[论文关键词]商务英语 英语口译 同声传译 接替口译
[论文摘 要]口译在商务活动中占有重要地位。本文以商务英语口译为研究方向,着重阐述了口译的分类和特点,围绕口译过程中经常出现的一些问题,提出了相应的策略和技巧,同时指出要成为一名合格的专业口译人员所必须具备的各项素质。
1.视译(sight interpretation)。视译是指译员拿着讲话人的讲稿,一边听发言、一边看原稿、同时进行口译。内容一般是事先准备好的讲稿或文件。这种口译通常保密性较高,译员事先不知道内容,往往只有在译前几分钟才能拿到译稿。口译前可以用很短的时间对原文通读一遍,了解发言的主要内容,并对相关语言点和专业难点做“译前准备”。另外,在口译时一定要跟说话人同步,尤其要注意说话人在讲话过程中插入的稿子中没有的内容。
2.接续口译(consecutive interpretation)。这是一种为演讲者以句子或段落为单位传递信息的单向口译方式。接续口译用于多种场合,如演讲、祝词、授课、商务会议、新闻发布会等。演讲者需要完整地表达信息,所以往往连贯发言,停顿较少。这种口译要求译员一段一段地翻译,在讲话人的自然停顿间隙,将信息一组接一组地传达给听众。译员在接到这种口译任务时,事先跟讲话人沟通,有利于口译的顺利完成。
3.交替口译(alternating interpretation)。交替口译即译员同时以两种语言为操不同语言的交际双方进行轮回交替口译。这种口译应用场合非常广,比较常见的出现在商务谈判、商务会议和宴会上,有一定的难度。
4.耳语口译(whispering interpretation),也称“咬耳朵”翻译。耳语口译就是将一方的讲话内容用耳语方式轻轻传译给另一方。这种口译一般在外宾观看文艺演出,或者是没有语音设备的会议上采用,听众往往是个人,而不是群体,对象往往是外宾、国家元首或高级官员。译员需要把会议上听到的话,或者文艺演出中的场景等小声地译给身边的一两个人听。耳语翻译一般需要译员对原讲话有高度的压缩与概括,而且声音不能太大,以免影响到附近的人。
5.同声传译(simultaneous interpretation)。这是口译中最难的,也是境界最高的一种。译员在不打断讲话者演讲情况下,几乎是同步的不停顿地将其讲话内容传译给听众。同声传译要求译员在讲话人开始说话5秒钟后必须要开始翻译,并且几乎是没有停顿的。由于其难度比较大,不确定因素比较多,因此要做充分的准备,并且对于一些细节问题一定要注意。
其次,专业术语掌握要求。要求学生应当掌握一些特定的表达方法,比如一些中国特有的词汇,如“一个中心,两个基本点”为“one central task and two basic points”等等。在汉译英时,如果找不到对应的英语单词或词组时,往往可以用短语来代替,如:“福地”可译成“a place that is believed to bring good luck”,“天时、地利、人和”译成“doing the right business with the right people in the right place at the right time...”,留意某些说法的变化趋势,如“Fortune”杂志,原来都译成《幸福》,而现在已被译成了《财富》。
(3)缩写。比如:U.S.A.(the United States of America),gov(government),edu(education)等,“问题”为“?”,“WB”为“世界银行”。
(4)记录数字。比如:t表示thousand,m表示million,b表示 billion,1st表示first等。如:391,256,688,123可记为3h9lb,2h56m,5h88t,1h23。
(1)层层拆译法。翻译过程中,经常有几个从句或者几个形容词和介词词组结合起来的较为复杂的句子。对此,应采取层层分解的办法,将长句分解。比如:China will convert large and medium State-owned enterprises into standard corporations according to the requirements of„clearly established ownership, well defined poser and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management‟ so that they will become corporate entities and competitors adaptable to the market.译为:中国将按照“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的要求,对国有大中型企业实行规范的公司制改革,使其成为适应市场的法人实体和竞争主体。
(2)分合变序法。对于长句,不能遵循原文的顺序,而要重新进行调整,并根据情况分解合并。如:I was all the more delighted when, as a result of the initiative of your Government, it proved possible to realize the visit so quickly.译文:由于贵国政府的提议,才能这样快地实现访问,这使我感到特别高兴。
(3)词性转换法。翻译过程中,词性不能完全保持形式上的对等,要在必要和适当的时候灵活变通,增加译文的可读性。名词和形容词、动词和名词、形容词和副词、动词和形容词之间的互相转换等。如:But this pragmatic use of psychology is not what psycho historians intend.此例中 intend 是动词,如果作为动词译成中文就不符合汉语的习惯,利用词性转换的方法,将其译为名词可以了。此句可译为:但是,这种心理学的实际应用并不是心理历史学家们的意旨。
单价 price 致意 to send regards 打开行李 to unpack 熟悉打扮 to freshen up 美食家 gourmet 致祝酒辞 to propose a toast 款待 to entertain 忌讳 taboo 招牌菜 specialty
宴会 banquet 床上用品bedclothes 活动茶几tea trolley 床头柜night table(英)二楼,(美)一楼first floor 屏风folding screen 挂钩hanger 插头plug 国画Chinese painting 电梯elevator/lift 抽屉drawer 弹簧spring 靠垫,垫子cushion 插座,插口socket 电压voltage(总称)木器carpentry 茶几tea table 床上用品bedclothes 被子quilt 床垫mattress 热水瓶thermos 变压器transformer 市价market price 硬币coin 证件voucher 价目表price list 支票check/ cheque 预订处reservation desk 行李房luggage office 千分之……per thousand 旅行支票traveler’s cheque 入宿登记处registration desk 名片visit card 身份证identification card 兑换率rate of exchange 换算率conversion rate(动)收费to charge 汇票bank draft 内部电话house phone 专线special line 国内电报inland telegram平信ordinary mail 交换台switchboard 前厅部Front Office 管家部Housekeeping Dept.average平均房价room rate 请勿打扰DND=Do Not Disturb 订房不到no-show 无预订散客walk-in 国内直拨DDD=Domestic Direct Dial 国际直拨IDD=International Direct Dial 市话LDD=Local Direct Dial 公共区域PA=Public Area 音控员DJ=Disk Jockey 大堂副理AM=Assistant Manager 行政总厨 Executive Chef 经理助理 assistant manager 领班 captain 外方总经Expatriate General Manager 副总经理 deputy general manager 维修房OOO=Out of Order 失物招领Lost and found
期盼与祝福 full expectation and blessings 主持会议 to chair a meeting 个人物品 personal effects “免下车”餐厅 drive-in restaurant 候机室 departure lounge 难以忘怀的 memorable
1.The journey was pleasant and the service on board was excellent.旅途很愉快,飞机上的服务也很周到。2.Is there any discount for company booking? 团体预订有优惠吗?
3.It is a 10-minute drive to there.到那10 分钟的车程。4.This is a five-star one in this city.这是该市的一座五星级宾馆。
5.I certainly will take this opportunity to visit the city this time.这一次我一定不会错过观光这座城市的机会。
Mr.Green.I want to have a discussion with you about the following five-day visit here.Is it convenient for you right now? This is a copy of tentative itinerary we drafted for you.Would you please have a look? Tomorrow is to visit your factory and then have a business lunch.Then in the following four days, we’ve arranged both business negotiation and sightseeing for you.“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” You can see our historic spots and wonderful scenery.In its two former days, that’s Tuesday and Wednesday, we’ll arrange our business talks.In the later days,visits to Yu Garden, the Bund and other scenery spot have been arranged and you can choose somesouvenir for your family and friends.1.Did you fly directly from New York to Shanghai? 2.I hope you’ve had a pleasant flight/ trip.3.We have already reserved you a single room at the Lotus Hotel.4.The city has a moderate climate.5.Shall we go to the front desk and fill in the registration form? 6.The hotel serves meals from 7 am.to 9 am.for breakfast, 11am.to 1pm Lunch, and 5:30pm.to 7:30 pm supper.7.I would like to take a few minutes to tell you about your schedule here.8.I’ve come to make sure that your stay in Shanghai is a pleasant one.9.The careful coordination of such a series of delicate activities as selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally laying out he food on the plate for the table is the typical characteristic of Chinese food.10.May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two companies.Interpreter:你好。我是爱得华,是约翰·毛里斯公司的采购代表。你是上海皮革化工厂的 代表吗?
Interpreter:Hi!Yes.I am Wang Wei with Shanghai Leather Chemical Works.Welcome to Shanghai.Interpreter:非常感谢你专程来接我。
Interpreter:You are welcome.Have you claimed your luggage? Interpreter:是的,已经取了。Interpreter:Let me help you with it.Interpreter:哦,没关系。行李不重。Interpreter:This way, please.The company car is waiting outside.Shall we go? Interpreter:好的。
Interpreter:Did you have a good flight? Interpreter:还不错。但是我现在有点儿时差反应。
Interpreter:Then let’s drive directly to the hotel.We have already booked you a single room, seven days at the Ramada Hotel.Interpreter:Please get on the car.Interpreter:谢谢。
Interpreter:It is a warm day, isn’t it? Interpreter:的确是。最近生意如何?
Interpreter:Quite well.The sales have been increasing recently.Look at the billboard where there is our newly launched product.Interpreter:我对它很感兴趣。这次我能看一下这款产品吗? Interpreter:Of course.What’s more, we have developed other new products, we will show them to you if you have interests.This is your fist time to china, so we will see what we can do to make your visit as pleasant as possible so that you will take home a happy memory.Interpreter:你真是太好了。Interpreter:Here we go!Interpreter:哦,太好了!
Interpreter: This way, please.Let’s go to the front desk for check-in.Interpreter: Good morning.Can I help you? Interpreter: Good morning.This is Mr.Green from the United States.We have already reserved a single room for him.Interpreter: Let me see.Yes.You have booked Room 809 for Mr.Green.Could you show me your passport and fill in the form, Mr.Green? Interpreter: 当然可以。给你。
Interpreter: Can you sign your name here? Interpreter: 好的。
Interpreter: Thank you.This is your key card, Mr.Green and the bellman will show you to your room.Wish you a good stay.Interpreter: 谢谢。
Interpreter: How do you think of the room? Interpreter: 哇,在阳面正对花园,明亮又干净。我很喜欢。
Interpreter:Great.You must be tired now and you first have a good rest.Interpreter: 好主意。我真得需要休息来适应时差。Interpreter:We will hold a reception banquet in your honor this evening, and you’ll try some real Chinese cuisine this time, Interpreter:太好了!我对中国文化很感兴趣,尤其是中国菜。
Interpreter:We’ll make it at seven o’clock sharp and I’ll pick you up at six twenty.Is that OK? Interpreter: 太好了。到时见。
Interpreter: This is my name card.You can call me at any time if there is any need.Interpreter: 你想的真周到。这是我的名片。很高兴认识你。Interpreter: So have I.
Business Travel
Jean:Hey Kyle, guess what!The boss is sending me to the West coast for a marketing seminar
next month.Kyle:啊哈,你肯定很高兴。你想出差都想好几个月了。
Jean:Yeah, and he said there’ll be more coming up, so I should get a corporate card.Problem is,I don’t know how to proceed, and I didn’t want the boss to know that.Can you fill me in? Kyle:当然了,没问题。首先去找秘书,告诉她你要去哪儿?什么时候去?她会通过我们的旅行代理,为你安排交通和酒店,并在几天内给你旅程表。同时问她要一张信用卡申请表。
Jean:Will I use the card for everything?
Jean:Do I pay out of my own pocket?
Kyle: 恐怕是。我们以前是预支差旅费,但自从公司使用信用卡后,就停止了。Jean:Will the company reimburse everything?
Kyle: 不,有每日最高限额。我会给你一个表。当然私人用品不算在内。而且必须保留所
Jean:Anything else?
非常高兴能在整个旅程中陪伴各位, 如果大家现在或在旅行中有什么问题请随时向我提出来。
一、篇章翻译抽取一部分内容有变化有录音,2min, 30%
尊敬的各位中美企业家,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们: 非常高兴出席今天在克里夫兰举办的中美贸易投资合作研讨会。
中美建交27年来,在中美双方的共同努力下,两国经贸合作迅猛增长。按中方统计,2005年双边贸易达到2,116亿美元,是建交时的86倍。目前美国是中国第二大贸易伙伴,中国是美国第三大贸易伙伴。//中国加入世贸组织以来的5年,是美对华出口增长最快的5年。2001至2005年,两国贸易额年均增长27.4%,美对华出口年均增长21.5%,2005年美对华出口额比2001年增长118%,是美对全球出口增幅的4.9倍,远高于美对其他所有主要出口市场的增长率,// 中国由2001年美第九大出口市场跃升为2005年的第四大出口市场,成为带动美出口增长的主要因素。/ 今年前10个月,美对华出口额接近500亿美元,超过去年全年的出口额,增幅达24%。如能保持这一增长势头,2007年中国有可能跃升为美国第三大出口市场。// 在双边贸易快速增长的同时,双向投资得到快速发展。美国是中国最大的外资来源地之一。截至2006年10月底,美在华累计投资设立企业51,352家,实际对华投入资金超过529亿美元。// 目前,中国已成为美国企业海外利润的主要来源地之一,2005年美在华投资企业实现利润总额约97亿美元。与此同时,美企业通过投资不断扩大在中国市场的占有份额,2005年在中国国内市场的销售额达770亿美元。//近年来,中国政府采取积极措施,推进有实力的中国企业到海外投资,截至2005年底,中国企业海外累计投资额约670亿美元,2005当年达70亿美元。// 与此同时,中国对美投资快速增长,截至2006年10月底,中国企业在美直接投资近30亿美元。目前,美国已成为中国企业“走出去”拓展海外业务的重要目的地之一。// 海尔、华为、中远、中石油、联想等不少中国知名企业在美取得良好业绩的同时,为解决当地就业、促进美国经济与社会发展作出了积极贡献。// 当然,也要看到,作为一个发展中国家,中国企业进行海外投资还缺乏经验。希望中国的企业家们充分学习和借鉴包括美国在内的众多跨国公司海外投资的成功经验,加强对外合作,在开拓国际业务方面取得新的进展。// 最后,再次感谢俄州及克里夫兰市对代表团给予的热情欢迎和周到的安排。感谢中美企业家的积极参与。祝中美贸易投资合作研讨会圆满成功!谢谢大家!//(中华人民共和国商务部副部长马秀红在中美贸易投资合作研讨会上的讲话节选,2006年12月)
二、对话英汉互译,40%,2.5min A: 欢迎光临浙江进出口商品交易会。我是上海技术进出口公司的销售部经理。
B: We are very interested in the auto parts.I’d like to have your lowest quotation, CIF Seattle.If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away.A: 您一定会觉得我们的价格很优惠。其他地方同类产品的价格最近几年涨幅很大,而我们的价格没有大的变化。
B: I’m glad to hear that.As I have just said, I hope to conclude some substantial business with you.A: 我们也很高兴。约翰斯先生,我们还能为您做点什么?
B: I would like to purchase some machine tools.What do you offer in this line? A: 我们提供各种类型的机床产品。这是上海生产的机床产品目录。
B: I think these are very impressive.Here are our specifications.Could you make us an offer, FOB Seattle? A: 这是我们的离岸价价目单。价格以我们最后确认的为准。
B: What about the commission? We usually get 3% to 5% commission for imports from other countries.A: 原则上来说,我们不付佣金。但是如果订购量足够大的话可以考虑。
B: Why, your prices are unreasonable.They’re almost 30% higher than last year’s.It would be impossible for us to make any sales if you don’t adjust your price.A: 约翰斯先生,您这样说,我很吃惊。您知道近几年劳动力和原材料成本增加了很多。
B: To my knowledge, many factories have been established to produce machine tools.We only ask that your prices be comparable with others.That’s reasonable, isn’t it? A: 但你们应该意识到我们工厂有多年生产机床产品的经验,所以我们的产品质量是优质的。
B: I can’t deny the quality of your product.If that’s the case, there is hardly any need for further discussion.We might as well call the whole deal off.Can’t we find a price that is good for both sides? A: 我的意思是我们不可能把价格降到你方提出的标准。差距太大了。考虑到我们的产品质量,你会发现我们的价格是很有竞争力的。
B: I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price.Each will make a further concession so that business can be concluded.A: 那你的想法是?
B: Your unit price is $ 80 higher than we can accept.Mutual efforts would carry us a step forward.I suggest we meet each other half way.A: 你的意思是我们必须削价40美元吗?你们要得太多了,这样的话,我方就无利可图了。B: What do you suggest then? A: 我方最多能接受20美元降价。这是我们的底线了。
B: That will leave a gap of $20.Let us meet each other half way once more, then the gap will be closed and business will be done.A: 你确实很能说服人。好吧。
B: Sounds good.I’m glad that we’ve settled the price at last.
Phrase Interpreting A
1.to recover from the jet lag
2.thoughtful arrangement
6.to claim baggage
7.to proceed through the Customs
9.farewell speech
10.to adjust to the time difference
10.适应时差 B
1.to hold a banquet in honor of...2.to bid farewell to...3.to come all the way to...4.to be/feel honored...5.I have long been looking forward to meeting you.6.a welcoming address 7.to pay tribute to
8.to look back 9.to look ahead
10.happy memory Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,Thank you very much for your gracious welcoming speech.China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and the visit to this ancient nation has long been my dream.This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts.I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town.I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in business management practice between Chinese and Americans.We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our different cultural traditions.I can't say our way of doing business is absolutely superior.After all, there are strong points and weak points in both types of management.In recent years, more and more American business executives have recognized the strong points of the more humane way of Chinese management.It is a great pleasure that I can exchange views and information with you, and reach common ground here.And I wish to share with you my thoughts on this topic in the days to come.Thank you!
非常感谢你们热情友好的欢迎词。中国是最古老的文明发源地之一,访问这个文明古 国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。这次访问使我有机会重见老朋友,结交新朋友。我为自己能 访问贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。我对你们为我到达贵国 后所做的安排深表谢意。
作为在一家中美合资企业工作了两年的美国经理,我认为中国人和美国人在经营管理 中存在着差异。基于不同的文化传统,我们的美国同事比大部分中国同行来得直率。我无 法断言我们美国的经营方式一定在中国之上。毕竟各有各的优点和弊病。近年来,越来越 多的美国管理人员已经认识到中国人那种更具人情味的管理方式的长处。
很高兴我们能交换意见和信息,并达成共识。我希望在今后的日子里,我能有机会就 此话题与各位交换自己的看法。谢谢!
Coordinating-Field Interpreting
David: Hi!I am David Anderson, sales representative from Willa Company.Are you
the representative from Zhong'an Technology Company? Interpreter: 你好!我是Wina公司的销售代表。你是中安科技公司派来接我们的吗? Li: :
Interpreter: Hi, Mr.Anderson!Yes, I am.My name is Li Hua from the International
Business Department of Zhong'an.Welcome to Shenzhen.David:
Thanks.Interpreter: 谢谢!Li:
你的行李都取了吗? Interpreter: Have you claimed all your luggage? David:
Yes, I have.Interpreter:全取了。
那我们这边走吧。公司的车在马路对面的停车场,我们一起过去? Interpreter: Then this way please.My car is in the parking lot across the street.Shall we go
there now? David:
飞机旅途还好吗?是从温哥华直飞的航班吗? Interpreter: Did you have a good flight? Did you fly directly from Vancouver to Shenzhen? David:
Yes, Thank you.The flight was very good and the service on board was
excellent.It took just over 13 hours non-stop from Vancouver.Interpreter:谢谢,是的。旅途还不错,服务很好,13个小时的直达航班a Li:
真是路途遥远啊!Interpreter: What a long trip!David:
I don't sleep well on planes, therefore I am a little tired and the jet lag will
catch up with me tomorrow.Interpreter:在飞机上没睡好,所以现在有点累,明天会有时差反应。Li:
Interpreter: How about going straight to the hotel? We have booked a room for you at the
Garden Hotel.David:
第一次来中国? Interpreter: The first time to China? David:
Yes.Shenzhen is such a beautiful city.Interpreter:是啊。深圳真是漂亮极了。
Interpreter: Well, in that case, we shall try to make your visit as pleasant as possible, so that
you will take home happy memories.Fortunately, we are enjoying beautiful
spring weather and spring is the best season in Shenzhen.David: I am so lucky.Interpreter:我真是赶上好季节了。
Interpreter: Please allow me to talk briefly about your schedule.There will be no
arrangement for tomorrow.You can have a good rest and recover from jet lag.David: Good idea.I really need some rest.Interpreter:好主意,我是要好好休息一下。
明晚,我们安排了在“粤唯鲜”的晚宴,让你感受一下广东的饮食文化。Interpreter: Tomorrow night, we will have dinner in the Yueweixian Restaurant, a chance
for you to try the Cantonese cuisine.David: Terrific.I like Chinese food very much.Interpreter:太好了,我喜欢中国菜。
Interpreter: On the morning of the day after tomorrow, we will show you around in our
factory.On the afternoon, we will discuss our cooperation.Then you will
visit Splendid China Theme Park.David:
Will you give me a timetable? I'd like to pay a visit to your factory to find out
about the possibility of importing automobile parts from you.Interpreter:你会给我一个时间表吗?我想看看你们的工厂以调查一下从贵公司进口
Interpreter: Sure.If you have any personal problems or business problems, please let me
know.I will do all that I can to help.David: Thank you.Interpreter:好的.
到了,我们上车吧!Interpreter: Here we are!Get on the car, please.Smith: It's very kind of you to come all the way to see me off, Mr.Zhu? Interpreter:朱先生,你远道来送行,真是太客气了。
Interpreter: Not at all.It's a pity that you are leaving us.Smith: I am sorry to leave you, too.Interpreter:我也不愿意离开你们。
Zhu:你办了登机手续了吗? Interpreter: Have you checked in?
Smith: No, not yet.Interpreter:还没有。
Zhu:我们现在去办理海关手续吧。请这边走,我送你一样东西作纪念。Interpreter: Now, let's go through Customs.This way, please.Here is something I'd like
you to keep as a souvenir.Smith: Thank you.I'll open it.Oh!It is a Chinese painting.It's really marvelous.The
horses are so nice.Interpreter:谢谢,那我打开了。啊,是中国画,太漂亮了。这马画得真好。
Interpreter: I am glad you like it.I hope it will remind you of me and of our friendship.Smith: I don't know how to thank you for your kindness.I'm so glad to have it to
remember my time here.Interpreter:真不知道如何感谢你才好。我很高兴有这幅画来帮我想起我在这里度过
Interpreter: Thanks.I appreciate very much everything you've done for us.I wish I could
repay you somehow.Smith: Don't mention it.Interpreter:别客气。
Zhu:听!广播里正通知你所乘坐的航班要起飞了。Interpreter: Listen!It's announcing the departure of your fight.Smith: Right.I have to go now.Interpreter:是啊,那我去登机了。
Interpreter: As a famous Chinese saying goes, “Although a thousand miles a person can
see off a friend, he has no choice but to say good-bye in the end.” I wish you
a pleasant journey.Zhu:中国有句古语:“送君千里,终有一别。”我祝你旅途愉快。
Smith: Hope to see you again.Interpreter:希望再次见到你。
Interpreter: Good-bye.And don't forget to keep in touch.Sentence Interpreting
4.我想借此机会代表我所有的同事对你们热情周到的接待和无与伦比的好客表示感谢。5.我能荣幸地邀请在座的各位跟我一起举杯吗? 1.The past six days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable, and most memorable.2.I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners.3.It is very kind of you to come all the way and meet me at the airport.4.I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and incomparable hospitality.5.May I have the honor to ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses?
Text D
在这个举国同庆的除夕夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾光临我们的春 节联欢晚会。春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我愿各位中外同事共度一个轻松欢快的夜 晚。
我们这家合资企业走过了10年的奋斗历程。这是辉煌的10年,富有成果的10年,是 我们公司走向世界的10年,也是各位默默奉献的10年。我们在这里略备薄酒,庆祝我们 的友好合作。我愿借此机会向公司的各位同仁表示诚挚的感谢。
同时,我也希望这次晚会能使我们有机会彼此沟通、增进友谊。最后,我再次感谢各 位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康、事业有成、吉祥如意。
On the occasion of this New Year's Eve of national celebration, and on behalf of all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank all the guests here for their gracious presence at this Spring Festival gathering.You know, the Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition, and I wish all my Chinese and foreign colleagues a most relaxing and delightful evening.Our joint venture has experienced a decade of hard struggle.This is a brilliant decade, a fruitful decade, a decade which has seen our company advance to a world market, and a decade of your dedication without any complaint.We have prepared a humble dinner to celebrate our friendly cooperation.I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all my colleagues at the venture.Meanwhile, I hope this party will give us an excellent opportunity to get to know each other and increase our friendship.In closing, I'd like to thank you again for your kind presence and wish everyone good health, a successful career and the very best of luck in the New Year.Unit2 Phrase Interpreting 1.to take this opportunity 2.to cherish
3.signing ceremony 4.to witness
5.to extend sincere thanks to...6.to appreciate 7.last but not least
8.to enhance
9.at one's earliest convenience 10.workshop 1.借此机会
6.欣赏 7.最后
9.在某人方便的时候 1n研讨会
3.值此..„.之际 4.友好使者
6.衷心感谢 7.热情好客
9.代表 10.无与伦比的
1.master of ceremony
2.distinguished guests 3.on the occasion of...4.an envoy of friendship 5.best wishes
6.sincere thanks 7.hospitality
8.at the invitation of...9.on behalf of...10.incomparable 2.Sentence Interpreting A 1.I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.2.I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and the gracious hospitality.3.Although there is a distance of tens of thousands of miles between us, “Long distance separates no bosom friends”, as one of your poets of the Tang Dynasty once said.4.I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two cities.I also greatly value the position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners.5.On behalf of the foreign guests attending this workshop, let me offer a most sincere “thank you” for your warm and gracious welcome.1.这是我首次访问你们这座美丽的城市,我为此深感荣幸。
5.本人谨代表所有参与此次研讨会的外国人员,向您表达最诚挚的谢意,感谢您对我们热烈而亲切的欢迎。B 1.我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。
1.I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people.2.We are very happy to celebrate this glorious festival together with Your Excellency.3.It is our sincere wish that we continued to work closely together to enhance our friendly relationship and to ensure sustained growth in our economic, financial and trade cooperation.4.On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr.Mayor and all our Chinese friends present here tonight good health!5.This is an exciting time for the computer industry worldwide, and we are excited to have the opportunity to participate in this workshop.Thank you for the invitation and the warm reception.Text A 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Honorable Guests, Friends, Ladies andGentlemen,It gives me great pleasure to attend the Boao Forum for Asia 2004 Annual Conference today.Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government, my warmest welcome to all of you present here.In the past few years, with the support of the fellow Asia countries and the larger international community, the Boao Forum for Asia has developed steadily, playing an increasingly prominent role in regional cooperation and demonstrating to the rest of the world the fervent desire of the Asian people for a win-win scenario through closer cooperation.We are glad to see that Asia has, on the whole, enjoyed stability, with peace, development and cooperation becoming the mainstream of an advancing Asia.With concerted efforts, Asian countries have freed themselves from the shadow of the financial crisis, overcome the impact of SARS and bird flu, succeeded in domestic economic restructuring, and quickened the tempo of industrial upgrading and transformation, promoted a robust regional cooperation and increased the capacity to tide over potential risks.Asia retains its position as one of the world's most dynamic regions and a key growth point in global trade.All this gives us much confidence about Asia's future.Ladies and gentlemen, China's development cannot be achieved in isolation of Asia, and Asia's prosperity also needs China.China will follow a peaceful development path holding high the banners of peace, development and cooperation, join hands with the other Asian countries in bringing about Asian rejuvenation, and make greater contributions to the lofty cause of peace and development in the world.Thank you!
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:
I am extraordinarily happy to have witnessed this signing ceremony today because it symbolizes, for me, exactly the type of cooperation that we need and that is a cooperative endeavor which will bring in more investment and lead to more cooperation.非常高兴能出席签约仪式,亲眼目睹这一非凡时刻。它代表了我们一直所寻求的合作方式,双方的合作努力必将会带来更多的合作和投资。
This is after months of hard work, from developing the concept, soliciting interest from the private sector, encouraging government departments to offer services, to the signing of the contract today with the establishment of the joint venture: the Shenzhen Networking Technology Company(SNTC).今天,深圳市网络科技公司的成立,从概念的形成,到获取投资人的兴趣,到获取政府部门的服务支持,再到今天的签约,它是好几个月辛勤努力的结果。
Our partner in this exciting venture has been selected after a rigorous evaluation process and its proposal has been rated the best after the combined technical and financial assessments.SNTC is a joint venture of Star Corporation and Digital Technology Company: companies with strong technical and marketing expertise and financial background.我们在合资企业的合作伙伴是经历了严格的评估才挑选出来的,它提出的方案在技术和资金的综合评估中位列第一。深圳市网络科技公司的合作双方:star公司和Digital科技公司都拥有很强的科技、营销实力和资金背景。
Ladies and gentlemen, our vision is to make Shenzhen a leading digital city in the globally connected world in the 21st century.The establishment of SNTC will be an important step towards that goal.女士们,先生们,我们的目标是把深圳建设成为21世纪互联网时代的领先的数码城,深圳市网络科技公司的成立将会使我们离这个目标更近一步。
Packaging 尊敬的各位来宾,各位朋友,女士们,先生们:
Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,值此第五届中国投资贸易洽谈会召开之际,我谨代表中国政府,向来自世界各地的嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎!下面,我将和各位嘉宾简要谈谈中国加入世贸组织后外商投资中国西部的新机遇。
On the occasion of the Fifth China International Fair for Investment and Trade, I would like, on behalf of the Chinese government, to extend my warm welcome to all the distinguished guests coming from all over the world.And I would also like to brief you on the new opportunities for foreign investment in west China after China joined the WTO.21世纪的中国,是更加开放的中国。目前,中国政治稳定、经济发展、社会和睦、人民安居乐业。
China will become even more open in the 21st century.At present, China is enjoying political stability, economic progress and social harmony.Chinese people are happy about their lives and work.不久前,北京申办2008年奥运会取得成功,这将与加入世贸组织一起,加速推动中国的改革开放和经济发展。我希望进一步促进外商参与中国西部大开发,推动广大的西部地区加快经济和社会发展的进程。
Not long ago, Beijing succeeded in its bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games.This latest success, coupled with the accession to the World Trade Organization, will add impetus to China's reform, opening-up and economic development.I hope that foreign businesspeople could take part in the development of western regions more actively to advance the economic and social development of the vast western areas.世界各国各地区不少有远见卓识的企业家都将目光投向了中国,投向了西部,并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。我们真诚地希望,各国各地区的企业和其他各界人士,抓住历史机遇,积极来华开展投资贸易合作与交流,携手共创美好未来。
Many farsighted businesspeople from various countries and regions have paid attention to China and to the western regions and got generous profits in return of their investment activities.We sincerely hope that businesspeople from all over the world seize the historical opportunity to conduct investment and trade cooperation with their Chinese counterparts.Together we can create a brilliant future!
Sentence Interpreting 1.这是一次具有历史意义的、开拓性的会议。
1.It is a pioneering conference of historic significance.
2.This meeting will have a positive impact on the shaping Of a new world pattern.
3.To build a new Asia-Europe partnership calls for new concepts and new methodology.
4.We should seek common ground while putting aside differences and enhance mutual
understanding and trust.5.Let us work together for a successful conclusion of this meeting.B.Text Interpreting
Text D
Your Honored Mr.Mayor, My Chinese Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.On behalf of all the
members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.I am also very happy that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to convey to you and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good wishes from the government and people of my country.Although we live with a distance of thousands of miles between us, “Long distance separates no bosom friends”, as one of your poets of the Tang Dynasty said.The whole world is watching with great interest in the remarkable changes that are
taking place in China, particularly in Shanghai.To our great amazement, this country boasts a two-decade persistent economic growth, which is unequalled elsewhere in the world.China's miraculous rise as one of the strongest economic powers in the Asian-Pacific region has
attracted, and will continue to attract, a growing number of business, manufacturing and
financial giants in our country to invest in China, particularly to invest in a number of long-
term projects in Shanghai and its surrounding areas.Last but not least, I would like to extend in person our official invitation to the mayor of Shanghai.We would like to invite His Honor to visit our city at his earliest convenience, so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitality we enjoyed here.I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two cities.I also greatly value the
position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners.In spite of the worldwide
economic recession in recent years, there has been a steady growth in our economic
cooperation and trade volume.It's our sincere wish that we continued to work closely together to enhance our friendly relationship and to ensure a sustained growth in our economic, financial and trade cooperation.On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr.Mayor and all our Chinese friends present
here tonight good health!Thank you!市长先生阁下,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们:
Unit 3 Phrase Interpreting A
1.business luncheon
2.soft drink
3.buffet reception
6.to gain popularity
7.to propose a toast
8.continental breakfast
9.junk food
10.French fries 1.工作午餐
3.冷餐招待会 4.美食家
6.备受青睐 7.致祝酒词
2.delicacies,3.taboo 4.specialty
6.major cuisines
7.to handle chopsticks
8.table manners
9.hot& sour soup 10.yogurt
Sentence Interpreting A 1.Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors, and is best known for being spicy-hot.2.Cantonese cuisine emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients.3.The careful coordination of such a series of delicate activities as selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table are the typical characteristics of Chinese food.4.Nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation are employed in Chinese cuisine/cooking.5.May I propose a toast to the health of His Excellency the Ambassador and Mme.Smith? 1.川菜最大的特点是品种多、口味重,以麻辣著称。
3.选料、调料、适时烹调、把握火候、装盘上桌这些微妙步骤的细心协调是中餐的 典型特征。
4.中餐烹调所用的天然配料品种繁多,几无穷尽。烹调方法也层出不穷,不可悉数。5.为史密斯大使阁下和夫人的健康干杯。B.Chinese into English
1.I'd like to thank Mr.Smith for his very warm welcoming remarks.Many thanks also go to the Euro-China Business Association for the gracious invitation and warm hospitality.2.I'm very delighted to have the opportunity to be at this reception hosted by the Euro-China Business Association.3.A Chinese dinner begins with cold dishes whereas a Western dinner starts with a soup.4.May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two companies.5.Would you like to try my special recipe?
Text A President Gao, Distinguished Guests, Our Chinese Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,It is a special honor for me to have a chance to speak on behalf of all the members of ourdelegation.I would like to express our sincere thanks to President Gao for inviting us, and for all the hard work and thought you have given to the arrangements for our visit.We are also grateful for such a marvelous dinner tonight.I hope that we shall all enjoy the business exchanges and friendly contact in the following days.Every member of our delegations hopes that the rate of trade between the two countries will increase in the future through our mutual efforts.And I think that only by free flow of visitors can trade develop satisfactorily.I'm very impressed by the hospitality and warmth with which you have received us.You must have had a very busy time making all the preparations, which deserves our sincere appreciation.We are especially thankful to you for arranging the meeting and everything that you have done on our account.I hope that Mr.Gao and other Chinese friends will be able to visit our country in the future, so that we will have the chance to return some of your kindness as a host.Apart from business contracts, these meetings will surely help enhance the understanding and friendship between us.Well begun is half done, as we said.I hope this will pave the way for further business relations between our two countries.In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast.To the trade and friendship between us!To the health of our Chinese friends!Cheers!
最后,请和我一起为我们之间的贸易和友谊,为我们中国朋友的健康,干杯!Coordinating –Field Interpreting
Huang:想吃中餐还是西餐? Interpreter: What would you like, Chinese food, or Western food?
Hampton: Chinese food, please.Interpreter:中餐吧。
Huang:好的,你们想用筷子吗? Interpreter: All right.Would you like to use chopsticks?
Hampton: Yes, of course.As the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.Although I can't get along with them, I'd like to learn to handle them.Interpreter:当然了。俗话说,“人乡随俗。”尽管我不会用筷子,但我想学着用它们。Hang:因为这是你们第一次来中国,我想给你们介绍一些真正的中国菜。真正
Interpreter: Since this is the first time for you to come to China, I'd like to recommend
some real Chinese dishes for you.Real Chinese cuisine places stress on color,smell, taste, and shape.waiter:请问点什么菜? Interpreter: May I take your order now? Hang:糖醋鱼、麻婆豆腐、红烧牛肉以及上汤锔龙虾。
Interpreter: Yes, sweet-and-sour fish, bean curd with minced pork in chili sauce, braised
beef in brown sauce and special style lobster.(After the dishes are served.)Huang:请随便吃菜。
Interpreter: Please help yourselves.Hampton: Oh!That's splendid.No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable.Interpreter:啊,太丰盛了,难怪都说中国人热情好客呢。
Hang:想喝点什么?白兰地还是红酒? Interpreter: Which do you prefer, brandy or wine? Hampton: Brandy is too strong for me, just a glass of red wine, please.Interpreter:白兰地太刺激了,要杯红葡萄酒吧。
Huang:好的,我来给您倒酒。Interpreter: Sure, let me top up your glass.Hamilton: Thank you.Interpter:谢谢。
友的健康和友谊干杯!Interpreter: Dig in.Now everybody, please be seated.First of all, I'd like you to raise your
glasses and join me in a toast to the health of all our friends here as well as our
everlasting friendship.Cheers!All:干杯!Interpreter: Cheers.Huang:汉普敦先生,请让我给您倒酒,不要拘束,请随便。
Interpreter: Mr.Hampton, let me top up your glass.Don't stand on ceremony.Help yourself
to anything you like.Hampton: The dishes look fabulous.How colorful and fragrant, and I bet they are
delicious, and so beautifully presented.Interpreter:这些菜真是太吸引人了,它们真是色、香、味、形俱全。(after the dinner)Hang:汉普敦先生,您觉得今天的菜可口吗? Interpreter: Did you enjoy the meal, Mr.Hampton?
Hampton: Yes, these dishes are all delicious, especially the special style lobster.Interpreter:是的,很美味,尤其是上汤煽龙虾。
Hang:我很高兴你喜欢中国菜。还要点什么吗? Interpreter: I am glad you like the Chinese food.Still want some more?
Hampton: No, thanks.I am positively full.At this point, I should like to propose a toast
to our friends.Mr.Hang, I wish your company a great success.To our
friendship and cooperation, bottoms up.Interpreter:不,谢谢。我真的吃饱了。现在我建议为我们的中国朋友干杯,祝你们
Ladies and Gentlemen,我代表本公司向应邀前来访问的美国Star公司代表团表示热烈的欢迎。据我所知,有关人士正在为代表团安排一个全面的参观计划。对此,我无需赘述。
It gives me much pleasure on behalf of our company to extend a warm welcome to the members of the American delegation from Star Corporation, who have been invited to this country by our company.I understand that arrangements are being made for a comprehensive visiting program and I need not talk about this now.我刚刚听到我们两家公司已达成建立合资公司的协议。这使我们两家公司的合作 大大向前迈进了一步。我相信,我们正在加拿大访问的董事长一定希望我能代表本公 司向在座的各位表达一下我们得知这个好消息时的兴奋心情。
I have, however, just heard that an agreement has been reached between our two companies to establish a joint venture.This is a great step forward and I am sure that our chairman, who is now visiting Canada, would like me to express on behalf of the company to all businessmen present here how pleased we are at the news.除了贸易以外,你们的来访肯定会加强我们彼此之间的友谊和合作。俗话说:
“良 好的开端是成功的一半。”我相信,你们的这次访问将会带来更多的交流和合作。
Apart from business contracts, your visit will surely help enhance the cooperation and friendship between us.“Well begun is half done”, as we said.I am sure that this visit will lead to many more in the future.最后请各位举杯,为我们的合作和友谊、为在座的各位健康干杯!
In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast.To the cooperation and friendship between us!To the health of all the ladies and gentlemen present here!
Sentence Interpreting l。你们一起买单,还是各自付账?
1.How would you like to pay, one bill or separate bills? 2.I like to enjoy a dinner of Western style food with forks and knives, because I believe in “Do in Rome as the Romans do”.3.Maotai is China's best-known liquor.It is delicious and yet doesn't go to the head.4.I don't touch anything alcoholic, neither does my wife.5.China's long history and vast territory have given birth to the distinctive Chinese culinary art.B.Text Interpreting
Text D
Many changes are taking place in American food styles.The United States is traditionally famous for its very solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes, Now, in addition to the
traditional home-cooked meal, we have many different alternatives to choose from: such as nutrition-balanced health food, convenient and delicious fast food and so on.Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about their
physical health.Health food includes natural food with minimal processing.Most health food
enthusiasts are vegetarians.They eat no meat and prefer to get their essential proteins from
other sources, such as beans, cheese, and eggs.Fast food can be seen all over the country.Speed is a very important factor in the life of an American.People usually have a short lunch break or they just do not want to waste their time eating.Because fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time, there is usually very little waiting.And the food is always cheap.美国人的饮食习惯正在发生变化。美国人多年来那种丰盛的、一成不变的肉制品加土豆的传统餐,早已为世人所熟知。而今,我们美国人可以有多种不同的选择,除了传统的家常菜外,我们可以享受到各种各样的营养均衡的保健餐,方便可口的快餐等等。
Unit 4 Phrase-Interpreting A
1.to have a population of...2.to cover an area of...3.to date back to...4.to have a history of...5.to be situated in...6.the gross domestic product
7.drive-in restaurant
8.quarantine certificate
9.duration of stay
10.residence permit 1.有„„人口
10.居住证 B.
3.departure time 4.terminal building
5.departure lounge
6.VIP Room 7.information desk
8.security check
9.duty-free shop
10.personal effects Sentence Interpreting A 1.I believe you're going out of your way for us.2.Wouldn't you like to spend an extra day or two here? 3.I'm afraid that won't be possible, much as we'd like to.4.I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us.5.I will keep you posted.1.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。
2.你们不愿意在这儿多待一两天吗? 3.尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。
5.这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日程安排。请过目一下,好吗? 1.I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.2.I'd like to talk with you about the schedule, if it is convenient for you right now.3.Will our evenings be quite full? 4.We've arranged our schedule without any trouble.5.Here is a copy of the itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends.Would you
please have a look at it?
Text A Ladies and Gentlemen,I am extraordinarily happy to have witnessed this signing ceremony today because it symbolizes, for me, exactly the type of cooperation that we need, which is a cooperative endeavor that will bring in more investment and lead to more cooperation.On behalf of the foreign guests attending this workshop, let me say a most sincere “thank you” for your warm and gracious welcome.From the little I've seen in the short time when I've been here, I'd have to say China is a very beautiful country and your people are very friendly.I know that I can speak for everyone when I say that.From the moment when we arrived at the airport, there have been many helpful and considerate people to take care of all the little things that make the difference between a hectic and a relaxing trip.The accommodations you have provided are very comfortable and the setting for this workshop is relaxed, yet businesslike.We are all glad to be here to participate in this workshop on computer technology.We've all read about the phenomenal success with computers in China and we've all seen the numbers on how healthy the industry is here, and now We get the opportunity for a closer look.I know we have a lot to learn from your experience here in China, and hope our experience will be helpful to you here too.This is an exciting time for the computer industry worldwide, and we are excited to have the opportunity to participate in this workshop.Thank you for the invitation and the warm reception.女士们,先生们:
对全世界电脑工业界而言,这是令人兴奋的时刻,我们很高兴能有这个机会来参加此 次研讨会,谢谢你们的邀请和热情接待。
Coordinating--Field Interpreting Jean: Hey Kyle, guess what!The boss is sending me to the west coast for a marketing
seminar next month.Interpreter:嗨,Kyle,你猜怎么着!老板下月要我去西岸参加一个市场营销研讨会。
Interpreter: Ah ha.h, you must be happy.You've been itching to go on a business trip for
months.Jean: Yeah, and he said there'll be more coming up, so I should get a corporate card.Problem is, I don't know how to proceed, and I didn't want the boss to know
that.Can you fill me in? Interpreter:是的,他说以后还有更多。所以我应该有一张公司信用卡。但问题是我 不知道如何申请,而且不想让老板知道。你能帮我吗?
Interpreter: Sure, no problem.First, go and see the secretary and tell her where you're
going and when.She'll arrange for transportation and hotel through our travel
agent, and give you the itinerary in a few days.At the same time, ask her for
an application form for the card.Jean: Will I use the card for everything? Interpreter:一切费用都要用那张卡吗?
得付现金。Interpreter: No, we have company credit arrangements with some major airlines and hotels.For this trip, you'll probably only use it for food.Not all restaurants accept
the card, so you may have to pay cash.Jean: Do I pay out of my own pocket? Interpreter:我要花自己的钱吗?
Kyle:恐怕是。我们以前是预支差旅费,但自从公司使用信用卡后,就停止了。Interpreter: I'm afraid so.We used to have cash advances, but the company stopped that
when they started issuing cards.Jean: Will the company reimburse everything? Interpreter:公司会报销所有费用吗?
Interpreter: No, there are maximum per day rates.I'll give you a list.Of course, personal
items aren't covered.And make sure you keep all your receipts.You'll have
to attach them to your expense account when you get back.Jean: Anything else? Interpreter:还有其他的吗?
K|yle:既然你要经常飞行,去申请一张飞行积分卡。积累飞行里程是商务旅行 的额外补贴之一。到时候告诉我你是怎么带着旅行包生活的。
Interpreter: Since you'll be traveling often, apply for a frequent flyer card.Gathering
frequent flyer miles is one of the perks of business travel.And let me know
how you like living out of a suitcase.Packaging
Good afternoon, I would like to take this opportunity to talk briefly about your schedule i in the coming days.第一天:上午我们参观深圳市经济技术开发区、座谈,下午参观中国硅谷——深圳科技园,商务洽谈。第二天:请深圳市有关领导介绍深圳市招商引资和投资环境等情况及专业考察,下午参观深圳知名企业华为集团和康佳集团。第三天:全部是游览活动——“世界之窗”和“锦绣中华”。第四天:与当地企业家进行专业座谈,然后是粤菜风味的晚宴会。
On the fast day, you will visit Shenzhen Economic & Technical Development Zone and a free discussion will be held after the visit.A visit to the Silicon Valley of China—Shenzhen Technological Park and a business discussion will be arranged in the afternoon.On the second day, relevant leaders from Shenzhen Municipal Government will give you a briefing on the investment environment and merchant financing and you can do a business survey in the morning.In the aftemoon, we will pay a visit to two renowned enterprises located in Shenzhen Huawei Technological Co.and Konka Co.On the third day, sightseeing at the “Window of the Word” and “the Splendid China” will be on your schedule.On the fourth day, we will arrange a professional discussion with local entrepreneurs and a Cantonese style dinner party after that.非常高兴能在整个旅程中陪伴各位,如果大家现在或在旅行中有什么问题请随时向我提出来。
I am honored to accompany you throughout your travel here.I will be glad if I can answer some of your questions now and address the others as we tour.A.Sentence Interpreting
1.Wherever you go, you'll see drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants, drive-in churches and
drive-in movies theaters.2.Drivers are expected to know and understand the local laws even if they don't live in a
particular state.3.Australia is the world's smallest continent and largest island, and a relatively young nation
established in an ancient land.4.A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australia one of the world's most
attractive countries from the tourist's viewpoint.5.Tourism is a major industry in Australia, representing about six percent of the gross domestic product and providing, directly or indirectly, around 440,000 jobs.1.无论你走到哪里,你都能看到“免下车”银行、“免下车”餐馆、“免下车”教堂和“免下车”电影院。2.即使不生活在某一特定的州,开车族也需知晓当地的法律。
B.Text InterpretiIIg
Text D
Welcome to the Silk Road Tour.You will find this two-week trip one of your most memorable experiences in your life.The Silk Road dates back to the 2nd century B.C., when a Chinese official and envoy of the royal court Zhang Qian embarked on his business trip to Western Region(a Han Dynasty term for the area west of Yumenguan Pass, including what is now Xinjiang and parts of Central Asia)following the trade road linking Asia and Europe.Originating from Chang'an(present-day Xi'an), the route traversed Shaanxi Province, the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province, the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, the Pamir mountain region, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria, ending at the eastern shores of the Mediterranean.More than 4,000 of its 7,000 kilometers were in China.For over a thousand years up till the 15th century, China brought its silk cloth and goods, gunpowder, and paper making and printing techniques to the countries in Western Region via this road.This road, in return, introduced into China Buddhism and Islam as well as grapes, walnuts, pomegranates, cucumbers, glass, perfume and other products from the outside world.Because China's silk reached the countries in Western Region along this road, European scholars came to call it “the Silk Road”.A wealth of historical relics, fascinating scenery and interesting local cultures along the Silk Road makes this long trip one of the world's most exciting tourist attractions.Many Chinese ethnic minorities scatter along the Chinese portion of the road, all courteous and hospital to visitors from the rest of the world.The food and crafts in the region are different from those in central China.And the folklore is simply exotic and colorful, just like those fantastic tales in The Arabian Nights.The Silk Road Tour our travel agency offers will start from the ancient city of Xi'an and end at Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang.The tour will also cover Lanzhou, Dunhuang and Turpan.All along the route, you will take pleasure in the charms of the natural landscape, appreciate the superb workmanship of ancient artists, enjoy local delicacies and meet local people.This trip will certainly give you sweet memories that you will share with your family and friends.Unit 5 II.Phrase Interpreting A
2.resident correspondent
3.well-informed source
4.authoritative source
5.top news
6.front-page news 7.exclusive news
8.reliable news
9.inside story 10.box news
3.no comment 4.news briefing
5.live report
6.news agency 7.press card
8.headline news
9.special report 10.current affairs III.Sentence Interpreting
Put the students into pairs and ask them to do the activity.Have one student read the following sentences and the other interpret them one by one.When the students have finished, ask
them to compare their sentences with the reference.A.1.You seem to have been extremely successful in setting up joint ventures in China.2.We strongly believe that a sound business partnership is the foundation for a successful joint venture.3.Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us today.4.As you know, the world has entered the information era in which telecommunication is evolving as the universal framework for human interaction.5.As a matter of interest, what are the responsibilities of a director of human resources? 1.您在与中国建立合资企业方面取得了相当大的成功。
1.可不可以请您谈谈与中国做贸易的经验? 2.项目合同与一般的销售和采购合同有什么区别? 3.您认为取得这样的成绩原因何在?是由于你们的市场战略高明,经营管理好,还是什么别的原因? 4.保险是国际贸易的支柱。国际贸易和保险是并肩发展的。没有保险,世界经济就会处于可悲的境地。5.她精通汉语,在中国法律界和商界很受欢迎。
1.May I ask you to comment upon your experiences of doing business with China? 2.What is the difference between a project contract and an ordinary sales and purchase contract? 3.How do you account for the success? Is it due to marketing strategy, good management or something else? 4.Insurance is the backbone of international trade.International trade and insurance have developed together and without it, we would find the economies of the world in a very sorry state.5.She has a perfect command of the Chinese language, and is very popular with the legal and business circles here.Text A I've heard a saying that went something like, if you stay in a country for three weeks you can write a book, three months a postcard, and three years nothing!I am now faced with this problem.Having lived in China for about five years, I am totally used to daily life here.That shouldn't be something to complain about, right? Adapting to a different society and culture is something to be satisfied with, is it not? Usually it would be.However, it makes writing a column about my impressions of China a lot more difficult.In the West, student life is a combination of study and socializing with a heavy emphasis placed on the socializing part!I was genuinely impressed by the dedication and motivation of Chinese students.When I was a student I would rarely give up my spare time to any activity connected with study.Unless exams were approaching, my weekends were devoted to having fun or perhaps a part-time job.My Chinese students, on the other hand, seemed to spend their entire waking hours studying.I understand that competition in Chinese universities is extremely intense.Nonetheless, their energy and drive put me to shame.It may be true that rote learning is over-emphasized in Chinese education.Nonetheless, I found that this does not reflect the natural character of Chinese students.Given the appropriate classroom atmosphere and a chance to warm up, the students I met were naturally spontaneous and instinctively enjoyed drama.In some of the role-plays we acted out, certain students became so involved in their parts that they were bordering on an identity crisis!Thanks to the politeness and warmth of Chinese students, I conquered my fear of speaking in public and became more self-confident.Most importantly, I met dozens of fine decent people and made numerous excellent friends.我曾经听说过一个谚语,它好像是说如果你在一个国家呆上三礼拜,你能写一本书,如果是三个月,能写一张明信片;而如果是三年的话,就什么也写不出来了!我现在就碰到了这个问题。我在中国已经生活了五年,所以我已经完全适应了这里的日常生活。这可不是什么应该抱怨的事,对吧?融入到一个不同的社会和文化氛围当中是一件值得满足的事情,不是吗?通常情况下是这么回事的。然而,当我负责一个描述我对中国感受的栏目时,这一情况却大大增加了我的写作难度。
Coordinating-Field Interpreting Reporter:今天我们的客人是美国通用电气中国公司的总裁麦金泰先生。麦金泰先生1988年6月来到中国,对远东并不陌生。事实上这是他第二次来北京任职。在此之前他也在东京和新加坡工作过。麦金泰先生,欢迎您到我们的录音室来Interpreter: Our guest today is Mr.Charles Mclntyre, President and Chief Representative
of General Electric(USA)China Company.Mr.Mclntyre has been in China
since June 1988, and is no stranger to the Far East.In fact, this is his second
posting to Beijing and he has also worked in Tokyo and Singapore.Welcome
to the studio, Mr.Mclntyre.Melntyre: Thank you.I am pleased to be here to share with your listeners some of my
experience and our company's business activities in China.Interpreter:谢谢。能到这儿来,和您的听众谈谈我的一点经验和我们公司在华业务
的? Interpreter: Good.You introduced yourself to me earlier as Mr.Mai Jintai.How did you
get your Chinese name?
Mclntyre: Very interesting question.My wife selected the name.She is originally
“Shanghainese” and wanted to make sure I had a good Chinese name.Interpreter:问得很有意思。名字是我妻子给我挑的。她原籍上海,希望我一定得有
Reporter:她的确给您起了个好名字。麦金泰先生,您在美国通用电气公司多少年了? Interpreter: And she's certainly made sure that you have.So how long have you been with
GE, Mr.Mclntyre?
Mclntyre: I have been with GE for over 20 years and had a number of positions in
manufacturing, marketing, sales, strategy planning and new business
Reporter:您在GE的工作时间很长,经验丰富。我们想听听你们公司在90年代的 主要战略。
Interpreter: Your experience in GE has been long and varied.We'd be delighted to hear
what GE sees as its key strategies for the 1990s?
Melntyre: GE is truly a global company in the top ten in the world in market valuation.GE has operations all over the world and is particularly complex in that it is
not a one product company.We have 13 major businesses ranging from aircraft
engines and turbine generators to plastics and appliances.As a goal, we want
each of our businesses to be No.1 orNo.2 in the USA.Our long-term survival
depends on this success as more and more competitors enter the USA market.Achieving and maintaining a No.1 or No.2 market position is also driven by
another factor----our continuing everyday effort to become more and more
productive and efficient to meet our customer needs and to drive our cost
down.We must make the best product in the most productive way.Interpreter:GE确实是个全球性的公司。在市场评估中,它是世界前10名大公司之一。它在全世界范围内进行活动。特别复杂的是,它不是单一产品公司。
Reporter:是的,我明白。不过我得说,这是个很大的挑战。你们怎样做到这一点昵? Interpreter: Yes, I understand.But I must say it is quite a bit of challenge.How are you going
to achieve this?
Melntyre: Two answers come to mind.One is that we must listen to our customers.Listen,listen, listen, and then act.Listening and understanding and then performing
are not easy.A second answer is people.Listen to our people.This includes:
opening communications.This means to continue to share with our employees
the strategies and problems of our businesses to get their full participation in
helping develop solutions.Offering challenges and freedoms to do their jobs
without a lot of over management.Cutting layers of management.Layers of
management add cost and hinder communications from top to bottom.For
example, if you have a department with three managers reporting to a General
Manager, we may cut this layer.Interpreter:回答这个问题,我想到两点:一个是我们必须倾听客户的意见。倾听、倾听、倾听,然后行动。听取意见,理解意见,然后采取行动,这并不是一件容易的事。第二个是人的因素。倾听自己职工的意见,其中包括:
Reporter:听取客户的意见,听取职工的意见,可能这就是成功之道吧? Interpreter: Listen to the customers and listen to the employees.These could be the keys
to success, am I right?
Mclntyre: Absolutely.Interpreter:一点不错。
Reporter:GE是什么时候重返中国的?你们过去曾经在中国设过机构,对吗? Interpreter: When did GE re-enter China? You had been in China before, hadn't you? McIntyre: Yes.In 1979, GE re-established its business contact with China through the
opening of representative office in Beijing with additional expansion being
Interpreter: One of the most difficult problems for foreign investors in China is balancing
foreign exchange.GE deals with this issue in a number of ways, counter-trade,exports, etc.I am particularly interested in the holding company idea.Mclntyre: To begin with, we feel strongly that the problem of balancing foreign exchange
for foreign investors is an issue that needs to be addressed prior to signing an
investment contract.One way to explore this is to see if there is a market for
exports.There may also be other products made in China that can be exported
to earn foreign exchanges.Interpreter:首先,我强烈地感到,外国投资者外汇收支平衡的问题是在签订投资合同之前就要正视的问题。探索解决这个问题的一个办法是,看看产品有没有出口的市场,也许还有其他的在中国生产的产品可以拿来出口以换取外汇。
Reporter:麦金泰先生,谢谢您今天来参加我们的节目。我们祝您今后生意更兴隆。Interpreter: Mr.Mclntyre, thank you for joining us today.We wish you every success in
the future.Melntyre: Madam Zhang, thank you for inviting me.I hope this helps the English study
of your audience as well as improves understanding of GE's business ideas.Interpreter:张女士,谢谢您对我的邀请。我希望这个节目有助于您的听众学习英语,也进一步了解我们的经营思想。
Interpreting and Assessment 女士们,先生们,早上好!Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, 今天我来谈谈如何在工作中利用好你的五种资源。每个雇员都有五种可以利用的权力资源。估量自己潜在的权力资源并善用之。
Today, I'm going to talk about how to use the five sources of your power at work.Every employee has five sources of power to draw from.Assess your potential power sources and use them to your advantage.1.个人权力:就是你的魅力、你实现你的信念的激情、你与他人沟通和给人以激励的能力,以及你的领导才能。
1.Personal power is all about your charisma, your passion to achieve the strength of your convictions, your ability to communicate and inspire, and your leadership skills.2.人际关系权力:来自你在工作中所建立、培养和保持的关系网和朋友圈;来自公司内其他部门的同事一使你及时了解他们部门的情况来自公司主管——将特殊项目交由你负责,来自公司内其他人等。2.Relationship power derives from the network of contacts and friends that you make, develop, and maintain at work;from coworkers who keep you up to date with the goings-on in their part of the organization, to executives who seek you out for special projects;and everyone in between.3.职位权力:直接与你在公司组织结构中的地位有关。公司业主、总裁和首席执行官有很大的职位权力,而接待员、办事员或勤杂人员一般没有什么职位权力。
3.Position power is directly related to where you reside on your company's organizational chart.Owners, presidents, and CEOs have plenty of position power, while receptionists, clerks, and laborers typically have little or none.4.知识权力:是你对你的具体工作、你所在部门、机构的某种特殊专长或知识。
4.Knowledge power is based on the special expertise and knowledge that you have of your lob, your departments, or your organization.5.任务权力:存在于分配给你的工作任务中,有些工作其本质上较其他工作对公司的健康发展更为重要。比如说,销售人员,其工作是通过销售产品和服务来为公司赚取利润,他们通常有较高的任务权力。公司的健康发展更为重要。比如说,销售人员,其工作是通过销售产品和服务来为公司赚取利润,他们通常有较高的任务权力。
5.Task power is inherent in the jobs you are assigned at work.Some work is by nature more important to the healthy development of the organization than others.For example, salespeople, whose job is to bring in money by selling products or services, usually have high task power.你可以利用你拥有的任何一种权力资源来建立、充实你另一权力资源。
You can leverage any source of power you have to build your base of power in another source.Sentence Interpreting 1.请您谈一谈中国加入西方八国集团的可能性。2.您如何看待在中国西部地区进行长期投资的前景? 3.您认为应当建立一个什么样的世界新格局? 4.我要提的问题是,中美关系是否处在一个充满危险变数的十字路口? 5.您能阐明一下贵国政府的环保政策吗? 1.Would you comment on the possibility of China's joining of G-8? 2.How do you view the prospects of making long-term investment in China's central and western regions? 3.What in your view would be the kind of new international configuration of power that should be established? 4.My question is, do you believe that Sino-US relations are brought to the crossroads full of risky uncertainties? 5.Could you elaborate on your government policy as regards environmental protection? B: Please take a seat.My name is John Giles.I'm the human resource manager.A:你好。我叫陈刚。谢谢你约见我。
B: How do you do? My name is Chen Gang.Thank you for agreeing to see me.B: Right then.Could I start by asking when you graduated from university? B: I'm a senior student now.I will be graduating from the university in June.A:我现在是大四学生,今年六月份毕业。B: I see.And what's your major? A:我是计算机系软件专业的学生。
B: I'm in the Computer Science Department, majoring in Software Engineering.B: So how did you hear about us? A:我读大一的时候就知道你们公司,希望毕业后能有机会成为公司的一员。
B: I heard about your company in my first year at university, and I've been hoping to join you ever since.B: That's very interesting.And what sort of job did you have in mind? What do you have to offer us? A:我可以编程,也可以做销售,我在大学里就有不少销售经验。我设计的软件还获过。
B: I can do programming or sales promotion.I won a prize for some software I developed, and I have a lot of experience of sales during my time at university.B: I'm afraid we don't have any vacancies in sales or in programming.However, we are looking for people for customer support.How would you feel about that? A:没问题。我擅长与人沟通。那我什么时候上班呢? B: No problem.I'm a good communicator.When would it be possible for me to start? Unit 6 I.You are going to hear a short passage about advertising.Listen to the passage carefully and note down what you hear.Pay attention to the structure of your notes.Then interpret your notes in the target language.Advertising
Advertising reaches people through various forms of mass media.These media include
newspapers, magazines, television, radio and posters and hoardings.Advertisers buy space in newspaper and magazines to publish their advertisements.They buy time on television and radio to broadcast their commercials.One of the many advantages of newspapers is that most adults read a daily newspaper, and many of them specifically check the advertisements for information about products, services, or special sales.Magazines are usually read in a leisurely manner and are often kept for weeks or months before being discarded.One of the main advantages of television to advertisers is that it brings sight, sound and action directly to consumers in their homes.An advantage of advertising on radio is that people can listen to programs while doing other things, like driving their cars or working at home.II.Phrase Interpreting
Ask the students to interpret the following words and phrases into Chinese or English
respectively with the help of the language bank in the Student's Book.A
1.consumer advertising
2.business advertising
3.local advertising 4.national advertising
5.global advertising
6.print advertising
7.electronic advertising
8.out-of-home advertising
9.commercial advertising 10.Internet advertising III.Sentence Interpreting
Put the students into pairs and ask them to do the activity.Have one student read the following sentences and the other interpret them one by one.When the students have finished, ask
them to compare their sentences with the reference.A.1.Along with China's entry into the WTO and more businesses going international, English advertisement has gradually become a major tool for enterprises to promote exportations and to develop foreign markets.2.Advertising can incorporate controversial political tones, social tones, partial nudity, etc.to capture the attention of consumers and entice them to make a purchase.3.Vacuum cleaner of this brand is competitive in the international market and it is the best-selling product of the same kind.4.The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact size, energy saving qualities and is also easy to operate.5.With the rapid development of world economy, newspapers, magazines and television companies are dependent on advertising for a large part of their income.1.随着我国加入WTO以及对外经济交往迅速加深与扩大,英语广告已逐渐发展成为企业促进出口销售,开拓海外市场的一个主要手段。
5.我们的产品具备了您所需要的各项特色,而且比日本产品便宜20%,所以我们向您极力推荐。1.If the advertisers simply translate the successful ads at home into English, it is quite likely that they will not succeed.2.As one of the most important auto shows in China, China Auto 2006 will be held in June at the China International Exhibition Center, Beijing 3.Interactive TV moves television into an entirely new medium combining entertainment, shopping, marketing and advertising.4.Advertising on British television is subject to strict regulations.5.As our product has all the features you need and is 20% cheaper than that of Japanese product, I strongly recommend it to you.Text A
All ads want you to like the product.Even very informative ads can be delivered in such a way as to have human appeal and interest.For instance, a print ad for a luxury car, if it shows two ear engines side by side, a full cocktail glass on each, one vibrating and one still, then your attention is immediately captured.The copy or the wording, then explains that this is the way the smoothness of a BMW engine is tested before it leaves the factory.The ad is informative, technical and yet has a human touch.Also clients and agencies will try to develop a personality for the brand of their products so that the customer will come to like the personality and feel it's a friend and therefore become a loyal purchaser of that brand only.Well, let me give you an example.You know how fond the British are of animals, especially dogs and cats, well, Andrex is a well-known brand of toilet paper and it always uses a golden-colored puppy in its ads.Usually a little scene is shown.It could be that the puppy is playing with the toilet roll in the upstairs bathroom, and wraps himself up in it and runs downstairs, unrolling the paper behind him right through the kitchen and into the garden.The setting is always a clean and bright house, the puppy is sweet and soft and his mischievousness endears him immediately to all the viewers.We enjoy watching the story and the puppy, and the message comes across that this product is strong, long and soft.We start to associate the puppy ads with the name Andrex.所有的广告都希望你喜欢它的产品。即使是信息性很强的广告,也可以做得很有人情味、富有情趣。比方说,有个豪华小汽车的图片广告,上面两个汽车发动机并列,每个发动机上摆着一满杯鸡尾酒,一个酒杯摇摇晃晃,另一个酒杯纹丝不动。这就立刻引起你的注意。于是广告文字就告诉你,宝马牌的发动机出厂前就是用这种办法来检验它的平稳性能的。这是一份属于信息性和技术性的广告,但却有人情味。此外,客户和广告公司还想方设法使产品的牌子带有一种个性,使消费者对这种个性产生好感,感到亲切,从而变成只买这个牌子的忠实买主。
IV.Coordinating--Field Interpreting Zhang:现在我们来谈谈广告。我们每天都看到广告,可是我们当中没几个人了解广告是怎么制作的。Interpreter: Now let's talk about advertising, for it's something we all encounter daily, but
few of us know much about how it is put together.Pamela: OK, where shall we start? Interpreter:好吧。从哪儿谈起呢?
Interpreter: You are an account director.Why don't you explain what that actually means?
Pamela: An agency is pided into three main sections: One is the media department,which advises and plans which newspapers, magazines or television stations
a client should use and also buys the space or TV time for the client.The
creative department: This is possibly the most important section of the agency,I suppose, as here you would find the copywriters and artists who actually
create the ads.And then there is the account service department, which is
where I fit in.Interpreter:一个广告公司分为3个部门。第一个是宣传媒介部。它负责向客户建议在哪家报刊、杂志或者电视台刊登广告,做出计划,并且代客户购买报刊版面或电视播放时间。第二个是创意部。我想这可能是广告社里最重要的部门。在这里,你可以见到实际创造广告的撰稿人员和美术家。还有就是适合我本人工作的account服务部。
zhang:你是说你管财务? Interpreter: Does that mean you handle the finances?
Pamela: No, no!Not at all.“Account” in this context simply means client.So an account
director is responsible for all the business with possible 2, 3 or 4 clients,depending on how big the clients are.Interpreter:不,不是那样。“account”这个词在这里是客户的意思。客户业务经理负责两三个或者四个客户,数目可根据客户大小而定。
Zhang:看来你们客户服务部是广告社直接与客户接头的单位了? Interpreter: So the account service people are the direct contact between the agency and
the client?
Pamela: Exactly.My job is to ensure that the work being produced is giving the right
message to the right people, and that it is within budget.When we are starting
a new advertising campaign--and by campaign, I mean a series of adverts, it
is my responsibility to get as much information from the client as possible
and then to convey this to the creative department in the form of a creative
brief.Interpreter:对。正是这样。我的工作是保证所做的广告针对性很强,把恰当的信息传达给恰当的对象,开支则要在允许的范围内。要开始新的广告计划的时候,所谓广告计划就是一整套的广告宣传,我的任务就是向客户尽可能多地了解情况,然后通过创意小结的形式把这些情况转达给创意部门。zhang:客户怎样帮助你做好这项工作呢? Interpreter: How can the client help you to achieve this?
Pamela: Well, the client wants to, of course, get the best work from his agency in terms
of ads that are effective, meet the marketing strategy, full of impact, and
increase the market share of the product.But to enable us to achieve this, the
client should have done some thorough research before he briefs us.We will
need to know not just all about the product, but what the advertising is supposed to achieve, who exactly the product is aimed at, so that we know which part of the general public we are talking to--is it teenagers, housewives aged between 25 to 35, or professional women over 30, etc.? Also we must know what the client wants to spend on the commercial, because this will determine whether
we use TV or print, black and white or color, etc.Interpreter:客户自然要求广告社为他做出最好的广告,既要宣传得力,符合他开拓市场的战略要求,又要富于感染力,有助于增加他的产品的市场份额。要使我们达到这些要求,他在向我们介绍情况之前,得先做些深入调查。我们不仅需要了解有关产品的各种情况,还要知道做广告想收到什么效果,产品销售对象是些什么人,这样我们才能知道要针对哪一部分人做广告,是13岁到19岁的少男少女,25岁到35岁的家庭主妇,还是30岁以上的职业妇女?究竟是哪些人?我们还需要知道客户愿意在这份商业广告上花多少钱,因为这将决定我们是采用电视还是图片做广告,是黑白两色还是彩色等等。
zhang:看来你们在着手写广告或者设计广告之前就有很多工作要做。Interpreter: So there is a lot of work to be done before you can even start to write or design
an ad?
Pamela: Yes, once you know what you want to achieve, who your ad is talking to, how
much you can spend and the kind of advertising campaign you are going to
run, then you can recommend a media plan to the client.Interpreter:是的。在知道广告的目的要求、宣传对象、可以花多少钱、拟采取的广
Zhang:广告计划都有哪些类别?每个广告计划都是为了推销一种产品吗? Interpreter: What different kinds of campaigns are there? The object of every campaign is
to sell lust one product, isn't it? Pamela: Not always.Sometimes a company will wish to build its corporate image--
particularly a service company like a bank.They may feel that people are not
aware of their company enough, or do not have a strong idea of what sort of
company it is.Interpreter:并不总是这样。有时候公司希望树立自己的企业形象。特别是像银行这样的服务性公司。他们可能觉得人们对他们公司注意得不够,或者对他们是个什么样的公司印象不深。
zhang:看来这个广告计划做得很成功。我总认为做广告关键的一点是要动之以情。Interpreter: So it's been a successful campaign, I've always understood that one of the
key factors in making an ad is to appeal to people's emotions.Pamela: Yes.Interpreter:是的。
I.Interpreting and Assessment
We are a reputed engineering company in India having spare capacity for manufacture of high precision components & assemblies for engineering and electronic industries.We can provide long-term competitive and reliable source.我们是印度一家驰名的工程公司,具有为工程和电子工业制造高密度部件与配件的足够能力。我们能够提供适应长期竞争的可靠资源。
Our facilities include computer aided engineering and manufacturing, CNC technology, efficient processing centers, etc., including gold plating.We have adequate facility for research and development and a team of experienced engineers and technicians.Presently we are manufacturing clock work mechanisms for defense applications and communication electronic components.我们的能力包括:电脑辅助工程与制造、CNC技术、高效率的加工中心及镀金等。我们具有足够的研究与开发能力,拥有一支富有经验的工程技术人员队伍。目前我们正在制造用于防卫设施和通讯电子部件的仪表工作装置。我们乐意考虑对于有关部件来源,建立长期战略同盟、技术合作或稳定的购回协议等事宜。来函请寄:国际业务部执行主任巴曼先生,传真:11 12 133 1234。
We are open to discussion for sourcing of components, long-term strategic alliance, and technical collaboration or firm buy-back arrangement.My address is: Mr.Barman, CHIEF EXECUTIVE of International Operations Department, Fax No.11 12 133 1234.Sentence Interpreting 1.Make yourself heard.2.Start ahead.3.A diamond lasts forever.4.Let us make things better.5.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.1.理解就是沟通。
5.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却多姿多彩。B.Text Interpreting
Text D
Though online advertising spending is a mere fraction of what is spent on print and broadcast ads, its revenue is increasing significantly for a medium still in its infancy.As mentioned, the Web's targeting and tracking capabilities have the potential to make it one of the most responsive media available to advertisers.Targetability.Web advertisers have an entirely new range of targeting capabilities.They can focus on users from specific companies, geographical regions and nations, as well as by time of day, computer platform, and browser.In the near future, advertisers will be able to target much of their Web advertising based on users' preferences—something other advertising vehicles can't do.Tracking.Marketers can track how users interact with their brands and learn what is of interest to their current and prospective customers.For example, a car manufacturer can track how a user progresses through its site to determine whether more users are interested in the safety information or the “extras” that come with a particular model.Advertisers can also precisely measure the response to an advertisement through the number of times an ad is clicked on, which is difficult to do with traditional television, printing and boards.Deliverability and flexibility.An online ad is delivered in real time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.Furthermore, an ad campaign can be launched, updated, or canceled immediately.An advertiser can follow a campaign's progress daily notice that a campaign is generating very little response in the first week, and replaced by week two, a big difference from print, where an ad cannot be changed until a new edition of the publication is published;and on TV, the costs of making frequent changes are prohibitive.Interactivity.An advertiser's goal is to engage the prospect with a brand or product.This can be done more effectively on the Web, where a consumer can interact with the product, test the product, and, if she or he chooses to, buy the product.For example, an advertisement for software can take a user directly to the location where a demo can be downloaded and tested.If the consumer likes the software he or she can purchase it right then and there.No other medium offers such immediate and easy accessibility.Unit 7 I.Listen to a short passage “Shopping for Clothes” carefully and note down what you hear.Try to use some symbols and abbreviations when you are taking notes.Then interpret your notes in the target language.Shopping for Clothes
Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman.A man goes shopping because he needs something.His purpose is settled and decided in advance.He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it;the price is a secondary consideration.All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want.If the shop has it in stock, the salesman promptly produces it, and the business of trying it on proceeds at once.All being well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone's satisfaction.For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants.Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way.Her shopping is not often based on needs.She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look round”.She is always open to persuasion;indeed she sets great store by what the saleswoman tells her, even by what companions tell her.She will try on any number of things.Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her.Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes.They are always on the lookout for the unexpected bargain.Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another, to and fro, often retracing her steps before selecting the dresses she wants to try on.It is a laborious process, but apparently an enjoyable one.Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.II.Phrase Interpreting A
3.vertical axis
5.in summary
8.to run out of time
9.in a word
10.in addition
10.另外 B.
1.commodity features
2.sequence 3.order
4.monopoly 5.quality control
6.profit 7.manufacturing industry
8.service industry 9.operation
10.degree of customer satisfaction III.Sentence Interpreting A.1.Please proceed with your presentation.2.This morning I'm going to describe sales forecasts for the European computer market over the next five years.3.Good afternoon, everyone.This afternoon I'd like to describe briefly the advantages of using the TEC-NET communication service.4.In summary, ladies and gentlemen, as well as providing extensive after-sales service, Minimax will be happy to custom-design our product to meet the needs of your company.5.At the end of the presentation there will be time for any questions you have.1.请开始你的简要汇报。
5.我的演讲完了,我们公司将很乐意在任何时候接收你们的订单。.I would like to present our comments in the following order.2.First of all, I will outline the characteristics of our product.3.If you are interested, I will prepare a list of them.4.By the way, before finishing this subject, I would like to add a few comments.5.To finish my presentation, our company will be very happy to receive your order at any time.Text A
Thank you for that kind introduction, Mr.Chairman.I'm very pleased to be able to talk to you today about changes in the four sales areas and how your company can benefit from these changes.If you have any questions during my talk, please stop me and ask.The main thing I want to say is that all companies must be ready for continuous change, and prepared to meet those changes.If you look at the screen, you can see the changes in our sales composition over the last ten years.The left side shows the four major sales areas: industrial machinery, robots, computers and, at the bottom home appliances.As you can see on the graph, the percentage of sales in two areas, namely, industrial machinery and home appliances, has decreased since 2003.For example, if you look on the right, you can see industrial machinery sales have decreased from 39 to 29 percent and home appliances have declined from 42 to 28 percent.On the other hand, sales of robots and computers have increased.The rise in robot sales has been especially sharp.Here is 2003:4 percent;2004:9 percent;2005:16 percent.谢谢主席先生的热情介绍。今天我非常高兴能在这里谈谈四个销售领域的变化,以及贵公司是如何在这些变化中获利的。假如在我讲话过程中您有什么问题,请随时打断我。
比如说,请看右边,工业机械的销售额从39%下降到29%,家用电器从42%下降到28%。而另一方面,机器人和电脑的销售额却上升了,机器人销售额的上升尤其明显,2003年是4%;2004年9%, 2005年16%。
IV.Coordinating--Field Interpreting Question 1:您似乎完全忽视了高层管理职位被男性垄断这一问题。难道您不觉得您的结果完全是基于在美国公司的高层职位几乎没有女性这一事实吗? Interpreter: You seem to have completely ignored the question of male domination of top
management posts.Don't you think your results are almost entirely due to the
fact that there are practically no women in senior positions in American
Answer: I think that's a very interesting point.I'm afraid I didn't have time to address
the question of gender itself, because I was mainly concentrating on the question of management style.However, I feel sure that this aspect would be worth discussing at length on another occasion.Interpreter:我认为您的问题很有意思。恐怕我没时间来回答关于性别的问题,因为我今天主要是讲管理方式的问题,我肯定这方面的问题将值得在另外的场合进一步讨论。
Question 2:史密斯先生,假如您不介意的话,能否告诉我们,被调查者是如何评定那些诸如“个人主义”这样非常难的概念的? Interpreter: Mr.Smith, if you don't mind me asking, could you tell us how the respondents
assessed difficult concepts such as inpidualism?
Answer: Of course, I suppose you're referring to the second survey I mentioned? Well,I'll just check if I may...yes...as I thought, we used the Belbin personality
test in order to position respondents.I think that you'll find that this is a fairly
standard psychological test for such management surveys.Are there any more questions you would like to ask about the trial? Interpreter:当然,我想您是在说我提到的第二个观测吗?哦,我查一下„„我想我们用的是Belbin个性测试方法来定位我们的被调查者的。我认为你会发现对于这种管理调查来说它是一个相当标准的心理测试系统。还有别的有关实验方面的问题吗?
Question 3:史密斯先生,我想问一下你们的观察是如何建立的?是否采用监控小组的形式? Interpreter: Mr.Smith, could I ask you how the surveys were set up? You know, did they
use a control group?
Answer: I'm afraid that's really outside my field.I myself was not involved in carrying
out the surveys.However, I can give you the references afterwards, if they
would be helpful.Interpreter:恐怕这不是我研究的领域。我本人并没有参加这些观测。可是我等会儿会给你一些参考资料,假如它们对您有帮助的话。
Good afternoon.Thank you for coming.This afternoon I’d like to talk about why I believe quality control is important in the service industry.质量控制在传统上一直被用于制造业,而且使产量和利润都有所提高。然而在我们称为的服务行业中却没有被广泛使用。我今天的主要论点就是质量监控在服务行业也将产生良好的效果并有助于提高顾客满意度。
Quality control has traditionally been used in manufacturing, and has greatly improved productivity and profitability.It has not, however, been used vastly in the so-called service industries.My main point is that quality control can also be effective in these industries and will result in greatly improved customer satisfaction.我演讲的第一部分将对质量监控的历史稍做讲解,然后,我将解释什么是质量监控以及它是如何运作的。最后,我还要向大家展示它是如何被运用于各种商务活动的,无论是制造业还是与服务相关的行业。在我演讲结束后,我将很乐于回答诸位的问题。
In the first part of my presentation, I'll talk a little bit about the history of quality control, then I'll go on to describe what quality control is and how it works.Finally, I'll show you how it can be applied to any business, whether manufacturing or service-related.At the end of the presentation I'll be happy to answer any questions.A.Sentence Interpreting
1.We're very honored to have the opportunity of making this presentation to you.2.If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt at any time.3.I don't think you should miss this opportunity to update your equipment.4.Let me assure you that the computer you are buying is the best in the market.5.I don't want to sound pushy, but this is a great deal and I think you should go for it.1.非常荣幸有机会给你们作陈述报告。2.如果有任何问题,请随时打断我。3.我认为你不应错过这个更新设备的机会。4.我保证你现在买的电脑是市场上最好的。
Text D
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I want to welcome you to the annual stockholder meeting of Container Systems.Along with electing new board members for next year, we must also vote today on several proposals which I will outline here, and will be given in-depth treatment by the remaining speakers.The first item we will discuss today focuses on the role our company should take in promoting expansion of the main port facilities in our province, as opposed to development of a new site on the west coast.Closely related to this is the issue of declining standards of maintenance at the existing ports and how this affects our ability to move freight on schedule.Continued labor unrest and the threat that it brings will be the focus of the sessions after lunch.Discussion of a friendly takeover offered by a large Japanese firm will be the last order of business before we begin to vote for officers at the end of the afternoon sessions.Tonight at the banquet, we have a guest speaker who will tell us all about what to expect from the new port facilities in Singapore, and how that will affect the business climate here.We have a very busy day ahead of us, so I'll turn the podium over to the secretary, who will read the minutes from last year's meeting, and present this year's financial report, before we move on to the discussions of the other issues.Thank you for attending this meeting and we know that with your continued support, we will remain a healthy and dynamic company.Unit 8 Listen to a speech “Sleep and Stress” and try to note down its main ideas.Then retell the passage with the aid of your notes.Sleep and Stress
Sleep experts believe that stress and lack of sleep are directly related.Dr.Henry Winkle,in an article entitled “Stress and Sleep”, says: “The more we worry, the less we sleep, the
more we are unable to deal with stress.If we can find a way to get a good night's sleep, we
can often find the energy to deal with what's worrying us.”
So, what is a good night's sleep? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need to keep healthy varies a lot.Seven hours is about the average amount, though strangely enough, sleeping longer often gives you a headache instead of making you feel more refreshed.Dr.Winkle also points out that preparing for sleeping is important.People who work late should try to give themselves a short break and do something restful before going to bed.This could be watching TV or listening to music.A bedtime drink can also help, but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine and will keep you awake.“When you put out the light,” Dr.Winkle says, “concentrate on relaxing your muscles starting from your feet, and you will be asleep before you know it.” Phrase Interpreting A
1.company image
3.registered capital
4.enterprise objective
5.marketing strategies
6.market potential
7.business operations
8.consumer group
9.patented technology
10.subsidiary company
10.子公司 B.
1.state-owned enterprise
2.collectively-run enterprise
3.township enterprise
4.private enterprise
5.joint venture
6.loss-making enterprise
7.profit-making enterprise
8.multinational corporation
9.work efficiency
10.group corporation III.Sentence Interpreting
Put the students into pairs and ask them to do the activity.Have one student read the following sentences and the other interpret them one by one.When the students have finished, ask
them to compare their sentences with the reference.A.1.Our company specializes in the production and marketing of telecommunication facilities.2.We always put quality as the first consideration.3.The company engages mainly in domestic trade, exporting and importing.4.All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.5.No one can match us as far as quality is concerned.1.我们公司主要从事电信设备的生产和销售。
Text A 女士们,先生们:
Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning!
First of all, on behalf of Huawei, I'd like to extend our warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the friends and colleagues present.I'd like to take this opportunity to make a brief introduction of our company.Established in 1988 and headquartered in Shenzhen, Huawei Technological Co.specializes in the R&D, production and marketing of telecom equipment, Huawei is now a key player in China's telecom market and is becoming an active participant in the global telecom market.Currently, Huawei focuses on such areas as WCDMA, CDMA2000, and data communications.Sales in 2003 exceeded 3.6 billion USD, of which one billion was international sales.To date, Huawei's products have been deployed in over 40 countries including Germany, France, UK, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Russia, Egypt, Thailand and Singapore.Huawei has 22,000 employees.In addition, Huawei has been investing heavily in the R&D of 3G systems.Currently there are over 3,500 engineers engaged in the R&D of 3G systems in Huawei's global 3G R&D institutes located in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing of China and Sweden, India and the United States.Li:根据我们的计划安排,今天要参观我们的工厂。
Interpreter: According to our schedule, we will visit our factory today.Smith: That's wonderful.This is a place I have always wanted to visit.How far is it
from here, Mr.Li? Interpreter:太好了,我一直想参观你们的工厂。李先生,你们工厂有多远?
Interpreter: Seventy five kilometers to the northeast of Shenzhen.Our car is coming.Let's go!
Smith: Let's go.Interpreter:我们走吧。
Interpreter: Here we are!Is there any place in particular you'd like to visit? I will explain
the operations as we go along.Smith: Yes, I'm interested in learning about your manufacturing facilities and
manufacturing process.Is it possible to arrange a tour for us? Interpreter:我想看一下你们的生产设备和生产流程。是否可以给我们安排一下?
Interpreter: OK.Here is the production shop.Shall we start from the assembly line?
Smith: Sure.It is larger than I expected.Interpreter:当然可以。比我想的还要大多了。
Li:大多数设备都是我们公司从国外进口的,流水线和机械设备都是德国进口的。Interpreter: Most of the equipments here were imported by our company.The assembly line
and the mechanical tools are imported from Germany.Smith: Good.I also want to know how you ensure quality control.Interpreter:我想知道你们怎样确保质量控制的。
Interpreter: Strict quality monitoring and control take place at each step in the apparel
making process.We then examine each product manually to ensure that there
are no defects.Smith: It sounds like a time consuming process.Interpreter:听起来好像是一个费事的过程。
检查后,就是给服装打上标签。最后一步就是包装、准备上市了。Interpreter: It is so, Mr.Smith.We believe such thoroughness pays off in the long run.Following the examination, the labels are affixed.The final step is packing and getting the cartons ready for market.Smith: Seeing is believing.Mr.Li, it has been a most interesting afternoon and I
learned a great deal about both your facility and the process of manufacturing.Interpreter:眼见为实。李先生,我们度过了一个非常有意思的下午,同时也了解到
你们的设备和生产流程。Li: 希望你这次参观有所收获。
Interpreter: We hope that you have enjoyed your visit.Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, 各位来宾,早上好!
It is my pleasure to stand here to introduce my company--Great Wall Motor Company Limited.我很荣幸站在这里介绍我们公司——长城汽车股份有限公司。
Great Wall Motor Company Limited, with its largest scale and the most varied types of pickup trucks available in China, is a large holding company specializing in pickup trucks.It has three complete vehicle productions of subsidiaries and two modernized engine production factories.It also leads the Chinese pickup market with its advanced technology, design and development.长城汽车股份有限公司,是中国规模最大的品种最齐全的控股轻型货车制造企业。现今,长城汽车公司旗下有3家整车生产子公司和2家现代化发动机制造厂。长城汽车公司以它先进的技术,创造力和发展引领中国的轻型货车市场。
At present, different series of the automobile are on the market, such as the GW DEER series, the GW SAILOR series of pickups, GW SAFE, and the GW SAFE SUV automobile, among others.We can also manufacture special automobiles used in military spheres, public security, postal administration and do it as per customer's special requirement.With the idea of a “customer-centered” approach, we do our utmost to reduce the cost, and strengthen quality.目前已上市的产品有迪尔、赛铃、赛弗三大系列的轻型货车以及赛弗SUV多功能车。我们也可以为军队、公安、邮政部门制造特种车,并且也可以为每一位顾客按要求订做。本着“一切以客户为中心”的经营理念,我们最大限度的降低价格并且加强质量。
The GW Company has obtained ISO 9001 Certificate:of 2000 Copyright, GCC Certificate as well as the SASO Certificate.The strict quality assurance system guarantees GW pickups sell very well and have gained customers' satisfaction.长城汽车公司获授了IS09001国际质量认证,GCC认证和SASO认证。长城汽车公司以其严谨的质量保证体制使其产品畅销各地并赢得了顾客们的青睐。
You are very welcome to visit our company and to cooperate with GW company.Thank you!最后,欢迎您到访长城公司或与长城企业合作。谢谢。
Sentence Interpreting 1.我们公司的大多数设备都是从国外进口的。
1.Most of the equipments in our company were imported from abroad.2.We examine each product manually to ensure that there are no defects.3.We believe strict exam pays off in the long run.4.Huawei Technologies was established in 1988 and its headquarter is located in Shenzhen.5.Our sales in 2003 exceeded $3.6 billion.B.Text Interpreting
Text D
The term “multinationals” is used for companies that have subsidiaries or sales facilities throughout the world.Another expression for this type of business enterprise is “global corporation”.Many of these enterprise giants are household names such as Coca Cola, IBM,Samsung, General Motors, Toyota and Wal-Mart.Companies like these control vast sums of
money and they operate in countries with widely differing political and economic systems.In earlier times, most developing countries gave the multinationals a “red carpet” welcome because the governments of these countries saw such foreign investment as creating much-needed employment, stimulating the business sector generally, and possibly earning foreign currency if the company's products were exported.The rise of the Asian economy as a whole, and the rapid growth Of China's economy since the 1980s have proved to some extent that the availability of cheap labor in most developing countries has been luring many companies into building new factories filled assembly plants there.
In recent years,however,the tide has turned against the multinationals.They are now viewed by many countries with suspicion,for example,whether multinationals are harming their national interests.Some developing countries,in particular,have felt uneasy and have become concerned about their dependence on foreign investment in key sectors of their economy.They have become aware mat foreign subsidiaries often take most of their profits out of me country rather than reinvest them in the company.Sometimes the flow of funds causes disastrous fluctuations in the exchange rates of their currencies.