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在结婚之前要发婚礼请柬(wedding invitation)。过去都是由新娘这一方发送,现在逐渐由新娘、新郎双方负责。被邀请的客人一般带着庆贺礼物参加婚礼,所以过多地邀请客人会有贪图钱财之嫌。


在教堂举行的婚礼上,一般演奏两首婚礼进行曲(wedding march)。新娘走向神坛时,奏的是庄重缓慢的《婚礼合唱》(Wedding Chorus),它选自理查德·瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)1848年谱写的歌剧《洛亨格林》(Lohengrin)。新娘新郎走出教堂时演奏的则是欢快的《结婚序曲》(Wedding Overture),选自菲利克斯·门德尔松(Felix Mendelssohn)1826年谱写的《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream)。

美国人的婚礼可概括为“新、旧、借、蓝”(something old,something new,something borrowed and something blue)。“新”指新娘的白色婚礼服(white wedding gown)必须是新的,它是纯洁童贞(virginity)的象征,它也标志新娘将开始新的生活。“旧”指新娘头上的白纱必须是母亲用过的旧纱,表示不忘父母的养育之恩。“借”指新娘手里拿的手帕必须是从女朋友那儿借来的,表示不忘朋友的友谊之情。“蓝”指新娘身上披的缎带必须是蓝色的,表示新娘对爱情的忠贞之情。

送交新娘(Giving the bride away)是宗教婚礼仪式上的一个重要项目。新娘的父亲护送女儿走向教堂里圣坛的台阶,在送交仪式上,新娘父亲将女儿的右手递给牧师,牧师(minister)再将新娘的手递给新郎。如果新娘的父亲已去世,就由一位男性亲属来代替。

婚礼上新郎和新娘交换戒指(double-ring ceremonies),圆戒指象征夫妻恩爱长久,没有终结。新娘和新郎要当众亲吻,此时,人们把大米撒落在新婚夫妇(newlyweds)身上,预祝他们子孙满堂,人丁兴旺。

婚宴上新郎和新娘合力切开一只特制的结婚蛋糕(wedding cake),两人先互相喂吃一小块,然后把其余的蛋糕分给所有来宾享用。



除了在教堂举办的传统婚礼之外,有些人或婚礼从简,或标新立异,举办各种各样的婚礼。如“法院里的婚礼”,婚礼在当地法院进行,由法官当证婚人(witness of wedding),新郎和新娘穿着普通衣服,不办宴会,不请客人。也有的举办“户外婚礼”,婚礼在户外举行,就象平时的野餐一样。此外,还有空中婚礼、跳伞婚礼、海底婚礼,不一而足。



Marriage Statement and

Wedding Anniversary


你愿否以此女人(男人)为你合法之妻子(丈夫),与你共同生活在圣洁之婚姻中?Do you take this woman(man)to be your lawful wedded wife(husband)to live together in the holy estate matrimony?

你愿否在病中、在平时心爱她(他)、护佑她(他)、照料她(他)、尊敬她(他),并摒弃一切,唯她(他)是赖,共度生活? Will you love her(him)cherish her(him)keep her(him)honor her(him)in sickness in health and forsaking all other cleave you only under her(him)so long as both shall live?

我现在宣布你们两人为夫妇并希望你们两人幸福。I now pronounce you husband and wife, and hope you'll be both very happy.在婚礼上,新娘和新郎信誓旦旦,决心患难与共,白头偕老,但这并不妨碍他们出尔反尔,反目离婚。


结婚第1周年叫纸婚(意思是由一张纸印的结婚证订下了婚姻关系)Paper wedding

第2年棉婚(加厚了一点)Cotton wedding

第3年皮革婚(有韧性)Leather wedding

第4年丝婚(缠紧)Silk wedding

第5年木婚(硬了心)Wood wedding

第6年铁婚或糖婚(夫妻关系更牢更甜)Iron or Sugar candy wedding

第7年铜婚(关系坚不可摧)Copper wedding

第8年陶器婚 Pottery wedding

第9年柳婚 Willow wedding

第10年锡婚 Tin wedding

第11年钢婚 Steel wedding

第12年亚麻婚Linen wedding

第13年花边婚Lace wedding

第14年象牙婚 Ivory wedding

第15年水晶婚 Crystal wedding


第20年瓷婚 China wedding

第25年银婚(银婚大典)Silver wedding(Silver Jubilee)

第30年珍珠婚(珍珠般可贵)Pearls wedding

第35年珊瑚婚 Coral wedding

第40年红宝石婚 Ruby wedding

第45年蓝宝石婚 Sapphire wedding

第50年金婚(是第二个大典)Golden wedding

第55年翡翠婚 Emerald wedding

第60年钻石婚(是夫妻一生中最大的庆典)Diamond wedding(Diamond Jubilee)


Honey Moon







honey man靠情人供养的男子,男妓

honey wagon户外活动厕所;垃圾车


结婚是人生中的大事,也因而结婚这个话题不论是在日常的生活当中或是电视影集中都常常一再被提及.但是由于东西方文化的不同,以致于许多老美的习俗我们不是很了解,例如像是wedding shower就有不少人会误会是“受洗”的意思.其实只要你看完这篇文章,就算你没结过婚,老美的这一套婚礼习俗你很快就能有一些基本的认识.经常看国外电影电视剧的人对“单身派对”这个词一定不会陌生,所谓的“单身派对”就是在男生结束单身生活之前,他的单身好友会为他举办的一场party,让他正式告别单身生活.活动的内容除了喝酒玩游戏之外,有时他们还会请来脱衣舞娘来表演脱衣舞(因为理论上来说看脱衣舞是单身汉的特权!),当然一切的疯狂之后也就代表了你正式告别了单身生涯,迈向婚姻之路了.。

以前我听老美提到wedding shower(婚礼洗礼),我都会误以为是老美在结婚前有某种的受洗仪式,其实不然, wedding shower算是派对的一种.美国是个很讲究男女平等的社会,男生有单身派对,女生们也不甘示弱来办个wedding shower,算是和男生分庭抗体,所以基本上wedding shower就是告别单身女子的派对.另外我还常听老美提到baby shower(婴儿洗礼),或是kitchen shower(厨房洗礼),其实如果你知道wedding shower,你就不容易误会baby shower和kitchen shower的意思.Baby shower就是生小孩时所办的派对,通常受邀参加的人会买一些婴儿用品意思意思一下.同理kitchen shower就是新居落成,请朋友过来新家坐坐(有时也叫house warming party),当然与会者也不免要买些厨房用品意思一下,这跟中国人习惯包红包有著异曲同工之妙.在西洋的婚礼习俗当中,通常新郎会找几个(通常是四个)自己的好友当男傧相,但另外还要找一个伴郎.故名思议,通常这个人都是新郎最要好的朋友或是在他生命中最重要的夥伴,但由于伴郎只能有一个,所以老美常常会为了选哪一个人当而伤透脑筋.相对于男生的伴郎,新娘也要选择一位挚友作为伴娘.同样的伴娘通常只能有一位,所以另外还会有三到四位的女傧相作陪,当然女傧相的地位就不如伴娘来得那么崇高了.所以去当伴娘算是一种荣耀.一般而言伴娘都是找未婚的女士担任,但如果有时候实在是找不到未婚的女士,也可以找一个已婚的女士权充一下.在西洋教堂的婚礼仪式中,父亲要挽著女儿的手走过红地毯,父亲再把女儿教给新郎,这样的过程就叫walk down the aisle.所以这句话常被引申为结婚的意思,就如同中文里「迈向红毯的另一端」是一样的.不过walk you down the aisle这句话通常父亲对女儿说的,例如有些父亲并不赞成女儿的婚礼,他就可以说, “I'm not going to walk you down the aisle.”(我不会陪你走向红毯的另一端的.)


老美的婚礼仪式当中有些特别的习俗也许各位读者有兴趣知道,像是当新人步出礼堂的时候,众亲友会向他们洒米来表示祝福之意.还有度蜜月时他们会在礼车后面挂一串的空罐子.另外有一个习俗我想大家应该都不陌生,就是新娘会把手中的捧花抛向在场未婚的女性,据说接到花的人就会成为下一个新娘.新郎呢?则比较命苦,要先用嘴巴把新娘系裤袜的松紧带咬下来,再把它抛给在场未婚的男性,和新娘的捧花作用完全相同,它会让接到的人成为下一个新郎.许多人受邀参加老美的婚礼第一件要问的事就是, “要不要包红包啊?”其实老美没有包红包的习惯,你跟他们说red envelopes 他们绝对是一头雾水.老美的习惯是送礼物,你也不必担心不知道要买什么,他们会放一张清单在百货公司,你只要直接去百货公司“认购”一件礼物就行了.


结婚是人生中的大事,也因而结婚这个话题不论是在日常的生活当中或是电视影集中都常常一再被提及.但是由于东西方文化的不同,以致于许多老美的习俗我们不是很了解,例如像是wedding shower就有不少人会误会是“受洗”的意思.其实只要你看完这篇文章,就算你没结过婚,老美的这一套婚礼习俗你很快就能有一些基本的认识.经常看国外电影电视剧的人对“单身派对”这个词一定不会陌生,所谓的“单身派对”就是在男生结束单身生活之前,他的单身好友会为他举办的一场party,让他正式告别单身生活.活动的内容除了喝酒玩游戏之外,有时他们还会请来脱衣舞娘来表演脱衣舞(因为理论上来说看脱衣舞是单身汉的特权!),当然一切的疯狂之后也就代表了你正式告别了单身生涯,迈向婚姻之路了.。

以前我听老美提到wedding shower(婚礼洗礼),我都会误以为是老美在结婚前有某种的受洗仪式,其实不然, wedding shower算是派对的一种.美国是个很讲究男女平等的社会,男生有单身派对,女生们也不甘示弱来办个wedding shower,算是和男生分庭抗体,所以基本上wedding shower就是告别单身女子的派对.另外我还常听老美提到baby shower(婴儿洗礼),或是kitchen shower(厨房洗礼),其实如果你知道wedding shower,你就不容易误会baby shower和kitchen shower的意思.Baby shower就是生小孩时所办的派对,通常受邀参加的人会买一些婴儿用品意思意思一下.同理kitchen shower就是新居落成,请朋友过来新家坐坐(有时也叫house warming party),当然与会者也不免要买些厨房用品意思一下,这跟中国人习惯包红包有著异曲同工之妙.在西洋的婚礼习俗当中,通常新郎会找几个(通常是四个)自己的好友当男傧相,但另外还要找一个伴郎.故名思议,通常这个人都是新郎最要好的朋友或是在他生命中最重要的夥伴,但由于伴郎只能有一个,所以老美常常会为了选哪一个人当而伤透脑筋.相对于男生的伴郎,新娘也要选择一位挚友作为伴娘.同样的伴娘通常只能有一位,所以另外还会有三到四位的女傧相作陪,当然女傧相的地位就不如伴娘来得那么崇高了.所以去当伴娘算是一种荣耀.一般而言伴娘都是找未婚的女士担任,但如果有时候实在是找不到未婚的女士,也可以找一个已婚的女士权充一下.在西洋教堂的婚礼仪式中,父亲要挽著女儿的手走过红地毯,父亲再把女儿教给新郎,这样的过程就叫walk down the aisle.所以这句话常被引申为结婚的意思,就如同中文里「迈向红毯的另一端」是一样的.不过walk you down the aisle这句话通常父亲对女儿说的,例如有些父亲并不赞成女儿的婚礼,他就可以说, “I'm not going to walk you down the aisle.”(我不会陪你走向红毯的另一端的.)


老美的婚礼仪式当中有些特别的习俗也许各位读者有兴趣知道,像是当新人步出礼堂的时候,众亲友会向他们洒米来表示祝福之意.还有度蜜月时他们会在礼车后面挂一串的空罐子.另外有一个习俗我想大家应该都不陌生,就是新娘会把手中的捧花抛向在场未婚的女性,据说接到花的人就会成为下一个新娘.新郎呢?则比较命苦,要先用嘴巴把新娘系裤袜的松紧带咬下来,再把它抛给在场未婚的男性,和新娘的捧花作用完全相同,它会让接到的人成为下一个新郎.许多人受邀参加老美的婚礼第一件要问的事就是, “要不要包红包啊?”其实老美没有包红包的习惯,你跟他们说red envelopes 他们绝对是一头雾水.老美的习惯是送礼物,你也不必担心不知道要买什么,他们会放一张清单在百货公司,你只要直接去百货公司“认购”一件礼物就行了.教堂婚礼新娘挽着父亲出场,如果父亲过世了,可否由母亲代替? 悬赏分:0二

最佳答案 不可以。





American History

1.Colonial Period(1607-1775)

2.War of Independence and Founding of the United States(1775-1789)

3.Expansion of America(1790s-1890s)

4.American Civil War and Reconstruction(1861-1877)

5.Gilded Age and Progressive Era(1877-1920s)

6.The Great Depression and the New Deal(1920s-1940s)

7.American in Turbulence(1950s-1970s)

Natives of America:

Indians(since 20,000 ago)斯密斯船长2)102 Puritans, to escape religious persecution, sailed in a ship called Mayflower arrived at 2 War of Independence and Founding of the United States(1775-1789)

3)The was held in and the Congress founded a 5)In 1777, theestablished a weak federal government that operated until 1789.6)in 1788, thewas ratified , and the new republic's , and ——took office in 1789.Federalists and Anti-Federalists


Alexander Hamilton 汉密尔顿

John Jay 杰伊

James Madison 曼迪逊


Thomas Jefferson

Andrew Jackson, 第七任美国总统(1829-1837)

Jacksonian Democracy


3.Expansion of America(1790-1890)

1)1803, bought Louisiana from France

2)1818, bought Florida from Spain

3)1823, “Monroe Doctrine”: Its primary objective was to free the newly independent colonies of Latin America from European intervention and control.4)1840s, annexed Texas, New Mexico and California from Mexico

5)1867, bought Alaska from Russia

Westward Movement(late 18th –late 19th century)


4.American Civil War and Reconstruction(1861-1877)

Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865)

Gettysburg Address

• The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget

what they did here.It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us;that from these honored dead, we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion;that this Nation, under GOD, shall have a new birth of freedom;and that government of the People by the People and for the People shall not perish from the earth."

• Abraham Lincoln

5.Gilded Age and Progressive Era(1877-1920s)

1)Gilded Age refers to major growth in population in the United States and extravagant displays of wealth and excess of America's upper-class during the post-and post-, in the late 19th century(1877-1890).The Progressive Era in thewas a period of reform which lasted from the 1890s to the 1920s.Responding to the changes brought about by industrialization, theadvocated a wide range of economic, political, social, and moral reforms.The Great Depression and the New Deal

1)Great Depression(1929-1933)to get America out of the depression.The New Deal includes and proposed to establish

Franklin D.Roosevelt(1933-1945)

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Mount Rushmore National Memorial



Thoredore Roosevelt


7.American in Turbulence

1)The Civil Rights Movements

a 1956, the Supreme Court declared Alabama’s segregation laws unconstitutional.delivered the famous speech “”


Rosa Parks(1913-2005)

Alabama’s segregation


2)Vietnam War(1950-1973)be the longest war it had fought as President.3)Watergate Scandal as a result of this scandal and handed over his power to vice president

British History

1.The founding of England

2.Medieval Period(1066-1487)

3.The English Reformation and the English Renaissance(1500-1600)

4.Civil War and Britain in the 17th Century

5.The Industrial Revolution(1780-1830)

6.Victorian Age(1837-1901)

7.Britain in the 20th CenturyThe founding of England

1)Early Settlers

2)Roman Britain(1st-–5th century)

Julius Caesar(102 BC---44 BC)

Emperor Hadrian(76---138)

Hadrian Wall

4)The Anglo-Saxons

2.Medieval Period(1066-1487)

1)Norman Conquest in 1066

2)The Great Charter in 1215

3)The Hundred Years' War with France(1337-1453)

4)The War of Roses(1453-1487)

1)Norman Conquest in 1066and landed in England and crowned the King of England.2)The Great Charter in 1215

or was a statement of the feudal relationship between the Crown and the Barons, a guarantee of the Freedom of the Church and a limitation of the powers of the king.King John(1166-1216)

3)The Hundred Years' War with France(1337-1453)

The Hundred Years' War was a prolonged conflict lasting from 1337 to 1453 between two royal houses for the French throne.The two primary contenders were theand the , also known as the House of Anjou.The House of Valois claimed the title of King of France, while the Plantagenets from England claimed to be Kings of France and England.4)The War of Roses(1453-1487)

The Wars of the Roses(1453–1487)were a series of dynasticfought inbetween supporters of the Houses of(representedThe English Reformation and the English Renaissance

1)The English Reformation

The English Reformation was the series of events in 16th centuryby which the(Anglican Church)first broke away from the authority of theand the.The beginning of the English Reformation is often considered 1534 when Supremacy passed which made theKing Henry VIII(1491-1547)电影

Queen Elizabeth(1533 – 1603)

Tolerant religious policy

Defeated Spanish Armada.打败西班牙无敌舰队

“a marble stone shall declare that a queen, having reigned such a time, lived and died a virgin”4 Civil War and Britain in the 17th Century

1)The English Civil War

The English Civil War(1642–51)was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations betweenand.The Civil War ended with the Parliamentary victory at theon 3 September 1651.The Civil War led to the trial and , the exile of his son, Charles II, and replacement ofwith first, the(1649–53), and then with a(1653–59), under 's personal rule.2)The English Restoration(1660-1688)

The English Restoration, or simply The Restoration began in 1660 when the ,andwere restored underafter thethat followed the.3)The Glorious Revolution

The Glorious Revolution, also called the Revolution of 1688, was the overthrow of(VII of Scotland)in 1688 by a union ofwith an invading army led by the(William of), who as a result ascended the English

throne as William III of England.4)The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights is an act of the , The Bill of Rights of theis largely a statement of certainto whichandof awere thought to be entitled in the late 17th century.It also sets out certain constitutional requirements ofto seek the consent of the people, as represented in.5)Whigs and Tories

As a result of the Glorious Revolution, the Whigs and Tories came into being.They were

the world's first political parties and over the years to come they were to share government and opposition in a dual party system.The Whigs became the Liberal Party in the 19th century and the Tories became the Conservative Party.The Industrial Revolution(1780-1830)

Overview: The Industrial Revolution was a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, production, and transportation had a profound effect on theandconditions in.It started with the mechanization of theindustries.The introduction offuelled primarily by coal, wider utilization ofand powered machinery underpinned the dramatic increases in production capacity.Major Innovations:James Watt‘s steam engine in 1765.Consequence: Britain was by 1830s the “”.6.Victorian Age(1837-1901)

The Chartist Movement(1836-1848)

Chartism was a movement forandin theduring the mid-19th century between 1838 and 1848.It takes its name from the People's Charter of 18387 Britain in the 20th Century

1).Britain and the First World War

The Work War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 primarily between two European Power blocs: “the Central power” Germany and Austria-Hungary,and the “Allies”,Britain,France and Russia.During the war,the Britain lost much.Apart from the loss of manpower,there had been considerable disruption of the economy and society.Out of the war settlement came the

2).Britain Between the Two World Wars

The effects of the New York Stock Market Crash of 1929 soon spread throughout Europe and by 1931 Britain was entering the Great depression.Edward VIII(1894-1972)

3).Britain and the Second World War

As Adolf Hitler and Nazism showed off their aggressive momentum in Europe,the Prime Minister,(绥靖政策)of German aggression was no longer tenable,and was forced to declare war on Germany on September 3, 1939.4).Postwar Britain

(1)One of the most far-reaching consequences of the War was that it hastened the end of Britain‘s empire.(2)In 1952 Princess Elizabeth was crowned Queen Elizabeth II.Many people through television saw the ceremony.(4)In January 1973,Britain became a full member of the European Economic Community which was still called the Common Market in 1973.Britain witnessed the first oil shock in 1973.(5)Mrs.Thatcher

Thatcherism referred to the policies put forward by Margaret Thatcher,in England in 1979.The main contents of her policies included the use of monetarist policies to control inflation,the weakening of trade unions the strengthening of the role of market forces in the economy, and an emphasis on law and order.To some extent her program was successful and she led one of the most remarkable periods in the British economy.Mrs.Thatcher(1925---)


Analysis of Robinson Crusoe

2009级师范三班刘静 Robinson Crusoe is written by Defoe(1660 ~ 1731), known as the father of English novel and the periodical literature.He is the father of the English novel and periodical literature, who was born in a family which was against the Anglican Protestant.His father is a businessman, doing business.His article influenced the later development of journal articles and newspaper.Because the speech, he was repeatedly arrested.At the age of 59 Defoe began writing fiction as a novelist, show remarkable ability.Robinson Crusoe Robinson is Defoe's first novel, is also one of the most famous novels.It is based on a British seaman on a deserted island alone for 4 years in exile records and creation.Robinson is the heroine of Defoe works in accordance with their ideals and created the character, he killed out of doing business, living on a desert island for 28 years, overcome all sorts of unimaginable difficulties.He start empty-handed, develop the island, not only to their own survival, and create a new world.He was a pioneer in the image, a real asset class hero.In this figure embodies the western ocean civilization tradition, with the outward development of curiosity, desire to conquer and spirit of adventure, praised the strength quality and working spirit.The novel opens English realistic novel road.In this novel, there are so many about the Wonderful part, but two points impress: one is the author of the narrative language easy to understand.In front of the book, the author use a lot of space to introduce Robinson in the sea to sea before, whether does not listen to parents' guide, but follow the guidance of the soul, the careful psychological description, the author description most incisive.Two is a fascinating story, the protagonist of nearly thirty years of life vividly in front of us, let our eyes as if emerging from a young life.Robinson Crusoe is to let a person look after all that the most primitive, most of my books, not only because it is the wonderful, and it gives us the modern enlightenment.The most qualities I learn from Robinson Crusoe is not his hard-working and brave, but his amazing mental capacity.One can imagine, a single large living alone on a desert island life ten years, no one to accompany him, even the most basic, and a person simply talk for a while to do.The deserted island there is no house, no rice, can only rely on his own hard to create a piece of heaven and earth.The first nonwhite character to be given a realistic, inpidualized, and humane portrayal in the English novel, Friday has a huge literary and cultural importance.Recent rewritings of the Crusoe story, like J.M.Coetzee’s Foe and Michel Tournier’s Friday, emphasize the sad consequences of Crusoe’s

failure to understand Friday and suggest how the tale might be told very differently from the native’s perspective.Besides his importance to our culture, Friday is a key figure within the context of the novel.Friday’s sincere questions to Crusoe about the devil, which Crusoe answers only

indirectly and hesitantly, leave us wondering whether Crusoe’s knowledge of Christianity is superficial and sketchy in contrast to Friday’s full

understanding of his own god Benamuckee.In short, Friday’s exuberance and emotional directness often point out the wooden conventionality of Crusoe’s personality.Despite Friday’s subjugation, however, Crusoe appreciates Friday much more than he would a mere servant.Crusoe does not seem to value intimacy with humans much, but he does say that he loves Friday, which is a

remarkable disclosure.Crusoe may bring Friday Christianity and clothing, but Friday brings Crusoe emotional warmth and a vitality of spirit that Crusoe’s own European heart lacks.This novel shows that we need to believe ourselves, where there is a will, there is way.Use our hands, then see a new world.What is more, we are not only live ourselves in the world, we need to care about others.Be brave, and

never lose hope.




























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