑西方的社会和政治模式是否适用于他们本国。

In fact, aAsia’s economic success has awakened its people,they now have a cultural recognition.They begin to reconsider whether the western social and political systems apply in their countries.6,在推动经济全球化和贸易自由化的过程中

While doing/ in the process of pushing forward economic globalization and trade liberalization(in an all-out drive for表示全力推进---,成都来的更厉害)从国情出发,中国在全面推进现代化的过程中,将环境保护作为一项基本国策,将实现经济持续发展作为一项重要战略,同时在全国范围内开展污染防治和生态环境保护。

(working/proceeding form national conditions / in the process of pushing forward the modernization cause in an all-round manner)(launch a nationwide campaign for pollution treatment and prevention)卓有成效的引导国家在过去几十年打下的良好基础上,朝向新的高峰前进

Working from the solid foundation laid in past decades, our Central leadership has taken us to even greater heightens.7,有两种发展趋势 there are two development trends/ there are two scenarios/there are two tracks/courses for consider the following three scenarios, all of which are distinct possibilities that may unfold over the next generation or two




