17.3 厦门旅游业招商项目
白鹭egret 中国最温馨的城市the most congenial city in China 支柱产业pillar industry/fundamental sector 海峡西岸经济区the economic zone along the western coast of the Taiwan Straits 容积率the plot ratio 建筑密度construction density 绿地率the green rate
首先,感谢各位对厦门旅游业发展的关注和支持,感谢大家来这里听取我对厦门旅游业招商引资项目相关情况的介绍。// 厦门市总面积1,565平方公里,其中有12.56公里的沙滩线适合辟为海水浴场。这里是白鹭成群栖息的地方,故有“鹭岛”之称。有“海上花园”、“中国最温馨的城市”之美誉,以温馨绰约的山色海景和城市环境驰名中外,1998年被评为首批中国优秀旅游城市,是海内外游客首选的中国十大旅游城市。从1991年起厦门旅游业创汇收入连续13年名列全国旅游城市前十位。2003年厦门共接待海内外游客1,334.07万人次,旅游总收入165.32亿元人民币。// 厦门市委、市政府高度重视旅游业的发展,充分认识到旅游业对厦门经济发展的重要性,把旅游业作为国民经济新的增长点和支柱产业来发展,出台了诸多鼓励旅游业发展的优惠政策,提出把厦门建设成为海峡西岸经济区重要的旅游中心城市。// 在这里,我重点介绍几个项目。首先是民族路五星级酒店项目。项目地处厦门老城区的中心区域,地理位置十分优越,靠近厦门繁华的中山路商业圈,同时紧邻环岛路交通枢纽的鹭江道,交通非常便捷;再加上周边的风景十分优美,与厦门旅游的金字招牌——鼓浪屿旅游区隔海相望,是观赏鼓浪屿全岛和鹭江两岸风光的极佳位置。// 项目建设用地面积为9,066.409平方米,规划建设五星级大酒店,主要计划指标为地上总建筑面积不超过50,000平方米,容积率不大于5.51,建筑高度100米以下,建筑密度不大于45%,绿地率不小于30%。总投资4,836万美元,投资方式为独资。// 17.4 SSS Corrosion Protection Company seeks cooperation in China 主题导入:下面的讲话是德国SSS防腐蚀技术公司负责人在中国国际投资贸易洽谈会上的发言,介绍公司情况并希望在中国寻找相关的合作伙伴。
SSS Corrosion Protection Company SSS防腐蚀技术公司 Essen埃森(德国的工业城市)Know-how 专有技术
cathodic corrosion protection technology electrolyte 电解液 steel reinforcement in concrete钢筋混凝土 anode 阳极
CPECC 中国石油工程建设(集团)公司
SSS Corrosion Protection Company is based in Essen, Germany.It is an internationally operating company which provides industrial services and systems for the world market.SSS Corrosion Protection Company offers a broad range of technical services implementing tailored and customized solutions.The know-how of SSS and the experience of more than 50 years enable the company to respond flexibly to the markets at home and abroad.// Our company was established in 1945.At that time few people knew the cathodic corrosion protection technology, but we had already begun to explore this technology.We have developed from a small group to a big company.We have taken up most of European market and have become the second biggest company in this field.The company was re-organized in 1999 with the target to be prepared for the innovative challenge of the new century and for better cooperation with our clients.Speed efficiency and a strong commitment to competition make the SSS a leading multi-service company.Now 90% of our business is abroad and only 10% in Germany.// Let me begin with what corrosion is.Corrosion is the reaction of a metallic material with its environment.In all electrolytes, as for example, in the ground, in river or sea water, metal atoms go into solution as electrically charged ions during the corrosion reaction.ThIS process produces a more or less rapid loss of metal surfaces.The flow of electrons results in a current flowing from the metal to the electrolyte.// Corrosion protection comes in two kinds: passive corrosion protection and active corrosion protection refers to using the cathodic corrosion protection technology.The technology used by our company is a type of active corrosion protection.// The application of cathodic protection includes: pipelines, vessel, harbours, jutties, oil and gas platforms, production wells—oil, gas, water, sluices, storage tanks, industrial plants and steel reinforcement in concrete.Based on long experience with regards to requirements and in-house resources of domestic and international clients, we have developed the technical expertise, resources and reliable business relationships to provide a complete range of services to carry out all types of cathodic protection activities, works and projects.// Using our technology can save you a lot of money.Let me give you an example.If you have a 1,000-kilometre pipeline, and you need to have an anode station every one and a half kilometres, but if you use our technology, you will only need an anode station for every 500 kilometres.// We have been operating in China for seven years.We are cooperating with Daqing Oil Field.We also have a project in Langfang with CPECC Company.Recently we have a project in Sudan.Our company’s newest operation is in Libya.We have come to China to seek cooperation with Chinese companies.We hope to contact oil companies, oil and natural gas pipeline companies, harbour and distribution companies.// If you are interested in our technology, we can set up a seminar and technician training session.The training session includes classroom training and field training, either in Germany or in your country.For different structures, we organize different seminars covering specific thchnology.// I have a catalogue but I have give it to you now because I have only one.You can visit our website, where you can find everything there and information is always up-to-date.You can fill in the questionnaire on our website and send it to us.Or you can mail us your address and we will provide you with our brochure which gives detailed information about our services and products.Now if you have any questions… // 17.5 A brief introduction to AgustaWestland 主题导入:下面的讲话简单地介绍了英意合资的阿古斯特韦斯特兰直升机公司的情况,包括公司现在生产和正在研发的产品。
FinmeccanicaSpA of Italy 意大利的芬梅卡尼卡集团
rotary wing industry
2.5-ton light single-engine A119 Koala
2.5吨三引擎EH101直升机 A109 Power light twin medium-lift AB412 A10
BA609 Tiltrotor BA609
偏转旋翼飞机 cost-effectiveness
最佳成本效益 leverage
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.It is a great pleasure to be invited to take part in this air show.Now I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words about our company, Agusta Westland.As you may know, ours is an Anglo-Italian helicopter company.It is 50% owned by both FinmeccanicaSpA of Italy and HKN plc of UK.The company is a powerful force in the world helicopter industry and shares Agusta and Westland’s products, resources and experience.// AgustaWestland is uniquely placed to play a leading role in the future development of the rotary wing industry.Its strength provide the platform to make it the world’s best in terms of continuous growth, stability and requirements of civil and military customers and which can be adapted to the wide-ranging missions being carried out by helicopters today.// Our products range from the innovative 2.5-ton light single-engine A119 Koala to the 14-ton three-engine EH101 helicopter.Other products include the A109 Power light twin, the medium-lift AB412, the twin engine Lynx naval helicopter and the 9-ton NH90.Models currently being developed include the Super Lynx 300 and , in collaboration with Bell Helicopter Textron, the AB139 new medium twin and the BA609 Tiltrotor.// Each of these aircraft is an outstanding example of AgustaWestland’s dedication to innovative technology, consisdent performance, unmatched versatility and cost-effectiveness.Always looking ahead, AgustaWestland continues to strengthen its leadership position by exploring tiltrotor technology, investing in next-generations products and leveraging its global support network.//
1.3 美国副总统复旦大学演讲
市长先生,非常感谢您。谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。(对应kind words,指的是中方官员介绍,切尼或者有关访问的情况时非常礼貌,非常友好)今天我们很高兴来到这里。我和我夫人为有这次机会再次到中国访问感到荣幸!(请不要将travel 翻译成旅行,事实上,切尼肩负的是严肃的外教任务,他不是专程来旅行的,travel的意思要根据实际情况翻译)感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们。我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿!
我知道在座的很多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕业。我听说贵校有极为严格的标准(对应extremely demanding),得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。我祝贺在座各位学业有成。我钦佩各位老师为发扬复旦大学99年的优良传统付出的不懈努力(后面四个字是属于增译,根据原文的上下文做了补充性的延伸,又不影响原文且读之通顺完整)
1.4 王光亚大使在普林斯顿大学的讲话开场白
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Good evening!
I am honored to be invited to your seminar['seminɑ:](研讨会)tonight.For me , for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, PU has long beena familiar name.With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people,Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T.S.Eliot, the famous poet,to name but a few.As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebration for the 250th anniversary of PU: “At every pivotalmoment in American history, PU and its students have played a curtail role”
托马斯·斯特尔那斯·艾略特(Thomas Stearns Eliot,通常为T.S.Eliot,1888.9.26-1965.1.4)是一位美国/英国诗人、评论家、剧作家,其作品在二十世纪乃至今日的文学史上影响极为深远。1948年,60岁的艾略特迎来了他一生中最大的荣誉——诺贝尔文学奖。
I am more pleased to learn(获知)that all of you have a keen(浓厚的,这里也是属于不影响原文意思的扩展,表现出作者听到在座听众对中国及中国事务和感兴趣后的喜悦之情)interest in China.Though our two countries are geographically far apart(这里的万里之遥只是形容远,没必要译成数字,实质上精确地距离是不需要知道的,如果翻译成10thousand 后面的里是miles 还是KM 或者是中文的 “里”呢?还要涉及到公制单位和汉语度量衡的换算太罗嗦,所以far apart 就可以了,听众也都明白),we have a great deal in common.While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies(美语里面的电影就是movie,听众都是美国的,演讲也是在美国当然要符合美国人的说话习惯,films是英式表达)McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China.(while 表示两相对比对应原文中的而)I hope that today’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy,(外交政策的习惯表达,如同外交部长翻译为foreign minister一样,这里要注意词意的细微差别,foreign的意思是外国的,与外国有关的,涉外的,凡是指本国以外的可用,我们一般说的外交就是指的本国以外的和他国的交往,所以外交政策,外事,和外交部长皆可用foreign指的就是处理与国外关系的政策,事物和官员;而diplomatic强调的是一种抽象的概念指外交艺术、外交技巧,是种抽象的理论术语。所以,外交学院,都用Institute of Diplomacy or Diplomatic School.因为它并不从事具体对外事务。但是外交部就要做具体事情了,所以用的是foreign ministry跟前述的外交政策等是相似概念)thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.1.5 开业典礼讲话
各位尊敬的来宾,女士们先生们,下午好!欢迎参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼。(此处根据上下文,增补了新厂房一词,虽然原文并没有出现new一词,但是从the first可以推断出,另外将落成典礼翻译成开业典礼也是可以接受的,不影响原文)感谢各位,抽出时间莅临本次庆典,于我们一起分享这一美好时刻!(类似的译文均可以接受)我想代表公司对今天光临典礼的各位供应商,客户嘉宾,各位员工和业务伙伴表示衷心的感谢。(此处省略了our一词,因为大家都明白当事人是以第一人称身份演讲的,衷心的感谢或者诚挚的谢意也是为了烘托气氛的一种恰当处理,虽然原文并未出现sincere一词,但是我们可以推知主办方的热情和感激之心是真诚地)
公司的管理层深深地为我们的新工厂感到自豪,我们能干的员工感到自豪(此处将原句The„and very capable这个并列句子拆分翻译,属于拆译法);他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。
新厂房标志着公司对中国业务的重视和承诺。(此处,将symbol 名词动词化了,否则就会译成新厂房是公司对中国业务重视和承诺的象征/标志,这样读起来很拗口不符合我们中国人习惯的主谓宾式的一般表达)各位供应商,我们希望与你们携手共进,使我们的业务更上一层楼。
22.3 Yo-Yo Ma
3.3 史蒂夫 福布斯谈《福布斯》
44.3 西敏斯特大学介绍
4.5 中英教育交流
Q: My question is about educational exchanges.You mentioned in your speech that there are large numbers of Chinese students studying in Britain.As we know, it is extremely difficult to get a scholarship in a British university.But the tuition fees for international students far exceed these for home students.So we can not help wondering about the motivation of British universities in enrolling Chinese students.Is it to promote educational exchanges with China and to liven up campus life in Britain, or just for a commercial purpose? Thank you.A: 这实际上是出于多种考虑。我不否认有商业考虑,办大学也要花钱,不过教育交流是主要目的。奖学金难申请是因为钱要政府出,有时候纳税人有意见,说政府应该把奖学金给本国学生而不是外国学生。所以很困难。但我们现在已经在扩大奖学金范围。事实上,过去几年,中国学生来英国留学生人数大大增加了,这说明奖学金难归难,你们还是有办法来留学的。
Q: Mr.Blair, welcome to Tsinghua University.I was deeply impressed by your support for Sino-British educational exchanges, but I was also sorry to learn that some universities in northeastern Britain have decided to cancel the major of Chinese Culture and Language, among them the University of Durham.Will this affect cultural and educational cooperation between our two countries? If so, what is your solution?
A: 讲到学校的课程,既然我听说了这件事,我打算回去看看究竟,不过大学做出这样的决定原因很多,也许是经济原因,或者是他们面临某种困难,这也是时有的事。要把想做的事都办成,钱总是不够的。不过我可以向你保证,我们会一如既往地欢迎中国学生来英国学习,就算杜伦大学没有合适的专业,其他大学也肯定有。Lesson
主:Welcome to our studio.My first question is : how many years have you been in China?
主:3 years.I bet you have witnessed a lot of changes in China.Could you tell us your deepest impression of urban development in China?
主:What do think of all these tall buildings and widened roads?
主:Why is it complicated?
主:Then let’s see what are the differences between a foreigner’s expectations and what the Chinese would like to see.客:这个问题看来最好这么来谈。。一般情况下,中国朋友带我们参观城市时,都是带我们去看现代建筑。。比如机场、大桥、会展中心。。等等城市里最新的东西。但是外国人对老城区、小街小巷、古旧建筑更感兴趣。。也就是那些使这个城市有别于我们所看过的其他城市的东西。一个外国人到过世界上的其他地方可能比一般中国人多,所见过的机场和桥梁对他们来说没什么太大的不同,但是西安的庙宇他们就觉得有别与法国的教堂,更重要的是,中国城市的老房子更有别于英国城市的老房子。
主:That is to say, foreigners are interested in the things unique in China, but there is a contradiction between modernization and preservation, as you mentioned just now from another perspective.The space of a city is limited;the old part of the city should be reconstructed, and in fact the new buildings are symbols of the prosperity of a city.Isn’t this a good thing?
主:You are quite right.People nowadays are starting to realize the importance of the preservation of heritage.Some local governments are making great efforts to deal with the contradiction between development and preservation.Well, because of the limitation of the time, I’m afraid we have to stop now, thank you ever so much for your coming to discuss this topic with us.We hope you’ll come again.Lesson 6
6.4 国际烟草控制公约
Lesson 7
7.4 罗格在雅典奥运会上的致辞
Lesson 8
8.4 《华盛顿邮报》总编谈中国
Lesson 9
9.5 联合国驻华协调代表谈中国的家庭与人口
Lesson 10
10.3 中国与欧盟的关系
17.3 厦门旅游业招商项目 首先,感谢各位对厦门旅游业发展的关注和支持,感谢大家来这里听取我对厦门旅游业招商引资项目相关情况的介绍。//
First of all, let me express my gratitude for your attention to, and support for, the development of Xiamen’s tourism.Thank you for coming, I would like to give you a brief introduction to some investment projects for Xiamen’s tourism.Xiamen covers a total area of 1565 square kilometers.Its coastline is 234 kilometers and among which 12.56 kilometers are suitable for developing into bathing beaches.As it is a habitat for egrets, the city is also called the “Island of Egrets”.It is also known as the “Garden on the Sea” and the “Most Congenial City in China”, and famous at home and abroad for its charming landscape and seascape and beautiful city environment.In 1998, the title of “Excellent National Tourism City” was awarded to Xiamen, along with some other cities, for the first time in China.It has become one of the 10 most popular tourist destination cities in China.For 13 consecutive years since 1991, it has been one of the top 10 tourist cities in China in terms of earning foreign exchange from tourism.In 2003, 13.34 million tourists visited Xiamen and the city’s revenue from tourism totaled RMB 16.532 billion.Both the Xiamen municipal committee of the CPC and the city government have attached great importance to developing tourism, fully realizing the important role tourism plays in developing the city’s economy, and regarding tourism as a new growth point and a pillar sector in its economic development.Accordingly, the government has offered quite a few preferential policies aimed at encouraging the development of tourism and is determined to build Xiamen into an important central tourism city for the economic zone along the western coast of the Taiwan Straits.Now, let me introduce some key projects.First let’s look at a five-star hotel project on Minzu road.The site is located in the central part of Xiamen’s traditional urban area, enjoying a very favorable geographical location.It is close to the busy Zhongshan Road commercial area and near Lujiang Road, which leads to the City’s ring road.It is convenient and easily accessible.What is more, with the beautiful surrounding environment and the site overlooking the famous tourist attraction of Gulangyu islet across the sea, the hotel will be an ideal place for enjoying the panoramic view of Gulangyu as well as the beautiful sights on both sides of Lujiang.The planned construction area for this project, a five-star hotel, is 9066.409 square meters.Other major requirements are as follows: The total floor space should be no more than 50 thousand square meters, with a maximum plot ratio of 5.51, maximum height of 100 meters, a maximum construction density of 45%, and a minimum green rate of 30%.It should be a project funded by one company alone with a total investment of US$48.36 million.
17.3 厦门旅游业招商项目 首先,感谢各位对厦门旅游业发展的关注和支持,感谢大家来这里听取我对厦门旅游业招商引资项目相关情况的介绍。//
First of all, let me express my gratitude for your attention to, and support for, the development of Xiamen’s tourism.Thank you for coming, I would like to give you a brief introduction to some investment projects for Xiamen’s tourism.Xiamen covers a total area of 1565 square kilometers.Its coastline is 234 kilometers and among which 12.56 kilometers are suitable for developing into bathing beaches.As it is a habitat for egrets, the city is also called the “Island of Egrets”.It is also known as the “Garden on the Sea” and the “Most Congenial City in China”, and famous at home and abroad for its charming landscape and seascape and beautiful city environment.In 1998, the title of “Excellent National Tourism City” was awarded to Xiamen, along with some other cities, for the first time in China.It has become one of the 10 most popular tourist destination cities in China.For 13 consecutive years since 1991, it has been one of the top 10 tourist cities in China in terms of earning foreign exchange from tourism.In 2003, 13.34 million tourists visited Xiamen and the city’s revenue from tourism totaled RMB 16.532 billion.Both the Xiamen municipal committee of the CPC and the city government have attached great importance to developing tourism, fully realizing the important role tourism plays in developing the city’s economy, and regarding tourism as a new growth point and a pillar sector in its economic development.Accordingly, the government has offered quite a few preferential policies aimed at encouraging the development of tourism and is determined to build Xiamen into an important central tourism city for the economic zone along the western coast of the Taiwan Straits.Now, let me introduce some key projects.First let’s look at a five-star hotel project on Minzu road.The site is located in the central part of Xiamen’s traditional urban area, enjoying a very favorable geographical location.It is close to the busy Zhongshan Road commercial area and near Lujiang Road, which leads to the City’s ring road.It is convenient and easily accessible.What is more, with the beautiful surrounding environment and the site overlooking the famous tourist attraction of Gulangyu islet across the sea, the hotel will be an ideal place for enjoying the panoramic view of Gulangyu as well as the beautiful sights on both sides of Lujiang.The planned construction area for this project, a five-star hotel, is 9066.409 square meters.Other major requirements are as follows: The total floor space should be no more than 50 thousand square meters, with a maximum plot ratio of 5.51, maximum height of 100 meters, a maximum construction density of 45%, and a minimum green rate of 30%.It should be a project funded by one company alone with a total investment of US$48.36 million.第二个。
Family related issues are complex.They connect with all dimensions of economic, social and cultural development.There is ample evidence worldwide that changes in family structure and size: aging, migration, and HIV/AIDs, can have adverse effects on families economically, socially and culturally, unless the links are consciously looked at and dealt with.This is equally true for China.As the most populated country in the world, China has experienced rapid demographic transitions since the 1950’s with its 1.3 billion population growing at a rate of 7 million each year.The Chinese government continues to place a high priority on family issues------issues concerning the “clothing, food, lodging and transportation” of every member of the family and the society, which normally consists of three generations, though there have been changing dynamics more recently.China’s long-term commitment to reform over the last two decades, its strong and robust institutions and a hard-working people, have all combined to produce unprecedented progress: in the lifting of some 400-500 million people out of poverty, in transforming China into one of the largest trading nations in the world, and in meeting most of its Millennium Development Goals, some of them 11 years ahead of the 2015 targets.Yet as China’ MDG progress report, launched last March, points out, there are some remaining and some new challenges arising as a direct consequence of the rapid progress.Growing inequalities between east and west China, between rural and urban areas and between men and women required urgent and rapid attention.Uneven development is also being manifested in the balance between economic and social development and between people and nature.It is families, especially those who are poor, who face threats of HIV/AIDS, lack of opportunity and access to resources and services, and impoverishment by the degrading environment.The Chinese leadership is taking on these challenges through its own version of the MDGs—“xiaokang”, the concept of an all round well off society to be reached by 2020.The National Population and Family Planning Commission and other functionaries of the government at both national and sub-national level have the challenge and the responsibility of ensuring that family issues
are fully connected to the national development agenda.It is our collective interest to help in that mission.三、译文
China is committed to developing dynamic, long-term and stable economic cooperation and trade with the EU and expects the latter to become China's largest trading and investment partner.--Give play to the mechanism of the economic and trade joint committee and step up economic and trade regulatory policy dialogue;give attention to updating the Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement Between China and the European Union at an appropriate time;properly address irrational restrictions and technical barriers, ease restrictions on high-tech exports and tap the enormous potential of technological cooperation and trade in line with the WTO rules;grant China a full market economy status at an early date, reduce and abolish anti-dumping and other discriminatory policies and practices against China, and apply the Transitional Product-Specific Safeguard Mechanism(TPSSM)prudently;and compensate the Chinese side for its economic and trade losses which may arise due to the EU enlargement.--Boost China-EU coordination and cooperation in the new round of WTO negotiations and work together for the success of the negotiations.--Strengthen dialogue on investment, promote the establishment of bilateral investment-promotion institutions, energetically encourage and guide mutual investments between enterprises of the two sides, and expand cooperation between their small-and medium-sized enterprises;develop processing trade, contractual projects and labour cooperation of various kinds and encourage transnational business operation and internationalised production.--China welcomes more EU development aid, especially in such fields as the environmental protection, poverty-alleviation, public health and hygiene and education.China also welcomes a stronger and more active role of the EU in human resources development, in particular, personnel training for China's central and western regions and build-up of China's capacity of participating in multilateral trading regime.--Step up cooperation in the area of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, establish appropriate consultation mechanisms and, subject to the principle of ensuring safety, security, hygiene, health and environmental protection, promptly address and resolve issues which may adversely affect market access of each other's products.--Boost the customs cooperation and conclude a China-EU Customs Agreement in due course.2.Financial Cooperation China and the EU should launch a high-level financial dialogue mechanism, expand exchanges between their central banks on policies and deepen cooperation in preventing and managing financial crises and combating the financing of terrorism and money laundering.The Chinese side welcomes an expansion of China-related business by banks of the EU countries and hopes to see an appropriate settlement of the issue of Chinese financial institutions' access to the EU market.The Chinese side will positively examine and consider applications of EU insurance institutions for business operation in China and improve its supervisory and regulatory regime in line with the Chinese insurance laws, regulations and statutes and China's WTO commitments.Cooperation in securities legislation, market supervision and regulation, and investment operation will be strengthened and more EU securities institutions, fund management institutions and other institutional investors will be encouraged to enter into China's market.Chinese securities institutions will be encouraged to enter into the EU's securities market when conditions are ripe.In the meantime, Chinese enterprises will be strongly supported to raise funds in the EU's securities market.