'Pick on someone your own size', snipped Christopher Plummer to mean host MacFarlane.When The Onion tweeted inadvisedly about Quvenzhan Wallis shortly after the Oscars ended last night, Twitter exploded in outrage.An hour later and the tweet was removed.But the tweet about the nine-year-old nominee seemed to fit right in to an evening that had been both vicious and sexist in its attempts at humor.Host Seth Macfarlane began the unfunny references to Wallis as he introduced her to the audience in the early part of the show.It'll be 16 years before she's too old for Clooney, he said.Did anyone laugh?
There was a mean-spirited quality to Macfarlane's Oscars that went beyond the usual awkward imbalance of celebrating and embarrassing a self-indulgent industry in the same show.When did awards shows become such clumsyroasts? And could someone funny PLEASE start writing the jokes?
As the lights came up over the Dolby Theater at the beginning of the evening, the audience could be seen beaming and clapping.Except for one.Dressed, like Hamlet entirely in black, Robert Downey Jr, kept his arms folded tightly across his chest and nodded his head tersely.He clearly knew what to expect.The nastiness started with a cheap shot at last year's winner for best actor, the Frenchman, Jean Dujardin, who had won for The Artist.Thank God for the singing.Well, some of the singing.Certainly not the Macfarlane rendition of We Saw your Boobs which seemed to have been put together by a bunch of seventh grade boys the demographic that ABC is longing to snare.(The best reaction to this song was Zero Dark Thirty Director Kathryn Bigelow's unchanging stone face.Minute 8.50).Macfarlane had a go at her movie later, when he dropped a thud of a joke on Zero Dark Thirty.It's a celebration of every woman's innate inability to never, ever let anything go, he said about the hunt for Osama bin Laden.Shirley Bassey, Adele, Barbara Streisand, Jennifer Hudson and Norah Jones saved the evening and finally made the entertainment entertaining.You could sense the relief as the audience gave the singers rapturous applause.Lengthy standing ovations rewarded not just great performances(Bassey, Hudson and Streisand)but a break from the endless badly written snark.No question of that happening.But at least the night came to a fitting end.After Michelle Obama raised the tone of the broadcast by announcing the best picture award for Argo from the White House, MacFarlane was forced to stand on stage and sing The Loser Song.Finally a joke that worked.昨晚的奥斯卡颁奖典礼刚落幕,洋葱新闻网发表了一条有关奎文赞妮瓦利斯的欠考虑的微博,即刻在推特网上引起轩然大波。一小时后这条微博被删除了。但这条调侃年仅九岁的奥斯卡提名者的微博似乎与这场为营造喜剧氛围而充满恶意和性别歧视的奥斯卡之夜正相匹配。
inadvisedly: 鲁莽地,欠思虑的roast: [口语]苛责;嘲笑
standing ovation: 长时间起立鼓掌;起立致敬
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'Pick on someone your own size', snipped Christopher Plummer to mean host MacFarlane.When The Onion tweeted inadvisedly about Quvenzhané Wallis shortly after the Oscars ended last night, Twitter exploded in outrage.An hour later and the tweet was removed.But the tweet about the nine-year-old nominee seemed to fit right in to an evening that had been both vicious and sexist in its attempts at humor.Host Seth Macfarlane began the unfunny references to Wallis as he introduced her to the audience in the early part of the show.“It'll be 16 years before she's too old for Clooney,” he said.Did anyone laugh?
There was a mean-spirited quality to Macfarlane's Oscars that went beyond the usual awkward imbalance of celebrating and embarrassing a self-indulgent industry in the same show.When did awards shows become such clumsyroasts? And could someone funny PLEASE start writing the jokes?
As the lights came up over the Dolby Theater at the beginning of the evening, the audience could be seen beaming and clapping.Except for one.Dressed, like Hamlet entirely in black, Robert Downey Jr, kept his arms folded tightly across his chest and nodded his head tersely.He clearly knew what to expect.The nastiness started with a cheap shot at last year's winner for best actor, the Frenchman, Jean Dujardin, who had won for The Artist.Thank God for the singing.Well, some of the singing.Certainly not the Macfarlane rendition of “We Saw your Boobs” which seemed to have been put together by a bunch of seventh grade boys – the demographic that ABC is longing to snare.(The best reaction to this song was Zero Dark Thirty Director Kathryn Bigelow's unchanging stone face.Minute 8.50).Macfarlane had a go at her movie later, when he dropped a thud of a joke on Zero Dark Thirty.It's “a celebration of every woman's innate inability to never, ever let anything go,” he said about the hunt for Osama bin Laden.Shirley Bassey, Adele, Barbara Streisand, Jennifer Hudson and Norah Jones saved the evening and finally made the entertainment entertaining.You could sense the relief as the audience gave the singers rapturous applause.Lengthy standing ovations rewarded not just great performances(Bassey, Hudson and Streisand)but a break from the endless badly written snark.No question of that happening.But at least the night came to a fitting end.After Michelle Obama raised the tone of the broadcast by announcing the best picture award for Argo from the White House, MacFarlane was forced to stand on stage and sing The Loser Song.Finally a joke that worked.昨晚的奥斯卡颁奖典礼刚落幕,洋葱新闻网发表了一条有关奎文赞妮•瓦利斯的欠考虑的微博,即刻在推特网上引起轩然大波。一小时后这条微博被删除了。但这条调侃年仅九岁的奥斯卡提名者的微博似乎与这场为营造喜剧氛围而充满恶意和性别歧视的奥斯卡之夜正相匹配。
inadvisedly: 鲁莽地,欠思虑的 roast: [口语]苛责;嘲笑
standing ovation: 长时间起立鼓掌;起立致敬
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans(日出)
Last Command(最后命令)
Way of All Flesh(肉体之道)
Seventh Heaven(七重天)Street Angel(马路天使)
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans(日出)
Two Arabian Knights(两个阿拉伯骑士)
Seventh Heaven(七重天)
Seventh Heaven(七重天)
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans(日出)
Dove, The(鸽子)
Circus, The(马戏团)
王桢晓慧黄馨 秋霞
开场:舞蹈 Roly Poly
表演人员:唐畅(负责)陈意 奕欣 胡婕 一琪婷婷 彦瑾
司仪上场说开场白(苏荫泉 黄宝瑜 胡嘉怡 梁弘进)
一. 神雕侠侣奖
(背景音乐 天下无双)
(3)南司仪介绍——南校情侣(郭奕欣、张学丰)对唱、跳舞 《私奔到月球》(背景音乐
(5)颁奖礼仪小姐:黎晓慧 张秋霞(奖品为结婚证,南校准备)
(2)南校表演 ——叶俊杰、张俨再现《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》中的经典场景
(3)南北司仪上场颁奖 获奖者张学丰(礼仪拿出奖品——粉色兔耳朵头饰,南校准备)
(2)南校陈晔、郭瑞盈 表演复古穿越剧
(3)南北司仪上台颁奖(礼仪拿出奖品—— ?南校准备)
(2)南校许永洲上台 花痴的女生为之倾倒(全体南校办公室女生表演花痴状、成多米诺骨
北校赵明睿上台 剑道表演
(3)南北司仪齐上台颁奖 获奖者赵明睿(奖品北校准备)
(3)舞蹈:唐畅(负责)陈意 奕欣 胡婕 一琪婷婷 彦瑾
(4)司仪:苏荫泉 黄宝瑜
(5)颁奖礼仪小姐 :张秋霞 黎晓慧
周一 开完例会后 留下来过一遍流程
周四 晚八点半
周五 晚八点半
Academy Awards Speech
I'm very grateful to receive this award for “Best Actress.” I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor.There are many people I'd like to thank.First of all, I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world.I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher, Jim Jones.who taught me everything I know.I want to thank my husband for his understanding and kindness.And finally, I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him.This award means a great deal to me.Words can't express how honored I feel at this moment.I will remember this night for the rest of my life!Thank you very much.获此“最佳女主角”奖的荣誉,我深表感谢。这种感激之情实在是无法用语言来表达。我想感谢很多人,首先我想感谢我的父母把我带到这个世界上。另外,我还要对这么多年来教过我的老师说声“谢谢”,更要感谢我的表演老师吉姆·琼斯,他教会了我所知道的每一件事。我要感谢我丈夫对我的理解与支持,最后,我想感谢所有支持过我的朋友,特别感谢马丁·米勒,每当我需要他时,他总在我身边。
Mere exposure to English will not enable you to speak English.If you want to drive you have to get in the car and drive,if you want to dance you have to turn on the music and dance,if you want to swim you have to jump in the water and swim.In fact,swimming is the perfect comparison to learning English.You can’t learn to swim by sitting in a room and reading books about swimming skills.In order to be a swimmer you’ve got to conquer you fear,you’ve got to survive and suck in water,yell for help,you’ve got to lose face many times before you can make it.But,to be a good swimmer you’ve got to practice again and again.To be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind.Let’s do it!Let’s yell together!Speaking English is a piece of cake!Make your Chinese muscle international!