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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, today my topic is about “what are the changes you like to see at your university?”

——My answer is that I don’t want to be a procrastinator.First, let’s consider the following questions.1.Have you always been reluctant [rɪˈlʌktənt] to go to bed in the evening, while reluctant to wake up in the morning? 2.Have you ever stayed up later to finish your homework? 3.Do you often put off your important work later and later? 4.Or have your ever experienced something like that? If you answer is yes, like me, congratulations, you are a procrastinator.[prəʊˈkræstɪˈneɪtə]

However, what is procrastination? [prəʊˈkræstɪ'neɪʃn]

Generally speaking, it is too lazy to do what you should do.I am always do like that.I don’t do my homework until deadline, and get up as late as I can.What’s more, I always say: I want!But I hardly take any action.Anyhow, I know it’s bad.And it also causes some negative effects which are bad mood, stress, anxiety and also some health problems.It even imped my ability to achieve my goal.I found some simple reasons that caused this strange situation.The first one is difficult.Sometimes, the tasks seem too hard to do so that we just procrastinate it later.The second one is time-consuming.In my busy college life, free time is unavailable until weekend.The next one is the lack of knowledge or skills.Because we usually don’t want to make a mistake until you’re sure it’s right.The last one are fears.I am afraid that everyone will know I made a mistake and minimize my abilities.All of these are the reasons of being a procrastinator.But how can we overcome procrastination? There are some tips for avoiding procrastination.Firstly, you should acknowledge that you are postponing a task.Don’t consider too much about failure.Just have a clear goal, plan on paper and focus on that.Then, take small steps.Finally, create a sense of urgency.Procrastination is the thief of time.Overcoming procrastination will do us a great favor in terms of study and life.If you want to go travelling, if you want to see a film, If you want to clean your room, if you want to do some reading, If you want to keep fit, Don’t procrastinate any more, what makes you happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do.





My name is Fanxiaonan, come from Tourism college.Procrastination is an uncommon word to understand.So I want to start my speaking with some questions.Have you always been reluctant to go to bed in the evening, while reluctant to wake up in the morningHave you ever stayed up late to finish your homeworkDo you often put off your important work later and later.Now its time to show you what is procrastination.Basically, procrastination is the act of putting essential task until a later time, which is also a source of great stress and anxiety for many people.Procrastination refers to a non-necessary to postpone the consequences of harmful behavior, which is intended to take “put the things off till tomorrow.”

Do you admit you are procrastinatorIf you asked me, the answer would be “absolutely not!” WhyNobody realize and recognize this serious problem.So today I want to share a story about how I find I’m really a procrastinator.It’s Tomb Sweeping Festival, so I grasped this hard-won opportunity to enjoy a hard-won holiday in Sanya with my friends.On the first day, we all have fun.But…it is tacit that no one set the alarm clock on the second morning.(here I will draw a clock on the blackboard.It’s convenient for you to understand what I’m talking about)At 9:00 we dragged or bodies from the soft big bed.At 10:00 we finally packed up and left hotel.At 11:00, we rushed at motor station and found there was only one shuttles bus to Yanuoda.The bus depart at 1:30 and arrive at 3:00.And unfortunately, alas, Yanuoda scenic spot close at 5:00!That’ to say, we need change the plan.But as we all know, there is no scenic spot in center of Sanya.At last, we had lunch and Karaoke afternoon.Then at 8:00pm we got on the train with return tickets to end this horrible holiday.Take my story for example, negative effects come with delaying such as bad mood, health problem together with impeding your ability to achieve your goal.That’ why we need pay attention to this problem.Especially, academic procrastination is likely to happen on all classmates present here.Students seriously suffer from academic procrastination.The results of an outline survey of psychological made by China Youth Daily, show that 2250 respondents, 72.8% of people admitted that they are suffering from procrastination.Of which 14.0% feel that their amount procrastination“ very clear”, 41.5% of people think“ obvious”, only 7.3% people feel that they do not have delay disease.The U.S.and Canada statistics show 70% of college academic procrastination condition exists, also 20% ordinary people have daily delay behavior.What makes you happy is to be able to do what you wanted to do.Benjamin Franklin once said,“ Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.” So here I will give you some tips to end procrastination now.First, guarantee the fun parts of your life first, and then schedule your work around them.Second, decide advance what times you will allocate each week to family time, entertainment, exercise, social activities, and personal hobbies.Third, I strongly recommend that write down your tasks in a visible place with their due dates, break the task into components, modify your environment to encourage accomplishing the task.Tell your family or friends about your goal;they will motivate you along the way.



























第五篇:英语演讲 --拖延症



In our daily life, such things are common.A pile of dirty clothes to be washed have been not started.Knowing immediately to hand in papers, still playing the game, uploading photos, seeing posts in various forums, notuntil the last minute will you get started to work.Final exams are approaching, but you do not want to touch the professional literature about the book or even just a few days comes the deadline even.Such people have a common name-delaying disease patients, or we can call them patients with procrastination



Procrastination refers to a non necessary to postpone the consequences of harmful behavior, which is Intended to take “put the things off till tomorrow.” Currently the word is not a strictly psychological or medical terminology.However, delays have become to be an important research topic in the management and psychology



The results of an online survey of psychological made by China Youth Daily, Show that 2250 respondents, 72.8% of people admitted that they are suffering from procrastination.Of which 14.0% feel that their amount procrastination “very clear”, 41.5% of people think “obvious”, only 7.3% of people feel that they do not have delay disease.The U.S.and Canada statistics show 70% of college academic procrastination condition exists, also 20% ordinary people have daily delays behavior.According to this data, nearly 1 billion people worldwide suffer from procrastination.拖延症的特点





5.对抗压力。因为每天压力很大,所以要做的事情一直被拖下来。lack of confidence.Because each task is not up to the highest ability, the ability

for self-assessment will become more lower.I am too busy.I don’t have it done is dragging because I've been busy.stubborn.Your urge on me has no use, I will be ready to start doing naturally.4 manipulate others.Their worry is useless, all things will not begin before my appearance.5.Against pressure.Every day a lot of pressure to be faced so that something has to be dragged down.分析原因

一个人认为自己5天之内可以做完一件事情,所以在离期限还有15天的时候一点不着急,直到最后只剩5天了才开始。这种紧迫感和焦虑往往促发人的斗志,会让自己觉得,自己只有在压力状态下才有做事情的状态。最后拿到成绩的时候,成绩往往不是很差,这样子就强化了自己最适合在deadline之前短期高压的状态下工作的心态,并且对以后的行为不断进行自我暗示, 即使结果不好,我也可以说,那是因为我没尽全力,如果我真正努力,肯定会结果很好的1.完美主义。所有事情都要达到一个很高的境界,要一次做好,所以不愿意匆匆忙忙开始,要万事俱备才行。

3.容易颓废。任务太难了,别人都不需要做我干吗要做,不能忍受持续做这件事情,等明天再做吧。但是往往明天到了,心里还是不高兴做,又继续往后推 4懒散总觉得时间充足,认为在最后可以一口气完成性格本身拖拉,意志力不强

Someone thinks he can finish within five days of the thing, so it is not in a hurry when there are 15 days away from the deadline, and their will not startuntil only five days left.This sense of urgency and anxiety often trigger people's morale, they think they can only to do things under pressure.The examination, for example, the final results are often not very poor, so students will strengthen their work in the short term under high-pressure before the deadline, even if the result is not good, they can also say, that is because I did not do my best, if I really work, the results will certainly be good.Psychological experts think the following are the reasons for people’s procrastination

1.PerfectionismAll things have reached a very high level, so they do not want to have a rush beginning, everything should be ready for the job.3.Easy decadenceThe task is too difficult, they just ask why I need to do this.they can not tolerate continued to do this, they want to do it tomorrow.But more often they are not willing or unhappy to finish when tomorrow comes, and continue to push back their work.lazyAlways feel there is sufficient time , and that to complete in the last breath,willpower is not strong.解决问题方案



1, Categorylife will certainly be some unexpected and can not wait to solve the

problem.Winners spend time doing the most important thing, Put all the work into four categories: both urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, not urgent nor important, put them in order to complete.2, eliminate interference.Turn off the QQ, turn off the music, turn off the TV......turn offall the things that will affect yourefficiency , to do things wholeheartedly.三、互相监督找些朋友一起克服这个坏习惯,比单打独斗容易得多。

四、设定更具体的目标, 把大任务分成小任务。



心理专家弗瓦尔发现,花两年时间完成论文的研究生总能给自己留一点时间放松、休整。那些花三年或者三年以上写论文的人几乎每分钟都在搜集资料和写作。所以,有时候工作时间拖得越长,工作效率越低。, mutual supervision.Finding some friends together to overcome this bad habit is much easier than going it alone.4, set a more specific goal, cut the big task into smaller tasks.If your plan is “I want to lose weight and maintain good posture”, then this program is likely to abortion.But if your plan is, “I get up at seven in the morning and three times a week running”, then this program is likely to be persevered.So, you may pide the task into small target that can be controlled.5, do not give yourself too much time

Psychological experts find that to spend two years to complete post-graduate theses always give theirselfs a little time to relax, Those who spend three years or more spend every minute in gathering information and writing.It means sometimes working the quicker the more efficient



