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151.Language, culture and personality may be considered

of each other in thought, but they

are inseparable in fact.[ A ] indistinctly

[ B ] separately

[ C ] irrelevantly

[ D ] independently

152.Shortage of land and funding are blamed for the city's

green space.[ A ] inefficient

[ B ] inaccurate

[ C ] inadequate

[ D ] indispensable

153.It is well known that knowledge is the __ condition for expansion of mind.[ A ] incompatible

[ B ] incredible

[ C ] indefinite

[ D ] indispensable

154.Although sports __ the household, Joe drew the line when they interfered with family tradi-

tions and routine.[ A ] overwhelmed

[ B ] affected

[ C ] dominated

[ D ] influenced

155.Once you have made your point clear at the __ of the essay, you must then proceed to con-

vince readers about the position you have taken.[ A ] departure

[ B ] outset

[ C ] concentration

[ D ] initiation

156.These excursions will give you an even deeper __ into our language and culture.[ A ] inquiry

[ B ] investigation

[ C ] input

[ D ] insight

157.The novel contains some marvelously revealing __ of factory life.[ A ] glimpses

[ B ] glances

[ C ] shots

[ D ] insights

158.Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this

produces artificial cold surrounding it.[ A ] absorption

[ B ] transition

[ C ] consumption

[ D ] interaction

159.One way for writers to support a point is through

, that is, by means of several examples to back up an idea.[ A ] illustration

[ B ] demonstration

[ C ] explanation

[ D ] interpretation

160.In this factory the machines are not regulated __ bm are jointly controlled by a central com-

puter system.[ A ] independently

[ B ] inpidually

[ C ] irrespectively

[ D ] irregularly

161.We must ___ __ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.[ A ] assure

[ B ] secure

[ C ] ensure

[ D ] issue

162.If we believe something is good and true we should __ to it.[ A ] hold up

[ B ] keep on

[ C ] hold on

[ D ] keep up

163.That cupboaM must always be

carefully locked.[ A ] shut

[ B ] held

[ C ] closed

[ D ] kept

164.Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will __

down the economy'.[ A ] put

[ B ] settle

[ C ] drag

[ D ] knock

165.By the end of 1994, 559 kinds of products had been __ green food.[ A ] named

[ B ] restricted

[ C ] classified

[ D ] labeled

166.Why should anyone want to read __ of books by great authom when the real pleasure comes

from reading the originals.'?

[ A ] digests

[ B ] insights

[ C ] themes

[ D ] leaflets

167.John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages __ in the dictionary.[ A ] missing

[ B ] losing

[ C ] dropping

[ D ] leaking 168.Fewer and fewer of today's workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field,the same company.[ A ] all else

[ B ] much worse

[ C ] let alone

[ D ] less likely

169.China started in nuclear power industry only in recent years, and should __ no time in catching up.[ A ] delay

[ B ] lose

[ C ] lag

[ D ] lessen

170.The mother said she would __ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment be-

fore supper.[ A ] let down

[ B ] let alone

[ C ] let off

[ D ] let out

171.Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of

standards.[ A ] equivalent

[ B ] alike

[ C ] uniform

[ D ] likely

172.With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its

[ A ] boundaries

[ B ] restraints

[ C ] confinements

[ D ] limitations

173.I shall have a companion in the house after all these __ years.[ A ] single

[ B ] sole

[ C ] alone

[ D ] lonely

174.The manager promised to have my complaim ___

[ A ] looked through

[ B ] looked into

[ C ] looked over

[ D ] looked after

175.The republication of the poet's most recent works will certainly __ his national reputation.[ A ] enhance

[ B ] strengthen

[ C ] enlarge

[ D ] magnify

176.Does it

to let little children play with fireworks?

[ a ] make clear

[ B ] make sure

[ C ] make out

[ D ] make sense

177.Every society has its own peculiar Customs and __ of acting.[ A ] ways

[ B ] behavior

[ C ] attitudes

[ D ] means 178.Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a __

[ A ] scarcity

[ B ] shortage

[ C ] minimum

[ D ] minority

179.Hudson said he could not kill a living thing except for the

of hunger.[ A ] sensation

[ B ] cause

[ C ] purpose

[ D ] motive

180.The microscope can ~ the object 100 times in diameter.[ A ] magnify

[ B ] increase

[ C ] develop

[ D ] multiply





31.It's __ my power to make final decision on the matter.[ A ] off

[ B ] outside

[ C ] above

[ D ] beyond

32.I felt __ to death because I could make nothing of the chairman's speech

[ A ] fatigued

[ B ] tired

[ C ] exhausted

[ D ] bored 33.Grace

tears when she heard the sad news.[ A ] broke in

[ B ] broke into

34.The question why be was absent yesterday

in the conversation.[ A ] came out

[ B ] came round

[ C ] came off

[ D ] came up

35.We'd better tell him frankly that he cannot come with ns;he cannot

a hint.[ A ] take

[ B ] receive

[ C ] get

[ D ] catch

36.The small white houses are

of the Greek islands.[ A ] special

[ B ] peculiar

[ C ] odd

[ D ] characteristic

37.Their confidence in him was greatly __ by his prolonged hesitation before taking any action.[ A ] appreciated

[ B ] confirmed

[ C ] weakened

[ D ] cherished

38.What seems confusing and fragmented at first might well become

a third time.[ A ] clean and measurable

[ B ] notal)le and systematic

[ C ] pure and wholesome

[ D ] clear and organic

39.The meaning of this poem is very

;I really do not understand it.[ A ] misty

[ B ] obscure

[ C ] dubious

[ D ] clear

40.When a number of people __ together in a conversational knot, each inpidual expresses his

position in the group by where he stands.[ A ] pad

[ B ] pack

[ C ] squeeze

[ D ] cluster

41.Nicoll made a few __ with his pen on the page he had just read.[ A ] signals

[ B ] marks

[ C ] signs

[ D ] codes

42.During the summer holiday season there are no __ moms in this seaside hotel.[ A ] empty

[ B ] blank

[ C ] deserted

[ D ] vacant

43.Does brain power

as we get older.'? Scientists now have some surprising answers.[ A ] desceod

[ B ] decline

[ C ] deduce

[ D ] collapse

44.To be an inventor, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very __ imagination.[ A ] vivid

[ B ] bright

[ C ] living

[ D ] colorful

45.He gave a brief

of the history of the university before the opening of the conference.[ A ] reference

[ B ] statement [ C ] account

[ D ] comment

46.The insurance company paid him $10,000 in

after his accident.[ A ] installment

[ B ] compensation

[ C ] substitution

[ D ] commission

47.People who refuse to

with the law will be punished.[ A ] obey

[ B ] consent

[ C ] conceal

[ D ] comply

48.Why does a vegetarian restaurant make its dishes resemble meat in every way except __

[ A ] ingredients

[ B ] elements

[ C ] components

[ D ] compounds 49.Hot metal as it grows cooler.[ A ] contracts

[ B ] reduces

[ C ] condenses

[ D ] compresses 50.His tastes and habits

with those of his wife.[ A ] combine

[ B ] compete

[ C ] coincide

[ D ] compromise 51.The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' __

[ A ] command

[ B ] conviction

[ C ] consent

[ D ] compromise

52.In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, __ schooling begins at age 5 and ends at

age 16.[ A ] compelling

[ B ] forced

[ C ] obliged

[ D ] compulsory

53.The Wright brothers __ the design of the first successful motor-powered plane.[ A ] confronted

[ B ] concealed

[ C ] converted

[ D ] conceived

54.Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose to __ on math

and theoretical physics.[ A ] impose

[ B ] center

[ C ] overwork

[ D ] concentrate

55.Among the many subjects in school, mathematics is probably the most , depending least on

a student's background and culture.[ A ] universal

[ B ] 'abstract

[ C ] arbitrary

[ D ] concrete 56.A good teacher must know how to

his ideas.[ A ] convey

[ B ] display

[ C ] consult

[ D ] confront

57.China Daily never loses sight of the fact that each day all of us __ a tough, challenging world.[ A ] encounter

[ B ] acquaint

[ C ] preside

[ D ] confront

58.The largest system serving e-mail messengers is the Intemet, a I of millions of computers

linked worldwide.[ A ] unity

[ B ] combination

[ C ] network

[ D] connection 59.Every camera we sell comes with a two-year

[ A ] guarantee

[ B ] safety

[ C ] confirmation

[ D ] conservation 60.Sometimes they __ their students' poor comprehension to a lack of intelligence.[ A ] distribute

[ B ] attribute

[ C] contribute

[ D ] consider



1.Daily nutrition, weight, and physical activities in the family will largely determine whether your children are _____ to children diabetes.A.likely B.susceptible C.influential D.Sustainable 2.The accusations we bring against others should be ____ ourselves;they should not ____ complacency and easy judgments on our part concerning our own moral conduct.A.denigration of.., exclude B.instructions to...equate C.parodies of...satirize D.warnings to...justify 【翻译练习】


The researchers, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, say when people are living together they share behaviors, such as eating meals together and watching TV.The scientists also note that marriage provides a number of health benefits, including decreased cigarette smoking and lower mortality.2、汉译英

上海举行的峰会可以促进六国之间的友好合作关系。【参考答案】 1.B 【句子大意】每日汲取的营养成分,体重和在家锻炼很大程度上决定您的孩子是否容易患上儿童糖尿病。

【精析】likely“很可能的,合适的”;susceptible“易受影响的”;influential“有影响的,有势力的”;sustainable“可以忍受的,足可支撑的”;故选B项。2.D 【句子大意】那些对他人的控告应该视为对我们自己的一个警告;我们不能够仅凭自身道德行径就有理由去妄下定论并且骄傲自满。

【精析】denigration of 诋毁,贬损;exclude排除,排斥;instructions教导,说明;equate使相等,视为平等;parodies of模仿,效仿;satirize讽刺,挖苦;Warnings to警告;justify证明合法。根据原文,可根据第一句话,首先排除AC选项,对他人的控告不能是对自身的一种诋毁,或效仿。故选D项。【翻译参考答案】


北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)的研究人员说,两个人生活在一起就会一同行动,比如说一块儿吃饭看电视。科学家们还强调,婚姻会带来许多健康方面的好处,比如说少抽烟,死亡率也会降低。


The Summit Sessions held in Shanghai could foster better relations and cooperation between the six counties.================================= 1.Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been ______ the goal of a practical and economical way to use sunlight to split water molecules.A.chasing B.reaching C.pursuing D.winning 2.Scientists believe that a conclusion which is drawn readily before all of the relevant data are collected, analyzed and contemplated is called ______.A.insincere B.premise C.presumption D.premature 【翻译练习】


The Wall Street bank said it earned $1bn, or $1.69 a share, in the second quarter, up from $683m, or $1.13 a share, a year earlier.Strong fixed-income trading results offset a sharp drop in debt-underwriting revenue.2、汉译英

只有那些不怕困难的人,才有可能在工作中取得卓越的成果。【参考答案】 1.C 许多世界各地的科学团体一直追求利用太阳光分解水分子这一经济实用方式的目标。【解析】动词词义辨析。chase“追逐,追捕”;reach“达到,抵达,伸出”;pursue“继续,追求,追赶”;win“赢得,在„„中获胜”。由关键词have been“一直在(表示持续状态”及“goal”可推知“追求目标”符合,由此知C项正确。2.C 【句意】科学家们认为在所有的相关数据被收集、分析和考虑之前轻易得出的结论被称为推定。

【解析】名词及形容词词义辨析。insincere“(形容词)不诚实的,虚假的”;premise“前提,假设”;presumption“假定,推定”;premature“早产儿,过早发生的事物”。由关键词conclusion“结论”及“before all of the relevant data are collected, analyzed and contemplated”可推知“称为推定”符合,由此知C项正确。【翻译参考答案】




Only those who are not afraid of any difficulties have the chance of achieving outstanding results in their work.================================ 1.The Chinese language differs _____ from the English language because of their different writing system and pronunciation.A)considerably B)consistently C)confidently D)continually 2.Everyone is trying to _____ how the fire started.A)figure out B)make out C)turn out D)clear out 【翻译练习】


We live in an ascending scale when we live happily, one thing leading to another in an endless series.There is always a new horizon for onward-looking men, and although we dwell on a small planet, immersed in petty business and not enduring beyond a brief period of years, we are so constituted that our hopes are inaccessible, like stars, and the term of hoping is prolonged until the term of life.To be truly happy is a question of how we begin and not of how we end, of what we want and not of what we have.2、汉译英

那种情况出现时,这种反应并不错,这是人类用道德观念进行推理的本能在起作用。这种本能应得到鼓励, 而不应遭到嘲弄。【参考答案】 1.A 【句意】汉语与英语有很大的不同,因为两者的文字和发音不同。

【解析】词义辨析题。considerably相当;consistently始终;confidently 自信地;continually不断地。2.A 【句意】每个人都试图弄懂是如何起火的。

【解析】词组辨析题。figure out 猜测,弄懂;make out起草,理解;turn out生产,变成;clear out 离开,腾出,清理。




When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind's instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.================================= 1.Now that the excitement of celebrating has had a chance to _____, it's time to turn the Olympic ideal into reality.A)cut off B)carry off C)turn off D)wear off 2._____, wings for the common man had to await the dawn of the space age to go back to the simplicity of their beginnings.A)Consequently B)Regularly C)Ironically

D)Comprehensively 【翻译练习】


The 21st century is named as the era of “Internet as the king”.Cyberspace will be an important strategic resource in this century.Network economy has great influence on the traditional economic theories and even changes them.Network economy has obvious scale effect.A greater scale promises more clients, products of more standard level, more business opportunities and thus much more interests.No matter how miraculous the Internet is, it cannot exist independently without traditional economy.Without traditional economy, network economy will be like the fountain without water and the trees without roots, which will not make a sustainable development.2、汉译英

他在科研上取得的成就要比预期的大。【1.11)参考答案 1.D 【句意】既然庆祝的兴奋感已经消失了,现在是把奥林匹克理想变成现实的时候了。

【解析】词组辨析题。cut off 断掉,切断;carry off 夺得,夺走;turn off 关掉;wear off 消失,磨掉。2.C 【句意】讽刺的是,为了回到自身飞翔的单纯起点,普通人类不得不等待太空时代的到来。【解析】词义辨析题。consequently 因此;regularly 经常;ironically 讽刺地,出人意外的;comprehensively 全面地,透彻地,此句含有一个前后的逻辑关系,故选C。




The success he has achieved in scientific research is greater than expected.=============================== 1.Some cultures have customs that ____ the clothing fashions of people in certain social classes.A)modify B)alter C)regulate D)revise 2.The ______ beauty of the mountain has made it a world-famous resort.Every year numerous tourists from home and abroad come to visit it.A)perpetual B)perplexed C)preserved D)perished 【翻译练习】


In order for the structure to achieve the size and strength necessary to meet its purpose, architecture employs methods of support that, because they are based on physical laws, have changed little since people first discovered them——even while building materials have changed dramatically.2、汉译英

很难说哪个方案更为切实可行。【参考答案】 1.C 【句意】某些文化有一些习俗,这些习俗规定了某些社会阶层中人们的穿衣时尚。【解析】动词辨析题。四个选项意思分别是:modify“修改,更改;修饰”;alter“改变,更改”;regulate “控制,管理;调整;调节”;revise“修订,修改;复习”。制度的管理和规定经常用regulate,modify是指略微的修改,alter范围较广,指任何的改变,revise通常指修订课本。所以选项C是最佳答案。2.C 【句意】山区未被破坏的美景使它成为世界闻名的度假胜地。每年,都有大量国内外的游客慕名来访。

【解析】形容词辨析题。四个选项意思分别是:perpetual “永久的,终身的;不断的,常发生的”;perplexed “困惑的,茫然不知所措的”;preserved “保护的”;perished “消亡的,毁坏的”。根据句子的上下文意思判断,只有选项C符合题意。【翻译参考答案】




It’s hard to say which plan is more practicable.=============================== 1.Fred tried to get to the door, but the table was ______.A.in a way B.on the way C.in the way D.by the way 2.______ a sudden burst of rain, the children came home with wet clothes.A.For B.Due to C.Owning to D.Thanks to 【翻译练习】

1、英译汉 Taihu Lake, a freshwater lake located in the eastern part of China with an area of 2250 square kilometers, is the third largest freshwater lake in China, next to Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake.There are about 90 islands in Taihu Lake ranging in size from a few square meters to a few square kilometers.2、汉译英 对我们来说,生活要是没有广大的城市地区似乎是不可想象的,但实际上城市还是相对近代才发展起来的。【参考答案】 1.C 【句意】Fred打算到门口去,但桌子挡住了道。【解析】词组辨析。in a way“在某种程度上”;on the way“在„„途中”;in the way“妨碍,挡道”;by the way“顺便说说”。根据题干中表示转折的but和做主语的the table“桌子”可以推断出答案选项为C。2.C 【句意】由于突降阵雨,孩子们回家后衣服都淋湿了。

【解析】近义词用法辨析。for引导的表示原因的状语从句不能放在句首,而且前面一般用逗号与主句分开;Owing to做状语时强调因果关系,修饰整个句子,可在句首或者句末,用逗号隔开;Due to作状语时与owing to同义,但一般不与其他成分隔开;Thanks to表示原因时一般出于感谢;故答案选项为C。【翻译参考答案】


太湖是中国东部的一个淡水湖,占地面积 2250平方公里,是中国三大淡水湖,仅次于 鄱阳和洞庭。太湖约有90个岛屿,大小从几平方米到几平方公里不等。


Life without large urban areas may seem inconceivable to us, but actually cities are relatively recent development.================================= 1.The new media law that has sparked a furor in the country requires all broadcast and digital media to provide “balanced coverage“ and is seen by critics as an attempt to __ the press.A.muzzle B.underpin C.sidestep D.reassure 2.______ whether the loan proposal is made by a government, state enterprise or private corporation, an appraisal of the economic and political situation of the borrower's country must be made to assess the risk involved.A.Depending on B.Notwithstanding C.irrespective of D.On account of 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

The Chinese government announced the annual August 8 as the ”National Fitness Day“ to promote physical activities throughout the country.This move not only popularizes the concept of keeping fit around the nation, but also persifies the methods of taking exercise.2.汉译英

你应该仔细核对全部资料,以避免严重错误。【参考答案】 1.A 【句意】新媒体法激起了公愤,它要求所有广播和数码媒体做到“均衡报道”,这被看做是一种压制新闻自由的举措。

【精析】Muzzle“使缄默;封锁...的言论”,underpin“巩固;支持”,sidestep“回避;侧向躲避”,reassure“使安心;使放心”。根据题意,答案选A。2.C 【句意】无论是政府贷款,国企贷款,还是私企贷款,都应该对借方国家的经济和政治形势有所评估,以预计贷款风险。

【精析】Depending on“根据,取决于”,notwithstanding“尽管;仍然”,irrespective of“不论;不考虑;不顾”,on account of“由于;因为”,根据题意,答案选C。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文

中囯政府宣布每年的8月8日为“全民健身日”(National Fitness Day),推动全民健身。这一举动不仅在全国范围内普及了健康理念,还使人们锻炼的方式更加多样化。2.汉译英参考答案

You should check all the data carefully so as to avoid serious mistakes.================================= 1.We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it ________ when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society.A.compacted B.dispersed C.delayed D.restricted 2.Allen will soon find out that real life is seldom as simple as it is ________in commercials.A.drafted B.depicted C.alleged D.permeated 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

long before the emergence of the written word, ballads, accompanied by music and dance,and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular.Chinese literature finds its origins in these traditions.however, ballads were what people improvised out of daily life, and due to lack of means to record and preserve them in ancient times, they quickly disappeared without leaving much of a trace.2.汉译英

即使你说服不了他,也不要灰心丧气。【参考答案】 1.D 【句意】我们都享有选择的自由,而不喜欢在社会的法律和道德界限内看到自由被约束。【解析】动词(过去分词)辨析。A.compacted “v.压缩(compact的过去式和过去分词);压紧”;B.dispersed “v.分散;传播(disperse的过去分词)”;C.delayed “v.延迟(delay的过去式)”;D.restricted “v.限制(restrict的过去式和过去分词)”。2.B 【句意】艾伦将很快发现实际生活很少想广告中描绘的那样简单。

【解析】动词(过去分词)辨析。A.drafted “v.设计;挑选;拉开(draft的过去式和过去分词)”;B.depicted “vt.描述;描画(depict的过去式和过去分词)”;C.alleged“v.宣称(allege的过去式和过去分词);断言adj.所谓的;声称的;被断言的”;D.permeated “v.弥漫(permeate的过去式和过去分词);遍布;渗入;渗透”。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文


Don’t feel discouraged even if you should fail in persuading him.================================= 1.I had eaten Chinese food often, but I could not have imagined how_______ and extravagant a real Chinese banquet could be.A.fabulous B.gracious C.handsome D.prominent 2.I told him that I would ______ him to act for me while I was away from office.A.identify B.authorize C.rationalize D.justify 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

as it turns out, showering or bathing daily wreaks havoc on something hilariously called the horny layer.hot water, soap and abrasive surfaces strip off the horny layer, exposing living cells to the elements.2.汉译英

这件事至今还没有得出正确的结论。【参考答案】 1.A 【句意】我之前常吃中餐,但是还是不能想象真正的中式宴会能有多么好,多么奢侈。【解析】形容词辨析。A.fabulous“adj.难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的”;B.gracious“adj.亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的”;C.handsome“adj.(男子)英俊的;可观的;大方的,慷慨的;健美而端庄的”;D.prominent“adj.突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的”。2.B 【句意】我告知他在我不在办公室期间,我会授权他代表我。

【解析】动词辨析。A.identify“vt.确定;鉴定;识别,辨认出;使参与;把„看成一样 vi.确定;认同;一致” B.authorize“vt.批准,认可;授权给;委托代替”;C.rationalize “vt.使„„合理化;使„„有理化;为„„找借口vi.实行合理化;作辩解;合理地思考”;D.justify “vt.证明„是正当的;替„辩护vi.证明合法;整理版面”。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文


So far no correct conclusion has been drawn on the matter.================================= 1.As I have mentioned, an important source of human stress is the _______between the demands of the inpidual and those of his society.A.splash B.smash C.crash D.clash 2.From his directions, it shouldn't be difficult to _____ the beach house in the map, even though you have never been there before.A.determine B.locate C.unearth D.ascertain 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

Another problem which the world will face is to get rid of refuse(废料).One solution is to burn refuse at very high temperatures in incinerators(焚化炉).A development of this, which may prove very useful in the future, is to use these incinerators to generate steam power.2.汉译英

你对下一步该做些什么,清楚了吗? =============================== 1.The head window of the car is made of safety glass that won't _____if it is broken.A.shatter B.shudder C.crush D.crumple 2.The mechanic jacked up the car and then ______ to change the tire.A.advanced B.went C.proceeded D.moved 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

About 350 years ago Galileo made a telescope and looked through it at the sun.What he saw both surprised and frightened him, for he saw dark spots on the sun which at once suggested to him that God had not made the world quite as perfect as he had previously believed.2.汉译英

他在这次旅行中的所见所闻给他留下了深刻的印象。【参考答案】 1.D 【句意】正如我所提到的,人类压力的一个重要来源是个人需求与社会需求之间的冲突。【解析】词义辨析。A项“splash溅泼声,溅泼;溅上的斑点等;溅泼的量;少量液体”;B项“smash破碎,破碎时发出的声音;撞车;网球的高压球;极为轰动的戏剧、歌曲、影片等”;C项“crash撞击(声),破裂(声);撞车,(车辆等)碰撞”;D项“dash(金属等的)刺耳的撞击声;(两群人之间的)打斗,打架,冲突;争论,争执;(颜色)不协调;交锋,交战,比赛”。2.B 【句意】根据他的指示,你不难在地图上找出那海滨别墅的地点,虽然你从来没有去过那个地方。

【解析】词义辨析。A项“determine v.确定某事物,决定;确定,测定”;B项“locate 找出,把„„设置,在,使坐落于”;C项“unearth发掘,掘出”;D项“ascertain确定,查明”。

【翻译参考答案】 1.英译英参考译文


Are you clear about what you should do next? ================================ 1.A 【句意】该车头窗是由安全玻璃构成的,在打破后不会粉碎的。【解析】词义辨析。A项“shatter(使果物)突然而剧烈地裂成碎片,粉碎”;B项“shudder(因寒冷、恐惧等)发枓、战栗;剧烈地摇晃”;C项“crush压(或挤)坏,压;捣(或碾)碎某物”;D项“crumple(使)起皱”。2.C 【句意】这位机修工用千斤顶顶起汽车,然后换轮胎。

【解析】词义辨析。A项“advance前进;进步;向前移动或推进;推进某人、计划等”;B项“go去”;C项“proceed开始,继续进行,发生”;D项“move移动,搬动”。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文


What he saw and heard on his trip gave him a very deep impression.================================ 1.______ in their island community, the various tribes used languages which became more and more similar to each other's.A)Managed B)Shrunk C)Assumed D)Isolated 2.If full credits were given to this part it could ____ a high grade for the student in his physical course.A)belong to B)be due to C)be subject to D)contribute to 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

After the concert Mom and Dad came backstage.The way they walked - heads high, faces flushed - I knew they were pleased.My mother gave me a big hug.Dad slipped an arm around me and held me close.”You were just great,“ he said.Then he shook my hand and was slow to let it go.2.汉译英

酒后驾车会导致灾难性的交通事故。【参考答案】 1.D 【句意】孤零零地待在这个岛国,岛上不同的部落成员使用的语言越来越相似。

【解析】动词辨析题。四个选项意思分别是:manage “营,管理;控制;办理;设法对付”,词组manage without “在没有„„下应付过去”;shrink “收缩,退缩”,词组shrink back “退缩,害怕”;assume“假设,臆断,猜想;假装;承担,担任”,词组assume responsibility“承担责任”;isolate “使隔离,使孤立,使脱离”。首先排除选项A和C,和题意完全不符,shrink一般指衣服的收缩。isolate则是指地理位置的孤立,所以选项D符合题意。2.D 【句意】如果学生在这部分得到满分的话,那么他物理课程的学分就会很高。

【解析】动词词组辨析题。四个选项意思分别是:belong to “属于;是(某团体、国家等)的成员”;be due to“由于;应归于”;be subject to “受支配,从属于,常遭受„„”;contribute to “有助于;贡献”。根据句子的意思判断,只有选项D符合题意。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文


Drunken driving will result in disastrous traffic accidents.================================= 1.It is our firm ______ that a step forward has been taken and will bring the country back to economic prosperity.A)conviction B)empowerment C)imperative D)proposition 2.Due to sluggish market conditions, the factory's workforce has ______ from over 4 000 to a few hundred.A)proclaimed B)dwindled C)repressed D)indulged 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

At the theater nervousness overtook me as I realized how much I wanted to make my parents proud.Finally, it was my turn.I walked to the lone chair on stage and performed ”Are You Lonesome Tonight?“ without a mistake.The applause spilled out, with a few hands still clapping after others had stopped.I was lightheaded, glad my ordeal was over.2.汉译英

真爱之路永不平坦。(莎士比亚 Shakespeare)【参考答案】 1.A 【句意】我们坚信:我们已经向前迈出了一大步,而且我们国家会重新走上经济繁荣的道路。【解析】名词辨析题。四个选项的意思分别是:conviction“坚信,深信;定罪”;empowerment “权力”,词组be empowered to do “授权做某事”;imperative “紧急的事;祈使”;proposition“主张,建议”,其动词是propose,词组propose at toast to sb.指“为某人干杯”。选项C首先排除,这里应该填入名词,而不是形容词,这件事不是我们的权力,所以empowerment也不对,conviction和proposition意思都可以,但是,conviction 更加强调程度,所以选项A是正确答案。2.B

【句意】受不景气的市场环境影响,工厂的劳动力从4000多人锐减到几百人.【解析】动词辨析题。四个选项的意思分别是:proclaim “宣布,声明”;dwindle “锐减”;repress “压抑(感情);镇压”;indulge“使(自己)沉迷于;放纵,娇纵”,词组indulge in sth.“沉湎于某物”。表示程度下降的只有dwindle,所以选项B正确。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文

在剧场里,当我意识到我是多么想让父母感到骄傲时,我极为紧张。最后,终于轮到我了。我走向舞台中央的那张椅子,演奏了一曲“今晚你孤独吗?”,一个音符也没拉错。顿时,掌声四起,难以停息。我 头有点晕晕的,庆幸我的苦难终于结束。2.汉译英参考答案

The course of true love never did run smooth.=================================1.Last year our school football team won four ______ games.A)obsessive B)concessive C)successive D)excessive 2.I can't possibly mark your homework;your handwriting is ______.A)illogical B)illiterate C)illusive D)illegible 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

The evening of the concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could remember.Dad got out of work early, put on a suit and tie, and slicked down his hair with Vitalis.They were ready an hour early, so we sat in the living room chatting nervously.I got the unspoken message that playing this one song was a dream come true for them.2.汉译英

他没有辜负教练的期望。【参考答案】 1.C 【句意】去年,我们校足球队连胜4场。

【解析】 形容词辨析题,四个选项的意思分别是:obsessive “着迷的”;concessive“让步的,许可的”;successive “连续的”;excessive “过量的”。根据句子的意思判断,只有选项C符合题意。2.D 【句意】我无法给你的作业评分,你的字迹都很难辨认。

【解析】形容词辨析。四个选项分别是:illogical “不合逻辑的”;illiterate“不识字的,文盲”illusive “虚假的”;illegible “难以辨认的”。根据句子的意思,只有选项D符合。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文


He lived up to the expectations of his coach.================================ 1.Arithmetic is the one fundamental science, ______ all other physical sciences.A)undermining B)undertaking C)underscoring D)underlying 2.In the professions where women ______ numerically, it would be reasonable to expect them to hold senior positions.A)tolerate B)integrate C)predominate D)accumulate 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

I was speechless.I had rarely heard Dad speak with such feeling about anything, much less the accordion.From then on, I practiced without my parents’ making me.2.汉译英

没带任何解释,他的申请就被拒绝了。【参考答案】 1.D 【句意】算术是最基本的一门科学,它是其他所有自然科学的基础。

【解析】形近词辨析题。四个选项的意思分别是:undermine“破坏,毁坏”;undertake “从事„„工作”;underscore“强调”;underlie “是„„的原因;成为„„的基础”。根据句子的意思判断,只有选项D 符合题意。2.C 【句意】对于那些妇女在数量上占优势的职位,妇女担当一些重要职位也是合情合理的。【解析】形容词辨析。四个选项的意思分别是:tolerate “容忍”;integrate “使融入”;predominate“数量上占优势”;accumulate “增加”。根据句子的意思判断,只有选项C符合题意。句子中有numerically所以predominate为最佳选项。1.英译汉参考译文


His application was denied without any explanation.================================= 1.She always fancied about going abroad, but when she arrived in Germany she found it hard to ______ herself to the new working conditions.A.cater B.suit

C.alternate D.Accommodate 2.She was afraid ______the dog in case it became dangerous.A.of exciting B.to excite C.that she excited D.to be exciting 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

Such humiliation paled, though, beside the impending fall recital.I would have to play a solo on a local movie theater's stage.I wanted to skip the whole thing.Emotions boiled over in the car one Sunday afternoon.”I don't want to play a solo.“ I said.”You have to,“ replied my father.2.汉译英

宗教信仰自由受法律保护。【参考答案】 1.D 【句意】她总是幻想出国,但是当她到了德国之后发现她很难适应这里新的工作环境。【解析】动词辨析。A.cater “v.投合,迎合;满足需要;提供饮食及服务”;B.suit “v.适合;使适应”;C.alternate “v使交替;使轮流”;D.accommodate “v.容纳;使适应,改变......以适应;调整以适应„„”。2.B 【句意】她不敢让这条狗兴奋,以免它变得危险。

【解析】短语搭配。be afraid 后面接不定式:be afraid to do sth.表示“害怕/不敢做某事”,接动名词: be afraid of doing sth.表示“一向害怕做某事,表示习惯”。根据后文的in case“以防”可知,是之后出现的事—it became dangerous,让她不敢去“excite the dog”,因此,B项更符合语境。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文


The freedom of religious belief is protected by law.================================ 1.There are serious problems of land _____in some arid regions of Northwest China.A.degradation B.fertilization C.enhancement D.dilemmas 2.After the sudden death of his mother, his aunt served as a _____mother until he was 18 years old.A.adopted B.effective C.surrogate D.interim 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

Throughout the summer, Mr.Zelli's lessons grew more difficult.It took me a week and a half to master them now.All the while I could hear my buddies outside playing heated games of stickball.I'd also hear an occasional taunt;”Hey, where's your monkey and cup?“ 2.汉译英

世界上没有两片叶子是相同的。【参考答案】 1.A 【句意】在中国西北的一些干旱地区土壤退化问题很严重。【解析】名词辨析。A.degradation “n.退化;降格,降级”;堕落;B.fertilization “n.施肥;肥沃”;C.enhancement “n.增加;放大”;D.dilemmas “n.困境;进退两难;两刀论法”。2.C 【句意】在他母亲死后,他的姑妈在他十八岁之前暂时作为他的母亲。【解析】形容词辨析。A.adopted “adj.被收养的;被采用的,有收养关系的”;B.effective “adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象”;C.surrogate “adj.代理的,代替的n.替代,代理”;D.interim “adj.办临时的,暂时的;中间的;间歇的”。1.英译汉参考译文


No two leaves are identical in the world.================================ 1.It was a long time before scientists could______ the mystery of the atom.A.penetrate B.pierce C.permeate D.pervade 2.The results of the several rounds of polls indicate that those who haven't vote yet are______ towards abolishing the entrance examination.A.sliding B.backing up C.standing by D.tilting 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

One July evening I was giving an almost flawless rendition of ”Come Back to Sorrento,“ and my parents called me to an open window.An elderly neighbor, rarely seen outside her house, was leaning against our car humming dreamily to the tune.When I finished, she smiled broadly and called out, ”I remember that song as a child in Italy.Beautiful, just beautiful.“ 2.汉译英

他读了很多书,古今中外都有。【参考答案】 1.A 【句意】科学家用了很长时间才发现了原子的秘密。【解析】动词辨析。A.penetrate“vi.渗透;了解;洞察;领悟vt.渗透;穿透;洞察”;B.pierce“vt.刺穿;洞察;响彻;深深地打动vi.进入;透入”;C.permeate “vt.(思想、感情、态度)感染,传播;弥漫;扩散”;D.pervade“vt.遍及;弥漫”。根据句意,A项“penetrate了解”符合句意。2.D 【句意】几轮投票的结果显示那些人还没有投票的人倾向于废除入学考试。【解析】动词(短语)辨析。用现在分词表示现在进行时态。A.slide “v.滑动 使滑行”;B.back up“支持,援助;(资料)备份;倒退;裱”;C.stand by“支持;袖手旁观;准备;站在旁边”;D.tilt“vi.倾斜;翘起;以言词或文字抨击”,固定搭配“tilt toward倾向;使偏向”。因此,D项符合句意和搭配。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文



He read all kinds of books, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.================================ 1.It is said that the custom of shaking hands originated when primitive men held out empty hands to indicate that they had no ______ weapons and were thus amicably disposed.A.lethal B.concealed C.murderous D.secret 2.Some teenager harbor a generalized resentment against society, which ______ them the right and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.A.deprives B.restricts C.rejects D.denies 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

”Very nice, better than last week,“ he'd say.Then I would follow into a medley of his favorites, ”Red River Valley“ and ”Home on the Range," and he would drift off to sleep, the newspaper folded on his lap.I took it as a compliment that he could relax under the spell of my playing.2.汉译英

从这个意义上说儿童和大人享有同样的权利。【参考答案】 1.B 【句意】据说握手的习俗起源于原始人类伸出空手来表明他们没有隐藏的武器,以示友好。【解析】形容词词义辨析。lethal“致命的,致死的”;concealed“隐蔽的,隐匿的”;murderous“杀人的,残忍的,凶残的,蓄意谋杀的”;secret“秘密的,机密的”。由关键词held out empty hands“伸出空手”知“隐藏的”符合题意,故B项正确。2.D 【句意】一些十几岁的孩子们往往对社会有普遍的逆反心理,虽然他们发育成熟,但社会拒绝给予他们同成年人一样的权利和优惠。【解析】动词词义辨析。deprive“使丧失,剥夺”,deprive sb.of sth.“剥夺某人某物”;restrict“限制,约束,限定”,没有restrict sb.sth.的搭配;reject“拒绝,排斥,抵制,丢弃”,没有reject sb.sth.的搭配;deny“否定,拒绝给予,拒绝„„的要求”,deny sb.sth.“拒绝给某人某物”。由关键词teenager、resentment、right and privileges of adults及词组的搭配知“拒绝”符合题意,故D项正确。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文 他会说,“不错,比上星期好,”然后我会接着拉他喜欢的曲子“红河谷”和“山上的家”。听着听着,他慢慢睡着了,报纸叠在腿上。我把这看作是一种赞扬:他能在我美妙的演奏中放松。


In this sense, children and adults have equal rights.================================ 1.One of the important properties of a scientific theory is its abilities to ______ further research and further thinking about a particular topic.A.invent B.stimulate C.renovate D.advocate 2.It is doubtful whether anyone can be a truly ______ observer of events.A.inadequate B.impassive C.genius D.impartial 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

Only music carried Dad away from his world of tools and projects.On a Sunday drive, he turned the radio on immediately.At red lights, I'd notice his foot tapping in time.He seemed to hang on every note.2.汉译英

她的眼睛由于兴奋而闪闪发光。【参考答案】 1.B 【句意】科学理论的一个重要特征是能够激发进一步的研究以及在某一专门领域的更深层次的思考。

【解析】动词辨析。invent“发明,创造,虚构”;stimulate“刺激,鼓舞,激励”;renovate“更新,修复,刷新”;advocate“提倡,主张,拥护”。根据题干后置定语中的关键词further research“进一步的研究”和further thinking“更深层次的思考”可知答案选项为B。2.D 【句意】是否任何一个人都能够成为一个真正公正的事件观察者还有待确定。【解析】词义辨析——形容词和名词辨析。inadequate“不充分的,不恰当的”;impassive“冷漠的,无感觉的”;genius“天才,天赋,精神”;impartial“公平的,公正的”。根据题干关键词doubtful“不能确定的”和truly“真正地”可知答案选项为D。【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文


Her eyes sparkled with excitement.================================= 1.Many artists believe that successful imitation far from being symptomatic of a lack of originality, is the step in learning to be ______.A.elegant B.confident C.creative D.imaginary 2.No one could come up with an easy solution to the government’s predicament----labor______ which is caused by the world financial crisis.A.decline B.vacancy C.rarity D.shortage 【翻译练习】 1.英译汉

Dad was a supervisor in a company that serviced jet engines.Weekends, he tinkered in the cellar, turning scraps of plywood into a utility cabinet or fixing a broken toy with spare parts.Quiet and shy, he was never more comfortable than when at his workbench.2.汉译英

邓铁涛是中医界的泰斗。【参考答案】 1.C

【句意】很多艺术家认为,成功的模仿是学习创新的第一步,而远不是缺乏创意的表现。【解析】形容词词义辨析。elegant“高雅的,讲究的,简洁的”;confident“自信的,确信的”;creative“创造性的”;imaginary“虚构的,想像的”。由关键词successful imitation、originality“独创性”及learning to be知应填跟originality意思相近的形容词,故C项正确。2.D


【解析】名词义辨析。decline“下降,衰退”;vacancy“空缺,空白”;rarity“罕见,珍贵”;shortage“缺乏,缺少,不足”。由关键词world financial crisis“世界金融危机”可知D项正确。

【翻译参考答案】 1.英译汉参考译文


Deng Tietao is a leading authority in the community of TCM.================================= 1.In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed ________ in Chicago and New York City.A)homogeneously B)simultaneously C)spontaneously D)harmoniously 2.The court considers a financial________ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.A)option


C)obligation D)penalty 【翻译练习】

1.We’ll be all right _______________(只要我们能到达下一个加油站).2..英译汉

We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances(drugs)is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.【参考答案】 1.B [译文]在过去的十年里,摩天大楼在芝加哥和纽约城同时获得了发展。[精析] 四个选项的单词含义分别为:同类地;同时地;自发地;和谐地。2.D [译文] 法官认为罚款是处罚他的合适选择。

[精析] 四个选项的单词含义分别为:选项;责任;义务;处罚。【翻译参考答案】

1.if only we can get to the next petrol-station 解析:本题“只要”不能用as long as,as long as保留时间方面的含义,它引导的条件句中的谓语动词通常是延续动词或系动词,如:I’ll let you use the room as long as you keep it clean.(只要你能保持房间清洁,我就让你用这个房间。)如果条件句中的谓语动词表示短暂性的动作,最好用if only。本句中“到达”就是一个瞬间动词,因此不选用as long as。2【参考译文】


=============================== 1.We work to make money, but it is a _______that people who work hard and long often do not make the most money.A)dilemma B)conflict C)prejudice D)paradox 2.Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very _______.A)intriguing B)indefinite

C)obscure D)dubious 【翻译练习】

1.In this night,if we can make good use of time,_______(当然毫无疑问地我们会成功).2.英译汉

In Australia-where an aging population, life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their part other states are going to consider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia.【参考答案】

1.D 【句意】我们工作为了挣钱,但是矛盾的是,工作努力并且时间长的人通常并非是挣钱最多的。

【解析】名词辨析。A.dilemma“n.困境;进退两难;两刀论法”;B.conflict “n.冲突,矛盾;斗争;争执”;C.prejudice “n.偏见;侵害”;D.paradox “n.悖论,反论;似非而是的论点;自相矛盾的人或事”。

2.C 【句意】因为教授演讲的主题非常晦涩,很少人能理解。【解析】形容词辨析。A.intriguing “adj.有趣的,迷人的”;B.indefinite “adj.不确定的;无限的;模糊的”;C.obscure“adj.昏暗的,朦胧的;晦涩的,不清楚的;隐蔽的;不著名的,无名的”;D.dubious“adj.可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的”。【翻译参考译文】

1.there can surely be no doubt that we will succeed 解析:in this light是一个惯用表达,意思是“这样说来”;make good use of指“善用时间”。如there can be no doubt that we would succeed,就只将“毫无疑问”译了出来,却没能体现“当然”。那么在there can结构中“当然”应该放在什么位置呢?通常surely/ certainly都放在情态动词之后,系动词之前。注意:“成功”也可以说get somewhere;反之,不成功、一事无成、毫无进展就用get nowhere。如:The new policy will get the company nowhere.(新的政策将使公司前途晦暗。)2.【参考译文】

在那人口老龄化,长寿技术和社会态度变化等同时产生着影响的澳大利亚,其他一些州也要制定类似涉及安乐死的相应法律.================================= 1.I intend to move that our committee ______ Jim as chairman, and I hope that you will second my motion.[A] will appoint [B] appoints [C] appoint [D] appointed 2.Our country had made great efforts to promote the family-planning policy, but ______ the birth rate is getting higher and higher.[A] as it were [B] as it is

[C] as it was [D] as is it 【翻译练习】

1.The government should enforce laws strictly.On the other hand,the public also should ________________(培养减少污染的好习惯).2.英译汉

There are, of course, exceptions.Small--minded officials, rude waiters, and ill mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US.Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.【参考答案】

1.C 【句意】我打算向委员会提议,任命吉姆为主席,而且我希望你能附议我的动议。【解析】本题考查虚拟语气。Move提议,建议,后接should+动词原形,should可以省略。2.B 【句意】我们国家已经大力推进计划生育政策,但实际上,出生率越来越高。【解析】as it is“照现状看,看样子,实际上”;as it was为as it is的过去式;as it were“似乎,可以说是”,往往含有“不符合实际或比喻”的意思。【翻译参考答案】

1.develop the good habit of reducing pollution 解析:本题考查词义辨析。“培养”的英文对应词是cultivate,但cultivate是指通过犁地等来耕作土地或指对人的养育、培育,如:to cultivate a love of art(培养对艺术的爱好);to cultivate a new generation(培育新一代)。句中的意思是说,政府应严格执法,另一方面,大众也应该养成减少污染的好习惯。“习惯”是要大众自己养成的,而不是说大众要培养什么其他人,所以应用develop这个词,表示逐渐形成,使行为朝着某一特定目标发展。2.【参考译文】


================================= 1.Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this_____, produces artificial cold surrounding it.A.consumption B.absorption C.transition D.interaction 2.Furniture has become cheaper, but simultaneously there has been a_____in quality.A.decline B.persion C.taboo D.Tendency 【翻译练习】

1._______________(他们来帮忙)encouraged me.2.英译汉

After six months of arguing and final 16 hours of hot parliamentary debates, Australia's Northern Territory became the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die.【参考答案】

1.B 【句意】由固体变为液体,水吸收周围所有物质的热量,这一吸收过程使得周围温度下降。

【解析】名词辨析。A.consumption“n.消费;消耗;肺痨”;B.absorption“n.吸收;全神贯注,专心致志”;C.transition“n.过渡;转变;[分子生物] 转换;变调”;D.interaction “n.相互作用;[数] 交互作用”。

2.A【句意】家具的价格变便宜了,同时质量也下降了。【解析】名词辨析。A.decline“n.下降;衰退;斜面”;B.persion“n.转移;消遣;分散注意力”;C.taboo“n.禁忌;禁止”;D.tendency“n.倾向,趋势;癖好”。【翻译参考答案】 1.Their coming to help 解析:原中文句是一个完整的“主、谓、宾”结构,但这种汉语语法结构按照字面直接译成英语They came to help的话,就不符合英语语法规范,因为后半句已经出现了谓语动词encouraged,所以这里我们要采用词性转译法,把“他们来帮忙”处理成动名词作主语的形式。其实,还有一种方法是把“他们来帮忙”处理成that引导的主语从句That they came to help,在句子作主语。2.【参考译文】


================================ 1.Years after the accident he was still_____by images of death and destruction.A.twisted B.haunted C.dipped D.submerged 2.It is a generous and receptive intelligence that was ______ from attaining its full scope by bad training, poor school and lack of opportunity.A.foiled B.thwarted C.balked

D.Inhabited 【翻译练习】

1.I was sorry ________________(没看上这部电影).2.英译汉

Some have breathed sighs of relief, others, including churches, right-to-life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage.But the tide is unlikely to turn back.1.B【句意】事故发生后好多年死亡和毁灭的景象仍然萦绕于他的脑海中。【解析】词义辨析。A项“twist缠绕,盘绕;扭曲,挤压;转动,旋转”;B项“haunt(指鬼魂)常出没于(某处);经常浮现于(某人)脑际”;C项“dip浸,泡,蘸”;D项“submerge(使)进入,液面、海面之下,淹没;完全覆盖”。


【解析】词义辨析。A项“foil阻止(某人)执行计划;阻挠,挫败”;B项“thwart 阻挠(某人)成事;阻止(计划等)实现”;C项“balk故意妨碍或阻止(某事物)”;D项“inhabit居住于,栖居于;占据”。【翻译参考答案】

1.to have missed this film 解析:本题考查了反译法和不定式完成时的用法。“没看上这部电影,所以我才感到遗憾”,因此动作发生在谓语动词之前,所以要用完成时态。如果用正译法将句子需填入部分译成not to have seen this film就不符合英语表达习惯,没有答案的效果好。2.【参考译文】

一些机构终于松了一口气,但是其他一些机构,包括教堂,倡导生命之权的团体和澳大利亚医学协会,尖锐地抨击这个法案,指责法案的通过过于匆忙。但是大势已定,不可逆转。================================= 1.The lawyer thought that piece of evidence was ______ early in the investigation but it turned out to be vital in convicting the man of theft.A.insignificant B.unchangeable C.unsuitable D.inevitable 2.We are going to ______ what were learned so far by some revision exercise today.A.consolidate B.reinforce C.affirm D.conform 【翻译练习】

1._______________(完成作业后),they went to the library.2.英译汉

With economic growth has come centralization: fully 76 percent of Japan's 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, tow-generation households.【参考答案】



2.A【句意】我们今天将通过做一些复习练习来巩固目前学习的内容。【解析】动词词义辨析。consolidate“巩固,使固定,联合”;reinforce“加强,加固,强化,补充”;affirm“肯定,断言”;conform“使遵守,使一致,使顺从”。由关键词“what were learned”及“exercise”可推知这里指“巩固学习内容”,故A项正确。【翻译参考答案】

1.Having finished their homework 解析:我们知道,现在分词在句中可以表示原因、时间、条件、结果等。本题考查了现在分词短语作时间状语的用法。由后半句可知,“完成作业”发生在“他们去图书馆”之前,因此,现在分词短语需要用完成时态。如果分词动作与谓语动词动作同时发生,就用一般式,如:Seeing the picture,he couldn’t help thinking of her.(一看到照片,他就禁不住想起她。)2.【参考译文】




第一部分 词汇记忆策略 1.全脑活化




右脑具备左脑没有的特殊机能: 1. 超高速大量记忆机制 2. 图像化机能 3. 超高速演算机能 4. 共振共鸣机能 2.举例说明:

***0***2131425 3.词汇记忆策略:联想法、串联法、构词法、近义词、近形词、易混淆词、加减词、固定搭配

 euthanasia, chrysanthemum  flower----rose, lily, tulip, peony, carnation, camellia, azalea, narcissus, chrysanthemum, forget-me-not, poinsettia, …

 receive---deceive---conceive(-ceive= take;con-= 共同) tumble---stumble(tumble…into/through 跌倒;stumble…over / on 脚下拌到东西而跌倒)

 stationary---stationery(文具,如笔pen,铅笔pencil中含有“e”, 故见到“e”就想起是文具。)

 genius---genuine(含有us的是天才,因为我们是天才啊!另一个就是“真正的”),  form---deform确(形状;变形) attach to

第二部分 实例练习1.联想法

carnation, narcissus, coroner, chandelier, hippocampus, assassinate, antarctic, armour,abalone, flounder, cult, beau 2.串联法 network: Internet---cyberspace---email---e-commerce---website---on-line---homepage---browse---retrieve---log on… 3.构词法


page/rage, advantage/disadvantage, message/massage, courage/encourage, voltage/mileage, village/cottage, luggage/carriage, garage coverage, cabbage, shortage, leakage, breakage, passage, postage, bondage(bond 结束、约束、债券;bondage就含有“束缚、奴役”的意思), damage, garbage(garb 衣服), manage ,spillage, usage, storage, savage, sausage(sauce), dosage language, image, heritage, engage-ward inward, outward, forward, backward, toward, upward, downward, seaward, skyward,---coward, reward, award,a-(构成作表语用的形容词;构成动词。。)apart, aloud, around, away, afar, aboard, across alike, acute, alive, asleep, aware amaze, amend, amuse, arise, ascribe, avail, await, awake, award, abound, abridge, amount affirm, acclaim, accompany, account, arrange, array, arrest, arrow 4.近义词

Merchants 煤商

Dealers 买进卖出商人 Businessmen(广义)商人 Tradesmen(英)店主

Scene 特别的景象,如泰山的日出



Nature 强调大自然的感召力,不着重具体的自然景象

Urgent 紧急

Hasty 草率

Instant 立刻

Prompt 快速;及时

Contend 竞争;斗争 Compete比赛;竞争 Struggle斗争

Conflict 斗争

Hinder Preclude Detain Retard Hamper Protract Postpone Cancel Delay Adjourn

Blame for Condemn for Accuse of Criticize for Announce Publish Advertise Inform

Substitute Selection Preference Alternative

Fraud Deceive Cheat Dupe

Decline Deny Reject Refuse

Reliable Confident Faithful Dependent

Income Wages Salary Pay Buyers Shoppers Customers Clients Particular Peculiar Special Unusual

Preliminary Primary Elementary Fundamental

Perplex Puzzle Confuse

Fatigued Tired Exhausted Bored

Thieves Burglars Robbers Bandits

Synthetic False Imitation Counterfeit Artificial

Mortal Fatal Deadly

Imaginative Imaginable Imagined Imaginary

Reproach Scold Compliment Reprimand

Empty Blank Vacant Bare .近形词 fiction fraction friction function

tumble stumble scramble humble tremble resume consume assume presume

resumption consumption assumption presumption bore core pore sore

simplify modify verify rectify

justify testify rectify verify

transcription subscription prescription description

attribute contribute distribute tribute

attitude altitude aptitude

descriptive prescriptive

interference interruption intervention interaction

transaction transmission transformation transition

contact intact

possibility validity reliability security

conceivable perceivable arise rise raise arouse

respectful respectable respected respective

detain attain retain certain contain

room doom boom loom

intense intentional intensive intending intended

assure ensure insure reassure

sometimes some time sometime some times

hatch catch patch match bare rare care dare fare hare

banish vanish diminish admonish

durability flexibility versatility 5 hostility fold include

gold cooperate hold form coordinate mold deform correlate sold inform correspond told transform

conform observe migrant

reserve immigrant contempt conserve immigrate attempt preserve immigration prompt deserve emigrant

emigrate except prior emigration accept superior concept inferior edge percept senior hedge

junior wedge receive

pledge deceive sparrow

conceive swallow deduce perceive hollow reduce

sorrow produce achieve narrow induce believe pillow seduce grieve

relieve bold preclude

cold exclude 自测题:

1.不看讲义,试一试你的记忆力。利用联想法,你能记住多少刚才所学的词:1.____________________ 2.__________________ 3._________________ 4._____________________ 5.__________________ 6._________________ 7._____________________ 8.__________________ 9._________________ 10.____________________ 11._________________ 12.________________ 2.列出以下单词的近义词: 1.income 2.mortal 3.urgent 4.synthetic 5.deceive 6.retard 7.empty 8.confuse

9.buyer 10.contend


1.tumble 2.description 3.justify 4.attain 5.attribute 6.prior



煤商 Dealers

买进卖出商人 Businessmen(广义)商人 Tradesmen



特别的景象,如泰山的日出 Scenery 一国一地的自然风光 Views 特别的景象 Nature 强调大自然的感召力,不着重具体的自然景象

Urgent 紧急 Hasty

草率 Instant 立刻 Prompt 快速;及时

Contend 搏斗;争夺(compete against sb.in order to gain sth.)

Compete 比赛;竞争(try to be more successful than another person or organization in business)compete with sb.for sth./ compete for office(争夺公职)/ against Struggle 斗争(try hard to achieve sth.)struggle against difficulties/ struggle for freedom Conflict

斗争(两种观点、信仰不能同时存在,不能都正确。)a conflict of opinion(分歧);The two accounts of what had happened conflicted with each other.(关于发生的事情,两个报道截然不同。)

Hinder: make it difficult for sb.to do sth.Or for sth.to develop High invest rates will hinder economic growth.Preclude:(formal)prevent sth.or make sth.impossible Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate.Detain:(officially)prevent sb.from leaving some place(拘留;扣押)

Delay sb.who wants to leave, by talking to them, asking them to do sth.(耽搁;留住)He was detained by a flat tire on his way home.The police detained the man to make further inquiries.Retard:(formal)to delay the development of sth.or to make sth.happen more slowly than expected.(妨碍;推迟)

Cold weather retards the growth of many plants.Bad roads retard the car(失修的公路阻滞了车速。)

Hamper: restrict sb.movement, activities, achievements by causing difficulties for them.Women's progress in the workplace is still hampered by male's attitudes.Hamper sb.from getting elected.Protract: last a long time, esp.longer than usual Protracted negotiations 旷日持久的谈判

Protract one's stay for some weeks 多呆了几个星期 Postpone: change an event, action to a later time or date Gail and Lisa have decided to postpone having a family for a while.The match had to be postponed.Cancel: arrange that a planned activity or event will not now happen.The football game had been cancelled due to rain.Delay: wait until a later time to do sth.Don't delay claiming or you may lose benefit.Adjourn: finish or stop for a short time The chairman has the power to adjourn the meeting at any time.Blame for

把……归于 Condemn for 谴责 Accuse sb.of sth.指责 Criticize for



宣布;通知 Publish

发表;出版 Advertise

为……做广告 Inform

告知(inform sb.of sth.)

Substitute: sth.new or different that you use instead of sth.else that you used previously.替代品;替补

Substitute teacher 代课教师

Selection: the careful choice of a particular person or thing from among a group of similar people or things.Preference: if you like a preference for sth.you like it more than another thing.Alternative: sth.that you can choose to do or use instead of sth.else

Fraud: a method of illegally getting money from sb., often by using clever and complicated methods.Deceive: make sb.believe sth.that is not true in order to get what you want.Cheat: behave in a dishonest way in order to win or to get an advantage, esp.in competitive, game, exams.Dupe: trick or deceive sb.哄骗;诈骗

Consumers are being duped into buying faulty electronic goods.Decline: refuse to do sth.(比较婉转,礼貌拒绝邀请)

Deny: She denied working for the enemy = She said she was not working for the enemy(NOT: She refused to work for the enemy.)Reject:拒绝申请,观点,计划 Refuse: 拒绝邀请

Turn down 拒绝(口语)

Reliable 可靠的;可信赖的(侧重于始终如一。)Confident 有信心的 Faithful 忠实的;可靠的(侧重于“忠于……”a reliable person, a faithful fighter

Dependent 从属的;依靠的Income 总收入 Wages 按周或日付酬 Salary 月薪;年薪 Pay 工资

Buyers 买主

Shoppers 家庭中外出购物的人 Customers 顾客 Clients 委托人

Particular: special enough to mention separately Peculiar: strange, unfamiliar, and a little surprising, esp.in a way that is unpleasant or worrying.Taste peculiar Special: not ordinary but different in some way and often better or more important.a special diet unusual: different from what is usual special---specially or especially specially: used when you do sth.that is different from what you usually do for a particular purpose(with a passive form of a verb: a specially made)especially: to emphasize sth.is more worth mentioning or more important than the other things,(…, especially when…)Preliminary 初步的;开始的(强调开始之前有准备工作)Primary 最初的;→主要的;基本的;→没有预备 Elementary 初步的;简单的 Fundamental 基础的


Make you feel worried and confused because it is difficult to understand.e.g.I was somewhat perplexed by his response.Puzzle: confuse sb.or make them feel slightly anxious because they do not understand sth.e.g.What puzzles me is how the burglar got into the house without setting off the alarm.Confuse(常用被动)

Make sb.feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand.e.g.Don't give me so much information.---you are confusing me.I was confused.Fatigued: very tired.e.g.fatigued after her long journey, Bill fell into a deep sleep.Tired: feeling that you want tosleep or rest.Exhausted: extremely tired and having no energy.Bored: tired and impatient because you do not think sth.is interesting, or because you have nothing to do.e.g.Children easily get bored.Thieves 小偷;窃贼 Burglars 潜入室内的盗贼 Robbers 强盗;贼

Bandits 土匪;强盗(常出没在山区、森林)

Synthetic 合成的 False 假的;人造的(强调替代品,与原物不一样,如假牙,人造瓒石)Imitation 仿造的(Beware of imitation 谨防假冒)Counterfeit 比Imitation 更贬义

Artificial 人造的(强调生产方式,如:人工降雨)

Mortal : causing death or likely to cause death e.g.mortal injures / blow / combat Fatal: resulting in sb's death e.g.fatal accident / illness / injures Deadly : like dead in appearance e.g.His face has a deadly paleness

likely to cause death e.g.deadly person lethal: causing death, or having the power to cause death e.g.a lethal dose of a drug

Imaginative: new and interesting idea used in a clever way;good at thingking of new, interesting ideas and at forming pictures in one's mind

e.g.imaginative writer;imaginative child Imaginable: emphasize that sth.is the best, worst example of sth.that it is possible to imagine All, every, only Imagined: forming a picture or idea in your mind about what sth.could be like.Imaginary: not really, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind.e.g.all the characters in this book are imaginary.Reproach: ~sb.for /with sth.~ for doing sth.blame or criticize someone in a way that shows you are disappointed, but not angry e.g.Jake reproached her bitterly for abandoning him.Scold: angrily criticize someone, esp.a child, about sth.that have done.Compliment: ~ sb.on sth.Say sth.nice to sb.in order to praise him Reprimand: ~ sb.for sth.tell sb.officially that sth.they have done is very wrong.Rebuke: speak to sb.severely, about sth.they have done wrong.[ ~ sb.for V-ing] Chide:(literary)to speak angrily to sb.because you do not approve of sth.they have done.Compliment Complement : show up the good qualities in sb.or sth.or make them seem more attractive.Empty: having nothing inside;not having people inside;not being used e.g.an empty table in the corner [ empty nest: the situation that parents are in when all their children have left home] Blank: without any writing, print, or recorded sound;showing no understanding;e.g.go blank: suddenly unable to remember sth.for TV;stop showing any images Vacant: vacant seat, room → empty and available for sb.to use Vacant job, position → empty and available for sb.to start with Bare: empty, not covered by anything or not having any decoration;not covered by clothes, by trees or grass Deceived 欺骗 Deserted 遗弃 Desperated 绝望 Disappointed 失望


fiction 小说 fraction 一部分 friction 摩擦

function 功能;职责

tumble 跌倒 stumble 拌倒

scramble 攀登;争夺 humble 谦虚;羞辱 tremble 颤抖;担心

resume 中断后重新开始 consume 消耗

assume 假定;假设;采用(think that sth.is true although you have no proof of it.E.g.~ responsibilities / power: start to do a job esp.an important one)

presume 推测;冒昧(think you can be sure of sth.because it is likely, although there is no proof.E.g.~ sb./ sth.to be sth./ be ~ed to do sth./ ~ to do sth.resumption 恢复 consumption 消费 assumption 假定;臆断;傲慢(the assumption of responsibilities: the act of starting to have control or power)(His air of assumption made him disliked.)presumption 傲慢;推测;假定(disrespectful or impolite behavior that shows you are too confident)



n.孔 core

v.使厌烦 n.令人讨厌的事 pore

v.注视 n.毛孔

a.多孔的 sore


simplify 简化 modify 更改

对某物作稍微修改使其完善 verify 证实

rectify 纠正;把不满意的状况变成合乎人们所期待的状况

justify 证明……是有道理的 testify 证明

rectify 纠正;把不满意的状况变成合乎人们所期待的状况 verify 证实 transcription: 抄写;翻译;副本 subscription:

捐赠;订阅;认购; prescription 药方;指令 description: 描述;描绘


把……归因于(to)contribute 捐赠;投稿

contribute… to 有助于 distribute 分发;分配 tribute


attitude 态度 altitude 高度 aptitude 天资;倾向 latitude 纬度 multitude 人群(a multitude of …许多)

descriptive 说明的 prescriptive 规范的;约定俗成的

interference 干预(强调妨碍)interruption 打断 intervention 介于;在中间起作用 interaction 相互作用

transaction 办理;交易;学报;相反作用 transmission 传送;传播;发送 transformation 转换;改革 transition 变迁;过渡时期

contact 接触;交往;有影响的熟人(tact 圆滑,乖巧,外交手腕)intact


possibility 可能性 validity 有效性;正确性 reliability 可靠性 security 保障;安全感

conceivable 可想象的;可相信的 able to be belileved or imagined.E.g.every conceivable means perceivable 可感知的;可认识的

arise: begin to happen(problem, difficulty)e.g.arise from= caused by rise: increase, go upwards, rise, become successful raise: e.g.raise a question;waise your voice arouse: make you become interesting, expect sth.;make sb.angry, afraid;wake sb.When things and prices move upwards on their own, they rise.People or government raise / increase the price.E.g.The government is raising the tax.Respectful 尊重别人的;有礼貌的 Respectable 值得人们尊重的;正派的 Respected 受到人们尊重的 Respective 各自的;各个的

detain:(officially)prevent sb.from leaving some place(拘留;扣押)

Delay sb.who wants to leave, by talking to them, asking them to do sth.(耽搁;留住)

Attain: succeed in reaching a particular level or in getting sth.after trying for a long time.Retain: keep sb.or continue to have sth.e.g.retain a sense of dignity Certain: 一定 Contain: 容纳


房间 Doom 厄运;毁灭;定罪 Boom 高潮,迅速发展 Loom 织布机

Intense 强烈的

Intentional 有意的;故意的 Intensive 精细的;强化的 Intending 打算;意欲 intended

assure : tell sb.that sth.with definitely happen.e.g.~sb.that …

be ~ed of: feel certain that sth.will happen ensure: make sure that it does happen(AmE.Insure)e.g.Please ensure that the lights are switched off before leaving the building.Assure can be used in this meaning, but it mainly used in : success, safety.E.g.The band's latest release has assured their success in the rock world.insure: against sth.bad happening to it by paying money to an insurance company.reassure: tell sb.that there is nothing to worry about.e.g.The doctor reassured me that there would be no pain.sometimes 有时 some time 一些时间 sometime 曾经;有朝一日 some times 几次

hatch 孵化 catch 捉 patch 缝补 match 匹配

bare 赤裸裸的;没有陈设的(揭露)rare 稀薄的;稀少的;煎的 care 小心;关心 dare 敢于 fare 车船费;乘客;伙食 hare 野兔

banish 禁止出入;驱逐出境;清除;消除(疾病)vanish 突然不见; 逐渐消失 diminish 减少;贬低

admonish 警告;告诫;忠告

durability 耐用性 flexibility 变通性;灵活性 versatility 多才多艺;多功能 hostility 敌意;敌视

co-col-com-con-cor-with(共同)cooperate 合作 coordinate 协调 correlate 相关 correspond 相符合

collaborate 协作(与cooperate 同,但多用于科学和艺术)

observe 观察

reserve 保留座位 conserve 保护;节省 preserve 保留 deserve 值得

prior 首先的 superior 优先的

inferior 次要的 senior 高级的 junior 初级的 exterior 外部的 interior 内部的

sparrow 麻雀 swallow 燕子 hollow 空的 sorrow 悲伤 narrow 窄的 pillow 枕头 arrow 箭

bold 勇敢的 cold 冷的 fold 折叠;褶 gold 金 hold 握 mold 模式 sold 卖出 told 告诉


移居者 immigrant 入境移民 immigrate 作为移民定居 immigration 移居;(总称)外来移民emigrant

出境移民 emigrate

移居外国 emigration 迁移出境;(总称)移民edge 边沿

hedge 矮树篱笆;障碍物


锲子;锲形物;事情的起因 pledge 誓言;典押;保人

deduce 推断;演绎 reduce 减少 produce 生产

induce 引诱;引起;导致;归纳 seduce 唆使;引入歧途

preclude 排除;杜绝;阻止 exclude 除外

include 包括

form 形式 deform 变形 inform 通知 transform 转变 conform 一致

contempt 轻视 attempt 企图 prompt 促使;推动;激起


except 除…… accept 接受 concept 概念 percept 感知;认知

receive 收到 deceive 欺骗 conceive 含有 perceive 知觉;意识到;把……看作……

(perceive … as … / take … as … / regard … as … / see … as …)achieve 获得 believe 相信

grieve 悲痛 relieve 放松

lilac n.浅紫色

antique violet n.古紫色 pansy n.紫罗兰色 white n.白色

off-white n.灰白色 ivory n.象牙色

snowy white n.雪白色 oyster white n.乳白色 gray n.灰色

charcoal gray n.炭灰色 smoky gray n.烟灰色 misty gray n.雾灰色


词汇题汇总(练习)A scientific law is liable at any time to need modifying.This happens when fact is discovered which seems to_____ what the law would lead one to expect.A.prove B.support C.contradict D.discourage 2 The scientific and medical prizes have proved to be the least______, while those for literature and peace by their very nature have been the most exposed to critical differences.A.radical B.prominent C.confidential D.controversial 3 After several nuclear disasters, a ______ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.A.quarrel B.suspicion C.verdict D.controversy 4 Our interests seem to ______ at this point.A.constrain B.condense C.conduct D.converge 5 Rescue teams from all over the world ______ on the earthquake-stricken area after the news s-pread that the quake, which measured 7.9 on the Richter scale, had claimed a toll of 15000 lives.A.persified B.disseminated C.converged D.accelerated 6 The ______ of electrical energy into thermal energy is a process that is easily carried out at 100% efficiency.A.conversion B.convention C.conversation D.version 7 Without Bob’s testimony, evidence of bribery is lacking and ______ in the case will be impossible.A.verdict B.sentence C.conviction D.acquittal 8 The two countries have developed a ______ relation and increased a great deal in foreign trade.A.managerial B.lethal C.metric D.cordial 9 Chemistry is closely______ with other studies: physics, biology and so on.A.corresponded B.concerned C.correlated D.cooperated 10 It is not enough to observe behaviors and _____ them with physiological events that occur at the same time.A.correlate B.comply C.correspond D.pertain 11 Being the manager of a large corporation, he has a great deal of ______ to deal with every day.A.correspondents B.correspondence C.incidence D.dependence 12 Since its inception, Pakistan has strived desperately to ______India, cultivating ties with any state willing to help it.A.counteract B.counterfeited C.counterchange D.counterbalance 13 A briefcase full of counterfeit money was found on the counter.A.forged B.currency C.substituted D.cash 14 He displayed a complete lack of courtesy and tact in dealing with his employer.A.tenacity B.curiosity C.civility D.hostility 15 What is missing from TV news_______ would fill a book.A.coverage B.dissemination C.declaration D.consultation 16 The none of students in the class likes the mistress, who is used to being_____ of everything they do.A.emotional B.optimistic C.interested D.critical 17 The ______ question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not.A.crucial B.forcible C.supreme D.valuable 18 In a porce, the mother usually is granted______ of her children.A.support B.retention C.perseverance D.custody 19 Any person who is in ______ while awaiting trial is considered innocent until he has been declared guilty.A.jeopardy B.custody C.suspicion D.probation 20 The jurors came to a deadlock in the defendant’s trial for murder.A.a decision of guilty B.a decision to punish by electrocution C.an impasse D.an unusual verdict 21 The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, ______ to discuss the implication of that conclusion.A.receded B.implied C.complied D.declined 22 Because of a recent obstacle in production, sales have dropped and accordingly profits have______.A.declined B.increased C.broken D.maintained 23 If somebody is _____, he is given a medal or other honor as an official reward for what he has done.A.confirmed B.decorated C.appreciated D.nominated 24 He won by______ because his opponent refused to play.A.defect B.default C.deficit D.refusal 25 The ____now seems to stand as the primary to a new era of strong economic growth.A.defect B.descent C.deficit D.defeat 26 It was their______ decision to leave their country, and as a result, they lost their citizenship.A.compulsory B.deliberate C.carefree D.modest 27 A ______ plan needs to be considered and accepted so as to lower the prices in these cities.A.deliberate B.disincentive C.functional D.fantastic 28 The supply of apples exceeds the _____ this year.A.request B.claim C.requirement D.demand 29 “Do you like your boss?” “No, he is too_______.”

A.in demand B.demande C.on demand D.demanding 30 I can’t understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.A.compliment B.criticize C.flatter D.challenge 31 Because of the bombing that killed six people, Washington has been urging the spokesman to______ terrorism more severely.A.charge B.censor C.blame D.denounce 32 The degree of downward slope of a beach depends o its composition of deposits as well as on the action of waves across its surface.A.sentiment B.sediment C.semester D.segment 33 Nobody at work is very happy, because last week’s sales figures were pretty _____.A.destroying B.depressing C.deceasing D.declining 34 I want to talk about all these points in_____ order of importance.A.declining




Sometimes a dictionary designates a noun as attributive, which means that it can be used to describe another noun or name its attributes.A.conveys




If you call the 911 emergency number, they will______ firemen, policemen, and paramedics immediately.A.assign



D.dispatch 37 The bus moved slowly in the thick fog.We arrived at our______ almost two hours later.A.designation




He was ______ to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.A.deduced




My grandmother has been ill for two months, so her health has______.A.deteriorated




Smuggling is a ______ activity which might bring destruction to our economy;therefore, it must be banned.A.pertinent




The Coriolis force causes all moving projectiles on Earth to be _____ from a straight line.A.distracted



D.permeated 42 In ancient Egyptian paintings, royal figures were differentiated by making them several times larger than others.A.distinguished




The ______ of the occasion was spoiled when she fell down the steps.A.privacy



D.secrecy 44 Even if I won a million-dollar lottery, I would continue to live_____.A.subtly B.frugally C.explicitly D.cautiously 45 His wife says that he was more frugal in his youth than later years.A.listless B.robust C.thrifty D.gullible 46 To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must______ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world market demand.A.improve B.enhance C.guarantee D.gear 47 Desperation, hunger, thirst, and resentment all make it more likely that people will______ a more powerful figure who promised them help and/or salvation.A.be prone to B.give in to C.live up to D.put an end to 48 She ______ at the thought of being parted from her family for so long.A.suffered B.grieved C.discriminate D.scared 49 It______ me to see him in such a bad health.He was such an energetic and strong young man only several months ago.A.depressed B.upset C.harmed D.grieved 50 I’m surprised they are no longer on speaking terms.It’s not like either of them to bear a _______.A.grudge B.hatred C.disgust D.curse 51 Participants in the Shanghai Cooperation Forum______ regional teamwork to promote investment and economic development.A.cursed B.echoed C.bounced D.hailed 52 The snow_____ my plan to visit my aunt in the countryside.A.confused B.bewildered C.conversed D.hampered 53 The trucks _____ heavy goods from factories to the ports.A.pull B.haul C.drag D.push 54 Cigarette smoking is a great health _____ and may lead to fatal diseases.A.opposition B.protagonist C.fault D.hazard 55 The manager stubbornly_____ the section director from reducing his staff despite the failing business of the company.A.hindered B.adapted C.imposed D.permitted 56 It must guarantee freedom of expression, to the end that all _____ to the flow of ideas shall be removed.A.prophecies B.transactions C.argument D.hindrances 57 Some birds______ when they look for animals to kill on the ground.A.hosed B.rolled C.hovered D.revolved 58 The full _____ of changes in computer technology will be felt within the next few years.A.affect B.impact C.action D.importance 59 The degree of economic growth is an ______ of the level of living.A.index B.advantage C.access D.aspect 60 The policeman tried to ______ the teenage driver to obey the traffic laws rather than fine him directly.A.induce B.abduct C.indulge D.lure 61 Since the package was______, the damage was paid for.A.ensured B.insured C.assured D.promised 62 The point at ______ at the meeting is whether they are to import the assembly line.A.argument B.controversy C.issue D.conflict 63 Lawyer have a terrible habit of using Latin and industry ______ to mystify people and themselves more valuable.A.inflections B.dialects C.accent D.jargon 64 As the cat lay asleep, dreaming her whiskers______.A.twitched B.twisted C.jerked D.jogged 65 The manager______ facts and figures to make it seem that the company was prosperous.A.beguiled B.besmirched C.juxtaposed D.juggled 66 The attack of the World Trade Center will leave a_______ impression on those who have witnessed the explosion.A.long B.forever C.lasting D.lively 67 His talent for music remained latent until his wife bought him a guitar.A.hidden B.sophisticated C.delicate D.profound 68 When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his _____ can be distributed.A.paradoxes B.legacies C.platitudes D.analogies 69 Now the public has an unprecedented chance to peer over the shoulders of archaeologists and historians and get a firsthand look at the_____ of the Mongols and their Asian predecessors.A.legacy B.bequest C.converse D.miracle 70 The farmer put up iron fences around the flower______ garden neighbor’s sheep should break in.A.on condition that B.now that C.lest D.but 71 _____ any one should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.A.In order that B.Lest C.If D.Providing 72 After the concert, the clean-up crew found the ground______ with papers, bottles and cans.A.scrubbed B.used C.littered D.dispersed 73 I don’t understand why people_____ such a beautiful garden with cans and bottles.A.located B.provided C.protected D.littered 74 Please put your empty cigarette packets and paper bags in the______ bins provided.A.junk B.litter C.scrap D.deposit 75 Laura, who comes from a wealthy family, spends most of her time enjoying herself, but takes _____ pains with her lessons.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few 76 What he told me was a _____ of downright lies.A.load B.mob C.pack D.flock 77 A _____ refers to an animal that is born from its mother’s body, not from an egg, and drinks its mother’s milk as a baby.A.mammoth B.penguin C.mosquito D.mammal 78 He expected the House to pass the bill by a comfortable______.A.maple B.marble C.marsh D.margin 79 The tiger continued to ______ us by walking round and round our tent.A.trap B.transplant C.menace D.provoke 80 A______ of this approach is that the variables are visually presented in a style that can be understood by generalists and specialists alike.A.value B.merit C.factor D.worth 81 Americans are highly_____, and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others.A.moving B.mobile C.movable D.motional 82 The two psychologists had to modify the American Sign Language somewhat in order to accommodate the chimpanzees’ spontaneous gestures.A.change B.abort C.shorten D.enhance 83 The whole program is well designed, but some details need further _____by some experts.A.proofing B.modifying C.demonstrating D.polishing 84 A scientific law is liable at anytime to need_____, that is an eternal truth.A.modifying B.changing C.revising D.adjusting 85 The integration of staff for training has led to a good exchange of ideas, greater enthusiasm, and higher staff_____.A.moral B.mortal C.morale D.mores 86 Another popular misconception is the _____ that great talent is usually highly specifiC.A.notion B.dilemma C.domain D.analogy 87 On behalf of my company, I am______ to you and your colleagues for your generous help.A.subjected B.inclined C.available D.obliged 88 They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic_____ that account.A.on B.by C.for D.with 89 The Barbie doll comes with a whole range of_______ that you can dress her in.A.outlooks B.outlines C.outskirts D.outfits 90 Such an _____act of hostility can only lead to war.A.overt B.episodic C.ample D.ultimate 91 Furthermore, if I were to leave him, he would______, for he cannot endure to be separated from me for more than one hour.A.prevail B.preside C.perish D.persecute 92 There’s one girl at my school who everybody______ because she doesn’t wear what everybody else wears;they are horrible to her.A.picks out B.picks over C.picks on D.picks off 93 Players will be_____ against four others worldwide in a timed competition to answer trivia questions from the 1950s to present day.A.trifled B.wreathed C.instigated D.pitted 94 The criminal’s _____ for leniency was ignored by the jurors.A.protest B.demand C.plea D.defence 95 When the rent was due, the poor man______ for more time.A.pleaded B.squashed C.exerted D.cursed 96 The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only youngster, who had been ____ for more pocket money all the time.A.supposing B.pleading C.trailing D.devising 97 He told a story about his sister who was in a sad______ when she was ill and had no money.A.plight B.polarization C.plague D.pigment 98 In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe______ Europe into a great war.A.pitched B.imposed C.inserted D.plunged 99 In 1816, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Northern Europe______ Europe into a bloody war.A.imposed B.plunged C.pitched D.inserted 100 It is not too late, but_____ action is needed.A.right B.urgent C.hurry D.prompt

答案(未必正确,请按自己查找对的理解): 1-5CADAC.6-10CBDCA.11-15CAAAA.16-20ABCCC.21-25BAAAD.26-30CADCD.31-35AABBD.36-40CBBCD.41-45BCABC.46-50DBBDA.51-55DDBDA.56-60DCBAA.61-65BCDCD.66-70CABAC.71-75BCDBA.76-80ADDCB.81-85BABAC.86-90ADADA.91-95CCDCA.96-100BADBD



