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The message of Easter is a message of hope for millions of Christians in our country and all around the world.对于英国和全世界数百万的基督教教徒来说,复活节就是在传达希望。

We see that hope every day in the many faith-inspired projects that help the homeless, that get people into work, that help keep families together and offer loving homes to children who need them.每天,我们都在见证着许多满怀信仰的项目,这些项目帮助无家可归者、帮助人们找到工作、帮助家庭破镜重圆,还帮助孤儿们找到温暖的领养家庭。

语言点精析:这句话中,一个非常重要的短语就是offer sth to sb,表示向某人提供某物,就相当于 provide sb with sth。值得注意的是,这里的“to”和“with”的位置是固定的,切不可随意转换,否则就是错误用法哦。

We see it in the compassion of church leaders and volunteers who visit our hospitals, care homes and hospices and those who comfort the bereaved.那些参观过我们的医院、护理院以及临终关怀医院的教会领袖和志愿者们,还有那些为丧失亲人家庭提供安慰的人,我们从他们的同情心中看到了希望。

And we see that hope in the aid workers and volunteers who so often risk their own lives to save the lives of others in war-torn regions across the world.在世界上那些饱受战争疮痍的地区,急救人员和志愿者冒着生命危险抢救他人生命。从他们身上,我们看到了希望。

语言点精析:这句话中。risk one's life to do 表示“某人冒着生命危险做某事”;当然risk也常常与at搭配,如“at the risk of sth”就表示以„„为代价。

And at the heart of all these acts of kindness and courage is a set of values and beliefs that have helped to make our country what it is today.这些善意勇敢行为的核心是一系列的价值观和信仰。正是这些价值观信仰造就了我们国家的今天。

Values of responsibility, hard work, charity, compassion, pride in working for the common good and honouring the social obligations we have to one another, to our families and our communities.责任感、辛勤工作、慈善、同情、以为公众造福为骄傲,履行自己对他人、对家庭和对社会的责任。语言点精析:上述句子中,honor一次较为重要。其基本意义表示“荣誉”、“光荣”,当动词讲时为“尊敬、给以荣誉”等。此外,honor跟“obligation”、“duty”等词搭配时,还可以引申为“遵守、完成”的意思,如“遵守社会责任”即为honouring the social obligations。These are values we treasure.这些价值观都是我们所珍惜的。

They are Christian values and they should give us the confidence to say yes, we are a Christian country and we are proud of it.这些都是基督教的价值观,这些价值观应当能够让我们自信地说“是的,我们就是一个基督教国家,我们为此而骄傲。”

But they are also values that speak to everyone in Britain, to people of every faith and none.但每个英国人、每种信仰甚至没有信仰的英国人,都在接受这些价值观。

And we must all stand together and defend them.我们所有人必须紧紧站在一起,共同维护这些价值观。

When we see Christians today in 2016 being persecuted for their beliefs, we must speak out and stand with those who bravely practice their faith.当我们在2016年的今天看到许多基督徒在遭受着信仰的困扰,我们必须畅所欲言,和那些勇敢践行信仰的人站在一起。

And when terrorists try to destroy our way of life as they have tried to do again so despicably in Brussels this week, we must stand together and show that we will never be cowed by terror.恐怖分子试图破坏我们的生活方式,正如他们本周在布鲁塞尔的残忍行径一般。我们必须团结在一起,告诉他们我们不会被恐惧吓倒。

We must defeat the pernicious ideology that is the root cause of this terrorism by standing up proudly for our values and our way of life.为了我们的价值观和生活方式,我们必须团结起来,从根源上抵制恐怖主义的邪恶意识形态。So this Easter, as we pray for the friends and families of all those who lost loved ones in Brussels, let us also draw hope and inspiration from the values we share and from all those who, inspired by those values, seek to help others in our country and around the world.所以,在复活节之际,我们为布鲁塞尔那些失去爱人和亲人的朋友和家人祈祷。从我们公认的价值观中,从那些在这些价值观的激励下不断帮助国内外同胞的人身上,我们能够汲取到希望和激励。And let me wish you and your family a very happy Easter.请允许我衷心祝愿,您和您的家人复活节快乐!


Chinese New Year's Greetings from British Prime Minister David Cameron


I want to send my best wishes to people in China, the United Kingdom and around the world who are celebrating the Chinese New Year.This is not just a time for a great celebration, with firecrackers and fireworks, lion dances and great food.It's a time for friends and family, for new beginnings and old wisdom, for hope and optimism.That is especially true this year as we entered the Year of Rabbit, a year traditionally associated with home, family and peace.我想对在中国、英国以及全世界正要欢度中国农历春节的人们致以我最美好的祝福。这一个时刻,不仅仅只是欢乐庆祝,鞭炮烟花齐放,狮舞狂欢和美酒佳肴,这更是一个亲朋好友齐聚的时刻,承继古老智慧并且展望新的开端,是希望和梦想的时刻。在我们进入兔年春节之际,这一在传统上,意味着家庭团聚以及睦邻祥和节日。

In many ways the year ahead will be a difficult one as the world takes the hard and necessary steps to assure economic stability and prosperity.But I'm sure of this: we'll get through stronger and richer if we work together.That's why when I visited Beijing last year, with the largest ever delegation of UK Cabinet Ministers, I called for the UK and China to be “Partners in Growth” with more investment and economic co-operation between our two countries.从很多方面来说,我们即将迎来的这一年是困难重重的,因为整个世界还需要迈出有力而必要的步伐,确保经济稳定和繁荣,但是我可以肯定的是,只要我们一起努力,我们将会克服困难,变得更为强盛和繁荣,这是为什么在我去年带领史上规模最大的,英国内阁部长代表团访问北京时,我把英国和中国的关系,成为“共同增长的伙伴关系”,我们两国间将会有更多的经贸投资和合作。

And I'm delighted to say that is already happening with new deals being signed, new jobs being created and a new ambitious target of a hundred billion dollars worth of trade between China and the United Kingdom by 2015.And that's why back home, I pay tribute to the Chinese community in Britain and the enormous contribution that they make to our country.The successful stories are everywhere, in science, research, the health services, in catering industries, and the values they live by: the hard work, enterprise and community.They are the values we need if we are to create a stronger economy and a strong society.而我可以很高兴地说这一切已在进行中,随着新协议的签定,随之产生的新的就业机会,以及英中之间达成的雄心勃勃的目标,要在2015年将贸易额扩大到1000亿美元,这也是为什么我结束了访华之行回国之后,对英国的华人社区以及他们为我们国家,做出的巨大贡献更加充满了敬意,他们成功的领域无处不在,科学、研究、医疗、卫生服务、餐饮行业等等,并且他们所信奉的价值观,刻苦工作,企业精神和社区融合,是我们创建强大的经济实力,以及强大的社会所必须的价值理念。

So I hope you have a great celebration and I wish you all a prosperous and peaceful year.我希望大家度过一个欢庆的春节,祝愿大家拥有一个繁盛而祥和的新年。









独立不是分居是离婚 卡梅伦当天傍晚乘飞机抵达苏格兰东北部城市阿伯丁,对当地英国保守党积极分子发表讲话。他说:“本周可能永远改变英国。苏格兰独立不是试验性‘分居’,而是痛苦的‘离婚’。请不要分裂英国这个民族家庭。”












若不独立,苏格兰议会将获得更广泛权力,税收、开支也将更自主 英国三大政党领袖15日签署了一项保证协议,承诺在苏格兰不独立的前提下,向苏格兰下放更多的权力。










It’s a New Year – and for Britain there can only be one New Year’s resolution: to stick to the long-term plan that is turning our country around.新的一年到来了,对英国人民来说我们只有一个新年目标,那就是坚持长期计划,让英国走出经济低谷。

When we came to office, our economy was on its knees.Three and a half years later, we are turning a corner.We see it in the businesses that are opening up, the people who are getting decent jobs, the factories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again.The plan is working.曾经在我上台的时候,我国的经济几乎处于瘫痪状态。三年半之后的今天,我们正处在一个转折点。企业拓展着新的业务,人们逐渐都找到体面的工作,生产英国产品的工厂恢复其世界市场的销售,这些都能够让我们看到经济转折的趋势。我们的计划起作用了。

That’s why this year, 2014, we are not just going to stick to the plan – we are going to re-double our efforts to deliver every part of it, to benefit the whole country and secure a better future for everyone.这就是为什么,在新的一年我们不仅仅要坚持这项计划,我们要付出双倍的努力来实现计划的每一个部分,为整个国家谋福利,为每一位国民创造一个更美好的未来。

We’ll continue with the vital work on the deficit.We’ve reduced it by a third already and this year we will continue that difficult work, to safeguard our economy for the long-term, keep mortgage rates low and help families across Britain.We’re going to keep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feel financially secure cutting income taxes and freezing fuel duty.我们将继续重视解决赤字问题。我们已经将赤字问题减少了三分之一。今年我们将继续进行这项艰难的工作,以保证长期的经济安全,保持低水平的抵押贷款利率,帮助全英国的家庭。我们将继续尽最大努力,帮助勤劳的人们获得财产安全感,削减收入所得税,冻结燃料税。

We’ll keep on working even harder to create more jobs, whether that’s through investment in our roads and railways, lower jobs taxes, or more help for Britain’s amazing small businesses.Those who run our small businesses are heroes and heroines, they are the backbone of our economy and we are supporting them every step of the way.我们将更加努力,通过各种方式创造更多的工作机会,如进行公路铁路投资、降低工作税收,或者鼓励支持英国出色的小型企业。小型企业的运营者是我们的国民英雄,是我国经济的支柱。在小型企业运转的每一步骤,我们都会给予大力支持。

We are going to keep on with our vital work on welfare and immigration too.We’ve already capped welfare and cut immigration and this year, we’ll carry on building an economy for people who work hard and play by the rules.And last but not least – we’re going to keep on delivering the best schools and skills for our children and young people so that when they leave education they have a real chance to get on in life.So this is a vital year for our economy.我们也会继续福利和移民方面的重要工作。我们已经限制福利和移民数量。今年,我们会继续为那些努力工作、遵守规则的人们创建更好的经济条件。最后,我们将继续为孩子们及年轻人提供最好的学校和技能,这一点至关重要。这样,在他们结束教育的时候,就能真正拥有开启新生活的机会。总之,今年对我国经济来说是非常重要的一年。

And 2014 is also an important date in the history of the United Kingdom.The referendum vote will be the biggest decision Scotland has ever been asked to make.The outcome matters to all of us, wherever we live in the UK.This is not a vote for the next few years, but a vote that could change our country forever.Our family of nations is at its best when we work together with shared interest and common purpose.This year, let the message go out from England, Wales and Northern Ireland to everyone in Scotland: we want you to stay – and together we can build an even stronger United Kingdom for our children and grandchildren.That’s what our long-term plan is about and we will stick to that plan this year.2014年也是英国历史上一个重要的日期。这一次全民公决将是苏格兰做过的最大的决定。公决的结果对我们每个人来说都很重要,无论我们住在英国的哪里。这次公决不仅会影响接下来几年的发展,而且可能永远改变我们的国家。我们是一个多民族的大家庭,如果大家齐心协力、利益相通、目标一致,那将是我们最好的时候。今年,希望这个消息可以从英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰传递到苏格兰的每个人耳中,我们想让你们留下来,为了我们的孩子和子孙后代,一起建立一个更加富强的英国。这就是我们的长期计划重点所在,今年我们将坚持这项计划。

I’d like to wish everyone a happy New Year – and best wishes for 2014.祝大家新年快乐!2014年,送上我最好的祝愿!


It's a New Year, and with our economy growing and a strong, majority government in power, Britain begins it with renewed strength.There are no New Year’s resolutions for us, just an ongoing resolve to deliver what we promised in our manifesto: Security at every stage of your life.新年之际,英国经济增长迅猛,联合政府执政能力强大,英国也掀开了新一页的篇章。新一年的决心没有其他,只希望继续履行我们在施政大纲中的承诺:确保人生各个阶段的安全。

Over 31 million people will begin this year in work, more than any in our history.Six million children will start the new term at a good or outstanding school.More than half a million workers will be taken out of income tax in April, as everyone apart from the very best paid gets a tax cut.And for the lowest paid, there will be a new National Living Wage.今年,有超过3100万的英国人要开始工作,这一数字之大前所未有。600万儿童将迈入优秀的学校开启新学期。四月份,超过50万的工人不用再交个人所得税,除了高收入人群,所有人的税收都有所减少。对于低收入人群来说,他们会得到最新的国家生活津贴。Meanwhile, millions more will benefit from the free childcare, new academies, rising pensions and extra apprenticeship that we committed to in our manifesto: all as a result of our long-term economic plan.与此同时,我们之前承诺的免费育儿、新学堂、养老金增加以及额外的见习期已使得数百万人受益,这些都是我们长期经济计划的结果。

We also promised something else in our manifesto, giving you a say on Europe and now we are delivering on that promise.There will be an in-out referendum by the end of 2017, it is written into the law of the land.I am negotiating hard to fix things that most annoy British people about our relationship with the EU.我们还在声明中向各位承诺过的一些其他事项:给予英国民众在英欧关系问题上的发言权,如今我们正在为之努力。2017年底会进行全民公投,并将其写入我国律法。针对让英国人头疼的英国与欧盟的关系这一问题,我正在同欧盟协商以解决。

There’s just one thing that drives me: What is best for the national interest of our country? But in the end it will be for you to decide.Is our economic and national security in a dangerous world better protected by being in, or out? We also go into the year confronting some deep social problems, ones that have blighted our country for too long.唯有这件事驱使着我:什么事会为国家取得最大利益?但最终,还是要你来决定。留在欧盟是否能更好地保护处于艰难境地中的英国经济及国家安全?今年我们也遭遇了许多深层的社会问题,这些问题已经困扰我们国家很久了。

I want 2016 to be the time when we really start to conquer them, a crucial year in this great turnaround decade.Because with economic renewal and social reform, we can make everyone’s lives more secure.我希望2016年会是我们开始战胜这些问题的一年,因为2016年是十年转型中的重要一年。英国政府只有加快经济复苏步伐,加大社会改革力度,英国民众的生活才更有保障。

So if you’re one of the many hardworking young people locked out of the housing market, we will deliver the homes that will help lead you to your own front door.If you’re off school or out of work, trapped in an underworld of addiction, abuse, crimes or chaos, we will sweep away state failure and help give you stability.If your dreams have been dashed simply because of who you are, we will fight discrimination and deliver real opportunity, to help lay your path to success.所以对于那些辛勤工作但至今未拥有新居的年轻人,我们为你们提供新居。如果你辍学了,或者失业了,又或受困于毒瘾、虐待、犯罪或者混乱的境遇中,我们会扫除这些障碍,给你稳定的生活。如果你们因你们的身份而使梦想破灭,我们消除歧视,为你们提供真正的平等机会帮助你们走向成功。

And we will take on another social problem, too.When our national security is threatened by a seething hatred of the West, one that turns people against their country and can even turn them into murderous extremists.I want us to be very clear: You will not defeat us.当然,我们也会着手解决另外一个社会问题。当我们的国家安全正遭受仇视西方情绪的威胁——这种厌恶会使得人们与自己的国家对立,甚至把他们变成喜爱杀戮的极端分子。我希望大家清楚:我们是无法被击败的!

And we will not just confront the violence and the terror.We will take on their underlying, poisonous narrative of grievance and resentment.We will come down hard on those who create the conditions for that narrative to flourish.我们面临的不仅仅是暴力和恐惧。我们还要打击愤懑和憎恶四下潜伏、负能量满满的思潮。我们将强烈打击那些为这种思潮滋长创造条件的人。And we will have greater confidence in, indeed, we will revel i , our way of life.Because if you walk our streets, learn in our schools, benefit from our society, you sign up to our values: Freedom, Tolerance, Responsibility, Loyalty.对于我们的生活方式,我们更为自信甚至更为享受。因为如果你走在大街上,在学校学习或者受益于社会,那就证明你接受了我们的价值观:自由,宽容,责任和忠诚。

These are the big challenges of our age, some of the biggest our nation has ever faced.And this year is a test of our mettle.Whether we put up with poverty, or put an end to it, ignore the glass ceiling, or smash it, abandon the tenant, or help make them a homeowner, appease the extremist or take apart their ideology, piece by piece.We’ll get Britain a better deal in Europe, give families the peace of mind they crave, and we’ll make our country even more secure.That’s what this year, this turnaround decade, is all about.我们的时代正面临着巨大的挑战,有些挑战是前所未有的。2016年是“考验我们气魄”的一年。不论我们是忍受贫穷还是结束贫穷,不论我们是忽视“玻璃天花板”效应(是指在公司企业和机关团体中,限制某些人口群体(女性、少数民族)晋升到高级职位的障碍)还是粉碎它,不论我们是置租房人员于不顾还是帮他们购置房产,不论我们是安抚极端分子还是粉碎他们的意识形态,我们都会在欧洲为英国争取更多利益,让每个家庭都能获得心灵上的安宁,我们还要让国家更为安宁。这就是我们今年,这一转型的十年中要做的事。

So let me wish everyone the very best and a very Happy New Year.祝福每一个人,新年快乐!





