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口译员是沟通中外双方语言与文化的桥梁,外事活动场所总能见到译员的身影,熟悉涉外工作的礼仪和程序,获得相关的知识,是译员做到举止得体,顺利完成工作的重要保障。1.1 见面时的礼节

介绍 在交际场合结识朋友,可由第三者介绍,也可自我介绍相识。为他人介绍,要先了解双方是否有结识的愿望,不要贸然行事。无论自我介绍或为他人介绍,做法都要自然。

握手 这是大多数国家相互见面和离别时的礼节。在交际场合中,握手是司空见惯的事情。一般在相互介绍和会面时握手。遇见朋友先打招呼,然后相互握手,寒暄致意。年轻者对年长者,身份低者对身份高者则应稍稍欠身,双手握住对方的手,以示尊敬。男子与妇女握手时,往往只握一下妇女的手指部分。

致意 公共场合远距离遇到相识的人,一般是举右手打招呼并点头致意。与相识者在同一场合多次见面,只点头致意即可。对一面之交的朋友或不相识者在社交场合均可点头或微笑致意。在外交场合遇见身份高的领导人,应有礼貌地点头致意或表示欢迎,不要主动上前握手问候。只是在领导人主动伸手时,才向前握手问候。P.2 参加宴请的礼节①

应邀 接到宴会邀请(无论是请柬或邀请信),能否出席要尽早答复对方,以便主人安排。一般来说,对注有R.S.V.P.(请答复)字样的,无论出席与否,均应迅速答复。注有“Regrets only”(不能出席请复)字样的,则不能出席时才回复,但也应及时回复。经口头谈妥再发来的请柬,上面一般都注有“To remind”(备忘)字样,只起提醒作用,可不必答复。

掌握出席时间 出席宴请活动,抵达时间迟早,逗留时间长短,在一定程度上反映对主人的尊重。应根据活动的性质和当地的习惯掌握。迟到、早退、逗留时间过短被视为失礼或有意冷落。身份高者可略晚到达,一般客人应略微提前到达,主宾退席后再陆续告辞。出席宴会,根据各地习惯,正点或晚一两分钟抵达;在我国则正点或提前两三分钟或按主人的要求到达。出席酒会,可在请柬上注明的时间内到达。

入座 应邀出席宴请活动,应听从主人安排。如是宴会,进入宴会厅之前,先了解自己的桌次和座位,入座时注意桌上座位卡是否写着自己的名字,不要随意乱坐。如邻座是年长者或妇女,应主动协助他们先坐下。

祝酒 作为主宾参加外国举行的宴请,应了解对方祝酒习惯,即为何人祝酒,何时祝酒等等,以便做好必要的准备。碰杯时,主人和主宾先碰,人多可同时举杯示意,不一定碰杯。祝酒时注意不要交叉碰杯。在主人和主宾致辞、祝酒时,应暂停进餐,停止交谈,注意倾听,也不要借此机会抽烟。奏国歌时应肃立。主人和主宾讲完话与贵宾席人员碰杯后,往往到其他各桌敬酒,遇此情况应起立举杯。碰杯时,要目视对方致意。

餐具的使用 中餐的餐具主要是碗、筷,西餐则是)


宴请的形式 国际上通用的宴请形式有宴会、招待会、茶会、工作餐等。举办宴请活动采用何种形式,通常根据活动目的、邀请对象以及经费开支等各种因素而定。


文章来源:www.feisuxs 外教一对一家宴(Family Dinner/Banquet)


1.宴会(Banquet或Dinner)可分为国宴(State Banquet)、正式宴会(Banquet,Dinner)、便宴[常见的有午宴(Luncheon)、晚宴(Supper)]、2.招待会(Reception)常见的有冷餐会(自助餐)(Buffet,Buffet-Dinner)和酒会[鸡尾酒会(Cocktail)]

3.茶会(Tea Party)

4.工作餐 按用餐的时间分为工作早餐、工作午餐、工作晚餐(Working Breakfast, Working Lunch, Working Dinner)P.3 礼宾次序


按身份与职务的高低排列 这是礼宾次序排列的主要根据。一般的官方活动,经常是按身份与职务的高低安排礼宾次序。如按国家元首、副元首、政府总理(首相)、副总理(副首相)、部长、副部长等顺序排列。各国提供的正式名单或正式通知是确定职务的依据。由于各国的国家体制不同,部门之间的职务高低不尽一致,则要根据各国的规定,按相当的级别和官衔进行安排。在多边活动中,有时按其他方法排列。但无论按何种方法排列,都在考虑身份与职务的高低问题。

按字母顺序排列 多边活动中的礼宾次序有时按参加国国名字母顺序排列,一般以英文字母排列居多。这种排列方法多见于国际会议、体育比赛等。在国际会议上,公布与会者名单,悬挂与会国国旗,座位安排等均按各国国名的英文拼写字母的顺序排列。在实际工作中,遇到的情况往往是复杂的,如有的国家不管以上种种惯例,把关系密切的国家排列在最前面。所以礼宾次序的排列常常不能按一种方法,而是采用几种方法的交叉,并考虑其他的因素。第二部分 口译实践主题:礼节性致辞

2.1 阅读材料

Celebrating Siemens' 150th Anniversary

It is an honor for me to welcome you today to a very special occasion the celebration of Siemens' 150th anniversary.One hundred and fifty years old.What does this mean? After all, we are in Chinaand are one of the world's oldest industrial companies.Not only that, but we have remained an industry leader all these many years.How did we achieve this, when so many competitors have come and gone? What core values have made Siemens so strong? Let's take a brief look at our past.In the beginning, Siemens' business focused on telecommunications: telegraph equipment, transcontinental telegraph lines, transatlantic telegraph cables.In 1866, Werner von Siemens discovered the dynamo-electric principle and built the first dynamo,文章来源:www.feisuxs 外教一对一


marking the true birth of electrical engineering.Power engineering quickly became a second pillar of Siemens 'worldwide business.By Werner's death in 1892, the name Siemens was identified around the globe with the electrical industry.Siemens was a pioneer in Asia.What about China? Our records show that we delivered pointer telegraphs to this country as early as 1872.In 1879,the Chinese government ordered Siemens “light machines” or dynamos.That same year, we provided a 10 horsepower steam engine with generator to light up the port of Shanghai.It was China's first electrical lighting system.Shortly before the turn of the century, we built Beijing's first power plant.The electricity was used to light sections of the city and run the electric railway that ran between the Ma-Chia-Pu train station and Beijing's Hatamen south gate.The line opened in 1899 and was the world's fastest train at the timefrom telephone systems to power plants, from electrometrical systems to automated factories, from components to rapid-transit systems.For 150 years, Siemens has led the industry and maintained a fine reputation built on trust, quality, and reliability.And for all those years, we have relied on strong partnerships with our customers.Ultimately, you-our customer and business partners-are those who determine whether we succeed or not.And you are the ones who keeps us innovating and at the cutting edge of the industry.And you, in turn, are the one's who must” 72benefit from what we do together.文章来源:www.feisuxs 外教一对一


Good partnerships rely on trust, on knowing one another, on knowing each other's requirements.We have excellent partners here in China, and a strong basis for growing in the future.Above all, I see a new spirit emerging in this country.I see the excitement building as good things happen and people see a new world taking shape before their eyes.文章来源:www.feisuxs

第二篇:英语口译基础Unit Five

Unit Five





主题导入:体育局官员在国际马拉松比赛赛前新闻发布会上介绍赛事准备情况。大家好!欢迎大家参加本次国际马拉松比赛的赛前新闻发布会。首先我想向各位介绍一下这次比赛的几点特色,然后再回答媒体朋友的提问。Thank you all for attending the press conference on the international marathon.First of all, I will brief you on the following features of this year’s competition, and then I would like to answer questions raised by friends from media.首先,这次马拉松赛事世界级的高水平赛事。目前已经确定有17名海外马拉松高手参赛,他们分别来自西班牙、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、厄瓜多尔、巴西、埃塞俄比亚和朝鲜等7个国家。First, the international marathon is a world class competition.So far, it has been confirmed that 17 foreign marathon runners have signed up for it.They come from seven countries including Spain, Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador, Brazil, Ethiopia and North Korea.同时我们还邀请到曾参加全国马拉松锦标赛和奥运会马拉松选拔赛的国内运动员120人参赛。这些国内外优秀选手的加入,必将使本次比赛的竞争更加激烈,赛事更加异彩纷呈、引人关注。We have also invited 120 Chinese athletes who have attended other nationwide marathon championships and qualification competitions for the Olympic marathon.With the participation of those athletes from home and abroad, we are expecting a fierce, exhilarating and thrilling competition.其二,本次比赛选用的赛道在往年的基础上有所调整,更改后的赛道更加平坦,有利于运动员出成绩。Second, this year the race course has been readjusted based on last year’s results, to make it flatter and more conducive to better performance.比赛线路中大部分路段位于环岛路和大型绿化广场范围内,风景如画,空气清新宜人,被许多专家誉为举办马拉松比赛的绝佳线路。Most of the route lies along Island Ring Road and its large-scale landscaped squares, providing beautiful scenery and fresh air.The route is acclaimed to be the most pleasant one for marathons.第三,本次比赛将采用航拍现场直播整个赛程。届时,中国中央电视台和厦门电视台将与全国15家省级电视台同时对赛事进行电视现场直播。Third, the whole competition will be covered by aerial view, CCTV, Xiamen TV Station and 15 other provincial TV stations will be conducting live broadcast.第四,比赛将采用电子芯片计时,保证比赛成绩的准确性。Fourth, electronic chips will be used for timing, so as to ensure the accuracy of the result.第五,今年比赛的奖金有了全面的提升。其中,创世界纪录将由去年的50万美元提高到了100万美元。Fifth, prize money is higher than that of last year.It is now one million dollars, rather than last year’s 500,000 dollars, for a World Record Award.男子冠军由2.5万美元提高到3万美元;女子冠军由2万美元提高到3万美元。获得2到8名的运动员的奖金同样都有提高。30,000 dollars, rather than last year’s 25,000 dollars, for Men’s Champion, and 30,000 dollars, rather than last year’s 20,ooo dollars for Women’s Champion.In addition, prize money for athletes ranking second to eighth has also increased.我的介绍就到这里,现在欢迎大家提问。That’s all for my briefing.Now the floor is open for questions.2、体育与商业:阿迪达斯的品牌战略


杨澜:海纳先生,非常感谢您来到我们的节目。首先要祝贺这次精彩的世界杯给世界带来了巨大的欢乐和激情。我知道阿迪达斯公司在本次世界杯上业绩出色,你们一共销售出了多少个足球?Mr.哈除了人,thank you very much for being in our show.First of all, congratulations on this wonderful World Cup that has brought to the world such great joy and excitement.Addidas did very well during this World Cup.How many soccer balls did you sell? Hainer: we sold a lot of soccer balls, around 50 millions, with the new design of Teamgeist Ball.This was definitely a number which we did not foresee before.But this Would Cup was great in lots of respects.Of course, for us as a company with our financial results, but I think more for the country of Germany because all of the German people turned into real football fans.我们卖了很多足球。新设计的“团队之星”就卖了五千万个。这个数字我们之前都没有预见到。本届世界杯在很多方面都非常出色。当然对于我们公司,我们收获一些经济上的回报,但对于整个德国而言收获更多,它使得许多德国人成为真正的足球迷。

杨澜:您有到比赛现场吗?您到现场看了几场比赛?Were you at the game? How many matches did you watch yourself? Hainer: Of Course I’ve been to the games as I myself am a great football fan.I played when I was young.So I went to 19 games, many of them were exciting, some of them were mediocre.But honestly, I enjoyed all of them.我当然看比赛了。我本人就是球迷,年轻的时候也踢过足球。我一共去看了19场比赛。很多都很激动人心,也有个别一般的,但坦白地说,所有比赛我都喜欢。

杨澜:我听说阿迪达斯在本次世界杯上没有赞助很多球队。你们只赞助了6支球队,对吗?你们的竞争对手却赞助了12支球队。I heard that Addidas didn’t sponsor many teams during the World Cup.You only sponsored six, right? And your competitor sponsored twelve? Hainer: Yes, this is correct and I got this question several times before the World Cup.And my answer was always the same.I said, “I don’t think quantity is what counts, quality is what counts”.是的,没错。世界杯前我也被问及这个问题多次。我的回答都是一样的。我说:“我不认为数量决定一切,质量才是关键。”

The Second point I made, especially when we talk about our competitor who has twelve teams, is that after the first round you will see a lot of teams dropping out, and finally Addidas has more teams in the quarter final than anybody else.We have more teams in the semi-final than anybody else, and Addida-sponsored team won in the final.我说的第二点,特别是谈及我们的竞争对手赞助了十二支球队时,是这样的事实——在第一轮比赛之后,很多球队被淘汰。所以在四分之一竞赛阶段,阿迪达斯成为拥有最多球队的赞助商。在半决赛中,我们保持了这一领先位置,并为最重视阿迪达斯赞助的球队赢得了本届世界杯冠军。

杨澜:随着例如北京奥运会这类大型赛事的赞助费不断攀升,您认为成为这类大型赛事的官方合作伙伴仍然物有所值吗?你们在销售上会有相应的回报吗?With the ever increasing amount of sponsorship for major events, like for example the Beijing Olympics, do you still think it’s worthwhile to be an official partner for the sporting events of this size and scale? Will you get enough returns from sales? Hainer: Definitely.Otherwise, we wouldn’t do it.Nobody is forcing us to do it.I t is a good market strategy.If you look back at World Cup 2002, the World Cup in Japan and Korea, we were outfitting the Japanese team.Great world cup, lots of success.Addidas sold 650,000 Japan shirts at that time.And in 2005, three years later, we became the market leader in Japan.So you can see there is a benefit for us as a brand if you do it right.当然,否则我们也不会这么做,没有人强迫我们这么做,这是一种正确的市场策略。回顾2002年的韩日世界杯,当时我们是为日本对赞助球衣。那一届世界杯对于阿迪达斯是一个巨大的成功。我们销售了65万件日本队的球服。接下来三年后到2005年,我们成为日本市场的行业领头羊。所以,如果你的赞助方式正确的话,对于品牌的建立是有益处的。

杨澜:那么,通过阿迪达斯和北京奥组委的合作,您想达成什么目标呢? What do you want to achieve from your cooperation with BOCOG? Hainer: It is a logical question following my previous explanation.It is plain.Our target is to become the market leader in 2008 in the Chinese market.接着我刚才所讲的话,这个问题的答案显而易见。我们的目标就是成为2008中国市场的行业龙头。杨澜:海纳先生,谢谢您接受我们的采访。也祝愿你们的产品能在中国市场取得成功。Mr.Hainer, thank you for this interview.We wish you every success in selling your products in China.Hainer: Thank you!The pleasure is mine.It was very enjoyable talking to you.谢谢!我也非常荣幸。很高兴与你交谈。

3、IOC President’s Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Olympiad 主题导入:国际奥委会主席罗格2008年北京奥运会闭幕式上的致辞 Dear Chinese Friends, 亲爱的中国朋友们,Tonight, we come to the end of 16 glorious days which we will cherish forever.Thank you to the people of China, all the wonderful volunteers and BOCOG!今晚,我们即将走到16天光辉历程的终点。这些日子,将在我们的心中永远珍藏,感谢中国人民,感谢所有出色的志愿者,感谢北京奥组委!

Through these Games, the world learned more about China, and China learned more about the world.Athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees came to these dazzling venues and awed us with their talent.通过本届奥运会,世界更多地了解了中国,中国更多地了解了世界。来自204个国家和地区奥委会的运动健儿们,在光彩夺目的场馆里同场竞技,用他们的精彩的表现博得了我们的赞叹。

New stars were born;Stars from past Games amazed us again.We shared their joys and their tears, and we marveled at their ability.We will long remember the achievements we witnessed here.新的奥运明星诞生了,往日的奥运明星又一次带来惊喜。我们分享他们的黄晓和泪水,我们钦佩他们的才能与风采,我们再次见证并将长久铭记他们所创作的辉煌成就。

As we celebrate the success of these Games, let us all together wish the best for the talented athletes who will soon participate in the Paralympic Games.They also inspire us.在庆祝奥运会圆满成功之际,让我们一起祝福才华洋溢的残奥会运动健儿们,希望他们在即将到来的残奥会上取得优秀的成绩。他们也令我们感动。

To the athletes tonight: You were true role models.You have shown us the unifying power of sport.The Olympic spirit lives in the warm embrace of competitive rivals from nations in conflict.Keep that spirit alive when you return home.今晚在场的每位运动员们,你们是真正的楷模,你们充分展示了体育的凝聚力。来自冲突国家的竞技对手热情拥抱,闪耀着奥林匹克精神的光辉。希望你们回国后让这种精神生生不息,世代永存。These were truly exceptional Games!这是一节真正的无与伦比的奥运会。

And now, in accordance with tradition, I declare the Games of the XXIX Olympiad closed, and I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in London to celebrate the Games of the XXX Olympiad.现在,遵照管理,我宣布第29届奥林匹克运动会闭幕,并号召全世界青年4年后在伦敦举办的第30届奥林匹克运动会上相聚,谢谢大家!



英文名称:A Preliminary Course of Interpretation





通过本课程的学习使学生能了解和熟悉我国基本国情和重大路线、方针和政策,学会“宣传自己,了解别人” 以培养学生能基本掌握交替口译的主要技巧与一定的实践能力。目标应达到能胜任一般外宾日常生活口译,也能担任一般外事活动的口译的工作。同时还应初步掌握外贸和商务方面的口译技巧并基本具备从事该方面工作的能力,从而为学生将来有志从事口译工作或发展为复合型人才奠定基础,以适应新世纪对外语人才的新要求和新挑战。通过本课程的学习,要求学生能熟悉并了解交替口译的基本理论,掌握和运用英汉两种语言口译的特点,技巧和基本知识从而进一步提高学生综合应用能力,既要学习交替口译的技巧,更重视实践能力的锻炼与提高。4.课程学时:36学时 5.课程学分:2学分 6.课程类型:专业课 7.考核方式:考试

8.先修课程:《精读》、《泛读》、《英语语法》 9.适用专业与年级:英语专业本科三年级


第一课(学时数:2)知识点(教学内容): 1)口译概说


难点:记忆训练(1)记忆的编码、存储和恢复 第二课(学时数:2)



重点:记忆训练(2),分类、概括与比较 难点:常用问候语的口译 第三课(学时数:2)



重点:记忆训练(3)记忆方法和辅助记忆手段 难点:介绍事物的表达 第四课(学时数:2)



重点:相关介词的搭配使用,以及在口译中的翻译 难点:旅游介绍常用语和标志的翻译 第五课(学时数:2)

知识点(教学内容): 1.购物美食








重点:使用符号和英文缩写记笔记(1)难点:各种场所的口译方法 第八课(学时数:2)



重点:了解中国及英语国家的习俗和来源 难点:文化词及其相应的口译方法 第九课(学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):


重点:各类职位的翻译 难点:了解相关词汇和术语

第十课(学时数:2)知识点(教学内容): 1.商务礼仪









难点:对复杂结构句子的分析和对长句的理解与口译 第十三课




重点:学习掌握环境技术领域的词汇和术语 难点:环境保护英语的口译 第十四课




重点:学习掌握科学技术领域的相关词汇及特有术语 难点:英特网及一些先进科技的口译处理方法.第十五课(学时数:2)

知识点(教学内容): 1.网络时代




重点:源语国家和目的语国家存在的一些文化差异.难点:如何在口译当中避免一些因为文化不同带来的交流误解.第十七课(学时数:2)知识点(教学内容): 1 , 天灾人祸





教 材:

彭典贵,《实用英语基础口译教程》, 清华大学出版社北京交通大学出版社, 2010。参考书:



编制:英语专业教研室 审核人:杜昌忠 编写时间:2011年6月


研讨会 symposium 名片

business card 环岛路

around-the-island road 设宴洗尘

host a reception dinner in one’s honor 会议议程表

conference program 投影仪 overhead projector After you 您先请

The state department(美国)国务院

To have one thing very much in common

有一点十分相似 To practice geology 从事地质工作 Military career 军事生涯

To extend hospitality to someone 盛情款待 To get to know one another 相互结识

A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step 千里之行,始于足下 To propose a toast(to…)祝酒;为。。。干杯 Continued advancement


To build a secure, prosperous and peaceful world 建立安全、繁荣与和平的世界


at the invitation of 谨代表

on behalf of


to extend warm greetings to 最好的祝愿

best wishes 访问的第一站

the first leg of one’s visit 充满活力的经济

dynamic economies 常青州

the Evergreen State 翡翠城

the Emerald City 重要门户

important gateway 经贸往来

economic and trade exchanges 互利合作

mutually beneficial cooperation 发展势头良好

sound momentum of growth 事关两国共同利益的重大问题

major issues bearing on our common interests 就。。。交换意见

to exchange views on… 与。。。广泛接触

to have extensive contacts with 增进两国人民的相互理解和友谊

to enhance mutual understanding and friendship


Please allow me to introduce myself.I am…, the interpreter.2)对不起,我还没有请教阁下姓名。

Excuse me.I haven’t had the honor of knowing you.3)我们很高兴能请到您。It’s a great pleasure to have you here with us.4)谢谢您亲自来接我。

Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me in person.5)我们很荣幸能有机会再来中国。

We are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China.6)能有如此热情的团体参与我们的项目,我们深感愉快。

It is delightful to have such an enthusiastic group of people taking part in our project.7)我们十分感谢你们不辞辛劳远道而来访问我市。

We appreciate very much that you have come to visit our city in spite of the long and tiring journey.8)您旅途过得如何?

How was your journey? 9)我希望您在这里过得愉快。

I hope you will enjoy your stay here.10)我想把您介绍给······

I would like to introduce you to /I would like you meet….11)我相信你们未曾见过面。

I don’t think you had met each other before.12)女士们,先生们,我很高兴能有此殊荣向诸位介绍······

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my great honor to introduce….13)我能为您做些什么?

Is there anything I can do for you? 14)我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。

I would like to show you our provisional jtinerary.15)您满意我们的日程安排吗?

Are you happy with our schedule.16)对您短暂的访问,我们为您安排的日程很紧,希望您不要介意。

We have a tight schedule for your short/brief visit.I hope you don’t mind.17)感谢您为我们所做的如此精心的安排。

Thank you for making such thoughtful arrangements for us.18)谢谢您邀请我参加这次愉快的晚宴。

Thank you very much for inviting me to this delightful dinner.19)谢谢您对我的溢美之词。

I appreciate your kind words of introduction.20)祝您参观一切顺利!

I wish you all the best for your visit!


sales team 发展势头

momentum of progress 代理商agent


business partner

Your excellency 阁下 Reciprocate


Bilateral economic linkages 双边经济联系 To be listed


Singapore Exchange 新加坡证交所 Enduring friendship 长久的友谊


business trip 订单



in accordance with the terms for the time of delivery, quality and quantity 依依不舍

unwilling to depart 海内存知己,天涯若比邻

A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.1)为了我们的事业成功,干杯!

To the success of our business, Cheers!2)我敬您一杯,祝您身体健康,前程似锦。

I’d like to propose a toast to your health and to your bright future.3)请大家和我一起举杯,祝我们两国的友谊地久天长。

May I invite you to join me in a toast to the enduring friendship between our two nations.4)能受邀参加此次盛会,我感到无比荣幸。

I feel so privileged and honored to be invited to this grand meeting.5)谢谢贵方的热情款待。

Thank you for your warm reception.6)饭店我们早就预定好了,客人到了后就直接去就餐。

We have booked the seats in a restaurant, and will take the guests there as soon as they arrive.7)晚宴采取自助餐的形式。

We will have a buffet dinner.8)今晚我们将在海湾酒店设宴欢迎阁下,敬请光临。

We will prepare a banquet in your honor at Gulf Hotel this evening.We are looking forward to seeing you then.9)您想喝点什么?

What would you like to drink? 10)白酒太烈了,我恐怕喝不了。

I’m afraid Chinese spirits are too strong for me.11)这是我们当地的特色小吃,来,尝尝看。

This is our local speciality.Please have a taste.12)你的酒量应该不小吧。

I would think you must be good at drinking, is that so? 13)我能喝一点,但不习惯喝这么快。

I can drink a little, but I’m not used to drinking so quickly.14)我想吃点口味比较清淡的菜。

I prefer some dishes of light taste.15)我想喝点红酒。I would like some red wine.16)我们这儿靠海,菜主要以海鲜为主。

We live in a coastal city, so we have plenty of sea food.17)这是我给您点的清蒸螃蟹,来,随便吃。

This is steamed crab.I ordered it for you;please, help yourself.18)这道菜色香味俱全,太可口了!

This dish is good in color, smell and taste.It’s very delicious.19)酒逢知己千杯少。

A thousand toasts are too few among bosom friends.20)今晚我们将设宴为您饯行。

We will have a farewell dinner in your honor tonight.英语句子间的逻辑关系和对应的标识词主要分为以下几类:

先后次序:first of all, next, before, after, previously, simultaneously, eventually, finally 并列关系:and, too, at the same time, meanwhile, in the meantime 递进关系:also, moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, not only, on top of that 转折关系:but, however, though, whereas, nevertheless, in fact, instead 让步关系:although, though, despite, in spite of, even though 因果关系:so, thus, hence, as a result, conquently, reason, because, for, due to, accordingly 对照关系:like, similarly, in a similar manner 对比关系:different from, unlike, by contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely 解释关系:that is to say, in the other words, this means 条件关系:if, unless, once, provided that, in case(of), had I know, were this to happen 举例关系:for example, for instance, in this case, namely, such as, a case in pont 归纳总结:on the whole, in bitef, to sump up, in conclusion, in summary, to conclude, in short


his/her/your excellency 东盟ASEAN(assocation of south-east asian nations)中国-东盟博览会China-ASEAN Expo 同舟共济

to cross the river in the same boat 参会客商

business participants “10+1”自贸区

“Ten plus One”Free Trade Area 轮值主席国

rotating presidency/rotating chairmanship 远见卓识

great vision 源远流长

to have a long standing 感受

to have a touch of


friendly neighbourhood 剪彩

to cut the ribbon for


科克(爱尔兰共和国港口城市)Alma mater

母校 Foremost

第一流的 Veritable 名副其实的 Vibrant 充满活力的 Impetus

推动力 Deliberations



Chamber Choir 红河谷

Red River Valley 康定情歌

Love Song of Kangding 不分彼此no distinction between each other 闻名遐迩

to be known far and wide 友好使者

envoy of friendship 拨动心弦

play upon the heart strings


I would like to extend my warmest/ most cordial welcome to all of you.2)请允许我向远道而来的贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的问候。

Allow me to express my warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.3)我向各位表达我个人诚挚的欢迎,并衷心地祝愿你们的来访富有成果。

I want to extend my personal welcome to all of you and sincerely hope that your visit here will be rewarding.4)我祝愿本届年会圆满成功,并祝各位在北京过得愉快。

Finally, I wish this annual meeting a complete success and wish all of you a pleasant stay in beijing.5)我非常高兴地欢迎各位出席······

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to… It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to…


Today we are especially honored to have the presence of the heads of state and government of China and other participant countries.7)总理阁下

His/her/your Excellency…, Premier of… 8)总统阁下

His/her/your Excellency…, President of… 9)陛下

His/her/your Majesty, …


Now please rise and applaud for the arrival of the heads of state and government of… 11)在此,我谨代表······的组委会,对各位嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎。

Hereby, on behalf of the organizing committee of…, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the distinguished guests present here.12)我代表······,向参会的各位领导,海内外亲朋好友表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的问候。I’d like to extend, on behalf of…, a warm welcome and sincere thanks to all the leaders and dear friends from home and abroad present here today.13)我们之间的有好多交往源远流长。

Our friendly exchanges have a long history like a stream that has come long way.14)我们双方的合作珠联璧合、相得益彰,共同拥有美好的未来。

We hope that our bilateral cooperation will be like a perfect match of pearls and jade, bringing out the best of each other and sharing a beautiful future together.15)欢迎······讲话/致辞。

Now I would like to give the floor to…

Now I would like to invite… to deliver his/her speech.16)欢迎······致辞并宣布开幕。

Now I would like to invite … to address and inaugurate the…


Now with a warm round of applause, I’m privileged to invite leaders and guests to come to the front of the stage to launch the expo.18)下面有请······为本次开幕剪彩。

Now let’s welcome… to cut the ribbon for the opening of the fair.19)开幕式到此结束,谢谢大家!

With that, the opening ceremony comes to a successful close.Thank you all!20)预祝本次会议取得圆满成功!

I wish this conference a complete success!


press conference 锦标赛

championship 选拔赛

qualification competition 肯尼亚Kenya 坦桑尼亚

Tanzania 厄瓜多尔

Ecuador 埃塞俄比亚

Ethiopia 绿化广场

landscaoed square 航拍

aerial view 电视直播

be televised live 电子芯片

electronic chips 创世界纪录奖

World Record Award 男子冠军

Men’s Champion 女子冠军

Women’s Champion

Teamgeist Ball

“团队之星” Drop out


The quarter final

四分之一决赛 Semi-final

半决赛 To outfit

提供球衣 官方赞助商

official sponsor

BOCOG北京奥组委 Role models 楷模

The paralympic games 残疾人奥运会 The unifying power

凝聚力 Exceptional


The athlete surpassed/rewrote/renewed/chalked up the 100 meters record.2)许多运动员在本届奥运会中破、平世界纪录。

Many athletes broke or equaled world records in the Olympic Games this year.3)中国目前用“体育大国”四个字来评价比较准确。

It is more appropriate to describe China as an athletic giant or a sports power.4)发展体育运动,增强人民体质。

Promote physical culture and build up people’s health.5)我希望所有运动员都能打出水平、打出风格。

I hope that everyone of you can play up to your best level in skill and style of play.6)中国队在2007年日本公开赛上囊括所有冠军。

China swept/captured/took all the titles available in 2007 Japan Open.7)本次邀请赛由······主办、协办、赞助、冠名赞助。

The competition is organized by/co-organized by/sponsored by/title sponsored by….8)我想向大家介绍一下各运动代表队的组成、运动员和他们的参赛项目等情况。

Now I would like to brief you on each team’s composition, competitors and the sports events they will compete in.9)该运动代表队由2个领队、3个教练、25个运动员、共30人组成,将参加······等多项比赛。

The team, composed of 2 team leaders, 3 coaches, 25 competitors, and 30 members in all, will compete in the event of… and so on.10)我代表所有参赛运动员宣誓······

In the name of all competitiors, I promise…


In every sports competition, the principle of “three stricts”, which are strict ban, strict testing and strict penalties against doping, should be emphasized.12)兴奋剂检测是一项难度很高,责任十分重大的工作。

The steroid/drug/stimulant test is a difficult task that bears tremendous responsibility.13)所有运动员在比赛中都应遵循公平竞争的原则。

All the athletes must observe the principle of fair play in competitions.14)“更快、更高、更强”是奥运会的格言。

The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.15)请全体起立。升中华人民共和国国旗,奏中华人民共和国国歌。

All rise for the national flag and national anthem of the People’s Republic of China.16)荣获金牌/银牌/铜牌的是······队!

The gold/silver/bronze medal goes to the team of….17)首先祝贺取得胜利的运动队。他们今天的技术和战术水平发挥都很好。

First of all, I’d like to congratulate the winning team.They did quie well both technically and tactically today.18)我们今天状态不佳,过分紧张,影响了比赛。

However, we were not in very good condition and too nervous today.This had an impact on our performance.19)我们的对手一直是这个项目里的一流选手。我们在技战术方面向他们学习了不少东西。

Our competitors have long been at the top level of this sport and we have learned a lot from them both in techniques and tactics.20)虽然我们没有拿到金牌,但是我们已经发挥出自己的水平。这块银牌也是我们的最好成绩。我们以后还将继续努力。

Though we were not lucky enough to win the gold medal, we tried our best and got a silver medal, which is great.We shall make a greater effort in the years to come.三峡

three gorges 游船,快艇

yacht 张飞庙

Zhang Fei Temple 白帝城

Baidi City(White Emperor City)套餐

package meal(合同)一式两份

in two copies 码头



administrative committee 行程



personal belongings 工作人员

staff 民族风景表演区

Ethnic Performance Section 门票


National Park

国家公园 Be tempted to


Take precautions

采取预防措施 Sensible footwear 舒适耐穿的鞋


I would like to know the itinerary to Guilin.2)请问旅行社提供接机服务吗?

Will the travel agency provide pick-up service at the airport.3)我们一日游的包括了吃饭的费用。

The price of a one-day tour includes eating.4)这是到海南双飞五日游的价格,住宿的酒店都是四星级的。

The five-day tour price includes round trip air tickets to Hainan and four-star hotel accommodation.5)请仔细阅读这份旅游合同,如无异议请在下面签字。

Please read carefully the travel contract.If there are no problems, please sign your name at the bottom.6)我们明天早上八点出发,记得带上护照。

We will set off at eight o’clock tomorrow.Don’t forget your passport.7)一直往前走,你就可以看到旅游服务中心了。

Walk straight ahead and you will see the tourist service center.8)福建的乌龙茶很出名,到这里来旅游一定要品尝一下。

The Oolong tea in Fujian Province is famous, something you should not miss.9)这家饭馆是经旅游部门批准经营的,不存在乱收费的现象。

This restaurant is approved by the tourist authority;there are no hidden charges.10)这家礼品店的东西物美价廉,买几件回去做纪念品吧。

These items in the gift shop have good quality and good prices.How about buying a few as souvenirs? 11)外出迷路的话,请拨打当地旅游服务热线寻求帮助。

If you get lost, you should call the tourist hotline for help.12)我们有大巴到湖区,每小时一班。

There is a coach trip to the Lake District on each hour.13)贵重物品请随身携带

Please take your valuables with you.14)今晚我们先到酒店入住,第二天早上坐大巴出发。

We will check into the hotel tonight, and leave by bus tomorrow morning.15)这次参观博物馆有导游带领,有任何问题请与他联系。

This is a guided museum tour;please contact the guide if you have any questions.16)退房时房卡请交给前台,并保留收据。

When you check out, please return the key card to the recepton desk and keep the receipt.17)展览馆专门开辟了动手操作区,让游客与这些展品亲密接触。

There is a special “Hands-On” zone/area in the exhibition hall to offer tourists direct experiences.18)请听从导游的指引,注意安全。

Please follow the instructions of the guide.Take care.19)游客中心24小时受理游客的投诉。

The tourist center handles complaints 24 hours a day.20)祝大家在景区玩得愉快!

I wish you a happy tour in the scenic zone.A conducted walk

由导游带领的徒步观光 Waterproof

防水 Anorak

带风帽的夹克 Stout


The botanical garden

植物园 The war memorial



敦提(英国苏格兰东部港市)To pick one’s brains

向某人咨询 Morning service



Royal Greenwich Observatory 本初子午线

Greenwich Meridian Line The Palace of Placentia

普拉森舍宫 The Thames River



the national maritime museum 皇家海军军校

Royal Naval College 马鹿

red deer 杜鹃花

azaleas and rhododendrons 植物园

a herb garden London Marathon

伦敦马拉松 马术比赛

the equestrian events 飞驰

galloping 放松伸展

to unwind


the Zhuozheng Garden/Humble Administrator’s Garden 国务院

the State Council 全国重点文物保护单位

important historical site under state protection 文化遗产

cultural legacy 瑰宝

treasure 叱咤风云

celebrities of great influence 官场失意

to suffer setbacks in one’s official career 归隐

to live in seclusion 全景图

panorama 因地制宜

be adapted to local topography 中轴线

axis line


symmetric layout 漆雕画

lacquer painting “障景”

camouflage view 雕花engraved 门框

doorframe 长方形

rectangular 落地罩

floor frame 榭

pavilion 曲折蜿蜒

winding/zigzagging “框景”

frame view


Jiuzhai Valley National Park is a good place to appreciate natural scenery/attraction.2)厦门自然风光优美,人文景观丰富。

Xiamen has beautiful natural landscapes and many places of historic figures and cultural heritage.3)经历了两千多年的风雨,这座寺庙仍保存完好。

Although the ancient monastery has a history of more than two thousand years, it is still well-preserved.4)奥运会开幕式上巨大的字画卷轴让许多外国人对中国传统艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣。

The huge scroll of calligraph and painting presented in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games aroused many foreign people’s interest in Chinese traditional arts.5)金/银/铜/玉/瓷/陶/青铜/漆器

Gold/silver/copper/jade/porcelain/pottery/bronze/lacquer wares 6)上有天堂,下有苏杭

Just as there is paradise in heaven, here are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.7)桂林山水甲天下,阳朔风光甲桂林。

Guilin landscape overshadows those elsewhere, and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin.8)五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。

Trips to China’s five great mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary, and a trip to Mount Huangshan renders trips to the five great mountains unnecessary.9)会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。

One day I shall climb clear to the summit, see how small the surrounding Mountaintops appear as they lie below me.10)若把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。

I would like to compare West Lake to Xi Shi, the ancient beauty.Charming she looks whether richly made up or only slightly so.11)采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。

While picking asters beneath the Eastern fence, my gaze upon the Southern mountain rests.12)被列入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录。

To be put on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.13)绵延的山脉构成了一处处美丽的风景。

The rolling mountains provide gorgeous views.14)这儿附近有很多著名的历史遗迹。

There’re many known historic sites around here.15)老城墙是是古城最美的一个地标式景点,值得一去。

The old city wall is one of the most beautiful landmarks in this ancient city and definitely worth visiting.16)中国56个民族的不同风俗和文化是中国的宝贵财富,是世界的宝贵财富,也是中国最重要的旅游资源。The different customs and cultures of China’s 56 ethnic groups, which are both a national and world treasure, make up one of China’s most important tourist resources.17)古代帝王选择泰山,奉以供品,祭祀天地,为国家的繁荣与祥和而祈祷。

Ancient emperors prayed for the country’s properity and peace by offering sacrifices to Heaven and Earth on Mount Tai.18)这条美食街集餐饮、购物和娱乐为一体,游客可以在此体验异国情调,品尝他乡风味,购买旅游纪念品,参加各种娱乐活动。

The gourmet street encompasses services for catering, shopping and amusement.Tourists can experience the exotic atmosphere, taste the perse foreign foods, purchase attractive souvenirs and enjoy a wide variety of recreational activities.19)旅游业是向发展最快的行业之一。它的发展速度已经超过世界经济发展的水平。

The tourist industry is one of the fastest growing industries in modern times.Its growth rate has exceeded that of worldwide economy.20)旅游业不仅让服务行业受益,而且对旅游商品的制造业有利。它不是一个单一的行业而是涵盖交通业、住宿业、餐饮业、导游服务、银行保险业、制造业、教育等多种行业的综合产业。

Tourism benefits not only the service sector, but also the manufacture of tourist commodities.It is not a single trade, but a comprehensive one consisting of many enterprises such as transportation, accommodation, catering, guiding services, banking and insurance, manufacturing, education and so on.



1.Good morning / afternoon / evening ,welcome to Galactic Peace Internation Hotel 2.Execuse me , how may I take your your luggage ? 3.So you have 2 pieces of luggage althegether ? 4.Is therer anthing valuable or breakable in your luggang ? 5.After you pleace 6.The reception desk is straight ahead.This way please.7.Mr.Zhong I’ll show you to your room , your room is on the 25th floor in the executive floor 8.Is it your first time to live our hotel.9.Our western restaurant is on the 2nd floor.There are 2 style breakfast you can choose.The business time of the buffet breakfast is 6:30-10:00 , and the HK early morning tea is 7:00-11:00.The swimming pool and the gymnasium are on the 4th floor , it’s free for you by your room card.10.Here we are.Mr.Zhong after please!11.Mr.Zhong.This way please!Just a moment , let me open the door for you.12.Afthe you.Mr.Zhong.13.Mr.Zhong , how do you feel about this room ? 14.Mr.Zhong , do you mind if I put your 2pieces of luuggage here? 15.Mr.Zhong , would you mind me intraduce your room ? This is the mini bar , this is the safe , this is the reticle-port.Ifyou want use the telephone , please dile 8 before the room number or dile 9 before the outside number.16.Mr.Zhong , is there anything else I can do for you ? 17.If you have anything need , please dile 6 ,the Conciergewill help you everytime.18.Thank you!Mr.Zhong!That’s very kind of you!19.Enjoy your time!


1.Could you tell me what’s your room number

2.Mr.Zhong , could you tell me how many pieces of luggage do you have , and what’s the time we can go to your room to take your luggage ?

3.Mr.Zhong , your room number is 2501 , we’ll go to your room to take your luggage 3 minutes later , is it OK ?

4.Mr.Zhong , do you mind us to arrange a car for you ?

5.Good afternoon.Mr.Zhong , I’m the bell boy ,I”LL take your luggage , is your luggage really now ?

6.Mr.Zhong , how may I help you ?

7.Mr.Zhong , so you have 2 pieces of luggage altogether ?

8.Mr.Zhong , your 2 piece of luggage are in the truck , is it OK ?

9.Mr.Zhong , thanks for your coming!We look forward to your coming next time!Enjoy your trip!

Car Reservation

1.Could you tell me your room number ? 2.What’s your family neme please ?

3.Mr.Zhong ,could you tell me when will you need the car ?

4.Mr.Zhong , could you tell me how many people will take the car , there are 4-seat car , 7-seat business car and the 19-seat Coaster to rent in our hotel.5.Mr.Zhong , coulld you tell me where are you going ? Is it a sigle-trip or round-trip ? 6.Mr.Zhong , the rental charge of going to the airport is 260yuan RMB one way.7.Mr.Zhong , how would you like to pey for the rental charge , in cash or entry in your room charge ?

8.Mr.Zhong , coulr you tell me your flight number and the time of your plane take-off.9.Mr.Zhong , could you tell me your telephone number , that we can contact you in time.10.Mr.Zhong , let comfirm your rental imformation , you booker a business car to the airport at 8:00 a.m.on 10th , the rental charge is 26-yuan RMB , it will be taken when you check out , your telephone number is *** , is it right ?

11.Mr.Zhong , this is your receipt ,please sign your name.Thank you!Enjoy your time!

Goods Reley

1.Could you tell me your room number ? ,Mr.Zhong , could you tell me how many pieces of goods you want to reley ? Mr.Zhong , please fill the imformation of the fetcher in the reley list.Mr.Zhong , you can ask your friend to come to the concieage to fectch the goods.Mr.Zhong , we’ll comfirm your friend’s telephone number , room number and his nameto fetch the goods.And please sign your name here.7.Good afternoon , what’s your full name please ?

8.Mr.Zhong , wait a momenty please ,I’m going to take your goods.9.Mr.Zhong , we must comfirm your imformation.10.Thank you Mr.Zhong!Please comfirm your goods.11.Thanks for your coming!

Luggage Depositing

1.Could you tell me your room number ? 2.Mr.Zhong , is there anything valuable , breakable , inflammable or dangerous in your luggage ? 3.Mr.Zhong , how many pieces of luggage you want to checked ? 4.Mr.Zhong , when will you fetch your luggage ? 5.Mr.Zhong , please sign your name here.6.Mr.Zhong , this is the second halh of the luggage tap , you can use it to fetch your luggage , please take it care.7.good afternoon sir.Are you coming here to fetch your luggage ? 8.Please sign your name here please.9.Mr.Zhong , wait a moment please.10.Mr.Zhong , you checked 2 pieces of luggage althgether , are these your luggage ? 11.Mr.Zhong , where can I sent your luggage to ? 12.Mr.Zhong , welcome to our hotle next time!Enjoy your time!





