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Rules of Procedure

Contents I.Venues and Roles ………………………………………....…….2 II.Rights and Duties for the Dais and Delegates…….…… 2 III.Conference…………………………………………….….…..4

One General Introduction……………………………………..4 Two Roll Call…………………………………………………...5 Three Formal Debate…………………………………………..5 Four Informal Debate………………………………………….6 Five Motion and Point…………………………………………Six Documents for Conference………………………….……..8 Seven Method of Voting……………………………….……….9 Eight Introduction on Draft Resolution………………….…… 10 IV.Miscellaneous……………………………………….………...10

I.Venues and Roles

Rule 1 The 11th China National Model United Nations is composed of three committees for topic discussion, with each having one venue.During the conference, only the committee members and journalists from the press are allowed to be present in the venue.Every committee consists of one Dais, several delegates and volunteers.Rule 2 The Dais, known as an organ responsible for daily administration, is not allowed to participate in the topic discussion nor to reach a consensus.Hence the Dais does not serve as a leader, but an organizer.Rule 3 Delegates, all from colleges and universities across the country, participate in the discussion as diplomats and committee members of the countries they represent.During the conference, delegates are obliged to follow the guidance of Dais and have respect of other attendees.Rule 4 Volunteers are responsible for assisting the daily work of Dais, such as delivering notes, printing and handing out documents for conference.Meanwhile, volunteers are supposed to follow the schedule, arrive on time and carry out their due responsibilities.Volunteers also have the right to turn down any undue requirement.Rule 5 Delegates‟ seats are arranged randomly by Dais.Without its permission, delegates are not allowed to change or leave their seats.Rule 6 The placard serves as the only proof for delegates‟ access to or activities in the venue, such as voting and proposal.During the conference, the Dais has rights to refuse delegates‟requests for action if they fail to show their placards.The placard should be presented in front of each delegate‟s seat prior to every session.Rule 7 Delegates must wear their name badges at all times;they are the only identification recognized by the CNMUN Model UN staff and other officials.Badges must be kept visible at all times.II.Rights and Duties for the Dais and Delegates

Rule 8 Formal dress is kindly required in the committee room.Rule 9 Notes can be used to communicate with the chair and other delegates with the help of volunteers.The content and format of the notes are not specifically required but the official language of the committee should be used.Rule 10 Lap-top is not allowed to be used in the committee room during the conference except in informal consultations.Rule 11 Cell phones shall be kept power-off or on silent mode during the conference.Rule 12 All delegates in attendance should follow the principle of good faith.Any improper effort to damage or plagiarize others‟ document is not allowed.Once it is found or verified, the qualification of award will be canceled.Rule 13 Delegates are granted the following rights in the venue.1)Right of speech: Please refer to Rule 16(5), Rule 24, Rule 28(1),Rule 30(1)and Rule 36 before delivering a speech.It is not allowed to speak in the venue without the permission from Dais.2)Right of recommendation: Please refer to Rule 23.3)Right of proposal: Please refer to Rule 34.4)Right of point: Please refer to Rule 36;5)Right of composition: Please refer to Rule 38, Rule 39, Rule 40, and Rule 41 about document composition and submission;6)Right of vote: Please refer to Rule 31, Rule 46;7)Right of reply: According to Rule 24 on reply, all debates shall be confined to the points under discussion among the countries.If the speakers‟ debate is irrelevant to the agenda item, the Dais may urge him/her to abide by the relevant rules.Rule 14 The position of Assistant Director will not be set up..All members in Dais are the co-chairman.President rotation system is implemented during the conference.Rule 15 With the spirit of justice and fairness, the Dais is not allowed to have any private emotion during the conference.Rule 16 The Dais is entitled to exercise the following rights in the venue.1)The Dais is responsible for announcing the opening and closing of each session and presiding the reply.In addition, they also assume the responsibility to ensure the delegates‟ compliance with the rules and regulations, grant missions to deliver a speech and host vote for items in discussion as well as announce their decisions.The Dais shall keep track with the progress of the sessions and maintain a good order in the venue by following this regulation.2)The Dais makes a verdict on the procedural points.They are also entitled to set a time limit for delegates‟ speech, end the formal reply and suspend the conference.3)The Dais is granted to review, compile and exhibit the file documents, draft resolutions and other papers deemed necessary by Dais.4)The Dais has the right to make verdicts on delegates‟ dictions and academic points.It has to ask the delegates instantly if there are any objections.If there is disagreement, a vote should be organized.The verdicts will be overturned when the number of delegates vote for „no‟ reaches the absolute majority, a new verdict should be made.Otherwise, the former verdicts should be maintained.5)The Dais is entitled to invite a delegate to make a speech upon consultation and agreement with the said delegate at the time mutually consulted and agreed if such a speech is deemed necessary by the Dais hereof.6)The Dais reserves the right of administration on venues, instruments, schedule and request of attendance by conference staff.III.Conference One General Introduction

Rule 17 One delegate from each participating country will attend the parallel sessions for the 1st Topic Committee of the General Assembly Third Committee.The committee aims to address the relevant topics with proper suggestions and thus submit draft resolutions for a review in the closing ceremony.Rule 18 The working language is English.Rule 19 The time schedule for the committee is the evening of November 7th, the morning and afternoon of November 8th, the morning of November 9th, 2014.They are all deemed as public conferences.Rule 20 The committee sessions will be held in Sipailou campus, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, People‟s Republic of China and the venue for the conference will be arranged by the Secretariat.Rule 21 The topic and agenda for each committee shall be decided by the Secretariat and then will be notified to delegates prior to the conference.Rule 22 The Dais can announce the opening of the conference only when at least one-third of the representative countries are in attendance.Any vote on Draft Resolution shall be made under the presence of the simple majority of the countries in attendance.Countries that shall participate in and have attended the sessions herein are referred as the participating countries.Rule 23 Rule 23 particularly applies to the 1st Topic Committee.Prior to each session‟s outset or informal consultation‟s ending, any delegate could make a speech on one topic by 20 percent of participating countries‟ recommendation.Such speech is referred to as “recommended speech”.The recommending countries should register at the Dais, andthe Dais shall decide the order of the speech by themselves according to the list.The total time for each speech is limited to 5 minutes.When the recommended speech is finished, the Dais will open the floor for no more than 3 questions from different countries, and each of these questions will be within 30 seconds.The speaker will be given 60 seconds to answer each question.Rule 24 When a country is clearly mentioned in the speech of the speakers or in the formal consultations, the country could apply for the chance of reply in written form to the Dais.Upon approval, the country will have 30 seconds to have a reply.The rights of reply cannot be transferred, and could be applied only once during the conference.Two Roll Call

Rule 25 When the session begins, the Dais will invite all delegates to take their seats and keep silent.The Dais announces the beginning of the session and makes a roll call in alphabetic order.After that, the Dais will announce the number of the countries in attendance, the actual quorum, simple majority, absolute majority and 20 percent of the attendance.Rule 26 Delegates who are absent from the session during the roll call should send a note to the Dais to demonstrate their presence when they arrive.After the current speech finishes, the Dais will again announce delegates‟ presence and modify the simple majority, absolute majority and 20 percent of the attendance.Rule 27 The simple majority, absolute majority and 20 percent of the attendance are calculated respectively as follows: 1)Simple Majority: namely half of the number of participating countries, which should plus one if it is an integer, and be filled if it is not.2)Absolute Majority: namely two-thirds of the number of participating countries, which should be filled if it is not an integer.3)Twenty Percent of the Attendance: namely one fifth of the number of participating countries, which should be filled if it is not an integer.Three Formal Debate

Rule 28 The speakers‟ list of the formal debate will be automatically set up after the roll call.1)During the formal debate, each delegate will be given 90 seconds as initial speaking time.By motion, delegates can change the speech time of formal debate, as referred to in Rule 34(1).2)If speakers finish their speeches in the allocated time, the remaining time is deemed to be automatically yielded to the Dais.3)The Dais will record delegates who indicate the wish to make a speech, and put them into the speakers‟ list.4)A country may add its name to the Speakers‟ list by handing in a note to the Chair, provided that the country has not yet been on the Speakers‟list or it wishes to speak again after delivering its speech.Rule 29 In the following cases, the formal debate shall be suspended or adjourned.1)When a decision of having a formal consultation or an informal consultation is passed;2)Once a point is put forth, the formal debate will be suspended;3)When a motion for suspension is passed;4)When the organizing committee or the Dais think it necessary;5)When a motion for ending the debate is passed;6)When the last delegate in Speakers‟ List finishes his/her speech and no one wishes to continue.Four Informal Debate

Rule 30 Informal debate refers to the consultation that breaks the formal debate, including two sorts: formal consultation and informal consultation.1)Formal consultation means that the delegates take turns to deliver a speech within a limited time in accordance with the order that the Dais selects or records at random.2)Informal consultation means delegates are allowed to leave their seats or venues to exchange their views within limited time.3)The working language for informal debate must be English.Rule 31 A motion for Formal consultation or Informal consultation must be passed by vote.Rule 32 Only when one motion for Formal consultation or Informal consultation is passed can the conference shift to informal debate from formal one.Five Motion and Point

Rule 33 Motion refers to a form of making a concrete proposal by delegates who want to alter the process of the session.Rule 34 Motions include:1)motions for changing the speaking time during the formal debate;2)motions for a formal consultation;3)motions for an informal consultation;4)motions for closing the formal debate;5)motions for reordering the vote;6)motions for the suspension of the conference.A motion may be withdrawn by its proposer at any time before voting on it has commenced.A motion thus withdrawn may be reintroduced by any member.1)Motions for changing the speaking time during the formal debate:when the delegates find the speaking time in the formal debate too long or too short, they are allowed to make suggestions for changing the speaking time.This shall include recommended speaking time proposed by delegates after revision.2)Motions for a formal consultation: When the delegates consider it necessary to have an in-depth discussion on some specific point under the current topic, they are allowed to engage into a motion for a formal consultation.3)Motions for an informal consultation: When the delegates think it necessary to exchange views or read and draft the document, they are allowed to have a motion for informal consultation.4)Motions for closing the formal debate: When the delegates hold that the current topic has been fully discussed and it should move on to vote for the current draft resolution or unfriendly amendment, they are allowed to adopt a motion for closing the formal debate.Once the motion is passed, the current point discussed for formal debate will come to a close(It is not allowed to return to the former discussed topic), the speakers‟ list will be closed, and then it will move on to the voting procedure for draft resolution and amendment.5)Motions for reordering the vote: Once a motion for reordering the vote is eventually passed, delegates are entitled to submit their proposals for reordering the draft resolution.This shall include the voting order for new draft resolution.Once this motion is passed, all the other draft resolutions must be decided in accordance with this newly established order.No more than one such motion is allowed to pass in the voting procedure.6)Motions for the suspension of the conference: When each scheduled session is approaching to an end, the delegates submit their proposals for the suspension of the conference.Once such a motion is passed, the conference will be in suspension until the next stage.Rule 35 Any motion must be firstly seconded before its vote.Rule 36 Raising questions is deemed as an another right beyond motion proposals and vote.The point should not be relevant to the topic discussed or what the delegates have stated.The point falls into three categories: procedural point, consultative point and point of personal privilege.1)Point of Order: Whenever delegates find that the procedure does not accord with established regulations, they are allowed to make corrections on the relevant point.2)Point of Consultative: A delegate may rise to a consultative point to ask the Dais a question regarding the rules of procedure.For example, “whether the Dais has received the Draft Resolution” or “what is the topic of the Formal consultation”.At this point, the Dais will suspend all activities to address the issues of the delegates, including the speech made by the current delegate.With regard to the etiquette, it is suggested that all delegates propose the consultative point by sending notes.3)Point of Personal Privilege: Whenever a delegate feels personal discomfort which impairs his/her ability to participate in the proceedings, he or she may rise to a Point of Personal Privilege for help.For example, the front size of the projection is too small, or the sound of the microphone is hard to be heard, or the temperature of the air condition in the venue is too low and so forth.Besides, delegates are allowed to solve their personal problems without asking the permission from Dais, like going to the restroom.Rule 37 Any point is not necessarily seconded or voted.Six Documents for Conference

Rule 38 Position Paper: Delegates are required to submit a position paper on each topic on behalf of the official position of their countries prior to the conference.Dais is entitled to set a deadline for the document submission and refuse to accept any papers that fails to meet the set deadline.Besides, Dais is obliged to offer delegates the summary of position papers.Rule 39 Working Paper: an important document drafted by a bloc representing positions of at least one country.When countries figure out initial solutions to a certain issue or find it necessary to clarify their positions, they are allowed to draft the working paper.1)Sponsors are supposed to be involved in drafting the working paper while signatories are optional.2)No requirement for formal format.Rule 40 Resolution, a formal and legitimate official paper of the UN that all countries shall abide by,represents a result of topic discussion by every country in attendance.A draft resolution refers to a formal document drafted according to the resolution‟s format, but not approved.1)There is no requirement for the number of sponsors involved, but the number of sponsors and co-sponsors must exceed twenty percent of the total.2)A sponsor is not allowed to draft or second another draft.3)A co-sponsor can also be the co-sponsor of other Draft Resolutions.4)There is no limit to the number of Draft Resolutions in each committee,but each committee can only have one Draft Resolution passed in the end.Rule 41 A Draft Resolution, if not be voted, can be withdrawn by all sponsors at any time before voting.And the withdrawn draft sectional resolution can be submitted again by any delegate.The Dais will renumber the document.Rule 42 Amendment refers to a revised document on the current Draft Resolution proposed by at least one delegate with the resolution format of the UN.It can fall into two categories: friendly amendment and unfriendly amendment.1)Friendly Amendment refers to the one that has been passed and seconded by the sponsors of former Draft Resolution(a signature is required).Then it will be directly added to the Draft Resolution.2)Unfriendly Amendment refers to the one that has not been passed or seconded by the sponsors of former draft resolution,or reviewed by 20 percent of the sponsors and co-sponsors in total attendance.Each clause in this amendment will be voted one by one to decide the final inclusion in the amendatory draft resolution prior to its voting.3)Amendment for amendment is not allowed.4)One delegate can draft or second one more amendment, but a draft resolution sponsor is not allowed to bring forth amendment on his/ her own.He/ she is only allowed to second the amendments drafted by non-sponsors.Rule 43 Any working paper, Draft Resolutions and amendments must be first submitted to the Dais for approval before handed out.1)Once approved, the draft resolution will be handed out to delegates for three-minute review.After that, the sponsors are automatically given three minutes to give a general introduction of the resolution.Then other delegates are allowed to raise three questions.2)Once approved, the unfriendly amendment will be handed out to delegates for one-minute review.After that, the sponsors of unfriendly amendment are automatically given one more minute to introduce it.3)A friendly amendment will be added to the draft resolution directly after the assistant director reads this amendment.Seven Method of Voting

Rule 44 Voting includes procedural voting and substantive voting.Rule 45 Procedural voting is for all the motions.Delegates can only vote “Yes” or “No”.No “Abstention” is allowed.Rule 46 Motions for changing the speaking time during the formal debate, motions for a formal consultation, motions for an informal consultation, motions for reordering the vote, motions for the suspension of the conference must be approved by the delegates in Simple Majority.Motions for closing the formal debate must approved by the delegates in Absolute Majority.Rule 47 Substantive voting is for the documents, namely for the unfriendly amendment and draft resolution.1)Prior to the voting, the Dais is entitled to close the door, prohibit any in-and-outer or note-passing and remake the roll call in order to ensure the absolute majority of the relevant documents.2)After the Dais announces the voting, any inpidual is not allowed to interrupt the voting procedure except pointing out the procedural issue regarding the vote.3)The unfriendly amendment shall be voted first a)Unfriendly amendment is to be voted in accordance with the code order.b)Delegates can vote “Yes”, “No” or “Abstention”.The Dais will thereby record the result to confirm whether the amendment can be added to the draft resolution.4)The draft resolution shall be put to vote thereafter.a)A draft resolution is voted in accordance with the code order.b)There are two rounds in this voting: in the first round, all delegates are obliged to vote “Yes”, “No” or “Pass”;in the second round, those who vote “Pass” in the first round are required to vote again, but they can only vote “Yes” or “No”this time.c)The Dais will record every delegate‟s vote.5)Once voting for a Draft Resoluiton ends, the Dais should ask whether there is a willingness of explanatory speeches and randomly point to no more than three participating countries to speak for no more than 60 seconds each.Explanatory speeches are limited to explanations of the vote.The sponsors and signatories of the Draft Resolution are not allowed to give explanatory speeches.6)The unfriendly amendment and Draft Resolution shall be deemed passed with the Absolute Majority of approval from the participating countries.Once a draft resolution is passed, the committee will no longer vote for any other documents and the voting procedure will be ended.Eight Introduction on Draft Resolution

Rule 48 If Committee‟s Draft Resolution is passed by voting, the sponsors are free to decide whether to give an introduction of the draft resolution on the closing ceremony.Besides, the number of speakers should be kept no more than three and the time limit within five minutes.Rule 49 If no draft resolution is passed after the committee‟s voting, the Dais is responsible for the clarification of the draft resolution for the committee in the closing ceremony.The time is limited within five minutes.IV.Miscellaneous

Rule 50 The committee may invite any influential figure including United Nations officials to participate in the conference and it should offer courteous receptions.Rule 51 Issues that fail to be covered in this rule shall be decided by the Dais with consent of the Secretariat.




比赛时间:2011年4月X日 比赛场地:学术报告厅 赛前准备:白纸条,国家牌







可选题材:利比亚战争危机的解决途径;日本核危机控制;人民币是 否应升值等。







根据投票结果确定议题后,由各国代表阐述本国观点。主席会请需要发言的国家举手(此时所有的国家都举牌)并由主席随机读出国家名。代表们发言的顺序即秘书点名的顺序。代表们听到自己国家被点后,便放下国家牌,发言时间为120秒。代表可在黑板上看到发言名单。如果需要追加发言机会,代表可以向主席台传意向条。此时要先传给秘书,由秘书递到主席台。追加的发言国家在发言名单的最后。主席不可阻止,但其他代表可在一轮发言完毕后阻止追加发言国发言(追加发言国只限一次,且时间为60秒)。到所有国家发言完毕,并且无任何代表追加发言,会议进入 下一阶段。






代表们根据辩论进展,由观点一致的国家提交会议文件和决议草案。主席将文件汇总并公布决议草案后,依次点名,点到的国家举牌并回答赞 成或反对。如赞成为多数,则决定议案。





第三篇:模拟联合国大会 草案



委员会:社会,人道主义和文化委员会 议题:武装冲突下的国际难民问题


附议国:日本,韩国,埃塞俄比亚,刚果金,德国,英国,加拿大,澳大利亚,印度,塞尔维亚,土耳其,阿富汗,以色列,挪威,格鲁吉亚 草案编号:1.1


1建议在解决武装冲突下的国际难民问题中各国应做到标本兼治,既要治标,积极保护和救助现有难民;更要治本,消除战乱,发展经济,具体开展下列工作: a.各国共同呼吁更多的宗教关怀与民族和解,避免由宗教争执与民族矛盾引起的武装冲突,并通过和平谈判解决争端。若和平谈判难以实现,则在不干涉内政的前提下,坚持以联合国为中心,维和部队帮助各冲突发生国的政府解决**; b.成立政策性开发银行,专门负责筹集资金对难民地区进行人道主义援助,各国应以政府的形式参与其中:









7、鉴于全球难民中的绝大多数都被发展中国家收容,这些国家最大限度的履行人道主义的国际义务,故强烈呼吁国际社会必须建立真正有效的机制分担相关责任和义务,并且各国应具有同等的话语权,a.在联合国各委员会下建立稳定有效地关于解决难民问题的专门机构; b.联合国安全理事会派出观察员常驻世界难民产生地区;





Draft Resolution

Committee: Disarmament and International Security Committee T o p I c: Denuclearization of Korean peninsular Sponors: America, England, Iseal , Ukraine, South Africa , Russia, Brazil ,Korea, Germany Signatories: JAPAN , INDIA, BRAZIL, AUSTRALIA, Libya ,CUBA,PAKISTAN

Recalling its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825(1993), resolution 1540(2004), resolution 1695(2006), and, in particular, resolution 1718(2006),1874(2009), as well as the statements of its President of 6 October 2006(S/PRST/2006/41)and 13 April 2009(S/PRST/2009/7), Reaffirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security, Expressing the gravest concern at the nuclear test conducted by the Democratic People Republic of Koreaon 25 May 2009(local time)in violati of resolution 1718(2006), and at the challenge such a test constitutes to international efforts aimed at strengthening the global regime of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons towards the 2010 NPT Review Conference, and the danger it poses to peace and stability in the region and beyond, Stressing its collective support for the NPT and commitment to strengthen the Treaty in all its aspects, and global efforts towards nuclear non-proliferation and recalling that the DPRK cannot have the status of a nuclear disarmament, and nuclear-weapon state in accordance with the NPT in any case, Deploring the DPRK announcement of withdrawal from the NPT and its pursuit of nuclear weapons, Underlining once again the importance that the DPRK respond to other security and humanitarian concerns of the international community, Underlining also that measures imposed by this resolution are not intended to have adverse humanitarian consequences for the civilian population of the DPRK, Expressing its gravest concern that the nuclear test and missile activities carried out by the DPRK have further generated increased tension in the region and determining that there continues to exist a clear threat to international beyond, and peace and security, Reaffirming the importance that all Member States uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Ⅰ.National organization,1.Demands that United Nations(1)Playing a pivotal role preventing the nuclear proliferation,(2)Acting on the historic resolutions the UN passed like Resolution 1874, resolution 1718(2006)(3)Giving international pressure on the countries that break the rules and developing nuclear weapons or test nuclear weapons illegally, 2.Calls for the Security council(2)Strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,(3)Responding and determining as necessary as its role when violations of nuclear peace threaten international security, 3.Requires that the International Atomic Energy Agency(the IAEA)(1)Strengthening the international nuclear inspections,(2)Preventing the illicit trafficking and smuggling of nuclear materials and weapons,(3)Strengthening the institutions to help prevent nuclear materials from falling into the hand of terrorists,(4)E xpanding the resources and authorities it needs to meet its responsibilities 4.To be fair,build a supervision to regulate the two nation’s relationships, to the reduce of nuclear weapons ,stop the future military test without qualification and take the denuclearization of the D.P.R.K.Ⅱ.Demands to Nations who have nuclear weapons(nuclear powers)1.Reducing nuclear weapons 2.Protecting the nuclear weapons and securing the nuclear materials to prevent them from ever falling into the hand of terrorists(1)Taking specific and concrete actions to secure the nuclear materials,(2)Preventing illicit trafficking and smuggling of nuclear materials and weapons,(3)deepening the cooperation and partnerships to prevent the nuclear materials from ever falling into the hand of terrorists,Ⅲ.Ask for that All the nations in the world

1.Trying to stop the spread of the nuclear weapons, 2.Preventing the black market trade in nuclear weapons and nuclear materials, 3.Building a framework for civil cooperation, including an including an international fuel bank, so that countries an access peaceful energy without the risk of the proliferation, 4.Standing together for the right of people to live in a world without fear of nuclear weapons, 5.Centering on the global non-proliferation, 6.Stopping the spread of nuclear weapons together and securing the world, 7.Countries with nuclear weapons move to disarmament, country without nuclear weapons will not acquire it, and all countries can access peaceful nuclear energy 8.seeking engagement with North Korea and believing in dialogue, 9.Fighting against the nuclear terrorism and standing together to secure our global security –our collective security 10.Deepening our cooperation and strengthening the institutions and partnerships that help protect the world, 11.Solving the problem in consensus, not in isolation , 12.Condemns in the strongest terms the nuclear test conducted by the DPRK(local time)in violation and flagrant disregard of its relevant resolutions, in particular resolutions 1695(2006)and 1718(2006), and the statement of its President of 13 April 2009(S/PRST/2009/7);13.Demands that the DPRK not conduct any further nuclear test or any launch using ballistic missile technology;14.Demands that the DPRK immediately comply fully with its obligations under relevant Security Council resolutions, in particular resolution 1718(2006)15.Demands that the DPRK immediately retract its announcement of withdrawal from the NPT 16.Calls upon all Member States to implement their obligations pursuant to resolution 1718(2006), including with respect to designations made by the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718(2006)pursuant to the statement of its President of 13 April 2009(S/PRST/2009/7)17.the North Korea transferres its nuclear military facility to a reliable international organization , such as IAEA or the UN Security Council;The transmitted organization should: expands the duties of the custodian to accept the North Korean nuclear facilities;subject to the supervision of the IAEA and other international community, including the supervision of the developing countries to ensure the safe handling of nuclear materials;ensure to make the process fair, open and transparent;the international community promise to give some assistance to the North Korea when it makes substantive actions;18.Facing and confronting the challenge together 19.Making real progress on the security of our people ,of the world, 20.Confronting it not by splitting apart but by standing together as free nations ,as free people , 21.Bridging our pisions, building our hopes, accepting our responsibilities to leave the world more prosperous and more peaceful than we found it.22.Making sure that the UK as the main representative of EU in the process of the denuclearization of North Peninsula which is responsible for providing the humanitarian aid for North Korea 23.Empowering the UK as the supervisor of the committee which is supposed to be set up in the Security Council to ensure the elimination of the mass destructive weapons is done in a general and peaceful way.24.The UK as the main representative of EU in the process of the denuclearization of North Peninsula would like to provide the humanitarian aid for North Korea, together with Germany.25.The EU plays an important role in solving the problem.The UK as the supervisor of the committee is willing to ensure the elimination of the mass destructive weapons would be done in a general and peaceful way.26.put all international aid into the world bank, the DPRK will get aid from it if DPRK do something to dropping off its nuclear weapons under the IAEA 27.cooperate between developing and developed countries , U.S will provide its neighboring countries with more financial aids, and the united stateswill take effect in some former and feasible treaties toward the South America, in order to build the trust between developed countries and developing countries.大会决议 [未经发交主要委员会而通过(A/55/L.60 和Add.1)]



重申其1990 年12 月21 日第45/190号1991 年12月18 日第46/150 号 1992年12月18 日第47/165 号1993 年12月21日第48/206号1995年12月 20 日第50/134号1997年12月16日第52/172号和1999 年12月8 日第54/97 号决议

意识到切尔诺贝利核电站灾难后果的长期性就规模而言这是一起重大的 技术灾难在受影响国家造成了各种人道主义环境社会经济和健康后果

赞赏联合国系统各组织和会员国在减轻和尽量减少切尔诺贝利灾难的后果 方面所作的努力特别是七国集团和欧洲联盟成员及其他国家对按照七国集团成 员国政府欧洲共同体委员会和乌克兰政府之间的谅解备忘录给予旨在确保遮 盖切尔诺贝利被毁反应堆的石棺的环境安全的掩体实施计划所作的贡献

关切地注意到关闭切尔诺贝利核电站对乌克兰所产生的严重经济和社会问 题

1.欢迎乌克兰决定于2000 年12 月15 日关闭切尔诺贝利核电站

2.吁请国际社会继续援助乌克兰政府应付关闭切尔诺贝利核电站所新产 生的各种经济和社会问题

3.邀请所有国家和有关国际组织和非政府组织继续向最受影响的国家白 俄罗斯俄罗斯联邦和乌克提供支助减轻和尽量减少切尔诺贝利灾难的后果

2000 年12 月14 日

第85 次全体会议






一. 活动背景、意义和目标




五. 评奖制度







模拟联合国(Model United Nations)是世界各国官方和民间团体特意为青年人组织的活动。它模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热点问题召开的会议。青年学生们扮演各个国家的外交官,以联合国会议的形式,通过阐述观点、政策辩论、投票表决、做出决议等亲身经历,熟悉联合国的运作方式,了解人类所面临的共同问题,思考自身可以发挥的作用。




追求卓越(Excellence in execution)

激发热情(Generating young passion)

社会责任(Social responsibility)

想象创新(Imagination for innovation)

勇于尝试(Willing to try)











大会场地: a.大会用教室 b.危机中心c.小会场














(一)12:00~13:20 午餐




(一)12:00~13:20 午餐




17:30~17:50 场地打扫,设备回收,大会结束


1.奖项设定: 大会场:最佳代表一名





























一. 活动背景、意义和目标




五. 评奖制度






模拟联合国(Model United Nations)是世界各国官方和民间团体特意为青年人组织的活动。它模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热








追求卓越(Excellence in execution)

激发热情(Generating young passion)

社会责任(Social responsibility)

想象创新(Imagination for innovation)

勇于尝试(Willing to try)








2.物资需要: 1)大会议题及背景资料准备









2)大会场地: a.大会用教室 b.大会工作室





2、主席团成立:主席(Chair):闫昕 窦靖超




















1、第一次培训: 时间:2010年10月15日晚


培训内容:模拟联合国情况简介,资料搜集方和简要议题培训培训目的: 给参会代表一个关于模联的初步认识,同时掌握会前调研与资料搜集的方法,着手准备会议资料,开始准备立场文件的写作。

2、第二次培训: 时间:2010年10月23日晚




3、第三次培训: 时间:2010年10月30日晚



















1.奖项设定: 最佳代表两名



























