Playing in the last game of his 20-year career, Kobe Bryant put on a show for a sold-out Staples Center crowd one final time, pouring in a season-high 60 points and steering his team to a 101-96 comeback win over the Utah Jazz on Wednesday night.在20年职业生涯的最后一场比赛中,科比·布莱恩特最后一次为挤满斯台普斯中心的球迷们奉献了精彩演出,狂砍赛季最高的60分,带领他的球队在周三晚上以101比96的比分逆转击败了犹他爵士队。
After outscoring the Jazz by himself 23-21 in the fourth quarter, Bryant checked out with 4.1 seconds left, serenaded by “Kobe!Kobe!Kobe!'' chants.在本场比赛的第四节,科比一人的得分(23分)就超过了爵士全队的得分(21分)。在比赛还剩4.1秒时他提前下场,全场响起了“科比”、“科比”、“科比”的呼喊声。
”I can't believe how fast 20 years went by.Man, this is crazy,“ Bryant, an 18-time All-Star, said while addressing the crowd after the game.”This is absolutely crazy...and to be standing at center court with you guys, my teammates behind me, appreciating the journey that we've been on--we've been through our ups, been through our downs.I think the most important part is we all stayed together throughout.“ “我不敢相信20年的时间这么快就过去了。”科比·布莱恩特,这位18次入选NBA全明星赛的超级巨星在赛后向球迷讲话时说道。“这实在是太疯狂了。能够和你们这些家伙一起站在场地中间,还有我身后的队友。我非常感谢我们所经历的这段旅程,一起经历起起伏伏。我想最重要的还是我们一直都团结在一起。”
”You can't write something better than this,“ he said.科比继续说道;“我想你已经写不出比这更好的剧本了。”
Bryant attempted 50 shots Wednesday night, the most taken by anyone in an NBA game in the past 30 seasons.It was the sixth 60-point game of his career and marked the most points scored by a player in his final regular-season game.在周三的这个夜晚,科比出手50次,这一数字也是过去三十年来所有球员之最。本场比赛也是科比职业生涯第六场得分60+的比赛,此外,60分也是所有球员最后一场常规赛得分之最。
”What's funny--the thing that had me cracking up all night long--the fact that I go through 20 years of everybody screaming to pass the ball, and then the last night they're like, 'Don't pass it!'“ Bryant said, laughing.科比笑着说:“这是多么有趣,整场让我崩溃的是,过去20年大家都一直在要求我多传球,而在最后一场比赛,大家对我的态度是:别传球,自己投篮!”
”All I can do here is thank you guys,“ he told the crowd.”Thank you guys for all the years of support.Thank you for all the inspiration.“ 科比向在场的所有人说道:“我此时此刻能做的就是感谢你们。感谢你们这么多年来的支持,感谢你们一直以来的鼓励。”
”What can I say? Mamba out,“ Bryant said with a smile in closing.“我还能说什么呢?曼巴谢幕了!”科比微笑着结束了他的话。中国在校大学生人数高居世界第一
In 1949 when the People's Republic of China was founded, only 117,000 students were attending colleges or universities.But the number soared to 37 million in 2015as has the number of educators, the amount of real estate and teaching resources.该报告还指出,近些年来,随着高校教育工作者、教学资产和教学资源数量的增加,全国高等教育的经费也大幅增加。
”The fast development of higher education in China has offered more ordinary Chinese people the opportunity to attend college.It has also provided intelligent support for the dramatic transformation of Chinese society,“ said Wu Yan, director of the Higher Education Evaluation Center.”Colleges and universities are playing increasingly important roles in the country's efforts to innovate.“ 教育部高等教育教学评估中心主任吴岩表示:“中国高等教育的快速发展让更多普通人有机会进入大学学习。这为中国社会的成功转型提供了智力上的支持,高校对国家创新的作用越来越大。”
But the report also found that China's higher education system has problems to overcome.It mentions a low transfer rate for scientific research achievements, inadequate education in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship and a phenomenon that gives more weight in educators' performance assessments to research success than to their teaching ability.但是报告也指出,中国高等教育仍有很多问题需要克服。例如,高校科研成果转化率低、创新人才培养力度不够、评定高校教师过多注重科研,而非其教学能力。
Zhong Binglin, director of the Chinese Society of Education, said it will take time to solve the problems.中国教育协会会长钟秉林表示,要解决这些问题需要时间。
”There is still much to be done for most colleges and universities to catch up with world-class universities,“ he said.”To improve China's higher education, reforms should be continued, more resources should be allocated and advanced educational ideas should be introduced to create a good learning atmosphere and to cultivate students' innovative abilities.“ 他说:“对于大多数高校来说,要赶上世界级大学的水平还有很长的路要走。提高中国的高等教育,需要继续深化改革,加大教育资源配置,引进先进的教育理念,以创造良好学风,培养学生的创新能力。”
Shanghai residents who don't regularly visit their parents may face lawsuits or have their credit score affected under a new local regulation, media reported last Thursday.据相关媒体上周四报道,上海市新出台的一项地方监管法案指出,如果上海本地居民不经常去探望自己的父母的话,那么他们就很有可能面对法律诉讼,或者使自己的个人信用评分受到影响。
Adults should fulfill their duty to give economic and spiritual support to their parents and ”come back home often,“ according to the new regulation on protecting elderly people's rights and interests.Family members should also pay regular visits to their parents who live in nursing institutions, according to the regulation.这份新地方监管法案旨在保障老年人权益。法案指出,年轻人应该尽到自己的责任,要“常回家看看”,在经济上和精神上给父母以支持。该法案还指出,对于住在敬老院等护理机构的老人,子女也要经常去探望以尽孝道。
The regulation will be implemented from May 1 onwards.新法案将从今年5月1日开始正式执行。
Luo Peixin, a deputy director of the Shanghai government legislative affairs office, was quoted by news portal thepaper.cn as saying that aside from influencing people through moral education, the authorities can use legal means to force people to fulfill their duties.新闻门户网站澎湃网引述了上海市政府法制办公室副主任罗培新的发言称,除了用教育的方法来提升民众的道德责任感以外,有关部门还可以用法律手段强制要求人们履行自己的责任。
Luo said that elderly people will be able to file a lawsuit to make their children visit them and people who fail to carry out the court-ordered visits will see their credit rating take a hit.The authorities have not confirmed how much the rating will be affected.罗培新主任还指出,老人们可以对那些不尽孝道的子女提起法律诉讼,强制要求他们来看望自己。而过后依然没有遵守法院裁决、没有履行尽孝义务的人,他们的信用评级将会受到影响。不过有关部门尚未透露信用评级具体将受多大影响。
Luo said that Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces as well as Beijing already have similar regulations, asking children to ”come back home often.“ 罗培新还表示,江苏、广东和北京已经出台了类似的法案,呼吁子女们“常回家看看”。
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding said on last Wednesday that it has officially become the world's largest retail platform, with its total online trading volume in the fiscal year ending in March surpassing Wal-Mart's annual sales.我国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团上周三宣布,截至今年3月31日的财年里,其在线交易总额超过沃尔玛的年度销售额,正式成为全球最大的零售平台。
The Hangzhou-headquartered e-commerce giant didn't reveal the total gross merchandize volume(GMV)in the fiscal year ending in March.But it announced on March 21 that its China retail marketplace platforms have already surpassed the milestone of 3 trillion yuan($475.89 billion)in GMV in the latest fiscal year.这家总部位于杭州的电商巨头并没有透露截止到3月份全年交易额的具体数字,但是该公司在今年3月21日宣布,在最近一财年内,阿里巴巴中国地区的交易额已经突破了3万亿大关(约合4758.9亿美元)
Alibaba's fiscal year started on April 1 and ends on March 31.Wal-Mart Stores Inc posted revenue of $482.1 billion for its fiscal year ending Jan 31.阿里巴巴财年计算开始于4月1日,截止到次年的3月31日,沃尔玛集团在今年1月31日时公布了最近一财年收益数字,为4821亿美元。
Alibaba said in a statement that the record-breaking GMV shows that the world's largest retail marketplace has shifted from offline to online.”We used 13 years to demonstrate the power of a different business model compared with brick-and-mortar retailers,“ the statement said.阿里巴巴集团在一份声明中表示,交易额的突破已经表明:世界零售市场已经由线下实体零售发展到线上。该声明称:“我们用13年的时间证明了这种区别于传统模式的巨大潜力。” According to Alibaba, its online trading volume accounted for 10% of the overall retail volume in China and it directly generated 15m jobs.阿里巴巴称,其在线交易额占中国零售总额的10%,直接创造的就业岗位达1500万个。Alibaba has already set a goal to achieve an annual trading volume of RMB6 trillion by 2020 and help 90% of its retailers increase their operational efficiency.阿里巴巴制定的下一个目标是到2020年,其年度交易总额达6万亿人民币,并帮助其90%的零售商提高经营效率。
”In 2024, we want to be a business platform serving 2 billion consumers and tens of millions of enterprises at home and abroad,“ Zhang Yong, chief executive officer of Alibaba, said a recent press event.”The company will strive to combine cloud computing and big data technologies with the internet and the Internet of Things, as well as consumer terminal equipment, to spur its development.“ 阿里巴巴首席执行官张勇在最近的一次新闻发布会上表示:“在2024年,我们将成为一个服务20亿消费者以及国内外上百万家企业的平台。公司将努力实现云计算、互联网大数据技术与包括消费者终端设备在内的互联网相关产品的结合,以促进其更快的发展。”
霍金开微博粉丝轻松破百万 被赞新晋网红
Renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking entered the universe of Chinese social media with a big bang on Tuesday, with his first post to the country's Twitter-like Weibo service garnering him more than 2 million followers the same day.英国著名宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金本周二进入了中国社交媒体的浩瀚空间,引起巨大反响。他发布的首条微博(中国版本的推特)当天便吸引了超过了200万粉丝。
In less than five hours Hawking flew past Apple chief Tim Cook, who has around 820,000 fans after an early a year online.在不到五个小时的时间里,霍金一举超过了苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克。库克在开通近一年的时间里拥有了大约82万名粉丝。”In my physical travels, I have only been able to touch the surface of your fascinating history and culture,“ the Cambridge scientist said in his initial post, writing in both English and Chinese.在首条中英双语微博里,这位来自剑桥的科学家写道:”到中国的旅行,使我对博大精深的中国历史和文化略有接触。“ ”But now I can communicate with you through social media--and I hope to tell you more about my life and work through this page and also to learn from you in reply,“ he added.他还写道:”但现在我可以通过社交媒体与你们沟通了。通过这个微博,我希望和你们分享我的生活趣事和工作心得,也希望能在互动中向你们学习。“ He also explained that he first visited China in 1985, traversing the country by train, and had last been in the capital in 2006 for a physics conference.此外,他还提到了他第一次访问中国是在1985年,乘坐火车穿越中国,以及上一次来访是在2006年在首都北京举行的物理会议。
Netizens extended their warm welcome to Hawking, with many leaving messages thanking him for his contribution to the world.许多网民非常欢迎霍金进驻中国微博,并在他的微博下方留言,感谢他一直以来对世界做出的伟大贡献。
”I cannot believe it.This is a historical moment.I'm so close to the grand master!“ a netizen said, whose feelings appeared to be shared by many others.一位网友留言道:”我简直不敢相信!这简直是一个历史性的时刻!我从没有想过我可以离这样一个伟人如此之近。“这条评论也道出了许多网友的心声,许多网友也纷纷转发该条评论。
His second post, on Wednesday, described the interstellar project Breakthrough Starshot which he is backing, saying it was ”exciting to be involved in such an ambitious project“.周三,霍金发布第2条微博,描述了由他支持的星际穿越项目”突破摄星“,并称能参与这样雄心勃勃的项目,非常令人兴奋。
Born on January 8,1942, Hawking is well-known and respected in China not only for his achievements in physics, but also for the inspiring and encouraging story of his fight with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS).霍金出生于1942年2月8日,在中国,他不仅因为物理成就广为人知、受到尊重,也因为他和渐冻症对抗的激励、鼓舞人心的故事。
”Hawking's popularity shows the Chinese people's great enthusiasm for science, especially among the young generation, which is inspiring for the country's future,“ Steven Dong, a professor at the Communications University of China, told the Global Times.中国交通大学教授史蒂芬·东告诉《环球时报》:”霍金的风靡显示出中国人民对科学的巨大热情,尤其在年轻一代中更是如此,这对国家的未来来说是振奋人心的。“ 复旦开绿灯招400农村生 边远贫困区无需笔试面试
Students in remote or impoverished rural regions who are in their final grade in high school will no longer need to make the long journey to Shanghai for written tests and interviews to secure a place in prestigious Fudan University.为跻身复旦大学这所名校,农村边远贫困地区的高三学生将无需长途跋涉来到上海参加笔试、面试。Instead, they need only submit materials online and take the college entrance exam, or gaokao, near home.If they score 50 points higher than the provincial minimum for a first-tier university, they may receive an offer from Fudan.取而代之的是,他们仅需在线提交相关材料,之后在家附近参加高考就可以了。如果成绩达到所在省第一批本科录取控制分数线上50分,那么就有机会被复旦录取。
”We are endeavoring to lighten students' economic burdens and help them fulfill their dreams of enjoying the country's highest quality educational resources at low cost,“ said Ding Guanghong, assistant to the president of Fudan.复旦大学的校长助理丁光宏说:“我们正在努力减轻学生的经济负担,帮助他们实现以低成本享受全国最优质的教育资源的梦想。”
Candidates who want to compete for a spot at Fudan through the program need to submit materials online before April 25 including academic ranking, evidence of school performance, strong points in subjects and spirit of innovation and potential.Fudan will release the list of qualifying students in late May.Performance in the gaokao will be key, according to the admission rules.想要通过该项目竞争复旦大学一席之地的考生,需要在4月25日之前在网上提交相关材料。这些材料包括成绩排名、在校表现证明、学科特长、创新精神和发展潜质等。复旦将于五月发布具有资格的学生名单。根据录取规则,在高考中的表现将是非常关键的。
”Through the program this year Fudan will recruit 400 students, accounting for 13 percent of the total quota, which is quite high,“ Ding said.丁光宏表示:“复旦大学计划今年通过该项目招收400名学生,占招生总名额的13%,这是相当高的。”
Thanks to the program, the ratio of students from rural areas in Fudan increased from 10.4 percent in 2012 to 18 percent in 2014.Students from central and western areas rose from 35.9 percent in 2012 to 43.7 last year, university figures show.由于该项目,复旦大学中来自农村的学生的比例已经从2012年的10.4%上升到了2014年的18%。根据复旦大学提供的数据显示,来自中西部地区的学生也从2012年的35.9%上升到了去年的43.7%。
An online underground market selling bank card data recently exposed by CCTV enables buyers to obtain the personal information of over 1,000 card owners within five minutes.最近,央视曝光了一个贩卖银行卡数据的网上黑市,买家可在5分钟内获取1000多名持卡人的个人信息。
Detailed bank card information including the owner's name, card number, password, cell phone number and ID card number can be bought on the market, a self-proclaimed whistle-blower surnamed Xu told China Central Television(CCTV).一名自称姓徐的告密者告诉中央电视台,持卡人姓名、卡号、密码、手机号码和身份证号等银行卡详细信息在这个黑市上都可以买得到。
According to CCTV, the information collectors would send bank card users text messages with links to phishing sites, set up free Wi-Fi signals, or use converted POS machines to hack or steal users' information.央视报道称,信息收集者可通过向银行卡用户发送含钓鱼网站链接的短信、设置免费Wi-Fi信号、利用改装POS机破解或窃取用户信息。
Those who illegally transferred victims' money would infect victims' cell phones with viruses or disrupt their cell phones' signals in order to intercept the verification codes, which are sent by bank companies to perform operations such as money transfers or password changes.不法分子通过让受害者的手机中毒或干扰其手机信号,拦截金融机构进行转账、改密码等业务时发送的验证码,将受害者钱财转走。
Those who completed the illegal transfers could receive commission of 30 to 50 percent.之后,那些完成非法汇款的人将获得30%-50%的佣金。
Pei Zhiyong, an anti-fraud expert at Qihoo 360 Technology Company, told CCTV that the company could detect 5,000 to 8,000 phishing sites every day that could receive a total of over 100 million clicks in half a day.奇虎360科技公司的反诈骗专家裴智勇接受CCTV采访时表示,每天该公司都能检测到5000-8000个钓鱼网站,而就在短短半天内,就能收到总量超过1亿的链接。
Chinese police have arrested a man in connection with a high-profile video that appears to show a woman being assaulted in a Beijing hotel.近日,中国警方通过高清晰摄像头,调取了北京和颐酒店女子遇袭的画面,并以此逮捕了一名男性嫌疑人。
The 24-year-old male suspect surnamed Li was caught in Henan province on last Thursday night, Beijing police said on their Sina Weibo microblog.随后,北京警方在新浪微博中发表声明称,这名24岁的李姓男子于上周四晚在河南省被抓获。The video was uploaded on Sina Weibo, a popular microblogging network in China, earlier last week and quickly went viral, with posts about the subject attracting more than two billion views.这一视频是在上周前两天被上传到新浪微博上的,随即在网络上迅速引起了广泛关注。该微博的阅读量甚至超过了二十亿。
It shows a woman being approached by a man in a black jacket, who then appears to attack her.该视频显示,一名身穿黑色夹克的男子逼近一名女子,之后就开始攻击这名女子。
The incident took place at the Beijing branch of the Heyi hotel chain, known as Yitel in English.Homeinns, the parent company of the hotel, has apologized for ”insufficient security management and customer service“.此事件发生在北京和颐连锁酒店的一个分支酒店,和颐酒店英文名是Yitel。和颐酒店母公司如家已经对此事进行了道歉,并表示:“是由于不完善的安全管理和顾客服务”才导致此事件的发生。
China has seen several incidents in recent years where bystanders have refused to help those in need.中国近几年已经发生过许多起类似的遇袭事件,而过路人都拒绝对需要帮助的受害者伸出援助之手。
Many are reluctant to intervene because there have been cases where injured people have subsequently blamed those who came to their aid for causing the injuries-and sued them.很多人不愿意插手帮助此事,因为之前有帮助受害者的热心人后来反而被指责,并被受害者起诉的情况发生。
In Chinese culture how common is it to regularly say ”I love you“? 中国文化里面,人们通常多久说一次“我爱你”?
I can't remember a single time that my parents explicitly told me ”I love you.”However, I can clearly remember the day I talked to my dad about King Lear.I told him about how sorry I felt for Lear because he was betrayed by his daughters Goneriland Regan.Lear, knowing that he was getting old, decided to split his kingdom among his 3 girls.He proclaimed that he would give the greatest share to the one who loved him most.我不记得我父母有哪一次很明确地跟我说过:“我爱你”了。但是,我很清楚的记得我跟我爸谈《李尔王》的那一天。我告诉他,我为李尔的女儿贡纳莉和里根的背叛感到多么抱歉。李尔王知道自己老了,于是决定把他的王国分给他的三个女儿。他宣布,他会把最大的那份给那个最爱他的人。
So,Goneril and Regan proceed to deceive their father with lavish expressions of love.Meanwhile the third daughter, Cordelia, refuses to participate in such false displays.She loves her father too much, and she doesn't want to degrade herself to the level of her sisters.Instead, she says(in an aside): Then, poor Cordelia!And yet not so;since, I am sure, my love’s richer than my tongue.因此,贡纳莉和里根开始用夸张的词藻来欺骗自己的父亲。同时第三个女儿考狄利娅拒绝加入这种虚假的表现中去。她太爱她的父亲了,她不想贬低自己至姐妹的那个水平。相反地,她说(旁自语):“那么,考狄利娅,你只好自安于贫穷了!可是我并不贫穷,因为我深信我的爱心比我的口才更富有。”(莎士比亚《李尔王》,朱生豪译)
Lear is deeply offended and, in a cruel twist of irony, disinherits the only child who truly loved him.Sadly, he later gets kicked out of his own kingdom by the two daughters who claimed to adore him more than anything in the world.李尔很生气,残酷地扭曲了她的话,并且剥夺了唯一真正爱自己的女儿的继承权。不幸的是,他不久后被他那两个曾经宣称崇拜自己超过世界上任何事物的女儿逐出了自己的王国。
My father's response to my retelling of the story was approximately the following: That’s why you don't need to say “I love you.” Just saying “I love you” doesn’t necessarily mean your love is real.But if you really love someone, you'll show it with your actions.我父亲听完我故事的复述之后,回答大致如下:那就是为什么我们不需要说“我爱你”。只会说“我爱你”的话并不意味着你的爱就是真实的。但是如果你真的爱某个人的话,你会用你的行动来证明的。
So although I never heard the words ”I love you" from my parents, I always felt loved because they told me in ways that speak much louder than words.I think many other Chinese feel the same way.所以即使我从来没有从我父母那里听到过“我爱你”的话,我也总能感觉得到我是被爱的,因为他们用比言语更加响亮的方式告诉我了。我觉得很多其他中国人也会有同样的感觉
Didi moves to offset China woes with Brazil tie-up 滴滴出行与巴西同行结盟
China’s biggest ride-hailing platform, DidiChuxing, is making its first move in Brazil in a drive to win market share in emerging economies.zhōngguózuìdàdewǎngyuēchēpíngtáidīdīchūxíngzàibāxīmàichūdìyībùyǐqiúzàixīnxīngjīngjìtǐduóqǔshìchǎngfèné中国最大的网约车平台滴滴出行在巴西迈出第一步,以求在新兴经济体夺取市场份额。
The move comes as Didi faces regulatory pressures in its home market and is engaged in global rivalry with Uber.采取此举之际,滴滴在国内市场面临监管压力,同时与优步(Uber)在全球展开竞争。
The strategic partnership with 99, Brazil’s homegrown taxi-booking platform, will give Didi a seat on 99’s board of directors, the two companies announced yesterday.zàiquánqiúzhǎnkāijìngzhēngcǎiqǔcǐjǔzhījìdīdīzàiguónèishìchǎngmiànlínjiānguǎnyālìtóngshíyǔyōubù滴滴与巴西本土出租车预约平台99结成了战略合作伙伴guānxìjùliǎngjiāgōngsīzuórìxuānbù
“The focus for the partnership with 99 is on developing the enormous, untapped potentials of Brazilian and Latin American markets,” said Didi, adding that it has “a very firm commitment to a globalisation strategy”.“与99结成伙伴关系,重点是要挖掘巴西乃至整个拉美shìchǎngshàngwèikāifādejùdàqiánlìjiāngjiāndìngtuījìnyǔjiéchénghuǒbànguānxìzhòngdiǎnshìyàowājuébāxīnǎizhìzhěnggèlāměi
qí“The war on one front is now being fought everywhere, globally,” said William Bao Bean, partner at SOSV, the Chinese software start-up accelerator.“Before it was fine to be the top app in China or in the US.That’s no longer enough for Uber or Didi.”
Didi has also invested in Lyft, Uber’s main US rival, as well as GrabTaxi, which is popular in Southeast Asia.The three car-sharing apps are part of a global anti-Uber alliance in which users of one app can hail the others’ cars when travelling abroad.滴滴还投资于优步在美国的主要竞争对手Lyft,以及在dōngnányàshòuhuānyíngdeliánméngdeyíbùfengèdechēdīdīháitóuzīyúyōubùzàiměiguódezhǔyàojìngzhēngduìshǒu
新闻1 新疆已经形成多种双语教学模式
天山网讯(记者 张丽霞)乌什县一位少数民族教师自筹资金30万元兴办了一所汉语幼儿园,民汉幼儿都用汉语教学。这是最近几天在全疆教育界广为传播的一个好消息。自治区党委副书记努尔·白克力12月4日说:“少数民族教师对汉语教学的认可和重视态度,令人十分感动。”
2004年3月,自治区作出《关于大力推进“双语”教学工作的决定》(新党发【2004】2号,2005年7月,自治区又印发了《关于加强少数民族学前“双语”教育的意见》,要求在全区少数民族学校大力推进“双语”教学模式,培养一批具有双语教学能力的教师,不断扩大“双语”教学的范围和规模,提高我区少数民族学生的汉语水平。摘自新 稿源:《新疆经济报》
新闻2 新疆:双语教学前景好 师资不足问题多
Vladimir Putin triumphed in Russia's presidential election on Sunday and, tears rolling down his cheeks, called his victory a turning point that had prevented the country falling into the hands of enemies.Putin's opponents complained of widespread fraud, refused to recognize the results and said they would press ahead on Monday with the biggest protests since he rose to power 12 years ago.But the former KGB spy said he had won a “clean” victory and was on course to return to the Kremlin after four years as prime minister with almost 65 percent of votes, partial results showed.“I promised you we would win.We have won.Glory to Russia,” Putin, dressed in an anorak and flanked by outgoing President Dmitry Medvedev, told tens of thousands of flag-waving supporters at a late-evening victory rally under the red walls of the Kremlin.Denouncing attempts to “destroy Russia's statehood and usurp power,” he said: “The Russian people have shown today that such scenarios will not succeed in our land...They shall not pass!” The crowd at one point chanted: “Putin!Putin!Putin!” Some danced to keep warm and drank vodka from plastic glasses, with empty bottles crunching underfoot.It was a defiant and angry speech which left Putin, 59, on collision course with the mainly middle-class protesters in Moscow and other big cities who have staged huge rallies since a disputed parliamentary poll on December 4.Two exit polls showed Putin with 58-59 percent of the votes and incomplete results showed him winning more than 64 percent.The protest organizers, who see Putin as an autocratic leader whose return to power will stymie hope of economic and political reforms, said their demonstrations would now grow.上周日,弗拉基米尔•普京在俄罗斯总统大选中胜出后喜极而泣。他表示自己的胜利是避免国家落入敌人手里的历史转折点。
人群一度高呼“普京!普京!普京!”一些人跳着舞保暖,拿着塑料 杯子喝伏特加酒,脚边到处是破碎的空瓶子。
March 5 is the 50th year of Lei Feng‟s death.In 1963, Chairman Mao Zedong designated the day as “Learn From Lei Feng Day” and started a national campaign for people to copy his deeds.今年3月5日是雷锋逝世50周年纪念日。1963年,毛主席宣布这天为“学雷锋日”,从而掀起一场全民学习雷锋事迹的运动热潮。Several decades after the campaign was initiated, there has been a debate about whether the spirit of Lei lives on, and whether an altruistic role model is relevant anymore in a materialist society.此后的几十年间,一直存在这样一种争论:在物质社会中,雷锋精神是否长存?这种无私楷模的形象是否还有价值?
Some think it no longer rings a bell.“In a world when everyone emphasizes the importance of „me‟, many of my peers think there‟s little ground for giving up one‟s interests purely for the sake of others,” says Lin Zi‟en, 19, a sophomore English major from South China Normal University in Guangdong.有些人认为雷锋精神已经过时。华南师范大学英语专业大二学生、19岁的林子恩说:“现在的社会都很强调„自我‟意识,我身边许多同伴都觉得没什么理由去完全舍己利他。”
Commentators, however, point out those who regarded Lei‟s spirit as being outdated have misinterpreted its meaning.而评论人士则指出,那些认为雷锋精神过时的人其实是误解了其真正的意义。
Yang Haibin, deputy secretary of China Communist Youth League Beijing Committee said: “learning from Lei Feng could be a mutually caring and benefiting act, which is the basis of civilized society.共青团北京市委副书记杨海滨表示:“学习雷锋可以是一种相互关心,彼此受益的行为,是文明社会的基础。”
And, Lei‟s spirit can be modern and relevant, says Yang.He believes that lending a helping hand for no reward is an early form of volunteering.同时,杨海滨认为,雷锋精神具备与时俱进的特点且意义重大,这种无私助人的行为是志愿者行为的早期形式。
“It‟s also about being content with a simple and humble way of life,” Yang says.他还表示:“这也是对于简单且谦逊的生活方式所产生的一种满足感。”
Hu Danhua, 21, an international business major from China University of Political Science and Law, agrees.“I‟ve gained peace of mind and spiritual fulfillment through small acts of kindness, such as teaching village pupils.I could obtain it from nowhere else,” Hu says.就读于中国政法大学国际贸易专业、21岁的胡丹华对此表示认同:“通过山村支教这样的一些小小善举,我收获了心灵的宁静以及精神上的成就感。这是我从其他地方收获不来的。”
In a society with material abundance but a lack of moral fiber, it seems hard to cherish the Lei Feng spirit.在一个物欲横流却缺乏道德品行的社会里,我们似乎很难去珍视“雷锋精神”。
Reports of passers-by hesitating to help people in need are shocking.Cases in which good Samaritans have landed in trouble are well publicized.当人们需要帮助时,路人都为是否出手而犹豫不决,此类报道令人震惊。见义勇为者遭遇大麻烦的案例被广为传播。
But Liu Jifeng, director of the military high technology training department at the National University of Defense Technology, says it is important to help others as much as you can.“If everyone turns a blind eye to the bad side, our whole social system will be in danger,” Liu says.但国防科技大学军事高科技培训部主任刘戟锋认为,尽最大力量去帮助他人,这十分重要。刘戟锋说:“如果每个人都对阴暗面视而不见的话,我们的整个社会都将处于危险之中。”
As Lei Feng‟s anniversary draws near, his spirit has been promoted in a more approachable way.随着雷锋纪念日的邻近,各界开始采用一种更为大众接受的方式来推广雷锋精神。
Guangdong provincial government has updated its campaign slogan from “sacrificing yourself to benefit others” to “doing each other a favor”.广东省政府将他们的活动口号由原来的“舍己为人”改为“互相帮助。” In Changsha, Hunan, the hometown of Lei Feng, the slogan is “doing my duty”.雷锋的故乡湖南长沙市的活动口号则是“这是我应该做的”。Lei‟s followers among the post-80s and 90s generation regard these moves as humanizing the role model.雷锋精神的80后、90后追随者将这一切视为让雷锋楷模更人性化的举动。
They‟re encouraged to develop their unique interpretation and ways of spreading goodwill.他们被提倡以他们独特的方式诠释善意、传播善举。
For instance, Shan Haiping, 19, a freshman English major from Zhejiang Ocean University, believes the spirit means guarding one‟s principles.例如,浙江海洋学院英语专业大一新生、19岁的单海萍就坚信雷锋精神就是坚守自己的行事原则。
“It‟s about doing things you feel worthwhile,” she said.“做那些你认为值得的事。”单海萍如是说。
Hu Zhongping, professor of education in South China Normal University, says Lei Feng‟s spirit teaches us to be a good person, who contributes to society.华南师范大学教授胡中平认为,雷锋精神教导我们要做对社会有贡献的好人。
“It‟s all about encouraging those who are self-centered to think from other people‟s perspectives as well,” Hu says.胡中平表示:“雷锋精神可以鼓励那些以自我为中心的人更多地去站在别人角度思考问题。”
What a week it’s been for Jeremy Lin.过去的一周,对于林书豪来说意义非凡。
With five breakout games, the Taiwanese-American has become the NBA’s newest playmaking sensation.经历五场屡破记录的比赛,这位美籍台湾球员成为NBA最新最热的明星后卫。
In the New York Knicks’ 92-85 win over the Los Angles Lakers last Saturday, Lin had a career-high 38 points.And a day later, he led the Knicks to their fifth straight victory, 100-98, to Minnesota Timberwolves.上周六,林书豪所在的纽约尼克斯队以92:85的成绩战胜了洛杉矶湖人队,林书豪在场上也拿到了职业生涯最高的38分。而就在隔日,在他的协助下,纽约尼克斯队以100:98的成绩击败明尼苏达森林狼队,取得五连胜。
In his previous games, Lin, 23, had 23 points against the Washington, 25 points against New Jersey and 28 more against Utah in his first start.在此前的比赛中,23岁的林书豪上演了自己的处子秀:在对阵华盛顿奇才队时斩获23分,对阵新泽西网队时斩获25分,对阵犹他爵士队斩获28分。
No doubt, Lin fever is starting to spread.If you haven’t already caught “Linsanity”, get ready because it’s coming, as the Knicks pin their championship hopes on the rising star.毫无疑问,“林书豪热”正在迅速扩散。如果你还不知道“林书豪热”,做好准备吧,它马上就要来临。纽约尼克斯队也将它们问鼎冠军的希望押在这颗冉冉升起的新星身上。
If you want to know more about Lin, here are five facts about him from the Associated Press(AP): 如果你想更多地去了解林书豪,以下是美联社列举出了的“关于林书豪的五件事”:
1.He is smart.Before graduating from high school in Palo Alto, California, Lin sent his resume to all the Ivy League schools.He only got into Harvard and Brown, and he chose Harvard.In 2010, Lin graduated with a degree in economics.1.他很聪明,在从自己就读的美国加州帕洛阿尔托高中毕业之前,林书豪将自己的简历寄给了常青藤联盟。最终拿到了哈佛大学和布朗大学的录取通知书,而他选择了哈佛。2010年林书豪毕业并获得经济学学士。
2.He is the first American player in the NBA of Chinese descent.Lin was born in the US and his family is Asian.Despite not being born in China, Lin has co-opted Yao Ming’s old fan base of Asian-American’s who see him as a powerful role model.2.他是NBA史上第一名具有中国血统的美籍球员。林书豪在美国出生,家人则来自亚洲。尽管不是在中国出生,林书豪已经俘获了一众姚明的美籍亚裔铁杆球迷的芳心,这些球迷将他视为强大的精神偶像。
3.He wasn’t drafted.After graduating from Harvard, Lin wasn’t drafted by any NBA team, which would have made him the first Ivy League alumni to be drafted since 1955.3.他曾被NBA拒之门外。从哈佛毕业后,林书豪并没有收到任何一 支NBA球队投来的橄榄枝,这使得他本人成为自1955年以来加盟NBA的常青藤联盟校友第一人。
4.He started off on the Golden State Warriors.Lin first signed with the Warriors in July, 2010, but rarely played in games before the start of the fourth quarter.His first time on the court for the Worriers earned him seven points, three rebounds and two assists in just 11 minutes.4.他最早的亮相是在金州勇士队。2010年7月林书豪首次和勇士队签约,但在第四个赛季开始前他却很少上场。他在勇士队的初次亮相只有短短11分钟,共斩获了7分,3个篮板和2次助攻。
5.He is a perfect fit for the Knicks.New York Knicks has been in need of a reliable point guard and to Mike D’Antoni, the Knicks coach who is going through a tough season, Lin is a most unexpected asset.“Lin just does everything easy and the rest of the guys around him are playing the way we want to play,” D’Antoni said.“I think it’s for real, and it can only get better.”
5.对于纽约尼克斯队而言,他真的是天造地设一般。纽约尼克斯队继续一位值得信赖的得分后卫,而对于正在经历一个艰难的赛季的尼克斯队教练麦克•德安东尼而言,林书豪是匹最有价值的黑马。德安东尼表示:“林书豪只是轻松地做所有的事情,而他周围的其他队员也都打出了我们想要的方式。我想这是真的,情况只会越变越好。”Apple has entered the textbook market.The tech giant introduced iBooks textbooks a couple of weeks ago when it announced its iBooks 2 platform.几周前,苹果公司在iBooks 2平台的发布会上正式推出iBooks,此举表明这一科技巨头正式进军教科书市场。
They are digital books in a variety of subjects from astronomy to zoology taking in science, maths, history and geography.电子教科书涵盖了从天文学到动物学等多种主题,包括科学,数学,历史和地理等科目。
Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks in conjunction with major textbook publishers.The company offers a collection of textbooks for high school students.苹果同一些知名教科书出版商展开合作,研发基于iPad平台的教科书。目前苹果已经推出了一套高中电子教材。
Apple claims it offers a “new textbook experience” and suggests its interactive iBooks textbooks are “the next chapter in learning”.苹果表示将创造一场 “教科书新体验”,并暗示这种互动式的电子教科书将会“开启学习的新篇章”。
It sounds like good news for pupils and students.Think of it.No more carrying heavy backpacks full of textbooks.Every textbook you require can be stored on your iPad.这听上去对于中小学生来说是个好消息。想想看,不用再背着装满课 本的,沉甸甸的书包,因为所有书都可以储存在你的iPad里。No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or give away.也不必再去买那些昂贵的课本,这些课本只能用一两年,之后不是卖掉,就是送人。
Of course there’s a catch.You need to own an iPad and as you know, it is not cheap.You also need to buy digital textbooks, mostly priced each at $14.99(94.74 yuan)or less.当然凡事有利就有弊。你需要拥有一部iPad,众所周知其价格不菲。此外你还要买电子课本,大多数定价不高于14.99美元(合94.74元人民币)。
Textbook publishing was worth $8.7 billion in the US alone last year.Will digital books take over completely in education? 去年,单是美国的教科书出版业的市值就达到87亿美元。那么电子书将会彻底抢占整个教育市场吗?
Is learning going to evolve into something we do on an electronic tablet computer? You can appreciate the attractions.我们正步入用平板电脑的学习时代吗?你可以感受到这其中的魅力所在。
Instead of boring old textbooks which are quickly out of date you can have an interactive learning experience.随着那些无聊又陈旧的课本被迅速淘汰,你便可以体验到互动学习的 乐趣。
You can play videos, examine geometrical problems in 3D, listen to music and commentary, make notes and mark passages electronically.You can also share stuff on social networking sites with fellow students.你可以播放视频,利用3D来解析几何难题,收听音乐以及评论,在电子屏幕上记笔记,做文章注释,还可以与同学在社交网站上分享资料。
The book is dead;long live the tablet computer.传统课本短命,平板电脑万岁。
But wait a minute.Not so fast.Let’s consider the evolution of learning.Thousands of years before books, man was depicting hunting scenes on the walls of caves.但先等一下,别这么快!我们先回顾一下学习的演变过程。在书籍出现前的数千年里,人类一直都是在洞穴的墙壁上描绘捕猎场景。As early as 2700 BC Egyptians were converting papyrus into thick forms of paper or parchment ready to receive markings from reed pens.早在公元前2700年,埃及人便开始把纸莎草纸改进为较厚的纸张或是羊皮纸,以便用芦苇制成的笔记录文字。
In the Middle Ages in Europe monasteries became centers of learning.While some monks ploughed and grew crops, brother monks laboriously copied and illustrated bibles by hand on vellum or parchment.到了中世纪的欧洲,修道院成为学习中心。当一些僧侣耕种农作物时,另一些同伴卖力地在牛皮纸或羊皮纸上抄写圣经,并手绘插画。China developed printing, using signs cut into wooden blocks.Books were printed rather than written out by hand.Every candidate for the civil service boned up on Confucius’ precepts in printed form.之后,中国利用篆刻木块制成字体模板发明了印刷术。至此书籍已可印刷出版而并非手工抄写。所有文官的候选人都要用功研读印刷成册的孔子训词。
In 1273 a handbook for Chinese farmers and growers of raw silk was printed, according to Geoffrey Blainey, writer of A Very Short History of the World.Soon 3,000 copies were in circulation, at a time when the same task would have called for a year’s labor by a monastery full of Italian monks writing out the books by hand.《世界简史》的作者杰弗里•布莱尼表示,1273年,一本为中国农民和养蚕者编写的印刷手册问世。不久,便有3000本书流通于世。当时,若是同样一本书,则需要一间修道院里所有意大利僧侣花费一年时间才能抄写完。
The great leap forward in learning came thanks to the printing press.Johannes Gutenberg of Mainz in Germany was perhaps the first European to print a book using not only a printing press but also metallic type.人类学习历史上的一大飞跃要多亏了印刷机的问世。来自德国美因茨市的约翰内斯•古滕贝格可能是第一位不仅使用机器印刷,还使用金属字块来印刷书本的欧洲人。His techniques were copied and adapted.Thanks to the printing press, cheap books were possible.他的技术被广泛采纳应用,因为有了印刷机,书本才会变得这么便宜。And the rest, as they say, is history.Will Apple revolutionize learning? That remains to be seen.常言道,剩下的事情地球人都知道了。那么苹果会引领一场学习的变革吗?让我们拭目以待吧!
An entire village has been relocated in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan to protect tigers, officials say.More than 350 people from 82 families in Umri village, in the Sariska tiger reserve, moved to a new location.The number of tigers in Sariska had dwindled to zero before growing to five over the last three years.Tiger numbers have shrunk alarmingly in India in recent decades.A 2011 census counted about 1,700 tigers in the wild.A century ago there were estimated to be 100,000 tigers in India.Umri is the second village in Sariska to be relocated to help secure a proper habitat for tigers to increase their numbers.The villagers moved last week.There are 11 villages with a population of nearly 2,500 people located in the heart of the tiger reserve which need to be relocated to improve the habitat, Rajasthan's chief conservator of forests, PS Somasekhar, told the BBC.People living in these villages mostly belong to pastoral tribes.Mr Somasekhar said efforts were being made to relocate four more villages over the next few years.“It is a long-drawn process because the villagers have to agree to move out.We can't force them to leave.We can only persuade,” he said.The villagers are compensated with land, cash and livestock worth up to 1 million rupees($20,000)and relocated to the nearest cultivable plots outside the reserve, Rajasthan's chief wildlife warden AC Chaubey told the BBC.The number of tigers in the 886-sq-km Sariska reserve dropped to zero from a high of 16 in 2002.“To maintain a reserve of this size, we need a minimum of 20 female tigers to help with the breeding and a viable population of 80 to 100 tigers,” Mr Somasekhar said.India's most recent tiger census, held last year, indicated that numbers had increased to 1,706 from 1,411 at the last count in 2007.印度政府日前表示,为了保护数目急剧减少的老虎,已将位于该国北部拉贾斯坦邦的一座村庄整体迁移。
整体迁移的乌木里村位于萨瑞斯加老虎保护区内,村里82个家庭的 超过350人已经迁移到了其他地区居住。
拉贾斯坦邦的森林保护主管PS Somasekhar告诉BBC,有11个村庄、近2500人居住在这个老虎保护区的核心地带,他们都需要迁走,来改善老虎的生存环境。这些村民大多是牧民。
拉贾斯坦邦的野生动物负责人AC Chaubey告诉BBC,村民会得到土地、现金和牲畜补偿,总价值可达到100万卢比(合两万美元),还可以搬迁到保护区外最近的可耕作土地上。
Somasekhar先生说:“为了保持种群数量,我们需要至少20只母虎繁殖后代,还需要80至100只能存活的老虎。” 印度去年的老虎数量调查在去年进行,结果显示,老虎数量已经从2007年调查时的1411只增加到1706只。
美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马17日将迎来五十岁生日。0 米歇尔50岁生日:美媒解开米歇尔5大神话.jpg
Michelle Obama entered the White House as a chimera.To some, she was emblematic of fully realized African American womanhood and an incomparable fashion icon.To others, she was the voice of racial grievance, the nanny state and Seventh Avenue vanity.She has proved herself to be neither vengeful nor the patron saint of activist feminism.Yet misperceptions linger.So as she celebrates her 50th birthday, here are a few facts in the face of persistent fictions.美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马17日将迎来五十岁生日。这位白宫传奇女主人向来引人瞩目,有人称她为时尚教主,认为她完美地诠释了非裔美国女性的自我实现之路;有人批判她是种族仇恨和保姆政府的代言人。人们对于她的评价褒贬不一,然而其中却存在着诸多误解。在其五十岁生日之际,美国《华盛顿邮报》列举人们对米歇尔常见的五大误读,试图向读者展示一个真实的第一夫人。
1.Michelle Obama is the most fashion-friendly first lady.1.她是史上最爱时尚的第一夫人?
Obama has been a pronounced and polished advocate for American style, seamlessly moving from custom-made evening gowns to mass-market fare.She has made the fashion industry swoon with her willingness to embrace the work of some of its most eccentric players, such as Thom Browne , and its lesser-known talents, such as Isabel Toledo and Duro Olowu.One 2010 study in the Harvard Business Review estimated she could boost a company‟s stock 16 percent by wearing its clothes.从私人定制晚礼服逐渐转向大众服饰,米歇尔被外界公认为是美国平民风的践行者。她对桑姆?布郎尼、伊莎贝尔?托莱多、奥罗武等平民设计师和小众品牌的偏爱更是使美国时尚界为之心醉神迷。据2010年《哈佛商业评论》的一项调查估计,米歇尔能够为其所穿服装的公司带来16%的股票涨幅。
Yet other first ladies have had more personal relationships with designers — and opened the White House doors to them in a way Obama has not.Jacqueline Kennedy designated Oleg Cassini her official dressmaker, and the style they created inspired generations of women and designers.Lady Bird Johnson in 1968 hosted a formal fashion show that involved models parading through the State Dining Room as the wives of visiting governors looked on.Nancy Reagan had let‟s-meet-for-lunch friendships with several designers, and she received the Council of Fashion Designers of America‟s lifetime achievement award — which she accepted in person.In 2005, Laura Bush‟s presence at New York‟s Fashion Week rippled through the industry like the Second Coming.尽管如此,与其他第一夫人不同的是,米歇尔从不与设计师们保持过多的私人联系,更不会为他们敞开白宫的大门。杰奎琳?肯尼迪曾封奥莱格?卡西尼为其御用设计师,约翰逊夫人曾于1968年在白宫国宴大厅举办时尚走秀;南希?里根经常与设计师共进午餐,在荣获美国时尚设计师协会终身成就奖后,她还亲自前去领奖;劳拉?布什曾现身2005年纽约时尚周,在时尚界掀起轩然大波。
Obama has celebrated creativity through the Smithsonian‟s Cooper-Hewitt Design Awards, but she has maintained distance from the industry.Jason Wu , designer of her two inaugural gowns, didn‟t meet her until the first was installed in the Smithsonian a year after she wore it.She doesn‟t attend fashion industry events.When Seventh Avenue honored her in 2009, she sent her thanks via video message.事实上,米歇尔始终与时尚界保持着一定的距离,也不参加时尚活动。2009年,被称为美国时尚界中心的第七大道授予奖项给她时,她也仅仅是通过视频致谢。
2.She is a food tyrant of Bloombergian intolerance.2.她完全无法忍受不健康食品?
The first lady is renowned for her Let‟s Move campaign to fight childhood 2 obesity through healthy eating and exercise.One of her first projects upon settling into the East Wing was sowing the White House Kitchen Garden.She even gave out dried fruit on Halloween — President Obama joked that it would get the White House egged.为降低儿童肥胖率,米歇尔发起“让我们动起来”活动,号召国民健康饮食,加强锻炼。她邀请儿童到白宫厨房菜园参加蔬菜种植活动,她在万圣节期间向孩子们分发干果。她对国民饮食习惯的关注引起部分人的不满,认为如果按照她的号召,人们将无法享受美味的甜点。
Her focus on the nation‟s eating habits has led to complaints that she wants to deprive Americans of dessert.But Obama repeatedly expresses her belief in moderation, talks about her affection for French fries and unapologetically went in for a 1,700-calorie splurge at Shake Shack in 2011.As for sweets, the first family‟s Thanksgiving last year featured nine types of pie, as righteous a display of dessert democracy as one can get.然而事实上,米歇尔并非彻底否定所谓的“不健康食品”,她曾反复强调,她真正倡导的是适度饮食。她曾坦诚自己对薯条的钟爱,至于甜点,第一家庭去年的感恩节晚宴上共准备了9种馅饼,完全足以供客人大快朵颐。
3.Her legacy will be Let‟s Move or Joining Forces.3.她的主要成就是“让我们动起来”或“支持军属”活动?
Fighting childhood obesity and supporting military families have been the first lady‟s most formal and most publicized campaigns.But the guiding principle of her tenure has been a belief in youth mentoring and “paying it forward.”
She introduced mentoring as an institutional commitment at a 2009 lunchtime 3 meeting, pairing 13 Washington area high school girls with top female White House staff members.A similar program for boys came later.In addition to getting personal time with the first lady, the students sat down with Supreme Court justices, met with a curator from the African American history museum and sampled a state dinner menu while learning about diplomacy.2009年,在与13名华盛顿中学女生共进午餐时,她将青少年辅导作为一项制度性承诺提出,随后又发起了一项旨在帮助男生的类似项目。在这些活动中,除了可以与第一夫人共处外,学生们还将有机会与最高法院的法官、非裔美国历史博物馆馆长交流。
The same ethos has guided how Obama has positioned herself abroad.At a London school, she described seeing herself in the faces of the students, who were overwhelmingly from disadvantaged backgrounds.The centerpiece of a Mexico City trip was a speech at a Jesuit university, where she said: “We have seen time and again that potential can be found in some of the most unlikely places.My husband and I are living proof of that.”White House arts workshops, visits to underserved schools and the inclusion of young people at state events are now standard practice and may be her most lasting legacy.即使在国外,她仍然践行着同样的理念。在访问伦敦一所学校时,她说可以从那些来自贫困家庭的孩子身上看到当年的自己。在墨西哥城一所基督会大学的演讲中她说:“事实证明,奇迹总发生在最不可能的地方,我和我的丈夫就是鲜明的例子。”
4.She hates Princeton.4.她厌恶母校普林斯顿大学?
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama‟s senior thesis, “Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community,” was exhumed from the archives of the university and fueled the perception that she detested it.“My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my „Blackness‟ than ever before,” she wrote.“I have found that at Princeton no matter how 4 liberal and open-minded some of my White professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus;as if I really don‟t belong.Regardless of the circumstances under which I interact with Whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be Black first and a student second.”After she declined invitations to return for special events and skipped her 25-year reunion with a reference to a scheduling conflict, speculation about her animosity intensified.Princeton alumni — I‟m one — celebrate reunions with ferocity.Skipping one‟s 25th? That‟s heresy.在2008年总统选举期间,米歇尔的毕业论文《普林斯顿教育的黑人和黑人社区》被挖出来,在论文中她写道:“在普林斯顿的经历让我比以往更加意识到自己的„黑人特征‟……不管我的一些白人教授与同学如何试图向我展现思想开明的一面,我有时仍会感觉自己像是校园中的一个游客,就好像我真的不属于这里。”人们就此猜测她厌恶自己的母校,尤其是在她拒绝了学校很多活动的邀请以及她的毕业25年周年聚会后,这种猜测进一步加剧。
Still, there‟s no active vitriol.The conclusions of her thesis are nuanced and measured.More than a reprimand of a school struggling with persity, they explain her determination to stay connected to the black community.Obama also has not been wholly disengaged from Princeton.She accepted a position on the sociology department‟s advisory board in 2005, though the presidential campaign soon kept her from going to meetings.In 2012, she did a fundraiser in the town of Princeton that included university students, alumni and faculty.然而如果对她的论文进行细致入微的研究就会发现,这篇文章更多的显示了她心系黑人社区的决心,而非对母校的谴责。事实上,米歇尔从未完全脱离普林斯顿大学,2005年,她接受了母校社会学系咨询委员会提供的职位(尽管总统选举使她无暇顾及这边的工作),2012年,她还在普林斯顿举行过一场募捐活动。
Obama has reserved most of her campus speaking for historically black 5 colleges and universities, and schools serving disadvantaged students or military families.She hasn‟t delivered an address at her alma mater, but she has upheld its informal motto: “Princeton in the nation‟s service and in the service of all nations.”
5.She represents an unusual success story.5.她呈现了一个非凡的成功故事?
Her story — as a successful wife, mother and professional who happens to be black — is not unique.The Labor Department estimates that by age 46, almost 70 percent of black men and women have, at some point, been married.According to the last census, 45 percent of black children are raised in two-parent households.More than one-third of employed black women work in professional fields.But popular culture hasn‟t normalized women like Obama.Columbia law professor Patricia Williams laments: “The jurisprudence of the entire 20th century was about black people trying to get into school.” Popular culture, she said, renders the results of that striving “invisible.” 作为一个成功的黑人妻子、母亲和专业人士,她的故事其实并不独特——据美国劳工部估计,70%的黑人在46岁时已经结婚,45%的黑人儿童在双亲家庭中长大,超过1/3的黑人女性在专业领域工作,只不过流行文化淹没了米歇尔们。哥伦比亚法学教授Patricia Williams哀叹道:“整个20世纪的法理学都是关于黑人女性如何努力接受教育。”然而流行文化掩盖了她们奋斗的成果。
Women like Obama were thriving long before the 2008 election, but a lot of people hadn‟t noticed.事实上,在2008年米歇尔名声大噪之前,像她这样的成功黑人女性早已比比皆是,只是没有人注意到她们而已。