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基于对“阳光教育”理论的学习和研究,确定我校的办学理念是:用真知和真爱为学生的幸福人生奠基。真知即正确而深刻的认识,并且真实。《庄子·大宗师》:“有真人而后有真知”。毛泽东 《实践论》:“一切真知都是从直接经验发源的。” 成语“真知灼见”是形容见解正确、透彻。亦指真正看到,确实知道。真:真的,确切的;知:知道,了解。真爱:真实、纯粹、包含情感的爱。这里指教师对学生的全部的爱,教师无私、平等又朴素的爱。前苏联伟大的理论家、教育家捷尔任斯基说过:“谁爱孩子,孩子就爱他,只有爱孩子的人,他才能教育孩子。”只有真爱孩子,才是实施阳光教育的前提。





















一是要加强管理,从管理的细节之处保持环境文化的完整、洁净;二是要用心使用,制定相关的使用记录,精心维护,及时报修;三要努力形成“三jing”文化:即净 ——环境洁净,内心干净;静 ——环境宁静,内心恬静;境 ——环境优美,境界高尚。












【关键词】校园文化 德育 教育








校风是学校一种长期积淀形成的特定的集体心理定势。优良的校风是校园文化的深层内核,是校园精神文化的载体。实践证明,一所学校的优良校风一经形成,便可以振奋人的精神,激励人的斗志,规范人的行为,同时极具渗透力地给学生注入丰富的教育理念和道德信念,唤起他们高尚的道德情操,使其产生强烈的归属感、自尊感和使命感,从而促进学生的道德发展。如我校在充分调研论证的基础上,确立了“创造适合每一位学生发展的教育”的办学宗旨,以“刻苦、勤思、创新、求实”为校训,在教师职业道德教育方面作了广泛的探索和尝试,强化师德学习,注重以课堂外的修为来促进课堂上的教育教学工作,定期开展 “最美教师”、“师德十佳标兵”评选活动,要求教师与孩子们结成“交心的朋友”,积极营造成一种民主、平等、友好的师生氛围和协作的生生关系,积极开展“平安校园”、“诗词校园”、“安全文明校园”、“生态校园”、“人文校园”创建活动,坚持以健康的文化熏陶人,正确的舆论引导人,先进的理念造就人,优秀的作品鼓舞人,学校黑板报、宣传窗、红领巾广播站、少先队监督岗等常态化、规范化、制度化的宣传教育活动紧密跟进,形成了“刻苦、勤思、进取”的学风、“敬业、爱生、严谨”的教风和“勤奋、文明、健美”的校风,成为了学校最具凝聚力、向心力的东西,最深刻、最稳定地反映出学校的精神文化氛围,它如同随风潜入夜,润物细无声的春雨,滋润着少年儿童的心田,陶冶着少年儿童的情操,净化着少年儿童的心灵,以巨大的感召力引领他们积极进取、砥砺德行、磨练意志、塑造自我,从而成为具有优良个性的合格人才。
















首先,教育性原则。古人云:“百行以德为首。” 人无德不立,国无德不兴。道德建设的好坏,体现着一个国家民众的精神状态,影响着一个民族事业的兴亡胜衰。道德兴,国家兴;道德兴,民族兴--这是现实得出的结论。学校是教育人、培养人的场所,校园文化作为学校教育的一部分,首先必须突出教育性特点,时时、处处把握教育性原则,只有这样,才能充分发挥校园文化潜在的导向功能。通过各种有效形式对学生进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义和中华民族精神教育,探求激发学生学习成才的规律,使学生的综合素质不断提高,在形成正确的爱国成才观的基础上提高学习成绩。













2.教室布置,是孩子们各显神通的绝佳时机。教室里分布了各种各样的版块,这些版块上都有不同的名字“优作园地”、“我们的故事”、“成长的足迹” ……学生的优秀作文、成长记录、美术作品在这里展示,从而形成了每个班级不同的人文氛围。我们欣喜地看到他们的汗水在这里凝聚,智慧在这里闪光,个性在这里张扬,梦想在这里起航……

3.“温馨提示”,是孩子们品德形成的又一途径。走进校园,你会发现门口的草坪上有着孩子们温馨的提示:“建文明校,做文明人。”、“手上留情花自香,脚下留青草如茵。”、“珍惜一份绿,留于千人赏。”、“ 学校是我家,洁净靠大家。”……这些儿童化的语言对学生良好品德习惯的形成起到了潜移默化的作用。同学们驻足观赏或嬉戏玩耍时,那些提示语是他们无声的老师,告诉孩子们其实它们也有生命。




2.开展一系列文化体育活动。如三月份“学雷锋”活动,四月份“书香校园读写大赛”,五月份“春季运动会”,九月份“庆祝教师节”,十月份“祖国颂诗朗诵”,十二月“冬季三项运动会” ……从而丰富师生文化生活,增强校园文化氛围。






1.学校作为社区的一部分,同样学校文化也是社区文化的有机组成部分,因此校园文化更重要的是带动整个社区文化的繁荣与发展。学校成立了社区家长委员会,成立了家长学校,通过对家长家庭教育的指导与沟通,提高家长家庭教育的水平及家庭的文明和谐,提升家庭教育效能,从而达到对社区文化的辐射。我们经常组织师生走访社区各单位,同时邀请社区各届代表人物走进校园,为学校作报告、进行法制讲座、交通法规宣传等,以社区文化来推动校园文化,以加 强“亲密接触”。校江海小记者则如辛勤采蜜的小蜜蜂,对居委会进行了采访,收获颇丰。同时,新近成立的学校“爱心社”也将把爱心奉献给社区,开展各种形式的公益活动。
























精神文化是校园文化的核心和灵魂,在校园物资文化建设的同时要加强校园精神文化建设。良好校园精神文化,有利于浓厚的教育、学习氛围的形成,也能在教育直接难以达到或不能充分发挥效用的地方产生影响,成为教育的向导和有益的补充。校园精神文化是不断适应社会精神文化发展要求的,是校园主体精神社会化的过程和缩影,能通过其特有的精神环境和文化氛围使校园内的每个人在潜移默化之中,在思想观念、价值取向等各个方面与现存社会文化趋同,实现对人的精神、心灵、性格的塑造。因此,各中小学在校园物质文化建设的同时,也要大力加强校园精神文化建设。坚持 “两手抓”的政策,使校园物质文化建设与精神文化建设相辅相成,相互促进。





















本 科 生 毕 业 论 文


论文题目 作者姓名 所学专业名称 指导教师

中美校园文化差异 英 语





The differences of campus culture between China and

American By


Under the supervision of Associate Professor Yao Zhiying

A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Foreign Languages

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English

At Chuzhou University

March 14, 2011





年 月 日



I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all these who helped me in one way or another in the completion of this thesis.First of all, I owe great indebtedness to my supervisor, Associate Professor Yao Zhiying whose strict demands and insightful suggestions are indispensable through all the stages of development and revision of the thesis.She has made lots of corrections and suggestions while reading my drafts of the thesis.Without her patience and wisdom the present thesis would be unthinkable.Special thanks should also be extended to all of the teachers who taught me during my two years of study in Chuzhou University, in particular, associate professors Yao Zhiying, and Ye Zhengnian and lecturers Tina Yan for their enlightening instructions.At last, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my family and dear friends.With their consistent support and encouragement, I would be able to carry on my study and complete this thesis.I


Campus culture is an important part of social culture.It comes from the social culture, which is refraction and reflection in the whole campus.Therefore, it is influenced and constrained by the mainstream cultural.The campus cultural accords with the basic tendencies of mainstream cultural, and, at the same time, play a leading and catalytic role in the mainstream cultural of the community.The Sino-Us due to the different of political system, the traditional culture and the historical background, campus culture exist a bigger difference.Throng the analysis of the Sino-Us campus culture differences and seek its cultural roots, which conduce to the communication and understanding between China and America’s students.Meanwhile, the United States is a developed, multi-cultural nation of immigrants;their colorful campus has its unique culture.Therefore, we should stand on the traditional culture in our own country, positively absorbs the essence of American campus, for the development of our country’s university education to create a better campus cultural atmosphere.The thesis is pided into five parts.The first part briefly introduces culture and campus culture.The second part mainly discusses four perspectives: campus architecture and extracurricular activity and differences of teaching and learning and differences of independence and dependence.While the third part analyses three reasons for the differences.The fourth part tells the purpose is to draw on the advantages from American campus culture.The fifth part makes a conclusion to show the realistic significance of this paper.Key words: China’s campus culture America’s campus culture cultural difference original




关键词:美国校园文化 中国校园文化 文化差异 文化根源

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ………………………………………………....…I English abstract.....................................................................................1 Chinese abstract………………………………………………………2 Table of contents……………………………………………………3 1.Introduction…………….…………………………………3 1.1 The understanding of culture…………….…………….…………4 1.2 The definition of campus culture……….…………….………….4 1.3 The main content of this thesis ………………………………..…5 2.The differences of Sino-US campus culture ……………………5 2.1 The differences of campus architecture …………………………...5 2.2 The differences of extracurricular activity ………………………..6 2.3 The differences of teaching and learning …………………………7 2.4 The differences of independence and dependence ………………10 3.The reasons for the differences of Sino-US campus culture…11

3.1 Political system ………………….…………………..……………………11 3.2 Historical background.…………………………………………..12 3.3 National culture ………………………………………………….13 3.3.1 The influence of traditional culture ……………………………….13

3.3.2 The orientation of collectivism and inpidualism ………………….14 4.Conclusion…......................................................................................14

4.1 Restatement of the main idea………………………………………..15 4.2 Limitations of the thesis……………………….………………15 4.3 Suggestions for researching on campus culture…………………….15 Bibliography…………………………………….…………………….16 The Differences of Campus Culture between China and America

1.Introduction Culture is a reflection of human life, the records, and the product of history, is that people's needs and requirements of life, ideals and aspirations, and is also a high spiritual life of people.She includes that some of the ideas and theories, is that the identification and follow of people on the ethics, morality and order, is the way that people approach to life and living standards.Thought and theory is the core and the soul of culture, the culture of no ideas and theories isn’t existed.Any culture Contains thought and theory, ways and means of survival.Need is real, the ideal is a longing, desire is requirement, require must be done!General culture refers that in the process of social and historical development was created material wealth and spiritual wealth combined by mankind.Especially, it refers to social ideology.In a class society, culture is a weapon of class struggle.A certain culture(as an ideological form of the culture)is a certain social reflection of the political and economic, but also gives a great effect on political and economic.Narrow sense refers to the spiritual wealth created by ideologies, including religion, beliefs, customs, moral character, academic thought, literature, art, science and technology and a variety of systems.Narrow sense refers to that the spiritual wealth created by ideologies, including religion, beliefs, customs, moral character, academic thought, literature, art, science and technology, a variety of systems.Campus culture is an important part of social culture.It comes from the social culture, which is refraction and reflection in the whole campus.Therefore, it is bound by the mainstream cultural influences and constraints, and the basic tendencies of mainstream culture, consistent with the same time;the mainstream culture of the community plays a leading and catalytic role.Campus culture can be broadly pided into four levels: in the first place, the forms of material and cultural, that is manifested in the form of material and cultural landscape.Such as campus physical environment, buildings layout, arts facilities, cultural facilities.In the second place, the forms of

system and culture, also say that social relation is reflected in culture.Such as school affiliation, management system, organization and so on.In the third place, the concept of culture, that is manifested in the form of a rational spirit of cultural patterns.Such as the guiding ideology, goals, school spirit, study, and so on.In the fourth place, the mind culture, that is implicit in the intangible cultural forms between teachers and students.Such as thinking mode, values, emotional way, aesthetic and so on.The narrow sense mainly refers to the explicit form of the general campus culture such as campus trends, campus education, campus life, campus culture system, campus and cultural facilities, the style of study and so on.The main of this paper: according to the background of university campus culture, in this thesis mainly discusses four perspectives: campus architecture and extracurricular activity and differences of teaching and learning and differences of independence and dependence.Also, it analyses three reasons for the differences, including political system, historical background and national culture.Finally, the purpose is to draw on the advantages from American campus culture.So we should stand on the traditional culture in our own country, positively absorbs the essence of American campus, for the development of our country’s university education to create a better campus cultural atmosphere.2.The differences of Sino-US campus culture

2.1 The differences of campus architecture There is a bigger difference of campus architecture between America and China.American houses, including schools and government agencies are all at based on the room with four sides open to the outside.Although some are constructed with fences, to have a sense of opening, the fences are low and short.American people are open-mind, outspoken, and advocate of freedom and competition.This open construction structure reflects Americans’ psychology of living culture, which embodies outer openness and inner closure.Most of American campus has no walls.University of the United States generally has not walls, so-called “no marginal University”, “no walls University”, is an open campus.It seems that anyone can be free in and out.Of course, the security does not check your identity card or student card.So a person has a free feeling on campus.Therefore, we will see that America's open education is obviously.However, almost all Chinese university campuses are surrounded by walls.China's university campus is often a relatively independent space;campus and the outside are isolated by the high wall, in which almost all school activities are held.Although some school have learned to follow the way of the government to tear down walls and show green, but it only uses iron fence to take place of walls.Enclosure and external which surrounded by walls are two disparate worlds.Meanwhile, people's thinking seems to be locked by an invisible wall, and people feel that an open mind may indeed have causality with the opening of a wall.Courtyard wall culture is in fact

a protection of group privacy.In China, people stick to the principle of being open in the inner world and close in the outer world, showing the attitude of precautions to external.To compare with the central parts of Chinese universities, the walls and gates are marginal in Chinese universities and seldom connect with the main contractures.While in America, the school gates are integrated with other entitatitive buildings.The traditional colors of margin lard central are not as good as Chinese.Form the buildings of campus, and we also can see the differences.There municipal offices in Chinese university generally, and the offices are absolute and extrusive.Offices are often located in obvious places or the central part of the whole school.They transcend common teaching buildings not only in construction style but also in interior trim.However, in America, people can’t easily identify the schoolmaster’s office among numerous buildings.Specialized, unattached and splendor offices are not seen everywhere.The management apartment and teaching researches are not separated but near in space, which reflects the concept of being easy-going to people and all men are created equal.2.2 The differences of extracurricular activity Extracurricular activities are activities performed by students that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school or university education.Extracurricular activities exist at all levels of education, from 4th-6th, junior high/high school, college and university education.Historical background of the extracurricular activity made its first appearance in American colleges in the nineteenth century.It complemented the curriculum as much as subverted it.The students found in it a kind of laboratory for practical and vocational interests.The first extracurricular activities were student literary societies(which had roots in the previous century at Harvard and Yale), debate clubs, and by mid-century, Greek letter fraternities and sororities.Students also initiated and organized the early athletic programs on American college campuses.Literary societies were on the decline by the turn of the twentieth century, and some educators felt that less desirable extracurricular activities were now distracting students from their curricular responsibilities.Intercollegiate athletics soon became the dominant element in the extracurriculum in most American colleges and high schools.At the beginning of the twenty-first century, many colleges and universities have a broad educational mission: to develop the “whole student.” On American college campuses, extracurricular involvement is a key tool in this personal development.As the development of the well-rounded inpidual is a principal goal of extracurricular activities on college and university campuses, the numerous experiences these activities afford positively impact students' emotional, intellectual, social, and inter-personal development.By working together with other inpiduals, students learn to negotiate, communicate, manage conflict, and lead others.Taking part in these out-of-the-classroom activities helps students to understand the importance of critical thinking skills, time management, and academic and intellectual competence.Involvement in activities helps students mature socially by providing a setting for

student interaction, relationship formation, and discussion.Working outside of the classroom with perse groups of inpiduals allows for students to gain more self-confidence, autonomy, and appreciation for others' differences and similarities.For the majority of college and university students, involvement in extracurricular activities plays an integral role in the collegiate experience.Students become involved in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment, social, and enjoyment purposes, but most important, to gain and improve skills.A wide and persified range of extracurricular activities exists on U.S.campuses, meeting a variety of student interests.Chinese students' extracurricular activities are rather monotonous.Under the guidance of teachers or community organizations, they are usually to participate in a planned and organized activity, which is their own choice.But most of the students will not participate in these activities, because they think that learning is their primary task and the activities may disrupt their studies.Therefore, many students just keep on studying, and they are indifferent to the other knowledge, such as social practice, social life.They just want to read “saint books”.For these phenomena, America students have some different attitudes.Students attributed their growing maturity in college to both the formal and informal learning experiences of undergraduate life, but gave most importance to interaction with other students.They recognized that academic aspect of college awarded the credential needed to progress through a good career and contributed to broad general knowledge, but most students felt that it was extracurricular activity that most influenced their personal development.Most American universities encourage their students to establish different kinds of associations.They will take place of many activities.And the contents and ways of these activities are discussed and decided entirely by the students themselves.What’s more, according to their own preferences, various activities are designed by them.By these activities, students can feel happiness and acquire the skills and get inpiduality development.Of course, the atmosphere of these activities is full of freedom and democracy.2.3 The differences of teaching and learning

American teachers highlight on cultivating the students’ ability of creative ability and the ability of analyzing and solving problems.While in China the characteristics of teaching is that the teachers emphasized on how much knowledge which the students have accumulated and the teachers are always the center in the class.Compared with the two countries, there are several differences in the teaching method.First, American teachers always teach based on more general educational theories and psychological principles related to teaching while Chinese teachers are good at providing instruction based on how well they knew the subject matter.Recently, a study published in Contemporary Educational Psychology by Teachers College Professor Stephen Peverly and former TC students Zheng Zhou of St.John’s University and Tao Xin of Beijing Normal University suggests that Asian teachers simply know more about math.In a comparison of 162 third-grade

mathematics teachers in the US and the People’s Republic of China, the researchers found that while American teachers were more knowledgeable about general educational theories and classroom skills, Chinese teachers had stronger knowledge of the subject matter they were teaching, as well as a better understanding of the overall elementary curriculum that their students had covered and would cover in later years.American teachers, on the other hand, were more knowledgeable than Chinese teachers about concepts covered in educational psychology texts.While Chinese teachers were effective in providing instruction based on how well they knew the subject matter, their limit understanding of foundational psychology aspects of learning could be problematic.This limitation may possibly lead to problems which will affect student motivation, spontaneity, and creativity among other things.American teachers’ comparative lack of understanding of the subject matter revealed that teacher preparation programs in the U.S.should focus more on increasing understanding of the subject and that in-service training should be improved.Second, most U.S.teachers’ preparation pay more attention on teaching strategies rather than on content itself while Chinese teachers, on the other hand, told detail about the content when they instruct to students.One research found that while both Chinese and American teachers used similar methods to teach fractions—using hands-on learning tools, folding pieces of paper, coloring in geometric shapes—there was a big difference in the information each group presented.Most of the American teachers in the research, when asked their teaching methods, rarely mentioned content.Chinese teachers, on the other hand, tell detail about the content they present to students, and that content demonstrated a deep understanding of the subject matter as well as knowledge of the entire elementary mathematics curriculum.Third, the students in America have used to the student-centered teaching and problem-solving model while the class of China was teacher-centered, material oriented and emphasized on memory.In student centered teaching, the teachers dominate their planning, their teaching, and their assessment on the needs and abilities of their students.The teaching role in a student-centered learning environment is, at most, one of facilitator and guide.Teachers should be participants and often participate in students’ communication and “provide a scaffold for their students’ learning with their own knowledge and experience.The main idea behind the practice is that learning is most meaningful when topics are relevant to the students’ lives, needs, and interests and when the students themselves are actively engaged in creating, understanding, and connecting to knowledge.Instead of the teacher being the sole, infallible source of information, then, the teacher shares control of the classroom and students are allowed to explore, experiment, and discover on their own.The students are not just memorizing information, but they are allowed to work with and use the information alone or with peers.The students are given choices and are included in the decision-making processes of the classroom.The focus in these classrooms is on option, rather than uniformity.Student centered teaching helps us design effective instruction for every member of the classroom, no matter what his or her perse learning needs.According

to its nature, student centered teaching is adaptable to meet the needs of every student.As to teacher-centered teaching methodology, most students attain knowledge through transmitted by the teacher rather than constructed by the learners.They, therefore, find it normal to engage in modes of learning, which are teacher-centered and in which they receive knowledge rather than interpret it.Chinese students are often quiet,shy and reticent in classroom.They are not good at showing their opinions or emotion.Chinese students named “listening to teacher” as their most frequent activities in class.Perhaps another Chinese popular learning style is material oriented.In most of classes,for instance,the students read new English words aloud,imitating the teacher.The teacher explains the entire text sentence by sentence,analyzing many of the more difficult grammar structures and style for the students, who listen, take notes, and answer questions.Under this circumstance, we took it granted that a teacher's goal was to teach the students all that he knew and solve all the problems for them.Therefore, students could not judge things on their own.Thus students gradually lost the ability to learn by themselves.In addition, they were only equipped with the knowledge that were taught in class and made the same judgment upon every problem which they encounter.A teacher's goal is to help the students develop not only the ability to learn by themselves but the skills to make judgments on every aspect on their own.The teaching and learning style is very important in classroom expectation.A learning style is a particular way that an inpidual receives and processes information.For many Americans, books may contain facts, opinions and ideas.The facts are open to interpretation, the opinions to dispute and the ideas to discussion.Books are regarded as tools for learning, not to goal of learning.Therefore, critical thinking, judgmental questioning and active initiation of discussion are expected from students in the American school system.Students are taught to participate actively in the learning process by asking questions and engaging in discussion.Teachers have to impart a body of knowledge, but learners have to discover that knowledge for themselves in order to internalize it.Students should responsibility for their own learning.One aim of teaching is to help learners become independent of teachers, so that learners can use what they learn and continue to learn on their own.Therefore, in the process of teaching and learning, the most important of the teacher is that of catalyst—they help to make things happen by activating the students.The teacher can play the part of controller, organizer, a resource, tutor providing advice and support to enable students to learn.In American classroom, students do not have to agree with every statement the professor makes and all comments by a professor are open to discussion.Respect plays an essential role in the system;student and teacher can respectfully disagree.Their relationship is equally between students and teachers.The teachers are very friendly.So the atmosphere of class is free and relaxed.While in Chinese culture, there is a strong veneration of book learning.In class, teachers only infuse the previously prepared knowledge into students’ mind and what students can do is only accepting it passively and totally.The process of education is seen largely as learning a traditional, authoritative body of knowledge.Our education tends to be more theoretical than political.The teacher exercise greater authority and

plays a high directive role in determining and controlling what goes on in the classroom.The trouble with Chinese teachers is that they have never done any teacher-training courses so they do not know how to teach.All they do is to follow the book.They never give students any opportunities to talk.Students are less likely to challenge or even question the teacher, although this may be changing somewhat the younger generation.The teacher is expected to be scholar and sage in China.Some well-known proverbs or sayings about the teacher are as follows: “It takes a teacher to transmit wisdom, impart knowledge and resolve doubts.” “Impart knowledge and educate people”, “dignity of the teaching profession”, “A teacher for a day is a father for lifetime”.These examples may help explain some phenomena in the classroom, such as teachers are addressed with their appropriate titles and last names, or referred to honorably as “teacher.”

Students rise when the teacher enters the classroom, and say in chorus, “good morning teacher”.2.4 The differences of independence and dependence In China, children are protected by their parents to avoid hurts.Children, having not the opportunity to choose their ways that they are interested in, are forced to accepted parents’ decisions in the process of their growing.Even parents will help them to find spouses.As a child, they were never allowed to live in their own room and receive a weekly or monthly allowance and be able to budget the money.Of course, children are not encouraged to leave home and have their own place.In parents’ eyes, the child needs their protection.During the college life, students will cost their parents’ money to support their everyday life.It’s common for them to accept money from parents, but just a few of students don’t think so.It’s unthinkable that the parents also feel that is duty to supply money for their child.Of course, these children do not have the conception that they should rely on their own efforts instead of outside forces.For this situation, Americans have different ways to deal with independence and dependence.Acculturation, which begins at birth, is the process of teaching new generations of children the customs and values of the parents’ culture.In the United States it is not uncommon for parents to put a newborn in a separate room that belongs only to the child.This helps to preserve parents’ privacy and allows the child to get used to having his or her own room, which is seen as a first step toward personal independence.Many children are taught at a very early age to make decisions and be responsible for their actions.Often children work for money outside the home as a first step to establishing autonomy.Children may deliver newspapers in their neighborhoods and save or spend their earnings.Teenagers may babysit at neighbors’ homes in order to earn a few dollars a week.Receiving a weekly allowance at an early age teaches children to budget their money, preparing them for future financial independence.Many parents believe that managing money helps children learn responsibility as well as appreciate the value of money.Upon reaching an appropriate age(usually between 18 and 21 years), children are encourage, but not forced, to “leave the nest” and begin an independent life and

“stand on their own two feet.” After children leave home they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family.Parents do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married.Romantic love is most often the basis of marriage in the United States;young adults meet their future spouses through other friends, at school, at jobs, and in organizations and religious institutions.Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.All in all, in many families, parents feel that children should make major life decision by themselves.A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another career.Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to assert their independence.A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father’s business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father’s workplace.This independence form parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American and Chinese family.Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence.3.The reasons for the differences of Sino-US campus culture 3.1 Political system

Unlike Britain but like most nation states, the American political system is clearly defined by basic documents.The Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Constitution of 1789 form the foundations of the United States federal government.The Declaration of Independence establishes the United States as an independent political entity, while the Constitution creates the basic structure of the federal government.The Federal Government of the United States is the central current reigning United States governmental body, established by the United States Constitution.The federal government has three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial.Through a system of separation of powers and the system of "checks and balances, each of these branches has some authority to act on its own, some authority to regulate the other two branches, and has some of its own authority, in turn, regulated by the other branches.The policies of the federal government have a broad impact on both the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States.In addition, the powers of the federal government as a whole are limited by the Constitution, which, per the Tenth Amendment, gives all power not directed to the National government, to the State level, or to the people.An important feature of the American political system is that the two major parties-the Democrats and the Republicans-hold a system of primaries to determine who will be their candidate in the general election.These primaries are particularly important when it comes to the four-yearly Presidential election.Compared with America, China has a very different political system.China's political system here refers to the political structure, fundamental laws, rules,regulations and practices that are implemented in China's mainland and regulate the state power, government, and the relationships between the state and society in the People's Republic of China since it’s founding in October 1949.The annual “two sessions” -China’s National People's Congress(NPC), the top legislature, and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)- will open on March 3rd and 5th respectively.The annual “two sessions” are big political events of contemporary China.The issues of “two session” include all aspects of the national economy and the people's livelihood so as to attract all sectors of the community’s attention, including the compatriots from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.The People's Congress System is China's fundamental political system, which consists of National People's Congress and People's Congresses at local levels.The NPC is similar to the U.S.Congress, whose main functions and powers are legislating and amending laws, reviewing and approving the government budget and also electing and removing officials.However, the NPC is the highest organ of state power and its deputies are far more than the U.S.congressmen.Being the top power, the NPC also has right to elect and remove the top leaders of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate.Rather than the U.S.Congress, the term of NPC is five years and it holds its general convention once a year.There is one point I need to emphasize that the election of deputies for Taiwan province is presided and determined by the Standing Committee of the NPC and they are nominated by the consultations of standing committees at the all levels of province, autonomous region, municipalities and PLA.It’s difficult to see that there are dissimilarities in political system between America and China, which resulted in the difference of two countries’ campus culture.3.2 Historical background America is a new man, who leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds;he must therefore entertain new ideas and form new opinions.According to history, we know that the American in those days had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants without taking into consideration other nationalities such as American Indians and blacks.The American continents were peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first from Asia, and the second from Europe and Africa.The second migration to the American began with the expansion of Europe at the start of the modern period from the 16th century.The large initial immigration to Boston in the 1630s, the high articulation of Puritan cultural ideals, and the early establishment of a college and a printing press in Cambridge all gave New England a substantial edge.The other important factor is that the American do not undergo the period of feudal system of serfdom prevailed.So the atmosphere of culture is free.Compared with American history, the history of China has other sight.China was under a long period of feudal system, which has much effect on the development of some new and powerful social forces, like capitalism.Meanwhile, people’s mind

was controlled by feudal idea, which refers to Confucianism.So the difference of historical background must produce different campus culture.3.3 National culture 3.3.1 The influence of traditional culture Traditional cultural differences between the two countries deeply affected contemporary students’ thinking and learning and all aspects of life, which must lead to the root of cultural differences in different campus.The United States is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of ethnic groups, traditions, and values.Aside from the now small Native American and Native Hawaiian populations, nearly all Americans or their ancestors immigrated within the past five centuries.The culture held in common by most Americans—mainstream American culture—is a Western culture largely derived from the traditions of European immigrants with influences from many other sources, such as traditions brought by slaves from Africa.More recent immigration from Asia and especially Latin America has added to a cultural mix that has been described as both a homogenizing melting pot and a heterogeneous salad bowl in which immigrants and their descendants retain distinctive cultural characteristics.The United States Stressed the same values as: Justice, Honest, Brave, industrious and so on, therefore, the United States as a Country of immigrants, it pays more attention to personal values.United States has 269 million persons, but has 31 groups which over 1 million persons.So the United States likes a melting pot which makes up with persons coming from all over the world.Different races have their own values.Persons should accept other people's ideas.During the 18th century, Puritanism brought in new mind.The belief that human and natural occurrences were messages from God no longer fit with the new human centered world.Many intellectuals believed that the human mind could comprehend the universe through the laws of physics as described by Isaac Newton.The enormous scientific, economic, social, and philosophical, changes of the 18th century, called the Enlightenment, impacted the authority of clergyman and scripture, making way for democratic principles.In China, cultures and countries are strongly influenced by Confucianism.Confucianism is a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius.It is a complex system of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought that influenced the culture and history of East Asia.It might be considered a state religion of some East Asian countries, because of state promotion of Confucian philosophies.In Confucianism, human beings are teachable, improvable and perfectible through personal and communal endeavor especially including self-cultivation and self-creation.A main idea of Confucianism is the cultivation of virtue and the development of moral perfection.Confucianism holds that one should give up one's life, if necessary, either passively or actively, for the sake of upholding the cardinal moral values of humanities and personal loyalty.Most social values are derived from Confucianism and Taoism.The subject of

which school was the most influential is always debated as many concepts such as Neo-Confucianism, Buddhism and many others have come about.Reincarnation and other rebirth concept is a reminder of the connection between real-life and the after-life.3.3.2 The orientation of collectivism and inpidualism In inpidualistic cultures, each inpidual is the most important part of the social structure.In an inpidualist culture, inpiduals care for the personal interests first, then the collective interests,and put too much emphasis on inpidual rights.People are concerned with their own person goals and may not possess great loyalty to groups.As Ayn Rand wrote in Atlas Shrugged, “If man is to live on earth, it is right for him to use his mind, it is right to act on his own free judgment, it is right to work for his values and to keep the product of his work.If life on earth is his purpose, he has a right to live as a rational being: nature forbids him the irrational.” American cultures, in general, fall into the former while Asian the latter.In American cultures, for example, if people are not happy at their jobs, they are encouraged to look for jobs that will make them happier.People make decisions based on their personal goals and wants.China has 56 ethnic groups, as well as a multi-ethnic country.However, in contrast with the United States, China has a Confucian culture, which gives collectivism as a guide.Chinese put the collectivism at the top priority.For example, the motto of Shanghai Jiao Tong University is Grateful for favors received, Loving the motherland and prosperity schools.Student must put State and the school as the center.But collectivism also has drawbacks.In collective cultures, on the other hand, inpidual are very loyal to all the groups they part of, including the work place, the family, and the community.Within collectivism, people are considered with the group’s ideas and goals, and act in ways that fulfill the purposes.In China, however, the notion of the patriarchal clan system is deeply rooted in the deep structure of its culture.In Chinese society, collectivism has a long tradition based on Confucianism, where being a community man or someone with a social personality is valued.So each person is encouraged to conform to society, to do what is best for the group and to not openly express opinions or beliefs that go against it.Group, family or rights for the common good are seen as more important than the rights of the inpidual.Laws exist to promote stability, order and obedience.Working with others and cooperating is the norm.Being uncooperative is often seen as shameful.In this culture people are encouraged to be very loyal to their country and their family.People consider the obligation to their groups more than their own inpidual selves.Students are instructed to feel a lifelong obligation to their parents.When people make choice about marriage, education and work, they always make their decisions together with their families.Their decisions are made based on what their families want them to do and their achievements are mainly for their families.In fact, most persons are Selfish.So, collectivism and selfish always take conflict.4.Conclusion

4.1 Restatement of the main idea

In this paper briefly introduces campus culture and culture.Campus culture is an important part of social culture.It comes from the social culture, which is refraction and reflection in the whole campus.Different cultures lead to different campus cultures between two countries.It well know that there three differences of Sino-US campus culture.This paper mainly discusses four points: the differences of campus architecture, the differences of extracurricular activity, the differences of teaching and learning and the differences of independence and dependence, proving to the differences of campus culture between China and America.Also, it analyses three reasons for the differences.Also, it analyses three reasons for the differences, including political system, historical background and national culture.Finally, the purpose is to draw on the advantages from American campus culture.So we should stand on the traditional culture in our own country, positively absorbs the essence of American campus, for the development of our country’s university education to create a better campus cultural atmosphere.4.2 Limitations of the thesis This paper discusses the differences of campus culture between China and America just from the aspect of three factors.But it ignores other factors, which include the Social Moral Education, the campus spirit, mental health problems, and moral education.On one hand, in social moral education, personality in the United States on the value orientation of the reunification balance between basic moral requirements, but China is in the framework of collective balance between their personal values.Both of them strike the balance of inpidual and the collective.On the other hand, in recent years, the raise of juvenile crime trends obviously.China's annual criminal cases several million, which accounted for juvenile delinquency by about 50%.Another survey showed that 14-year-old from the number of crimes began to gradually increase from 15 to 18.While the peak is a crime, about youth crime total number of 69.7%.Juvenile delinquency has crazy, cruel, intelligent, and the characteristics of a younger age.And American teenager is more serious crimes, they are characterized by the majority of juvenile offenders are formed team.In the paper don’t involve the parts.4.3 Suggestions for researching on campus culture First, since campus culture is a field with its own features, we should pay attention to the unique.We hope that more and more scholars pay more attention to the research on campus culture, which can provide with the rich resources for the development of campus culture between China and America.Second, nowadays, the problems such as juvenile crime, campus violence, Suicide rate increasing, and the spread of drug addiction become more and more serious.Therefore, we should pay more attention to youth people’s mental health.Youth groups, college students in particular mental health problems, mental health problems triggered by the vicious incident harm or suicide incidents has increased, the case of Ma Jiajue in China is a typical example.Campus shooting not only for the

United States but to China and even the world of campus security issues once again sounded the alarm.Do campus safety, and ensure the safety of the lives of young people and their physical and mental health, schools, government and education at all levels;public security and other functional departments control safety responsibility, as well as the whole community obligations.Increasing number of school violence incidents: the lack of moral, compassionate heart, compassionate young generation may gradually become a cold-blooded animal violence.Third, we should stand on the traditional culture in our own country, positively absorbs the essence of American campus, for the development of our country’s university education to create a better campus cultural atmosphere..Bibliography

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