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Remarks on the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8 2011

Hillary Rodham Clinton US Secretary of State

国际妇女节100周年纪念日致辞 美国国务卿希拉里 克林顿

March 8th is the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day.And, as many of you know, this anniversary is important to me.At the 1995 Beijing conference, I was so humbled by the positive response to my message that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.But 16 years later, women still bear the brunt of poverty, war, disease, and famine.And when it comes to the boardroom meetings, government sessions, peace negotiations, and other assemblies where crucial decisions are made in the world, women are too often absent.3月8日是国际妇女节100周年。如同许多人所知,这个纪念日对我意义重大。1995年在北京大会上,我提出的人权就是妇女权利,妇女权利就是人权的信息得到了积极回响,令我深受感动。但是16年后,面对贫穷、战争、疾病和饥荒,妇女仍然首当其冲。而在董事会议、政府会议、和平谈判以及涉及重大决策的其他机会场景中,女性的身影经常付之阙如。

It is clear that more work needs to be done—to consolidate our gains and to keep momentum moving forward.很显然,我们仍需付出更多努力来巩固我们的成果。

The United States continues to make women a cornerstone of our foreign policy.It’s not just the right thing to do.It’s the smart thing.Women and girls drive our economies.They build peace and prosperity.Investing in them means investing in global economic progress, political stability, and greater prosperity for everyone—the world over.美国继续将妇女作为我们外交政策的一个立足点,这么做不仅正确,也是明智的。妇女和女童推动我们的经济,促进和平与繁荣。对她们的投资就是对全球经济进步、政治稳定以及让所有人更加富足的投资。

So let us mark this day by finding ways to ensure women and girls’ access to education, healthcare, jobs, and credit, and to protect their right to live free from violence.因此让我们在纪念这个节日之际,为设法确保妇女和女童获得教育、保健、工作和信用并保护她们不遭受暴力生活的全力而努力。




日期: 2011-04-24


We need to understand there is no one formula for how women should lead our lifes.That is why we must respect the choices that each women makes for herself and her family.Every woman desevers the chance to realise her own God-given potential.But we must recognize that women will never gain full dignity until their human rights are respected and protected.我们必须认识到,对于女性应该如何引领生活并没有定式。这就是为什么我们必须尊重每位女性为其自身和家庭所作出的选择的原因。每位女性都应有机会认识到她自己的天赐潜能。但我们必须认识到,只有女性的人权得到尊重和保护,她们才会得到完整的尊严。

Women also have a crucial role to play in establishing peace worldwide.In regions torn apart by war, it is often the women who find ways to reach across differences and discover common ground as mothers, caretakers, and grassroots advocates.When women are afforded their basic rights, they flourish.And so do their children, families, communities, and nations.在建设和平世界的过程中,女性也扮演着重要角色。在那些被战争分裂的地区,女性通常以母亲,看管者和基层倡导者的身份寻找到跨越差异并发现共同点的办法。如果赋予了女性基本的权利,那么她们就会活跃起来,而她们的孩子、家庭、社区和国家也会兴旺起来!

The status of the world's women is not only a matter of morality and justice.It is also a political, economic, and social imperative.Put simply, the world cannot make lasting progress if women and girls in the 21st century are denied their rights and left behind.世界妇女的地位不只是道德和公正的事情,而是一件关乎政治,经济和社会的极其必要的事情。简言之,如果不给予21世纪妇女和女孩权利或将她们弃而不顾,那么世界不能持续进步。

And as the United Nations strives to better support the world's women, it would benefit from having more women in more of its leadership positions.Just as there are talented women working unnoticed in every corner of the world, there are women with great talent and experience whose potential leadership is still largely untapped, and they deserve the chance to serve and lead.联合国一直力求给世界妇女更好的支持,它也将因更多妇女担任领导职务而从中受益。正像有些天资聪颖的妇女默默无闻的在世界每个角落工作着一样,有些极具智慧且经验丰富的妇女,其大部分领导才能没有得到发挥,她们应得到任职和领导的机会。


Remarks at the Opening Session of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

by U.S.Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

May 9, 2011

Sidney R.Yates Auditorium

Department of the Interior

Washington, D.C.在第三轮美中战略与经济对话会议上的开幕词




Good morning.It is such an honor to host Vice Premier Wang, State Councilor Dai, and the entire Chinese delegation on behalf of Secretary Geithner and myself.I am very pleased that we are joined by so many officials and experts from throughout both the United States Government and the Government of China, and we are delighted that we will shortly be joined by Vice President Biden, and I know President Obama is looking forward to meeting with the leadership of our two governmental teams later today.早上好。我十分荣幸地代表盖特纳部长和我本人在这里接待王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员以及中国代表团全体成员。我为有如此众多来自美国政府和中国政府各部门的官员和专家与会感到高兴,我们也很高兴拜登副总统一会儿将来到这里。我知道奥巴马总统期待着今天晚些时候与两国政府代表团的领导人见面。

The Strategic and Economic Dialogue is the premier forum in a bilateral relationship that is as important and complex as any in the world.Since we first gathered in Washington back in 2009, the depth and breadth of our discussions and the participation across our two governments have grown significantly.美中战略与经济对话是处理世界上最重要、最复杂的双边关系的主要论坛。自我们2009年在华盛顿举行首次对话以来,双方讨论的深度与广度以及两国政府各部门的参与度都大大地扩展了。

Now more than ever, with two years of Dialogues behind us, success depends on our ability to translate good words into concrete actions on the issues that matter most to our people.So as we begin this third round, we will keep that goal in clear focus.在经历了两年的对话之后,在对两国人民最重要的问题上,我们能否取得成功比过去任何时候都更加取决于我们是否能够把良好的承诺转化为具体的行动。因此,在开始进行第三轮对话之时,我们将十分明确地注重这一目标。

Our work really begins with our commitment to better understanding one another, to building trust between each other, and to working to avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation.We all know that fears and misperceptions linger on both sides of the Pacific.I will be very open about that.Some in our country see China’s progress as a threat to the United States.Some in China worry that America seeks to constrain China’s growth.We reject both those views.We both have much more to gain from cooperation than from conflict.The fact is that a thriving America is good for China and a thriving China is good for America.But to work together, we need to be able to understand each other’s intentions and interests.And we must demystify long-term plans and aspirations.双方应以致力于更好地相互理解、建立互信及努力避免误解和误判作为我们工作的开端。我们大家都知道,太平洋两岸仍然存在一些恐惧和误解。对此我可以十分坦率地表明态度。我们国家有些人将中国的发展视作对美国的威胁。中国有些人担心美国寻求遏制中国的发展。这两种观点我们都不能接受。合作——而不是冲突——将为我们两国带来更多利益。事实是,一个繁荣的美国有利于中国,一个繁荣的中国也有利于美国。但要进行合作,我们就必须了解彼此的意图和利益。我们必须让我们的长期计划和追求的目标透明化。

We are also working to build greater understanding and trust between our citizens and to foster stronger ties between our students, our businesses, and our communities, expanding on the consultations that were held here in Washington last month.我们也正在努力加深两国公民之间的理解和信任,促进学生、企业和社区之间的联系,扩大上个月我们在华盛顿进行的磋商。

China and the United States face a wide range of common regional and global challenges.How our two countries work together to meet those challenges will help define the trajectory, not only of our relationship going forward, but the future peace, prosperity, and progress of the world.Whether it’s the global financial crisis, or the upheaval in the Middle East, recent history has underscored the link between our economies and global security and stability.And that intersection is at the heart of our dialogue.So we will be discussing the need to work together to rebalance the global economy and assure strong, sustained future growth.中国和美国面临着广泛的全球性和地区性共同挑战。我们两国如何共同应对这些挑战将有助于确定我们未来的关系以及世界未来的和平、繁荣和进步走向。无论是全球金融危机还是中


There are some very important international security issues we will be discussing.As permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, the United States and China came together to enact tough sanctions on Iran, and now we are working to implement them.Our two countries share a vital interest in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and that includes the complete denuclearization of the peninsula.So we continue to urge North Korea to take concrete actions to improve relations with South Korea and to refrain from further provocations, and we want to see North Korea take irreversible steps to fulfill its international obligations toward denuclearization.我们将讨论一些非常重要的国际安全问题。美国和中国作为联合国安理会常任理事国,协力通过了对伊朗的严厉制裁,现在我们正在努力落实这些制裁。我们两国在维护朝鲜半岛的和平与稳定上有着共同的重要利益,这包括该半岛的彻底无核化。因此,我们继续敦促北韩采取具体行动改善与韩国的关系并停止进一步挑衅,我们希望看到北韩采取不可逆转的步骤履行其无核化的国际义务。

Now, like any two great nations – in fact, I would argue like any two people – we have our differences.And like friends, we discuss those differences honestly and forthrightly.We will be continuing the discussion of the recent U.S.-China Human Rights Dialogue just held in Beijing.We have made very clear, publicly and privately, our concern about human rights.We worry about the impact on our domestic politics and on the politics and the stability in China and the region.And we know over the long arch of history that societies that work toward respecting human rights are going to be more prosperous, stable, and successful.That has certainly been proven time and time again, but most particularly in the last months.猪八戒威客网站,中国目前最大的威客网站。湖北有超过35万人在上面出售智慧赚外快。你还在犹豫什么呢!如果你觉得这网站不错,那就推荐给你所有的朋友!


So this dialogue offers us a forum to have these candid discussions while continuing to focus on where we are going to cooperate effectively.As my friend State Councilor Dai knows, I am fond

of finding Chinese sayings and proverbs, and I used one that has, for me, been the real inspiration for our participation back in 2009, that China and the United States are like people in the same boat, and we have to row in the same direction to get anywhere.Well, there’s also wise Chinese expression that says, “When confronted by mountains, one finds a way through.When blocked by a river, one finds a way to bridge to the other side.”Well, we are here to keep building those bridges, and we are not doing this alone.We are part of a web of institutions and relationships across the Asia Pacific and the world.因此,在继续侧重于我们将进行有效合作的领域的同时,这次对话也给我们提供了一个进行此类坦率讨论的论坛。正如我的朋友、戴国务委员所知,我热衷于搜集中国的成语和谚语,我曾经使用过其中一个,对我来说,自2009年以来,那个成语对于我们的参与一直是一种真正的激励;它把美国和中国比作在同一条船上的人,我们必须齐心合力往一个方向划才能前进。这里,我还要引用一句中国格言:“逢山开道,遇水造桥”。现在,我们在此会谈,就是为了继续建造这类桥梁,我们并不是在孤军奋战,我们是一个横跨亚太地区乃至全世界的由各种机构和关系组成的网络的一部分。


The United States is practicing what we call forward deployed diplomacy.We’re expanding our presence in people, programs, and high-level engagement.We’ve renewed our bonds with our allies.We broaden our involvement with multilateral institutions.And the first time ever this year, President Obama will participate in the East Asia Summit.So we have a lot of work ahead of us, both bilaterally and regionally and globally, and we have a lot to cover in a short time.美国正在实施我们称为“前沿部署外交”的方针,我们正在人员、项目和高级别交往等方面扩大我们的存在;我们重新加强了我们与盟友的纽带;我们扩大了我们在多边机构中的参与;今年,也是有史以来第一次,奥巴马总统将出席东亚峰会。因此,我们往后有许多工作要做,包括双边、多边和全球性议程;而且,我们必须在短暂的时间内完成大量工作。

So again, I am delighted to welcome all of you here to express my confidence in this relationship and in the importance of this dialogue.因此,我再一次十分高兴地欢迎各位光临,表达我对于这一关系的信心和对于本对话的重要意义的认识。



March 8th is International Women’s Day—a day to reflect on the progress the world has made in advancing women’s rights, and to recognize what work remains to be done.三月八日是国际妇女节。在这个日子,我们回顾全世界在促进妇女权利方面取得的进展,并确定有待完成的工作。

This year marks an anniversary very close to my heart.Fifteen years ago, along with women and men from around the world I attended the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.The message from that conference rang loudly and clearly, and still echoes across cultures and continents: Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.今年的三八国际妇女节是一个是我倍感亲切的周年纪念日。15年前,我与来自全世界的男女代表一起出席了在北京召开的联合国第四届世界妇女大会。那次会议发出了一个明确无误的最强音,至今仍在各种文化中和各大洲发出回响:人权即是妇女的权利,妇女的权利即是人权。

One hundred and eighty-nine countries represented at Beijing adopted a Platform for Action that pledged to increase women’s access to education, healthcare, jobs, and credit, and to protect their right to live free from violence.We have made great progress, but there is a long way to go.Women are still the majority of the world’s poor, unhealthy, underfed, and uneducated.They rarely cause violent conflicts but too often bear their consequences.Women are absent from negotiations about peace and security to end those conflicts.Their voices simply are not being heard.在北京出席会议的189个国家的代表通过了一项《行动纲领》,保证要增加妇女获得教育、医疗、就业和信贷的机会,并保护她们在生活中免遭暴力的权利。我们已经取得巨大的进展,但仍然有很长的路要走。在世界上的贫穷、患病、挨饿和未受过教育人群中,妇女仍然占大多数。她们中很少有人引起暴力冲突,但却经常承担暴力冲突带来的各种后果。在为结束这些冲突而举行的有关和平与安全问题的各种协商中,没有妇女参加。没有人听取她们的意见。

Today, the United States is making women a cornerstone of foreign policy because we think it’s the right thing to do, but we also believe it’s the smart thing to do as well.Investing in the potential of the world’s women and girls is one of the surest ways to achieve global economic progress, political stability, and greater prosperity for women — and men — the world over.今天,美国正在把妇女工作作为外交政策的基石,因为我们认为这是正确之举,但我们同时也认为这是智慧之举。通过投资发挥世界女性的潜力是实现全球经济发展、政治稳定和全世界妇女及男性带来更大繁荣的最有保障的方式之一。

So on this International Women’s Day, let us rededicate ourselves to advancing and protecting the rights of women and girls, and to join together to ensure that no one is left behind in the 21st century.因此,值此国际妇女节之际,让我们继续献身于促进与保护妇女和女童的权利,团结一致,以确保在21世纪没有任何人掉队.核心词汇 短语 reflect IT behooves us to reflect on this matter.信息论应该让我们反省这个问题。Finally, let's create a legend to reflect all layers of the map.最后,让我们创造一个传奇人物,以反映各个阶层的地图。Officials have rejected proposals to introduce surcharges on electricity and coal to reflect the true cost to the environment.官员们拒绝了征收电力和煤炭资源成本附加费来反映真实的环境代价的提议。

along with连同…一起;与…一道;随同…一起;沿(顺)着 echo ['ekəu]vt.重复;反射vi.随声附和;发出回声n.回音;效仿

pledge oneself to: 发誓

pledge allegiance to the underworld: 我向黑社会宣誓效忠

free from解放,释放;解脱,使摆脱(困难、危险等):The United Nations is trying to free the world from the threat of war.rarely ['rεəli] adv.很少地;难得;罕有地

be absent from 缺席 cornerstone ['kɔ:nə,stəun] n.基础;柱石;地基

the world over全世界

advance [əd'vɑ:ns;əd'væns]vt.1.使前进;使向前移动;将…推向前进;推进,促使:The general advanced his troops to the new position.将军挥师前进到新阵地。to advance a chessman 往前移动一枚棋子

2.促进,推动;助长,加快(完成),加速…的进程;加速…的生长: to advance growth促进生长 to advance a project加快完成某项工程

3.提出(理论、建议、看法、意见等);提议,建议:o advance reasons for a tax cut 提出减税的各种理由to advance a suggestion提出一项建议

4.提升(某人),提拔,晋升;使升级:The board of directors advanced her to president.董事会把她提升为董事长。He was advanced to the rank of corporal.他被提升为下士。5.提高…的重要性to advance one's family提高某人家族的地位

6.增加;增长;增进;提高(价格、费用等):to advance prices提高价格to advance one's interests 提高某人的兴趣7.提前,提早,使更接近目前;尤指 使(未来事件)提前发生,提前(未来事件的日期): The date of the meeting was advanced from June 10 to June 3.会议日期从6月10日提前到6月3日。把(以往事件)作时间上的后移,使(过去事件)推迟发生,挪后(以往事件的日期):We advanced the metting from early to late fall.我们把会议从早秋推迟到晚秋。

8.把(钟、表等)拨快:Clocks must be advanced one hour.钟表必须拨快一小时。to advance clocks one hour把钟表拨快一小时

9.使(火花塞)提早发火10.预先垫付,预付(款),预支,垫款: We advanced her $2,000 against future royalties.我们预支给她2000美元版税。

We advanced a month's salary to him.(或We advanced him a month's salary.)我们给他预发一个月工资。

11.(尤指凭抵押品)贷(款);借(钱):The banks often advance money to farmers for seed and fertilizer.银行通常贷款给农民购买种子和化肥。

12.[口语]为…作广告宣传::he most heavily advanced sports event in history 有史以来广告战最激烈的体育运动会

to advance a rock singer's personal appearances 为一名摇滚乐歌手的个人演出作广告宣传


1前进;向前移;向前推移(或推进):The troops advanced.军队向前进。Our troops advanced on the next town.我军向下一个城镇推进。2.取得(或有)进展;改进:A month has passed and the work has not advanced.一个月过去了而工作没有进展。

3.(在重要性、地位等方面)提高;高升,升级,被提升,被晋升:to advance in rank晋级He advanced from a lectureship to a professorship.他从讲师晋升为教授。4.(物价、费用等)上涨:Sugar has advanced five cents a pound.食糖一磅涨了5分钱。5.(数量等)增加;(价值等)提高:The stock advanced five points.股票上升了5个百分点。6.颜色、形状)显得突出,显得靠近:advancing colour近感色7.美国英语]先行安排候选人访问,为候选人的访问做准备,安排助选工作;做先遣工作,从事先遣人员工作,打前站8.口语]做推销;做广告:to advance for a best seller为畅销商品做广告She was hired to advance for a best-selling author.她受雇为一名畅销书作者做广告。9.【体育】(在锦标赛中)获胜后进入下一轮比赛:He advanced into the second round.他获胜进入第二轮比赛。

1.advance on(或towards,upon)朝…前进,向…推进;进击2.advance to亲近的表示(以求得宠);求爱;友好的表示;(对某人作)主动的表示;献殷勤3.n advancea.在前面b.预先,事前,提前4n advance ofa.在…的前面,在…的前头b.提前,预先,事先,在…之前c.比…进步;超过5.make advancesa.预付,垫款,通融款项b.设法接近(某人),跟(某人)拉关系c.向(女人)献殷勤6.on the advance(物价)在上涨7.with the advance of随着…的增加;随着(时间)的推移



U.S.Secretary of State Bill Clinton speech, 2010 March Eighth International Women's Day 美国国务卿克林顿2010年三八国际妇女节讲话

March 8th is International Women’s Day—a day to reflect on the progress the world has made in advancing women’s rights, and to recognize what work remains to be done.三月八日是国际妇女节。在这个日子,我们回顾全世界在促进妇女权利方面取得的进展,并确定有待完成的工作。

This year marks an anniversary very close to my heart.Fifteen years ago, along with women and men from around the world I attended the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.The message from that conference rang loudly and clearly, and still echoes across cultures and continents: Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.今年的三八国际妇女节是一个是我倍感亲切的周年纪念日。15年前,我与来自全世界的男女代表一起出席了在北京召开的联合国第四届世界妇女大会。那次会议发出了一个明确无误的最强音,至今仍在各种文化中和各大洲发出回响:人权即是妇女的权利,妇女的权利即是人权。

One hundred and eighty-nine countries represented at Beijing adopted a Platform for Action that pledged to increase women’s access to education, healthcare, jobs, and credit, and to protect their right to live free from violence.We have made great progress, but there is a long way to go.Women are still the majority of the world’s poor, unhealthy, underfed, and uneducated.They rarely cause violent conflicts but too often bear their consequences.Women are absent from negotiations about

peace and security to end those conflicts.Their voices simply are not being heard.在北京出席会议的189个国家的代表通过了一项《行动纲领》,保证要增加妇女获得教育、医疗、就业和信贷的机会,并保护她们在生活中免遭暴力的权利。我们已经取得巨大的进展,但仍然有很长的路要走。在世界上的贫穷、患病、挨饿和未受过教育人群中,妇女仍然占大多数。她们中很少有人引起暴力冲突,但却经常承担暴力冲突带来的各种后果。在为结束这些冲突而举行的有关和平与安全问题的各种协商中,没有妇女参加。没有人听取她们的意见。

Today, the United States is making women a cornerstone of foreign policy because we think it’s the right thing to do, but we also believe it’s the smart thing to do as well.Investing in the potential of the world’s women and girls is one of the surest ways to achieve global economic progress, political stability, and greater prosperity for women — and men — the world over.今天,美国正在把妇女工作作为外交政策的基石,因为我们认为这是正确之举,但我们同时也认为这是智慧之举。通过投资发挥世界女性的潜力是实现全球经济发展、政治稳定和全世界妇女及男性带来更大繁荣的最有保障的方式之一。

So on this International Women’s Day, let us rededicate ourselves to advancing and protecting the rights of women and girls, and to join together to ensure that no one is left behind in the 21st century.因此,值此国际妇女节之际,让我们继续献身于促进与保护妇女和女童的权利,团结一致,以确保在21世纪没有任何人掉队。



