第一篇:英语实用文体写作系列 祝贺
祝贺寿诞的主要对象是老年人。在祝贺中,即赞颂他已取得的辉煌成绩,又祝愿他幸福 健康长寿。祝贺寿诞的对象也可以是新得子女的一对夫妻,贺其喜得子嗣,祝其夫妻生活更 加甜美。祝贺寿诞的对象也可以是自己,称自寿。自寿往往抒发个人的感慨、抱负,或自勉。如 :
事业成功的祝贺涉及范围极广。如会议开始时祝其圆满成功,会议结束时贺会议圆满结束; 展览会剪裁时祝其取得较好的社会效益,展览会结束时贺其已取得了预期目的;某人考入大学时,贺其金榜题名,祝其鹏程万里、百尺竿头再进一步;其它如公司开业、银行开张、报刊创刊、社团纪念等均可贺其已取得的成就,祝其今后事业的顺利发达。3.祝贺婚嫁
(二)(二)祝辞、贺辞从表达形式上看可分为两类 1.现场即席致辞祝贺
My dear friend, it’s time for you to cast a wise vote.Please don’t hesitate to vote for me,(期待投票是老套)because you have known me quite well and I will exert myself to live up to your expectation.(表态感谢也重要)Thank you.从该演讲词中看出,作者开头先做了个简单的自我介绍(姓名和所读院系),然后直奔主题---参加学生会主席一职的竞选,并表示客套(be honored to)。接着,第二段紧扣提纲,介绍自己可以胜任学生会主席的工作的原因,即作者自身的素质表现,如能力、性格、爱好等完全适合该职。介绍自我表现要有条理性,所以一二三不能少,因为听众是根据演讲者的自我陈述来判定该投票选谁,这也关系到演讲者能否竞选成功。同时,要注意把客观陈述和主观评论结合起来,因为这样能更好地引导听众的想法和判断,也能更好地表现演讲者的自信并增加互动。此外,演讲中一般都要谈假如竞选成功的打算,而这也是在场即将投票的听众们最关心的实质性问题。所以,一定要有较切实的行动打算。当然,演讲者前面所做的一切努力都是为了争取作为听众的同学们手中的选票,所以别忘了写期待对方能投自己一票。作后,演讲者应表态,表示自己将屡行承诺,不负众望。演讲词一般以道谢告终。
其一,演讲词较偏重口语体,但又与完全通俗的口语体不尽相同。更确切地说,演讲词应亦状亦谐,雅俗共赏。因为太通俗,演讲词就缺少文采,缺乏感召力,不足以表现演讲者的才华;太文诌诌,演讲就非常呆板,没生气,很教条,缺乏亲和力。因此,选词时要注意词语的正式程度。一些口语化过重的词,如well, yeah, gonna, wanna, gotta, alas, O.K ,all right, Good, 都不大适宜使用。
其三,演讲要有亲和力,不要让人有演讲者在背书之感。要做到这一点,除了演讲者本人要训练有素,要有高超的演讲技巧外,演讲词写作中还应注意人称和语态的使用。一般而言,演讲词应较多运用第一和第二人称,少用或不用第三人称,以增加演讲的对话性和亲和力。同时,演讲词应多用主动语态,少用或不用被动语态及It is +adj./done +that 从句的无人称句,因为被动句和无人称句过分强调客观性,往往让人感觉太正式,太没人情味。
其四,演讲词尤其是竞选演说词应具有极大的感召力和鼓动性。因此,竞选演说词写作时应注意语气礼貌客套,但不卑不亢,自信练达,但不狂妄孤傲。所以在演讲中宜多用褒义词,少用中性词和贬义词。此外,要注意在文中应不止一次提及对方(如上面例文中My dear friend),这样便可加强演讲色彩,也有助于演讲者提请听众提高注意力。演讲中为达到感召力和鼓动性,还往往运用一些特定句式,如祈使句、感叹句、反意疑问句、设问句、排比句、强调句等。
1.Dear Mr/Ms,On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your National Day, please accept our heartiest congratulations.May the trade connections between our countries continue to develop with each passing day!Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐,值此国庆三十五周年之际,请接受我们最真诚的祝贺。愿我们
2.Dear Mr Minister
Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade.I am delighted that many years service you have given to your country should have been recognized and appreciated.We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.Sincerely
Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment.I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future.Sincerely
1、贺生日 Congratulations on a birthday Dear Babs:
So you're a year older today —— or don't you want to be reminded? Anyway, congratulations and best wishes.If you feel like holding a celebration, will you let me take you to dinner and the movies, as a sort of birthday treat? You name the day.And in the mealtime, many happy returns!
Cordially, Tom 亲爱的巴博斯:
2.、祝贺朋友大学毕业 Congratulations on graduation Dear Mr.Li:
I learned from Wang Ying that you were graduated with high honors from Huabei University yesterday.I can well imagine how proud of you your parents are now, who have been anxiously hoping to witness your brilliant success.As I understand, you will continue studies in the United States soon.I wish you greater success in your studies and research work.With best wishes.Yours sincerely, Tom 亲爱的李先生:
3.、祝贺朋友在运动会上获胜 Congratulations on winning a game
Dear Jerry:
Mother sent me the clippings about your success at the swimming meet.Naturally, I am not surprised at all, but I thought I'd just say “Congratulations” where are going to find room for another silver cup? Some of our girls may be going up to the Tri-State meet.If the tape unrolls straight, and there I shall expect to see you win again.When we're all home for Thanksgiving vacation, we'll have to hold a real celebration.Your one-time swimming rival.亲爱的玛丽:
Extending New Year greetings Dear Mr.Barton:
As the New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for 2005.I hope that the coming year will bring a further increase in exchange of culture between our two countries and we look forward to continued friendly relations with you.Yours faithfully, Tom 亲爱的巴顿先生:
第二篇:英语实用文体写作系列 5请假条
Unit 5 请假条(Note Asking for Leave)
首先是假条抬头: To:假条是递给谁的 From:请假人
To: Peter Stone, Manager
From: Lynn Chen, Financial Department
Date: April 2nd, 2004
Subject: Casual Leave of Absence
Peter, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on April 4th, this Wednesday.然后,在假条的第二段,您应该简单明了陈述请假的原因事由。注意叙述清楚明白,并尽可能表示对此带来工作不便的歉意。
This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth.I have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight.The situation could worsen, should infection occur.Concerning my workload: As Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution.I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.接着,在假条的最后一段,应写上您希望获得准假的句子,或者具体等候答复的时间。
Thanks.I will call you at 1:30p.m.or you can call me at any time.好,把以上几段综合起来,就是一则请假条。写得成功的请假条,能充分表明您是一个认真负责有条理的人。
二、经典范文 例一:
Dear Ms.Jiang, I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning’s two periods of English Class due to a bad cold and high fever.Enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few days.I will go back to school as soon as I recover.Yours respectfully,Tian Ye 亲爱的江女士:
我非常抱歉, 由于重感冒和高烧,我无法上今天上午的两节英语课。附上一份医生证明,医生说我必须卧床休息几天。我一恢复就回学校。
田野 1月10日
Dear Mr.Liu,I’m Li Jun’s mother.I’m writing to ask for permission for Li Jun’s absence.The fact is that he has to stay at home to take care of my mother who had a serious fall from upstairs and got her right leg broken last week.I’m sure he will be back in three days when my husband returns from a meeting in Beijing.Thank you.Sincerely,Li Yihua 亲爱的刘先生:
我是李军的妈妈。我写假条来请求您允许李军请假。事实是, 他必须在家照顾我的妈妈,她上星期从在楼上摔下,右腿骨折。我保证三天之后当我的丈夫从北京开会回来,他就返校。
恳切地,李艺华 例三: 7:30 a.m.Dear Mr.David,I very much regret I was unable to attend school this morning owing to a severe attack of illness.I am enclosing here with a certificate from the doctor who is attending me, as he fears it will be several days before I shall be able to resume my study.I trust my enforced absence will not give you any serious inconvenience.Sincerely yours,Peter
Dear Mr.Brown,I beg to inform you that I shall be unable to attend classes tomorrow owing to important business in my family.I shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application.Xiao Mei 亲爱的布朗先生:
我恳切地告知您, 由于家有要事,我无法上明天的课。如果您准许我请假,我将非常感激。
例五:病假条(Note Asking for Sick Leave)
Nov.3rd Dear Miss Smith,I’m really sorry that I shall not be able to attend class today.I have caught a serious cold.Enclosed please find a certificate from the doctor who says I must stay in bed for two days.I’ll resume my studies as soon as I feel better.Sincerely yours,Jim 史密斯小姐:
例六:事假条(Note Asking for Compassionate Leave)
Oct.3rd Mr.Zhang,I beg to apply for one week’s leave of absence from the 5th to the 11th instant, both days inclusive, in order to return home to see my uncle, who is now dangerously ill.To support my application, I herewith submit a telegram to the effect received from my father.Yours respectfully,Li Tao 张先生:
Notes 1.owing to, 因为,由于
e.g.Owing to the rain the match was cancelled.因为下雨,比赛取消了。2.inconvenience n.不便,困难
e.g.I was put to/I suffered great inconvenience.我感到极不方便。
They have been at great inconvenience in order to help us.为了帮助我们,他们遭遇了极大的困难。
3.oblige vt.施惠,答应要求而作
e.g.Please oblige me by closing the door.请替我关上那个门。
I am much obliged to you.我非常感激你。4.herewith adv.(正式用语)同此,并此,附此
1.Will you please excuse my absence on Saturday?
2.I beg to apply for three days’ leave of absence from 10th to 12th.我想从10日到12日请假三天。
3.Please give an extension of leave for as many days.请准予续假。
4.Enclosed please find a certificate from the doctor.附上医生证明一张。
练习Exercises I.Fill in the blanks with proper words模版填空
To: _______ [person’s name], Supervisor
From: _______ [person’s name], Accounting Department Date: __________ [date] Subject: Casual Leave of Absence
John, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from __________ [date] to __________ [date].Yesterday I received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damage to my house.As the only son of my parents, I should be back to assess the situation, and help them to get over these difficulties.Though I cannot stay at home for too long a time, I should at least make arrangements for repair work.I believe my relatives in the village and my neighbors will also come to help.Financially I have no difficulties.I will call you at 1:30p.m.or you can call me at any time.II.Translate the following into Chinese.英译汉 Dear Mr.Pike,I very much regret I was unable to attend school this morning owing to a severe attack of illness.I am enclosing here with a certificate from the doctor who is attending me, as he fears it will be several days before I shall be able to resume my study.I trust my enforced absence will not give you any serious inconvenience.Sincerely yours
Key to Exercises I.Fill in the blanks with proper words模版填空 Open-ended.II.Translate the following into Chinese.英译汉
Description 描述文
A description is a verbal picture of a person, place or things.To make the work picture as vivid and real as possible you must observe and record specific details that appeal to your reader’s sense(sight, hearing , taste, smell, and touch.)Narration记叙文
Relating a single story or several related ones.Though narration, we make a statement clear by relating in detail.We present the details in which they happened Narration includes 5W and 1H.Exposition说明文
In exposition, the writer provides information about and explains a peculiar subject.Argumentation 议论文
Exposition is to illustrate the main means of expression to explain things, explains reasons and give people knowledge genre of literature
第四篇:英语实用文体写作系列 邀请和感谢常用句型(最终版)
1、I“d like...to come to dinner 9
2、request the pleasure ofU
恭请..3、The favor of a reply is requestedU}`W敬赐复函=&
4、May I have the honour of your company at dinner?
5、Thank you for inviting us to dinnert
6、I hope you“re not too busy to come.)
7、The reception will be held in...,on...招待会定于...在...举行9
8、We sincerely hope you can attendw~
9、We are looking forward to..6
10、We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion
11、Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience9P
1、Thank you very much for...VH'a
2、Many thanks for your.非常感谢您...3、Please accept my sincere appreciation for...请接受我对...真挚的感谢
4、I am truly grateful to you for...为了...,我真心感激您+
5、It was good(thoughtful)of you...i
承蒙好意(关心)...=JGA6、You were so kind to send..承蒙好意送来...R
7、Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon 再次感谢您的盛情款待,并期待不久见到您 8、I find an ordinary ”thank-you“ entirely inadequate to tell you how much.我觉得一般的感谢的字眼完全不足以表达我对您多么地...;b9、I sincerely appreciate...我衷心地感谢...10、I wish to express my profound appreciation for...GB 我对..深表谢意 11、Many thanks for you generous cooperation 如何完美表达书信中的“谢谢”?C Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip.a 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months./b 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。.Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip.为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢。 Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting(pleasant)(resultful) 为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了许多事,特此致谢。 Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in...,9 感谢您为使我们在......的停留期间的愉快所作的许多努力。 Thank you so much for your generous hospitality.非常感谢您慷慨的款待。 I hope something will bring you to New York soon so that I can reciprocate your kindness.m 希望不久您能有机会到纽约来,使我能答谢您的盛情。 You must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here.'dfws 希望您光临我处,使我能答谢您的盛情。p2u.net/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi 0[-5O? Thank you very much(ever so much)(most sincerely)(indeed)(from the bottom of my heart).很(非常)(最真诚地)(确实)(衷心)感谢您 Many thanks for your kind and warm letter.感谢您友好而热情的来信。K Thanks a million(ever so much).万分(非常)感谢。 Please accept(I wish to express)my sincere(grateful)(profound)appreciation for...请接受(致以)真挚的(衷心的)(深切的)感谢......0 I sincerely(deeply)(warmly)appreciate...我真挚的(深深的)(热情的)感谢......I am very sincerely(most)(truly)grateful to you for...l 为了......,我非常真挚的(深深的)(真诚的)感谢您。(待续) There is nothing more important(satisfying)(gratifying)to me than to receive one of your letters.v 再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得重要(快慰)(感激)了 Your letters are so much fun(comfort)(entertainment)(company).您的来信充满了乐趣(给了很大安慰)(带来了欢乐)(使我不感寂寞) Your most courteous(considerate)(delightful)letter...您那彬彬有礼(体贴入微)(令人欣慰)的来信„„ I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted(relieved)(amused)(enchanted)me.s 我无法告诉您,您的来信使我多么高兴(宽慰)(觉得有趣)(陶醉)。 I love the way you say(put)things in your letters.You make even the smallest incident seem so interesting(important) (charming)(mysterious).| 我很欣赏您在信中描述各种事物的手法。您的妙笔使细小的事情都显得很有趣(重要)(动人)(神秘) It was good(fine)(charming)(thoughtful)of you...承蒙好意(美意)(盛情)(关心)„„ It was nice(characteristically thoughtful)(more than kind)of you..承蒙好意(特别关心)(十二分好意)„„ At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.首先,我要感谢您对我的友爱和问候 Believe me, I am truly grateful for...我确实真诚地感谢你„„ We were deeply touched by...„„使我们深受感动。 It is a hopeless(definite)(positive)understatement to say that I am deeply(sincerely)(truly)grateful.j 这就是说“我深深的(真挚的)(真诚的)感谢”远不足以(不能确切)(不能明确)表达我的谢意 It’s generous of you to take so much interest in my work(to give me so much of your time)(to show me so much consideration).承蒙对我的工作如此操心(为我花费这么多时间)(对我如此关怀)。 We are indebted to you...O 我们感谢你„„ I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for...未能面谢,深表遗憾。”'V(k 英语作文文体及其写作要领 文体 记叙文 描写文 说明文 议论文 应用文 一、议论文 定义: 摆事实、讲道理来阐明自己的观点的文体 说明文:重客观陈述;重“解释” 议论文:重发表自己的看法;重“劝说” 议论文 立论:作者先提出自己的观点,然后摆事实证实其正确性 驳论:首先给出一个明显错误的观点或批驳对象,然后针对其观点的谬误、论据的虚假或论证的逻辑错误进行批驳。 The world is getting smaller and smaller 1.现代化的交通工具越来越发达; 2.人与人之间的交往越来越频繁; 3.结论 Do lucky numbers really bring luck? 有些人认为某些数字会带来运气; 也有些人认为数字与运气无关; 试说明你的观点; 立论性议论文 分析建议类 原因分析类 对比/比较分析类 各抒己见类 批驳分析类 分析建议类 Anti-drug Battles 目前我国吸毒人数惊人, 且呈上升趋势; 毒品是万恶之源; 如何开展全民反毒斗争; 原因分析类 Harmfulness of Video-Games 中小学生玩电子游戏屡禁不止; 试分析电子游戏给学生和社会带来的危害; 各抒己见类 What is a good teacher in the new century? 有人认为好老师最重要的是要有渊博的知识; 也有人认为好老师最重要的是要有奉献精神; 我的看法; 批驳分析类 Can Success Be Measured in Terms of Money? 许多人认为金钱是衡量成功的标准; 相反的意见; 结论 二、记叙文 1.六大要素 Who, when, where, what, why, how 2.注意问题 1).选材得当 2).条理清楚 顺序法;倒叙法;插叙;夹叙夹议 3).交待明白 An Unforgettable Event in My Childhood A Memorable Trip A Car Accident 三、说明文 定义:说明事实、情况或道理的文章,即对事件的发生、发展、结果或事物的性质、特征等进行解释说明以阐明事理的一种文体。通过如实的解说来启发读者,向读者提供知识或给予指导。说明书;内容提要 说明文的种类 举例/列举型 知识型 对比型 定义说明型 举例/列举型 通过举例或列举阐明事理的写作方法。 设定实例-----说明实例的发展与结果----得出结论 通过实例解释现象,介绍知识,说明事物的性质或特征的写作方法。 Risk Worth Taking in Life There is no denying that life is filled with uncountable undesirable risks.To illustrate, a driver throws himself into danger when driving too fast or after drinking a lot, and a heavy smoker is running the risk of suffering from lung cancer.Still in our life, however, there are many risks worth taking, since they will bring you success, fame or pleasure.There are many worthy and rewarding risks.A case in point is that you try to pursue the girl you love;another case in point is that starting one’s own business, esp.for a laid-off worker.Besides, buying stocks is another risk worth taking.But one thing is certain, luck and misfortune will accompany you as twin brothers.To sum up, although undergoing risks can make you more experienced and enable you to weather the crisis, it is advisable to take only the rewarding risks whose opportunities far outweigh their risks.知识型说明文 通过解释说明来阐述事实、道理或介绍知识、信息等的写作方法The English Names 1.说明名与姓的区别; 2.中间名及其适用范围和场合; 3.说明Mr.与Mrs.与姓的连用方法;4.说明不用姓时的称谓方法; 对比型说明文 通过对两种事物进行对比或比较, 找出共同点或不同点说明方法 Teachers and Actors 教师和演员的共同点; 不同点 结论 定义型说明文 通过提示概念的内涵或用下定义的方法来明确概念的方法 Youth 青春的定义 从男女青年、中年人、老年人、孩子多个视角说明青春对不同年龄的人含义不 同 信件 英语书信的格式 Heading(信头) Inside name & address(收信人姓名地址)Salutation(称呼)Body(正文) Complimentary close(结尾谦语) Signature(签名)Enclosure(附件)postscript(再启) superscription(信封的写法) 信头 收信人姓名地址 称呼 正文 附件及再启 HeadingEnglish Section Department of Foreign Languages Dalian University ofTechnology Dalian, China October 5, 2007 Inside nameMr.Charles Smith Head of the Department Department of Communication Technology University of Sydney Australia SalutationMr.+ family name Mrs./Miss/Ms.President/Professor/Doctor Smith, Black Bush Dear Sir/Madam,Complimentary close Yours sincerely/ Sincerely yours, Yours faithfully, Respectfully yours,Yours, /Love,/ Yours ever, Charles Read (Dean of the Faculty) 结尾谦语签名 EnclosureEncl.my Resume P.SI have sent you a New Year present.信封 From Wang Nanstamp Department of Computer Science Northwest University Xi’an, 710069 China Dr.George F.Jones322 Fall River RoadWashington D.C.10038U.S.A.第五篇:英语作文文体及其写作要领